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The '''Lotuscraft Crew''' is a group of people that rogue Tennen '''Deka Price''' amassed during his travels to stop the '''Sentinels''' from overtaking the humans on '''Earth'''. The crew currently operates intergalactically and takes on several contracts across space in an attempt to obtain the resources for Deka to return to his version of Earth in the '''Origin System'''.
'''The Lotuscraft Crew''' is a team of space mercenaries under the command of Rogue Valian '''Dekani "Deka" Price'''. The primary function of the crew was to assist Deka in completing contracts across the Star System of the past, in order to obtain the adequate resources to defeat '''The Severens''' and to return to Deka's present. After succeeding in developing technology to return to the present, Deka decided to make routine visits to the past and fight off the Severens.
'''Outrider Galactic Justice Corporation''': The OGJC is a corporation responsible for galactic affairs, who became involved upon the Severen skirmish. The OGJC is largely unknown to the occupants of Earth and operates in the '''Star System''', a near identical replica of the '''Solar System'''. The OGJC is essentially Deka's main go-to source for missions in the Star System of the past.
'''Taurus Council''': The Taurus Council were the progenitors to '''The Toron Empire'''. A select group of officials who represented a developing nation on '''Lua''', Deka Price along with his crew attempted to help them out in developing their nation.
===Enter Captain Deka Price===
'''Quorra Lavine''': Although Deka and his crew were able to return back to the future, Deka was still considered a traitor to the Valians. However, Deka and Quorra struck up a truce and later a collaboration in secret to attempt to stop the Severens of the past, since Deka's crew were the only individuals who could warp back to the past.
In the year 8267, Tennen Deka Price defects from his clan and renounces his Tennen nature, leaving his brethren to pursue the '''Sentinels''' in their journey to the past to eliminate the humans who would one day be the founders of the Tennen mercenaries they are currently at war with.
'''Numerous Syndicates''': Deka has assisted a number of syndicates during his time as a member of the VGA, and upon returning back to his time, he still possesses connections to them.
Price attempts to steal his clan's '''space warp and arms module''', as well as numerous supplies to prepare for his time travel mission, however is discovered by his brethren. The one sided battle against his brothers lead to Price's frame to be destroyed and his life nearly taken until his Lotuscraft AI '''Ordan''' rescues the Tennen. Pursued by his kind, Price and Ordan attempt to escape the Origin System, but is surrounded. As revenge for his betrayal against the Clan, Tennen leader '''Quorra Lavine''' battles Price and defeats him.
Before Lavine can deal the finishing blow, Lavine asks Price what his intentions were. Price reaffirms that he is adamant on saving the humans of the past. Lavine tells Price his plan is foolish and pointless, as there is no empirical evidence that confirms the link of the humans six thousand years ago to the Tennen today. However, Price tells Lavine that whether or not the humans dictate their survival, he will still do everything in his power to protect them, just as their mother, The Lotus, had done for them.
'''Arsanios Licita''': Arsanios, like his Valian brethren, despises Deka Price for betraying his kind. Labelled a criminal for his theft of Clan property, Deka was put a bounty for capture by Clan Officer '''Troyen Xerxes'''.
Lavine warns Price that his feelings and emotions will betray him some day, and that as a Tennen, having his emotions interfere is not the Tennen way. However, Price tells Lavine that he is no longer a Tennen, and attempts to engage Lavine once more, leading to a one sided defeat. Lavine destroys Price's second frame, but Price is able to use the space warp module stolen from the Clan to port Lavine into his Lotuscraft.
However, it is revealed that Arsanios' hatred for Deka is beyond a simple bounty, as the Valian is revealed to be the biological younger brother of Deka: '''Arsani Price'''. Upon discovering his true identity, the Valians were outraged, and Arsanios was brutally assaulted, mocked, and exiled from his kind the same way Deka was. However, due to not being able to escape to the past, Arsanios had to put up with the mockery for being a Price. Unable to team up with fellow Valian to conduct missions, Licita was forced to fight in the Sedna Arenas to sustain a living. Years of fighting in the arena caused Licita's skill to be honed differently than his Valian brethren, focused on assassination and fierce combat over the grace and fluidity of the Valian, Licita eventually became known as '''The Demon of Rathuum'''.
Price and Lavine engage in combat once more, with Price able to use all of his frames in his arsenal, and Lavine only able to use her frame. However, despite the numbers advantage, Price is still defeated, all his frames destroyed, except for '''Umbra'''. Lavine is about to deal the finishing blow on Price, but Umbra suddenly displays sentience, intercepting Lavine, and allowing Price to tackle her to the ground in operator mode.
It is during this time that Arsanios reveals that he resented Deka for having abandoned him during the Void Incident, not hesitating to let Arsanios be adopted into the Licita household, and choosing to betray his kind knowing full well the backlash his younger brother would receive. Upon discovering the blueprints for the time warp module after destroying a Severen ship, Arsanios built and integrated the technology into his Orbiter, vowing to destroy Deka and bringing his head to the Valian, proving his allegiance to his kind.
