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| font = #000000
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| bg3 = #660033
| bg4 = #dd82dd
| bg4 = #dc143c
| border = #4B3626
| border = #000000
| cell1 = #FFFFFF
| cell1 = #dda0dd
| cell2 = #B7CEEC
| cell2 = #ff69b4
| name = Twisted
| name = Twisted
| player = @team4#7466
| player = @team4#7866
| image = Twisted_0202.jpg
| image = Twisted_portrait_jpg_0101.jpg
| caption = <i>"Who will save the 'bad' ones from those who call themselves 'good'?"</i>
| caption = <i>"Who will save the 'bad' ones from those who call themselves 'good'?"</i>
| class_focus = Radiant
| class_focus = Radiant
| level = 25
| level = 32
| research = Mistycism
| research = Mistycism
| realname = Twisted
| realname = Twisted
| alias = Youkai
| alias = Dragonfly; Youkai
| gender = Female
| gender = Female
| species = Twisted Faery (maybe she is an alter ego of a Faery called Samsara)
| species = Twisted Fairy (maybe she is an alter ego of a Fairy called Samsara)
| ethnicity = She looks like a mix of latin an asian.
| ethnicity = She looks like a mix of latin an asian.
| birthplace = No one kwos yet, she was adopted
| birthplace = No one kwos yet, she was adopted
| operations = She lives in MC downtown, with her parents.
| operations = She lives in MC downtown, close to Ravenswood Academy, on a penthouse rented by her parents.
| relatives = Her adoptive parents, David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons.
| relatives = Her adoptive parents, David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons.
| age = 25 earth years
| age = 17 years
| height = 4'6"
| height = 4'6"
| weight = 97 lbs.
| weight = 97 lbs.
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| features = absolutely no marks or scars on her skin.
| features = absolutely no marks or scars on her skin.
| alignment = 7
| alignment = 7
| reputation = 3
| reputation = 1
| identity = Public
| identity = Public
| years_active = 1
| years_active = 1
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=<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''The Brief Story'''''</div>=
=<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Short Info'''''</div>=
Raskk Sanders always wanted to be special, a ruler, an icon. But how can someone be special in a world where even children are incredibly strong and everyone can fly? How can someone rule a civilization where the very concept of property is gone, and everything belongs to everybody? How can someone be an icon on a society where all members are concerned on the happiness of others, instead of themselves? This world is Ullora, his world.<br>
[[file:Dragonfly_halves_jpg_0102.png|thumb|border|left|baseline|400x250px|Img 1.1 - Samsara & Twisted: two sides of Dragonfly.]]
<b>Who is [[Samsara]]?</b><br>
Samsara Le Fleur Simmons was left at the door of her parents as a baby, with a strange note containing her name and the recommendation to feed her with much love, so she would become who was meant to be, in a balanced way. Once a teen, she discovered herself a fairy, like the stories. During this period she also discovered her other secret ...<br>
Determined to be great, Raskk left Ullora and came to Earth - where he knew that people are weak - pretending to be the mythological Ares - God of War. Once arrived, the qularr offensive had just begun. Raskk thought it would be a perfect start: destroying an alien invasion appeared to be an excellent way to show off to the entire Earth at once.<br>
<b>Who is Twisted?</b><br>
Samsara thinks she has another side of herself, another ego, that she considers "her evil side": where Samsara is made only of calm, kindness and lightness, this other girl is completely made of passion, curiosity and enthusiasm for all sorts of risky and strange things. She called this other self  "Twisted". Twisted did not like this name at first, but ended up clinging to it, for the irony of seeing the meaning of her own name in the world around.<br>
So he thought, so he did - "Ares" started to crush bugs by the hundreds and then...<br>
<b>Who is [[Dragonfly]]?</b><br>
...then, in the middle of the war, on a tide of blood, a death that could never happen, happened: while ripping a ship with his bare hands, a falling fragment killed a child girl in the street. That scene destroyed Raskk more than he did with the qularrs, and he never forgot. Now he adopted Earth as his homeworld and responsability, to let never the powerfull dominate and harm the weak.<br>
Dragonfly is believed to be the resulting mix of the two egos of Samsara. At the same time a dedicated healer and a ferocious fighter, Dragonfly has a keen instinct for peace and war.<br>
Around the world, the rumor spread: Ares came to Earth to pledge to humanity and pay for his bloodthirst. Truth is Raskk is becoming, day by day, not an icon, not a ruler, but a true hero.<br>
=<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''The Long Story'''''</div>=
==<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:25px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Ullora'''''</div>==
[[file:ULLORA_01.jpg|thumb|border|left|baseline|400x250px|Img 1.1 - The planet Ullora.]]
<b>Ullora is a distant planet with an ancient civilization. Very ancient.</b><br>
As the people of Ullora always been very powerful, advances occurred quickly, and as quickly occurred the wars. There were many different clans, which have become different and competing megacities. Having been replicated around the globe in huge numbers and warred so much, there was only one question to ask: would the ulloreans destroy themselves before destroying the planet itself?<br>
<div style="color:#ffcc66; font-size:16px; font-family:Courier"><center>**ATTENTION: The following material is the result of a continuous process of interviews under hypnosis, <i>previously</i> <i>approved</i> by the subject.**</center></div>
<b>Both options have proven to be wrong when Ullora destroyed the ulloreans.</b><br>
Nobody knows exactly why it happened. Maybe it was a natural process of accommodation – that might happen anyway. Or maybe it was the revenge of a wonderful and rich world on a blessed people who used these blessings only to destroy and corrupt everything they could. Terrible earthquakes engulfed whole towns and released lava on the surface, calcined several others. Tsunamis of Biblical proportions drowned - alone - nearly half of ulloreans. Almost all died and that, of course, ended all disputes and all war. The only dispute now was between survivors and the world itself: a struggle for survival in this new and harsh environment.<br>
