Difference between revisions of "He Kills Gods as a Man"

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m (Not a Hero)
Line 6,581: Line 6,581:
Jessie splashed water at my face, laughing.
Jessie splashed water at my face, laughing.
"You're always so stuck up! Aaron!"
"You're always so stuck up! Aaron! Always worrying about what others think about you! About us!"
"But we'll get in trouble."
"But we'll get in trouble. And..."
Line 6,598: Line 6,598:
"You should be more lightened up. That's why those obnoxious guys keep picking on you."
"You should be more lightened up. That's why those obnoxious guys keep picking on you."
"Is that really..."
"Is that really... They hate me... but you decided to go out with me. The more we break the rules, the more I'm seen in a bad light, and because of that, your reputation goes down too. I'm... I feel like I'm weighing you down."
Jessie frowned, the energy left her body, as I yelped.
Jessie frowned, the energy left her body, as I yelped.
Line 6,622: Line 6,622:
Jessie gave me a troublemaker smirk, putting a finger to her lips.
Jessie gave me a mischievous smirk, putting a finger to her lips.
"One day, I'm gonna rub off on you. And you're gonna get in ''so'' much trouble because of me."
"One day, I'm gonna rub off on you. And you're gonna get in ''so'' much trouble because of me."
Line 6,631: Line 6,631:
"Oh, you ''so'' don't want to start this bet. I guarantee you the longer we stay together, the more of a troublemaker you'll become. Because it's when two people are really in love do their personalities rub off on one another."
"Oh, you ''so'' don't want to start this bet. I guarantee you the longer we stay together, the more of a troublemaker you'll become. Because it's when two people are really in love do their personalities rub off on one another."
Jessie leaned in for a kiss, but pushed me away.
"Just messing with you! Gotcha!"
Jessie laughed, skipping around.
Jessie was everything that I wasn't. But I think it was because of that, did she become drawn to me.
In a way we completed each other.
Jessie was the type of girl who didn't care about what others thought. She would always get in trouble because she stayed true to herself.
Hell, one time, she straight up admitted that she had a fetish for ear biting and was into S&M. And she wasn't at all embarrassed.
Line 6,636: Line 6,654:
I smiled, as my memory faded.
I smiled, as my memory faded.
Hell yeah I became a troublemaker.
''Because it's when two people are really in love do their personalities rub off on one another.''
From messing around with the other Outer Shadows.
From messing around with the other Outer Shadows.
To cracking jokes left right and centre.
To cracking jokes left right and centre.
To being able to express myself, however silly and dumb I looked to other people, I did what I wanted. I was proud of it. Even if it would have otherwise made my reputation look bad. It was who I was. And I was not afraid to accept it.
I became proud of who I am. I no longer let what other people thought about me determine how amazing I was.
If I hadn't met you, Jessie, I would still have been a ball of sulking grumpiness.
If I hadn't met you, Jessie, I would still have been a ball of sulking grumpiness.
It was because I met you.
It was because I met you.
Did I change.

Revision as of 07:32, 9 February 2022

Once upon a time ago, all man was equal.

No man was above another.

No gender was above another.

Racial discrimination did not exist.

Politics did not exist.

This was known as the Age of Unity.

But with the Age of Unity, they suffered, because they lived a life of fear.

It was that fear that united them all.

The fear for The Great Akuma, sent by the darkest depths of hell in response to those who prayed for fairness and equality. They wished for an ultimate force that would unite humanity with unstoppable, universal power.

The Great Akuma was just that. For she was more than just a celestial entity, her very aspect of existence was comprised of six gods. Each ruling with supreme power.

Hinokami The Devil's Flame. To rule through blazing fortitude and an iron heart, a warrior's passion and thirst for battle.

Suijin The Devil's Tide. To rule through sheer influence, like the sea, engulfing the world with unparalleled power.

Fujin The Devil's Gale. To rule without limits, unbound by the world's shackles, the very definition of liberation.

Hachi The Devil's Eyes. To rule without secrets, for one who sees all knows all, is one who rules all, one who never misses an arrow conquers every battlefield.

Susanoo The Devil's Fury. To rule with absolute, undisputed power, for destruction instills fear, and fear is the primal driving force for allegiance.

But just as man was equal, there were those who refused a life of fear. And she saw it. The Great Akuma's Hachi saw right through them, and with each attempt to revolt, she killed them. She killed them all.

With every man slain for a different world, more of their prayers fed, not to the depths of hell, but to the crevices of heaven, and so, the divine gifted humanity with a different deity.

Vala, the Spirit of Hope.

And Lady Vala, inspiring hope amongst those who craved for a life to be lived not out of fear, fought back against The Great Akuma, leading to the events of the First Great War. And with the Great Akuma slain, man no longer lived bound to fear.

But with the Great Akuma's death, so was the world's equality and balance.




Social hierarchy.



The world became corrupt, as fear no longer kept such things in check, the poison spread quick, in exchange for a life of freedom, humanity became corrupted.

Many have tried to bring this world back. To bring the Great Akuma back.

The Contingency Initiative was founded in an attempt to collect the Level 1 Dogma Holders who housed the essence of The Great Akuma back.

But they failed.

For our Lord. Lord Ginga was unsatisfied. And so, we sent him.

Danny Yuyan Zheng, The Transplant, to destroy the organization.

That is all I know.

That is all I need to know.

Because I am an Outer Shadow. I do not need to know such things. My sole existence is to serve.


Our Master summons you..

Do not make his greatness wait.

I followed the shadows, up the steps into a massive ancient temple. The architecture was incredible. But I expected no less from my master.

The shadows bowed to me.


The doors creaked open, as I stepped in.


The doors closed behind me as I stood inside the dark room. It was a large and compact. A dark cathedral.

I slowly lifted my hand.

Convocatio: Duo Turriculam

Two magic circles appeared next to me, and two hovering star shaped objects emerged.

Within the centre, glowing orbs of light gained shape.

I tapped my temples.

Aspectum: Full Radar

More magic circles appeared in front of one of my eyes.

Three targets.


Much more.

I ordered my sentries to chase after the bogies, as each sentry fired a barrage of blue blasts of energy.

The bogies fled.

One bogie came flying my way.

I predicted this.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Draugr D975AX Model 3

I pulled a weapon out of a rune, a handgun, and aimed it right at the bogie, a robotic exoskeleton, and shot it right through the head. The metal crumpling to the ground.

The sentries had gunned down the remaining bogies and returned to my side, hovering in assault mode.

Their lasers were pointed at a man who was sitting at the throne.

"Very good, Dainsleif."

The man flicked his finger as all of my tech powered down, clattering to the ground.


Not so much as man, as I got on my knees, kneeling before my master.

"I see all the tech I made for you is working just fine."

The footsteps echoed in the room. Getting closer.

"No Evos."

Step. Step. Step.

"No Dogmas."

Step. Step. Step.

"And no inherent abilities. You, Dainsleif, are an intriguing creature."

"Yes, master."

It was only a matter of time.

I made eye contact with my master, the Inner Shadow of Lord Ginga.

His face was twitching, about to let loose.

I could only imagine the amount of strain he was unnecessarily putting on himself to keep this act.

"OH MY GOD!" Master Jun jumped up and down.


Jun began prancing all around me, as I got to my feet.

"God! I didn't even think my machines could combine with magic! God, summoning magic is AWESOME. Right?! Aaron?"

"My codename is Dainsleif."

"Yeah, but your real name is Aaron Hope. Or did I forget..."

Did you really just forget the name of your most loyal servant?

Jun ran a hand over his face.

"Ah.... no matter. Glad to know Draugr is strong enough to shatter my bots. Damn. I wish I could run around with these guns and equipment and whatnot, but look at me."

Jun lifted his shirt, revealing his skinny fat frame, and chest hairs.

"Maaaaaaaaaan! I wish I had abs! So jealous of those hot guys. But whatever. Of all the Inner Shadows, I possess the greatest evo of them all. The coolest, you'd say."

"Yes Master. You are the coolest Inner Shadow ever."

"Hell yeah I am."

It wasn't just one evo though.

Master Jun wasn't wrong when he said he possessed the coolest power of all the Inner Shadows.

I glanced at all the tech around him. Millions of projects and ideas, then at the window of the cathedral. In the distance, he had an entire legion of robots that were building new statues and buildings in his image.

His most recent project was a giant commemoration statue of him, probably the two hundred and fifty eighth statue...

And on the plague it would say:

In Honour of the Biggest Stud of the Inner Shadows: Jun Gasket

Jun swirled his finger, as numerous drones entered the room, tending to me.

The shadows peaked from the door.

My Lord... she seeks you.

Jun's goofy smile suddenly melted.

"Shit. Ah, Aaron, please clean up the mess."


My jaw hung open.

"What do you mean what?! You were the one who shot all my bots here!"

"You were the one who sent them all after me!"

"To test you! Ah! Just clean it up! Here, I'll help you out."

Jun frantically waved his hand, and suddenly, a magical circled formed in front of me, and three Roomba like drones began vacuuming the ground, picking up the spare pieces of busted tech on the ground.

"Go go go! Before she walks into this mess! I gotta keep up a good image to her."


Jun pointed at the shadow at the door.

The shadow paused.

Me, My Lord?

"Yes. You. Help Dainsleif clean up the mess."

My Lord, I am a-

"Huh? You're gonna say no to me?" Jun's voice suddenly became dangerously low. Orange tattoos forming around the right side of his face.

Level 1 Hachi Stage Five: Infinite Penance

The Shadow suddenly dropped to its knees.

Forgive me! My master! I misspoke! I shall assist Dainsleif in cleaning!

I started scrubbing the floors along with the Shadows and Demon Roombas that Master Jun had summoned for me.

"Oy! Clean faster! My Dogma is telling me she's coming quick!"

"Why won't you make a machine that cleans it faster?" I snapped.

"It's beneath me to make such machines! What kind of Inner Shadow becomes known for making giant frickin Roombas?"

"Gasket." A woman's voice interrupted us, as we were so startled, even the shadow jumped.

We are too late... my master. Please order Dainsleif to kill me.

I stumbled back, getting to position, but Jun put out a hand.

He was giving me a serious look.

Stay away.

I stepped back nervously. My hand inches away from summoning a magic circle and calling upon my entire arsenal, but I knew whatever I would do would not do me any good.

This girl could kill me in a split second, and I never would have seen it coming.

But realistically, I was only person who was in danger. Jun should not have been sweating bullets, but I guess...

That's kind of what you expect from a fifteen year old Inner Shadow.

Jun cleared his throat, summoning a pillar just to lean on it.

My eye twitched in disbelief.

So he wouldn't make a Roomba to help me clean the mess he caused, but for whatever reason, he would create a giant pillar out of nowhere just to look cool.

"Hey." Jun said, his voice intentionally deep.

The girl gave Jun an annoyed look.

"What is the status on the Shakujin and Fujin."

"You came here all the way to ask that? Or was it... for something more..."

God this was too cringe.

Thankfully, the girl beat me to it.


Storm clouds swirled around her as immense pressure built up.

All the sensors that I had equipped sizzled and cracked. There was no end to her power.

"Aw come on, Hakah! You know I wouldn't mess with you when it comes to him. Don't worry. I got those two completely taken care of. They're both still at Stage Two. I think only he managed Stage Four without Lord Ginga's influence, which I find to be extremely intriguing... not a lot of people can unlock Stage Three without his blessing, much less Stage Four. Your brother is special."

Hakah's eyes narrowed.

"I asked for the update on the Shakujin and Fujin. Not my big brother."

"Like I said. They're fine. Stage Two... pfft. Even Dainsleif here can kick their asses. And he's just a normal frickin human being. BAHAHAHA! Imagine that! All your life training with the Dogma of Equivalent Exchange just to be outclassed by some ordinary dude!"

Jun pointed at me and began laughing.

My mouth twitched. This kid was using me to look cool in front of his crush!

I am so going to bury him later.

Lady Hakah regarded me, turning around. Her flowing silk robes dragged on the floor.

No wonder Master Jun wanted me to sweep the ground so bad. He knew exactly what she was going to wear. And no. Hachi's powers don't include being able to predict what a girl is going to wear. That's just my master being creepy.

Hakah reached out and inspected my face.

"A mere man. Yet he can fight on par with gods. Just from your machinations..."

"I know right? Dainsleif is incredible. I'd say he surpasses even Transplant."

Hakah gritted her teeth.

Uh oh.

"Shit. My bad. I didn't think you would actually be attached to him." Jun stammered.

"No." Hakah turned the other way, her long hair flipping and releasing a nice scent.

Ahhh man.....

Suddenly, I noticed Jun giving me the death stare.


I'm not attracted to her at all.


"Yuyan was a lost cause. He even died. And Dai Goh... still chose to not come back to me... what did I do wrong? Everything was for him. For more precious big brother. I... I would do anything for you Yeling... I..." Hakah's voice broke, as she put her hands to her face.

Jun stood next to me, as we stared at her, frozen.

"Uh. Aaron. What do I do?"

"You're asking me?"

"You're the adult here. There's a girl crying in my room. Should I say something?"

"Hell no, you'll just make it worse."

Jun then turned to his shadows, who suddenly became very interested in sweeping the floor.

"You useless shadows!" He snapped.

Hakah wiped her eyes.

"Does Yeling hate me? Gasket? If I killed his friends, will I be able to be by his side?"

Jun raised his eyebrows.

"N- Nah... He was probably.... I know! He was probably not right in the head. You know. He fought Transplant and took too many hits to the skull or something. I'm sure he loves you a lot. Everybody loves you!"

Hakah regained her composure.

"Yes... I will save him. By killing everybody who made him this way..."

Hakah then looked at me.

"I want one too... a reliable champion like yours... Gasket..."

"Wait what?" Jun said, as Hakah walked up to me running her hand across my face.

She was breathing on me, and I could see...

My head was moving lower on its own, from her round red eyes, to her captivating, beautiful face, to her chin, lower and lower...

The great gods of IKEA have certainly blessed this girl with a heavenly rack.

"Why don't you serve me... Dainsleif? We are similar age... just the right age to reward you properly... nothing is out of bounds... nothing you see here is off limits..."

Hakah licked her lips.

Sorry Master Jun... I'm done for...

"Marry me." I blurted, as Jun screamed.


Hakah turned around, as suddenly, hundreds of robotic drones appeared behind her, dozens of guns on each one, and their targeting lasers all aimed at her forehead. If Jun willed it with Hachi, he could release a blast of firepower strong enough to destroy an entire planet right here.

Was this reckless?


Was this something he would actually consider doing?

You bet.

Jun stood at a distance, his eyes were glowing a demonic orange.

"I'll say this again. Dainsleif is mine. I don't care if you're hot, and I'll even accept the fact that I built a bunch of Hakah Mah statues in an act of simping, but taking my Dainsleif crosses the line."

Hakah regarded Jun, as the sound of thunder boomed outside. Hakah was not to be underestimated either.

Her Stage Four Susanoo surpassed the traditional Stage Five Akuma Grade Dogma.

Because she was a descendent of the Mah Bloodline.

This was getting intense.

Two Inner Shadows about to duke it out.

"No." Hakah said, as she made her way to the exit.

"This is pointless. I will find myself a champion. A disposable one. Until my precious Dai Goh returns to my side, he will be a champion that surpasses even yours. Because we will have something that you two do not."

"Oh yeah?! Bet! We have it too!"

Hakah gave us a disgusted expression.

"Um. No. I don't think you do."

"BET! BET BET BET!" Jun shouted at her.

Hakah put a hand on her mouth, giggling.

"Do you really want to know?"


"It's love. Jun. I love my big brother with all my heart. And he loves me. Every time he patted my head, every time he brought me into his arms, my body instantly collapses in his love. Can you say the same for your precious Dainsleif here?"

All the blood left our faces, as Hakah left, the shadows bowing down to her.


I stood with the shadows, watching our master have a mental breakdown in his own throne room.

"DAINSLEIF." Master Jun snarled, his face vicious.

"Yes Master!" I said, quickly.

Jun raised his hand.

"I will send you on a mission. You will retrieve the princess of Andropol to me. Earn her loyalty her trust, or take her in by force. I don't care how. I must satisfy my urges."

"Are you sure you're not just going to freeze up and bumble random nonsense like last time?"

"No I won't! I'm fifteen now! The last time you brought a princess in this throne room for me, I was fourteen! I'm a man now!"

This was messed up. This kid was 100% underaged. But it wasn't like he was going to make a move on her. Every time I brought girls over, he would be too nervous to even speak, despite being quite possibly one of the most powerful beings in this world.

But I mean... if just having a girl around would make his mood better, I might as well.

I clutched my chest.

After all, it was Master Jun who gave me a purpose in life.

It was his machines that helped me. And saved me.

I will do anything for my master.

Even if he is a horny fifteen year old brat who uses me as a blunt end of jokes in a way to flirt.

"I'm also gonna be providing you with some help."


"Yeah. This is very important to me."

Well. A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do...

Jun turned around, sitting back on his throne. Which was a very decked out gaming chair.

"Who should I deploy along with Dainsleif. Let's see..."

Jun held out his hands, and a holographic screen appeared. I stood next to him.

"Nah. He's useless. This dude's drunk all the time."


My eyes widened.

"Can it be someone hot?" I blurted out.

Jun stared at me.


"Nothing." I said quickly.

"Hey. No way, I definitely heard you say something."

"Your Hachi is malfunctioning."

"Don't give me that shit! I need to send in people who compliment your skillset, Dainsleif. You're a magic gunman. Someone who wields firearms and magic in battle. You prefer stealth and indirect takedowns, rarely going for brute force. So in the case where brute force is needed, you're fucked essentially."

"Wow. Thanks man."

Jun scrolled through.

"I'm sending Rollo."

"What the hell, why that stud?!" I squeaked.

"Hey! Don't question your master! Rollo is a berserker. He can handle face to face confrontation with his massive build and strength. I also provided him with a new set of armour after he wrecked it fighting that stupid dragon."

I stood in silence as Jun continued scrolling.

"Ranged gunman. Berserker... Maybe a medical purser?"

Jun scrolled, until we got to a profile of a girl who was wielding a staff. She had flowing blonde hair and angelic futuristic armour, complimented with beautiful white silk robes. No question.

"YES! We need a medical purser! Absolutely!"

Jun gave me an annoyed look.

"Nah. She's on call with something else, unfortunately. Guess we have to use her."

Jun snapped his fingers, as a woman emerged from the darkness.

"My Master. I am in your service." She said, with a deadpan voice. Even her blue eyes, that normally would have been extremely attractive to me, somehow was a turn off. I had never seen a pair of eyes so devoid of life before.

I couldn't hide my disappointment.

"Are you kidding me? She's a robot!"

Jun raised an eyebrow.

"The hell is wrong with that? I designed Sigurd to be both hot and a killer. Perfect body. Badass but cute face. Black hair with bangs. Full tight leather. She's a perfect 10. You need someone who can give you medical assistance, and she can do that, ON TOP of being a top rate infiltration unit. AND she can do stealth kills better than you."

I made eye contact with her expressionless eyes.

"Does she even have emotions? Her rack isn't even real."

Sigurd's face suddenly flashed with anger as she pulled out a knife and aimed it at my throat.

"Okay okay! I take it back!" I yelped.

Jun pointed a finger and wagged it at me.

"Alright, Dainsleif. You know the mission. Head to Andropol, your main objective is to bring the princess back. I don't care how. If you end up waging war, I don't care. I really don't. Kill the entire nation if you have to. Just bring her to me. Sigurd and Rollo will accompany you."

Sigurd bowed.

"It shall be done."

Jun patted her head, and to my disbelief, Sigurd blushed, her eyes widened.

"Master...." Sigurd made a squeal noise.

"Ehhhhhehehehehehehe" Jun laughed under his breath.

You perverted degenerate! How could you go and build something like that?

Disgusting bastard!

You should have built one for me too!

"Alright. Rollo is at Andropol already. Go and meet up with him you two. My shadows will accompany you guys, you will have a bunch on standby."

I nodded, as the shadows escorted us out.


The shadows had shadow travelled us to the front gates of the town.

I stood next to Sigurd, who's eyes flashed blue, scanning it.

The objective was to enter the civilization.

"Sigurd, do you have any experience with Andropol? Are we good with our equipment and clothing?"

"Yes. Andropol was a civilization founded in 1250 AD. In this current age, it has undergone developments in technology and industrialization. Magical technology hybridization is mainstream in society. Our integration should have no setbacks."


I analyzed a large cliff.

I was about to do some scouting, but Sigurd stopped me.

"Dainsleif. The town is currently under attack. I suggest we aid in their efforts to fight off the enemy soldiers."


Sigurd pointed at the soldiers that were fighting.

"We must establish that we are on their side. Rollo is also fighting."

Rollo that idiot. Why would he make decisions like that out of nowhere?

"Why did he just jump in like that? Is he an idiot? Without my call?"

"It is not your call. You are not fit to be the leader of this expedition."


I marched up to Sigurd, who regarded me with no emotion.

"I am the most likely fit to be a leader. You stupid bishojo rust heap."

"You do not have the qualifications."

"How? I am Master Jun's right hand man. I've killed gods, Dogma Holders, heroes, Demon Lords, adventurers, monsters, demons, you name it."

Sigurd shook her head.

"You lack infiltration and strategy. In addition, you are unprofessional."

"I'm unprofessional?! Just how can you make that conclusion."

Sigurd calmly pointed at my crotch area.

"It is bulging. Does my appearance sexually arouse you, Dainsleif? I'll have you know that I do not have any reproductive organs installed in my body. I cannot relieve your hormonal urges. I suggest you either spend resources on immediate solutions, or work on your social skills."

My ears flushed red as I quickly readjusted my trousers.

"SHUT UP! It's your damn design! A biological response! At least I don't get aroused from Master Jun patting my head!"

Sigurd suddenly paused, gritting her teeth, as if all the logic suddenly left her body.

Did I just offend her?

"Okay. Whatever. We'll fight off the villagers. I guess we're going for the trust route."

I ran to the village, as Sigurd followed me.

"We need to show our presence. I hate fighting up front." I said.

Sigurd shook her head.

"That will not be necessary."


Sigurd pointed at Rollo, his giant 7 foot muscular frame smashing enemy soldiers left and right and inspiring the allies with his shout.

"Rollo has already made himself prominent. He can introduce us. Our direct cooperation is not necessary. A lower risk option of tactical takedown is viable."

Whatever. I knew that.

I ran up the steps of a nearby building.

Aspectum: Quarter Radar

My eyes lit up, allowing me to pinpoint any hostiles.

A soldier was heckling a family behind a wall.

I slowly made my way up the steps, my magical boots keeping me from making any sound.

I needed to clear this building, since this would be a good spot.

"Shadows." I whispered.

At your service, Dainsleif.

"Knock out everybody in this household."

As you wish...

Several shadows emerged from the ground of the upper floor, knocking out the guard and every single family member before they could make a sound.

I ran up to the guard.

Aspectum: Bug Scan

A different magic circle appeared in my vision.

This guy was clean. Meaning the takedown was not going to alert anybody.

I held out my hand.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Ironsight

A large case appeared before me as I grabbed it. I jolted it once, causing the mechanical components to click clack and position, revealing a tripod which I placed against the window. The case continued transforming, revealing a sniper rifle.

I positioned the rifle on the balcony, hovering my hand over the side, feeding it with mana as magic circles appeared at the scope.

I took aim, assessing the situation.

"Sigurd, come in."

"Sigurd receiving."

"Confirm that the following markers have been established."

I pressed the button on the edge of my eyepiece, which started marking the enemies left and right. There were twenty heavy units, who were attacking from the tops of buildings and trying to assist the enemy foot soldiers. All marked with a certain marker.


"Initiate zig-zag infiltration."


Sigurd leapt into the air, acrobatically climbing up the buildings like a gymnast as she landed on the building, pulling a knife and slitting the throats of enemy units. Then leaping to other buildings before anyone could figure out what had just happened.

I aimed my rifle at the other markers.

Shooting one of the three enemies on each building would alert the other two.

Meaning I had to use a vortex shell.

I took aim and fired, the shell landing on the ground and instantly sucking the three enemies inside, killing them instantly.

I then quickly aimed at the neighbouring buildings, firing before they could notice their buddies suddenly disappeared.

I continued firing and aiming until the enemies were dispatched. Sigurd also managed to kill the rest.

All aerial units immobilized.

Time of elimination: 13 seconds.

I put my rifle away, letting it sink into a magic circle as I climbed out of the building, and landed on the ground.

"Where's Rollo?" I asked.

Sigurd pointed at the sounds of fighting.

Yeah. Real helpful.

I ran to the fray, making out Rollo who had flung three enemy soldiers away. It was pretty much one against an entire army, but I knew this was light work for him.

