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  | name = Kahi
  | name = Kahi
  | player = @Ouroboros1988
  | player = @Ouroboros1988
  | image = HumanKahi2.png
  | image = KahiHedrick1.jpg
  | caption = "Be careful what you wish for."
  | caption = "Be careful what you wish for."
  | realname = Kahi
  | realname = Kahi Setiren
  | alias = Goldie, Sphinx, The Great Sphinx
  | alias = Goldie, Sphinx, The Great Sphinx
  | gender = Female
  | gender = Female
  | species = Human (Mostly)
  | species = Human (Mostly)
  | ethnicity = Egyptian, Ancient World
  | ethnicity = Egyptian, Ancient World
  | birthplace = Kehmet
  | birthplace = Khemet
  | operations = Millennium City
  | operations = Millennium City
  | relatives = Seth
  | relatives = Seth
  | age = Unknown
  | age = Unknown
  | height = 5'11 when human
  | height = 6'4 when human
  | weight = 85Kg
  | weight = 90Kg
  | eyes = Golden (Mostly)
  | eyes = Golden (Mostly)
  | hair = Pitch
  | hair = Pitch
Line 68: Line 70:
  | powers = Mastery of almost all terrestrial martial arts, form changing, increased strength durability and speed when in other forms, able to use her 'Ka' and 'Ba' to increase her abilities-- akin to Chi, able to summon blades from mere energy whenever she wants, increased healing especially when in other forms, able to armour herself for increased durability at will
  | powers = Mastery of almost all terrestrial martial arts, form changing, increased strength durability and speed when in other forms, able to use her 'Ka' and 'Ba' to increase her abilities-- akin to Chi, able to summon blades from mere energy whenever she wants, increased healing especially when in other forms, able to armour herself for increased durability at will
  | paraphernalia = Summonable armour and blades, is wealthy having had millenia to accumulate funds and goods
  | paraphernalia = Summonable armour and blades, is wealthy having had millenia to accumulate funds and goods
  | strength = 6
  | strength = 9
  | weapon = 7
  | weapon = 7
  | durability = 5
  | durability = 5
  | armor = 5
  | armor = 2
  | speed = 8
  | speed = 8
  | reflexes = 6
  | reflexes = 6
  | resistance = 3
  | resistance = 6
  | stamina = 7
  | stamina = 7
  | dexterity = 7
  | dexterity = 7
Line 80: Line 82:
  | combat = 10
  | combat = 10
  | regen = 5
  | regen = 5
  | energy = 2
  | energy = 7
  | psionics = 1
  | psionics = 1
  | telepathy = 2
  | telepathy = 2
  | willpower = 7
  | willpower = 8
  | sorcery = 2
  | sorcery = 8
  | tech = 4
  | tech = 4
  | intelligence = 6
  | intelligence = 6
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  | bravery = 6
  | bravery = 6
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #D4A017">About Kahi'''</div>=
(Spoilers Within)
Kahi is a Sphinx, created by [[Seth]] at the dawn of his exile. As a Sphinx she is prone to issue riddles to those who wish things from her, or even see her true form. Sphinx's are guardians and gate keepers to great power and knowledge, however she is the last of her kind. All those she would call like herself, have fallen into an endless sleep of stone and cold.
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">[[File:KahiSphinx1.png|650px|thumb|center|]]</div>
A Sphinx is an immortal being, they remain so until their great secret is told. Until that secret is known and understood by another, they will always be reborn when killed. Kahi can die, but she always comes back from the afterlife no matter the nature of her death.
'''Kahi's ability to shift her form'''
She has many abilities including that of altering her form. She was in truth born as she is now without form, as such any form she takes is copied from things in the world. As any know, a Sphinx is an amalgam of different animals. The head of a man, body of a lion and wings of an eagle. Her ability to alter her form is not restricted to ideas of continuity, she can be anything she wishes to be.
Each form has slightly different abilities. Her preferred being lighter, faster and more agile. Able to dodge easily and attack quickly and accurately. Using superior strength in certain forms Kahi is able to overpower many she comes across. With superior defenses, Kahi is able to take a great deal of punishment in some of her shapes. In her Anubite forms among others, Kahi gains the time needed to make more use of her ability to control certain energies. Using it to absorb incoming attacks.