But in the last chance they had, the Ulloreans suddenly learned a lesson that destiny seemed to have no intention of teaching: the conditions were so extremely difficult that living or dying was no longer much different, but the children ...<br>
=<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''A Twisted Beginning'''''</div>=
... The instinct to protect children was something that adults could not ignore and, since their lives were not worth, Ulloreans started living for their children. Unlike the way, for example, humans live for their children, the total collapse of civilization and the end of faith in its own continuity, made the ulloreans  see children as true amulets, something to cling to. The safety and well being of children was the only thing that kept the adults to jump in the lava or tectonic cliffs. Each ullorean lived not for your child, but for all children of all ulloreans. There was no guarantee to be a world tomorrow, but if there were, the children would be safe to see it. As a child growing up, he took - with his parents - the responsibility for all the children. It is clear that parents can take too long to realize that their children grew up and was thus being created a world where every person lives not for himself but for all others. This made the new civilization that flourished in Ullora evolve much more than the old, in every way.<br>
The concept that "the life of each one is there to improve the lives of all" extends to the present day and thus have a Ullora people where they were abolished the concepts of borders and even the property: everything belongs to everyone and everyone is happy with that.<br>
:I woke up. Today is a very special day. It's my birthday. I slept happy yesterday because I wanted today to arrive asap, and now it's here! Yay! Wait, wait, what's going on? Why I can't open my eyes? What happened? Wait, it's not that I can't open my eyes, my eyes are already open, but ... the world has disappeared! The light is gone! I can't even see myself!<br>
==<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:25px; font-family:Garamond">'''''The Sanders'''''</div>==
<b>The Sanders belong to a ullorean lineage dating back to the great disaster, and one of the few who survived it. Along with a handful of other strains, the Sanders repopulated Ullora and the most diverse lineages of today have their origin in them.
In other words, being a Sanders is to be considered a noble among the ulloreans.</b><br>
:Okay, okay, but I'm still here. I know who I am.<br>
The ullorean view of the nobility is, however, very different from what we usually see: for them, nobility has to do with gratitude, not with power.<br>
:My name is Samsara, I am an incredibly beautiful blonde fairy. Well, I did not always know I'm a fairy. When my parents first met me, I was just a blonde baby girl (I've been left in a basket in front of the house of David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons, the best parents anyone can have), but on my last birthday I gained my wings. How cool is that? Not everyone has the chance to grow wings on the 12th anniversary. My parents almost went crazy, but I was excited from the beginning! So, this is it, This is who I am: a beautiful and beloved blonde teen fairy, with beautiful antennae and incredible butterfly wings.<br>
Like ulloreans have much gratitude for the Sanders, these also feel gratitude for having been somehow "chosen" to survive and continue their civilization. So, all ulloreans are balanced, and everybody lives happily... almost everybody...<br>
:But now, nothing is beautiful or incredible about my situation. I try to stand up, in the middle of this 'non-existence' and BAM: I hit an invisible wall with my forehead, really hard (everything is invisible in this darkness). I try to move my hands to the side and, yes: walls everywhere. The world has not disappeared, I'm the only one who has disappeared! Someone, somehow, trapped me in a stone coffin! How did I get here?! What happened?!? I scream, no one hears, and I can't hear anyone! Nothing! I will never leave this place! I will stay here forever! NO! I have to fight! I have to break these walls! I have to believe, to use all my strength! It's not working! I'm too weak! That's it, I'm going to die here! No! No! I'll hit those walls until they break! Argh! My hands hurt! It's not working! This can't be happening! HELP! Someone save me! NNNNYYYYEEEEEAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!<br>
==<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:25px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Sarisen'''''</div>==
[[file:SARISEN_04_1.jpg|thumb|border|left|middle|400x301px|Img 2.1 - Port region of Sarisen.]]
<b>While rebuilding their civilization, the ulloreans reviewed all of the fundamental paradigms of their culture, because they had the chance to create a whole new world, but with thousands and thousands of years of maturity.</b><br>
:Suddenly, a flash! Everything turns white, and I close my eyes.<br>
Thus, they created the "<i>ullorian democracy</i>", where each person is really committed to the good of all others.<br>
:When I open them, I'm in my bed, still screaming. My parents break into my room to see what's wrong (they've been scared of my birthdays since my last), and I cry and jump to hug them 'Oh my God, I had the worst nightmare ever!' They look at me, really scared and my dad just lets it out: "What happened to you, Sam? What is this now?"<br>
In general, as everyone in the population is concerned only with their own problems and desires - or desires of a small group or class - the democratic process ends up serving only to demonstrate "<i>the common will of the largest group of selfish.</i>"<br>
In the ullorian democracy, each of the individuals in society's thinking about the greater good of all, this makes the democratic process to truely occur: the list of priority measures covering the largest group  of the people.  These, in turn, ensure that the next steps to be completed until all groups are satisfied. Until every ullorian is happy.<br>
:I turn to the mirror on the left and now I'm just another person: black hair, bright purple eyes, black and purple horns instead of my beautiful antennae and black and violet feather wings instead of my amazing butterfly ones!<br>