But just because something is light work doesn't mean it's enough.

"He's so slow." I grumbled.

"No. If we reveal too much of our power, the princess will see us as a threat. We must assist, but conserve our power." Sigurd said.

"Fine." I said, as I stepped into the fray.

Rollo nodded at me.

"Dainsleif. Sigurd. I am glad you are here! I am just enjoying myself."

"Alright. Well in that case fun's over. I'm gonna wrap this up."

I pulled out my Draugr, calmly taking aim and picking off the enemies one by one.

Sigurd joined Rollo with her knives, cutting and slashing as the three of us fought off the enemy.

I continued firing, until my Draugr ran out of ammo. The weapon returned into a purple magic circle.

"I'm here to help." I explained to the villagers, who were in awe at my tech.

"What is this weaponry? I've never seen this before!"

"I believe he is wielding firearms and magic... amazing!"

Oooooh god.

They're admiring me.

I love this.

Keep admiring. I needed the ego boost after Sigurd had practically ruined my self esteem for popping a hard one seeing her voluptuous figure.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - M130 Fully Automatic

I pulled out an assault rifle from a magic circle, taking aim.

I ran my hand over the barrel of the gun.

Magic Recombination: Ignis Pila

Another magic circle appeared around the barrel, an orange one, as a fireball emerged, being sucked into the weapon until the whole shaft glowed orange.

I took aim and fired a stream of fireball enhanced bullets at the enemy soldiers, cutting them down and forcing them to retreat.

I waved at Rollo, who was walking in our direction.

"Hey! Rollo!"

Rollo ignored me and hugged Sigurd.

"Sigurd... how are you these days? You look lovely as always."

"Thank you Rollo. You're not looking too bad yourself."

I got in between them.

"Hey! I'm fine too! Thanks for asking!"

Rollo gave me a disapproving look.

"Yes... Dainsleif. Master Jun's biggest troublemaker. You're lucky these Andropol soldiers are around, otherwise I would have crushed your head in."

"What the hell is that for?" I yelped.

"HUH?! Do you seriously not remember what you did to me? To my daughter?!"

"No no no. I genuinely don't remember." I waved my hands desperately, trying to figure out what I did to make the big guy so upset.

Sigurd gave me a disappointed look.

"On the fifth of March, Rollo's eight year old daughter held a birthday celebration. Rollo announced that the invitation was open to all colleagues, but Dainsleif was specifically prohibited to enter the celebration. You proceeded to kick the door down, holding a 1.14 litre bottle of cheap whiskey, heavily intoxicated, and yelled 'are there any bitches in this crib', causing Rollo's daughter to cry profusely."

I gave Rollo a nervous look.

"Ah... that... right..."

Sigurd was about to keep talking but I quickly ran up to her and put a hand on her mouth.

"Okay okay okay! I get it! Oh my god. Control alt delete. Is there a shutdown feature on you? We need to talk about our mission here."

Sigurd stopped mumbling.

Rollo's veins were still popping from his head. I guess he really didn't get over it.

"Not here. We will speak in my residence."

We made our way to Rollo's residence, which was the barracks of the Andropol soldiers.

I rolled up my sleeves.

"Sigurd, mission objectives update."

"Acknowledged. Andropol integration initiated. Trust route confirmed. New objectives: trust accumulation."

Rollo gave me an eyebrow.

"You're still treating Sigurd like a tool?"

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me."

"What's wrong with that? Sigurd is a robot. Her very existence is to serve. That's all she is."

Rollo narrowed his eyes.

"Hm. Is that so?"

We continued walking, as we entered the home. On the nightstand was a picture of Rollo's daughter.

Sigurd waited outside, as I propped my feet up on the table.

"Alright, old man. Give us an update. Sigurd tells me you've infiltrated this place for a while now. Will just having connections with you be enough to gain an audience with the princess?"

Rollo shook his head.

"No. To gain a summoning from her, you need to do something extremely major to gain her attention. In my case, I've already established that I am soldier rank. If I contribute greatly they will become suspicious."

"What's Andropol's political status?" I asked.

"They're at war. With a rivalling empire. That much I know. The attackers of the village earlier today were stray cohorts. They outnumber Andropol significantly."


I turned around, beckoning Sigurd forward.

Sigurd nodded as she stepped inside.

"What are the consequences if I went to that rival nation and destroyed them on Andropol's behalf? I imagine that'll be enough to gain an audience with the princess."

Sigurd twirled her hair. Which I found weird. Since when did robots care about their appearance. Jun must have added that to her programming. That frickin weirdo.

"It will capture the princess' attention. But she will become suspicious of your power, and will see you as a threat."


I had to go and get this princess to Jun. I didn't know why, but I never failed a contract. Now wasn't really a good time to start.

Rollo regarded the two of us.

"I can assist in referring the two of you. However, my position as a guard is limited."

Rollo poured another glass of beer.

"In either case, the most I can do for you two is a referral. Also, I'm not letting you guys stay here because this is for soldiers only. Sorry."

And with that Rollo kicked us out.

Sigurd and I sat on the street next to each other. While Sigurd remained calm and composed, I was yanking at my hair and kicking at the air.

"Aaaaaaah! This is so ass! How am I supposed to get an audience with the princess like this?! Forget it. I'm going to blow this entire town to kingdom come!"

Several villagers gave me a weird look as they walked past us.

"If I may, Dainsleif, there is one option."


"To battle an entire army is unwise because your power would be seen as overwhelming. But if you simply assassinate the rulers of the empire, it will still collapse. And such a story would be more believable."

I paused.

She was right.

The assassination route was still an option. If I could end the empire through assassination, the princess would surely see me as someone skilled, over someone who has overwhelming power. But I guess it was still dangerous because then she would see me as an assassin....

"But what about the fact that she finds me too dangerous because of a possible assassination attempt on her?" I asked.

"Our connections with Rollo should be sufficient to prevent that from happening. Because if an assassination attempt is made, they would need to see Rollo as a contingency, which would be too costly for their army since Rollo is their biggest asset."

God. I'm so happy Jun made her.

"You're amazing." I said.

Sigurd stared at me.

"D- Dainsleif?"

"What? Never had compliments before?"


I turned to Sigurd, and noticed something. Her face... was...

"Wait, Sigurd, let me see your face."

"That is not necessary-"

I knelt in front of her and my eyes widened. No way. How...

"Sigurd are you blushing?"

"It is merely programming."

"I didn't think robots would get flustered. That's so weird to see on you."

Sigurd clenched her teeth.

I sighed. Alright. That's enough weird shit for today. I laid down on a stray piece of bark.

Homeless, broke, and single.

The worst kind of fate for a man.

"Dainsleif. I have obtained some cloth."


Sigurd was holding a blanket and put it around me.

"Illness will jeopardize our mission."

I wrapped it myself.

"Yeah. Thanks."

Sigurd brought her knees to her chin and sat next to me as I tried to go to sleep. Suddenly, Sigurd interrupted me.


"No, I don't need to go to the bathroom."

"Not that."

"So you interrupted my beauty nap to spew bullshit? What's going on with you lately? You're usually cold and calculating. Is your computer chip bugged or something? I can open you up if you want. Maybe we can call a shadow and get Master to send a repair drone our way."

"I don't need repairs... I just wanted to ask you something."

"Uh... I guess..." I sat up next to her.

"Ask away."

"Is it wrong for a robot to... want to live?"


Sigurd's eyes were sparkling from the moonlight, as she buried her face deeper into her knees.

"If a robot is designed to have emotions, and to have all the characteristics a human would have, would a robot be considered a person?"

"Well, if you're asking about the emotions you have, it's because Master Jun designed you to have them through your programming, like you said."

Sigurd was silent for a few seconds.

"But is it wrong? Am I wrong to wish to be seen as more than just an android..."

I sighed, stretching my legs.

"Ah Sigurd. I've known you ever since you were first created by Master Jun to be an infiltration unit. We've been on a fair amount of adventures together. Even if most of them involved you roasting the shit out of me and making me look like a complete idiot. But if we're talking about companionship, yeah, I see you as a person in the sense of a companion."

"I see."

"Look. I don't know what to tell you. The things you're feeling right now could just be stray pieces of code or something. Maybe it could be something more. I honestly am not smart enough to tell you."

Sigurd crossed her legs, staring at the moon.

A robot wishing to be a person... damn this was deep.

But then it hit me.

The little things that she did that made it seem like she was an ordinary person. I never really noticed it until now.

"If the king who loved the man of his dreams could have a daughter and have a noble family line, does that mean an android like me can live a life as well?"

Sigurd looked at me and realized I was staring at her. Sigurd's eyes widened.

"I apologize Dainsleif. I suppose my programming is flawed. I will hold off on my rampancy until I am repaired by Master Jun."

"Nah." I lay back down.

"I don't think you need to be repaired. There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling, if you ask me. When this is over, maybe we can ask Master Jun to give you some upgrades. After all, I'm real close with him. I'm sure he'll agree."



I pointed at her.

"Biotech upgrades. To make you more human. Hell. I'm sure Master Jun could even turn you into a real human if he can. He's an Inner Shadow after all."

Sigurd stared at me, her face was full of surprise.

"You would do that for me?"

"Well, better than having you run around wishing you could have real tits."

Sigurd frowned.

"Are you perhaps offering this because you want me?"

"What? Hell no! Gross! Why would you even think that? Maybe we should just get you reprogrammed after all."

Sigurd put a hand to her mouth and let loose a small laugh.

"Get your rest, Dainsleif. Our mission awaits us."

"Alright. No more worrying about this shit, robot girl. We'll figure something out."

I raised the covers over my head.

I knew Sigurd for a long ass time.

This was a side of her I had never seen before.

Sigurd laughing. This was definitely a first.

But that did put a smile on my face for some reason.

I closed my eyes, and the dreams of my past came in.

My First God

Many people believed my strength came from my weapons. My gear, that Master Jun had made for me.

But even from the very start, I always did the impossible.

No one would expect someone like me, a mere man, with no evos or Dogmas, to be able to do it.

It was from there did Master Jun take me in, and bring me to new heights.

"All of humanity... bores me."

I was frozen, sprawled on the ground.

"Guys... guys..." I whispered.

The dead, broken bodies of Wilson and Nora, their bones shattered, skulls caved inwards, lay before me. At the feet of the goddess who had slaughtered them all.

"Why would my lord keep such insignificant, ignorant non-believers in this world? Your kind is repulsive."

I should have been filled with rage.

But it wasn't rage coursing through my blood.

It was pure fear.

The shock and terror, freezing my muscles and keeping me in place.

I was no hero.

I wasn't special.

I was just a kid.

"What was this place called..." The goddess turned around, her long silver hair gently stroking the ground as she looked down at the ruins of the orphanage condescendingly.

With her back turned, I made a break for it, breathing heavily and frantically.

"Will... I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I whispered, throwing myself under his corpse to hide from the goddess who had slaughtered him along with the rest of the people I knew for most of my life.

"Will..." I sobbed, burying my face into his chest.

What? Are hugs cringe for you, Aaron? We're basically brothers and sisters, if you think about it. You me and Nora. Sure we got the others here, but we're a unit.

Will... Nora...

Back in the orphanage, we were always getting into drama with the others. I never got along with them. But Will and Nora were the only people who put up with my mood swings.

They protected me from the bullies, because I was too scared to fight myself.

The goddess picked up the sign of our orphanage and inspected it, her eyes full of disdain.

"Tch. The fact that such lowly life force exists is the very reason of my master's folly. The concept of an orphan... an unwanted child. It is from their progenitors do they learn, but without their progenitors they are imperfect. Incomplete. I despise those who are incomplete in this world."

I closed my eyes, panting desperately, when suddenly, the rocks began to shift, and Nora's body slid in front of me, in full view.

I stared at her deceased face. Her eyes were still open.


"Okay, I get it. Will is strong. What about you?" I remembered asking Nora.

Nora smirked.

"I'm sneaky and fast."

I raised an eyebrow.

"That's lame. What's being fast got to do with anything?"

Nora chuckled.

"I don't know. Maybe swiping some of these?"

Nora held out several sticks of red candy.

Red candy wasn't actually candy. It was an extremely addictive powder that had very weird side effects. So basically drugs. But we liked to call it that, since it was kind of like code.

"Whoa! How did you- aren't those banned? We're not allowed them!"

"One of the perks to being fast. I can teach you, considering you get bullied all the time."

Nora gave me a stick, as I pressed it against my chest.

Will laughed.

"Yeah. Nora will teach you to be fast. And I'll teach you to be tough. And then you'll beat everybody up!"

"I don't wanna beat people up..." I muttered.

Nora gave me a stink eye.

"And that's why you always get bullied. You're a total wimp and you're always in the corner, never taking part in group activities and playing that weird MMO with the anime girls. Might as well pick up a thing or two. It's the three of us. For the longest time it was just Will and I. Now we have you too. We got ourselves quite the squad here! Like an RPG party!"


Will, Nora, and I. We would always do everything together. They would do their best to teach me new tricks. And I saw them as a squad, like that MMO I always played. For years we were a unit.

But no matter what Nora and Will taught me, I could never really pick it up. I was always the coward, being bailed out of trouble.

Always being bailed out of trouble by Will and Nora.

Because I wasn't strong like Will.

I wasn't smart and sneaky like Nora.

I was just...


When this... goddess came down on the world, she destroyed everything. Starting with the homeless. Then the drug addicts.

Her idea was to bring new world order, by cleansing humanity under the identity of her lord's apostle.

And would you guess what her next target was?

The orphanages.

Because in her eyes, we were incomplete, flawed human beings. Every child should have parents to look after them. We were flawed and disgusting to her, because everything had to be perfect in her eyes for her lord.

So when she came to our building, she killed everybody, destroying the entire place.

"Aaron! Hide!" Nora shouted at me, as she grabbed Will and I and hid in the closet. The three of us bunched together.

"What the hell is that?!" Will gasped.

"Are those... wings?" Nora said, as she turned to me.

"Aaron, isn't that... like in the video game you play?"

A kid who was hiding with us gave us a disgusted face.

"This isn't one of Aaron's gay MMO with the little anime girls."

Another kid was curled up in the corner, outside of the closet crying. He was no older than eight. He was out in the open. He was dead meat.

"I'm scared... I'm scared!" He sobbed.

The goddess stepped into the room, as I almost screamed, but Nora put a hand to my mouth.

"Shh! Aaron! Quiet!"

Everyone was scared. Petrified and terrified. The goddess was terrifying. She looked just like the goddesses in my game, beautiful, elegant, with long silver hair and angelic armour and swords. But...

This was not like the goddesses in the game. Those goddesses were nurturing. They were kind. They helped humanity.

This goddess wanted to kill us.

"I want to save him." Will said.

Nora stared at Will in disbelief.

"Will! Are you crazy? If you go out there you'll die! Didn't you see what happened to Trish?!"

One kid put her hands to her ears, trembling.

"Dude!" Another kid hissed at Nora.

"What? Exactly! Trish was sliced in half. And she's a grown adult! She got sliced in half by that winged creature. If you go out there, you'll be killed instantly, Will! I get you want to be a hero. I get you want to stick up for all of us. But this isn't like that time with the homeless man where you had a slight chance. This is a monster we're talking about. If you go out there and die, the monster is going to kill us too!"

Will clenched his teeth, as he turned back to the goddess, who approached the little boy.

"I... I... I CAN'T!"

Nora and I held him back.

"Will!" I snarled.

"THAT KID!" Will tried to struggle, but we pinned him down as best we could, to avoid making any sounds, as the goddess looked down at the boy.

The kid stared at her.

"Mo... Mommy...?"

"I am not your mother." The goddess said, raising her sword.

"NO! DON'T!" Will tried to break out of our hold, just as the goddess decapitated the kid right before our very eyes. A girl who was hiding in the back of the closet let loose a blood curdling scream, causing the goddess to turn to us in surprise.

"RUN!" Nora shouted, as the closet doors flung open, we bunched out, running as fast as we could.

I turned to Will.

"She's distracted! We need to get out of here!"

Will grabbed a piece of wood and glared at the goddess.

"I'll make you pay!" Will growled, as I grabbed onto him, turning to Nora, who was still trying to get everybody to safety.

Nora looked at us in bewilderment.

"You guys!"

The goddess tilted her head.

"Earth's flawed child. You dare challenge the goddess Avara?"

Will clutched the wood.

"You bet I do. I'm not scared of you!"

"Will... we need to get out of here! We need to!"

Will glared at me.

"I refuse."

"Are you stupid?!"

"This is the tank's job. Right? The tank's job in every party. And I've always been working out. I can handle myself just fine."

The goddess unveiled her angelic wings.

"WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" I screamed, trying to drag him away, as Nora also tried to, but Will refused to budge.

"As long as this goddess moves around so fast, she'll just hunt us all down. We can't run away from her, haven't you realized? Every person in this manor who has tried to run from her ended up being chased down. But if there's one person who sticks around and distracts her, while the rest of you guys get on a vehicle to escape, we're good! Everybody's safe!"

"But you won't be!"

Will chuckled.

"Yeah... but. I already know even if I do escape... my life is still gonna be shit."

Nora stopped resisting.

"Nora...?" My voice trailed away.

Nora let go, her eyes wide in surprise. Will continued.

"Isn't it obvious? Nora. You of all people should know that. We've been in this orphanage for years. Every family who has come has never chosen us. Because of my violent outbursts. Because of your urge to steal. No one wants us. But if I can be a hero, just like in Aaron's video games, and to go down fighting? That's more than enough for me."

"Hey... Aaron."


"Remember all that stuff Will and I taught ya?"

"Y- Yes...?"

Nora gave me a thumbs up, as she pushed me out of the door and closed it, locking the door.

I ran up to the window, banging on it with my hands.


A tear ran down Nora's cheek.

"Hey. Don't worry about us. We always have your back. Always."

"DON'T!" I screamed, as Will brandished his wood, and Nora pulled out here makeshift crossbow, that was made out of spare parts that she kept hidden in her room for emergencies.

Will looked at me.

"Nora and I... we've been in the orphanage for the longest time. We don't have anywhere to go. But you do. Hell... your last name is Hope after all."

"I don't care about my last name! I never once used it since! I'm not... I'm not good enough..."

The goddess looked amused, as she watched us from the distance.

I continued banging on the glass, trying to open the door, but Nora had locked it.

"Yes you are. Aaron." Nora said.


Will nodded.

"You don't have to be the strongest."

"You don't have to be the fastest."

Nora pointed at the glass, right at my heart.

"You are enough."

Will charged the goddess, swinging, as the wood disintegrated on impact. The goddess lifted her hand, grabbing Will by the throat and lifting him into the air.

"WILL!" I screamed, as Nora dove in and fired her crossbow, but the bolts were deflected by her wings.

"Imperfect. Fools."

The goddess slammed Will into the ground and stomped on his head as I heard a terrifying squelch.

Then she moved in on Nora, who tried to run, but her feet were held down by ice.

"Damn... she got me." Nora smirked, as the goddess impaled her with her sword.

I could only stand and watch as my two friends were slaughtered in front of me. But from the corner of my vision, I noticed Will, moving, and dragging himself off the floor. His nose was broken and he was bleeding bad, but he managed to get to a... tank.

He ripped it open, pulled at the locks.

The goddess turned around.

"What are you doing-"

"NORA!" Will shouted, as Nora lifted her hand with her crossbow, and fired before the goddess severed her arm.

The bolt ignited the contents, and a massive explosion sent me flying back, screaming their names.

And here we were.

I was hiding under Will's body.

The goddess was still searching for something.

I didn't know what it was.

Nor did I care.

Will and Nora, the two people who protected me while they were alive, continued to protect me while dead, and all I was doing was hiding under their bodies like a coward.

Like a god damn coward.

The goddess continued searching, until she accidentally stepped on Nora's body.

"Ugh. Disgusting. How dare you defile my shoes."

The goddess stomped on her body. Over and over again.

My eyes wide.

How dare you.

You killed her... you already killed her.

Wasn't that already enough?

You killed my friend.

You killed my sister.

Wasn't that enough? Now you're...

Avara continued kicking Nora's body.


My body began reacting on its own, as I emerged from Will's body, standing before her. Avara looked at me.

"I missed one?"

The words came out.

"Get your feet off of her!" I yelled.

Avara regarded me, unsheathing her sword.

"You are just like her. And the others I have slaughtered. It is beneath me to deal with you on your own. I would rather you have been like the others, bunched in one pile for me to kill."

"Bunched in a pile...."

The rest of the orphanage... they never made it out alive.

My entire body was shaking with adrenaline.

I had nothing to lose.

I picked up the wooden stick and aimed it at Avara, who sighed.

"How insulting."

Avara closed in and sliced the wooden stick with her sword and kicked me in the stomach. I coughed out blood, slamming through a door and smashing to the ground. I rolled out of the way before Avara could pierce me with her wings. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway. Turning around to see Avara approaching me with a sword in each hand, her wings stretched wide.

I panted wildly, running into the kitchen, as I heard the footsteps of Avara not far behind.

"Come on, child. The more you run, the more painful it will be for you. The fear will consume you and eat away at your soul."

I hid behind a counter, peeking from the reflection. Her swords were creating sparks.

What do I do...

What do I do?!

Was I going to fight? Was I trying to survive? I don't even know what I wanted anymore.

The image of Nora being kicked by Avara flashed in my mind.


Nora would want me to live.

Will would want me to win.

For the both of them...

I will do both.

I snuck around the kitchen, taking a knife and began sawing at the exposed wires and gas to the stove, letting it leak into the atmosphere. I ripped a piece of my pyjamas out and pressed it against my nose. It smelled awful.

If you light up gas, it will explode. That's what we aren't allowed lighters in our rooms. Nora had once told me.

I snuck to the other side and began putting together a lighter setup. But the string was kept in the top shelf.

I needed to get to it. If my shoes touched the counter, there was no telling what kind of sounds it would make.

I grabbed the ledge.

I had to pull myself up.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Muscles need to be pumped blood to work. Where do you think all that good, freshly fuelled blood comes from? That's right, your breath.

I followed Will's advice, breathing as hard as I could.

The training was there.

I just had to believe in myself.

I clenched my teeth, and lifted myself up, long enough to grab the string and land on the ground.

But the landing had created a noise, as Avara turned around.


"Shit!" I whispered, as I quickly finished tying the string, and ran from the kitchen, Avara spotting me.

"Mortal boy!" Avara shouted as she ran after me. I pulled the cord before Avara could throw her sword at me, which pierced my shoulder and sent me flying.

I yelled in pain, but I watched Avara become swamped with the explosion of the entire kitchen, sending her and I flying out of the house.

I landed on the snow outside, crawling desperately with the sword sunken deep in my shoulder. There were a lot of endorphins in my body and adrenaline, as Avara got to her feet, her eyes widen in shock.

"My dress... you dare soil my dress!"

I couldn't believe it. She survived an explosion that big?


The goddess turned to me murderously, picking up her sword and approaching me.

"You... repulsive... thing!"

I grunted, pulling the sword out of my shoulder, as Avara swung down, but I caught it, causing us to clash.

"AAAAAH!" I yelled from the effort, as Avara stared at me.

"Stop struggling and accept your death!"

Avara swung at me with one of her wings, sending me back.

I slammed into the ground, sword still in hand.

The snow was dribbled with red and everything was getting dizzy.

"You are nothing. You are just a flawed human. In the eyes of a goddess, you are an eyesore! I cannot have you defile this land for my lord!"

I got to my feet, clutching the sword with both hands.

Just like the MMO.

She attacks and I counter.

If this was a game, I would be the swordsman hero, and she would be the enemy.

Who was far beyond me in level.

Who was impossible to defeat...

I clenched my teeth.


I had to do this.

I had now put myself into the position where I had to fight or die.

Running was no longer an option. She would just kill me right here or now.

If I had to choose between fighting or dying...

The choice was obvious.

"Give my sword back!" Avara shouted, as she swung at me.


I stepped back, replicated the MMO movements, and slashed, but Avara blocked my strike with her wings.

I spun around and slashed again, but Avara's face suddenly contorted with rage. The blade had managed to sink into her left breastplate.

"How dare you rebel..."

Avara slashed with her sword, disarming me, and slashed with her wing, cutting me deep in the chest as I fell backwards, choking on my own blood. I thrust out my hand desperately.

Avara regarded me, her silver eyes full of disinterest.

"Just like the rest. Fade away."

Avara then turned around, picking up her sword, and walked away. When suddenly, she stopped.


The two swords clunked on the ground, as she clutched her chest, coughing out blood.

"What in the-"

Avara stared at her hand, which was covered in blood. Then at the mark on her breastplate. It was bleeding. The blood looked almost black.

"You stupid child! What have you done?!"

I inched forward, grabbing the sword and dragging myself across the ground.