Recognizing Price's insistence to save the humans, Lavine lets Price go, but warns him that he is no longer welcome back to the Origin System. If he wants to return, he must start over from the bottom. Price tells Lavine that he is willing to make such a sacrifice. Realizing that Lotus had done the same with her own kind to care for the Tennen, Lavine tells her Clan and Tennen brethren to stand down, letting Price pursue the Sentinels. Lavine wishes Price luck, and to not let her down.
'''SHADE''': The Great Valian Killer was sent back to the past by '''Gargantua''' to destroy Deka Price. Seeing the Rogue Valian as a threat to his daughter's operation to annihilate the humans on Earth, SHADE was given the orders of eliminating everyone affiliated with the Valian. SHADE has multiple times been a core threat to Deka and his crew, almost every encounter resulting in at least one crew member critically injured. However, SHADE has repeatedly been unable to take down Price due to an unusual interference effect with one of the crew members: Javlok.
SHADE despises all Valian, but later also begins to despise Shane Mayen after discovering his true identity.
===Recruiting Samuel Mayen===
===Deka - Role: Captain===
The Captain of the Crew, a Valian who defected from his kind to pursue the Severens in their time warp to the past. Dekani "Deka" Price infiltrated his own Clan Dojo, '''The Valian Gladiator Alliance''' and stole large components of the Clan Railjack to fight the Severen forces. Deka was discovered by Clan Leader '''Quorra Lavine''', who destroyed most of Price's Lances as well as a large part of his Lotuscraft.
Upon entering the '''Solar System''', Deka realizes he is too late, and that the Sentinels have already begun their invasion on Earth. Deka uses his clan's Arms module to significantly amplify the military might of his Lotuscraft, instructing Ordan to provide aerial support. Uploading his body into Umbra, the two descend to the Earth and save as many humans as they can.
Price mainly operates from within his Lotuscraft, and interacts with various '''Lances''' for missions using his Void powers. Deka was said to have possessed almost fifteen Lances, but only four remained  operational after his fight against Lavine.
Deka manages to rescue several humans, and to fight off the Sentinels. Price realizes that the Sentinels sent to this timeline is only a limited squad, and deduces that the Sentinels had only sent in a small annihilation squad, as their technology would be far superior to the humans. Capitalizing on the element of surprise, Price destroys a significant portion of the Sentinel forces, with Ordan destroying the Sentinel ship. However, despite this, several humans are captured.
* '''Umbra''': A former Tora, focused on a balance in blades and gunplay. Umbra is Deka's main Lance due to their father-son relationship. Umbra possessed the ability of sentience, allowing the Valian to fight alongside his Lance when in his "operator form".
In an attempt to save more humans, Deka runs into Samuel Mayen, a human who is on the verge of death from a large Sentinel. Deka battles the Sentinel, and discovers it to be none other than his adopted mother, The Lotus. Lotus is bewildered that a Tennen had chosen to pursue her into the time warp, and Deka attempts to convince his mother to return to their side. Lotus refuses, and calls Deka a "blind slave to the void".
* '''Abaddon Supra''': A Lance focused on dark powers and necromancy. The Abaddon Supra Lance is used by Deka to obtain numerous resources to repair the Lotuscraft.
Before Deka can retort, Mayen regains his composure despite his injuries, shocking both Price and Lotus. Mayen demands Lotus and the Sentinels to return his family to him, but the Sentinels leave the atmosphere. Mayen attempts to pursue the Sentinels, but Deka tells the boy that it is too dangerous and that he will figure something out. Price introduces himself to Mayen, who begs the Rogue Tennen to take him and train him to become strong enough to get his family back. Seeing the similarity between Mayen and himself, Deka agrees, and brings Mayen onboard the Lotuscraft to serve as his '''first mate'''.
* '''Ran Supra''': Deka uses Ran in missions that involve protection, due to her ability to control water and defensive traits.
Price travels away from the Solar System, and Ordan reveals that this system is in fact not the past '''Origin System'''. Ordan points to a region in the star chart, a rogue galaxy far away, with planets nearly identical to the system they currently are in, and explains that the system the Sentinels invaded was a twin galaxy. A near replica of the Origin System they knew about. Price asks Ordan if he can run a scan for the Origin System, and Ordan reveals that this past Origin System possesses similar jurisdiction as the ones he had been accustomed to, albeit, with outdated technology and organizations.
* '''Monolith''': A Lance capable of controlling the Earth. Deka's go-to Lance when heavy hitting is a necessity.
Price sets course to the Origin System of the past, and begins taking on numerous contracts to rebuild his arsenal. Deka tells Mayen that if he wishes to become strong enough to contend with the Sentinels and save his family, he needs to learn the proper techniques in taking them down. In other words, Mayen must fight by Deka's side to gain the experience required.
As a Valian, Deka became trained in the art of war by the Severen Queen Lena. Highly skilled like his kind, Price possessed an average aptitude in multiple martial arts, firearms, hacking, parkour, acrobatics, and weaponry. In addition to this, Deka is also capable of the standard Void abilities akin to all Valian, including Void blasts, beams, intangibility, dash, and transference. Price is also capable of modification of his gear to provide additional boosts.
