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<br /><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Years Hunted:</font></b> Six<br />
<br /><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Years Hunted:</font></b> Six<br />
<br /><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Threat Level:</font></b> <b>BETA</b><br />
<br /><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Threat Level:</font></b> <b>BETA</b><br />
<br /><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Known Mutations/Powers:</font></b> The subject's abilities are currently unknown. However due to the nature of her victims remains, <font style="background-color: black;">against</font> <font style="background-color: black;">our</font> <font style="background-color: black;">attempts</font> to <font style="background-color: black;">"neutralize"</font> the subject, the theory is that she has some kind of pyrokinetic capabilities. A part from the previous theory, we lack any other evidence that he possesses anything else.<br />
<br /><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Known Mutations/Powers:</font></b> The subject's abilities are currently unknown. However due to the nature of her victims remains, the theory is that she has some kind of pyrokinetic capabilities. A part from the previous theory, we lack any other evidence that she possesses anything else.<br />
<br/><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Presumed Skill Set:</font></b>
<br/><b><font color=#0B0B3B>Presumed Skill Set:</font></b>
<br/>- Survival Expert
<br/>- Survival Expert

Revision as of 20:57, 30 December 2015

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"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."
Player: Darkstar24
Paragon Dawn.png
Super Group
Paragon Dawn
· Other Affiliations ·
VIPER (former) - PRIMUS (former)
Real Name
Keira Vale
Ember, The Weapon, Project Ember
Oct 3rd
Millennium City
Millennium City
Underground Bunker
Thief and Assassin
Legal Status
Escaped Felon
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Alan Vale (Father), Margaret Vale (Mother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Early to Mid 20s
155 lbs
Body Type
Blonde (Natural), Red and Flaming (Powered up)
· Distinguishing Features ·
Flaming Hair and Glowing Orange Eyes
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Pyrokinesis, Thermokinesis, Immunity to Fire & Heat, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Healing Factor, Flight.
· Equipment ·
Fireproof Clothes
· Other Abilities ·
Unarmed Combat Experience


As a teenager, Keira showed an aptitude for pyrokinesis. Her parents sent her to Primus so that she could learn to control and develop her powers, but she was soon kidnapped by Viper agents who had big plans for her. They wanted her for something called Project Ember. Keira underwent years of painful experimentation and testing to strengthen her already powerful pyrokinetic abilities as well as to give her enhanced strength and an enhanced healing factor. Viper stripped away all of her memories about her childhood, her family, and was given the new codename Ember all so they could turn her into the perfect living weapon. As a final step Ember was sterilized, as to avoid any distractions so she could focus solely on her missions. Ember eventually started to get small flashbacks of her life before Viper. She escaped Viper and became a hunted fugitive and survived the only way she could by stealing as well as destroying many Viper nests along the way, injuring many people in the process. Eventually she was apprehended by the Champions and was sent to stronghold prison where she eventually escaped to get her revenge on Viper for everything they had done to her. Ember will not let anyone stand in her way of making every Viper Nest on the planet burn down to nothing but ash and rubble.