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">[[File:KahiAwake4.png|650px|thumb|center|]]</div>
Kahi is able to take on virtually any shape she wants. Taking aspects of things already in the world. She is able to have multiple aspects in one single form, using the example of her first and perhaps best known form in popular culture; that of the Sphinx. As stated, it is a mixture of different animals. Another example is a certain humanoid form; Kahi still has a soft spot for that form, it is a human shape, and therefore mostly human; though it has aspects of canine and feline characteristics.
Kahi is also able to copy and form inorganic materials, usually incorporated into an organic form. For instance, though not a usual thing; Kahi can armour herself. One form in particular is one of an Nubian armoured from head to claw in metal. Not simply clad, but become. In that form her skin is metal, forming a formidable exoskeleton of armour. With eyes of shining metal and an almost impenetrable hide, Kahi has found this form rather useful in certain situations. This does, however make her substantially heavier, making her less agile in general. She 'prefers' being fast.
'''Form shifting, living "mood-stone"'''
Sometimes, it proves too much for many that get to know of her ability to change herself completely. She has been described as a living "mood-stone". Her emotions, should they be felt keenly enough alter her form. Whether she wants them to or not. For example, should she feel afraid, her fear will materialise itself into a darkened, imposing form to burn her own fear into the souls of her enemies. Her anger, Wrath shines brightly in some uncompromising golden form; edged with vicious claws and almost insect like features.
'''In Battle'''
As stated, much of Kahi's ability to fight stems from her ability to alter her shape. She can become more agile, stronger and give herself increased endurance this way. You will hardly ever see her fighting in a humanoid shape, simply because in such a form; she only has the abilities a human would. Reasonable strength for her size, but still only that of a human.
However, she does have the strength of her 'Ka' and 'Ba'. She has what I can only describe as a very high spirit pressure. This can be seen when she utilizes her 'inner strength' as a strong glowing aura around her upper torso. This improves all of her abilities. From the strength of her 'Ka' and more often than not, her 'Ba'. 'Ba' is another way of saying 'soul of the heart'. It is an energy of feeling and unlike 'Ka' or, 'soul of the mind' it is someones personality; a person's feelings.
From her energies, her 'Ka' and 'Ba'; Kahi's aura of energy does change depending upon her feelings at the time. Also, the shape she takes also can have an effect on this energy. She can use this energy in defence and attack; to nullify energy attacks made against her upon contact and to energies her own strikes with whatever intent, be it force of lethality. She can also use this soul energy to make herself faster-- a lot faster.
Kahi is capable of moving over four hundred meters per second from standing, accelerating in almost no time at all to cover the ground. This way, she can cover distances up to and including one hundred meters in under a quarter of a second; this means to a normal human being she appears to simply blur and appear where she desires. You wouldn't be able to see her move.
That aside, Kahi sights with martial prowess. Forming from energy and using effectively two large [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khopesh<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Khopesh''' </span>], vicious curved blades of her home. She has had millennia to practice her martial art, a love of dance and her innate abilities make her formidable in close range; even to a master.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #D4A017">Kahi's Game'''</div>=
As a Sphinx Kahi comes with riddles of her own. Forced to ask one simple question when any see her true form. The form of the Sphinx.
"Tell me, what is it that you wish for?"
Should a person reply, even in ignorance, they will have entered into Kahi's game. It is then the mythology of the Sphinx begins to show as the player will be given a riddle. Then they play for whatever the player wished for... and whatever suitable, and equal, loss is made against it. Then the player has twenty four hours to answer Kahi's riddle without help or interference, and they ''must answer''.
If the player wins, they get their wish; if it is possible for Kahi to grant. Should the player lose, by getting the riddle wrong, they lose whatever it is they wagered against the wish. Kahi will take whatever it was from them and there is very little in this world that could stop her. It is an oath, you see. Binding and complex there are very few ways out of Kahi's game. Death being the most popular choice, and for some the only way out at all.
What is taken depends on the wish. Wish for immortality and lose, why then you lose your life. If you are blind and wish to see, then you may just find yourself in more than the dark but the silence as well. Wish for wealth above all things, then you will become Midas... not many see the curse there until too late. Wish for strength, well, I believe you  begin to see the picture.
Her game holds power even over Gods and Demons, who enter into it thinking their own power can stop it, before finding that her game runs far too close to universal law.