===Price's Past===
===Folock - Role: AI and Mission Support===
Folock is the AI residing in the Lotuscraft. Bound to Price as a friend and his self proclaimed "space butler", Folock serves as Price's main systems, capable of hacking, and providing aerial support. Since merging his essence into the Lotuscraft, the entire ship is his body. Folock received several upgrades from when Deka implanted the Clan Railjack such that Folock was able to provide heavy aerial support against the Severens when the two intercepted their invasion on Earth.
Mayen accompanies Price on his missions in the Origin System, however quickly discovers that he does not possess the ability to contend with Umbra. Numerous missions serving as the dead weight, Mayen becomes frustrated, and is unable to understand why he cannot wield the weapons Price uses. Ordan tells Price that Mayen is a Terran and possesses a biology similar to Deka, but his body is not accustomed to the fast paced combat that Umbra is used to. In other words, Mayen is incompatible with The Way of the Tennen.
* '''Heavy Cannon Support''': Folock initiates a barrage of energy blasts from the Lotuscraft cannons to intercept and take down numerous Severen crafts. This ability is akin to the Railjack implants.
Price devises a training regimen for Mayen, and brings him into the '''Simulacrum''' to hone his body to become athletic and conditioned enough to handle the Tennen way. After a few months, Mayen becomes stronger and faster, as well as more agile, however Ordan notes that despite this, Mayen is still not strong enough to wield any of the weapons in Price's arsenal. Additionally, Mayen's limits as a Terran keep him from being able to keep up with Umbra's speed.
* '''Seeker Missiles''': Missiles capable of tracking and chasing after the target from Deka's Railjack implants.
Upon learning this, Mayen angrily returns to the Lotuscraft and locks himself in his quarters. Price tells Mayen that he needs to keep his centre, and that if he gives up, his family will die. Mayen asks Price if there is any hope, as even Price admits that he alone cannot stop the full force of the Sentinels without his Tennen brethren.
* '''Hack''': Folock uploads himself into the system Deka has targeted, overriding their security and protocols.
* '''Aerial Sentry''': Folock sends in an aerial sentry to assist Deka in combat while on the field.
Price, realizing Mayen's desperation to save his family, opens up about his own life. Mayen learns that Price is a Tennen, and that his many brethren were all orphaned in a fated journey in the void. Their parents and family, turned manic from the effects of the environment, in exchange for granting the children unknown powers. Upon realizing their powers and their destructive threat, the Sentinels attempted to have the children killed, but seeing the children as innocent, one of the Sentinels, the queen, betrayed her kind to become their mother. Training them in the way of the Tennen, Mayen and his brethren became feared warriors in the cosmos. Price tells Mayen that even as a Tennen, he was unusual. As his feelings and emotions never left him, even when he watched his parents die before his very eyes. Price's feelings were seen as weak in the eyes of his brothers and sisters, causing him to often be secluded even among the Tennen. Sensing Price's loneliness, Lotus took a particular liking to him, and explained that Price's humanity is not a weakness. His mother's words became core to who he was.
* '''ICARUS Archwing Deployment''': Folock is able to send in an Archwing to either Price or Javlok, which attaches to their adapters allowing them to fly. However, due to limited supplies, only Price or Javlok can wield the ICARUS at a time.
However, on one fateful encounter, Lotus had awakened her Sentinel side, and seemingly betrayed the Tennen. Having lost his family, Price felt devastated and became recluse. His depression and obsession to save his mother began to spiral out of control until one mission led him to build and recover a unique frame that displayed sentience: '''Umbra'''. On first encounter, Umbra was extremely hostile to the Tennen, and became loose in the Origin System. During a series of chases, Price realized that Umbra was in a similar situation, and that his son had also become victim to the Sentinels, transformed forcefully into a foot soldier. After a long struggle, Price became Umbra's emotional backbone, and forged an alliance to rescue the Lotus and Umbra's son. However, during their encounter, Umbra's son had fully embraced his Sentinel nature, and nearly killed Price.
* '''Landing Craft Deployment''': Folock detaches its Landing Craft segment to deliver either Price or Javlok (or sometimes both) out into the field. The Landing Craft is only able to assist through mobility, and is unable to provide the aerial services the Lotuscraft provides.
Having to choose Price or his son, Umbra ultimately chose Deka, as his son was too far gone. Umbra allows Deka to connect to his frame systems, and to deliver the killing blow on the boy.
* '''Foundry''': The main system in the Lotuscraft that Folock controls to build devices from blueprints supplied by either Deka or Shane. The foundry is later also used to build cybernetics and other assisting devices.
After the events of his son's death, Umbra is given a choice to stay with Deka or continue with his life. Deka tells Umbra that he is not forced to become his frame, and that he is free to choose what to do. Umbra chooses Deka once more, and affirms that although he had lost one family, he had gained another one. Deka tearfully accepted Umbra, and the two formed a father and son bond.