"Red... candy...." I gasped, using her sword as a foothold.

"You-" Avara's eyes went wide.

"When I cut you... I threw out the stick, the powder, it was a long shot. But... I guess it worked out. Somehow."

Avara fell to her knees before me, blood leaking from her mouth.

"How... how did... you... you're just a boy..."

I looked at her wound, which was now pulsating. The powdered drugs that had seeped into her wound was weakening her severely.

If this was an MMO, there was only one explanation.

She had underestimated me.

If she was really a goddess, she would have killed us all instantly, but she took her time.

"It's because I'm just a kid, with no powers, just a normal human that you held back. Now even Red Candy is enough to weaken you... I'm going to end this."

I raised the sword, and slashed at her neck, but Avara clutched the blade with her hand, causing blood to leak out.

"No.... this... this shouldn't be enough to weaken-"

Avara paused.

"MY sword.... you hit me with MY sword!"

I pushed as hard as I could against her force, but Avara snapped her fingers desperately, causing her swords to dissipate. I fell forward.

"You stupid mortal... I won't fall for your trickery again!"

Avara grabbed my neck and lifted me into the sky, thunder booming around her as her eyes glowed a murderous blue.

"Not only was I marked by a repulsive orphan, but I would resort to such measures... this is beneath me. This is INSULTING."

The cold and chill of the storm she was conjuring made me almost pass out.

"I'm going to DESTROY YOU." Avara snarled, flying to the ground. My stomach curled, as nausea rolled all over me from the sudden movement.

This was a familiar feeling.

I experienced this all the time back in the orphanage. Whenever we went out to the carnival and I rode the roller coaster.

The feeling of sudden acceleration.

And the consequences of it that made me labelled as the biggest wussy ever.

"DIE!" Avara screamed, as I vomited, the vomit splashed all over her face as Avara's trajectory tilted, the two of us rolling in the sky.

"What?! Gross!"

I grabbed Avara and climbed on top of her as the two of us slammed onto the ground. I rode her down the hill like the world's fastest and extreme toboggan until her head smashed into a rock.

The two of us were disoriented, but the images of Will and Nora continued flashing in my head. My body went on autopilot.

I used all my weight and pressed against her chest, causing Avara to cough, the wind knocked out of her.

Rage and pain.

I remembered the day Will fought off two bullies who tried to hassle me and another kid for change in the streets.

Will punched them on the ground, pinning them down so they couldn't do anything.

I brought my knees on her arms. My feet on her chest to avoid her sitting up.

Then my fists, reeled back, smashing against her face.

Avara grunted, as more and more blows continued to land, her face getting bloody, but the goddess extended her wings, jolting herself back upright and sending me flying backwards.

I hit a tree, and slid to the ground.

Avara had her wings outstretched again, as she summoned her swords.

"You... I will kill you. But I feel even just killing you won't be enough. To remember you. What is your name."

I slowly got to my feet, my body still on autopilot.

Where was I getting this strength from?

I rushed forward, as Avara's eyes widened in rage.

"Know your place!" She shouted, and slashed at me with her sword, but I caught the her blade with my hand, ripping it out and using it to block her wings.

Avara yelled and struck again, catching me in the ribs.

Everything felt dizzy. Blurry. And disorienting.

Blood was pouring down my body and making the snow red.


I forced myself to move.

I had to move.

I couldn't fall asleep now.

I clutched Avara's sword and to her surprise, I screamed, plunging the sword right into the left side of her breastplate, impaling her right where her heart should have been.

Avara vomited blood as she fell back, bringing me along with her.

The sword in her hand had cut into my ribs, but not all the way through. The sword in my hand on the other hand, had pierced her right in the chest.

Avara coughed out blood, as I yelled, lifting the sword and stabbing down again.

Avara sputtered.

I stabbed her again.

Again and again and again.





We were all going through enough.

None of us deserved to die.

Even if they bullied me. We were all going through shit.

You... you dare call yourself a goddess.

I stabbed again, as Avara tried to grab my wrist but I swung my fist, punching her in the face as she let go.

"This world..." I snarled, lifting the blade again.

"Isn't yours to cleanse.... Avara." I brought it down one last time, as Avara suddenly went slack.

She stared at me, the light leaving her eyes. Her last breaths being taken.

"And my name..." I whispered, struggling to my feet, her sword leaving my ribcage, as everything was turning dark.

"Is Aaron Hope."

I collapsed before the goddess, moments to see her die first.

I Solo A Tower Raid

The assassination had to wait.

Rollo had referred us to a member of the guild, the Guildmaster Terran, who oversaw the town's affairs, external and internal.

"This here is a map of Andropol, along with the locations hot marked for investigation. All of these places are of particular importance, ranked by difficulty. While Andropol does have troops, the troop regimen is responsible for guarding the town. For external matters, we have adventurers. These hot marks are typically quest opportunities."

Another quest driven journey?


"Dainsleif." Sigurd said.


Sigurd pointed at one of the hotspots.

"Does this strike any familiarity with you?"

I leaned in, focusing on the hotspot.


I had seen this before.

"Isn't this a guardian tower?"

Terran raised an eyebrow.

"Guardian tower? Are you sure?"

Sigurd nodded.

"Yes. I am positive."

Terran got up, startling the both of us, as he went to the door and closed it. This was big.

"Sigurd, Dainsleif. This better not be a joke."

Sigurd shook her head.

"There is no joke behind this. That tower is indeed a Guardian Tower."

Terran sighed.

"No wonder the bandits have overtaken it. A Guardian Tower housing one of the thirteen gods. To know it resides in Andropol... unbelievable."

I looked at the marker.

"And it's been overtaken by bandits. Do they know it's a Guardian Tower?"

"No. As for as I know, no one has realized its true nature. If this tower is retaken by Andropol's forces, that is a big achievement for us."

A big achievement...

I glanced at Sigurd, and I could tell she was thinking the same thing.

Terran put his hand on the paper.

"But there is reason why this hotspot has been around for a long time. Now, knowing of its high importance to Andropol. The stakes are even higher."

"How difficult of a quest is this?" I asked.

Terran sighed.

"It has been the longest forgoing quests Andropol's guild has had to date. None of our top adventurers have ever retaken this tower. The bandits themselves are all extremely powerful. In magic and in physical combat."

"We'll take the tower." I said, standing up as Terran stared at me.

"Dainsleif... even you. I understand you played a role against the invading forces of Trissal. But the only way we can retake this tower is if we storm it with our troops. But we are nowhere near at the adequate number to deploy without compromising our Garrison. To utilize our army requires consent from the royalty. It simply won't be worth it."

"I won't need troops. I can retake it myself."

I stepped to the door, putting my hand on the doorknob.

"Dainsleif." Terran said, stopping the two of us.

"If you succeed, this will be a major revelation in Andropol history. But failure... will mean your life. Do you understand?"


I could tell Terran wasn't convinced.

"I lost a son once. He was around your age. He was one of Andropol's best adventurers. And we all thought he could retake this tower. But he failed, and he died. I don't want a repeat of another young aspiring adventurer's death. So please. If... if even the slightest worry crosses your mind, please come back. I beg of you."

Sigurd smiled and put a hand on Terran's shoulder.

"There is nothing to worry about, Guildmaster Terran. Dainsleif isn't an ordinary human being."

I smirked, opening the door and heading out.


You're wrong, Sigurd.

I'm as normal as any regular human being.

Only difference is I'm an ordinary guy in an extraordinary world. Meaning I'm forced to work harder than anyone.

And hard work, always beats talent in the end of the day. After all, when you're born blessed, it's only natural to want to slack off. You never came from nothing. So there was never a reason.

We made our way to the tower, hiding in the trees.

"Sigurd, assessment."

Sigurd's eyes flashed blue.

"Enemies flanking and surrounding the perimeter of the tower. Enemies spotted lining the trees radially for additional support. Ninety seven units in total."

This was an awfully small number of enemies. But I could see why adventurers would struggle against these numbers.

"Check out the inside." I said.

Sigurd's narrowed her eyes.

"Initiating X-ray scan. Additional enemies spotted along the spiral staircase. Approximately fourteen hundred units inside the tower. Three berserkers on the top floor. And one skilled warrior among them."

"Skilled warrior?"

"His armour is noticeably more advanced than the foot units. And his weapons, a sword strapped to his back, appears mystical in origin. He is also not of human descent, he is of demon heritage."

So a straight up demon leading approximately one thousand four hundred ninety seven enemies. These were definitely not ordinary bandits.

No wonder Terran suggested a full out assault with foot soldiers to retake this tower. Numbers in the thousands are equivalent to a portion of an army. No adventurer party can take that out, especially when they had berserkers, and their leader was a demon.

But to enlist soldiers required money. The expedition to retake this tower would have been expensive, even if retaking it would return property to Andropol.

And even if they did deploy soldiers, full scale war was too risky.

Casualties and collateral damage was bound to happen. If a battle took place, the tower would just end up being trashed. And more money would be needed to fund the repairs.

None of this was necessary.

"Alright Sigurd. There's no point sparing these guys if they're going to run. We'll have to eliminate them all. These are definitely not bandits. I suspect they're units from Trissal."

"I agree. I await your orders, Dainsleif."

I got up.

Time to get to work.

I leapt from tree to tree to close the distance.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Anti-Magic EMP

I pulled out a grenade object from a magic circle and handed it to Sigurd.

"Lob that near the center of the tower."


Sigurd clutched the EMP and went invisible, as she leapt and began climbing the tower with her enhanced cybernetic agility.

"Good girl." I whispered, as created another hand sign.

Convocatio: Turricalum Sevenfold

Seven turrets appeared around me, circling me and readying their miniguns.

I ordered each turret to fly and surround the entire tower, loaded with special shells.

"EMP deployment on standby." Sigurd said to me through my eyepiece.


Sigurd chucked the EMP, as the grenade created a powerful magical electrical pulse. The bandits began to shuffle in response.

Their magical communications were now cut.

"Turrets. Deploy canisters."

All seven turrets began firing shells at the ground, which twirled on the dirt, releasing a green gas. Bandits collapsed left and right from the nerve toxin.

I pulled a mask over my head, as I ran to the base of the tower.

Sigurd threw a grapple line which I caught.

"Pull me up." I said, as Sigurd used her cybernetic strength and pulled me to the top of the tower.

I crashed through the holes of the top floor, causing the berserkers to stumble back in surprise.

"An intruder!"

"Alert the commander! How has this happened? What about our troops?!"

I pulled out my Draugr, aimed, and fired, killing two of the three berserkers.

Suffocating to death. The gas is not dense, so it's the kind to rise in the air. The architecture of this building is such that there are no windows, meaning gas attacks are especially potent, rising to the top and making quick work of the enemies at the bottom.

"Our troops are being killed by a gaseous demon!"


Sigurd rushed in with her knives, as the berserker roared, trying to slam his axe at her, but Sigurd was far too nimble, climbing up and decapitating his head.

"Sigurd. Deal with the enemies. I'll eliminate the commander."


I walked calmly to one of the doors and kicked it down, revealing the commander, who was sitting in a throne.

"Ah. Looks like someone here has finally spurred my interest to fight. You have no idea how long it's been since I've had a challenge. No adventurer has ever reached the top floor before."

I cocked my gun and took aim.

I was not an adventurer.

I fired two shots, expecting the bullets to hit the demon square in the head, but the commander simply lifted a finger, stopping the bullets midair.

"Firearms? You're an interesting one."

The demon flicked his finger, as I dove out of the way, firing as the commander continued stopping my bullets.

The demon deflected them as well, as he closed the distance, but I reached into a magic circle and pulled out a smoke grenade spraying it like an arc, blinding his vision and leaping back.

I took aim again with Draugr and fired, as the bullets managed to deflect off of armour this time.

So the commander could only deflect bullets that he could see.

"Petty tricks! How can you call yourself a warrior when you fight like a coward!" The commander shouted, as he tried to attack me, but the entire room was filled with smoke.

That's what you get though.

You're a demon.

I'm just a human.

What did you honestly expect I would do? Fight you fair and square? I'm nothing like the adventurers of Andropol.

I'll think before I act.

Every decision I make must be well thought out.

That is what it takes for someone like me to stand in a world full of extraordinary people.

That was how someone like me was able to kill the Goddess Avara at twelve years old.

Aspectum: Enemy Lock On

Magic circles appeared near my eyepiece, as I could make out the commander's figure. Locked on with a targeting reticule.

"Hero! Why do you not acknowledge your enemy in combat?! Where is your honour?!"


The hell is that?

I'm here to win. Pal.

Not to have a light hearted conversation.

I inspected my Draugr.

Draugr was designed to be a standard handgun. Equally light and recoil was good, for a standard shot. It hit just as hard while keeping recoil at a minimum to enable good accuracy. It was a well balanced gun.

But the bullets and firepower of Draugr weren't enough to take down this demon's armour and shatter it. I could scan for weak points in his armour, but there was no guarantee that any weak points in the armour would be weak points in his body. I wasn't familiar with demon anatomy, and I could tell Sigurd was busy fighting the bandits below.

There was also the issue with whether or not the armour was magically enforced or its durability was a material property.

It needed to be something that hit hard. A one and done.

The only logical solution that I can come up with in this split second?

Going to have to use it. My signature gun. With my signature ammunition that made me so feared as Master Jun Gasket's most infamous Outer Shadow.

I held out my hand, and suddenly, black mist appeared, revealing a grimoire. The grimoire opened, flipping to a page.

Convocatio: Special Gun Summoning - Thompson Contender...

Black Bullets

A different magic circle, unlike any magic circle I normally used, appeared as I held out my hand, wind and black mana swirling around me, as the demon stumbled back.

The smoke was still obstructing his view, but even he could sense it.

"What in the- a black magic circle?! How do you have access to this magic?!"

I reached in, pulling out the single shot break action pistol, and taking aim.

"Hunter..." The demon looked at me, his eyes were glowing through the smoke.

"You... made a deal with the devil too, didn't you."

I brought the hammer back, cocking the gun, and pressed the trigger.

"Yeah." I said.

Black magic swirled around the barrel of the gun, as the black bullet was fired through a black explosion, soaring and neutralizing all of the magic in its vicinity. Including the magic of all the bandits who were in the tower.

"No... no human should have access to The Goddess of Night's Magic. Noir's magic can only be used by her most loyal and faithful subjects!" The demon screamed, as the bullet penetrated his skull, sucking up all of his life-force and leaving behind a shrivelled up corpse in brittle armour which shattered upon hitting the floor.

I lowered the Contender, as I slowly put it back into the black magic circle. The circle swirled and dissipated with a demonic groan. The grimoire closed and also dissipated into black mist.

Yeah. Mister demon.

Only herself or her most loyal and faithful subjects can use her mana.

At least, that was the case.

Until I killed her.

And with her mana, it was Master Jun who designed an implant for me to be able to wield her magic, combining it into my grimoire.

The black bullets were my ultimate trump card. These were the bullets that I would use to take down a threat as fast as possible. But of course, there were side effects.

One doesn't expect a mere human to be able to use the power of a Goddess and not suffer backlash.

I clutched my chest and coughed out blood.

"Shit..." I grumbled, as I limped down the stairs, but something caught my eye. That demon should have dissipated into black dust. But this wasn't black.

"What the..."

I turned around and knelt down, swatting away the brittle broken armour.

I ran my hand across the ashes.

The black and red ashes.

I ground up the powder between my fingers.

This red...

Maybe it was because of the dream I had last night, but there was no way.

I had to be going paranoid.

But if there was the slightest possibility...


Magic circles appeared in front of my eyepiece.

I gritted my teeth, sweat running down my face.

Material Scan.

My eyes lit up with the vision spell, as my heart stopped.

This chemical...

Nora's smile suddenly flashed in my mind.

I don't know. Maybe swiping some of these?

I clutched my chest, hyperventilating as my eyes dilated. I began breathing heavily.

"Avara... Avara...!" I gasped for air. Oh no.

I was going through another one.

Another panic attack.

I stumbled to the wall, clutching my chest. Everything felt tight. I couldn't breathe.

I summoned Draugr, aiming frantically at the air.

"Hah... hah....!"

What... what was Red Candy doing here? There was no way... there was no way this place... this world could replicate the Ameradan Red Candy.

My mind began flashing to Avara's face.

That goddess's face.

The panic attack eventually subsided, as I lowered my gun, staring at the ground. The Red Candy mixed in with the ashes of the demon.

Red Candy was a drug. It had the ability to dull the senses. When I still lived in the orphanage, we took the drugs to dull our senses. Kind of like an escape from reality. It made us feel good, because with Red Candy, we essentially could not feel. No pain, nothing. It was just bliss.

I glared at the powder.

Memories of Will and Nora training me to be street smart. Their lessons flooding my mind.

If this chemical was being used here...

Did that mean Avara had survived our encounter all those years ago...?

I clenched my fist, creating an orange magic circle.

Magic Recombination: Ignis Pila

I switched my gun hand, as the fireball consumed my Draugr, entering the barrel.

I took aim and fired. Again and again at the powder until it vaporized from the heat of my bullets.

I met Sigurd, who was still fighting the remaining bandits at the bottom floor. I held up a piece of the commander's armour, as the bandits' suddenly stopped fighting, their faces full of shock.

"It's... Commander Dullahan! Commander Dullahan has been slain!"


Sigurd regarded me as she lowered her knives.

"Fall back Sigurd. I'll take it from here."

"Very well."

I held out my hand. Summoning another red magic circle.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning: M134 Minigun

A six barrel rotary machine gun appeared before me, hovering, as I grabbed the weapon with both hands, releasing a torrent of bullets and cutting down the remaining bandits.

Sigurd and I walked away from the tower.

"Sigurd, did you inform that the tower's been cleared?"

"Yes, Dainsleif. I have also asked that they keep this confidential, only to the royal officials to avoid public recognition."


Sigurd could tell something was wrong. The look on her face confirmed it, but I moved forward.

No point dwelling on the past. We had a job to do.

I just had to keep this inside for now.

"With the recapture of the tower, we should be able to gain an audience with the princess, right?" I asked.


"Nice." I said.

We continued walking, when suddenly, someone stood in our path. He was wearing armour, and had a huge sword.


"Dainsleif. Exercise caution. This one is different from the bandits."

The man smiled at us.

"Geh. Of course it wouldn't be that easy."

The man inspected the two of us.

"So... you two are the ones who defeated Dullahan and retaken the tower. To think that Trissal's generals has fallen so low to let a single adventurer defeat them, even with all the men at their disposal. How disappointing."

"Disappointing...?" I muttered.

Sigurd narrowed her eyes.

"Superhuman strength and speed. Superhuman durability. Superhuman agility. This one is not human. He is beyond an adventurer in power and skill. And beyond that of a knight."

"You would compare me to a knight? How insulting." The man spat.

This condescending attitude...

I recognized it anywhere. I've met his kind before.

"These mortals do not know of your name. But we do. Aaron Hope. The God-Eater. That is what they call you. But looking at you, your power is... laughable. I fail to see how you managed to kill so many of us. Even your performance against Dullahan is.... disappointing."

I gritted my teeth, as Sigurd's hand floated near her dagger.

"Why have you come here. Why come to this mortal realm?" Sigurd said.

The man regarded us.

"Why... well you see-"

I drew Draugr, took aim, and fired repeatedly, as the man suddenly blocked the bullets with his sword.


He's fast!

"What the- hey!" The man said, as I clicked the button on the side of my handgun, causing the ammo carried to fall on the dirt trail. Pulling out a different magazine from a magic circle.

Convocatio: Ammunition Summoning - Starfire Rounds

Lightning Magic: Augmentus

I slotted the magazine at enhanced speed, aiming and firing, as the man slashed at the rounds.

"Don't just start shooting at me before I can finish my senten-!"

The round exploded, cutting him off and releasing a blast which sent him flying back.

"Dainsleif! What are you doing?!" Sigurd exclaimed, as I readied my eyepiece.

Aspectum: Enemy Lock

Several crosshairs appeared on the man, as he shot forward, his sword in hand.

"Ah. Forget it. I suppose you were never one to hesitate to kill. I can see that now. But if I am to be convinced that you are indeed the mortal God Eater that haunts even deities, I must see more for myself!"

The man slashed at me with blinding speed, but Sigurd jumped in, clashing with her knives.

"I will not provide you with such an opportunity."

The man grimaced.

"My qualms are not with you, mechanical woman!"

The god kicked Sigurd in the side as Sigurd stumbled, her eyes wide, followed by another kick which sent her through a tree.

"Now! Hope! Show me what you... eh?"

I had already taken full advantage of Sigurd's distraction.

Everything was in slow motion, due to my Augmentus spell, the electricity surging through me and dialling my senses to eleven.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Caliga WA4000MX

I aimed the long barrel of my heavy duty anti-aircraft rifle at the throat of the man.

I gritted my teeth.

I will kill you all.

I pressed the trigger, causing the man to fly into the air, an explosion of blood erupted from his throat as he clutched it grabbing his throat.

"How dare you!!!!" He screamed, as he held out his hands, creating thousands of swords in the air.

Convocatio: Turricalum Garrison Formation

Four purple magic circles surrounded me, as my turrets came together like a shield and deflected the onslaught of blades.

"Set configuration: Vertigo Mode!" I shouted as my turrets click and clacked, changing shape, and emitting a high power pulsing wave at the god, who stumbled in the air.

"What is this...! I'm... I'm..."

The god slowly descended from the sky, his face pale, nausea rolling all over him.

The turrets broke formation, surrounding me on each side as I approached the god menacingly. My boots crunching on the dirt.

"Tell me. You self proclaimed god. Why have you come here?"

The god stared at me.


I took aim with Draugr, the barrel pointed right at his forehead.

"The blast I just released from my turrets is a vertigo wave. Right now, you're seeing triple. Whatever you hit, you won't know if it was the real one. Your nervous system has completely shut down. And you're resisting the urge to throw up profusely. So I'll ask you again. Why have you come here?"

"They told me... they told me the God Eater was here. I wanted to see him myself. The Outer Shadow... the man who kills gods. Your might... for I am the god of Trissal, Ceius. A god of war. It is in my nature to seek strength, and yours... is the most fascinating..."

A wave of rage rolled over me.

"The hell did you just say?"

Ceius managed a crazy smile, fighting through the nausea that was welling up inside him.

"Aaron Hope... the man who defeated the goddess of fertility, Avara at the age of twelve. Then proceeded to kill and kill. More and more deities falling to your hand. They say an Outer Shadow is of the highest forms of life, so to think that a mere human could become one raised many skepticism. But you... you are special. Doesn't the name of God Eater make you thirst? Thirst for more? Does that not satisfy your cravings? Such power? Such a title?!"

With each compliment this idiot was throwing at me, the more and more mad I was getting.

"Shut up." I muttered.


"Do you think I liked killing them? Do you think I killed Avara because I felt like it?"


My gun hand was shaking with rage.

"Don't you dare make such assumptions about me. I'm going to destroy you all... that is what I wanted. That's all you need to know. There is no thirst. There is no craving. There is no satisfaction. This is what I was... this is what Avara forced me to become that night. This is what I will do."

I pressed the trigger, when suddenly, Ceius smiled, slashing at me with his sword. I leapt back, as the barrel of my gun was severed.

"Ah. I'm mistaken then. How I am so rife of ignorance. Aaron Hope. Forgive me. To think..."


Convocatio: Gun Summoning - MP7

I summoned my submachine gun with my other hand, and took aim, firing a spray of bullets, but Ceius chuckled, intercepting them with hundreds of swords, crossed together like a flower.

"... that a mere human would understand the beauty of war!"

Ceius flicked his hand, as the swords came flying my way.

"Garrison Formation!" I shouted at my turrets, as they came together like a shield, but the swords pierced through the tech, as one of the blades pierced my thigh.


Ceius closed in and ripped the turrets away, but I had my MP7 ready, aimed right at his face.

"Oh." Ceius muttered, staring at me.

"I'm gonna send you to heaven." I snarled, emptying my entire clip at his face. Ceius flew backwards, as I threw my Draugr to the side, returning it to its magic circle and summoning another.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Binding Webs

I lobbed an orb, which exploded into a tractor beam which latched onto Ceius.

I held out my hand.

"Pincer Formation!"

My turrets surrounded Ceius, about to let loose gunfire, but suddenly, Ceius' eyes flashed.

More and more swords appeared and began clunking to my direction, interrupting my command.

"Suppressing fire!" I shouted at my turrets, as their configurations changed, revealing their miniguns, shooting and firing at the swords and shattering them, then turned back to Ceius, the barrels smoking but ready to let loose more.

Ceius growled, and broke free from the restraints, and tried to block the bullets of my turrets, swinging wildly, and destroying them. I jumped into the trees, hidden.

