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Rave shouts, "I bind you!" Pushing Zues hands back in black shackles he technomanced. Zues hands slam back like magnets. Rave punches Zeus in the gut. Zues fight back and break the shackles on Rave head. Rave head butts Zeus and bits his gil ear.
Rave shouts, "I bind you!" Pushing Zues hands back in black shackles he technomanced. Zues hands slam back like magnets. Rave punches Zeus in the gut. Zues fight back and break the shackles on Rave head. Rave head butts Zeus and bits his gill ear.
=='''The Deep Web''' ==
=='''The Deep Web''' ==

Revision as of 17:36, 6 December 2022

Act 6.5 during and after 6

Back to The Pentagon

Rave and his team along side Heart prepares for a viscious attack o the Pentagon. Notice it is an evil shape! Dun, dun, dun. Jumbee Akatsuki, Nero, Callous Heilos and ... Join them.

Massive military machines are seen from the distance as they post and wait out.

Rave Kills the Gods

The Docile Giant Goddess

Last time we left of Jessica told Rave something that made his eyes turn red mode. But let's Flashback before and up to how it happened.

Ol'iesha the giantess washed up on a beach. She was caught wearing nothing but the fishermans net she was tangled in. She had amnesia and stubbled through the city accidentally causing destruction. Jessica is trying to contain her. But the giantess is bewildered. Legion was on it shortly as their aircrafts approached. Rave captures the giant woman.

Taken to Legion Island Athe giantess is interrogated. She doesn't know anything so Rave enters her mind. He is able to unlock her memories. He sees that her name is 0l'iesha. In the world that she is from she is just a normal sized girl.

Rave and Kobain invents a Ring that gives her the ability to switch to human size.

Ol'iesha is incredibly powerful in this world. Rave wants her for a wife. He can use her power on his side. He thinks, "Hahaha. This is gonna be so cool. My giant woman will smash my enemies."

It takes less than a week for her to fall for him.

But he them realizes she is a passive docile little girl who doesn't want to hurt people. You never seen a tiny man scream at a giant woman and she just backs down like she is afraid. He shouts, "Return to small size, Now!" She replies, "Why? You will hit me." He shouts, "I'm not going to hit you! Sit." She sits down in giant form and nervously plays with he fingers. She looks down and tears form in her eyes. As she does so he feels the ground shake and the seas get choppy. Grey clouds form. He looks around to discove her emotions could cause natural disasters. He tries to calm her down. He says, "Baby, don't cry. I need you normal size so I can hug you and kiss you." She asks, "Are. You sure your not going to scream at me?" He says reassuringly, "Yes baby, I promise." She turns small. He holds her. The rough see turns calm again.

Rave groans and complains to Legion soldier, "Ahhhh. My giant is useless. She's just a giant little girl." A soldier says, "It's not all loss boss. The right training could give her time to mature."

Rave finds out Ol'iesha is the daughter of Zeus. Her large sizes is explained by the previous inhabitants of Saturn. Rave says to Ol'iesha, "I'm soon to be the god killer. I will murder your bloodline soon." Ol'iesha just looks at him confused. She replies, "I don't remember my family. I don't even know if I liked them or not." He explains, "Don't worry. I usually keep one alive as a pet. Concider yourself lucky."

Red Eye Rave

Keep in mind Red Eye is an eviler form of Rave which gives him a free pass to act even worst.

Jessica gives Rave news about the Angels.

In this episode we have the Red Eye Rave. He is consumed with hatred for the Angels. But he is not feral like previous Red Eye versions. He is ultra instinct. Rave funnels all his emotions into a single clone. This is the birth of Rave's first female clone Gina Rave. Rave is stuck in Red Mode for sometime and is more rough towards his girls. Gina Rave protects his wives against Red's brutality. Red Rave has only one mission in mind and it is to kill all gods. His wives notice he will get himself killed. Do they plot to find a way to fuse him back with Gina so that he might revert to Blue Eyed Rave.

Gina Rave notices Red Eye is being rougher with the wives. Gina Rave convinces him to behave himself. She will protect the girls from him if she has too.

Velcrow Baddie is attacking the town. Velcrow is the equivalent of an annoying rich spoiled influencer with powers. She is more of annoyance than a grand mastermind at crime.

Black shadows form and from them crows with red eyes swam all over the city.

Red Eyed Rave and Cameron DGelli move to stop her. They find out she is attacking because she didn't get the proper size bikini in her order. And now she will bear the embarrassment of wearing a bikini she used before on spring break. Oh why the humanity.

She sees Rave and says, "What a cutie."

They fight

During the fight Velcrow realizes that she is fighting the famous model Cameron DGelli. She is suddenly starstruck. She asks Cameron, "Can I have a modelling contract?" Cameron says, "Oh you'll have to speak to Rave about that." Velcrow says, "Oh comer her', handsome."