===Umbra - Role: Field Agent/Lance===
Umbra is Deka's main Lance, a former '''Tora''', ancient soldiers who served the Toron during their rule of the Star System. As a Tora, Umbra had exceptional swordsmanship as well as marksmanship skills. However, he was forcefully converted into a Lance against his will, and his strong feelings of resentment and psychological torture forced him to retain his sentience even after being transformed into a Lance. Umbra's psychological torment was lifted upon meeting Deka, and the two became inseparable since then, Umbra serving as Deka's Lance.
Price tells Mayen that he will do everything in his power to help him out. As he is a part of this crew, he will be treated as importantly. Mayen regains his determination and the two continue to train in the Simulacrum.
===Javlok - Role: First Mate + Heavy Firearms/Artillery Support===
Shane "Javlok" Mayen is Deka's First Mate, and is the only known human to be able to wield Valian weaponry due to the cybernetic implants in his body. Javlok initially focused on ranged firearms support, but slowly began to develop a unique ability to amplify his strength and speed. Since then, Javlok has frequently wielded great swords in both hands, and heavy duty firearms.
===Samuel Mayen becomes The Javlok===
* '''Gram Supra''': A great sword used by the Tora back in the day, the blade was focused on heavy attacks, however, in Javlok's case, the Terran is able to swing the blade at superhuman speeds similar to that of a normal sword.
Several months pass, and Mayen continues to become stronger. However, he is still unable to wield the Orakin weapons in Price's arsenal effectively, limiting his movement severely. Price suddenly undergoes a revelation, and asks Ordan if he can develop blueprints to build cybernetic implants for Mayen.
* '''Ais''': A copy of SHADE's signature great sword. The Ais is of Severen nature, and is known for its ominous and demonic features, Severen red glow, and dark aura. Ais possesses more damage potential than Javlok's Gram, but at the cost of being slower and heavier.
The idea gains fruition, as after a few missions to extract the resources, Ordan and Price manage to build a cybernetic implant for Mayen to enhance his physical abilities. With these implants, Mayen's agility and strength drastically improves, to his delight. Price tells Mayen that he may well be the first human in existence to wield such advanced technology.
* '''Harkanon Supra Dual Rifles''': Two heavy artillery weapons that Javlok wields in both hands. The rounds of these bullets were strong enough to pierce through armour, and is Javlok's primary means to provide ranged firearms support. These rifles feature an automatic and anti-aircraft configuration.
* '''Hellfire Dual Machine Pistols''': Smaller machine pistols capable of firing bullets at rapid succession, Javlok uses these weapons as his sidearm.
* '''Toron Arm Sheathe''': Javlok's arm sheathe enables the Terran to access the abilities of Deka's destroyed Lance remains and upload them into his cybernetics. He currently is able to harness the speed of the  '''Tesla''' Lance's remains, as well as the agility of the '''Ash''' Lance remains. The Arm sheathe also provides Javlok with superhuman arm strength, strong enough to punch holes in concrete, as well as a holo-shield.
* '''Toron Face Shield''': A white plated mask with gold trim akin to the Toron style, the face shield masks Javlok's face and provides an advanced HUD to assist in missions. Shane is also able to communicate to Folock through its integration to the AI. The mask also provides additional application window interfaces to detect movements and projectiles, effectively giving Mayen a 360 degree view of the battlefield.
** '''Face Shield 2.0''': After having his eye removed, Shane received an upgrade to his face shield, as the built in HUD of the first version was obsolete. This updated face shield only covers his mouth and nose, and serves as protection from aerosols, as well as a voice changer to conceal identity.
* '''ICARUS Archwing Integration Disc''': Javlok's Toron Cloak also possesses Archwing integration, such that the first mate is able to pilot the glider similar to Price's Lances. In this mode, Mayen is capable of aerial travel at exceptionally high speeds as well as aerial support.
* '''Cybernetic Eye''': An eye replacement from when Yggdrasil devoured Shane's left eye during his second surgery to grow stronger, the cybernetic eye provides Shane with an upgraded HUD, and a powerful combat analysis computer. The eye is capable of assessing his opponents and analyzing their fight patterns, analyzing projectile motions, and sending neural impulses into his body to act accordingly. Shane describes the feeling to be similar to having his body on auto-pilot. The upgraded reflexes allowed Shane to fight three mid-tier Valians simultaneously, but was ultimately inferior to more powerful Valians, such as '''Arsanios Licita'''.
===Thresh - Role: Healer + Occasional Field Support===
Rinne Thresh is the second Valian on the team, and is one of the rare Valians who possess a low aptitude in combat, thus lacking a personal Orbiter, hence occupying Price's. During the Severen-Valian war, Thresh was placed in an adopted family, and thus lacked the adequate control of her Void powers and operating Lances. Despite this, Thresh possessed an aptitude in healing, and became the medical purser of the crew. Later on, Thresh obtained her older brother's Lance after SHADE kills him.
* '''Helos''': A Lance capable of manipulating light. Thresh uses this Lance in cases where she must provide backup to the team. Despite her poor control of Lances, Thresh's skill with Helos is decent as she had spent her childhood watching her brother pilot the Lance.