"Come out! God-Eater! Show me your might! Show me!"

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Ironsight

I aimed the barrel right at Ceius' face, firing and catching him right in the forehead. The god of war flew backwards violently, the shockwave rippling through the trees causing Ceius to slam into the trough of the tower.

I ran to his location, MP7 in hand, but suddenly, he was gone.

"What the-?!"

I looked around. My Aspectum skill...

I clutched my head.

Shit! Did I run out of mana already?!

I used up quite a lot in my fight against Dullahan. Then I used that stupid minigun to deal with the rest of the bandits that survived the nerve toxin! I was an idiot!

"Aaron Hope... the next time we meet, will surely be your last!" Ceius snarled from above.

I spun around and aimed my SMG up high, firing repeatedly, as Ceius blocked my bullets with another series of swords.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm trying to give out threats! Hey!"

I ignored him, continuing to fire.

"The next time we meet I will-"

Rat tat tat tat tat tat tat

"I'm going to kill-"

Rat tat tat tat tat tat tat

"You're going to di-"

Rat tat tat tat tat tat tat

"Ah! Screw this!" Ceius shouted, flying away, as I continued firing until my SMG ran out of bullets.

I had no more mana to summon any more ammunition.

I lowered my gun, the barrel smoking. Red hot.

"Dammit." I muttered.

I tried to take one step, but my leg wound caused me to buckle.

"Dainsleif... you're injured." Sigurd said, limping to me. Her arm was dislocated, and her face was cracked.

"You're one to talk!" I snapped.

"Damage to me can be repaired. You are still a human. We must get your wound treated before it becomes infected."

"Ceius got away. God dammit. I should've been more conservative with my mana."

"You are in no shape to fight any more. You are depleted of both mana and your stamina. And now you are injured."

I reluctantly let Sigurd patch me up, as we continued our way to the town.

I gritted my teeth. Ceius' stupid grin.

I'll blast that stupid smile off of your face.

Convincing A Princess To Come Home With Me

"You will not be talking." Sigurd said.

"What?! Why not?"

"Because we both know every time a disaster strikes, it's because you opened your mouth."

"Why you little..."

Sigurd and I were brought into a large castle by several guardsman. Well. Several was kinda an understatement.

"Hey... don't you think they're kinda making a big deal about this?" I asked.

"If a tower, that was for the longest time under control by the enemy, retaken by a single adventurer of unknown origin, despite having the greatest efforts fail in the past, would you not be wary as well?"

"I suppose. Definitely taking the compliment though."

"You are a child."

The guards brought us to the throne room, which was decorated with complex architecture. The throne was empty, but standing to the side, was one of the cutest girls I had ever seen.

"Wh- Whoa... Master Jun, what a cultured gentlemen..."

Sigurd elbowed me.

"Zip it! The last thing we want is to get executed. We haven't been in Andropol for a week."

"Sigurd and her apprentice, Dainsleif." The princess said.

Apprentice? Since when was I Sigurd's apprentice?

No no no.

I never consented to being second fiddle to Master Jun's state of the art love doll.

Sigurd knelt on one knee, grabbing my ear and forcing me to do the same.

"Yes, your grace." Sigurd replied.

"Yes, your-" I said, my voice completely off sync from hers.

Sigurd glared at me.

If Master Jun was here, he would have snickered at my awkwardness. The guards all stared at us in uncomfortable silence.

The princess regarded us.

"Why have you two entered our country? On what terms?"

"We entered your country to seek your council. For our master wishes to have an audience with you. We come with no intention to fight."

The guards shifted nervously, readying their weapons, but the princess held up a hand.

"It is okay."

Was it really though???

Master Jun wanted me to bring you in to "satisfy his urges". Was this shit really okay?!

"The fact that you two accomplished what our top adventurers and warriors in Andropol could not speaks testaments to your capability. While I understand this meeting was something you requested, Sigurd, I have a request of my own. Once this favour is granted."

"A request, my lady?" Sigurd asked.

"Yes. I will elaborate further in time. Where is this master of yours?"

"We will take you to him." Sigurd answered.

The guards suddenly ran forward, their weapons aimed at our throats.

I raised my hands, heart pumping like crazy, but Sigurd simply continued kneeling, completely unfazed at all. Must have been real nice to be a machine.

"You dare ask such a thing from the princess of Andropol?!" One of the elder men who was standing on the edges of the throne snarled at us.

"My apologies." Sigurd replied, quickly.

"We mean no ill intention, nor plan any harm on your lady. Our Master is quite secluded."

"And how do you expect us to believe that?!"

"Russel!" The princess said, sternly, causing the old geezer to freeze.

"You will not address these guests with such aggression and malice. They captured the tower for us. We are in no position to be making such threats."

The princess sighed, turning back to us.

"I apologize for Russel's hardheadedness. He suffers from emotional stress due to having never experienced the touch of a woman for fifty eight years..."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"...but Russel is one of my exemplars, and his concern over me is justified. I admit I am suspicious of the two of you. If you choose to harm me, I will be powerless. Should you bring me to your Master's realm, I will be defenceless."

Did she really just brush over the fact that she had just outed her fifty eight year old virgin exemplar so casually?

"I understand, my lady. What will it take for us to prove that no ill will lies behind our request?" Sigurd said.

"Denied! Such a request... is inconceivable!" Russel shouted, as did the rest of the old geezers.

What was this?

Council of the Alzheimer's?

I looked at Sigurd, who was still trying to formulate and calculate.

Now wasn't the time for that.

Now was the time for action.

I got off my knee, as Sigurd spun around, her eyes wide.

"No! Dainsleif, what are you-"

"Alright! Listen up!" I shouted, as I stood before the princess and her advisors.

"I am the one who took back the tower. So I get to make the demands. Unlike Russel here, I've banged a few chicks back in my day. So everything he says against me is ultimately void because he is a loser."

"Keh!" Sigurd's face turned into a mix of shock and nausea.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Sigurd mouthed at me, but I ignored her. Obviously I never banged anyone. I've had exactly the same number of guys confess to me as girls.


"This tower... is a Guardian Tower."

Everybody went silent. Even Russel, who, approximately 2 seconds ago looked like he was going to storm down the steps and punch me in the face with his old shrivelled hand.

"That's right." I said, standing my ground.

"The bandits who had captured it, were no ordinary bandits. The one commanding them was a demon named Dullahan."

"D- Du- Dullahan...?!" A guard stammered, as commotion rippled across the guardsmen.

"The Demon Dullahan?" The princess put a hand to her mouth.

"Are you sure, Dainsleif? The Demon Dullahan is one of Trissal's mightiest generals. Why would he be stationed to watch over the tower?"

"There's also the case that the tower is a Guardian Tower..." One of the geezers said.

"I don't know why Andropol has a Guardian Tower. A Guardian Tower houses a spirit of one of the thirteen gods of the Duvian empire. Chances were, Trissal knew about this too. Which was why Dullahan was stationed there."

The princess regarded me.

"So Trissal had the divine protection of two gods."

Sigurd quickly grabbed my head and slammed me into the ground.

"You mentioned two gods. So prior to capturing the tower, Trissal only had one god's protection?"

"Yes. Trissal was watched by the God of War Ceius."

"And what of Andropol?"

The princess sighed, looking at the throne.

"Our god... had passed. At least that was what we believed. But now we know that is not true. For this tower... in fact was what housed our deity."


So that dude who had intercepted us, was the guardian deity of Trissal.

I had a score to settle with him.

But that would have to wait.



I glanced at the far corners of the throne room.

A shadow. Jun's shadow.

"What are you doing here? What is it?" I hissed.

The tower.

"What about it?"

One of our informants has uncovered a potential infiltration.

"Infiltration?! We just captured it!"

The god of Andropol is awakening. Should you choose to retrieve the princess of Andropol to our lord, you must do so now. Her safety is paramount.

Suddenly, the doors busted open.

"Your highness!" A man shouted, his voice desperate.

"Soldier. What has happened?" The princess asked.

"The tower... a monster... a terrible monster. One the size of multiple mountains! It's wreaking havoc! My entire platoon of soldiers have been wiped out!"


"The tower's god... our god has become feral!"

"What do we do?!"

The princess gritted her teeth.

"We must mobilize our forces to contain the god. Including the adventurers. Our people's safety is a top priority. Relay this to the people of Andropol. Begin evacuation!"


I stood up.

"I can help."


The princess looked at me.

"Our adventurers are quite capable. So is our Garrison. Have faith in us, Andropol's people will be safe. They will be..."

It didn't look like she was able to convince herself.

"My qualms with you will be put on hold. Dainsleif. Until the threat is neutralized." Russel sneered at me, as everybody filed out.

"What will become of us?" Sigurd asked.

The princess regarded Sigurd and I.

"We will arrange lodgings for you two. In this castle. You will be on standby for now. But you will be monitored. By me."

I raised my hand.

"I can elimin-"

Sigurd kicked me.


Sigurd shot me a death glare, and within my earpiece, her voice emanated in my mind.

If you reveal your power, the princess will become even more distraught. You already made a blunder of yourself by calling out Russel's virginity. And lying about your own.

"That is so underhanded!"

If the princess wishes us to be kept under her supervision, then that will be what we shall do.

The princess turned around and left the throne room, beckoning us.


We followed.

"That's... a really nice dress." Sigurd muttered, as we trailed the princess from behind.

"What?" I asked.


"No. I heard you say something."

"It is your imagination."

"Yeah probably. Though I can't imagine you changing into anything else. What's even under all that skin tight leather? Plastic?"

If the princess wasn't here, I knew for a fact that Sigurd would probably slit my throat.

And I was not missing this opportunity to mess with her a bit.

The princess led us to our rooms.

"You will be staying here."

Sigurd bowed.

"We appreciate your hospitality, your grace."

"Call me Diana. Princess Diana Eustansia Avarice the Third."

I blinked.

"Princess Diana Mustache the what?"

Sigurd kicked me in the balls.

"GAH! You rusting bitch! What the hell?!" I clutched my crotch and slid to the ground.

"Show some respect!"

Diana put her hand to her mouth and giggled.

"It seems the two of you have known each other for a long time."

"Healing... Healing Sigurd! Please! My nuts!" I gasped in pain, trying to not black out. Talking hurt.

Sigurd sighed, and looked away, injecting me with a needle as I felt my nut sack return to normal state.

"Yes. I have known this fool for a long time." Sigurd said, as she helped me to my feet.

"We served our master together. Since my conception."

The princess smiled.

"Do you mean since you were built?"

Sigurd and I paused. The air suddenly went cold.

Sigurd's hand floated near her knife, and my hand floated near Draugr, but Diana laughed.

"I mean no harm. But I recognize those like you, Sigurd. You are an android, correct? One that is machine. I have encountered a few in the past, actually."


I had completely forgotten. What did Sigurd say? That Andropol was a mix of modern tech and magic. That was how we were able to infiltrate and integrate ourselves so easily despite Sigurd looking like a hotter version of Catwoman and I looking like a ripoff Kirito with guns.

Diana inspected me.

"But you... you are a human. Just like our citizens in Andropol. Your mana pool is average. As is your physical build. You don't even have a build that contends with the Royal Guard..."

So basically she was saying I was small and average. Despite working so hard to look jacked in the gym.

Master Jun... just kill me now.

"...but you were the one who captured the tower? All on your own?"

"Yes." I replied.

Sigurd looked surprised.

"How are you able to tell Dainsleif's magical capability?"

Diana pointed at her eye.

"That is my magic. I am capable of seeing the magical and physical potential of people. This is how I assess my peacekeeping force, Andropol's military power, and can distinguish adventurers who stand at the top."

Sigurd looked at me evilly.

"And what is Dainsleif's adventurer status?"

"Well, according to what I see, he's around a C Rank adventurer. Sigurd, you on the other hand, despite lacking magic, your physical capabilities puts you to be around A Rank."

The colour left my face.

"C- C Rank?!"

Diana gave me a warm smile.

"But there is more to a person than what magic can sense. I am sure there is something beyond that I cannot detect, considering it was you who took the tower. And that reminds me... I wish to speak to you, in private."

"In private?" Sigurd asked.

I held out my hand.

"It's okay, Sig. I can handle myself."

Sigurd didn't look convinced, but nodded.

"Very well. I will be in my quarters. But if I sense a spike in adrenaline pertaining to a fight or flight response, I will be at your side immediately."

"Sounds good."

I followed Diana as she brought me on a tour.

"This is the hallway that my ancestors once walked through."


Diana continued walking, until she stopped in front of a large portrait. It was of a dude with the coolest beard I had ever seen.

"That's a bushy beard." I commented.

Diana smiled.

"Yes. His facial hair is 'bushy' indeed."

I put my hands in the pockets of my fur coat.

"Diana... er I mean Princess Diana. You do realize I am a major asset to take down that monster right? I've killed tougher and bigger opponents. I recaptured the tower and took down Commander Dullahan myself."

"I'm sorry, Dainsleif, but I cannot allow you to intervene with this."

"Why not?"

Diana turned to me.

"Dainsleif. Your records in Andropol have you listed as a magic gunman, correct?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

The princess ran a hand over her dress.

"Is this your first time dealing with matters to the extent of royal affairs?"

"Not really. You'd be the eighth princess I've visited for my master."

"I see."

Diana continued inspecting her garments.

"The man you see in this portrait is my father. King Eustace Avarice."

"So that's the king, huh. What... happened, if you mind me asking?"

Diana looked at me.

"He died."


"It's okay. Andropol and Trissal have been at war for the longest time. We are rivalling factions in this region. While both nations have a guardian deity, the way the divine interact with us is far different than with Trissal."

"Ceius watches over Trissal?"

"Yes. Almost like a guardian angel. Lord Ceius will rarely step foot into the mortal plane, unless he seeks one worthy of battle. As a god of war, he is extremely powerful, and the laws of the divine do not permit gods to interfere with mortal affairs."

I clenched my fist.

Was that really so?

Then how would you explain that night, when Lady Avara attacked my orphanage?

I guess there was no point asking her these questions. She didn't seem to know the answers.

"I'm guessing the god that watches of Andropol is different?"

"Yes. Because the god of Andropol, Nyx, can only step foot in the mortal plane through a host. Nyx is the god of fortune. In his eyes, true fortune only exists in those of royalty. In Ceius' case, he is able to gain form in the mortal realm because Trissal has a history of war. It summons him, like a call. But for Nyx, he requires a host to act as his calling. This was... my father's destiny."

I can sort of see where she was going with this.

"Every prince of Andropol is fated to become the host of Lord Nyx. By becoming a host of the divine god of fortune, prosperity is brought to the nation. But when I was born... I was female. Meaning I ended the long lineage of princes in Andropol. Nyx only possesses those of strong fortune, Kings. A princess can never become a King. Plagued with the guilt that he had sired a daughter, my father blamed himself. His long fall into depression forced my mother to take over the affairs of Andropol. But no Queen ever existed in Andropol before who had taken the throne. Overworked, the Queen fell into despair, her royal mana overwhelming her body and transforming her into a Kaiju."

"You mean like those giant monsters? Jesus."

Diana ran her hand over the portrait of her father.

"Lord Nyx can only inhabit the bodies of strong hosts. Father, though one of great wealth and fortune, chose to host Lord Nyx, but for the reason of ending my mother's suffering. Reawakening as the god of fortune, Nyx killed the Queen of Andropol, but as a result, the power overwhelmed my father, killing him in the process. And now, I must take over, to rule Andropol as its sole royal survivor. As the Princess of Andropol."

I regarded Diana. She had to be no older than sixteen. So she was just a kid. And she was forced all of this on her shoulders.

She lost her parents, and now she was forced to rule an entire nation all on her own. Sure she had the Alzheimer's Council, but the pressure was all on her.

"But that's even more reason for me to help you out. You're overworked. If you don't-"

"Dainsleif." Diana cut me off.

"The reason I am telling you all this, is because I want you to understand that this monster that is currently ravaging my kingdom, is a Kaiju. Surely now you know who this is."

My voice trailed away.

"King Eustace..."

Diana nodded.

"My father is rampaging our kingdom. This is not your fight. As the princess of Andropol, he is my responsibility to take down. This is our kingdom. And he is my father. I will deal with this using my strength. I understand you most likely have more than enough to deal with this threat."

My usual goofy expression faded away.

"And if this overloads you and you become a Kaiju?"

Diana smiled sadly.

"Then this will be the end of Andropol's Avarice bloodline. They will seek another family line to inherit the throne. And you will be the one to kill me."

"That won't happen."

"But should the task be too much for me, I am prepared to give my life for my nation."

Diana led me back to my quarters.

"I am needed in the war room. Rest well and enjoy my hospitality, Dainsleif. By the time my father is properly laid to rest, I will show you the rest of Andropol."

I walked in on Sigurd trying to curl her hair with a curling iron.


Sigurd yelped, jumping.

"Kya! What- Dainsleif, you-"

"Oh my god! An android trying to curl her hair. That's hilarious. What, saw Princess Diana and tried to mimic her hairstyle or something?"

"Dainsleif... you... Assault Mode activated."

Sigurd's eyes turned red.

"Wait wait wait!"

I held up my hands, trying to run away, but Sigurd bolted faster than I could react, and pinned me to the ground, summoning two blades from her forearms.

"Eliminate. Eliminate. Eliminate."

"You're pretty enough! You're super pretty, okay! I was just joking!"

"Perhaps I should reconsider..."

"That's better. Good girl."

"...and chop off your genitalia instead of your head."

"Ah! Sigurd! Don't! I'm begging you not that! Anything but that!"


A ghostly voice appeared in my head as Sigurd and I stopped wrestling.

Sir Dainsleif and Lady Sigurd... is now perhaps a bad time for our report? Jun's shadow was in the corner, fidgeting nervously.

Sigurd got off of me.


The shadow bowed. It was probably pretending like it didn't see anything. I didn't know if Jun's shadows were different from the other shadows of the Inners. But I know for a fact that they've been through some much weirder shit than any of the other shadows.

If rumour got out I was copulating with an X rated android woman, my reputation would be finished. There was no going back from this.

One could say that this was all a huge misunderstanding. Which it was. Obviously. I clowned on Sigurd for trying to look pretty, and she ended up trying to kill me with Assault Mode (which is a mode that is reserved for taking down Dogma Holders, by the way). But the way she had climbed on top of me, her legs spread out and everything, and judging from the way the shadow had just shown up at the worst possible timing, there was no explaining my way out of this.

And I knew for a fact that Jun was definitely going to go public with this information.

That little bastard.

"Did you get all that, Dainsleif?" Sigurd asked.

"Wh- What? Sorry I was zoning out."

"You are as competent as a Contingency Initiative Operative."

"You didn't have to do me dirty with that roast."

"The shadows have just reported on the state of the Kaiju that is decimating Andropol right now. I believe this information should be particularly important to you."

"What's going on?"

The shadow regarded me.

This Kaiju gained conception in an unorthodox way.

"How so?"

Sigurd crossed her arms. her expression that was normal deadpan was grim.

"Shadow. I will ask you keep this information confidential for now."

As you wish, Lady Sigurd.

"What's going on?"

"The shadows have kept an eye on the tower you recaptured ever since you returned to the kingdom. And since then, they never let loose their surveillance. When the Kaiju was formed, it possessed the soul of Nyx and royal blood, most likely King Eustace Avarice, the father of Princess Diana Eustansia Avarice."

"I know that."

"But something like this is impossible. The King of Andropol had long since passed since becoming the host of Andropol."

"Wait, how do you know this?"

"I was listening to your entire conversation with the Princess."

I shot to my feet.

"What the hell man? Ever heard of privacy?!"

"It is standard procedure for an infiltration unit to have constantly audio surveillance of their subordinates."

"Wait." I stopped, staring at Sigurd.

"What's wrong?" Sigurd tilted her head.

"How long have you been listening in on me."

"Every time I accompanied you in missions."

"So... every night... whenever I rustled in my bed... you... you..." My face turned bright red. My ears felt like they were melting from the embarrassment.

Sigurd smiled.

"There is nothing to worry about, Dainsleif. You are a human boy. Your hormonal urges are understandable."

"Hey hey hey! That's not the problem here! You mean to tell me you've been listening in on me every time I whipped one out?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Consider it payback, every time you made jest of my cosmetic sessions."

Dammit. I couldn't win against her!

No matter how much intelligence I had, there was no winning a debate against a robot!

I sighed.

"Alright. Whatever. Let's get back on topic. You mentioned that the King died, right? So how was he able to become a Kaiju again and host Nyx?"

"That is just the case. It is theoretically impossible, the conditions of Nyx's incarnation is through a strong host of bountiful wealth and fortune. This isn't the case. Meaning an external party was involved."

"A healthy... no way."

Someone who could bring a man back from the dead, almost to the point where it would be considered alive and healthy and well.

When King Eustace had hosted Nyx the first time, he wasn't particularly all into it. He wasn't gung ho of being a god vessel. Meaning it was just enough.

So to have someone be raised from the dead, just good enough...

My mind flashed to him.

Lady Hakah's Outer Shadow who had made a big name for himself. The most public of the Outer Shadows.

Yuyan Zheng.


"That Shakujin. Marcela Greene, she committed another taboo?"

"Yes." Sigurd put a hand to her chin.

"But even for a Shakujin, reanimation of the dead is considered a crime beyond that of the Dogma. So to be forced to perform another taboo, twice in a row, this revival was not voluntary. She must have been controlled."

"So an Outer Shadow had captured her."

"I am convinced that is the case. Meaning an Inner Shadow is currently interfering with our assignment."

I clenched my fist.

"Is it Lady Hakah?"


There were many people in this world who I could defeat.

My whole schtick was taking down and defeating gods.

But even I had limits. Some beings were just too powerful.

An example of that is Master Jun and the Inner Shadows. The most powerful beings in the world, and beyond that, was Lord Ginga. And even beyond that...

The Great Akuma.

But even among the Inner Shadows... there were exceptions, those who stood at the best of the best.

And Hakah Mah was an example of the apex of strong.

The Level 1 Dogma Holder of Susanoo, the God of Storms, who possessed the power to overwhelm a Stage Five Dogma Holder as Stage Four.

That spoke volumes as to how powerful she was.

Hakah was the strongest Inner Shadow. She was so strong, that all the Inner Shadows feared and respected her.

Even Master Jun.

Although that could just be because he has a massive crush on her.

If Hakah was involved with this assignment, that was it.

There's nothing we could do.

We had to call it quits.

"We have insufficient evidence to conclude that Inner Shadow Hakah is involved."

"Even if it is the slightest chance, we can't risk having an Inner Shadow war. We don't stand a chance against Hakah. We'll investigate and intervene, but if I so much as see that voluptuous bombshell I'm hightailing it. Good fucking luck, Andropol."

"Very well, Dainsleif. It will be done."

I lay in bed, as Sigurd sat on the chair, her hands on her lap and eyeing the windows.

Was this super creepy? Absolutely.

But at this point, I was used to it. I had known Sigurd for years and put up with her weird shit. This was just her way of watching over me in case of an ambush. I was human at the end of the day and I needed sleep.

"Goodnight, Dainsleif." Sigurd said, gently, as I closed my eyes.

Outer Shadows

It was one of those dreams.

I had my feet up against the stool, tended by numerous blonde ladies around me.

Hell yes.

This is the life.

"Is there anything you need, Master Aaron?" A lady purred in my ear.

"I do." I said.

"I want to join too! Let me join!"

"No me! Me too!"

"Stop this! You're bothering Master Aaron!"

They loved me. They were fighting over me.

This was bliss.

Suddenly, one of the ladies looked at me.

"Heh. You're gonna have to wait your turn, miss." I said, cockily.

"Aaron. I need to talk to you."

"Well, after I'm finished, I'll see if I still got some in the tank for you."

"AARON!" The woman snapped, her voice suddenly different.

"What the- Master Jun?!" I yelped, as my harem dissolved, until I was standing in the throneroom of Inner Shadow Jun Gasket.

"The hell was that dream, man?" Jun said, crossing his arms, sitting in his throne room.

"Hey. Don't question a man's tastes. What is it?" I asked.

"How's the mission going?"


"Okay, as in the fact that it's being interfered by another Inner Shadow?"

I choked.


"Dude. Level 1 Hachi. Hello?"

Shit, how could I have been so stupid! Of course Jun would know what's going on. The dude had the God of Archery for a Dogma.

"Look, Jun. I... I have reason to believe this mission has been interfered by Inner Shadow Hakah Mah. If that's the case, I gotta pull back. She's too much of a threat."

Jun gritted his teeth.

"Dammit. And this whole mission concerned her too."

"Wait, what?"

Jun looked at me.

"Yeah. I needed the Princess of Andropol. Because she has information on the Mah Bloodline. Hachi can only let me see so much. It's the God of Archery and War. Not the God of Sight."