  • Pyrokinesis: Ember can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire.
  • Fire Manipulation: Ember can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on her body. (She usually employs her hands to "sculpt" the flames, occasionally as a lasso to ensnare enemies.) She can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as she concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless Ember continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F (near the melting point of iron).
  • Thermokinesis: She has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within her immediate environment, even when she herself is not aflame. She can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30 F, raise them to several hundred degrees, or extinguish open flames. Her radius of influence is about 80 feet. The heat energy she takes from the environment is absorbed into her own body. If she takes in a critical amount while she is not aflame, she will become aflame. There are unknown limits to the amount of flame she can absorb into her own body harmlessly while she is herself aflame.
  • Immunity to Fire & Heat: Ember is unaffected by heat and flames, including her own, even when part of her is aflame and the rest of her is not. Her flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of her maximum output.
  • Enhanced Strength: Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember is capable of lifting several times her own body weight. She is able to lift objects on her own that would normally require multiple men, as-well as surpass any Olympic feat of strength. This enables her to: bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, her strength allows for her to send enemies such as fully equipped soldiers flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. She can also strike down doors with a single punch or kick and knock people out with one offensive impact. In terms of weightlifting, Ember can lift atleast 2-4 tons.
  • Enhanced Speed: Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember can run and move at speeds that are superior to the finest Olympic athlete. She can run/swim between 30-60 mph with ease, faster if pushed. She can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember possesses a powerful regenerative healing factor in her biology. She is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Ember cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. For Ember, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within 2 or 3 hours. Any and all injuries will heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly without leaving a trace of injury.
  • Flight: She can use her powers to create super-heated air currents which push her forward through the air, enabling her to fly. Sometimes this super-heated air is visible as a trail of flame behind Ember. The upper limit to the speed Ember can achieve in flight is not yet known.


  • Fire Extinguishing: Ember's flame is supported by the presence of oxygen, and thus is extinguished in low air pressure or a vacuum. Ember's flame can be extinguished by smothering materials, such as water, sand, fire-fighting foam, and heat-resistant blankets, unless her flame is at such an intensity that it immediately vaporizes such materials on contact. If hit with small amounts of water, up to about five gallons, Ember can turn it to steam with relatively little effort. More water than that could extinguish her flame at its normal level, and she would have to wait until she could evaporate the residual moisture before re-ignition.
  • Power Source Limitations: Ember's powers have one severe weakness, her hands need to be touching the air around her (or more accurately the oxygen part of it) or else she's nearly useless. This means that in outer space, certain environments, or in alien locales lacking oxygen, she's little more than someone who can warm your coffee cup by touching it. Fortunately this doesn't happen often to her, but it's something she always keeps in the back of her mind as it can have deadly consequences if it happens.
  • Overconfidence: Ember does have a tendency to think she is able to do most anything by herself and her level of confidence goes far into arrogance territory. Her powers, while quite exceptional, sometimes lead her to being overconfident in her combat pursuits. She has gotten herself way over her head regarding trouble on more than one occasion believing that something would be far easier than what it actually was.




P.R.I.M.U.S. Dossier (IC Section)

PRIMUS Heading.png

P.R.I.M.U.S. Classified Dossier #9307
Date Filed: July 10th, 2010
Updated: December 30th, 2015




Name: Keira Nicole Vale

Alias(es): The Weapon, Project Ember"

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Nationality: American

D.O.B.: 10/03/1989

Age: Twenty-Five

Height: Five feet and eleven inches

Weight: One hundred and fifty-five pounds

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Occupation: Assassin For Hire

Year(s) Active: First known assassination sighting in 2007

Years Hunted: Six

Threat Level: BETA

Known Mutations/Powers: The subject's abilities are currently unknown. However due to the nature of her victims remains, the theory is that she has some kind of pyrokinetic capabilities. A part from the previous theory, we lack any other evidence that she possesses anything else.

Presumed Skill Set:
- Survival Expert
- Peak Physical Condition
- Escape Artist/Elusive
- Covert Ops Specialist
- Brilliant Tactician
- Pyrotechnic Expert
- Trained in Espionage
- Skilled in Unarmed Combat

Information Collected: Of all the information, about the assassin, we have gatherd; it is all still inconclusive. Her origin is still unknown; however we have some theories, with evidence, and believe to be close to figuring it all out. With a number of reports, we can indicate that she may be a former VIPER operations Agent. If the reports are true, judging by her nationality, we would assume possibly the North American Division. Her first known assassination, was a multiple Her first known assassination, was a multiple homicide in Millennium City, Michigan back in the spring of 2007. The victims appear to have been the subjects parents. The victims had a daughter with developing pyrokinetic abilities, who they sent to our Facility. The girl was soon discovered as missing. Evidence has pointed at VIPER as the culprits. With what little information gathered about the slowly rising assassin, was that she soon expanded her contracts to targeting super-humans as well as her other target basis. She has since killed dozens of heroes, and various other super-humans. She was a sly one being off and on the grid, managing to avoid our attempts in locating her. She continuously would reveal herself only briefly, before the inevitable moment where she would vanish again. However the accuracy of these reports will remain inconclusive, until proven otherwise. Other than the standard possible links we have to several assassinations and acts of espionage, there is no other ties to her past.

