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During the timespan of Guardian Merrow's escape from Mogul, she teamed up with the remnants of Decen to take down the Prime Aspect, but was unsuccessful, leading to the slaughter of all of Decen's remnants but one, who was sent to another universe to grow up as <b>Jonathan "The Black Jason" Crypt</b>, who became soul bound to familiar <b>Connor "The Sentry" Shel</b>.
During the timespan of Guardian Merrow's escape from Mogul, she teamed up with the remnants of Decen to take down the Prime Aspect, but was unsuccessful, leading to the slaughter of all of Decen's remnants but one, who was sent to another universe to grow up as <b>Jonathan "The Black Jason" Crypt</b>, who became soul bound to familiar <b>Connor "The Sentry" Shel</b>.
==General Overview==
A remnant of Decen was born from the Paladin's consciousness. Each remnant represented an aspect of Decen pertaining to his quality, and when the remnants all came together, they completed Decen's personality as a whole.
Each remnant of a typical Paladin would usually possess the Paladin's power at a fraction, and when banded together as one, would be equivalent to the original Paladin's power.  However, because during the time Decen had summoned the power of the Paladins, he had absorbed numerous meta humans.  Thus, each Decen remnant possessed an additional "special" ability in addition to a fraction of the Paladin's power.
Most of Decen's remnants were similar in appearance and personality to Decen, but there have been some exceptions, like The Black Jason, who had noticeably more muscle mass than the average remnant, as commented by Guardian Merrow.
==Default Powers==
Each remnant of Decen possessed an inherent small scale healing factor, but due to being fractionalized, this healing factor was reduced down to the immune system level. This keeps remnants healthy, and immune to many diseases.  When Remnant John Crypt was infected by the Corruption, his "Remnant Nature" as he described it, kept him immune to the effects of the Corruption, essentially battling the Corruption from within his body.  However, the effort damaged his internal organs.
Another common quality of a remnant is their superhuman strength and durability.  However, being fractionalized, this level was significantly less than Decen's strength and durability.  For some remnants, this quality would emerge from trauma, or through training.
==Known Remnants==
Several remnants have already been disclosed.
* <b>Remnant 1 "Arman Wan"</b>: Remnant 1, or "R1" for short, was Decen's first remnant, and the oldest amongst the remnants, representing Decen's warrior honour.  R1 had no name, but was given the alias "Arman Wan" upon confusing the name for R1.  Arman was among one of the most powerful remnants due to being the oldest and experienced.  Unlike most remnants, R1 possessed an incredible <b>healing factor</b>, rivalling that of Decen's, which he often weaponized in combat.  Upon being created, R1 possessed Decen's superhuman strength and reflexes, but was unable to manifest his progenitor's Absorption and durability. R1 was unable to transform his limbs into weapons, and thus relied on a pair of large "god steel" blades for combat: <b>Pariah</b>, and <b>Loz-Q</b>. However, later in the story, Arman gives Pariah away to his younger brother, <b>Lucius Cassidy</b>. His skill with the blades made him known as the <b>Kingslayer</b> among those who met and fought by his side after his victory against Diablos.  R1's special ability was <b>Combat Intuition</b>, which allowed him to quickly assess the fighting style of his opponent, and adapting accordingly, making him the most technique advanced remnant.
* <b>SPART205 (Benjamin "Warchild" Fong)</b>: Representing Decen's precision and meticulousness, Ben was the second remnant to gain consciousness and form after the Paladin split his essence apart. Ben inherited Decen's superhuman reflexes, which he uses to achieve incredible marksmanship, and his superhuman strength to a lesser degree. Ben wielded numerous firearms in battle, which he used to defeat numerous enemies as a member of ASCENSION under the codename <b>SPART205</b> until his defection from discovering his origins as a Remnant. Due to Ben's uncanny facial resemblance to Decen, he was given the nickname <b>Warchild</b>. Ben's technique was unrivalled among the other Remnants of Decen, with R1 being an exception. After the Remnant received several cybernetic implants during his time serving ASCENSION as its soldier, Ben's lacking durability and healing factor were compensated with a metallic endoskeleton and numerous nanotechnology implants to aid in self repair after threat neutralization. Ben's special ability was <b>Nano-Power</b>, which he used to boost the firepower of his weapons. After receiving the cybernetic weapons implant, this was paired alongside Nano-Power to provide firepower that was considered significantly stronger than normal firearms wielded by his comrades. Ben possesses a level of contempt to human beings, after having undergone the ASCENSION cybernetics procedure, and fighting the war against the Iron Council in the future. After discovering his true nature as a Remnant of Decen, Ben's condescending attitude to the human race only intensified.