"Wait, so it wasn't for... any other reason?"

Jun raised an eyebrow, as his face turned red.

"What?! What do you take me as?!"

"You literally was like... I must satisfy my urges. Bring me the princess of Andropol. I don't care how." I started dancing in the dreamscape, my voice low and mimicking Master Jun's.

"I do not sound like that! Have some faith in me, Aaron! Jeez! Even I know to do my job."

I put a hand behind my back, yawning.

"Alright. So what's going on, Jun? That you would summon me here in this dreamscape?"

Jun spun around in his chair, flicking his hands and causing numerous giant holographic screens to appear in front of the two of us.

"How much do you know about the Mah Clan?"

"Well... not much. Aside from the fact that Hakah is one of the remaining survivors. They're supposedly super strong, right?"

"Not supposedly. They are ridiculously strong. You know about the unbound Hinokami, right?"

"The Chinese Terrorist? Yeah."

"Alright. I'll give you a brief refresher."

Jun flicked his hand, revealing several diagrams.

"The Great Akuma was a powerful spectral entity that once terrorized the world. But when she died, her essence was split apart. The only thing that remained was her lieutenant. This lieutenant was known as The Dogma. The Dogma was given one command by the Great Akuma just before she passed, and that was to unite as much of the followers of her philosophy to some day restore the world in her stead. And when her children, the Level 1 Akuma Grade Dogma holders came together, they would revive her from the dead. And so, the Dogma sought after numerous individuals, offering power through exchange.

"Hachi, Susanoo, Suijin, Fujin, Hinokami, Shakujin. Those are the main Dogma Holders who would revive the Great Akuma. Along with her soldiers. The other Dogma holders. Ordinarily, a Level 1 Akuma Grade Dogma holder can only achieve Stage Two, max. Any more is outside of the Dogma's limits and authority."

That made sense.

This was the reason why Juuzou Katsuya, the current holder of Fujin could only access Stage Two. And he was the strongest of the Dogma holders outside of the Shadow Legion. At least... until Yeling unlocked Anarchy Form and Stage Three. Then Stage Four.

Jun continued.

"But as you have been made aware, there are those who can go beyond that. Jay 'Slipstream' Hellion. I can unlock Stage Five Hachi. The new Hinokami user, Evangelion, has untapped potential."

"Yep. Because of Lord Ginga, right?"

Jun turned to me.

"Yes. Lord Ginga. The mentor of Taras Pax, the first Dogma Holder to unlock all six Akuma Grade Dogmas, albeit not Level 1. It's from Lord Ginga did he bless us with the ability to go past Stage Two. You don't need to know how he is able to do this. You just need to know that he can. Which is why..."

Jun focused his window into a picture of Hakah and her brother, playing in the fields.

"Hakah is interesting. Stage Five is said to be the ultimate limit of how far a Dogma can go. But... she can go beyond that."

My heart stopped.

"Beyond... Stage Five?"

"Yeah. I've never seen it myself. I've never seen her go all out before. But if her Stage Four surpasses even Stage Five, you can imagine how strong she really is, how much she still has untapped."


Just thinking about just how far this chick could push her power made me nauseous.

"And now...there's the fact that her older brother is in the picture."

"Yeling Mah?"


"But this dude struggled against Transplant. Transplant is a joke. His combat prowess was around the same as me when I was still getting used to Gun Magic. Why would-"

"No. Hasn't it hit you yet?"

"What do you mean?"

Jun zoomed in on Yeling. It was snapshots of his final battle against Transplant. He was in his transformation. His long shoulder length hair was fluttering wildly, as four horns had sprouted from his head. A pair of demonic phoenix wings and celestial armour cladded his arms and legs.

"The limit is Stage Two. Without Lord Ginga's intervention, there is no way someone can tap into power beyond Stage Two. But Yeling... Yeling managed Stage Three Hinokami without Ginga's blessing. And now he's running around with Stage Four Hinokami and Aelienne's power. That shouldn't be possible."

What the hell was going on?

How could someone...

"First it was Hakah surpassing Stage Five. Now it's her older brother Yeling going past the theoretical limits of an Akuma Dogma Holder with Stage Four. There's something going on with the Mah Clan. And I want to figure out why. How are the Mah siblings so powerful? And it doesn't end here."

Jun looked at me.

"I'll still need you to retrieve Princess Diana Avarice for me. Because I have reason to believe Hakah might be trying to conspire against Lord Ginga."

My eyes widened.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Seriously? There's no way."

"Outer Shadows are not supposed to be known to the world. That's how we operate. This is what Lord Ginga wanted. Sure, sending Transplant out to destroy the Contingency Initiative was his request. But that was it. There was no reason for Transplant to continue terrorizing the world like that. There was no reason for him to go public. This was not what Lord Ginga wanted. And this was not what the Dogma wanted either. The Dogma kept urging Yeling to eliminate Yuyan, even going as far as to make him indirectly help us search for a Suijin candidate, which was what allowed Jay Hellion to join our ranks as an Inner Shadow."

A bead of sweat ran down my back.

"But... is that enough for us to think Hakah is going against us?"

"The only thing Hakah wants, out of everything in the world, is to be reunited with Yeling. She would go as far as to disobey Lord Ginga and make Transplant go on a frenzy just so he could retrieve him for her. I don't know why Lord Ginga hasn't done anything to reprimand her... but something tells me that Hakah may have..."

Jun turned off the holograms, his face looked pale.

"... surpassed Lord Ginga in power."

I stared at Jun.

"N- No way... Master Jun. You can't be serious..."

Jun normally never took anything seriously. Seeing him like this was really freaking me out.

"Listen carefully, Dainsleif. Whatever happens. Make sure the Princess is safe. Bring her here. This Kaiju whatever. You may let her try to deal with it. But you must protect her. The Avarice Bloodline has connections to the Mah Bloodline, dated back centuries. I want to know everything there is behind Hakah and Yeling's enormous power."

"And what if Hakah shows up? That infiltration... and the Kaiju's awakening, it was from Marcela Greene, right?"

"Yeah. I still don't know who got to Greene. Whether it was Hakah, or someone else. But if Hakah shows up, rest assured. I will step in and fight her with everything I got. No holding back. Should that happen, you will retreat and prioritize the safety of your companions. Because the collateral is no place for a human."

This was...

Too much.

If Master Jun himself had to step into a mission.

But something told me that even Jun might not stand a chance against Hakah.


"Yes, Master Jun."

"I'm giving you an upgrade."


Jun got out of his seat and grabbed my wrists, his eyes glowing orange.

Hachi and Amplification Stage Two: War God Ascension

My body surged with power.

"What did you just-"

"I can't increase your power like I did with Rollo, and I can't just give you new parts like Sigurd. You're just a normal dude." Jun explained.

"Wow, thanks man." I grumbled.

"But what I can do, is suggest new ideas to your brain. Opening up new neural links. When the time comes, you should be able to devise a new way to use your magic and weapons. You're gonna need it. It won't be enough to hold off Hakah, but any Outer Shadow of hers will be no match for you."

Jun crossed his arms, as the dreamscape slowly dissolved.

"Oh. Also make sure Sigurd comes back safe too. I spent way too long trying to model her breasts to be an optimal size. It would be a shame to lose her."

"Wha- You weirdo!"

"Hey man! As a man you should understand. Considering you dream about blonde harems every night!"

"Yeah, but at least I'm not open about it like you are!"

"Shut up! I'm your boss! You should be treating me with respect! Oh shit, there's a new episode that got released. I'll catch you later. Imma catch up on some new Demon Killer. Weeb mode activated!!!"

The vision shattered, as the sounds of the Demon Killer opening played in my head.


Sigurd was shaking me awake.


"You must wake up now. The Kingdom has been breached. Everyone is evacuating."

"Jesus, Sig. This is not what I was looking forward to first thing in the morning."

Sigurd turned the other way as I changed into my clothes.

Make sure the Princess is safe. Bring her here. This Kaiju whatever. You may let her try to deal with it. But you must protect her.



"Yes, Dainsleif."

"High alert. If the place is breached, we're looking at attackers left and right. I'm gonna conserve my mana so I won't be using my Aspectum spell."




"Push the bed out of the way. Make some space."

Sigurd picked the entire bed up with one hand, lifting it and putting it to the side.

My eye twitched.

"Dainsleif?" Sig asked.

What was even the point of working out in the first place when you had someone like Sigurd who could achieve more than I ever could...

"N- Nothing." I stammered, as I held out my hand.

Convocatio: Multi-Gun Summoning - Full Arsenal

Sigurd raised an eyebrow.

"Why this spell...?"

Multiple magic circles appeared before us. As my entire arsenal of guns emerged from their respective magic circle. The spell continued until the carpet was covered in black tactical firearms. Something super out of place in a fantasy world, but hey. Anything to get the job done.

Let's do a rundown.

Draugr D975AX Model 3. A standard handgun with the ability to shoot multiple bullet types. The Draugr was designed by Master Jun to be the perfect handgun, optimized for weapon firepower, adequate fire rate, reload time, and weight to minimize recoil. This was my go to weapon.

MP7. A submachine gun that fires armour piercing (AP) rounds. The weapon fire-rate far surpasses the Draugr, rated 950 rounds a minute. Low recoil. It also looked badass. The only downside was I couldn't use any other types of ammunition for it. It was also a standardized firearm, and the only submachine gun I had in my arsenal, since Master Jun believed SMG's were shit because every time he used one in the game Rainbow Siege he would always die. I wish I was joking.

M130 Fully Automatic. An assault rifle which was another creation of Master Jun. Capable of multiple bullet types and is superior to the Draugr in firepower, fire rate, reload time. But it was larger, and required both hands to wield. The recoil was also high. A laser sight enhanced its accuracy though. It also had a sniper configuration, but it was nowhere near my dedicated sniper in power.

Ironsight 55XHPS Version 3. A super heavyweight, tactical sniper rifle which can be disguised as a briefcase. Fires specialized shockwave rounds and vortex shells, designed by Master Jun for long range elimination and cover fire. Featured a built in rocket launcher at the side which fired several explosive projectiles should distance be breached.

Caliga WA4000MX. An extremely powerful super heavyweight anti-aircraft rifle with multi bullet compatibility like the M130 and Draugr. The Caliga rifle was actually designed by Master Jun taking inspiration after the Crowned Avenger Caliga of the Champions Universe. Famed for his devastating super strength, Jun found him so badass he had to design a rifle after him (and also bought all of his merch). The weapon uses electromagnetism and kinetic magic to accelerate its rounds to deliver extremely powerful shots similar to the superhero's punches. This weapon is probably one of my heaviest hitting guns I have in my armoury. I'm not kidding when I say this. I once shot this gun at the World Serpent Jörmungandr with the intention to just knock it out, but it decimated him off the face of the planet with one bullet. I had to contact a fellow Jun Outer Shadow colleague to undo his death. I then had to write a personal apology letter to Loki and it was awkward.

M134 Minigun. Taking the M130 and bringing it to the next absurd level, this is basically the assault rifle but even heavier, firing even faster, and has a ridiculous magazine. The thing is incredibly heavy though, and takes a ridiculous toll on my mana. Even just summoning it made me feel a bit woozy. But the payout is worth it. The minigun alone is enough to sweep down entire legions of enemies. I've used it to take down armies. Yes. I mean literal legions of armies. I once hunted down Khorra, the goddess daughter of Kronos, and the spacetime warping skank sent me to the outer reaches of the Champions Universe. The Gadroon, an entire platoon of aliens, saw me as a threat and in a fit of frustration, I killed them all with this minigun. Proceeded to use their technology to warp back to Khorra's world, and kick her ass. Worst Sunday ever.

In the corner were my Turrets in compacted form. These guys were given the model number DS33 Salvation. But for whatever reason the ritualistic chant to summon these guys was Turricalum. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. These turrets are coated with Questionite, and are capable of adjusting their shape and size, to act as shields, mobile cover, mobile defence, backup fire, suppressing fire, reconnaissance. They're basically my little helpers. I can summon a max of seven at a time. They also feature a wave motion generator, which can induce a number of effects, from vertigo, to electric shock, to magic negation fields, EMP's.

I also had a bunch of grenades and shit, but if I summoned them in this room, I would risk setting one off.


"Yes, Dainsleif?"

"I want you to carry the Ironsight, M134 and the Caliga."

"I'm... sorry?"

"The heavy weapons. They're not heavy to you. If it's true Hakah is coming, her Outer Shadows might be involved. I called out my arsenal because summoning these things takes mana and time. There's no time to be switching between weapons through magic circles in a fight. I'll need them on hand. And for you too."

"I see." Sigurd did as she was told, strapping the Ironsight sniper to her back, and dual wielding the M134 and Caliga with each of her hands.

God she looked so hot with all those guns.


No, what am I doing, she's a robot. If even a robot turns me on, I've truly fallen as a man.

I shook my head violently.

"So we are prepared for total war."

"Yeah." I said, as I strapped my MP7 to my thigh, the M130 to my back, and my Draugr to my belt. I also took all seven turrets in their concealed disc forms and strapped them to my belt, concealing them under the folds of my fur coat.

"Let's go find Diana."

We ran out of the room, as the shadows appeared next to us.

Sir Dainsleif. Lady Sigurd.

"What's the situation guys. Sorry. I just woke up."

The Kaiju is releasing spawn. The spawn have decimated forty five percent of the Kingdom of Andropol. Civilians are evacuating to underground shelters, as Princess Avarice struggles to hold off the Kaiju.

"Dammit kid... you really are stubborn." I muttered, as the window exploded next to me, a spawn was snarling, closing in.

My eyes widened in shock. I wasn't gonna react in time.

But thankfully, Sigurd had smacked it away with the barrel of the Caliga, then proceeded to shoot the spawn down with the M134.

"I will protect you." Sigurd said.


We continued running in the castle, as I took out my Draugr and aimed, firing at any spawn I could find.

One of the doors exploded, as a guard was pinned down by numerous Kaiju spawn, which was eating away at his throat.

I aimed my MP7 and fired a spray of bullets, eliminating them in seconds.

I ran up to the guard.

"He is dead, Dainsleif."

"Damn. Sig, pinpoint the Princess."

Sigurd spun around, as her irises began adjusting like little crosshairs.

"Location found."

"Let's go."

I took out a MS33 turret and threw out the disc, which transformed into a glider. I leapt onto it as I aimed my Draugr and shot at the window, shattering it.

Sigurd followed behind, her jet boots releasing a jet of cyan energy.

I took a look at the spawn.

"Dammit Diana. I hope you're not overexerting yourself." I said.

"We should find the princess first. The forces of Andropol are able to stalemate the spawn temporarily, we should take this opportunity to determine if there is a solution to eliminate them all at the same time. I suspect killing the Kaiju is the most viable."

"Yeah. Assuming we don't have to run into Greene. Then our plan will involve another branch. Greene alone should be easy to eliminate, but she's got colleagues. The Fujin, and Contingency Initiative Dismantler, Kronos, as well as that Stormwatch chick. I'll have to fight them all at the same time while simultaneously protecting Diana. What a pain in the ass."

"Dainsleif! Over there!" Sigurd called out.

I spun to where Sigurd was pointing, to make out Diana surrounded by hundreds of spawn. The Kaiju of King Eustace, roaring at her, as Diana tried her best to try to reason with her father.

"Father! It's me! Please, I know you're in there! Ahh!"

A spawn rushed in, sending Diana to the ground. Several guardsmen tried to protect her, but they were being carried off by the swarm.

Sigurd leapt in, firing her M134, the steady stream of bullets repelling the waves of spawn away, as I threw out three turrets, each expanding into a cross shape.

I quickly tapped my eyepiece, a magical crosshair appearing in front of my eye and targeting Avarice.

"Matrix Formation!" I shouted, as the three crosses slammed into the ground in a triangle around Diana, pulsating with a blue light and creating an energy field which warded off the spawn. Zapping them with blue electricity.

I hovered to her location, taking out my MP7 and Draugr, dual wielding the two guns and shooting down the spawn.

"Diana!" I said, as I turned to her.

I gasped.

Diana's face was pale, and blue veins covered her forehead.

She was breathing hard, sweat was pouring down the side of her head, as she clutched her chest.

"Why have you come, Dainsleif?! This is my fight!"

"Yeah, and you're doing real great."

Diana gritted her teeth.

"Father is my responsibility. I must reach him!"

"Your father died. That thing isn't your dad!"

"You don't know that!"

The King roared, a mass of blue gelatine, whipping around as it tried to swing at me, but Sigurd aimed the barrel of Caliga, releasing a powerful shockwave shot which neutralized the arm, decimating it into a shower of blue mist.

"Your highness. This isn't a matter of whether or not you can reach him. This man is no longer your father. He has been reanimated through the power of Shakujin. He must be eliminated."

Diana closed her eyes, which were brimming with tears.

"I can't... I still believe in him."

"FIRE ALL OFFENSIVE SPELLS!" Russel shouted at the mages of Andropol, who released several magic circles, firing a series of ice, fire, earth, and air bolts at the King, causing him to moan and groan, knocking over buildings left and right.

"No! Russel!" Diana cried out.

"Your majesty. We don't have a choice!" A member of the Alzheimer's Council shouted at the princess.

"This is for your sake. Please understand!"

Diana let loose a gut wrenching cry.

"FATHER! Please! Fight this! I'm here! I am!"

The King retaliated with more spawn, as they continued bombarding the cross formation that was shielding the princess.

Diana began pummelling her fists against the turrets.

"Remove these machines, Dainsleif! Remove them! My father needs me!"

I ignored her, and turned to Sigurd, who was still providing suppressing fire with the M134, keeping the spawn from killing the soldiers of Andropol.

"Sigurd. Will a Black Bullet end the King?"

Sigurd nodded at me.

"Yes. A Black Bullet will be more than enough to kill this Kaiju. But any chances of recovering King Eustace will be neutralized. The Black Bullet will siphon his life force along with the magical essence of this creature."

I glanced at Diana.

"Sorry. Princess. As much as I also want you to be with your dad, he's long gone. That's the reality. Sigurd, provide cover fire."

Sigurd nodded.


I watched as Sigurd acrobatically scaled the building of a church. Her agility was top notch, even with the added weight of a full minigun, anti-aircraft rifle, and a sniper on her back.

Sigurd took aim with the minigun and fired a spray of bullets at the King, then used her other arm to unleash a powerful shockwave shell from the Caliga which blasted a chunk of the Kaiju's head away.

Instantly, the monster began regenerating.

I took a deep breath, putting my Draugr and MP7 away, and putting up an intricate hand sign.

Convocatio: Special Gun Summoning

A black wisp appeared in front of me, as a grimoire took shape. The book opened to a page full of demonic lettering.

Diana's eyes widened.

"Noir's... Noir's Demon Magic? How do you have access to that?!"

I clenched my teeth, veins appearing on my forehead as I felt my heart begin to hurt.

Black Bullets

A black magic circle formed above the pages, as I reached in, grabbing the handle of my signature break action pistol.

I pulled it out.

Thompson Contender

I brought the barrel of my Contender to my chin, breaking it open and slotting in a Black Bullet, eyeing the Kaiju mercilessly.

"NO! Dainsleif, I'm begging you! Don't kill him! Please! Please!"

I glared at the Kaiju as I slowly took aim with the Contender, the barrel pointed dead center at the monster.

It didn't matter where I shot.

The Black Bullet will still do the job.

Black energy began to swirl around the barrel, turning into a demonic vortex of dark energy.

"Dainsleif! Don't... don't..." Diana fell to her knees, crying.

"Please don't kill my daddy..."

I gritted my teeth.

It must to have been nice to have a father.

I never got to know mine.

My finger pressed against the trigger.

This was for your own good, Princess Diana Avarice.

As important as feelings are, in the grand scheme of things, it's that or your survival. And I'm the type of guy who survives.

Because to survive is to win.


"What the-" I gasped.

King Eustace buckled, as a sharp appendage shot out of its torso, coming at me like a spike.

Lightning Magic: Augmentus

I leaned backwards, dodging the spike, but the thing caught me in the side of my right thigh. Pain arced up my body as I tightened my grip on the Contender.

"Agh!" Everything went in slow motion, as I drew my MP7 with my other hand at lightning speed, aiming at the spike and peppering it with bullets.

Eustace withdrew, shooting more spikes at me.

I used my uninjured leg and propelled myself, dodging the spikes at super sonic speed, firing at the spikes with my SMG.

I fell on my back.

"My... my daughter... stay away from her..." The mass of slime grumbled.

"Father!" Diana screamed.

My eyes widened, as the spikes came flying at me.

I didn't have enough bullets left in my MP7 to shoot them away, and reloading would take too much time.

"Defensive Maneuvers!" I shouted at my turrets, as four DS33's shot from my belt, transforming into a grid of crosses and blocking the spikes.

I scooted backwards, reloading my MP7.

"Dainsleif!" Sigurd shouted from afar. She had used up all the bullets of the M134 and ran up to me from behind.

"Your leg."

"I know." I seethed.

The turrets continued shielding me as I assessed the situation.

"King Eustace was speaking from that mass." Sigurd said.

"Yeah. I can't tell if it's just him manipulating us, or if that's really him in there. Take me to Diana."


Sigurd helped me to my feet as my four turrets followed me, hovering in shield mode and deflecting the spikes.

More and more spikes began bombarding the three DS33's that were protecting the princess, as they began to crack, shattering, but the four that were protecting me appeared in front, the shield replacing the force field.

I breathed heavily next to Sigurd and the princess as Sigurd injected me with a needle.

My leg wound started to heal.

"Da- Dainsleif..." Diana muttered.

"Your father..." I said.

"Diana..." King Eustace muttered.

"You must... run..."

Diana ignored Sigurd and I and ran forward.

"I won't! Not unless you're with me!"

"Don't be... foolish! I... I can't control it..."

I reached out to her.

"He's right. You need to get out of there! It's not safe!"

Diana stood her ground, as numerous appendages came flying her way.

"I will save you, father. I'm not a weak little girl anymore."

Suddenly, dozens of magic circles appeared before her, as she yelled, unleashing several beams of frost at Eustace, freezing him in place.

King Eustace roared, shattering the ice and releasing a massive swarm of spawn her way, but Diana retaliated with a wave of ice, yelling in the effort.

"Princess Avarice has formidable magic power due to having royal blood, but she is not a prince. She cannot channel it properly. This clash will only be temporary until she is overwhelmed." Sigurd advised me.

I got to my feet, putting my MP7 away and reaching behind my back and drawing my M130 Assault Rifle.

Magic Recombination: Ignis Pila

The barrel of the rifle glowed orange as I unleashed suppressing fire at the swarm.

"I'm backing you up, Diana! Sigurd, aim for any buckling spots."

Sigurd acknowledged, aiming the Caliga and firing massive holes at the weak points of the monster, causing it to stagger.

Diana gritted her teeth.

"I've... been weak my whole life! If I had just been stronger... I would have..."


Diana and I paused.

"Who-" I said.

You will always be weak. Princess Diana Eustansia Avarice. Because you were born a princess.

"Hey! If this was Tweeter you'd get cancelled for saying that!" I shouted.

Diana's legs buckled as she fell to one knee, her body glowing with ice energy.

"No! I... I will sacrifice myself if it means protecting this kingdom. If it means saving you! I'm not weak anymore! You don't have to burden yourself with me!"

A face formed from the texture of the slime. The same bearded man from the portrait.


Suddenly, the face contorted. Transforming into a different face with horns.

This world is an unfair, unjust place. You cannot save the king, and you will always be a burden. That is what you were born for. That is what you will always be.

Tears leaked out of her eyes.

"I... I..."

The face smiled sinisterly.

Brave words can only suffice for military morale. But fundamentally, you were born a woman. You cannot fulfill the role of a prince. Your only purpose is to give birth to heirs by mating with those compatible with the Avarice Bloodline. But now, all the candidates are gone.

Diana was losing the clash, and I was running out of ammo with my M130. There was no time to reload.

I had to use more mana, but that would mean I would not be able to use my Thompson Contender. The Contender was the last resort.

If Princess Avarice couldn't bring King Avarice back, I would have to eliminate him with my Black Bullets myself.

"Supporting fire!" I shouted at my turrets, as the stopped shielding me and transformed into several floating gun pods, firing and pushing the wave back.

I summoned all of the DS33's, until all seven were deployed. Three shielding the princess, and the remaining four assisting in shooting back the wave of spawn.

Man this day was such an L.

The sinister being kept taunting.

Did you really think you can escape your fate, little princess? Did you really think you could do what your mother could not and rule Andropol all on your own? The very act of defiance to the god Nyx is in itself defiling your father's legacy, and your mother's sacrifice. Give up, Princess Diana.

You should never have been born.

It was the conception of the first princess of Andropol did the royal lineage of the Avarice family end.