[[file:SARISEN_02_1.jpg|thumb|border|left|baseline|450x246px|Img 2.2 - View of Sarisen Tower of Information at sunset.]] <b>As the vast majority of important decisions are taken by referendum, the political process would become too slow if a solution was not found, and this solution came in the form of the <i>Sarisen Tower of Information</i>.</b><br>
When Ulloreans found that each brain has a different signature - such as fingerprints or retina - they quickly realized that it would be just a matter of logging this signature of each cityzen, when completing the voting age to create a flawless system of vote capture.
Thus was born the Tower Information, a huge backup of ullorean thought. This tower received the thought waves of each Ullorean located within the planet's atmosphere during the vote counts and the result almost instantly.<br>
After the Great Disaster, the first city built by the remaining Ulloreans was Sarisen, which became the capital of the world and home of the oldest lineages, such as Sanders.<br>
Once Sarisen is regarded as a true monument to the new paradigm of thought Ullorean, build the Tower of information in its center was a natural choice.<br>
:With nothing to say, I just say "I don't know", and only then do I realize how different my voice sounds. I've become someone else!<br>
==<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:25px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Raskk Sanders'''''</div>==
===<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:25px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Childhood and Adolescence'''''</div>===
[[file:AresBoy_03.jpg|thumb|border|left|middle|250x245px|Img 3.1 - Raskk's childhood.]]
<b>Raskk was born in Sarisen, son of Murtt and LLura, Raskk was a strong child, even for an ullorean, due to the superb genetic inheritance from their parents. All adults protected and cared for Raskk with great care, as they did with all other children, and Raskk spent most of his childhood simply playing.<br>
But ...</b><br>
:I hear a scream, inside my head, It's my voice, my real voice, screaming "somebody help me! What happened!? Where am I?! Is anyone listening?!? Help! Heeeeelp!!!"<br>
One day something unexpected happened: Raskk was playing in one of the squares away from Sarisen, when he came across a guy who had never seen. He wore a slinky red with a large emblem, a long blue cape and boots, and seemed to be in uniform.Raskk realized he was hovering a few inches above the ground, but despite the flight being a regular feature in adult ulloreans, Raskk felt something very different and special about this guy.<br>
:It's me! The real me! Caught inside where the hell I was before! We changed places!<br>
The guy told he was well known in his home solar system as Dynamic, and he was a superhero. Raskk had no idea what would be a superhero, nor was he familiar with the concept of an individual being remarkable in the midst of all his people.<br>
Dynamic told him he was on a mission to another planet, but was injured during a battle and landed secretly in Ullora to get care, because he knew that ulloreans have a drink with a very high healing power and bracing, took from plants so extremely abundant on the planet to that is used by them as naturally as we drink water. Dynamic asked Raskk to bring him, in secret, a bottle of this drink, and in return, tell him some stories of his adventures, so that the boy had more material in their play.<br>
<b>Raskk brought him the drink, heard the stories, Dynamic gone, but now everything has changed: Raskk never again be satisfied with being just another ullorean.<br>
:Now I see: I'm not Samsara, Samsara is trapped somewhere 'cause I'm here!<br>
Would never be satisfied to be safe with all the people.<br>
Being like everyone else. Do not be a champion. Do not be prominent among his people.<br>
And especially, no more Raskk accepted the fact of not being worshiped above other children.</b><br>
[[file:Ares_14.jpg|thumb|border|left|middle|250x220px|Img 3.2 - Teenager Raskk: an unhappy individual in the paradise.]]As time passes, the boy Raskk becomes a teenager who, despite sharing the noble andgenerous heart which is the natural tendency of ulloreans, differs from all its people and its culture in terms of individualism. Trying to become notorious in their society, Raskk began to strive to be the best in every activity exerted, even in their studies or shothun practice (a traditional martial art of ulloreans). Seeing his absurd and useless efforts to become an icon in a society that had evolved far beyond these concepts, Mutt and Llura Sanders sought to guide your child in order to make him realize the futility of their goals. They explained to him that notorious figures did not fit  among Ulloreans anymore - since everything is based on balance - and that the very fact that he devoted himself to learning as much culture based on a paradigm so ignorant demonstrated - yet on an ironic way - this balance.<br>
:But who am I? Why do we have this connection? Why do I have all of her freaking memories and no memory of myself? Where was I before? How we changed places? How can I set her free?<br>
:I jump from my father's arms and start running, down stairs, to get into the streets and find Sam.<br>
But Raskk was determined to become legendary, and if this was not possible between ulloreans, Raskk realized that his place would not be among them. As ullorean technology is extremely advanced, interstellar travels are relatively simple, <b>so Raskk need only find out what would be the ideal planet to become a hero. His research eventually made him decide for a planet with an intelligent race that, while it is extremely physically fragile, quickly develops its technology, but maintains a very high level of superstition. This planet is the Earth and the combination of these characteristics in the "humanity" makes this a perfect target for someone who wants to walk among them as a god. After a brief historical query, the "Project Ares" arises.</b><br>
:While I'm running, the air explodes suddenly. Everything turns white.<br>
:When the flash passes, I'm stuck in the dark again. Alone.<br>
:I can not fight it all again now. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep.<br>
===<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:25px; font-family:Garamond">'''''The "Project Ares"'''''</div>===