File Note: *The target is considered highly dangerous, as most encounters with the subject have resulted in many injured and or deceased. However, the subject doesn't seem to act without being paid first. So long as you steer clear and don't attempt to subdue her, or stop her assignment, she shouldn't have a reason to come after you. Though if you decide on capturing the subject, majority of the attempts to subdue her have been met with failure. And with whatever successes we manage to get, she somehow escapes captivity. Proceed with Caution*

File Note: *The target, known as Ember, was finally apprehended on September 5th, 2015 at 13:08. Subject was trying to acquire detailed information about one of our undisclosed locations. A team of specially trained P.R.I.M.U.S agents, along with a specifically requested U.N.T.I.L operative, were dispatched, and took the target into custody. Sadly, out of five man team, three P.R.I.M.U.S agents were K.I.A. The subject will be sent and locked away at Stronghold Prison, in the Maximum Security ward. The captive is to be going on trial, within the near future. *

File Update: *On December 30th, Keira N. Vale the subject known as Ember, escaped P.R.I.M.U.S and U.N.T.I.L forces. The subject was en route to the United States, where she was to be put on trial for her crimes. However, the transport never made it, as a third party was spotted freeing the captive. Ember is to be taken with caution, and to be taken down with force.*

List of Possible Victims within the United States :
- ALAN VALE: Age at Death: 53
- MARGARET VALE: Age at Death: 48
- DEREK RANDALL: Age at Death: 28
- JACKSON WHITE: Age at Death: 19
- JESSICA CARPENTER: Age at Death: 35
- BRANDON REYNOLDS: Age at Death: 32
- JUSTIN OKINAWA: Age at Death: 35
- AARON LIVESY: Age at Death: 54
- NATHANIEL PRATT: Age at Death: 41
- LANE PARK: Age at Death: 32
- ALEXANDRA BLACK: Age at Death: 26
- RYAN CROSS: Age at Death: 56
- JOSEPH TERPENING: Age at Death: 22
- JANE DOE: Age at Death: ??
- DAMIAN POULSON: Age at Death: 53

List of Criminal Charges (Not All Charges are Listed):
- Aggravated Assault/Battery (?? Accounts)
- Theft/Larceny (?? Accounts)
- Arson 270+ Accounts)
- Conspiracy to Commit Murder(s) (?? Accounts)
- Attempt of Murder(s) (?? Accounts)
- First Degree Murder(s) (70+ Accounts)
- Second Degree Murder(s) (150+ Accounts)
- Involuntary Manslaughter (?? Accounts)
- Disturbing the Peace (?? Accounts)
- Public Endangerment (?? Accounts)
- Kidnapping (?? Accounts)
- Armed Robbery (?? Accounts)
- Assaulting an Officer (?? Accounts)
- Breaking and Entering (?? Accounts)
- Destruction of Property (?? Accounts)
- Escaping Police Custody (?? Accounts)

File Note: *Rather hard to pinpoint how many accounts the subject is to be charged with, since there is no definitive number. Her assassinations are easier to figure out, as she tends to leave a very charred and bloody mess when involving his target. Most of the subject's victims suffer from third degree burns all over their body.**

Wanted in the Following Countries (Not in Order):
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Ireland
- Canada
- Spain
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Russia
- Greece
- Netherlands
- Israel
- China
- Japan
- Morocco
- South Korea
- Australia
- New Zealand
- India
- Mexico
- Brazil