Kahi, however does not like playing her game with anyone. She has lost more friends to it than she cares to remember. Even though she tries, she cannot forget them nor their face and their names. What they wished for and why just as clear today as it was on the day the game was played. It is not just the losers of the game that are cursed.
'''The Greatest Secret of All'''
For someone to ask her of her great secret, they must answer her riddle. Playing their life and exisantance against the power gained from that wisdom. Once entered into, this contract cannot be voided. Some beings may already know of what she holds from the world; [[Seth]] certainly does. When her secret is told, Kahi will cease; she will turn to stone just like the other Sphinx's you can see today.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #D4A017">Kahi's History'''</div>=
Kahi has a long and varied history; spanning millennia and many places in this world and others.
Kahi, like many others, started her life with little to mark her out above the rest of those living in her home. Born to parents living within the bounds of their ancient civilisation; she was born in the third year of the rule of Selk the second. She was born human.
If you were to ask her how old she is, Kahi would simply smile. Her answer would depend upon her mood, as even she herself doesn’t know exactly. Living for so long, you simply stop counting years and to work it out now exactly would be impossible. She is however easily five thousand years old.
At the beginning of her life, circumstances thrust her into the realms of those monadic beings her people worshipped; to be beheld by the eyes of Ra.
With a whispered word, her human life ended with her still in her youth and she became immortal; her existence and purpose linked to a great secret she must forever guard. It took her a long time to come to terms with her new role, a long time before she mastered her abilities—which we will not get into now.
All I will say is that she has had more than enough time to master her own body; martial arts and skills that take a life time to perfect. When you have several of them, it becomes easy to be good at many things. This is helped by her natural grace and other more super-natural abilities.
Today in our modern age, Kahi lives her life out in duality. Living without much of a care or need of money or resources, she owns a prominent apartment in Downtown Millennium City and seems to need for nothing. At least, nothing so material.
With her poignant golden eyes, she watches the world carefully. Committed to keeping the world she loves safe; and even more so the people she loves protected. She is prepared to use her abilities, all of them, to help this world and protect the innocent; though she considers herself foolish for it, she always holds onto hope.
More often than not though, she will meddle without moving obviously to try and turn events to what she believes will serve the greater good.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #D4A017">Friends and Opinions of Kahi'''</div>=
Kahi has made many friends over the long years of her life; most of which now are long gone and forgotten by all but her. Today, she enjoys the company of many that live in this modern age, a few perhaps like her in some respects and yet more that contrast with her.
She isn’t picky about who she speaks to, yet she is careful with who she takes closer to her heart. After millennia of loss, she can be fragile beneath it all yet she always tries to help her friends. She always has hope; despite her feelings on it sometimes.
She is an immortal, trying her best to live in the moment to escape the weight of memory; despite all her gifts, despite her abilities and years she is still so very human.
The following are recorded interviews conducted by an UNTIL operative when the organisation tried to gather some information on the woman known as Kahi.
<div style="border: 0px solid rgb(4, 8, 7); height: 400px; overflow: auto;">
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Seth</div>==
“What do you really think of Kahi these days?”
Seth sits quiet next to Itennu at that, his face unusually still as he looks out across the water. He can feel his aide’s gaze on him and he wonders how to reply. How could such a question ever be answered?
“Of which Kahi do you speak?” Seth asks at last, laying back on the cool grass to stare up into the blue, cloud filled sky.
“Which Kahi?” Itennu snorts, “Why your daughter Kahi of course.”
“If it is my daughter you ask of, why then she is the perfect figure of beauty. Someone I loved and protected from the moment I first held her form in my arms. Someone whose own grace and abilities show with each action she takes. I am proud of her, and to see her warms my heart,” Seth breaks off then to laugh quietly, “Even if I do sometimes wonder where the errant three year old went.”
“As do I sometimes,” Itennu admits, laying down next to his lord. His smile was quickly replaced by a frown though and he leans up to peer over Seth, his eyes narrowing, “What do you mean ‘which Kahi’?”
“There is the Kahi my daughter, then there is Kahi the Sphinx, Kahi the fighter, Kahi the mother and…” Seth trails off, unwilling to answer and his eyes close, blocking out the suddenly worried face of Itennu.
“Seth,” Itennu murmurs, leaning a little closer and when he gains no response he prods the great man in the chest, “Seth, and what. You can’t evade me on this.”