[[file:Ares_Qliphothic_0401.jpg|thumb|border|left|middle|400x182px|Img 4.1 - Raskk Sanders: "Ares will make me a legend!"]] When he met Dynamic - the super hero who became a legend in his solar system -Raskk found himself facing a dilemma: on one hand he were part of a society considered "perfect", where everyone is important and therefore no one is remarkable, on the other hand, he was determined to make every effort to become a living legend too. Because these two facts show hopelessly incompatible, Raskk decided that - despite loving his family, his people and his world - Ullora was no longer his place.
<b>So Raskk began to seek the planet where he would become a hero. His research took into account some simple criteria:</b>
<i>- The chosen planet should, of course, contain intelligent life. A race who understands the concepts of heroes and idols.<br>
- The technological development of this species should be sufficient to provide comfort and pleasure: there is no happiness in ruling the trash.<br>
- This species should be very weak compared to ulloreans. The more fragile, more grateful and dutiful to their new hero.<br>
- The external biotype of this people should be compatible with the ulloreans: psychologically, the chance of an alien being accepted on a planet grows exponentially in proportion to their similarity with the local people. Furthermore, it is important for Raskk to be physically attracted to females on the planet, since it will be his home for life.</i><br>
<b>Using his access to the huge database of Sarisen Tower of Information, Raskk found, in a very distant space sector, a planet that fits all criteria, the perfect planet: Earth.</b><br>
:Perhaps, at least, Samsara is free again ...<br>
Located in the space sector 2814, Earth is a planet dominated by the race of the Humans. Despite having achieved a considerable level of technology, with regard to information (virtually all the information already on the planet is apparently connected) and the ability to "live comfortably", its medical technology and transportation is still primitive compared to Ullora .<br>
There are three other factors that made the earth the golden dream of Raskk, even better than any he had expected: the fragmentation of nations, religious culture and atmosphere.<br>
- The fragmentation of nations makes almost impossible that the whole world to unite to fight a common enemy. This means that - at worst - Raskk could take refuge in a nation to get away from others.<br>
=<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Dreaming a Real Life'''''</div>=
- The religious culture of the Earth is incredibly extensive and rich in cults, and mythologies are mostly composed of concepts, even today, naive. Most mythological gods are absolutely identical to humans, differing only by their level of power and authority. Obviously, this concept creates an immediate parallel between an ullorean and a god compared to a human. Thus, rather than a super hero, Raskk have a chance to be a god in his new world!<br>
- The Earth's atmosphere differs from that of Ullora very subtly, not enough to cause any respiratory problems in an ullorean, but these differences - according to the analysis of the Information Tower - translate into a cumulative increase the Ulloreans capacities, making Raskk more and more powerful the longer he stays on the planet.<br>
Everything in the plan was excellent, wonderful, perfect! Almost everything ...<br>
As stated earlier, the transport technology of the earth is still very primitive, and this is - at the same time - excellent and disturbing news.<br>
:...I wake. How much time has passed? What nightmare was that? No! Everything is still completely dark! I slowly move my hands around, and the same walls are here, at all sides. I'm still stuck. It wasn't a nightmare. It was all real. I'm still stuck here, in this lonely stone coffin, probably in the middle of nowhere, while Samsara is free somewhere, trying to figure out what happened. I scream and cry a lot, for a long time, and finally I get tired. I sleep again.<br>
Excellent because, as the Earth is unable to meet and connect with alien people and cultures, the attempt to impersonate a god among humans is far more convincing. Troubling because, under the rules of the United Federation of Planets - which Ullora is member - the condition for two civilizations from different planets to get in touch, openly, is that the two have a minimum level of technology. By "minimum", the Federation understands "Capacity of space travel using hyperspace technology", ie, the planet must have the warp drives technology to be visited by spacecraft from the UFP (the rules of contact and the technology of warp drives on earth, are known only to a small group - the Trekkers).<br>
In other words, although relatively simple to get transported out of Ullora, it is almost impossible to achieve the Earth. This was a problem that needed to be resolved at any cost: Raskk had not come so close to his dream to give up being a god for lack of transport...<br>
:I woke. I'm awake. I know I am. It's strange, but, I know I'm awake because I'm back in the same nightmare. The nightmare of the stone coffin. For a long time I was not here. For a long time I was Samsara, I was with my parents, I enjoyed life, I learned to use and control my powers, I evolved. I even decided to become a hero!<br>
Although not dealing with spiritual matters with so much ceremony, or even superstition, as we do, the ulloreans firmly believe in the existence of an Universal Will and Purpose. They also believe that there is something divine in the pure intuition of each individual and seek to always be alert to hear the voice that comes from within each one.<br>
:It's weird: being here now, and knowing that I have been here all this time, I might think that all these things were just dreams. That my mind created these fantasies to escape while I slept. But I know it's nothing like that. I know it was not a dream. It was all real. I remember everything. Every day. I even know what day it is.<br>
So Raskk was sure there was a greater purpose in the situation that presented itself: his intuition said, decisively, that he should go to Earth, but all the laws of the Federation said that the trip was impossible. Thus, Raskk began to train his body and his fighting techniques, and went on to study more about the earthling mythology, to choose which god would finally be embody by him to the human race.<br>
Six long months have passed and now Raskk had transformed his body to the point where he could really pass as a mythological being. Moreover, his fighting technique was extremely sharp and he had learned, using the resources of the Tower of Information, basics of some earth languages in order to be able to communicate minimally when he arrives. Everything was ready, Raskk expected only a signal of the universe, showing a way to go to Earth. The Universal Will had to manifest itself.<br>