* '''Healing''': Thresh is able to heal wounds with her Void abilities, which is a unique power unknown even to the Vazarin healing school of the Valian. The only downside to this power is that it is only effective on living tissue, thus is unable to repair modified flesh such as Deka's Lances, or even Umbra.
===Ethereum - Role: Reconnaissance + Light Firearms Support===
Ethereum, or "Ether", became Deka's crew mate after Price realized that no one had the ability to do reconnaissance and spy missions. Ether is a '''magus''', with '''shadow magic''' as his primary magic attribute. Unlike the other members of the Lotuscraft, Ether is almost always away from the ship, as he is constantly doing infiltration missions in enemy territory.
It is revealed that Ether was Deka's first "crew member", even before Javlok. However, his absence from the ship has made him almost unheard of from the rest of the crew.
As an Etreum, Ether is capable of shadow magic. Specializing in binding, control, reconnaissance, and stealth, Ether is capable of extracting intel while also keeping himself elusive from his enemies. Due to his spells lacking in offensive ability, Ether also learned '''gun magic''', with its primary affinity to '''bullet alchemy'''.
'''Shadow Magic'''
* '''Umbral Bind''': Ether summons chains from the shadows created by objects to bind his opponent. The toughness of these chains scale with the amount of darkness in a room. Typically used in conjunction with '''Shadow Moon''' to amplify its durability.
** '''Prominence Umbral Bind''': Under the tutelage of '''Witchcraft''', Ether learned to enhance his umbral bind spell. The binding agent no longer was tied down to a metal, and utilized pure darkness. These dark tendrils are used to not just bind his opponents, but also to grab items. Depending on the usage, this spell can consume more or less mana. If the spell is used offensively, it consumes more mana. If the spell is just used in tendril form, it consumes less mana.
* '''Shadow Moon''': Ether summons an orb capable of absorbing almost all light in an area, giving the illusion of flooding the place in darkness. Shadow Moon acts to reduce the vision of the enemy, while simultaneously strengthening darkness dependent spells.
* '''Stalker Sense''': Ether imbues his eyes with the power of Obsidian, allowing him to detect enemy movements even through walls and obstruction. Use of this spell changes the colour of Ether's irises and sclera, inverting them.
* '''Shadow Walker''': Ether melts his body into the shadows, turning himself intangible while retaining his vision and senses. While in this state, Ether is completely undetected by sensors, and is typically used for spy and stealth missions. The disadvantage of this spell is that while in this state, Ether cannot attack or move objects.
* '''Umbral Copy''': Ether summons a replica of himself, duplicating his body and his gear. This clone possesses only a fraction of Ether's powers, however his firearms still deal the same damage. Ether is able to summon five clones at most.
* '''Abyssal Beasts''': Ether summons abyssal beasts from the Abyssal Realm to aid himself in combat and fight on his behalf. Ether controls these beasts with '''relics'''. Only one relic may be active at a time.
** '''Pack Leader''': Ether summons four abyssal hounds that track and hunt down his opponents.
** '''Serpentine''': Ether summons an abyssal serpent to restrain his opponents if Umbral Bind or its Prominence variant are insufficient.
* '''Emotional Extension - Extract''': A spell that Ether obtained from stealing Witchcraft's grimoire. This spell allowed Ether to access memories and core information on an interrogation subject. However, this spell has no effect on those with mental resistance, as with the case of Witchcraft herself.
'''Gun Magic'''
* '''Black Bullets''': These bullets are made of pure obsidian, and are capable of negating the adaptation properties of Severens. The bullets are also strong enough to destroy demonic entities with a single shot, and are significantly harder than Ether's normal bullets, as they were able to completely shatter Rentrace's sword.
* '''Anti-Magic Bullets''': These bullets are capable of negating the magic of other mages. This spell was obtained during Ether's journeys to the '''Champions Universe''', where Ether had stolen and memorized core spells from '''Witchcraft''''s grimoire.
Ether's spells are mostly for crowd control, transportation, and movement. Due to being mostly an evader, Ether's spells are not combat focused. To counteract this, Ether obtained several firearms to allow for self defence. The bullets and ammunition for these firearms are supplied by his grimoire.
* '''Garrison M55''': The Toron Corpo pistol developed to fire high penetrating rounds that would go through even Scrava armour. The Garrison is a break action firearm specializing in high damage at the cost of a low magazine and fire rate. Ether uses this weapon for fast eliminations, or as a finisher.
* '''FN P90 Custom''': A customized version of the FN P90 submachine gun that Ether uses either as a sidearm or for continuous bullets. The weapon was modified to accept a larger magazine, permitting more continuous firing. Although possessing a higher fire rate and magazine size, the bullets to this gun are not as hard hitting as his Garrison.
* '''X170 Argent BAS''': A break action shotgun developed by the Argent company, this weapon was developed to integrate mana and magic, meaning it is more efficiently optimized for magus to wield. Of all the weapons in Ether's arsenal, the weapon is his more powerful firearm. Ether typically uses this for heavy hitting firepower, but prefers his Garrison due to the weapon being "large and awkward to use".

