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|Text= #FFFFFF
|Text= #F88158
|Font= Comic Sans MS
<!-- Main Data Module. -->
<!-- Main Data Module. -->
|AlignmentIcon= Fireicon2.png
|AlignmentIcon= Fireicon2.png
|Title= <font size="+2">The Raging</font>
|Name= <font size="+3">[[File:Emberbanner.png|230px]]</font>
|Name= <font size="+3">[[File:Emberbanner.png|230px]]</font>
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|Player= Darkstar24
|Player= Darkstar24
<!-- Image & Caption -->
<!-- Image & Caption -->
|Image= Ember.png
|Caption= "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."
<!-- Affiliations Module. -->
<!-- Affiliations Module. -->
|GroupLogoTop= Paragon Dawn.png
|GroupLogoTop= Paragon Dawn.png
Line 39: Line 40:
|RealName= Keira Vale
|RealName= Keira Vale
|Aliases= Ember, The Weapon, Project Ember
|Aliases= Ember, The Weapon, Project Ember
|Birthdate= Oct 3rd
|Birthdate= Mar 3rd
|Birthplace= Millennium City
|Birthplace= Chicago, Illinois
|Citizenship= American  
|Citizenship= {{ico|USA}} American  
|Residence= Millennium City
|Residence= Millennium City
|Headquarters= Underground Bunker
|Headquarters= Underground Bunker
|Occupation= Thief and Assassin  
|Occupation= Assassin  
|Legal= Escaped Felon
|Legal= Wanted Criminal
|Marital= Single
|Marital= Single
|Relatives= Alan Vale (Father), Margaret Vale (Mother)
|Relatives= Alan Vale (Father, Deceased), Margaret Vale (Mother, Deceased)
<!-- Physical Traits Module. -->
<!-- Physical Traits Module. -->
|Species= Metahuman
|Species= Human Mutant
|Ethnicity= Caucasian  
|Ethnicity= Caucasian  
|Gender= Female
|Gender= Female
Line 61: Line 62:
|Features= Flaming Hair and Glowing Orange Eyes
|Features= Flaming Hair and Glowing Orange Eyes
<!-- Powers Module. -->
<!-- Powers Module. -->
|KnownPowers= Pyrokinesis, Thermokinesis, Immunity to Fire & Heat, Enhanced Strength, Healing Factor, Flight.
|KnownPowers= Pyrokinesis, Thermokinesis, Immunity to Fire & Heat, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Healing Factor, Flight.
|Equipment= None
|Equipment= Fireproof Clothes
|Skills= Unarmed Combat Experience  
|Skills= Unarmed Combat Experience  
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Bioheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
Keira Vale was born in Chicago, Illinois to Alan and Margaret Vale. Keira was a curious and rambunctious which often gave her parents much joy. Her childhood was a pretty normal one despite having been diagnosed with ADHD from a young age. By the age of thirteen, Keira had to be placed on a new experimental medication to help manage the symptoms of her hyperactivity. Unbeknownst to the doctors Keira was not only born with hyperactivity, but she was also born with the mutant gene. After sometime, this new drug mixed with her mutant genes activated her dormant mutant abilities. She soon learned that she could by concentrating create and hold small fires in the palm of her hand. She quickly became obsessed with testing her newfound abilities, with practice she eventually found out that she could not only create fire out of her hands but that she could manipulate already existing fires as well. She soon developed an obsession for setting small fires in the woods behind her house and would often get agitated after going long periods of time without setting fires.
About one year after receiving her abilities, Keira had already developed a considerable aptitude for her pyrokinesis. Her parents after searching for hours for the young girl, had finally found her and were shocked to find their teenage daughter starting small fires by projecting small streams of fire from her hands. Afraid for their daughters physical and mental well-being they contacted PRIMUS. The Paranormal Research and Investigation Mission of the United States organization. PRIMUS agents quickly came out to assess the young girl and quickly decided to take her to their facility so they could not only teach her to better control her abilities, but to help her already declining mental health as well. Keira felt not only betrayed, but also abandoned by her parents.