<B>And so, the Universal Will did manifest and sent to Earth the Qularr Invasion.</B><br>
:And I know it's been six months since this nightmare began.<br>
:This leads to the next obvious question: if six months have passed, how am I still here? I mean, I should be dead, shouldn't I? I have not eaten for six months! God, I didn't even breathe for six months? But I feel myself breathing. Where does the air come from? There is no light, and the walls are smooth, absurdly smooth, like marble. There is not any air intake, at least there doesn't seem to be.<br>
:This is very intriguing, but I do not think anyone will show up to give me answers. Besides, the fact that I'm alive still brings me another terrible conclusion: it'll never end. I'm not going to die, but I'm not leaving here either. The most life I can have is to go back to sleep and stay receiving the memories of Samsara as she lives: living a real life, within a dream.<br>
:That sounds crazy, but in my situation, what doesn't? If I have to choose between these two follies, then I choose to dream. That's it, I'm tired of crying, tired of despairing, it doesn't change anything. I'll dream. I'm going to sleep and dream.<br>
:When I'm about to fall asleep again, it hits me: Then what? What happens to me if my connection to Samsara is broken? Even if it never happens, what happens to me when Samsara grows up, grows old, and dies? Am I growing old in this place? If I don't starve and don't need to eat, is time really going by?<br>
:No. I need to find out. I need to know, at last, what's going on. Samsara is not worried about that. I know she's not, 'cause I've followed every day of her in the last six months. My parents took her to a psychologist specialized in meta-humans and 'discovered' that I'm a psychic deviation of Samsara. A deviation so powerful that, when it manifests itself, it makes her change her appearance. So nothing really happened. Samsara only does regular sessions with her psychologist and, since I 'do not exist', Samsara and my parents struggled only to forget me completely in the last few months.<br>
:I need to go out again, I need to show that it's nothing like that, I need to show that I'm their daughter too, that I'm living in this hell and that they need to worry, they need to save me. But how? How do I get out of here again? I do not even know how I got out the first time! Come on, I need to remember, what happened? I remember that I made a lot of force to leave, that I tried to break the walls, and that I despaired ... That's it! Our minds are linked! It's through the power of my mind that I leave here! Through my will to leave! That's it, this will work!<br>
=<div style="color:#dc143c; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''"Hi Mom, Hi Dad!"'''''</div>=
:I make a lot of effort, I despair, I scream, but nothing happens. Why don't? I know the effort is not useless, I've escaped once, so there's some way out again. It gotta have a way. I need to focus on this: I've already freed myself once, I've struggled enough to appear in Samsara's bed ...<br>
:Thats it! The bed! I managed to get out because it was a moment when Samsara was sleeping! I just need to sleep now, follow Samsara's footsteps all day, wake up as soon as she fall asleep and, at that moment, force my entrance. That's it. I'm going to sleep and dream again. This time, I sleep happy. I sleep full of hope.<br>
:Life is good again, the day is fun at school, I'm with my friends. After school, I go back home, have lunch, do my homework and prepare for Kathy Margarida's birthday party, my best friend! The time has come, I put on my new dress. It's so gorgeous! I get to the party. Lots of fun! I talk to Kathy about a lot of things, we dance, we laugh a lot and, most important of all, we talk about Nick. He is absolutely perfect! The most handsome boy there is! He's at the party, we talk too, and he's absolutely sweet to me. It's a shame Mom still will not let me date. But when she let me, we'll be the most beautiful couple in school. There's no way I'll stop loving him, and there's definitely no way he can't love me either. And I'm sure he already noticed that. I hope my mother lets us date soon. The party ends, I go home, and finally - tired and happy - I lie down. It was a perfect day. I sleep happy.<br>
:No, wait. I didn't sleep happy. She slept. Finally, Samsara fell asleep. I need to wake up now! There it is, I'm awake, in my familiar darkness again, much darker than the dark room of Samsara. Let's go, this is my chance! Come on, girl! Come on! Come on!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!<br>
:The air explodes, everything turns white. I can't see anything, but I already know what happened. It worked!<br>
:I look around. I'm in Sam's bed. Not in her head, but for real! Apparently there was no noise. It's okay for now. Then I hear a loud scream, very sharp! What was that?!? It's Samsara! It's Samsara inside my head! I can hear her, where I was, desperately wanting to come back. No! This can't happen now! If she comes back, I'll get stuck. She doesn't want to free me, she just wants to get rid of me. It's what everyone wants. But that's not fair, I did not do anything wrong. I will not be condemned just because it is more comfortable for others.<br>
:I focus heavily on staying, not giving up my place to Samsara. The screams get a little more muffled after a while. That's it, it worked. Hold on, Sam, I have other things to do. I know it's scary, but I know you're safe and well.<br>
:This is the moment for all truth to come out. I go slowly to my parents' room. They are not there. I walk down the stairs very slowly, and they are in the living room. I position myself a few steps behind the couch, prepare myself and exclaim, all at once: "hi mom, hi dad!"<br>
:They jumped up from the couch and looked at me, as if they were seeing a ghost: "Sam! What happened? Calm down little girl, it's going to be okay!", Dad says.<br>
:"Samsara is not here, daddy. I am. I came back, and we need to talk ... "
=<div style="color:#3F332A; font-size:35px; font-family:Garamond">'''''Image Gallery'''''</div>=
file:ARESCOMIC_0101JPG.jpg|Ares Comic Issue 1.
file:Ares-GravaticShaper_02.jpg|Ares fighting the Gravatic Shaper.
file:Tittanya_02.jpg|Tittanya, his foolish love.
file:Ares_Qliphothic_0601.jpg|Ares fighting Qliphothic Horrors.
file:Dynamic_04.jpg|Dynamic: Raskk's first inspiration.