Latest revision as of 08:54, 1 February 2021

The Lotuscraft Crew is a team of space mercenaries under the command of Rogue Valian Dekani "Deka" Price. The primary function of the crew was to assist Deka in completing contracts across the Star System of the past, in order to obtain the adequate resources to defeat The Severens and to return to Deka's present. After succeeding in developing technology to return to the present, Deka decided to make routine visits to the past and fight off the Severens.


Outrider Galactic Justice Corporation: The OGJC is a corporation responsible for galactic affairs, who became involved upon the Severen skirmish. The OGJC is largely unknown to the occupants of Earth and operates in the Star System, a near identical replica of the Solar System. The OGJC is essentially Deka's main go-to source for missions in the Star System of the past.

Taurus Council: The Taurus Council were the progenitors to The Toron Empire. A select group of officials who represented a developing nation on Lua, Deka Price along with his crew attempted to help them out in developing their nation.

Quorra Lavine: Although Deka and his crew were able to return back to the future, Deka was still considered a traitor to the Valians. However, Deka and Quorra struck up a truce and later a collaboration in secret to attempt to stop the Severens of the past, since Deka's crew were the only individuals who could warp back to the past.

Numerous Syndicates: Deka has assisted a number of syndicates during his time as a member of the VGA, and upon returning back to his time, he still possesses connections to them.


Arsanios Licita: Arsanios, like his Valian brethren, despises Deka Price for betraying his kind. Labelled a criminal for his theft of Clan property, Deka was put a bounty for capture by Clan Officer Troyen Xerxes.

However, it is revealed that Arsanios' hatred for Deka is beyond a simple bounty, as the Valian is revealed to be the biological younger brother of Deka: Arsani Price. Upon discovering his true identity, the Valians were outraged, and Arsanios was brutally assaulted, mocked, and exiled from his kind the same way Deka was. However, due to not being able to escape to the past, Arsanios had to put up with the mockery for being a Price. Unable to team up with fellow Valian to conduct missions, Licita was forced to fight in the Sedna Arenas to sustain a living. Years of fighting in the arena caused Licita's skill to be honed differently than his Valian brethren, focused on assassination and fierce combat over the grace and fluidity of the Valian, Licita eventually became known as The Demon of Rathuum.

It is during this time that Arsanios reveals that he resented Deka for having abandoned him during the Void Incident, not hesitating to let Arsanios be adopted into the Licita household, and choosing to betray his kind knowing full well the backlash his younger brother would receive. Upon discovering the blueprints for the time warp module after destroying a Severen ship, Arsanios built and integrated the technology into his Orbiter, vowing to destroy Deka and bringing his head to the Valian, proving his allegiance to his kind.

SHADE: The Great Valian Killer was sent back to the past by Gargantua to destroy Deka Price. Seeing the Rogue Valian as a threat to his daughter's operation to annihilate the humans on Earth, SHADE was given the orders of eliminating everyone affiliated with the Valian. SHADE has multiple times been a core threat to Deka and his crew, almost every encounter resulting in at least one crew member critically injured. However, SHADE has repeatedly been unable to take down Price due to an unusual interference effect with one of the crew members: Javlok.

SHADE despises all Valian, but later also begins to despise Shane Mayen after discovering his true identity.


Deka - Role: Captain

The Captain of the Crew, a Valian who defected from his kind to pursue the Severens in their time warp to the past. Dekani "Deka" Price infiltrated his own Clan Dojo, The Valian Gladiator Alliance and stole large components of the Clan Railjack to fight the Severen forces. Deka was discovered by Clan Leader Quorra Lavine, who destroyed most of Price's Lances as well as a large part of his Lotuscraft.

Price mainly operates from within his Lotuscraft, and interacts with various Lances for missions using his Void powers. Deka was said to have possessed almost fifteen Lances, but only four remained operational after his fight against Lavine.

  • Umbra: A former Tora, focused on a balance in blades and gunplay. Umbra is Deka's main Lance due to their father-son relationship. Umbra possessed the ability of sentience, allowing the Valian to fight alongside his Lance when in his "operator form".
  • Abaddon Supra: A Lance focused on dark powers and necromancy. The Abaddon Supra Lance is used by Deka to obtain numerous resources to repair the Lotuscraft.
  • Ran Supra: Deka uses Ran in missions that involve protection, due to her ability to control water and defensive traits.
  • Monolith: A Lance capable of controlling the Earth. Deka's go-to Lance when heavy hitting is a necessity.

As a Valian, Deka became trained in the art of war by the Severen Queen Lena. Highly skilled like his kind, Price possessed an average aptitude in multiple martial arts, firearms, hacking, parkour, acrobatics, and weaponry. In addition to this, Deka is also capable of the standard Void abilities akin to all Valian, including Void blasts, beams, intangibility, dash, and transference. Price is also capable of modification of his gear to provide additional boosts.

Folock - Role: AI and Mission Support

Folock is the AI residing in the Lotuscraft. Bound to Price as a friend and his self proclaimed "space butler", Folock serves as Price's main systems, capable of hacking, and providing aerial support. Since merging his essence into the Lotuscraft, the entire ship is his body. Folock received several upgrades from when Deka implanted the Clan Railjack such that Folock was able to provide heavy aerial support against the Severens when the two intercepted their invasion on Earth.