Red Eye Rave looks into a shadow crow's red eye. "BAWK!" It says. Police come to subdue Velcrow but see Rave talk to her. Rave sighs. He says, "I have this one under control, boys."

The Storm King

Rave takes his wide Goomba Goddess of Chaos and flies to the land of the Storm King in the sky.

The DarkBloods are a type of minotaur gods.

He meets the bar maiden Y'Odin the DarkBlood the DarkBlood StormQueen. Later he finds our she is princess goddess of this land.

Rave later reveal the Legion Invasion he plot. He promises to not covert this land to Legion if Y'Odin agrees to marriage. Rave is smart. He knows even if they don't convert to Legion. Her people will have to back him up when he needs it.

War On Gods

Fight with Steam Magi. Steam Magi is an Angel Dragon (Seraph). Though he is an Asian ruled dragon he is part of the same European based gods, the Angels.

The Greek gods shall die. Rave will beat the Egyptian gods but spear them.

Orio is hit critically by Anubis. Rave spirit walks to being her soul back. Spirit walking is not a move you can just tap anytime. The spirit walker could remain trapped in death realm as well. It takes certain amount of will power. And your agenda have to be a selfless one.

But is Rave successful at killing all gods? No. In Act 7 he be killed by the Angels and sent to hell. Read on to find out how he gets out of this one.


The behemoth walks rising from the sea. Ol'iesha father Zeus is reaveled to be a giant Eel like sea monster. Zues is the Nephilim child of fallen angel Dagon Samael merman god of lust. Now you understand the giantess from gods banished to a massive planet now wade to drink the oceans of the Earth. Rave must fight!

Zeus growls causing and earthquake, "I remember... more... Water he- hair- aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Poseidon cover meeeed!" And it's starts to rain. Poseidon falls from lightning in the thunderclouds and lands on Zeus' shoulder. Poseidon shouts, "And I will flood the Earth once again!" Big waves. Rave block them with eqic shield coverage.

Rave copies Ol'iesha's powers. The both grow big together. Zeus says, "Daughteeeeeeer!" Ol'iesha says, "You have to stop this Zeus! I am no longer your child!" He replies, "Do you chosen... Deeeeeeeeath!" He stamls his foot in the ground and it causes a massive cravaste all the way to land. Ol'iesha jumps out of the way. Rave dives at Zeus. Poseidon gets gigantic to and tackles Rave from the back. Rave son Star Assembly appears and hits Poseidon. Rave says, "My son is not just a mecha! He is an Angel!" A halo glares over Star's head. He summons his weapon and and sheild to combat Poseidon's trident.

Locked in shoulders Zeus zaps Rave. But Rave can absorb some of it. Siren and Koi show up. Koi shouts, "We can't stop the waves!" Ol'iesha punches Poseidon. She wrestles to steal his trident to stop he control over weather.

Zeus spawn in some other giant sea monsters from lightning that strike the waters.

Rave and Zeus hit each other really hard. So hard Siren cringes. Rave realizes he cannot force teleport Zues to XD. So Deelihla creates portals under the ocean near by to drain it. In turn Qlithoth monsters rush out into the oceans to fight Zeus' sea monsters.

Rave shouts, "I bind you!" Pushing Zues hands back in black shackles he technomanced. Zues hands slam back like magnets. Rave punches Zeus in the gut. Zues fight back and break the shackles on Rave head. Rave head butts Zeus and bits his gill ear.

The Deep Web

Retro Racers


Deep Web swims upside down in space. A grid appears under the earth stretching as far as the eyes can see. The world is turning to a nightmare playground. A complete glitch in the matrix.

Rave says, "Cyberspace has entered reality. I'm no longer linked to my carriers!"

Scary retro wave vapor wave battle. Racing motorcycles on the grids in space.

A Spider's Dream

Kimbra jumps off her bike next to Rave. She looks down to see the black grid floor. She suddenly falls into it disappearing. Rave looks at Tequilla saying, "Oh dare. What happened?" Tequilla says, "I think she realized she was standing on noth..." Tequilla falls and disappears too. Rave purposely makes the realization to just to follow them.

Rave wakes up as an alternate universe Rave were nobody never gotten powers. He doesn't remember anything. He has one baby with Kimbra and Tequilla is his side chick that lives with them. Rave's mother is still alive and babysits his child. She is a stubborn old lady.

One day, darkness falls upon the dream world. The land is coated in eternal light. There a few spots of light. But anyone who stands in the darkness too long are taken away by a six armed spider lady. She dives on her web and takes her prey to where non one knows.

The objective is to survive. Rave is at work as a security officer of a government buildings when this happens. He must navigate through the darkness. Find his family if they are still alive and get them to safety if it exists. Just like a dream this is the only world Rave know exist. He has no choice but just sees it as reality where he and his family is in danger.