You are a mistake.

Diana closed her eyes, as her magic circles began cracking and shattering left and right.

"Hey! Diana!" I shouted.

Diana opened her eyes, gasping.

"You're going to let this guy taunt you after he had practically taken over your father?"

"But... this is the god Nyx! He is our guardian deity! I cannot... I cannot defy him any longer. I must..."

"Forget that! This god of yours has taken over your father's body and is wrecking Andropol. Like hell he's a guardian deity! What is he even guarding?!"

"Diana..." Eustace muttered.

"D- Daddy?"

"K- Kill me... I... We have, for the longest time been in the service of Lord Nyx... but perhaps... you..."


King Eustace and Nyx began fighting each other in the body of the slime, as my M130 ran out of ammo.

I used Augmentus and blasted to Diana's location, grabbing her by the waist before she could collapse from magic overexertion. The four turrets that were giving suppressing fire were swamped by spawn, shattering and destroyed.

I commanded one of the remaining DS33's to transform into a glider and the other two to trail me behind as I picked up the princess and soared into the air.

"Let me go! Dainsleif!"

"Shut up! Any more of your ice magic and you'll turn into a Kaiju too. Then I'd have to kill two Kaijus on a Saturday afternoon!"

I had no idea where Sigurd was. But I couldn't waste time worrying about her. She was tough enough and had survived far worse. Same with Rollo. I had to make sure the princess was safe for Master Jun.

I looked down at the Kaiju as we made distance, but Diana kicked me and landed on the ground.

"Leave me alone!" Diana screamed at me.

"I can't do that."

"What do you know about me?! I will do whatever it takes to save my father! Even if it kills me!"

"And what do you think is gonna happen if you just rush out there and get impaled? Huh? Do you think Andropol is going to be safe? Do you think this Kaiju will just be like sweet I killed the princess, time to go leave the country alone and hang out with my homies for a Saturday night?"

"I have no idea what you're even talking about!"

I leapt off the glider as it transformed into a hovering cross next to the other two DS33's.

"Diana. Do you want to save your father?"


"And if you die? And your father is saved? Do you really think he would appreciate that? The person he loves the most, his daughter, killed by his own hand, and he has to live his life knowing that? He already lost the Queen. His wife. And now his little girl is gonna die too."

Diana's eyes widened.

"Listen to me. I'm on your side with saving King Eustace. But we need to do it properly. You can talk to him, sure. But don't do it so recklessly. Let me protect you."

Diana looked away.

"What's the matter? Look, if it's because I'm a guy, I'll have you know that I'm not into princesses. I'm into tall women with big asses and straight blonde hair."

Diana gave me a disgusted look.

"I... wish I didn't hear that."

"Then why are you so hesitant?"

Diana clenched her fist.

"If Daddy survives... maybe I should just be dead."

"Ummm did you not hear what I just said?"

"I understand what you were saying. But... it's my fault Andropol is the way it is. It's because of me. It was because I was born a girl. If Daddy survives and I died, he would need to sire another child. And maybe this child will be a prince and... and..."

Diana's voice broke.

"I should die."

I regarded my Thompson Contender. The god slaying pistol.

The image of Nora and Will's lifeless bodies before me.

The Goddess Avara kicking Nora's corpse in front of me.


Life is a blessing.

Even if it's shit, it's a blessing in the end of the day.

When Will and Nora's lives were taken that day, I was so mad, and to this day, I am still mad.

I hate the gods.

Will and Nora were good people. Sure they had a bunch of issues, but every day they lived it to their fullest. They waited for a day to experience what it was like to have a loving family. They were still waiting. And they never got the chance.

The one thing I hate more than gods... are people who take their lives for granted.

"This world doesn't make mistakes." I said.


"I said this world doesn't make mistakes. You are not a mistake." I replied, remembering what King Eustace had said, moments before Nyx took over his body again.

"What did King Eustace say? He told you to kill him, your family has been at the service of Nyx for the longest time. Maybe it's because he's realized Nyx isn't meant to rule over Andropol. Your birth, the reason of your birth may have ended this cycle, but maybe that is what Andropol needed."

"What Andropol needed...?"

"You are not a mistake. The furthest from it. I think... you might be the one to save the Avarice Bloodline from Nyx. You have to be."

Diana's eyes widened, the realization coming to her.

"Bu- But... how do I save... how do I save my father?"

"That'll be up to him and you. While we were fighting, I discovered some... thing inside that monster's belly. I think it might be his body. If we can separate him from that monster we should be able to save him, but if he's too integrated into the Kaiju's systems he will die. I will support you. I have an idea on how to weaken Nyx's influence. When that happens, it's up to you and King Eustace to fight back his influence and grab him out of there."

Diana's face flashed with determination.

"Then that is what I shall do. I will save this nation. I will save my people."

I nodded, as I commanded one of my DS33's to transform into a glider, stepping on it.

"Good. Now hop on. Let's save your dad. And your country."

I'm Amazing

"When I get close, I'm going to open him up." I shouted over the wind.

"And once you see his body, it's up to you two."

"Got it!"

I looked at Diana.

"Hey. Are you sure you can do this?"

Diana gave me a steeled expression.

"As the princess of Andropol. Without question."

I turned back to the mass, the sentries following me and cutting down any appendages with their machine guns.

Aspectum: Enemy Lock

My eyes widened, as a magic circle appeared in front of my right eye, crosshairs appearing and marking down the body of King Eustace.

"Ready?" I said.

"Yes, Dainsleif."

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Buzzsaw Orbs

I held out my arms, pulling several marbles out of magic circles between my fingers, and launched them at the Kaiju.

The marbles expanded, revealing high velocity moving saws, as they veered to the monster.

"Periphery cut protocol!" I shouted, as the buzzsaws sliced and diced at the Kaiju, repeatedly and opening the hole bigger and bigger. Whenever the Kaiju tried to close the hole, the saws would cut and hack away at the monster slime.

"Go! Dian-"


The DS33 that we were on suddenly exploded, as an appendage had breached the gunfire of my sentries and went straight for the hoverboard.

Did you really think I would let you two meddle with my affairs? My goals are not for feeble mortal minds to understand.

The two of us free fell.

"Gah! Turrets!" I shouted, as both of my remaining two turrets came and picked me and Diana up, but now I had no more cover fire.

The appendages closed in.

"Dammit! Diana! It's up to you!" I shouted, as the turret launched Diana to the hole, landing on the ground and sprawled in front of her father.

The turret exploded, as I leapt onto the surface of mine.

But just as I got up, appendages came flying at me in all directions. There was no time to call upon magic circles. I was toast.


"YAAAAAH!" Diana screamed, placing her hands against the surface of the Kaiju. Frost began covering the monster as the appendages stopped midair.

What are you-

"I won't let you harm him!" Diana shouted, she pointed at me. A gust of wind threw me into the torso next to her.

King Eustace regarded us. His whole body looked blackened and sickly. But Diana ran forward and hugged him.

"Father... father what did they do to you?"

"Diana... is that you? Why have you come here?!"

"We need to free you from this beast. And then Dainsleif can eliminate it."

"Diana... that isn't possible."

"It is! We can do it-"

"No. Diana. This beast... is me. I can no longer control my body. But to rip me out of this body would be like decapitating my head. I will die. You must kill me. Here."

I regarded the two of them.

Diana looked devastated.

I always knew it would come down to that.

Even if she did extract the King from this Kaiju, he was still undead. There was... nothing we could do.

It was not right to raise the dead. It just isn't.

The King should be resting with the Queen in the afterlife.

"It's okay, darling. Look at me, Diana."

"No! No! Don't talk to me like we won't ever see each other again! I can't do this without you!"

King Eustace rubbed his face against her hair.

"My precious daughter. How you have grown. You truly are Andropol's finest. What a lucky father I am to have such a pretty daughter."

"Daddy... don't leave me... don't leave me again..."

Eustace looked at his daughter sadly.

"I must rest... Diana. My time for Andropol is over. I cannot help you. Please understand."

"I refuse! I- I- I can't. This is your kingdom to rule. I am just a princess. If not live as a King... then please, live as my father. Guide me, like you used to! Play with me in the gardens like we used to! Scold me and reprimand me, inspire me, whenever I got in trouble! Please... please..."

"This is your country now. I believe... that you are the one destined to save us all."

"How can you say this... when I've caused all of this chaos?"

Eustace smiled.

"One blunder is not enough for one to lose his or her merit as a ruler, Diana Eustansia Avarice. You are doing a fine job."

Diana sobbed, her eyes wide as Eustace ran a sickly bony finger across her face, wiping her tears.

"Lord Nyx... the Avarice Family has served him for the longest time. We served him and acted as his host, because we believed for a Kingdom such as Andropol to prosper, we needed the God of Fortune. That was what we believed, for many generations. And we would do anything to sire a son. Any miracle or charm we would buy. Any service that would bless the Queen's womb with the ability to give birth to a prince."

"And it worked, yes? Andropol prospered. Our people prospered. Our Kingdom prospered. Right, father?"

Eustace looked down.

"But it wasn't until you were born, did I realize, moments before my death, when Nyx's power overwhelmed my body and disintegrated me. That your birth meant something. Something that could change Andropol forever."

"I don't understand. What can possibly be the benefit of having a princess instead of a prince?!"

"My dear Diana... your conception, broke the cycle of our slavery to the God Nyx. It is your existence, that forced us to no longer be bound to the God of Fortune. This entire time, you have been ruling Andropol with a strength none of your ancestors have ever imagined possible. A princess ruling Andropol, and still keeping it prosperous?"

"That's... that's not true! I've struggled. I've made so many mistakes. I can't defeat Trissal. I couldn't capture the tower with my strength, and now... I can't save you. I've lost so many soldiers, and half the Kingdom has been destroyed... I'm a failure... I'm a failure daddy..."

Eustace put a hand on his daughter's head.

"No. You are not a failure, pumpkin. Look at me."

Diana made eye contact with her father. His warm smile.

I never knew my father. He died in a plane crash. Him and my mom.

I was an orphan, so I never knew what it was like to have a parent's warmth.

But seeing this made my heart feel... fuzzy.

"You have freed us. Of all the royalty who have ruled Andropol, you have ruled it with your own strength. Not from a borrowed god. I believe in you."

Diana's tears began peppering the ground.

"We will always be watching you, pumpkin. Me and your mother. From the other side. We are so proud of you... to be able to lead a nation all on your own. Russel and the exemplars will be by your side, but so will we. You are not alone. You are strong. So let me go."

"D- Daddy..."

Diana buried her head in King Eustace's chest, as Eustace stroked her hair.

"By my decree, I entrust this Kingdom, in all its authority, to you. Save this nation for me, will you... Queen Diana Eustansia Avarice?"

Diana gritted her teeth.

"I will. Thank you, father."

Diana put her hands on Eustace's head, as Eustace gave his daughter one final smile.

"I love you, pumpkin."

"I love you, daddy."

Frost surrounded Eustace's body, as the King collapsed into ice shards. The body of the entire Kaiju groaned, tilting and spilling the both of us out.

"Jesus Christ!" I yelped, holding up a handsign.

Convocatio: Turricalum

A DS33 Sanctuary appeared from a magic circle, transforming into a hovered as I landed on it, as before me, Diana stepped out, her body glowing with an angelic white and blue. An ice tiara had formed on her forehead and one wing manifested, pure crystal.

"Uh. Whoa. You look really cool." I said.

Queen Avarice nodded.

"I will take it from here, Dainsleif. Thank you. For everything."

Diana powered up, as she shot to the sky, and zipped around with blinding speed, passing through the spawn and turning them frozen.

"By my name, Queen Avarice, I banish you from my kingdom!"

The forces of Andropol stopped fighting, staring at the blinding light of their new queen.

"This glow... has Princess Avarice ascended?"

"No... she has defeated the Kaiju! She's... she's become..."

"The new Queen. The proper ruler of Andropol!"

How dare you break your contract with me, Avarice! Nyx snarled, as the Kaiju regained shape.

Avarice shouted into the sky, as a wave of frost blasted all the spawn in the entire country away.

Nyx tried to attack Avarice, but I intercepted him.

"Hey." I said.

What the- how dare you. Get out of my way, mortal. My qualms are with the Princess of Andropol, not some gnat like you.

"She ain't the princess no more. Dumbass. She's the QUEEN."

I looked at Diana, who looked down at her kingdom.

"The people is my priority. I will protect and save them. Nyx... is no longer our Guardian. Do what you do best, Dainsleif."

"With pleasure."

I turned back to the God of Fortune, who roared into the sky.

No matter. You are nothing. This is beneath me. So I will use this temporary body to its limits. I will destroy you all with my full power. As a god. Be honoured to be crushed, Andropol. No god has unleashed their wrath on you before.

I watched as Nyx transformed, the slime body turning into armour, a humanoid shape towering over the entire country. I had to keep craning my neck up and up as the armoured body of a warrior god touched the very clouds.


Nyx let loose bolts of lightning from the sky, but Diana shouted, creating a powerful frost shield out of thousands of magical circles, protecting the city.

I ordered my DS33 to fly, up and up evading and dodging the lightning bolts and Nyx's hand swats.

You delusional boy. You cannot slay a god.


I guess he was in for a big surprise then.

Thompson Contender: Black Bullets

I lifted my Contender, taking aim at the massive god.

Like I will let you, mortal.

Nyx unleashed a powerful wave of energy.

Convocatio: Turricalum Threefold - Iron Buckler

Three DS33 Sanctuaries appeared before me from magic circles, cladding together and forming a shield, blocking the energy wave.

Black energy swirled from the barrel of the Contender.

From the reflection of the metallic surface of my sentries, I could see the black veins that were sprouting up my head.

It was now or never.

"Break." I ordered the sentries, as I could make out the face of the God of Fortune. It was like he was wearing a giant golden mask.

What the-

I smiled evilly.

"It's over for you. Join my list of slain gods."

I pressed the trigger, firing a black bullet which embedded itself into Nyx's face, swirling like a black hole. Nyx screamed, his essence being sucked in by the bullet. His golden aura turning grey and his skin turning white, cracking and crumbling.

And within seconds, Nyx was no more.

"Ah. Well. Looks like that's done and over with."

The shrivelled body of Nyx free fell to the ground, but I grabbed his neck and descended from the sky, landing some distance away from Andropol.


Where the hell was I.

Like seriously, where did I end up.

"Wha... wha wha what... what..." A man was stammering. I slowly turned around.

"Oh, hey there Ceius."

Ceius had his swords in his hand, but he stumbled backwards, his swords shaking profusely.

"N- Nyx... What-"

"Oh, this dude?" I held up Nyx in front of Ceius.

"Ce- Ceius... run... before he gets you too..."

Ceius screamed, falling on his ass.

"How did you kill the God of Fortune?! How? You struggled in your fight against me! First it was that stupid fool outclassing me, now it's you!"

Ceius suddenly noticed the gun in my hand. The black aura and black magical smoke that was still rising from the barrel.

"No... how do you have access to Demon Magic..."

I took aim with the Contender, as Ceius hightailed it the other direction.


I slowly lowered the barrel, setting Nyx on a stone.

"Guess it's gonna be while for me to get back to Andropol." I muttered, as I sat on the ground in front of the god's dying body.

"You... killed me... with one shot..."

"Black Bullets." I explained.

"That's... still not enough to kill a god... Noir's magic... it can only become intensified through darkness. Through malice and anger and bloodshed..."

I regarded Nyx, as his eyes widened.

"You're him. Aaron Hope. The God Eater..."

"Yeah. I guess. Every god I kill, the stronger my bullets become. My Black Bullets come from me. The darkness in my heart. So I guess you can say it isn't the guns that make the man."

"Such a life... will surely consume you, Hope."

"My life was already decided when Avara killed my family. Nyx."

Nyx slowly closed his eyes.

"Forgive me... my Lady. I have failed."

"Wait hold on. What do you mean Lady?"

"Awww.... looks like Nyx failed. I guess he was too weak after all." A familiar girl's voice appeared behind me. I whipped around, but clutched my chest as I coughed out black blood.

"Shit! Hak-" I burst into a fit of coughing.

I was in no shape to fight. Every Black Bullet I fire is detrimental to my health. It not only drained a ton of mana.

It also drained my life.

All I could see was the high heeled shoes of Hakah Mah. Her silky red robes hovering from the ground, and her wavy black hair which reached her waist.

Normally girls like her turned me on.

But nope.

I was shitting bricks!


"Ah ah ah! No contacting for help, Outer Shadow." Hakah teased, as she walked up to Nyx and knelt down in front of him. Before I could react, Hakah flicked her finger, and a jolt of electricity fried my eyepiece, cutting off my communication with Sigurd.

"My Lady... I did my best... I..."

"It's okay, I wasn't expecting much from a puny god like you. I just wasn't expecting Gasket's boys to be interfering. Dainsleif of all people too. You never would have stood a chance against Gasket's Sword."

I fell on my ass, breathing frantically.

Holy shit.

I had to get out of here! Whether or not I live came down to her mood.

Hakah giggled, putting a finger against Nyx's head.

"My Lady...?"

Level 2 Shakujin: Life Manipulation

All the remaining life of the god left his body until an orb of energy floated in her hand. Nyx turned into dust before he could even let out a scream.

"Say... Dainsleif... don't your Black Bullets do the same thing?"

"I. Uh. Depends on who's asking. I mean you're asking. I mean. Uh."

Hakah gave me a cute smile, walking up to me. The red silk was covering her body, but she was wearing like... the most revealing clothing. Just a black swimsuit, like she had just gone back from a dip and decided to come here and fuck with all of us.

Hakah closed her fist, as the soul of the god was crushed into tiny itty bitty pieces.

"Now Dainsleif. I would rather not punish you. You're very useful to Lord Ginga. But see here, I had Nyx and the Shakujin girl revive the Kaiju. This was my plan. With Marcela Greene being labelled a traitor, Goh Goh would see her as a terrible person! And then he will turn to me and be by my side forever."

"What's a Goh Goh." I blurted out.

Hakah's seductive smile melted.


God dammit! My stupid mouth! Whenever I got scared I always blurted out the stupidest shit!!!

"It means brother in Canan, you bak chee gwai."

I didn't even want to know what she just called me.

"But now... Nyx is dead. Ugh. What will I do with the Shakujin now..."

I swallowed. Hard.

Well at least she wasn't trying to conspire against Lord Ginga. I guess.

Hakah looked at me with a dangerous expression, as I yelped.

Yeah, I know. Real manly.

But I knew full well just how deadly she was.


"Y- Yes... Lady Hakah?"

"Does my butt make me look fat."

I stared at her. Did I just hear her properly?


"Guys like this part big right. Do you think if I disguised myself as a woman like this, he would find me attractive and talk to me?"

"I- I- Uh- You-"

Hakah ran her hand across the back of her thigh.

"I've been trying to adjust my figure... so I can go undercover and spy on Goh Goh. But he never notices me. I think boys are into this, yes?"

I didn't know whether to be turned on or piss my pants in fright.

"I mean... it's a preference, yeah. Uh. I personally think it's hot."

"Really? If you are lying I will kill you."

"EEK! I'm serious! I mean it! Seriously!"

Hakah put her hands to her cheeks and bounded up and down, squealing.

"Yes!!! Now I can spy on Goh Goh and see him every day! I'm so happy!"

What the FUCK was happening right now?!

"Uh... can I go now?"

Hakah stopped bouncing and regarded me.

"Meh. I don't care. I do have this Shakujin though. Do me a favour and dispose of her. I don't need her anymore."

A girl suddenly emerged from the ground, her eyeballs were pure silver, as she stumbled, rocks swirling around her and silver lines all over her body.

Marcela Greene.

"Wait! But isn't she a Level 1 Shakujin? We need her, yes?"

"The Dogma can always find another. She is quite disappointing anyway. Even with Lord Ginga's blessing the best she can get to is Stage Three. How insulting."

I put my Thompson Contender back into my grimoire as it dissipated.

I was extremely drained from using a Black Bullet and messing around with that Kaiju. But if it was a Stage Three Dogma user, it was still light work for me.

"Alright. Cool. I'll do it."

Hakah walked up to me as I burst into a sweat again.

What was she going to do?!

"Thanks! You're great! Maybe next time, I'll let you see more of my skin..." Hakah kissed me on the cheek, then dissipated into storm clouds.

The hell was wrong with this girl?!

I wasn't gonna complain. I survived a one on one encounter with Inner Shadow Hakah Mah.

Marcela regarded me.

Level 1 Shakujin Stage Three: Gaia's Body

Marcela began glowing silver, as her body flashed with armour, rocks swirling around her, as she held out her hand releasing a massive flurry of rocks at me.

I held out my hand.

"Iron Buckler!"

My DS33 appeared in front of me and transformed into a shield, as opened the palm of my hand, a magic circle forming.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Four Bodies

I dropped the grenade on the ground, releasing smoke as three clones of me emerged from the cover.

Marcela narrowed her eyes, trying to distinguish who was who, as everybody leapt to her direction.


Marcela muttered, her voice deadpan and robotic, as thousands of spikes tore into my clones from every direction.

The Shakujin then regained her composure to make eye contact with me, but it was too late for her.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Ironsight.

I blasted a high velocity shell which penetrated her armour, sending her smashing into a nearby field. I summoned more DS33's as I flew to her direction.

I needed to end this fight.

Marcela shouted, releasing a flurry of arms the size of diesel trucks my way, but I bobbed and weaved.

Lightning Magic: Augmentus

I zipped to her with supersonic speed, my eyes cold and calculating.

"DS33 Sanctuary Fourfold: Iron Maiden Protocol"

The sentries surrounded Marcela before she could do anything.

I was still moving at the enhanced speed of Augmentus.

Light work.

Convocatio: Gun Summoning - Caliga WA4000MX

I reached into the magic circle and pulled out a super heavyweight anti-aircraft rifle, aiming at one of the sentries, which was shimmering with a reflective light.

I pressed the trigger and fired an extremely powerful shell, which glanced off the elastic material, piercing Marcela, who's eyes were wide in surprise. The round then bounced off another one of my DS33's, cutting into her again. And again. And again.

I aimed and fired the trigger again, this time at another DS33, and repeated until Marcela was swarmed by twelve high velocity anti-aircraft shells, repeatedly shattering her armour and destroying her organs.

By the time the rounds lost all of their kinetic energy, Marcela was kneeling on the ground, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and her mouth open, blood pouring on the ground.

"H- Help... me... Lewis..." Marcela muttered, choking on her own blood, as tears ran down her eyes.

"I can't believe you survived that. I guess I really should have brought some mana potions or something." I muttered, pulling out my Draugr with my free hand and aiming at her head.

"This is goodbye. Two taboos in a row? You're better off dead than alive."

I pressed the trigger, but suddenly, a red flash appeared, severing the bullet in two.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing to my Squad member." A menacing voice growled at me, as I took a step back.

The man was wearing dark jeans, and a black leather jacket with fur around the collar. His long hair, tied back like a samurai, had bangs which covered the right side of his face. But from the hair, I could make out repulsive destroyed flesh and a golden eye.

The man glared at me with familiar large cyan eyes.

The older brother of Hakah Mah. There was no denying it.

Around him, more and more people filed in.

"Marcela! Holy, she's in bad shape." A girl with silver hair said, as she picked Marcela up.

"Let me!" A short loli like purple haired kid put her hand on Marcela's head.

Rain God Shenlong: Holy Water Renewal

Yeling aimed his sword at me.

"Who the hell are you?"

I regarded him.

I didn't need Aspectum to assess this fight.

Yeling was no match for me. I could defeat him even now, drained. I didn't need Black Bullets.

But how was I supposed to explain to Hakah that I killed her big brother? Or should I tell her, oh hey, your big bro visited me. Your precious Onii Chan came to visit moments after you left! Then I fucking killed him!

I had to retreat. It was against protocol to reveal my power to these guys.

But something told me that I wasn't allowed to get out of here after they had seen me take out Marcela like that.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four: Cobalt Phoenix Ascendent

Yeling transformed, as I slid back.

Aaaaaand now we're doing this.

"DS33, assist."

The four sentries backed me up, floating in assault mode, as I put my Caliga back into my magic circle and took out my MP7, facing down Yeling's party.

What was I supposed to do? I had to fight him but not kill him. I also had to hold back considerable power. I also had to somehow make sure these guys weren't on to me.

I had already failed the last part.

If they had intercepted Draugr's bullet, I could only guess they had saw my interaction with Hakah.

"Set Configuration: Vertigo Mode" I commanded, as the four sentries changed shape, unleashing a wide pulse which caused the two girls to stumble and fall to their knees, but Yeling was unaffected.

Sturdy bastard!

I took aim with my Draugr and fired, but Yeling shot forward, slicing the bullet again and went straight for me like an animal.