Latest revision as of 06:00, 5 November 2018

Player: @team4#7866
Twisted portrait jpg 0101.jpg
"Who will save the 'bad' ones from those who call themselves 'good'?"
Character Build
Class Focus: Radiant
Power Level: 32
Research & Development: Mistycism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Twisted
Known Aliases: Dragonfly; Youkai
Gender: Female
Species: Twisted Fairy (maybe she is an alter ego of a Fairy called Samsara)
Ethnicity: She looks like a mix of latin an asian.
Place of Birth: No one kwos yet, she was adopted
Base of Operations: She lives in MC downtown, close to Ravenswood Academy, on a penthouse rented by her parents.
Relatives: Her adoptive parents, David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons.
Age: 17 years
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Eyes: purple violet
Hair: Black
Complexion: Extremely good shape, red skin, black and purple horns, violet and black wings.
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: absolutely no marks or scars on her skin.
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Millenium City
Occupation: Full time curious about our world.
Education: She is in highschool through her 'sister', Samsara.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Twisted has, mostly, 'health powers'. They can be used both to heal or harm.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Twisted is not familiar to technology, at all. But she's always carrying her old iPhone, that she uses to text her closest friends.
ReldinBox Template

Twisted logo png 0301.png

Short Info

Img 1.1 - Samsara & Twisted: two sides of Dragonfly.

Who is Samsara?
Samsara Le Fleur Simmons was left at the door of her parents as a baby, with a strange note containing her name and the recommendation to feed her with much love, so she would become who was meant to be, in a balanced way. Once a teen, she discovered herself a fairy, like the stories. During this period she also discovered her other secret ...