* <b>Deacon "Fury" Chow</b>: Fury was Decen's third remnant, and represented Decen's wrath. Ironically, Deacon was not aggressive from the get-go, and was widely regarded as kind and pacifist. During one of Deacon's adventures, the Remnant met rogue gunslinger operative "Meena Kennedy", who became his mentor. Despite seeing the Remnant as weak, Meena and Deacon eventually fell in love. However, when the two became captured by the crazed alien executioner, Kallas, Deacon was subjected to torture and became a top tier mercenary for the Halakites, essentially taking Meena's place as the famed "most brutal and ruthless killer". The torture drove Deacon to insanity, forcing his aggressive side "Fury" to emerge, as well as his Remnant powers, leading to constant battles with his family.  Fury possessed Decen's healing factor at a reduced effectiveness, his superhuman strength, and his reflexes, all of which were at a reduced effectiveness. Fury's special ability was <b>Pyrogenesis/Pyrokinesis</b>, allowing him to wield and generate incredible flames. It is speculated that this power originated from <b>Diablos</b>, who's cells were absorbed after Decen had slain the demon in an assassination contract.
* <b>Thomas "The Floating Man" King</b>: Representing Decen's desire for power and control, Thomas King was Decen's fifth Remnant and lived his life under the care of his adopted mother and father. Due to his terrible grades and lazy upbringing, relying heavily on his parent's money and resources, Thomas lived a life as what he considered a "loser". Despite being aware of this, Thomas continued to live his unhealthy lifestyle and resenting his life, believing it to be boring. One night, during a fit of rage, Thomas awakened his special ability of <b>Telekinesis</b>. Immediately putting his new powers to use, he began his life as a night vigilante, and the public labeled him as <b>The Floating Man</b>, a controversial figure in the face of justice. Thomas has yet to manifest any other abilities, such as superhuman strength, durability, reflexes, or even regeneration.
* <b>Lucius "The Brickhouse" Cassidy Junior</b>: Brickhouse was Decen's ninth remnant, and represented Decen's thirst for battle. Brickhouse manifested Decen's durability and super strength at a near unreduced level, making him the most durable and physically strong of the remnants.  He also possessed a healing factor rivalling that of R1, but would only activate when Brickhouse was unconscious.  Brickhouse utilized mainly his strength and durability like a brawler.  Brickhouse had no name, similar to R1, as during his creation, he was picked up by an illegal meta human combat ring, and raised to battle all his life. He was given the name "Lucius Cassidy Junior", after his caretaker, "Lucius Cassidy", but initially disowned the name because he believed it to be "lame".  The remnant also possessed Decen's impatience, and often lost his temper when things did not go his way. Brickhouse's special ability was <b>Spike Formation</b>, which potentially may have been from Decen's ability to transform his body.  Brickhouse utilizes this ability by generating several spikes that line his back and knuckles, adding on to the lethality of his hard hitting strikes, and is later able to imbue weapons and generate massive waves of spikes at his opponents. Following Arman's defeat from Mogul, Lucius took it upon himself to carry on Arman's legacy, and became the second holder of <b>Pariah</b>. As the story progresses, Cassidy's personality softens, as he saves an elven girl named <b>Sophia</b> from her abusive life as a slave. The two fall in love, and Cassidy becomes a well known figure alongside Sophia in the country of Corinth, gaining the title of "Lord Lucius". It is prophesied that Lucius will become the leader of the Remnants during the final battle against Mogul.
* <b>Jonathan "Link" Ko / Jonathan "The Black Jason" Crypt</b>: Representing Decen's tenacity and perseverance, Jason was the only surviving remnant known. Jason was Decen's 15th Remnant, making him the youngest of the Remnants of Decen. Jason possessed Decen's superhuman strength and durability at a reduced effectiveness, but required intense strength and conditioning training to awaken. Jason also inherited Decen's <b>indomitable will</b>, which allowed the Remnant to continue fighting despite sustaining otherwise overwhelming injuries. Jason's "special" ability was the <b>Soul Link</b>, an ability inherent to all Paladins, but never used as Decen believed relying on power of others was "weak".  Jason is the only known remnant to possess an extremely muscular physique, although this is achieved during his time in the Mage Academy, and stands at an unusual 6 feet tall, which is significantly taller than his Remnant brethren.

Revision as of 22:44, 2 April 2021

When Paladin Decen of Acadia was killed by Prime Aspect Mogul of Sin, the young Paladin successfully unleashed the Power of the Paladins, and thus his body and consciousness dispersed to the multiverse, each portion of his being growing and evolving into a Remnant.

During the timespan of Guardian Merrow's escape from Mogul, she teamed up with the remnants of Decen to take down the Prime Aspect, but was unsuccessful, leading to the slaughter of all of Decen's remnants but one, who was sent to another universe to grow up as Jonathan "The Black Jason" Crypt, who became soul bound to familiar Connor "The Sentry" Shel.