The story goes that Rave works from 5 pm till 12am in the night. He wakes up as he has fallen asleep at his job. He first thought it was a city wide power outage. He sees his phone battery on 5 percent. It had been running movies while he slept. The light off it was on him the whole time. He uses the phone to take a flashlight in his desk and goes to check the generator. It is busted. As he turns around he hears a scream and his buddy disappears.he hears a scream again. As he points the flashlight he gets a brief view of the monster eating his friend's head. It doesn't like the light and flies through the window on a web. He checks outside to hear multiple screams. The flashlight is industrial strenght strong enough to shine light across the street. There must be more than one creature snatching bodies. He see people stranded under the few street lights that still work. A car is thrown knocking the lamp post down. He point he light to search but all he hears is more screams in the darkess. He now believes the monsters damaged the generator.

He immediately notices the flashlight his is first defense. It is rechargeable but the battery is low. It says, "Battery low, please charge." Every five minutes. The sixth time that would be thirty minutes and he would lose is weapon. The flashlight also could uses four D Batteries in a case of emergency. He searches but only find two batteries and his emergency only hand pistol with 8 shots. He runs down stares. The light is getting dim. He feels a spider brush behinds him but repels due to the light. He runs out into the parking lot. Rave jumps into a company car. He locks the doors the flashlight goes off. He hears multiple monsters pounding at the car. Vroom! Rave manages to turn on the car light. The monster all screech and webs away.

He borrows the car and drives off. He sees a car charger plugged in. He has one phone charger cord in his pocket. He has two options. Charge his phone and call his family or charge the flashlight. He chooses to charge the phone. Kimbra answers. She says, "Out baby is crying. I can't hear you properly. We are fine. I'm at the grocery store. I don't know what's happening. Come and get us!" He shouts, "Stay in the light! Don't go into the dark! I'm coming!" Has he drives the spiders drop cars in the road to derail him. He swerves to avoid the second one drops and Rave hits a lamp post. Re grabs the dead flashlight and the pistol. Then stumbles outside under the light. He took a blow to his chest and leg and is hurt.

Rave is stranded under a lamp post. In the darkness be hears a car being picked up. He believes they are going to knock the lamp post down. Instead he sees a car flying directly at him. It only became visible at a close range giving him little time to react. He dives out of the way. He falls down and injures his leg more. Now he sees a car driving at him full speed. It might run him over. It hits a full brake at the site. Looking up he sees legs, a shotgun, then a dress. It's is his side chic Tequilla. She quickly helps him into the car. They drive off. Tequilla says, "Roman this world is not real! You have to wake up! Remember Genos!" Tequilla is not memory swapped because mind games don't work on her diamond form. Rave doesn't believe it. He remembers her as a gangster girl from the ghetto who came unto him and Kimbra. The spiders throw objects at the car but she drives more aggressively.

They get to the grocery store and get Kimbra. Rave gets more batteries for the flashlight. Rave says, "Mom! I have to save mom! We go home for Ma." Tequilla says, "Rave your mom is not real. She died when you were younger. Rave gets angry at Tequilla. He shouts, "I don't get you! You out yourself into out family and you just. Just shut up! I'll drive!" Tequilla says, "We don't habe time for this! Kimbra jumps I got the car with the child. Rave is a bad driver because he is injured. Kimbra says, "Rave your are going to flip the car over."

They get home and Rave gets his mother. She is old and stubborn. She delays them in leaving. However four of them get to the car. Tequilla drives them Mom from seat and Rave and Kimbra and the baby at the back. The mom suddenly says in a creepy voice, "Hehehe. You know who else likes riding shotgun?" Then she tries to grab Tequilla weapon. Tequilla elbows her. In the struggle the car flips over. They crawl out of the car. The car light is still on but not for long. Thankfully the flashlight has batteries. Tequilla holds the flashlight. They look around and Ma is no where to be found. Suddenly Ma comes from the darkness holding the shotgun. Tequilla shines the light on her face. Rave says, "She's in the lights so she's not a spider, Tequilla." Ma aims the shotgun at them. Ma says, "I don't like these women your * Roman. They are a bad influence for my boy." Roman says, "Ma?! What are you doing?" Ma cranks the shot gun. Boom! Rave shoots his mother in the head with his pistol. Rave shouts, "Noooooooooooo!" The then see spiders gathering waiting for the car light to go out as it dims. Tequila shines the light on them but the are not really botheres they step closer. Kimbra just as confused as Rave. Tequilla Shouts, "Rave! Wake up! Or we are gonna die!" Rave turns pinst the gun at the spiders. Then he turns around and shoots the gas tank on the car. Boom! It explodes. Rave and the girls snaps out of the dream.

Now we have to find and fight Deep Web. They made Rave shoot his dead mother in a dream world so he is much angrier now that his memories have been messed with. You can see is blue aura burning brighter.