“Who taught you to be so disrespectful?” Seth gripes, opening his eyes only to glare up at the man.
“You did, now start talking.” Itennu grins, though it fades as Seth speaks.
“And then there is Kahi the critic,” Seth whispers, and his eyes close again even as he continues speaking, “I love my daughter and I always seek to do the right thing. She guided me on this, gave me a reason to do so. Yet… almost always I see censure in her eyes, as if I should do more. As if so much is my fault. When it is not there I fear its reappearance. I fear that one day her love for me will turn to disdain, that I will fail her for the last time… somehow.”
“You know that could never happen,” Itennu whispers from just above him.
“I still fear it.”
Itennu smiles down at the stricken visage of his lord, he had never expected the man to be so silly. Yet here it was.
“I know it could never happen,” Itennu says firmly, grinning still, “She loves you as deeply as you love her. If she censures it is because of just how high esteem she holds you in. The man she sees is not the man you see in yourself.”
Deep, blood red eyes open to stare up at Itennu in a mix of disbelief and more than just a little hope.
“You are Seth, the one she could barely stop talking about in the temple as she grew. You spoilt her through her entire existence and in all these millennia what you could give her you did. She knows this and sees it quite clearly, her love for you is as great as yours for her,” Itennu continues, “Though perhaps the comments from those we love hit deeper than any others. You have been known to linger on such things.”
“I am an old fool,” Seth sighs.
“Too right my lord,” Itennu nods before planting a gentle kiss on Seth’s cheek, “Too right.”
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Frank Destrega, owner of the Coffee House 7 in Down-town Millennium City</div>==
"March, or maybe April; that was when she first started coming into my place. Always early morning, just as the sun was hitting the sky. I remember-- she always looked perfect like-- Like, the morning was her time. Like she owned the world and it had to follow her rather than the drag the rest of us have to pull ourselves through.
She'd sit next to the window, just her; she never had anyone with her though this meant-- I mean, I don't have a big place, just a small cafe. So people 'ad come up and speak to her-- only occasionally I mean. This woman had a confidence about her that would make anyone think twice about their chances, despite the-- well, I don't mean to judge a book by its cover but she was beautiful. Rich tanned skin, perfect black hair. She'd have golden highlights in it sometimes; just brought out her eyes.
Yeah-- The eyes. That's probably the thing I remember about her most were her eyes. She'd just look at you and smile and-- ya just can't look away. Like she'd catch you sneaking something too precious to take and you were just... Stuck, staring at her. A shimmering gold you can't believe, almost like she had the metal in 'em.</p>
I'd watch 'er as she sat lookin out of the window. She'd just sit there, drinking her coffee. Black, one sugar... Watching the world go by. I thought about talking to her more than once but I-- just never got up the courage. Always regret I didn't ask her name...She doesn't come around here no more."
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Methari, The Dream Demon and Kahi's adopted Sister</div>==
Methari's stance is slightly guarded;
"So let me get this straight, you want me to tell you...about Kahi? How I feel about her? Mmmhmm...next you'll be telling me I have to register...right..yeah not happening. So about Kahi..."
The demon crosses her arms and taps her chin in thought.
"I met my sister through other people, as one tends to do. I mean, I was meaning lots of people that day...mom was showing me around and introducing me to her friends. Seth and Kahi stuck out in the crowd. I'll get to more on the old man in a minute, as you asked about her. I'm old...and have seen power. Kahi radiated a presence. It was one that almost demanded your attention, as if to dare you to look away from her. Then she smiled. She was talking to Blondie, and he had said something witty to make her smile. Her expression conveyed an emotion that just flowed into the room, almost as if it were infectious. When she smiles, the world seems right. It's one of those...y'know?"
Looks at the agent;
"Hey hey! I said sister, I'm not infatuated....yeesh. It's not a "love at first sight" kind of thing. It's more like I said, "I dare you to look away and not smile too." kind of thing. As for her personality, she is like me...and Seth. We are long lived, and sometimes it shows, but she is patient....fair, kind...and whooo-boy do NOT get on her bad side."