  • Heavy Cannon Support: Folock initiates a barrage of energy blasts from the Lotuscraft cannons to intercept and take down numerous Severen crafts. This ability is akin to the Railjack implants.
  • Seeker Missiles: Missiles capable of tracking and chasing after the target from Deka's Railjack implants.
  • Hack: Folock uploads himself into the system Deka has targeted, overriding their security and protocols.
  • Aerial Sentry: Folock sends in an aerial sentry to assist Deka in combat while on the field.
  • ICARUS Archwing Deployment: Folock is able to send in an Archwing to either Price or Javlok, which attaches to their adapters allowing them to fly. However, due to limited supplies, only Price or Javlok can wield the ICARUS at a time.
  • Landing Craft Deployment: Folock detaches its Landing Craft segment to deliver either Price or Javlok (or sometimes both) out into the field. The Landing Craft is only able to assist through mobility, and is unable to provide the aerial services the Lotuscraft provides.
  • Foundry: The main system in the Lotuscraft that Folock controls to build devices from blueprints supplied by either Deka or Shane. The foundry is later also used to build cybernetics and other assisting devices.

Umbra - Role: Field Agent/Lance

Umbra is Deka's main Lance, a former Tora, ancient soldiers who served the Toron during their rule of the Star System. As a Tora, Umbra had exceptional swordsmanship as well as marksmanship skills. However, he was forcefully converted into a Lance against his will, and his strong feelings of resentment and psychological torture forced him to retain his sentience even after being transformed into a Lance. Umbra's psychological torment was lifted upon meeting Deka, and the two became inseparable since then, Umbra serving as Deka's Lance.

Javlok - Role: First Mate + Heavy Firearms/Artillery Support

Shane "Javlok" Mayen is Deka's First Mate, and is the only known human to be able to wield Valian weaponry due to the cybernetic implants in his body. Javlok initially focused on ranged firearms support, but slowly began to develop a unique ability to amplify his strength and speed. Since then, Javlok has frequently wielded great swords in both hands, and heavy duty firearms.


  • Gram Supra: A great sword used by the Tora back in the day, the blade was focused on heavy attacks, however, in Javlok's case, the Terran is able to swing the blade at superhuman speeds similar to that of a normal sword.
  • Ais: A copy of SHADE's signature great sword. The Ais is of Severen nature, and is known for its ominous and demonic features, Severen red glow, and dark aura. Ais possesses more damage potential than Javlok's Gram, but at the cost of being slower and heavier.


  • Harkanon Supra Dual Rifles: Two heavy artillery weapons that Javlok wields in both hands. The rounds of these bullets were strong enough to pierce through armour, and is Javlok's primary means to provide ranged firearms support. These rifles feature an automatic and anti-aircraft configuration.
  • Hellfire Dual Machine Pistols: Smaller machine pistols capable of firing bullets at rapid succession, Javlok uses these weapons as his sidearm.


  • Toron Arm Sheathe: Javlok's arm sheathe enables the Terran to access the abilities of Deka's destroyed Lance remains and upload them into his cybernetics. He currently is able to harness the speed of the Tesla Lance's remains, as well as the agility of the Ash Lance remains. The Arm sheathe also provides Javlok with superhuman arm strength, strong enough to punch holes in concrete, as well as a holo-shield.
  • Toron Face Shield: A white plated mask with gold trim akin to the Toron style, the face shield masks Javlok's face and provides an advanced HUD to assist in missions. Shane is also able to communicate to Folock through its integration to the AI. The mask also provides additional application window interfaces to detect movements and projectiles, effectively giving Mayen a 360 degree view of the battlefield.
    • Face Shield 2.0: After having his eye removed, Shane received an upgrade to his face shield, as the built in HUD of the first version was obsolete. This updated face shield only covers his mouth and nose, and serves as protection from aerosols, as well as a voice changer to conceal identity.
  • ICARUS Archwing Integration Disc: Javlok's Toron Cloak also possesses Archwing integration, such that the first mate is able to pilot the glider similar to Price's Lances. In this mode, Mayen is capable of aerial travel at exceptionally high speeds as well as aerial support.
  • Cybernetic Eye: An eye replacement from when Yggdrasil devoured Shane's left eye during his second surgery to grow stronger, the cybernetic eye provides Shane with an upgraded HUD, and a powerful combat analysis computer. The eye is capable of assessing his opponents and analyzing their fight patterns, analyzing projectile motions, and sending neural impulses into his body to act accordingly. Shane describes the feeling to be similar to having his body on auto-pilot. The upgraded reflexes allowed Shane to fight three mid-tier Valians simultaneously, but was ultimately inferior to more powerful Valians, such as Arsanios Licita.

Thresh - Role: Healer + Occasional Field Support

Rinne Thresh is the second Valian on the team, and is one of the rare Valians who possess a low aptitude in combat, thus lacking a personal Orbiter, hence occupying Price's. During the Severen-Valian war, Thresh was placed in an adopted family, and thus lacked the adequate control of her Void powers and operating Lances. Despite this, Thresh possessed an aptitude in healing, and became the medical purser of the crew. Later on, Thresh obtained her older brother's Lance after SHADE kills him.