The sentries immediately came to defend me, deflecting his sword, but Yeling's wings came around, going through the chinks of the DS33's.

If those things got me, I was a dead man.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Flashbang

I pulled a flashbang grenade out of a magic circle and chucked it at Yeling's face through the opening of the DS33's, causing the flash to disorient him.

I leapt back, making distance, as Yeling rubbed his eyes.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four: Grand Ultimate ITR Ascendent

"Iron Buckler"

My sentries came together to shield Yeling's massive blast of red flame, but even with the advanced metal alloy coating of the DS33 Sanctuary, I was watching my shield begin to buckle, yielding from the intense heat.

This would be the first time I had ever seen my DS33's melt from a fire blast like that.

I gritted my teeth.

He really is... something else.

I made a hand sign, summoning another magic circle.

Yeling roared in defiance, until the DS33's exploded, revealing me, dead center, Caliga in hand, aimed right at his chest.


Yeling tried to shield himself with his wings, but it was too late. I fired a full power high velocity electromagnetism accelerated shell which caught him dead in the chest. Yeling was launched high up into the air.



"Predicted... that." Yeling muttered, as he grabbed the shell with his bare hands, igniting it with red flame, and chucked at me.

My eyes widened, as the shell barely caught the side of my face. The residual heat had shaven the side of my head bald.

Yeling suddenly materialized in front of me, his blade held back, and his eye full of magic circles.

I clenched my teeth, as I took a step back.

Lightning Magic: Augmentus

Electricity surged through me as I quickly drew my MP7, aiming the barrel at his chest, and fired an entire clip of bullets. Yeling yelled, unleashing a blast of fire. I was forced to retreat, but I continued firing the SMG as Yeling stumbled.

I breathed heavily.

I couldn't tell if it was because I was drained, but there should have been no reason why I was struggling against him.

I aimed with my other gun hand, firing my Draugr as Yeling ran forward, slashing the bullets again.

There was no way a Hinokami user could have this much skill with a sword. Not even Aelienne had this level of skill.

Slicing bullets?

What the hell?

And his flames...

To be able to melt Questionite like that. The metal was nigh unbreakable for Chrissake!

Yeling concentrated, assuming a stance.

Was that...

A samurai form?

I had to stop him.

Thankfully, I wasn't just shooting the bullets blindly. I fired Starfire rounds. Any second, the tiny fragments of the bullets would ignite and-

Stage Four Rain Style Kenjutsu Form 7

Grand Ultimate Vortex Slash Ascendent

Yeling unsheathed his sword, and thousands of red lines flashed in my vision, slicing the fragments into little pieces. The supposed explosions that would have knocked him out unconscious had just turned into tiny fireworks.

Yeling opened his eyes, which were glowing.

Did he seriously just predict my move? How was he able to predict my moves? There should have ben no way he would have anticipated I would use explosive bullets like that.

I launched a smoke grenade at Yeling, and went evasive.

Aspectum: Device Scan

My eyes lit up, as a scan on Yeling commenced, and there, I saw it.

That eye of his.

It was like a digital assistant.

Just like my Aspectum vision spell. But it was constant.

So that was how Yeling was able to predict my next moves. This... magical eye implant was analyzing me as we fought.

This must have been how he was able to defeat Transplant as well, despite the latter being an Outer Shadow.

But I wasn't anything like Yuyan.

Convocatio: Turricalum Threefold

More turrets appeared beside me, firing blasts at Yeling, who dodged, his body moving at supersonic speeds.

Augmentus could only keep up, barely.

This guy's speed was too much for me.

The only reason why I was still able to fight on par with him was my constant use of disorientation, but if even the slightest discontinuity happened, he would cut off my head.

"Set Configuration: EMP Mode"

The three turrets suddenly transformed, emitting an EMP pulse which caused Yeling to stumble, clutching his artificial eye.

It's over.

I used Augmentus and launched forward, Draugr in hand, as I aimed the barrel at Yeling's throat.

Yeling's eyes went wide, as he realized there was nothing he could do.

Dainsleif! Sigurd shouted at me.


Return to base. Acknowledge.

I paused, moments from pulling the trigger.

Yeling was breathing heavily, staring at me, as we made awkward eye contact.

I slowly put away my handgun, backing off.

Yeling lowered his sword.

"What the hell are you..." Yeling muttered.

I turned around and walked away.

It was a good thing Sigurd stopped me. I was seconds from killing him with Draugr.

But something told me that was not enough to take him down.

He saw right through me.

All he had to do was unleash that Hinokami flame and I would be toast. I made the decision to close the distance to shoot him point blank with my handgun. There would not be enough time for me to gain distance to escape that devastating AoE.

"Tell me! What... what connection do you have with my sister?" Yeling shouted.

I stopped. Yeling continued.

"Please. Something's... not right with her. I saw you two talking. You're... you're an acquaintance right? I need to talk to her. So if anything, can you at least tell me what you guys were talking about?"

My mouth twitched.

Does my butt make me look fat.

Yeah no.

There is no way I am telling you, Yeling Mah. For your sake.

"Hey! Come back!" Yeling shouted, as I commanded my DS33 to transform into a glider, hopping on and flying away.

The Mah Clan

"Dainsleif." Sigurd said.

She was completely in pieces.

One of her legs was gone and her arm was ripped off. Her pretty face was cracked and torn, revealing her robotic endoskeleton at her cheeks. But she looked completely unfazed by the damage.

"Are you well?" She asked.

"Am I well?! Look at you! You're completely trashed!"

Sigurd pushed herself until she was balancing on one foot.

"So you are in good spirits. The Black Bullet didn't compromise your- kya!!!"

Sigurd yelped as she lost balance and nearly fell flat on her face, but I caught her.

"Christ for a plastic girl, you're heavy."

"That's rude." Sigurd muttered, as I positioned her on my back, carrying her out of the mess.

"Ah. Get over it. You're a robot. Doesn't matter in the end of the day if Master Jun repairs you."

"It... matters to me." Sigurd replied, quietly.

I paused, remembering our conversation earlier, in the streets of Andropol.


"Yes, Dainsleif?"

"I uh... was wondering. When we get back to Master Jun's castle... if you're okay with me using my loyalty points to grant you a favour."

"A favour?"

Loyalty points, or "Gasket Goodies" according to Master Jun, was a point system that Jun had implemented for all of his Outer Shadows. Whenever we completed our contracts, he would reward us with these points. And if we earned enough, we could have him grant us favours.

It was kind of his way to interact with his Outer Shadows more, in his own special way.

"You mentioned that you wanted to live your life. And I told you that maybe it might be possible for Master Jun to turn you into a human. At the very least, to have you live a life as a person."

Sigurd was silent for a bit.

"This is very out of character for you."

"Shut up! It was out of character for you too that night! Dropping a bomb like that when I was trying to sleep."

Sigurd pressed her face against the side of my neck.

"Thank you, Aaron." She whispered.

My eyes widened.

Sigurd never called me by my real name before.

But before I could say anything, we were already there.

"Dainsleif. Sigurd." Rollo said, before making a sound between a yelp and a grunt.

"Sigurd! What happened to you!"

Sigurd smiled at Rollo.

"I initiated a protection protocol on the residents of Andropol. I shielded the children from the electrical storms of the God Nyx when he unleashed his full power."

Rollo grabbed my ear, twisting it as I yelled.

"Ah! Uncle! Uncle! Stop!!! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!"

"Dainsleif did not order the protocol, Rollo. I chose to do so on my own volition."

Rollo sighed, putting his hands on hers.

"For an android, you sure have a lot of humanity. But please, take care of yourself more, Sigurd."

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Rollo."

Rollo nodded, but I wasn't going to let this slide.

"Hey! Where the hell were you when Sigurd and I were fighting that Kaiju?! Better yet where the hell were you when I encountered Ceius and took that tower? This entire mission was supposed to be the three of us!"

Rollo raised an eyebrow.

"I was acting as the guard."


Rollo chuckled.

"And it wasn't just that, Dainsleif."

"What do you mean?"

"While you were busy taking care of the Kaiju, and then fought the God of Fortune Nyx, I had to defend Andropol from Trissal. To be more precise, I had to defend Andropol from Ceius himself."


"Did you truly think Trissal would not take the opportunity to invade and destroy Andropol at its most vulnerable stages? The Garrison was split. One group to defend the citizens, and the other group to fight off Trissal. I had to command the armies and battle the invading faction. But once Ceius entered the picture, I had to drive him off. Everyone believes me to be dead."

I stopped.

What did Ceius say when he saw Nyx? He mentioned some stupid fool who outclassed him...

"So you were the one who kicked the God of War's ass."


I scoffed.

"Well, I killed the God of Fortune, who's like, a thousand times stronger. But whatever."

Rollo smirked.

"Still such a child. You still are eighteen."

"I'm a legal adult."

"Not here you are. The legal age to drink in Andropol is twenty one."

"Ahhh! Screw you!"

We heard footsteps in the castle, as Rollo regarded Sigurd and I.

"I will return to Master Jun. I have been proclaimed dead in the Kingdom of Andropol. Shadows."

The shadows acknowledged, surrounding Rollo as he dissipated, teleporting back to our HQ.

"Dainsleif. Sig- By the heavens! What happened to you!" Diana exclaimed, running up to us.

Sigurd regarded the Princess... no. The Queen of Andropol.

"Congratulations on becoming the Queen, Diana Avarice. You truly deserve it."

Diana sighed.

"Casualties are high. Russel advises me to take a short break, as recovery of the nation is still in its early stages. With Trials' forces and Guardian Deity defeated by our Garrison thanks to the sacrifice of Rollo, we truly have been hit hard. I couldn't save him. Nor many others who fought for my cause."

Sigurd stroked Diana's face, causing her to blush.

"Don't blame yourself, your highness. They fought for you. They chose to lay their lives down for you. Honour their name. Do not let it haunt you."

Diana smiled.

"Thank you, Sigurd. But... what about you? You're in horrible condition!"

"We will be returning to our master shortly. He will have me repaired. As for our conditions, are you ready to come with us for council?"

Diana nodded.

"Yes. I am ready. I have already told Russel and the exemplars that I will be away from the Kingdom for a while. They have acknowledged and are taking over the affairs of the Kingdom. Should I be called again, I have this communication gem."

I turned around, making sure no one was watching.


Jun's shadows manifested around us, swirling in a pit of darkness, as Diana clutched Sigurd's hand. Our surroundings elongating until all we could see was the purple glow of Master Jun Gasket's castle.

"Wow... so beautiful... the architecture..." Diana muttered, as the shadows bowed before us.

Welcome home, Dainsleif. And Queen Diana Eustansia Avarice the Third. Our Master awaits. Lady Sigurd, please allow us to escort you for repairs.

I let go of Sigurd as several drones latched onto her body, gently placing her on a stretcher.

"See you." I said.

Sigurd nodded at the both of us, as she was carried away into the distance.

The shadows beckoned us to a pair of extremely tall doors.

"So this is your master's kingdom... it truly is magnificent." Diana said.

Yeah. Wait until you see Jun's statues and his demon Roombas.

Jun was seated in his gaming chair, his chin resting on his hand.

I knelt before him.

"Master Jun Gasket. The Princess of Andropol, now Queen, is here."

Diana knelt.

"It is an honour to meet the master of Dainsleif. He is an incredible soldier."

Jun chuckled, as the chair levitated from the ground.

"Leave us, Shadows."

The shadows bowed, and closed the door with a big rumble.

"I saw you battle that kaiju and ascended to Queen. You have my respects. Rise. Both of you."

We did what he asked, as Jun regarded me.

"I have another assignment for you, but I'll discuss it after I've spoken to Queen Avarice. I... guess you can join in on the convo."


Jun raised an eyebrow, pointing at my coat.

"Hey. Did my DS33 Sanctuaries just break?"


"You summoned one back, look at that. Jesus. Who were you fighting?"

Diana was watching us converse like a tennis match. I guess she wasn't used to how casual Jun really was.

"Lord Gasket-" Diana said.

"Just call me Jun."

"Um.. Jun... why have you summoned me here?"

Jun inspected the both of us.

"You know, it's funny I would bring up the DS33 Sanctuary. Because I have a good idea who busted up those things. Despite them being coated with Questionite."

"Questionite?" Diana asked.

"Questionite is a nigh-unbreakable supermetal. There aren't a lot of metals in the multiverse that can come close to it. Aside from one. But I'll talk about that later. So to know that the DS33's were destroyed like this... they were destroyed through flame, am I correct, Dainsleif?"

I nodded.

"Hinokami flame."

Jun closed his eyes, breathing in sharply.

"Yeling Mah. Of course."

Diana raised her eyebrows.

"Mah? As in the Mah Bloodline? The Mah Clan has survivors? I thought it was wiped out by The Chinese Terrorist, who was then killed off by Transplant."

"You're half right." Jun spread his hands, as dozens of large computer screen holograms appeared.

"Legend and old records say that the Mah Clan continued through one Canan family line. Wen Siu Mah. From Wen, came two children. Yeling Mah and Hakah Mah. Yeling, is the Chinese Terrorist. He was given the nickname Tidalflame, because of his ability to emit Hinokami flame at an absurd magnitude."

An image showed Tidalflame destroying an entire city with a blast of blue fire. I learned of the destruction of that city. It was the city of Noah. They said that no one even had the time to even respond, the moment Tidalflame dropped in there, he fired an Inverse Tsunami Release, and within two minutes, the entire city was destroyed. Military. Schools. Buildings. Civilization. All wiped out.

"That's terrifying..." Diana muttered.

"For Yeling, he had inherited Hinokami through the Dogma of Equivalent Exchange. The cost was his family." Jun said, darkly.

The screen shifted to Yeling's flames going out of control. He looked like he was around seventeen when this happened.

"Rumour says his entire family was incinerated. And he became the only survivor."

Diana gasped, putting a hand to her mouth.

Even I felt like throwing up.

Yeling was breathing heavily, his eyes frantic, realizing what he had done. The guy was still holding onto the burnt corpse of his mother, which was completely blackened and was crumbling to ash in the palms of his hands. He was hyperventilating like crazy. His breathing was mixed in with his hysterical sobs.

I looked away, and I could Diana did the same.

This was...

Too messed up.


Something wasn't adding up.

"Wait, but if the rumour was that everybody in the Mah family was killed by Yeling, why is..."

Jun shot me a dangerous glare.

"S- Sorry."

Jun's expression softened, as he turned to Diana.

"Queen Avarice. I'm gonna trust that you keep what I'm going to say extremely confidential. Swear it on your life."

Diana nodded grimly.

"I swear by my life."

Jun took a deep breath.

"As Dainsleif was saying. There are holes in this story. Because we now know that Yeling's younger sister, Hakah Mah is alive. She is the one who orchestrated your father, King Eustace's partial revival using the Shakujin Marcela Greene."

Diana's eyes widened.


"Hakah survived. Somehow. The horrific scene of the Hinokami incident that her older brother had caused. She survived. And no one knows to this day how. No one. None of the Inner Shadows know. None of the Outer Shadows know. The only thing that is certain, is Hakah is the most dangerous person in this entire organization, and she has a hidden agenda outside of Lord Ginga's goals."

"This is a lot to take in." Diana muttered.

Jun wagged a finger, as metal flew from the outside of the throne-room and assembled into a chair. Diana sat down.

"Thank you."

"No problem. So now this brings us to why I sent Dainsleif to bring you here. Queen Diana Avarice. You are the daughter of King Eustace Avarice, a direct descendent of the Avarice Bloodline. Your family and the Mah Clan have had history for a long time. I need to know how they're so powerful. Because between the older brother and the younger sister, they're both extreme outliers. Even amongst the Dogma Holders. They are special."

Diana looked at us.

"If I tell you two everything I know about the Mah Clan, what will you do? Will you kill Yeling and Hakah?"

Jun responded with a grim expression.

"If Hakah is transpiring and going against Lord Ginga, we have no choice but to kill her. Because she's gone rogue. And it isn't like she's doing it for a good cause. She's willing to destroy the world to be by her big brother's side. The whole incident with Transplant is because of that. She would make Yuyan Zheng terrorize the entire world and all of humanity just so he could bring Yeling to her by force. She doesn't care who she hurts and what she's destroying, her sole reason is to be with Yeling. And once she's achieved that, it's all over. Two Mah descendants banded together, both with Akuma Grade Dogma Bargains. My full power is most likely barely able to keep up with Hakah's Stage Four. If she has a Stage beyond that, it's all over."

Jun glanced at me.

"As powerful as Dainsleif is, being the best Outer Shadow I have, if Yeling takes advantage of Lord Ginga's blessing, it's over for him too. Dainsleif currently is stronger than Yeling, but not by much. If Yeling accesses Stage Five and beyond, even Dainsleif will not be enough to repel him. And I will have to fight both Mah siblings on my own. I will not survive."

Diana took a deep breath, as she waved her hand, a layer of frost formed in front of us, creating a picture of a landscape.

"Then I shall tell you about the Avarice and Mah history, the way it was taught to me by my father, King Eustace, and his father, King Edelbrand, passed down from generation to generation."

The frost took shape, changing colour, until the landscape changed to that of a barren wasteland.

A bunch of people were pushing wheelbarrows, living their lives, farming, playing in secluded spaces.

And from the sky, was a small figure, but she had six horns on her head. Each horn was incredibly long, with arcane mystical lines, a different colour.

Her back sprouted six upside down oriented devil wings.

"A long time ago, the world was ruled by The Great Akuma. But I'm sure the two of you know about her history."

Jun nodded. "Go on."

Diana waved her hand, and the image changed.

"The Great Akuma ruled the world with absolute power. It was this absolute power that forced mankind to kneel before a singular force. Allegiance was enforced through fear. Everyone was equal. That was the way it was, but there was one fallacy behind the origin of the Great Akuma."

The image shifted again, showing the Great Akuma standing on a hill. She looked like a little girl, but the wings and horns on her head made it very clear that she wasn't one to be underestimated. Before her were millions of subjects. Billions of people, all bowing their heads to her.

But among the crowd, were two people who were not bowing. They were kneeling.

"The Great Akuma ruled the world, but she did not rule it alone. For she had two subjects who served her. One of the subjects, was her lieutenant. The Dogma."

The man, who I presumed to be the Dogma rose to his feet, in response to the Great Akuma holding out her hand. The man was unusually tall. At least seven feet. But he was exceptionally skinny. As if his arms and legs were stretched out.

The Dogma took the Great Akuma's hand and kissed it, kneeling on one foot.

"Yes. The Dogma was the Great Akuma's lieutenant, her most loyal subject. The Dogma stood for balance. For exchange. Where there was power, one must sacrifice a part of themselves. That is what made the world equal. Without the Dogma, the Great Akuma's existence would be a living contradiction. Because she was one who had everything, but sacrificed nothing. With the Dogma, the Great Akuma could exist in this world, for it was the Dogma's existence that limited The Great Akuma's connection to the mortals of this world. Forever alone. This was her fate."

The Great Akuma simply gazed at her subject, holding out her other hand for the other person to come forward.

This second person...

I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. The person had long hair, but it seemed to shimmer in the light, different colours, depending on how you looked at it.

The person took the Great Akuma's hand, but did not kneel.

"But balance was not enough to keep the Great Akuma alive. To be forever alone in this world, to only be feared, this was not enough to keep the Great Akuma in this world. Her existence would still be a contradiction. But the very thing the Great Akuma lacked, would forever change the very way mankind saw her. And so this particular subject, who stood for this part the Akuma was missing, would be lost to time. This subject's name was erased, as if it had never existed in the first place."

The subject took the Great Akuma by the hand and put the demon to its lips, kissing her.

"This subject was known as Mava. Who stood for The Great Akuma's mortality. From Mava, the Great Akuma was able to bear children. The first child, was known as Mahyako. And the second child was known as Avalon."

I watched as the image shifted to two children, who were sleeping by Mava's side. The images continued shifting, to the two children, growing up, but every time they were seen with their parent, it was always with Mava. Never with the Akuma.

"For eons, Mahyako and Avalon never knew their other parent. They only knew Mava. The purpose of their birth was to ensure the Great Akuma had an anchor to this world to continue ruling it. The first aspect of the anchor was the concept of balance, represented by the Dogma, and the second aspect of the anchor was the concept of mortality, represented by Mava. And for those years, The Great Akuma ruled, incapable of interacting or seeing her two children."

I watched as Mahyako and Avalon continued growing up, until they were full grown adults.

"Mahyako and Avalon were remarkable, having the power of The Great Akuma, and soon, they were able to lead entire nations of their own through the enormous power. But this would only spell trouble. Because the very concept of leading was the very contradiction of equality in this world, and the Dogma was displeased, urging the Great Akuma to destroy her children."

I watched as the Dogma approached the Great Akuma and spoke into her ear, and the shock that rippled across her face.

"This was the start of the fall of The Great Akuma. Many stories tell that the Great Akuma fell to the Spirit of Hope, Vala. But such a thing would ordinarily be impossible. The Great Akuma was power itself. She cannot be defeated. It was the existence of her two children that had divided her."

Diana's projections shifted to the Spirit of Hope battling the Great Akuma in the heavens. But The Akuma's attention was divided, because she was not focused on her fight. She was focused on her children, who were being attacked by the Dogma.

I watched as Mahyako and Avalon led their armies in defiance against The Dogma, who released his body into several humans, providing them with powers. Dogma Bargains.

"Mahyako and Avalon refused to be killed by the Dogma, seeing the subject as mankind's enemy for not only forcing them away from their mother, but also demanding their deaths without even seeing her once. It was ironically through The Great Akuma's children, did the Spirit of Hope rise. It was through these two leaders did mankind rebel."

I watched as the armies clashed. Humanity against Dogma Humans. It seemed like humanity was losing, until the tide suddenly turned.

"Unable to bear with the loss of her children, The Great Akuma decided to let herself be killed by Vala. And with the Great Akuma dead, so did the Dogma lose his power, and humanity won. But at a large cost."

I watched as Avalon and Mahyako stood side by side, in front of the billions of people they had led to fight for their freedom.

"While both children mourned for their mother, they had very conflicting ideas. Mahyako wished to revive The Great Akuma's legacy, by honouring his mother. But Avalon wanted no part of the Dogma, wishing to rule humanity as a human. And so, Mahyako and Avalon went their separate paths. From Mahyako, did the Mah Clan form, and from Avalon, did the Avarice Clan form. While Mahyako chose to walk the path of his mother, his use of the Dogma was no longer that of a cooperation. Reasoning to the Dogma that to do so would require Mahyako to use the Dogma as a tool, it was from the son of the Great Akuma did the first Dogma Bargain be made where the user would host an aspect of the Akuma's essence. Mahyako himself would host Susanoo, Hinokami, and Hachi. Mahyako's wife would host Shakujin, Fujin, and Suijin."

The image shifted to Mahyako and his wife, attempting to use their powers to gain followers of humanity, competing against Avalon.

"To use the aspects of the Great Akuma in such a weaponized manner, it was through Mahyako's descendents did the Dogma of Equivalent Exchange become used as a vessel for reviving the Great Akuma, an effort that would span millennia to this day."

The image changed once more.

"And for Avalon, to see his brother take his followers by force, siding with the Akuma, it was a betrayal that he could never forgive. Avalon would vow to never use the Dogma's power, renouncing all of his blood ties with Mahyako, and to rule and fight with the power of humanity. It would be Avalon, who would be the first King ever to exist. The first royal in history, to pave the way for royalty for generations to come."

The illusion shattered, until it was just us three in the throneroom.

"So... Yeling and Hakah... are descendents of the Great Akuma herself... unbelievable..." Jun whispered.

I looked at Diana.

"And so are you."

Diana nodded.

"But the thing with the Avarice Bloodline, is that because my ancestor Avalon denounced all relations with the Dogma, he, in turn, lost of his power by being the Great Akuma's son. While Mahyako on the other hand..."

"Retained his strength." Jun gritted his teeth.

"No wonder they're so strong. This only makes things even worse. Hakah's power... it might surpass even the Dogma himself."

We stood in silence.

Hakah was always strong enough as it is without us even knowing she was a descendent of The Great Akuma who had given her power.

Now that we knew just how potentially strong she could be... and not only that... Yeling as well...

I had never felt so hopeless in my life.

"But even so. Even if we need to fight Hakah, we still need to stop her. Because what she's doing is crazy. Descendent of the Akuma or not, she is going against Lord Ginga with her own personal agenda. This won't do. We will need to prepare for war some way or another." Jun said, as he turned around.

"But how are we going to do that?" I asked.

"Through your next assignment."

Diana clasped her hands.

"Will that be all for me?"

Jun nodded.

"Yeah. I got what I needed... unfortunately. Thanks again, your highness. Shadows, take her back to Andropol's castle."