"She and I have had our differences." Methari fidgets a bit, "I have upset her on more than one occasion. She, like mom and dad...has been able to look past what my outer appearance says about me. Despite all of the times I've upset her, she's always been kind to me. Patient. Her beauty on the outside is reflected in the soul inside. But why are you asking me about her? Go see for yourself. Her heart has room for those that would not do it harm, and her rage has no end for those that would. She is beauty and class, and a bit of sass all rolled into one very neat package."
Methari whispers to the agent, "And she's a hell of a dresser...I'm SOOO jelly."
The demon leans back "As for my feelings? I've grown to love her as a dear sister. There are things that one day I hope we can share. Responsibilities we can handle together. But I'm there for her. I'll be there if she needs her hair brushed. I'll be by her side if she needs a shoulder to cry on. Then I'll have her back when she needs to bury the body. Kahi is within the circle that I trust with my existence, my heart, my soul...and all that is me."
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Cache, Lea. Kahi's adopted Daughter</div>==
“Well... I don't know if I can top the demon... She cheats.”
The young woman crosses her arms, her targeted technological eyes scan.
“But she is right. Ever so graceful; beautiful, weak and strong, and she loves me. I love her as well...”
Cache raises a hand to adjust her hair.
“I.. I.. yes me.. even was inspired by her to write a poem... it’s not good. but I made it.. because of her. I know technically shes supposed to be a sister; especially if you try to draw out the tree... but my birth mother died, long before I had the ability to remember her face.” Pauses, as if her words had a great deal of meaning behind them.
“So as far as I am concerned… Kahi is-- and always will be; mum.”
She smiles faintly, watching the UNTIL operative as they watch her unique eyes.
“My eyes are soulless, but hers are so golden, that when I look into them… I forget they are. Even if her appearance changes; she always remains.. Kahi.” Smirks then,
“But with great beauty and grace comes great slice-ability… Be wary, very wary...”
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Dominick, Kahi's adopted Brother</div>==
"Well... what, do you expect me to say something bad of her?" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head in a signature fashion.
"Kahi is what you call a full package. Err... well... not like that of course! I mean... well... she is absurdly beautiful to a high level, there is no doubt about it. But she's also so powerful. It truly... amazes me to witness at how dynamic she's grown over the last few years I've known her," he smiles in thought, as if pondering about his dear friend.
"She is my sister... or, well... like a sister to me, if you know what I mean. We've been through so much together; a lot of bad, a lot of good. She means so much to me, I don't know what I'd do if anything was to happen to her."
He tilts his head at the UNTIL officer interviewing him, raising an eyebrow as a thought occurs to him. "I actually haven't seen her in a while, it feels. I just hope she's doing okay."
"When you're within her presence, you just know everything will be alright... hehe, as silly as it sounds coming from me, it's the truth." A small blush formed onto his cheeks as he continued, though he quickly shakes his head to brush off the flush "But yeah! Don't ever get her angry though. Its official from me; believe what I say, because what I say is all true. Kahi can be the nicest and yet deadliest being on the planet depending on her mood, and I plan to continue doing anything it takes to stay on her bright side."
Dominick shifts his footing to a more comfortable stance, speaking with pure warmth behind his tone of voice. "She is the reason I stay motivated... to become stronger with my abilities and potential. I want to compete at her level, show her how much I've changed as an individual because of what she taught me. If I hadn't ever met Kahi when I did, my life would not be where its at right now. I can only feel so grateful at the position where I stand; I've reached so many altitudes I never even dreamed of reaching! Haha!"
"Because of her, I now serve Seth as his Avatar, his son. I wouldn't change my past for the world, I've loved every minute of it. But now? I must continue to make her proud, show her why I am her brother..."
Dominick glanced up to the sky, his expression pausing in a daze. "She will always hold a special place in my heart, as I hope the same for her. She's one of the best people I've ever met."
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">[[Mercy Madison]], a good friend</div>==
She had been leaning her back against the lamp post, with a pair of ear-buds in her ears connected to her HTC mobile phone. The amplifying tunes caused her to be absorbed in her own world, as she slowly closed her eyes and bobbed her head in a relaxing rhythm. That was until she felt a brief tap on her shoulder from behind.
She opened her eyes to an UNTIL commander, with a clipboard in her hands.
"...What do I think of her?" The large framed woman had been asked by the officer during their dialogue about the golden charm. "...Tch, she's the real deal. No question."