  • Helos: A Lance capable of manipulating light. Thresh uses this Lance in cases where she must provide backup to the team. Despite her poor control of Lances, Thresh's skill with Helos is decent as she had spent her childhood watching her brother pilot the Lance.
  • Healing: Thresh is able to heal wounds with her Void abilities, which is a unique power unknown even to the Vazarin healing school of the Valian. The only downside to this power is that it is only effective on living tissue, thus is unable to repair modified flesh such as Deka's Lances, or even Umbra.

Ethereum - Role: Reconnaissance + Light Firearms Support

Ethereum, or "Ether", became Deka's crew mate after Price realized that no one had the ability to do reconnaissance and spy missions. Ether is a magus, with shadow magic as his primary magic attribute. Unlike the other members of the Lotuscraft, Ether is almost always away from the ship, as he is constantly doing infiltration missions in enemy territory.

It is revealed that Ether was Deka's first "crew member", even before Javlok. However, his absence from the ship has made him almost unheard of from the rest of the crew.


As an Etreum, Ether is capable of shadow magic. Specializing in binding, control, reconnaissance, and stealth, Ether is capable of extracting intel while also keeping himself elusive from his enemies. Due to his spells lacking in offensive ability, Ether also learned gun magic, with its primary affinity to bullet alchemy.

Shadow Magic

  • Umbral Bind: Ether summons chains from the shadows created by objects to bind his opponent. The toughness of these chains scale with the amount of darkness in a room. Typically used in conjunction with Shadow Moon to amplify its durability.
    • Prominence Umbral Bind: Under the tutelage of Witchcraft, Ether learned to enhance his umbral bind spell. The binding agent no longer was tied down to a metal, and utilized pure darkness. These dark tendrils are used to not just bind his opponents, but also to grab items. Depending on the usage, this spell can consume more or less mana. If the spell is used offensively, it consumes more mana. If the spell is just used in tendril form, it consumes less mana.
  • Shadow Moon: Ether summons an orb capable of absorbing almost all light in an area, giving the illusion of flooding the place in darkness. Shadow Moon acts to reduce the vision of the enemy, while simultaneously strengthening darkness dependent spells.
  • Stalker Sense: Ether imbues his eyes with the power of Obsidian, allowing him to detect enemy movements even through walls and obstruction. Use of this spell changes the colour of Ether's irises and sclera, inverting them.
  • Shadow Walker: Ether melts his body into the shadows, turning himself intangible while retaining his vision and senses. While in this state, Ether is completely undetected by sensors, and is typically used for spy and stealth missions. The disadvantage of this spell is that while in this state, Ether cannot attack or move objects.
  • Umbral Copy: Ether summons a replica of himself, duplicating his body and his gear. This clone possesses only a fraction of Ether's powers, however his firearms still deal the same damage. Ether is able to summon five clones at most.
  • Abyssal Beasts: Ether summons abyssal beasts from the Abyssal Realm to aid himself in combat and fight on his behalf. Ether controls these beasts with relics. Only one relic may be active at a time.
    • Pack Leader: Ether summons four abyssal hounds that track and hunt down his opponents.
    • Serpentine: Ether summons an abyssal serpent to restrain his opponents if Umbral Bind or its Prominence variant are insufficient.
  • Emotional Extension - Extract: A spell that Ether obtained from stealing Witchcraft's grimoire. This spell allowed Ether to access memories and core information on an interrogation subject. However, this spell has no effect on those with mental resistance, as with the case of Witchcraft herself.

Gun Magic

  • Black Bullets: These bullets are made of pure obsidian, and are capable of negating the adaptation properties of Severens. The bullets are also strong enough to destroy demonic entities with a single shot, and are significantly harder than Ether's normal bullets, as they were able to completely shatter Rentrace's sword.
  • Anti-Magic Bullets: These bullets are capable of negating the magic of other mages. This spell was obtained during Ether's journeys to the Champions Universe, where Ether had stolen and memorized core spells from Witchcraft's grimoire.


Ether's spells are mostly for crowd control, transportation, and movement. Due to being mostly an evader, Ether's spells are not combat focused. To counteract this, Ether obtained several firearms to allow for self defence. The bullets and ammunition for these firearms are supplied by his grimoire.

  • Garrison M55: The Toron Corpo pistol developed to fire high penetrating rounds that would go through even Scrava armour. The Garrison is a break action firearm specializing in high damage at the cost of a low magazine and fire rate. Ether uses this weapon for fast eliminations, or as a finisher.
  • FN P90 Custom: A customized version of the FN P90 submachine gun that Ether uses either as a sidearm or for continuous bullets. The weapon was modified to accept a larger magazine, permitting more continuous firing. Although possessing a higher fire rate and magazine size, the bullets to this gun are not as hard hitting as his Garrison.
  • X170 Argent BAS: A break action shotgun developed by the Argent company, this weapon was developed to integrate mana and magic, meaning it is more efficiently optimized for magus to wield. Of all the weapons in Ether's arsenal, the weapon is his more powerful firearm. Ether typically uses this for heavy hitting firepower, but prefers his Garrison due to the weapon being "large and awkward to use".