Who is Twisted?
Samsara thinks she has another side of herself, another ego, that she considers "her evil side": where Samsara is made only of calm, kindness and lightness, this other girl is completely made of passion, curiosity and enthusiasm for all sorts of risky and strange things. She called this other self "Twisted". Twisted did not like this name at first, but ended up clinging to it, for the irony of seeing the meaning of her own name in the world around.

Who is Dragonfly?
Dragonfly is believed to be the resulting mix of the two egos of Samsara. At the same time a dedicated healer and a ferocious fighter, Dragonfly has a keen instinct for peace and war.

**ATTENTION: The following material is the result of a continuous process of interviews under hypnosis, previously approved by the subject.**

A Twisted Beginning

I woke up. Today is a very special day. It's my birthday. I slept happy yesterday because I wanted today to arrive asap, and now it's here! Yay! Wait, wait, what's going on? Why I can't open my eyes? What happened? Wait, it's not that I can't open my eyes, my eyes are already open, but ... the world has disappeared! The light is gone! I can't even see myself!

Okay, okay, but I'm still here. I know who I am.

My name is Samsara, I am an incredibly beautiful blonde fairy. Well, I did not always know I'm a fairy. When my parents first met me, I was just a blonde baby girl (I've been left in a basket in front of the house of David Simmons and Adalene le Fleur Simmons, the best parents anyone can have), but on my last birthday I gained my wings. How cool is that? Not everyone has the chance to grow wings on the 12th anniversary. My parents almost went crazy, but I was excited from the beginning! So, this is it, This is who I am: a beautiful and beloved blonde teen fairy, with beautiful antennae and incredible butterfly wings.

But now, nothing is beautiful or incredible about my situation. I try to stand up, in the middle of this 'non-existence' and BAM: I hit an invisible wall with my forehead, really hard (everything is invisible in this darkness). I try to move my hands to the side and, yes: walls everywhere. The world has not disappeared, I'm the only one who has disappeared! Someone, somehow, trapped me in a stone coffin! How did I get here?! What happened?!? I scream, no one hears, and I can't hear anyone! Nothing! I will never leave this place! I will stay here forever! NO! I have to fight! I have to break these walls! I have to believe, to use all my strength! It's not working! I'm too weak! That's it, I'm going to die here! No! No! I'll hit those walls until they break! Argh! My hands hurt! It's not working! This can't be happening! HELP! Someone save me! NNNNYYYYEEEEEAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!

Suddenly, a flash! Everything turns white, and I close my eyes.

When I open them, I'm in my bed, still screaming. My parents break into my room to see what's wrong (they've been scared of my birthdays since my last), and I cry and jump to hug them 'Oh my God, I had the worst nightmare ever!' They look at me, really scared and my dad just lets it out: "What happened to you, Sam? What is this now?"

I turn to the mirror on the left and now I'm just another person: black hair, bright purple eyes, black and purple horns instead of my beautiful antennae and black and violet feather wings instead of my amazing butterfly ones!

With nothing to say, I just say "I don't know", and only then do I realize how different my voice sounds. I've become someone else!

I hear a scream, inside my head, It's my voice, my real voice, screaming "somebody help me! What happened!? Where am I?! Is anyone listening?!? Help! Heeeeelp!!!"

It's me! The real me! Caught inside where the hell I was before! We changed places!

Now I see: I'm not Samsara, Samsara is trapped somewhere 'cause I'm here!

But who am I? Why do we have this connection? Why do I have all of her freaking memories and no memory of myself? Where was I before? How we changed places? How can I set her free?

I jump from my father's arms and start running, down stairs, to get into the streets and find Sam.

While I'm running, the air explodes suddenly. Everything turns white.

When the flash passes, I'm stuck in the dark again. Alone.

I can not fight it all again now. I'm tired. I'm going to sleep.

Perhaps, at least, Samsara is free again ...

Dreaming a Real Life

...I wake. How much time has passed? What nightmare was that? No! Everything is still completely dark! I slowly move my hands around, and the same walls are here, at all sides. I'm still stuck. It wasn't a nightmare. It was all real. I'm still stuck here, in this lonely stone coffin, probably in the middle of nowhere, while Samsara is free somewhere, trying to figure out what happened. I scream and cry a lot, for a long time, and finally I get tired. I sleep again.

I woke. I'm awake. I know I am. It's strange, but, I know I'm awake because I'm back in the same nightmare. The nightmare of the stone coffin. For a long time I was not here. For a long time I was Samsara, I was with my parents, I enjoyed life, I learned to use and control my powers, I evolved. I even decided to become a hero!

It's weird: being here now, and knowing that I have been here all this time, I might think that all these things were just dreams. That my mind created these fantasies to escape while I slept. But I know it's nothing like that. I know it was not a dream. It was all real. I remember everything. Every day. I even know what day it is.