Diana bowed.

"Thank you for your time, Master Jun. Dainsleif."

I nodded at Diana as she dissipated into smoke.

"Jesus. What a curveball." I grumbled.

Jun put a hand on his chin.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm... still wary. Still skeptical. Particularly as to why Hakah had survived that attack that night. There's still so many questions. I get now why the Mah siblings are so strong. But that doesn't explain what had happened that night, when Yeling unlocked Hinokami."

"The exchange was his family, though, right?"

"But that's the thing. Why was it his family? If the Mah bloodline is so powerful, why were they so obscure, so hidden, for so many millennia. Why now? Why did the Dogma choose Yeling and Hakah? And not just that, why would the Dogma decide to have Yeling kill all of the remaining survivors of the Mah bloodline? Why would the Dogma choose to kill Wen Siu Mah? What was the point in all of that?"

I clenched my teeth.


Just when one thing had gone uncovered, a million more mysterious had unfolded.

Jun sighed, sitting back on his chair and spinning around in it.

"Dammit. Whatever. I guess the only thing we can do now is try to get everybody to their A game. I've already got most of the other Outer Shadows on missions to beef them up. And it's high time I got you stronger too."

"But I thought you already did."

"You haven't unlocked it yet. You remember what I said about Questionite? How there was one metal that could be better?"


Jun smiled.

"I know just what it is, and where to get it. But it won't be easy."

"Wait, but what could possibly be stronger than Questionite?"

My lord... he awaits.

"Speak of the devil, and there he is. Welcome him in, shadows."

It shall be done. Master Jun. Sir Dainsleif. Our visitor from the Champions Universe.

I turned around, until I was face to face with a man with an extremely advanced mechanical suit. Around him were dozens of robots, all carrying highly advanced rifles that looked even more advanced than the guns I had in my arsenal.

His helmet looked like a spartan helmet, but there was golden crown on it. And to top it all off, a menacing red cape.

"From one fellow overlord to another..." The man said, from within his suit.

Jun smiled evilly.

"I would never believe we would finally be face to face."

The man held up his hand, as the robots stopped, standing in position. The shadows were all surrounding the group, but were also on standby, per Jun's request.

"You seek my council. My technology. Has my might truly surpassed the limits of my universe that it would be acknowledged by one of the most powerful technomancers of this one?"

"You could say that. I've experimented for a long time, and I have never been able to replicate it. That metal that you have weaponized."

The man laughed evilly.

"You seek my Destreum, Lord Gasket. On what grounds do you think I can simply hand over my creation to you?"

Jun turned to me.

"My subordinate will demonstrate."

The man looked intrigued.

"Oh? You will send your soldier to fight this bout? Surely you will understand the consequences of having a bug challenge the likes of me."

"Dainsleif is the perfect matchup against you and your technology. Even with your Destroids."

I readied myself.

Convocatio: Turricalum Fourfold

Four DS33 Sanctuaries appeared behind me through magic circles.

Jun smiled.

"Just as Caliga became known in your world as the hero who fought toe to toe with Grond."

I summoned my Draugr, taking aim at the man's head.

"Dainsleif will become known in your world as the man who fought toe to toe with Doctor Destroyer."

Aaron Hope vs. Doctor Destroyer


Even if the odds are stacked against you.

Even if your bones feel like breaking.

Even if your limbs feel like failing.

Even if they all say you cannot win.

Even if you are all alone.


Fight. Aaron Hope.

This is your chance.

To honour their memory.

For your brothers and sisters in the orphanage who were denied their life.

"Iron Buckler!" I shouted, as my sentries came together and blocked the tremendous firepower of Destroyer's Destroid assault.

There were too many for me to take down.

Destroyer was coming for me, and I knew for a fact that he wasn't going to just let me shoot down his soldiers.

And judging from the fact that he was the most powerful villain in the Champions Universe, it should be without question that these bots could resist an EMP blast.

There was only one solution that appeared in my head. I had to take it.

There was no time.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Magnetism Ball

I opened my shield, and tossed the grenade at the ground, swallowing the destroids all into one place.

I aimed my Draugr.


I fired, again and again at the mass of destroids, shooting them down.

"So you chose to avoid an EMP blast after all. I am both flattered and impressed that you predicted that I would have designed against such a strategy."

Destroyer flew at me, his fists reeled back and glowing with power.

I glared at him wildly, aiming with Draugr and firing the remaining two bullets in my magazine. Then switched with my other hand, spraying with my MP7.

Just as I expected, the bullets from the Draugr were deflected by an energy field from Destroyer, and the bullets from the SMG simply glanced off his armour.

"The Heckler and Koch MP7... How nostalgic." Destroyer said, as he unleashed an energy wave at me.

I flew backwards, dropping both my Draugr and MP7, my sentries shielding me, then opening up, as I returned fire with my M130 assault rifle.

The bullets glanced off another energy field.

"Is that all you have, Dainsleif?!"

I released my magazine, pulling out a new cartridge from my magic circle and reloaded my gun.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Flashbang

I held out a grenade, but moments before I was about to throw it, I murmured an additional chant.

Light Magic: Quanta Refractus

"A flashbang? How quick you are to disappoint!"

Doctor Destroyer brought his arms up to shield his eyes, as the flashbang went off.

"Now this is- what?!"

I appeared in front of him, the real flashbang in my hand. My eyes glued right on his, right through his helmet.

I slammed the grenade into his face as it unleashed a blinding light.

That's right.

I figured you recognized a normal flashbang, so I used Quanta Refractus to create a feint. And from that feint you provided me with an opening.

I spun around, resummoning my Draugr.

Convocatio: Ammunition Summoning - Super AP Rounds

Lightning Magic: Augmentus

Time slowed down as I loaded in my rounds, taking aim. This was going to hurt. There wouldn't be time for my DS33's to shield me for this to work. It had to be an eye for an eye.

Doctor Destroyer unleashed an energy wave blast as I fired, moments before the wave hit me dead center.

I slammed into the ground.

"Auugh!" I coughed out blood, as the bullet was intercepted by Destroyer's energy wave, but the bullet then split off into five thin rods, each extremely sharp, piercing right through the wave and catching him in his armour.

"You dare-"

The Augmentus spell was still active. All magical casts, movements, and thought processes were increased a thousand fold.

Concovatio: Gun Summoning - Caliga WA4000MX

I aimed the barrel right at Doctor Destroyer's head, and fired.

Destroyer stumbled back, managing to dodge the bullet narrowly. The high speed accelerated round scraped the side of his helmet as the arch villain was frozen in shock. This was probably the first time someone of his calibre ever got nicked like that.

Having your ego bruised sucks, doesn't it, Albert?

I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip.

I blasted forward, dropping the Caliga and taking out my Draugr, firing relentlessly as the bullets slammed into Doctor Destroyer's chest plate. Denting it.

"Don't get overconfident, BOY." Destroyer snarled, as his armour transformed, releasing a massive net.

My eyes went wide, as I was caught, dropping my Draugr and was suspended midair.

Doctor Destroyer eyed me mercilessly, and clenched his fist, as the webs electrocuted me.

"AAAARGH!!!" I growled in pain.

"Liberation Protocol!" I shouted at my sentries, which came in and blasted the tangleweb launcher away.

I landed on the ground, as Doctor Destroyer hovered above me.

"AB Assault Mode."

Two of my sentries began unleashing a series of blasts at Destroyer, but to my disbelief, Destroyer held out his hands, and shattered the DS33's with his plasma cannons.

I used the explosion as cover, as I hopped on one of my turrets and switched guns to my assault rifle, firing.

Destroyer blocked my bullets with another holo shield.


So he was vulnerable to my specialized bullets. That theory was proven just from the fact that my Draugr had dented his chestplate.

We continued soaring all over Master Jun's realm, Doctor Destroyer zooming around with his jet boots while I was on top my my DS33 like a hoverboard.

"Annoying bug. You dare test my patience? Acknowledge your opponent, Dainsleif!"

Convocatio: Ammunition Summoning - Starburst Magnetic Rounds.

I pulled out a magazine midair, spinning it in the palm of my hand and slotting it into my Draugr, aiming and firing in one swift motion.

Destroyer blocked the attack as well, but upon contact, the bullets exploded, throwing dust and fire everywhere.

I said nothing, as I created another magical hand sign.

Convocatio: Grenade Summoning - Four Bodies

I tossed a grenade, while Destroyer was still disoriented, as four of my clones surrounded him.

Each one of the clones took aim with their Draugrs, but Destroyer snarled, unleashing a wide conical blast of energy which shattered all of the clones.

"Which of you is the real one!"

It was a gamble, but it looks like I won that one.

His armour could withstand EMP's, but to tell which of the clones was a fake Aaron, he needed his electronics. And whether it was EMP resistant or not, there was no way it could be resistant to a bullet that would otherwise have breached his armour and knocked its magnetism through force.

"Me." I said, from a distance, aiming Destroyer down with my Ironsight sniper.

I pressed the trigger, unleashing a powerful round which caught him straight in the helmet, cracking it. Doctor Destroyer yelled, flying back into a mountain.

I breathed heavily at the unconscious body of Doctor Destroyer.

"Impressive display of skill." A voice said behind me, as my eyes widened.

The Doctor Destroyer that was embedded in the mountain suddenly transformed. Into a regular ass Destroid.

No way. Was I fighting a clone the entire time?!

"But you aren't the only one who knows how to fight smart. Dainsleif."

I spun around, but I was too late, as Doctor Destroyer laughed sinisterly, his hands glowing with energy.

"Iron Buckler!" I shouted desperately, as my DS33's came together into a shield, but Destroyer unleashed a blast, penetrating right through the Questionite shield and piercing me through the chest.

I coughed out blood, as Doctor Destroyer closed in, ripping the sentries apart and facing me up close.

"I am intrigued by the way you fight. In terms of strategy. You fight by relentless combinations. Setting up your moves and weapons in intricate detail. Not many heroes I have faced fight so tactically. In terms of combat prowess, you surpass even Nighthawk. I can see why Lord Gasket holds you in such high regard. But."

The two of us began free falling. Doctor Destroyer held out his hand as I desperately summoned my MP7, firing a clip of bullets which glanced off his armour harmlessly.

"In the face of overwhelming firepower. No amount of strategy can save you. Boy."

A Destroyer Blast caught me dead center in the chest as my body exploded in pain.

I tumbled on the ground and rolled, flopping like a rag doll until I skidded to a stop.

I clutched my chest, retching and gasping for air. The pain...

The pain was too much.

I was going to black out.

"Grrrrk... Ackkk..."

Doctor Destroyer approached me.

"A shame. That a single blast of energy could put you in such a painful state. So much magic. So much power you have access to, Dainsleif. Yet you still choose to remain human. Why do you not choose to become a god? Like the millions you have slain. Imagine the endless potential you would have, if you were no longer bound by the limits of a fragile human body."

I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to take rhythmic breaths.


Focus, Aaron.

Don't fall asleep.

Breathe. Breathe.

I choose to be a human...

Because that is what I want.

Because I want to kill all the gods as a human.

Because I hate them.

My mind flashed to Avara stepping on Nora, slaughtering both her and Will. Then decapitating that kid in front of our very eyes. She had no remorse. She didn't care. Almost like the lives of mortals meant nothing to her just because she was a goddess.

Remember your origins.

Remember who you are.

In the face of overwhelming firepower?

From the very beginning...

I was able to kill gods as a measly human being. This is who I am.

Light Magic - False Sword

I reached into a magic circle, pulling out an MP7, and shakily took aim at Doctor Destroyer.

My teeth were clenched, as I seethed at the supervillain, blood leaking through my mouth.

"How desperate you are... I am disappointed. Perhaps your Master overexaggerated your qualifications a tad."

The barrel was shaking violently as I found it hard to maintain my grip.

But he had already played right into my trap.

I pressed the trigger, firing a powerful round.

Doctor Destroyer didn't summon a shield this time, as the round caught him dead center in the face, shattering his helmet.


I growled, as the spell became undone.

"That MP7... was a fake!"

I shakily got to my feet, firing the Draugr over and over again, blasting Destroyer in the face. Again. And again. And again.

He was disoriented.

And shocked.

This had to be the real one. Because blood was leaking down his armour.

"How dare you... mark me... YOU STUPID CHILD."

Doctor Destroyer roared and fired a Destroyer Blast which knocked my gun out of my hand.

But before he could finish me off, I watched as the Doctor clutched his face, blood pouring.

"You... you... How could this be happening..."

"Hah... hah..." I panted, taking aim again. If the surprise factor was still there, I could land another shot. One right into his skull. But I wasn't so lucky.

"Enough of this." Destroyer said, as I fired, but the bullet was deflected off of the palm of his hand.

Destroyer rushed forward, and swung his fist.

Lightning Magic: Augment-

I spat out blood, which startled the villain.

Are you shitting me?! I ran out of mana! At the worst possible moment too!

I clenched my teeth, my eyes wide, as Destroyer growled, slamming his fist into my stomach.

I let loose a wave of vomit, as I retched, clutching my midsection and falling to my knees.

"AAAAROOUGHHHH!" I groaned in agony.

Stars filled my vision and everything was in a haze.

My forehead hit the ground before Doctor Destroyer.

What can I do...

I needed to come up with a plan.

I need to keep the pain in check.

I needed a distraction.

Stop thinking.

I needed to keep fighting.

Stop fighting.


Just stop.

What can you do right now...

I widened my eyes.


I opened my mouth, forcing air into my lungs. The acidic vomit had spilled out of my nostrils too, making every breath I take feel like I was breathing in one of my nerve toxins.

"This fight is over." Destroyer said.

"Ack....guh...." I panted, fighting to stay awake.

"No... this is... not enough for me to consider a fight. Dainsleif. I expected more from you. Lord Gasket spoke so highly of you. Are you not the most powerful gunman in this world? In this entire realm? Were you perhaps lying on your resume? If that is the case, you don't deserve the weapons you wield. Boy. And stop playing a hero."

Doctor Destroyer reached down and grabbed me by the hair, yanking me upwards until we were face to face.

"You're just a boy. Children your age should be in high school. You should have a girlfriend and look into career paths. Or maybe even still putting up with antics. I am a super villain. My very being is that to despise heroes, that is who I am. But there is nothing I hate more, than a mere schoolboy pretending to be one. Just because he got his hands on a few toys that are too dangerous for his own good."

"I'm... eighteen..." I croaked.


I managed a weak smirk on my extremely bloodied face.

"And I don't need... to live that life. I hate being weak. I had... someone I loved... she was hurting but I couldn't help her... and I lost her because I was just that. A mere schoolboy... Even after besting a god. I was still too weak. I swore I will never be so useless again."

I spat at the super villain, blood staining his armour.

From within his helmet, I could hear Doctor Destroyer seething in rage.

"You... insolent brat!"

Doctor Destroyer flung me into a rock as I smashed into it.

How was I still conscious?

"This fight is now personal. Consider yourself honoured. To have made such an enemy of Doctor Destroyer."

I watched as the super villain slowly took off his helmet, revealing an aged elderly face. But the hatred on it was so marked clear.

Then he proceeded to bombard me with punches. I felt a rib break as I coughed out blood, my eyes almost gouging out of my body.



I had failed you.

Then it was you... Jessie.

When you needed me...

I failed you again.

I kept failing people over and over again.

Doctor Destroyer launched an uppercut at my chin my blood flung into the air. I slid to the ground.

If I wasn't strong enough to defeat this man...

If I wasn't strong enough to even save myself...

Maybe I deserved this beating.

Because I am too weak to save the people I care about did I become an Outer Shadow. And live a life where all I needed to do was follow orders. And not have people expect much from me.

I was losing consciousness, memories flooding my mind.

When I was twelve years old, I killed my first god. Avara, the Goddess of Fertility. By taking her own sword and plunging it through her heart.

Shortly after, I was hunted by other gods.

By the time I was thirteen, two gods, Obi and Rena, the God and Goddess of the Sun and Moon, came after me to avenge Avara's death. I led Obi into a dark room, and trapped him in a spiked contraption, and used the deceased museum guard's pistol to shoot his heart seven times. I then trapped Rena in an extremely bright ultraviolet light, luring her into the photon labs, incinerating her alive. Then used the remaining magazine to shoot her in the head five times, and her heart six times.

When I turned fourteen, I committed robbery, and stole an AK47, Desert Eagle, and a Browning BSS shotgun from an arms store. The reason was because I wanted to kill a gang of robbers who were harassing a fellow homeless teenager. I killed all of the robbers, but one of the robbers turned out to be a god in disguise. Hermes. Hermes broke my arm and leg, but I had already gotten used to near fatal injuries from killing Avara, Obi, and Rena, and used this element of surprise to blast his head off point blank with the Browning.

It was when I was fourteen, did I get picked up by a juvenile centre, my guns were confiscated, and I was forced to survive based off of pure physical instinct. Most of the inmates didn't really care about me. The young ones, like me, were scared shitless. The older ones knew better. But one person in particular really liked to pick on me because my last name was "Hope". And so, we got in a fight, where I learned to hone my body to become more in tune with fist fighting. I ended up extending my stay.

By the time I was released from juvie, I was placed in high school. And everybody was afraid of me. Especially after the incident with the goddess of infidelity Hanako, who haunted the school. My rage for the gods caused me to sneak in a knife, and I lured Hanako into the girl's washroom, stabbing her in the toilet stall fifty seven times using my time in juvie as a learning opportunity to fight without my guns.

My mind refused to think about high school. It was like I was drawing a blank. But I knew better. There were many memories. But for some reason, I could only temporarily recall the bloodshed.

When I was fifteen, I went with my classmates to a shrine to honour the god of hope. And I wanted to kill this god... why? Why did I want to kill this god? Was it my hatred? Was it... no... that wasn't it.


I see.


I'm sorry, Aaron... I'm just a burden on everyone. If it wasn't for me... you could have lived a normal life.

I couldn't save Jessica.

I threw away all of my beliefs to pray to this god to save Jessica. Because I didn't know how to help her. But the god of hope refused to answer my prayers. And he let her die. I wanted her to see hope in her life.

It was this god's and my weakness' fault that my girlfriend took her own life.


I'm so sorry...

In a fit of rage, I stole several firearms from a gang, and set fire to the shrine, drawing the god's attention, and fought him.

But I couldn't win.

There was no trick I could do. I couldn't lure him anywhere. There was no strategy I had. No plan. I genuinely just wanted the god of hope to die. And when you rush in without a plan, especially as a fifteen year old schoolboy, it doesn't matter if it is the most important reason in the world. My reason was to no longer be weak. If I could kill this god of hope with my bare hands. I would no longer be weak. But that's not how the world works.

I lost viciously.

It was moments before being killed by the god, did he come save me.

Jun Gasket.

A mere twelve year old kid, who acted more like an adult than anyone I had ever met.

The only thing I can do is kill gods. I don't deserve to be counted on other than that. Never again. I remembered telling Master Jun, still grieving over Jessie's death.

Then don't. Work for me, Aaron. Become my Dainsleif. King Högni's ultimate sword in Norse Mythology. You exist to strike and kill. Simple life, right? And in return, I will make you strong. So you won't have to be in pain ever again. You will be my first Outer Shadow. And my best.

I took Jun's hand... no. Master Jun's hand.

I will become strong.

To destroy and to follow orders as his best soldier. And that was what I did.

Since becoming his Outer Shadow, I took countless missions.

At fifteen, I used the weapons Jun made for me and killed three gods at the same time, the rest of the year I spent killing their deluded followers.

Then at sixteen, I made my way up the Pantheon of Greca. Killing all twelve gods to free the people from their narcissistic wrath.

And finally at seventeen, did my rematch with the god of hope fall into my hands. And we fought viciously.

My fight against this god was the hardest fight I ever fought. It was this fight did I fire my first Black Bullet.

I opened my eyes, rage overwhelming my body and unleashing a black wave of power which sent Doctor Destroyer back.

"An awakening...?" Destroyer muttered.

"No. Just a slap back to reality." I seethed, as I stumbled forward, holding out my hand, summoning a black grimoire from thin air.

"Like I will let you!"

Convocatio: Special Gun Summoning

A black magic circle appeared before me, blowing him back.


I reached in.

Thompson Contender

I pulled out the gun and took aim, black energy swirling all around the barrel.

My body...

To use Noir's magic, my body would sustain extremely serious injuries. But calling this spell when I was already so banged up...

"Unbelievable!" Doctor Destroyer growled, as he stepped back and tried to put on his helmet, but the helmet was being swept away from the violent winds of my Thompson Contender's charge.


Doctor Destroyer flew into the air.


A massive robot appeared before me.

This was going to destroy my body even more, but nothing mattered.

I don't care anymore.

Convocatio: Turricalum Threehold - Full Deletion Protocol

I targeted the Mega Destroid, as three turrets appeared from magic circles, zipping around like a triple helix across the giant robot and releasing a blinding red beam of energy, slicing the robot into pieces.

Doctor Destroyer stumbled, one of the beams caught his thruster boots, but he roared, unleashing a conical blast which destroyed my turrets.

"Come then! Dainsleif! Show me the power of your infamous Black Bullets!"

My gun hand was shaking as I coughed out black blood.

Fight the pain.

You deserve the pain.

For letting Jessie die.

This is your punishment.

The punishment you always wanted.

I pressed the trigger.

Black Bullet

I released the charged shot, as the black bullet came flying Doctor Destroyer's way. I fell backwards, my vision a bright white light. Losing consciousness

I could make out the faintest sight of the black bullet shattering Doctor Destroyer's armour, but the old man had jettisoned himself out of his armour and hurled himself into the ground. I heard him grunt in pain as bones broke.

What an unbelievable guy.

To have survived that...

Doctor Destroyer tried to get to his feet, but his frail old body had sustained too much damage from the fall.

"You... I will... make good use of you... Dainsleif... I see now why you are so famed..."

Destroids appeared around me, as everything turned black. Only voices I could hear.

"Take him back to Destruga."

Not a Hero

"Hey Aaron if you don't keep up I'm going to have to drag you!!!"

Jessie was in full view. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail, grabbing me by the hand as we splashed in the water.

"We shouldn't be out past curfew!" I protested.

"Aw come on! Just for a few minutes? Pleeeeeaseee!"

Jessie splashed water at my face, laughing.

"You're always so stuck up! Aaron! Always worrying about what others think about you! About us!"

"But we'll get in trouble. And..."


Jessie went up to me and flicked her finger on my forehead.

"Ouch! What was that for?!"

"You're always talking about rules rules rules. Ugh."


"You should be more lightened up. That's why those obnoxious guys keep picking on you."

"Is that really... They hate me... but you decided to go out with me. The more we break the rules, the more I'm seen in a bad light, and because of that, your reputation goes down too. I'm... I feel like I'm weighing you down."

Jessie frowned, the energy left her body, as I yelped.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to- I- I-"

Jessie took my hands, smiling.

"Hey. Aaron. Don't worry about me. Okay? If you don't want to go to the beach, we can always head back."

My eyes widened.

"N- No! I don't want that! I want to stay! I want you to be happy too."

Jessie embraced me, resting her head on my chest.

"Sometimes, to really embrace life, you have to be free. Don't let these things weigh you down. I know your past sucks. I can't ever relate, but... don't you think moving forward should help? I want you to have fun. Maybe join in on my antics and my pranks sometime! You know..."

"You're always getting up in some kind of prank... to know my girlfriend is such a troublemaker... how did this even end up happening."

Jessie gave me a mischievous smirk, putting a finger to her lips.

"One day, I'm gonna rub off on you. And you're gonna get in so much trouble because of me."

I scoffed.

"Like that will ever happen."

"Oh, you so don't want to start this bet. I guarantee you the longer we stay together, the more of a troublemaker you'll become. Because it's when two people are really in love do their personalities rub off on one another."

Jessie leaned in for a kiss, but pushed me away.


"Just messing with you! Gotcha!"

Jessie laughed, skipping around.

Jessie was everything that I wasn't. But I think it was because of that, did she become drawn to me.

In a way we completed each other.

Jessie was the type of girl who didn't care about what others thought. She would always get in trouble because she stayed true to herself.

Hell, one time, she straight up admitted that she had a fetish for ear biting and was into S&M. And she wasn't at all embarrassed.

I smiled, as my memory faded.

Because it's when two people are really in love do their personalities rub off on one another.

From messing around with the other Outer Shadows.

To cracking jokes left right and centre.

To being able to express myself, however silly and dumb I looked to other people, I did what I wanted. I was proud of it. Even if it would have otherwise made my reputation look bad. It was who I was. And I was not afraid to accept it.

I became proud of who I am. I no longer let what other people thought about me determine how amazing I was.

If I hadn't met you, Jessie, I would still have been a ball of sulking grumpiness.

It was because I met you.

Did I change.