VIPER having heard of the young girls abilities and potential quickly dispatched agents to kidnap her. The job was easier than they thought, the young girls mental state already being in disarray made it all too easy to manipulate the young girl into going with them. Unbeknownst to her, they wanted her (or more precisely her powers) for something called Project Ember. Project Ember was designed to create the perfect living weapon utilizing an already powerful pyrokinetics abilities. Keira ended up enduring years of painful experimentation and testing. These tests were designed to not only enhance her already powerful pyrokinesis, but also to enhance her body to an equal level of power. These tests gave her enhanced strength, speed, as well as a superhuman healing factor. While having her body enhanced, her mind was equally altered her memories of her childhood, her family, her compassion were all stripped away, all of who she once was gone. Keira was then given the codename "Ember" and was then ready for the final step in her "weaponizing". As a final measure Ember was sterilized, as to avoid any distractions so she could focus solely on her missions.
After almost 6 years of testing, Ember was finally ready to be sent on her first assignment. Her first mission was to assassinate a married couple in Pennsylvania. Ember without fail burned the couple and their home into an unrecognizable pile of bones, char, and ash and with that the couple became her first two kills. Unbeknownst to her, this couple was none other than Alan and Margaret Vale. VIPER leaders needed proof that not only were their physical enhancements successful, but that the memory alterations had taken hold as well. After Ember had successfully killed her own parents, VIPER officially named Project Ember a success. Ember spent several years carrying out missions given to her by the head of VIPER. After realizing she enjoyed the pleasure of killing with her powers more than using them to complete missions for VIPER. She quickly got tired of following orders and defected from VIPER's ranks. Ember has since taken up contracting killing as her main occupation, and is wanted in number of different countries for her heinous crimes. However, Law Enforcement and Heroes alike have yet to be able to successfully subdue this pissed off pyrokinetic killing machine.
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Personalityheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
Ember on a good day can be described as being overtly confrontational. She can also be described as extremely antisocial. Due to years of undergoing VIPERS torturous experiments, Ember has developed and been diagnosed with a number of different psychological disorders. Stronghold's psychologists have not only diagnosed her with ADHD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Pyromania, but have also placed her high into Psychopathic territory. Ember places no real value on human life apart from her own, and will kill a defenseless civilian just as easily as some opposing hero.
Because of her years of working solo, Ember has developed an extremely heightened sense of self-preservation. This has helped her develop a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions. Even when she takes a risk, which must be well worth it, she proceeds with caution and a means of escape in place. Many of these plans result in countless lives lost in a fiery turn of events. A mix of her high intelligence, self-preservation, and paranoia have made it very difficult for law enforcement officials to bring her to justice for her crimes. And for the few times she has been captured, she has usually escaped not soon after.
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Powersheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
*'''Pyrokinesis''': Ember can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire.
*'''Fire Manipulation''': Ember can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on her body. (She usually employs her hands to "sculpt" the flames, occasionally as a lasso to ensnare enemies.) She can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as she concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless Ember continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F (near the melting point of iron).
*'''Thermokinesis''': She has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within her immediate environment, even when she herself is not aflame. She can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30 F, raise them to several hundred degrees, or extinguish open flames. Her radius of influence is about 80 feet. The heat energy she takes from the environment is absorbed into her own body. If she takes in a critical amount while she is not aflame, she will become aflame. There are unknown limits to the amount of flame she can absorb into her own body harmlessly while she is herself aflame.
*'''Immunity to Fire & Heat''': Ember is unaffected by heat and flames, including her own, even when part of her is aflame and the rest of her is not. Her flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of her maximum output.
*'''Enhanced Strength''': Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember is capable of lifting several times her own body weight. She is able to lift objects on her own that would normally require multiple men, as-well as surpass any Olympic feat of strength. This enables her to: bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, her strength allows for her to send enemies such as fully equipped soldiers flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. She can also strike down doors with a single punch or kick and knock people out with one offensive impact. In terms of weightlifting, Ember can lift atleast 2-4 tons.
*'''Enhanced Speed''': Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember can run and move at speeds that are superior to the finest Olympic athlete. She can run/swim between 30-60 mph with ease, faster if pushed. She can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time. 
*'''Regenerative Healing Factor''': Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember possesses a powerful regenerative healing factor in her biology. She is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Ember cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. For Ember, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within 2 or 3 hours. Any and all injuries will heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly without leaving a trace of injury.
*'''Flight''': She can use her powers to create super-heated air currents which push her forward through the air, enabling her to fly. Sometimes this super-heated air is visible as a trail of flame behind Ember. The upper limit to the speed Ember can achieve in flight is not yet known.
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Weaknessesheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
*'''Fire Extinguishing''': Ember's flame is supported by the presence of oxygen, and thus is extinguished in low air pressure or a vacuum. Ember's flame can be extinguished by smothering materials, such as water, sand, fire-fighting foam, and heat-resistant blankets, unless her flame is at such an intensity that it immediately vaporizes such materials on contact. If hit with small amounts of water, up to about five gallons, Ember can turn it to steam with relatively little effort. More water than that could extinguish her flame at its normal level, and she would have to wait until she could evaporate the residual moisture before re-ignition.
*'''Mental Instability''': Ember's mental state is extremely chaotic. She can often become highly unstable and prone to violent outbursts without the slightest provocation, this can often cause her to slip up and make mistakes that she normally wouldn't.
*'''Arrogance''': Ember has a knack for believing that she is unstoppable. She often finds herself underestimating the strength of heroes because she believes someone with her powers can take on the world.
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Rphooksheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
* Ember is a wanted criminal, so if you want to try to capture her go ahead. But be warned, she will not hesitate to turn someone to ash.
* Ember is an assassin for hire. (Email/PM me in game if you wish to hire her)
* She tends to play around with fire when bored or frustrated.
* Consistently, has a frown on her face and a furrow in her brow. Don't expect to see her smile much.
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Triviaheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
* Ember is inspired by Volcana, Black Widow, Talia al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, and Lady Shiva.
* Due to VIPER experimentation, her hair is always on fire.
* Ember has an abnormally high body temperature due to the nature of her abilities. She consistently run at 115 F.
* Ember is a pyromaniac.
* She becomes extremely stressed and agitated if she hasn't killed with her powers in awhile.
* She can always be see in black clothing.
* Always has a faint smell of smoke.
* Tends to swear alot.
'''''<div style="color:#800517; background-color: #800517">History[[File:Galleryheader.png|left]]
<div style="padding:6px; border: 6px Solid #800517; color:#800517; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #800517; color:#E55B3C; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">

Latest revision as of 12:49, 17 December 2016

Icon Smoke & Fire.png


The Raging
"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."
Player: Darkstar24
Paragon Dawn.png
Super Group
Paragon Dawn
· Other Affiliations ·
VIPER (former) - PRIMUS (former)
Real Name
Keira Vale
Ember, The Weapon, Project Ember
Mar 3rd
Chicago, Illinois
Flag USA.png American
Millennium City
Underground Bunker
Legal Status
Wanted Criminal
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Alan Vale (Father, Deceased), Margaret Vale (Mother, Deceased)
Physical Traits
Human Mutant
Apparent Age
Early to Mid 20s
155 lbs
Body Type
Blonde (Natural), Red and Flaming (Powered up)
· Distinguishing Features ·
Flaming Hair and Glowing Orange Eyes
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Pyrokinesis, Thermokinesis, Immunity to Fire & Heat, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Healing Factor, Flight.
· Equipment ·
Fireproof Clothes
· Other Abilities ·
Unarmed Combat Experience


Keira Vale was born in Chicago, Illinois to Alan and Margaret Vale. Keira was a curious and rambunctious which often gave her parents much joy. Her childhood was a pretty normal one despite having been diagnosed with ADHD from a young age. By the age of thirteen, Keira had to be placed on a new experimental medication to help manage the symptoms of her hyperactivity. Unbeknownst to the doctors Keira was not only born with hyperactivity, but she was also born with the mutant gene. After sometime, this new drug mixed with her mutant genes activated her dormant mutant abilities. She soon learned that she could by concentrating create and hold small fires in the palm of her hand. She quickly became obsessed with testing her newfound abilities, with practice she eventually found out that she could not only create fire out of her hands but that she could manipulate already existing fires as well. She soon developed an obsession for setting small fires in the woods behind her house and would often get agitated after going long periods of time without setting fires.

About one year after receiving her abilities, Keira had already developed a considerable aptitude for her pyrokinesis. Her parents after searching for hours for the young girl, had finally found her and were shocked to find their teenage daughter starting small fires by projecting small streams of fire from her hands. Afraid for their daughters physical and mental well-being they contacted PRIMUS. The Paranormal Research and Investigation Mission of the United States organization. PRIMUS agents quickly came out to assess the young girl and quickly decided to take her to their facility so they could not only teach her to better control her abilities, but to help her already declining mental health as well. Keira felt not only betrayed, but also abandoned by her parents.

VIPER having heard of the young girls abilities and potential quickly dispatched agents to kidnap her. The job was easier than they thought, the young girls mental state already being in disarray made it all too easy to manipulate the young girl into going with them. Unbeknownst to her, they wanted her (or more precisely her powers) for something called Project Ember. Project Ember was designed to create the perfect living weapon utilizing an already powerful pyrokinetics abilities. Keira ended up enduring years of painful experimentation and testing. These tests were designed to not only enhance her already powerful pyrokinesis, but also to enhance her body to an equal level of power. These tests gave her enhanced strength, speed, as well as a superhuman healing factor. While having her body enhanced, her mind was equally altered her memories of her childhood, her family, her compassion were all stripped away, all of who she once was gone. Keira was then given the codename "Ember" and was then ready for the final step in her "weaponizing". As a final measure Ember was sterilized, as to avoid any distractions so she could focus solely on her missions.

After almost 6 years of testing, Ember was finally ready to be sent on her first assignment. Her first mission was to assassinate a married couple in Pennsylvania. Ember without fail burned the couple and their home into an unrecognizable pile of bones, char, and ash and with that the couple became her first two kills. Unbeknownst to her, this couple was none other than Alan and Margaret Vale. VIPER leaders needed proof that not only were their physical enhancements successful, but that the memory alterations had taken hold as well. After Ember had successfully killed her own parents, VIPER officially named Project Ember a success. Ember spent several years carrying out missions given to her by the head of VIPER. After realizing she enjoyed the pleasure of killing with her powers more than using them to complete missions for VIPER. She quickly got tired of following orders and defected from VIPER's ranks. Ember has since taken up contracting killing as her main occupation, and is wanted in number of different countries for her heinous crimes. However, Law Enforcement and Heroes alike have yet to be able to successfully subdue this pissed off pyrokinetic killing machine.


Ember on a good day can be described as being overtly confrontational. She can also be described as extremely antisocial. Due to years of undergoing VIPERS torturous experiments, Ember has developed and been diagnosed with a number of different psychological disorders. Stronghold's psychologists have not only diagnosed her with ADHD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Pyromania, but have also placed her high into Psychopathic territory. Ember places no real value on human life apart from her own, and will kill a defenseless civilian just as easily as some opposing hero.

Because of her years of working solo, Ember has developed an extremely heightened sense of self-preservation. This has helped her develop a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions. Even when she takes a risk, which must be well worth it, she proceeds with caution and a means of escape in place. Many of these plans result in countless lives lost in a fiery turn of events. A mix of her high intelligence, self-preservation, and paranoia have made it very difficult for law enforcement officials to bring her to justice for her crimes. And for the few times she has been captured, she has usually escaped not soon after.


  • Pyrokinesis: Ember can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire.
  • Fire Manipulation: Ember can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on her body. (She usually employs her hands to "sculpt" the flames, occasionally as a lasso to ensnare enemies.) She can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as she concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless Ember continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F (near the melting point of iron).
  • Thermokinesis: She has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within her immediate environment, even when she herself is not aflame. She can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30 F, raise them to several hundred degrees, or extinguish open flames. Her radius of influence is about 80 feet. The heat energy she takes from the environment is absorbed into her own body. If she takes in a critical amount while she is not aflame, she will become aflame. There are unknown limits to the amount of flame she can absorb into her own body harmlessly while she is herself aflame.
  • Immunity to Fire & Heat: Ember is unaffected by heat and flames, including her own, even when part of her is aflame and the rest of her is not. Her flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of her maximum output.
  • Enhanced Strength: Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember is capable of lifting several times her own body weight. She is able to lift objects on her own that would normally require multiple men, as-well as surpass any Olympic feat of strength. This enables her to: bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, her strength allows for her to send enemies such as fully equipped soldiers flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. She can also strike down doors with a single punch or kick and knock people out with one offensive impact. In terms of weightlifting, Ember can lift atleast 2-4 tons.
  • Enhanced Speed: Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember can run and move at speeds that are superior to the finest Olympic athlete. She can run/swim between 30-60 mph with ease, faster if pushed. She can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to experimentation from VIPER, Ember possesses a powerful regenerative healing factor in her biology. She is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Ember cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. For Ember, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within 2 or 3 hours. Any and all injuries will heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly without leaving a trace of injury.
  • Flight: She can use her powers to create super-heated air currents which push her forward through the air, enabling her to fly. Sometimes this super-heated air is visible as a trail of flame behind Ember. The upper limit to the speed Ember can achieve in flight is not yet known.


  • Fire Extinguishing: Ember's flame is supported by the presence of oxygen, and thus is extinguished in low air pressure or a vacuum. Ember's flame can be extinguished by smothering materials, such as water, sand, fire-fighting foam, and heat-resistant blankets, unless her flame is at such an intensity that it immediately vaporizes such materials on contact. If hit with small amounts of water, up to about five gallons, Ember can turn it to steam with relatively little effort. More water than that could extinguish her flame at its normal level, and she would have to wait until she could evaporate the residual moisture before re-ignition.
  • Mental Instability: Ember's mental state is extremely chaotic. She can often become highly unstable and prone to violent outbursts without the slightest provocation, this can often cause her to slip up and make mistakes that she normally wouldn't.
  • Arrogance: Ember has a knack for believing that she is unstoppable. She often finds herself underestimating the strength of heroes because she believes someone with her powers can take on the world.


  • Ember is a wanted criminal, so if you want to try to capture her go ahead. But be warned, she will not hesitate to turn someone to ash.
  • Ember is an assassin for hire. (Email/PM me in game if you wish to hire her)
  • She tends to play around with fire when bored or frustrated.
  • Consistently, has a frown on her face and a furrow in her brow. Don't expect to see her smile much.


  • Ember is inspired by Volcana, Black Widow, Talia al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, and Lady Shiva.
  • Due to VIPER experimentation, her hair is always on fire.
  • Ember has an abnormally high body temperature due to the nature of her abilities. She consistently run at 115 F.
  • Ember is a pyromaniac.
  • She becomes extremely stressed and agitated if she hasn't killed with her powers in awhile.
  • She can always be see in black clothing.
  • Always has a faint smell of smoke.
  • Tends to swear alot.