And I know it's been six months since this nightmare began.

This leads to the next obvious question: if six months have passed, how am I still here? I mean, I should be dead, shouldn't I? I have not eaten for six months! God, I didn't even breathe for six months? But I feel myself breathing. Where does the air come from? There is no light, and the walls are smooth, absurdly smooth, like marble. There is not any air intake, at least there doesn't seem to be.

This is very intriguing, but I do not think anyone will show up to give me answers. Besides, the fact that I'm alive still brings me another terrible conclusion: it'll never end. I'm not going to die, but I'm not leaving here either. The most life I can have is to go back to sleep and stay receiving the memories of Samsara as she lives: living a real life, within a dream.

That sounds crazy, but in my situation, what doesn't? If I have to choose between these two follies, then I choose to dream. That's it, I'm tired of crying, tired of despairing, it doesn't change anything. I'll dream. I'm going to sleep and dream.

When I'm about to fall asleep again, it hits me: Then what? What happens to me if my connection to Samsara is broken? Even if it never happens, what happens to me when Samsara grows up, grows old, and dies? Am I growing old in this place? If I don't starve and don't need to eat, is time really going by?

No. I need to find out. I need to know, at last, what's going on. Samsara is not worried about that. I know she's not, 'cause I've followed every day of her in the last six months. My parents took her to a psychologist specialized in meta-humans and 'discovered' that I'm a psychic deviation of Samsara. A deviation so powerful that, when it manifests itself, it makes her change her appearance. So nothing really happened. Samsara only does regular sessions with her psychologist and, since I 'do not exist', Samsara and my parents struggled only to forget me completely in the last few months.

I need to go out again, I need to show that it's nothing like that, I need to show that I'm their daughter too, that I'm living in this hell and that they need to worry, they need to save me. But how? How do I get out of here again? I do not even know how I got out the first time! Come on, I need to remember, what happened? I remember that I made a lot of force to leave, that I tried to break the walls, and that I despaired ... That's it! Our minds are linked! It's through the power of my mind that I leave here! Through my will to leave! That's it, this will work!

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad!"

I make a lot of effort, I despair, I scream, but nothing happens. Why don't? I know the effort is not useless, I've escaped once, so there's some way out again. It gotta have a way. I need to focus on this: I've already freed myself once, I've struggled enough to appear in Samsara's bed ...

Thats it! The bed! I managed to get out because it was a moment when Samsara was sleeping! I just need to sleep now, follow Samsara's footsteps all day, wake up as soon as she fall asleep and, at that moment, force my entrance. That's it. I'm going to sleep and dream again. This time, I sleep happy. I sleep full of hope.

Life is good again, the day is fun at school, I'm with my friends. After school, I go back home, have lunch, do my homework and prepare for Kathy Margarida's birthday party, my best friend! The time has come, I put on my new dress. It's so gorgeous! I get to the party. Lots of fun! I talk to Kathy about a lot of things, we dance, we laugh a lot and, most important of all, we talk about Nick. He is absolutely perfect! The most handsome boy there is! He's at the party, we talk too, and he's absolutely sweet to me. It's a shame Mom still will not let me date. But when she let me, we'll be the most beautiful couple in school. There's no way I'll stop loving him, and there's definitely no way he can't love me either. And I'm sure he already noticed that. I hope my mother lets us date soon. The party ends, I go home, and finally - tired and happy - I lie down. It was a perfect day. I sleep happy.

No, wait. I didn't sleep happy. She slept. Finally, Samsara fell asleep. I need to wake up now! There it is, I'm awake, in my familiar darkness again, much darker than the dark room of Samsara. Let's go, this is my chance! Come on, girl! Come on! Come on!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!

The air explodes, everything turns white. I can't see anything, but I already know what happened. It worked!

I look around. I'm in Sam's bed. Not in her head, but for real! Apparently there was no noise. It's okay for now. Then I hear a loud scream, very sharp! What was that?!? It's Samsara! It's Samsara inside my head! I can hear her, where I was, desperately wanting to come back. No! This can't happen now! If she comes back, I'll get stuck. She doesn't want to free me, she just wants to get rid of me. It's what everyone wants. But that's not fair, I did not do anything wrong. I will not be condemned just because it is more comfortable for others.

I focus heavily on staying, not giving up my place to Samsara. The screams get a little more muffled after a while. That's it, it worked. Hold on, Sam, I have other things to do. I know it's scary, but I know you're safe and well.

This is the moment for all truth to come out. I go slowly to my parents' room. They are not there. I walk down the stairs very slowly, and they are in the living room. I position myself a few steps behind the couch, prepare myself and exclaim, all at once: "hi mom, hi dad!"

They jumped up from the couch and looked at me, as if they were seeing a ghost: "Sam! What happened? Calm down little girl, it's going to be okay!", Dad says.

"Samsara is not here, daddy. I am. I came back, and we need to talk ... "


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