"I've known her long enough to state that. She's earned my respect from day one to keep it honest with ya'. Her personality is always so... damn bright that you cant resist feeling the same way when she's around. It sometimes makes me sick, 'cause when I'm angry, I WANT to be angry." She managed a short humorous chuckle.
"Naah, but honestly though? Kahi is one of the most inspiring beings I eva' met, believe it or not. Call me a crazy-ass if you wanna, but its all a buck. You aint eva' gonna hear me say this again in public, but I get jealous of her to a small degree. It aint nothin too serious, cause that's my girl. I just envy... her natural beauty... her facility for greatness..." She said, lifting her gaze to the sky, her face calm.
"Don't take her for granted just because she comes across as one of the nicest chicks. Hell no, take advice from me... advice from one who provoked her in the past. I had to be taught a nice paaainful lesson, heh, I'll neva' forget it. I'm grateful for it though."
"I'm glad she was patient enough to deal with my shit, and embrace me as the woman I am today. Every time I displayed my bitchy persona toward her, she did nothing but smile and try to shrug off my hostility. But like I said, she can only hold in so much."
"I look up to her--" She blinks, realizing what she just worded, but then waved dismissively followed by an eye-roll, "Yeah yeah you heard what I said. I may be seven feet, but... I feel like I look up to her. She has a crazy influence on me I can't explain, for-real. Whenever I have problems, I always reach out to her for help."
"Its strange... but... humph, whatever. I'm here for Kahi as much as she's there for me. I dig her all the way!"
An amusing smirk wore over Mercy's lips, folding her arms under her bust. "But its funny how she always calls herself ''perfect''."
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #D4A017">Tropes'''</div>=
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">General</div>==
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheFashionista <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''The Fashionista''' </span>] - Kahi is always impeccably dressed, always.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OlderThanTheyLook <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Older Than they Look''' </span>] - She really is. Believe me.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TimeAbyss <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">'''TimeAbyss'''</span>] - See above.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SupernaturalGoldEyes <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Supernatural Gold Eyes''' </span>] - She would be the archetype for this trope, if she allowed them to know about her.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WalkingTheEarth <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Walking the Earth''' </span>] - Perhaps her only day job.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AloofDarkHairedGirl <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Aloof Dark Haired Girl''' </span>] - Indeed.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Fighting</div>==
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoIAmBehindYou <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''No I am Behind you''' </span>] - Kahi really is remarkably fast. Besides it is such a stylish maneuver.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpeedBlitz <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Speed Blitz''' </span>] - I did mention she was fast right?
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MasterSwordsman <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Master Swordsman''' </span>] - Or in this case, swordswoman.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LadyOfWar <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Lady of war''' </span>] - She would be the trope creator if she was more in the public eye.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Morality</div>==
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticGood <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Chaotic Good''' </span>] - Acting from her heart, always to protect those in it.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Miscellaneous</div>==
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MamaBear <span style="Color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Mama Bear''' </span>] - You have been warned.
<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">[[file:GoodbyeCoptic.png]]</div>

Latest revision as of 21:41, 12 May 2020


With potent, flowery words speak I,
Of something common, vulgar, dry;
I weave webs of pedantic prose,
In effort to befuddle those,
Who think I wile time away,
In lofty things, above all day
The common kind that linger where
Monadic beings live and fare;
Practical I may not be,
But life, it seems, is full of me!

Player: @Ouroboros1988
"Be careful what you wish for."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kahi Setiren
Known Aliases: Goldie, Sphinx, The Great Sphinx
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Mostly)
Ethnicity: Egyptian, Ancient World
Place of Birth: Khemet
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Seth
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'4 when human
Weight: 90Kg
Eyes: Golden (Mostly)
Hair: Pitch
Complexion: Tanned, dark
Physical Build: Toned, fit yet curvy
Physical Features: Never seen without the dark marking around her eyes
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Identity: Kahi is always her true self, yet perhaps her true identity is known by very few
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Currently a citizen of the United States
Occupation: Wanderer
Education: Long and varried, she never stops studdying
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Mastery of almost all terrestrial martial arts, form changing, increased strength durability and speed when in other forms, able to use her 'Ka' and 'Ba' to increase her abilities-- akin to Chi, able to summon blades from mere energy whenever she wants, increased healing especially when in other forms, able to armour herself for increased durability at will
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Summonable armour and blades, is wealthy having had millenia to accumulate funds and goods
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada