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Act 1.5
Here is to put more adventures
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== Pil(Grim-Age) ==
Kimbra gets separated from the group but fear not because Rave is with her. They washed up on shore after a battle in the morning. Rave said, "I lost contact with the others." Kimbra replies, "My gps navigation doesn't know where we are either." She turns around and see some kids playing near a fisherman so they walked towards them. They all had animal horns or ears. Rave ask to use a phone but they fisherman said, "I don't know what that is. You should ask my wife. I'm heading back home now." The house wasn't far from the beach. The wife replies, "I'm sorry I can't help you. I never heard of a phone before." She smiles. Rave goes to talk to the fisherman again. The wife asks kimbra, "Why are you wearing your undergarments on the outside young lady? I've never seen something like that before." Kimbra is wearing a back high cut leather bikini and tight cowboy chaps like she always do.  Kimbra replies with a smile, "Oh you mean. My suit. My boyfriend... Rave designed it. I guess he just likes it." The wife replies smiling, "Your boyfriend likes seeing you walk around like that? My my you crazy kids. You really are foreigners. ''Don't worry.'' I'm sure everyone dresses like that in your homeland." Kimbra answers, "No just the Hs" she asks, "Hs what's that?" Kimbra says, "Oh nothing forget I said it. Goodbye!" Kimbra skips outside to Rave. The fisherman says, "There is a village up north in land. Come to thing of it. I never seen any ships leave this island. People come in but they don't check out. I guess they must really like it here." They tell the kind folk goodbye and head to the village. They arrive to the weird olden pilgrim village. Perhaps secluded from the outside world. They all looked human but baring different animal horns and ears. Their was powers but the people refered to it as magic even though it wasn't. All the people seemed really ignorant to anything and happy. Rave didn't show the full extent of his power to anyone. Beside the lack of technology their had him feeling under powered.
Kimbra suddenly ask, "I think I should change my clothes." Rave said, "You are right. We stand out to much." Rave morphs to human skin and devil horns. He purchases a barmaid dress for Kimbra and force carves goat horns out a tree for her to wear. She hides her gun in her cleavage. She tell Rave she is not taking off her thigh high leather boots. And that's her dressing. They enter a hall where a drink up is ongoing. At the heart of it all a troubled sickly king, Ghullock. He seem melting and slimey like a frog. Lily Redwood was his bride to be and this was rehearsal celebration. She's a pretty wash blonde. A crazed lunatic tried to stab her and Rave stopped them with is quick reflex. The lunatic was taken away. Ghullock ask Rave to be Redwoods security till the wedding. She immediately gave him signals of attraction. Kimbra shakes her head and whispers, "I don't believe this everywhere we go you have to do this. I just hope you can beat this guy when you get caught because you will."
While dancing Redwood pretending to fall to the ground and hurt her ankle. She whispered in Rave's ears as he got close, "I don't want to marry the Ghullock. I'm a prisoner. He is a drunkard slimey disgusting man. Not like you a real man. You have to save me." Redwood was sort of hard that hard drugs addict look and behavior as well. She could not read or write to pass a message either. She asked, "Don't call the nurse. My gaurd will take me to my room. I just need to rest a bit." So Rave took her to her room where his sound proof the walls with force powers. Kimbra waited outside with 2 other male gaurds that she made uncomfortable with her perky smile. Redwood immediately tried to seduce him. Rave refused and said, "This isn't what it's about. I need answers about this place." She added, "Ghullock beats me. With his cane. I can do nothing but cry." Rave didn't know if she was lying to get her way, he thought the were all crazy at the start. She said, "Take me over the sea. Isn't that where you are from? I will not marry him... You look like a bad man. Just kill him and take everything. I see the way you look at me. What kind of man doesn't take what he wants?" Rave starts to walk away when she says "I will tell them you took advantage of me..." "Lying... Don't you ever say that to me. I had a girl do that to me once and I died because if it!", He says as he walk up to her holding her by the throat. They stared in each others eyes. She says, "Okay so you know your way around the ladies. I'll tell you what you want to know." They ended up making love after which Rave said to her that he had made a terrible mistake. Redwood was heart broken but she didn't say a word. He told her that he usually has trouble with women and he is not the right guy. But give him a chance and he will figure this out.
Rave did a bad thing. He tried to secretly leave the island after promising Redwood to save her. He flies in one direction but just kept going in circles. Rave tells Kimbra, "Might be best for her I'd she stay with her people. Sometimes girls don't know what they want!" Kimbra nods sarcastically. After flying for a while it was clear that they were trapped. Rave landed back on the beach during dusk. Kimbra asked, "Black magic?" Rave said, "Not sure. An erie feeling I get. This place is evil. I can feel it." Kimbra says, "See karma is punishing you. That girl could of been me. You'd leave me behind like that?" After a whole day spent trying he goes back to Redwood and she is happy.
It was wedding night. A step and grind that everyone partaked in. The king was too sick to walk so Redwood partnered with Rave. It drawed many attention to how she was dancing, the best dancers too. She jumped in his arms to be picked up. The King slammed his cane on the ground that paused the dance. The king took her in haste to the hallway. It sounded like he then swatted her with the cane. Rave didn't know if to get involved but he couldn't allow it. He brush the 2 gaurds at the door out like tipping a mop stick. He grabbed the king's hand preventing him from sticking her a second time. The king expanded like a ball knocking Rave away and grabbing redwood. Gaurds came after them but Kimbra pulled out her gun and shot three dead so the rest ran away. The ran outside and it is pitch black. But Rave and Kimbra's eyes could see well in darkness. With a sudden leaped Ghullock pounced over the lake with Redwood into the black darkness on the other side. But Rave saw Redwood fall into the water after she bit his hand. The king landed into the black skeleton of trees where he looked out and howled in anger. It sounded like a deep horn croak. Rave dived into the water or find her. He pulled a girl to shore that was wearing similar wedding dress but the body was headless. Rave was filled with remorse thinking it was redwood. Then he saw another girl come up on the water bank coughing. It was redwood who was lightly bleeding from the neck she said, "That bastard tried to bite me so I bit him back." They embraced each other soaking wet. Kimbra took a look at her neck.
As Rave turned around he was tackled by the frog man. They wrestled under the moon light. Rave punches him but his frog skin was hard muscle with no bones to break. To add he was slimey and hard to grip. Rave digged out the king's eyes with his thumbs. Ghullock crawled into the water like an alligator. Redwood ran to Rave and said, "Their is a light coming from the church!" Looking at the building in a short distance the building villagers began to hang themselves out side of the windows. Rave ask, "What the hell is even going on here!" The king came back standing next to a tree with a noose and guards behind him. He was eyesless with a big smile on his face. Exhausted Ghullock breathed heavy. They recognizes Ghullock was melting more and more. Black spirits pushed as Rave disorienting him to see fuzzy. They filled his ears with loud innocent laughter. A dark force held him down as Redwood was taken to be strung up. "Erry full moon hundred virgin shacrifice." Ghullock said with spit flying from his mouth and is both eyes bleeding. He sucked the blood on her neck and it burned his mouth. Redwood said, "You fool I am no virgin. Roman is all the man you'd never be." Then she kicked him in the manhood. Ghullock simply fell to his knees and died the last thing he saw was Rave standing behind her. Slime ran off his deformed corpse as he melt like salt on a slug. The headless body of the girl whispered "Sorry we kept you here - Thank you." as it fades away with the black fog. Only Rave saw the spirits whisp away from the lake.
The darkness lifted with morning and the trees began to flower. They where now able to leave the island. They took of on a small pirate ship. They said goodbye to the fisherman and his family. When redwood left she took up a pirate theme with her love for the sea she always gazed upon. Rave saw that there was evil in the world that need cleansing and he made it his mission. Kimbra says, "You married Ghullock before he die so that make you queen. Do you know that Rave is technically a king before that?"
== Pirate Adventures ==
'''Silver Rain'''
After a quick stop at Dollhouse a copy of Rave goes with Redwood as they return to the pirate ship. The pirate ship gets a few tech upgrades from Rave. Then they decide to set Sail again. Mei Sake and Luna Tides is also join this crew. This is a separate adventure to just sail the ocean. They sail for days of nothing and get bored. One day while bikini bodies fried in the sun. They see figure floating in the distance. Redwood pulls out her binoculars and says, "It's a man on an umbrella! In the middle of the Ocean!" Rave set Sail towards it. Mei says, "Could it be a mirage? I think I have heat exhaustion" Luna says, "We can't all see the same mirage stupid. It could be a trap." Rave says, "Trap or not. Finally some action!"
The big boat shadow over the umbrella afloat. Rave pulling a rope says, "Ahoy there!" All the girls shout, "Ahoy! Ahoy!"  Rave cast the rope down. Rave says, "Permission to come aboard!" The Umbrella man flies up with umbrella that suddenly turn to some chopper parachute. Umbrella man bows. Mei claps. Redwood eyes opens wide. She asks, "Hello there. What are you doing in the middle of the Ocean on an umbrella. Are you lost?" Umbrella Man replies, "I'm not lost. Well not actually. This is how I travel. My wife and I had an argument. Some months ago and I decided to take a vacation." A big question mark appear over Rave head. Rave says, "Captain Rave, this here Mei, Luna and Redwood." Redwood adds, "Um Captain Redwood. How did you survive just and Umbrella." Umbrella says, "My pardon. The names Benson, Bilton Benson. I built this bugger from the Benson basement at Biltmore which I more than just and Umbrella. It could be anything I imagine. It has exactly one million uses." Benson starts to sing, "When you feeling heavy weather. I got the thing for yah. It's more than just an Umbrella. It's boat, it's a spear. Catch and cook fish anywhere. With the built-in Biltmore water purifier. I could sail I could fly. High up in the sky. Is it hail or storm. I wont freeze. Cause I can stand a nuclear bomb." They all gasps. Rave says, "What??????" Benson says, "Well my wife usually sings this part." Redwood says, "Nah. It's okay we got it." Mei claps and says, "Bravo." Rave looks at the umbrella with his technological visions. Some much data pops up. Rave just quits. Rave shouts, "There's no way you built this! What is it? Alien technology? Did they do something to your brain?" Benson replies, "I did so built the Benson Umbrella at the Biltmore basement my boy. I challenge you to a friendly duel." Rave says, "Listen sir. You are more than welcome to stay with us until your heat stroke wears off. But I can't fight you in this boat. I might tear it in half." Benson says, "Well fight me in the air!" He hopes off the boat plops on the water and flys up with a gust of wind. He then aims the umbrella at Rave. A rocket flys outs. Rave's eyes open wide. Luna shouts, "I knew this was going to be something insane!" Rave flys up and block the rocket with a force field. Benson Umbrella spins so fast it creates a vortex in the air then on sea. The boat starts spinning in a whirlpool. The girls try to navigate out. Rave says, "Why is this magic? No magic can't be real." Redwood shouts, "Rave! Just fight him! We can keep this up much longer!" Rave sees Benson holding the umbrella spinning around him in the vortex. Rave realizes he is to fast and can't get a lock on him. Rave jumps into the vortex to catch Benson. Benson fully encases himself in the umbrella. Rave grabs it. The umbrella launch out spikes that kills the Rave copy. Another copy of Rave spawns from the girls. Redwood says, "Really. You just got killed by that guy? The ship will be sucked in!" Are says, "Time to go sicko mode." Rave flies at The Umbrella Man. Another Rave spawn again. Rave says, "He poisoned gassed me. I wasn't expecting it. I just need to find out his move sets." Redwood says, "He got a million remember." Rave says, "The vortex wind is too strong. Maybe we should just go under!" Rave's ship is swallowed by the water. The vortex stops. Umbrella Man gentle glides down. And land backs in his umbrella boat. All of a sudden Rave just punches the umbrella so hard Benson is sent flying in the air. Rave shouts, "It will take a lot more than that to kill me!" As Rave rises from the water so does the ship in a protective force fields of air. Rave glides back down on the umbrella into his ship as he set it on the water. Rave bows as umbrella falls back down into he ocean in the background. The girls clap. Benson spits out sea water. Rave take him back aboard the ship. Benson laughs and says, "Bravo ol boy. I haven't had a rush like that in months!" Benson continues, "This makes me think. Now that I feel the rush. I haven't been honest with you all. I wasn't happy I was sulking waiting to die. I need to get to Les Isles to reunite with my wife for our honeymoon. I miss her so much!" Luna says, "I don't want to know what the rush is." Redwood takes the wheel. She says, "Don't worry! We will get you their!"
They get to Les Isles. They all gasp. Rave shouts, "That's your wife!!!" Ms. Benson comes in wearing a french maid outfit. She is way out of his league. Benson says, "My beautiful wife Hanafa. But as she goes by her undercover name, The Dirtease Duster. We arrrrrrrrrh a spy family!" Benson says, "Oh I miss you so much my little fluffy bottom. I'm sure my umbrella missed your duster just as much as me. I love you." Dirtease says, "Baby. I love you. Ohhhhh. Promise me we will never fight again." She continues, "Thank you guys for bringing my little toupée home safely." The wind is knocked out of Rave by how they are. Benson says, "You know what. Now my wife is here we can finish the song!" That start to sing. Rave says, "If this keeps up I'll lose all my hair." Mei says, "Arent you bald already?" Rave says, "I'm not bald. I just like my hair short!"
== New Haiti ==
Rave goes to Haiti. From the shore lines it looks like everyone is dead. All the buildings are skeletons. He thinks this is just another vacant island like how he found Bahamas. When he tread in her sees advanced civilization. He sees woman soldiers only. He asks, "What happened to all the men?" Appearanty the men have turned savage minded and sent to Dominican Republic to live like beasts. Rave asks, "Where is the leader." One soldier, I'll call her Bossy Pants, says, "We have no leader. All the women work in unity." He sees a different dressed girl the distance. He thinks, "That one is dressed in mostly gold so she must be special." This is Orio the Egyptian princess training as a guard she is with another Haitian soldier lady called Merlo Badeaux. Rave says he is royalty. Redwood continues, "True. I am a Queen and Rave is king of his own." They treat Redwood better than Rave because she is female. They put Redwood, Luna and Mei in different rooms to passively punish him for being a man. But they made a mistake of putting Rave to close to the Egyptian princess and her gaurd. Rave Rave's it up badly. They had Merlo escort him to his room. Rave tried to explain, "Listen. My soul is stuck to the girls I came with. It's not possible to separate us." Merlo shuts the door behind her and pounced on him. She says, "I haven't seen a man in years. You are going no where." Orio goes to check on her gaurd who is staying too long in Raves quarters. Instead of being angry she joined. Bossy Pants came to check on them and saw Orio and Merlo in bed with Rave. The girls were laughing a lot. To much wine perhaps. The angry gaurd shouted, "What are you doing! This is bad! Get away from her!" Orio laughs some more and says, "Um um according to Raves laws. I'm no longer under your jurisdiction. I'm with a king now!" Merlo laughs and says, "Pfft I guest that goes for me too. Right." Rave looks at Bossy Pants and says, "Yah. That goes for you." She storms out angrily. Bossy pansy comes back with other gaurds. She says, "Arrest that man!" Rave just disappears like the ghost he is then pops up at a different corner of the room. They run around trying to catch him but he just disappears and pops ups. Bossy Pants shouts, "Leave him. Execute the women that brought him here!" Rave and the Haitian gaurds start fighting. Rave says, "Wait I don't want to hurt you. I can't fight women." As she push them back with force fields and evade. A copy goes to Redwood and the others who is also fighting gaurds. Redwood says, "You Raved it up didn't you? Who was it the princess?" Rave says, "...And her guard." Luna says, "Let's get out of here." Escaped to the ship. Rave sees Merlo being detained. He sends a copy from her. And brings her to them. They escape to sea while being fired at by energy launching tech staffs. Merlo sits in the boat. Suddenly they hair a noise in the back. It's Orio the princess. Rave shrugs, "Well we can't go back." Mei tells Rave, "I'm a YouTuber right. I know that girl. She is the child of the Famous gods of Egypt. Their family is nuts. They might look like trash but then again they are gods. You might have to fight them." Rave says, "A friggin goddess! Why didn't you tell me that sooner!" Luna says, "Dude, you are so screwed." Redwood mocks, "Rave kidnapped a goddess. And he out his soul inside her." Mei says, "They could literally blast us out of the sea if they knew." Rave says, "They're not gonna know." Redwood says, "Hello. You gave the Haitians you information. They will find you. Everyone is gonna know." Rave says, "****!!!" Mei brings out her cell phone to show Rave videos. Mei say, "They are really famous. I can't believe you never heard about them." Rave says, "Excuse me if I don't follow the life of reality TV trash star!"  Rave says, "And they just live on Earth like that? They don't even help out?" Luna says, "Well I can see how conceited a god could get. You Rave is almost like half way there." Rave says, "I have a plan. I dress up all fancy take the princess to her people and I'll marry her." Orio puts a hand over her chest and says, "Who? Marry me? And what if I say no?" Rave looks at her a bit annoyed. He says, "I hope you are planning to raise my bastard child. I can see through you and you are most definitely on the pregs. What you gonna tell your family in nine months. Huh?" She gasps and points at Merlo, "What about her!" Rave replies, "Merlo doesn't have a family of gods that would kill me. You ******* take this ring or I'll kill them. I'll slaughter your family. Every last one of them." Orio say, "I don't believe you can." Rave replies, "I can definitely most so. I have been trained by the army. Been dodging bombs since I was a child. Your family? They are fat! Lazy. Haven't lift a muscle like ever. I'll cream them." She puts on the ring angrily.
'''This takes them to Egypt next'''
== Keeping up with the Egyptian gods ==
'''Im basically going to parody reality TV celebrities but put them as a form of false gods'''
| artist = Boy Hits Car
| track = Rhythmical Gestures
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/ZbS_bJheP7k
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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A strange darkness fall upon our ship as we approach the Egyptian sea. The sea now dark as night with not a star above. We can no longer tell horizon from where it touches the water. We are like void of space until a single golden fire burn a head. It makes our vision blurry but our only direction is to follow. As we come closer we see the reflection of light on the water. It is land. We dock the ship as immediately greeted by exposed tribal ladies. In a techno modern age of gods and satalites they dance under touch lights and show our path to gods. The seem to favor gold, black and white aesthetics.
Rave sees Anubis as the gods approached. Rave says, "I dont believe it! An actual god!" Redwood says, "Don't tell me the big bad Rave is finally shaking in his boots." Rave says, "I'm not scared. They have to die hear me. Who knows what they can do. All that power. Wasted on reality television. They have made a mockery of human existence for too long." Redwood says, "Well fight them." Rave says, "Not now. I need to get stronger. I need to know what I'm doing." (Rave was actually scared.) Anubis is wearing a suit. He looks into Anubis eyes. From his eyes pure gold light radiates in contrast to his black face. Brother Anubis says, "So my little niece what's to marry a spirit king?" Anubis sticks his hand into his jacket. Rave holds his breath. Rave is relieved when Anubis pulls out smokes. He offer Rave one. Anubis says, "It's the best thing she ever said. I don't know where all this wanting to be a warrior to protect humanity comes from. Gods like me and you Rave we know better. Humanity can't be saved." Redwood notes, "Rave. He is so much cooler than you." Mama Mut says, "Make shore Orio gets knocked up as much as possible. We need her mind off this nonsense. **** Humans."
Rave gets angry at what they said. Rave says, "No you can't says that! I use to a human. I still am. You are wrong I can save them!" Mut replies, "Simpathy for humans? I can't believe I was actually thinking of sleep with you before you left. Lord!" Rave says, "You gods are disgusting. Some day I'm gonna kill you! You know you are not gods!! You are creatures with to much power!!!!" Anubis laughs, "You verse me? I been here since humans were monkeys. We gave you a little knowledge. Apeman. And all you do is show how stupid you are." Redwood adds, "Yeah. Apeman. I'm not ready to die as yet." Anubis says, "Shut up. Girl." Redwood replies, "Yes, your highness. Okay." And steps out of frame. Rave says, "You don't talk to my girl like that! MF! Only I do!"
Rave lounges at him. Anubis instantly grabs Raves neck mid flight. Rave says, "Son of a *****. I can't breakfree. Anubis laughs and says, "Hey Mut you wanna you with him? Get in on this fool." Mut replies, "No I'm good. Just don't dirty my carpet." Anubis ignores her and slams him into the ground. The copy dies and a lot more Raves spawn. He is about to go sicko mode. Rave blows back a large portion of the place while force blasting Anubis. Anubis doesn't even move an inch. Anubis point a finger at him and says, "I got one too. Don't move!" As a tip of light glows on his finger. Mut screams, "Anubis. Not in my house!"
Orio enters the room and says, "Please stop fighting. Boys. I will take it as a wedding gift. I'm getting married." Mei says, "Roman you don't even know how much Orio just saved our butts. That finger gun would of blown this place to sand." Rave says to Orio, "Why?! You didn't have to do that. I was worried at first but I realize they are not so great after all." Orio say, "I didn't do it for you. I don't want to stay with them. Kill them and yourself too for all I care. They said my desire to help people was foolish. At least you know how important it is to help when you can."  Twins Iris and Osiris rushes in and Shouts, "Did we miss the fight? Who died?!" Bastet walks in hips swaying, she says, "Why do y'all always kill our guest before I could meet them?" Anubis says, "Relax. No one died... Yet."
Fat Rah comes in. He is happy for this wedding because she is extremely gay. He starts planning decorations. Fat Rah take the girls to discuss dresses and the rehearsal. Mr Sphynx pulls Rave aside to talk. He says, "You ready to die boy? I'm not a god like them. I am a sentient AI. If you go around picking fights make sure you can win. Otherwise keep your tail between your legs. Like a real man. These gods are not far from just ****y they are mafia. Where you think all there gold comes from? For thousands of years I watch them bleed Africa dry. Hiding amoungst mankind. Many much more powerful than you have fallen before them. Now the world runs amok they show their face to claim glory the one way they can. Through media. But the media will not show you the bodies buried under this Pyramid. Marry your girl and leave as soon as you can." Rave replies, "As much as I hate to admit this. There are so many enemies out there much more powerful than me. What should I do wise one?" Sphynx replies, "Marry your girl and leave as soon as you can. Leave your life." Rave says, "This isn't over. I'm going to get stronger." Rave marries Orio at midnight. Creepiest thing ever. Like dark but gold light. Wedding song:
| artist = Erra
| track = Moment of Clarity
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/UAFxXLItVQ4
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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''A scorpion sing, "Marry de girl. Taa tatt tat taa. Kiss De gurl. Don't be shy."'' Rave tell Merlo and the other girls, "Don't worry I have one planned for you when we get back. I'll do things right this time. I'll marry all of you. Not just the princesses. You take it back Luna. I'm not like the gods. I'm different." She replies, "You are."
Rave dislikes these gods but he have a feel they will meet again.
== Strange Tides ==
'''After Egypt Rave crosses the Asian sea'''
'''The Sea Between Taiwan and Japan'''
Siren Song Vs Deelihla Mitsudomoe.
Rave and all the girls unbourd ship are lying in bed... chilling. Orio gets up to use the bathroom. Redwood says to Rave, "You know I really hate your new wife. Her heart is in the right place but she still thinks we are here servants. She calls on me one more time I'm gonna suck her one... No offense Merlo." Merlo says, "Yeah non taken. She is kind of a brat." Rave doesn't respond. Luna sits up, climbs on him and sucks her shark teeth. She says, "You always just not answer us when you want." Rave says, "Shudd up." He holds her back and forces her to a side as he sits up. He says, "Just give her a chance to adjust." Orio walks back in, "Y'all talking about me?" She folds her arms. Rave says, "Come here and unfold your arms... Don't let me pull you." She does it and walks to the bed. Rave says, "I understand you are stress by the sudden changes in you life. But that attitude thing doesn't fly with me. Y'all need to remember I'm a real gangster." She sits in Rave's lap and looks down behind him with a smile. He says, "I'm a joke to you now?" She says, "No. I didn't mean it like that." She hold him. Redwood thinks, "The attitude adjuster. And just like that he switches from chill to cold. But it's so hot."
'''Taiwan Coast, Taiwan'''
They dock at Taiwan. Rave asks, "Why is everyone so gloomy?" A fisherman says, "An ancient sea spirit have been plaguing the seas for a while. We haven't caught anything in months. Ships go out but they never come back." Rave says, "Ghost stories. Boring. I'm the ghost. Who you trying to fool?" Another guy says, "Some say she is looking for a husband. She only takes men." Rave comes back 360 saying, "Interesting. Tell me more about this sea seductress. I think I could catch her attention." Luna sucks her teeth, "How comes you never eager to help unless a woman involved?!"
They go at sea but is nothing. Suddenly a storm washes them to Japan. He see people of this twin are depressed too. A bar drunk tells Rave, "The storms all started since this witch showed up. Ever since we been getting bad weather. She leaves on this mansion above the town." Rave goes to the mansion. Deelihla introduces herself. She says, "What? They keep sending heroes to fight me. One by one I collect their heads. I am Deelihla Mitsudomoe princess of the dark realm!" She walks down from her thrown into that light. Rave sees a purple shadow void growing in her left hand. Luna looks at Deelihla's bald head and says to Orio, "Orio look. She's rocking your haircut." Then Deelihla feels a hand tap her on the shoulder. As she looks back she see it is Rave. She frightened and falls on the ground infront him. As she lands her bad picks up blueish soil. Rave teleported them to the Lost Dimension. Rave says, "You lose!" Angry she gets up and charges another portal with her hand. Many shadow portals start appearaning all over. Rave grabs her wrists. They struggle a little bit. As monsters start to walk out from it. Rave raises rock formations that jams into the portals ceiling them shut. Them monsters are knock back in. Scene cuts to Deelihla getting out bed and Rave laying under the cover. He sees her angry and he asks, "What is it?" She puts on her suit angrily not saying a word. Rave says, "Your prettier when you're angry." She pauses then leaves the room without a word. She goes to the dining room and he appears there learning against the wall. She says, "You don't think I'm going to stop because you possess me now? You'll have to kill me!"  Rave says, "Maybe I will." She says, "Go ahead. Tear me to pieces then?" Rave asks, "Let me understand this. Why are you even terrorizing the villagers with your storms." She replies, "Those. The storms are not mine. That's the Siren. She has grudges against me because I banished the Sea Devil. He was her little man thing." Rave says, "You think you can get me to talk to her?" Deelihla replies, "If you think I'm going to let you do as much talking with her as you did with me you are crazy. You and all your wives need to leave this regions and never come back... Get out of my head and leave me alone." Rave says, "Usually I'd gladly remove my spirit from your body. But I know find you too powerful. I was reading your mind when we were eye to eye. I'm not shamed to admit your powers are terrifying." She laughs evilly. "Hahaha. Flatterly? You don't need to keep that up. You've already been into my room." He holds her by her neck gently then forces her onto the big gothic table. She doesn't fight back. She starts to tighten is grip. She smiles. He let go. She says, "It seem we are at a stalemate." He walk off a bit. Rave says to himself, "How do I punish someone who enjoys pain? Of course she has a heal factor and those otherworldly physics are difficult to manipulate. Can't lock her up as yet. She'll just portal out. Guess I'll just have to make her love me. Most women change their heart with a child. But can't wait nine months. No..." She sitting legs crossed and arms folded on the table asks, "What are you plotting?" Rave replies, "I'm going to find the Siren myself." Rave walks out. She says to herself, "You'll come back." When he is gone she turns around to the empty dark mansion. She portals in a tiny Qlithothic creature. She heist it up and talk to it like a baby. Another Rave copy silently watches from her eyes. Rave thinks, "Of course. You don't truly know what being lonely is till you've experience friendly."
'''Japan's Coast'''
The water is calm like glass. Redwood says, "The wind that pushed us generated from the south west moving in opposite directions." Suddenly purple portals a largen in the sky. slow purple tornados come down to touch the water. The ship start to rock violently. Orio asks, "The Siren?" Rave says, "No. Deelihla." Deelihla hangs upside down from one portal with a wicked smile on her face. Rave appears to Deelihla. He says, "Deelihla what are you doing? Stop it at once!" She says, "What? I was just trying to have a little fun." She stops. He grabs her by her wrists. She says, "Hey. You already lost your rights to handle me." He pulls her down to the Ship. He says, "If it's attention you want you got it." She folds her arms and looks away. Rave says, "Don't try to play with me girl. I will hurt you. And you will not enjoy it! I will enter that little portal of yours kill all you little babies and then smack your ***!" Deelihla gasps, "You wouldn't dare." Mei fix herself on the chair she says, "Rave is calm now. But he definitely will break you. Oh. How can I blame you? You haven't seen him angry." Rave shouts, "Mei! I didn't ask for back up!" Mei rolls her eyes. Deelihla looks at the ground and opens her eyes wide. Deelihla looks at the other girls. Deelihla thinks, "It's true. Just how powerful is he?!?!" Rave says to Deelihla, "Go sit down and be quiet." She takes a sit next to Mei. Orio laughs under her breath and says, "Welcome to our fire. You should no better than to mess with the devil honey." Rave points on Orio. Orio with a smile zips her lips with her hand. The girls get a silent timeout while Rave cools his temper.
Suddenly the wind slowly starts to pick up. Siren rises from the water. She says to Deelihla, "You! I fought a smelt a dirty wretch!" Then siren sees Rave. Siren continues, "A man! Wait. I didn't smell no man. I only smelt females!" Rave says, "Well I'm dead. Did you smell ghost?!" Siren replies, "How handsome. Right after I kill your little girlfriends. I'm going to chain you up below the sea. And you and I will be together forever. In a way thank you Deelihla for bring me such a better replacement!" Rave says, "That wouldn't be necessary. Forget about Deelihla and I'll go with you willingly." Redwood says, "Wow. Rave you sure about this?" Rave replies, "Look at her. She's hot!" Redwood says, "Go! Just get out of here!" Deelihla angrily walks down to the cabin in jealousy. Orio says, "Get in line honey. I'm married to him." Orio follows her to calm her down. Rave just T pose dive into the ocean. Siren smiles as she pull him under by his shirt.
Rave appears to Orio and Deelihla as another clone. Deelihla says, "I thought you where with her?" Rave says, "I am. I can do copies remember." All of a sudden, Rave feels his copies fading. Siren is locking him up with spirit chains. Rave says, "I did not know she can do this. That... Wasn't the plan." Rave poofs. There is now only one copy of Rave with Siren. Other Rave copies at Dollhouse suddenly disappears too. Deelihla says, "Should we do something?" Redwood says, "Eventually... Let's let him suffer a little." Orio says, "Good. Pay back for being such an insensitive jerk. I like your style." But Rave under the ocean is not suffering. Though trapped by spells he is making love to the crazy sea witch. He is gone for some time. After Siren leaves him trapped in the room and goes. Rave starts to think maybe this wasn't a good idea. Suddenly Koi shows up. Rave asks, "Who are you?" She says, "Koi Song. My mother trapped you here didn't she? Poor soul" Rave says, "I wouldn't pity me." Rave grabs Koi by the neck and pins her down on the bed. Koi says, "If you are planning to hurt me. Siren doesn't care about me. It's all because my father Crux Diablos didn't love her. She locked him up just like you." Rave says, "Do you know how to break the spell?" Koi replies, "Yes. I'm am trying to make her angry... How about I you do something for me and after we are done. I'll help you break the spell and set you free handsome. You can says that I'm gonna get her back twice." Rave says, "I don't even believe this. Not enough mermen in the ocean or what?" Koi says, "You better hurry. She might come back or will that be even better?" Siren returns with gifts. She doesn't see him. She calls, "Roman? Where are you?" She sees Koi sitting on a chair with the ghost chains around her. Siren says, "You! You didn't! I can smell his aura all over you." She pulls of the chains. Koi says, "Oh he is long gone. That what you get mother. You should never try to mess with me." Siren screams ferally. Koi snarls back at her. Siren says, "I'm going to kill him! Then I'll deal with you. Little dirt lover!!!" Koi says, "You raised me to be a dirt lover. How many men have you killed?! Mom?!" Back at the ship Rave says, "We don't have much time. Those sea enchantresses are crazy as hell! I can't even control her she is a ghost as well." Rave uses his technomancy powers to try to turn the ship into a flying vehicle. Rave says, "No more sea for me." As the ship starts to fly to Japan the wind picks up into a hurricane. The copies of Rave return to his girl when is soul got free. The Dollhouse girls asks, "Rave where were you? That was scary when you disappeared." Rave says, "The copy of me who is with Redwood got captured by a sea spirit. Craziest thing ever."
'''Japan, Deelihla's Manor'''
They crash land in Deelihla's town. A girl who was trying to take a selfie of the rough river water under the bridge. Is knocked to the railing as the bridge is about to collapse. Luna rushes to save her. As Luna reaches for her hand. The girls tosses her phone to safety instead. Luna catches the phone. The bridge jocks down. The girl falls into the rought brown water and instantly disappears. Luna is about to dive in after her but Rave pulls Luna back. The bridge collapses fully. Luna shouts, "No! Let me save her!" Rave says, "She is already dead!. Instantly crushed by the rocks in the under current. You will be killed too." Luna looks at the phone sees it live streaming. The girls death was caught live. Luna slams the phone on Rave chest. She shouts, "You! Why didn't you do anything! You could of catch her!" Rave looks around to see debris flying. Rave says, "This storm picked up so fast people are still out." Rave picks the team all up with telekenesis. Rave says, "We cannot save them all." As more people is blown or swept away by water. Deelihla looks at Rave realizing he is not such a good guy like herself.
They go to Deelihla's house. Deelihla says, "Rave. The storm is going to destroy the island and kill everyone. You can't run. You have to fight her. This is crazy I have never seen her attack like this." Rave says, "I might have provoked her daughter too." Redwood says, "JC Roman! When does it end?!" Rave says, "What?! Hello?! I was captured by magic beyond my control. Who is the victim here?!" Orio says, "Oh oh oh!! So now you know what it feels like to be a pleasure slave." Rave says, "Slave! You are not a ****ing slave! You have the wind at your back! All you girls do is lay around all day in your little bikinis. You lie in the sun. Enjoy everything that comes from me while I do all the hard work! Your existance is free *****, free!" Orio looks at him with disgust. She says, "Omg Rave! How do you live with yourself!" Roman shouts, "Maybe I can't because I'm dead!!! I give you girls everything you want! I even decided to go on this stupid little boat trip! If any of you think there is a better man out there go ahead!!! Let's see what you can get." Redwood says, "Maybe he is kinda right, Orio." Orio says, "I'm tired of his manipulation. The bikinis are for you. Roman! You take care of us because you need us." Rave replies, "So I'm the only one who enjoys the bedroom?!?!?! Most of y'all came on to me. That goes double for you. I can read your minds you know. You are mostly with me because I can help you. You're just securing your success through me. When was the last time you did something because it didn't benefit you?" Orio stay quiet. Rave continues, "You know what I done with your petty agruement. Stfu! Enjoy what I give you. And stop acting like you hate being spoilt." Rave walks in a full circle. Rave says, "You know what? I'm sorry Orio. It's not any of you fault. I can admit I have a problem. I really appreciate you guys and would be happy if you continued to support me." Luna says, "Thank God I'm a shark. You princesses don't know what being out there is like. You think you are a predator and suddenly your prey. Live Rave alone!" Orio says, "Well we follow you because you are a great man and you are strong. As much as I want to be independent. I hate to admit I need your help." Mei hugs Rave and adds, "I like when you protect us. It makes me feel safe. I don't want to go back to doing hard work. My YouTube videos suck and I can't do anything right. I only have a following because I'm a girl." :( Deelihla adds, "Then it's settled. Let's go after the Siren Rave. Before my house gets blown away."
They see a huge sea monster coming for the ship. When it gets close it turns to Koi. Koi shouts, "I think we went too far. We need to get Siren to stop."  Rave says, "No. You went to far. I didn't do anything." Koi says to Deelihla, "You! Release my father. Maybe he can get her to stop." They go to get Crux. Crux says, " Koi. I hate your mother. There is no way I'm going back to her. Unless you want me to kill her. You either leave me here or send me on my way. I'm the sea death Ferryman. I have work to do." Rave says, "Free him." Crux laughs maniacally. As he was about to leave stops and asks, "Koi. Why is your mother angry anyway? Probably nothing. Dam crazy is always crazy." Koi replies, "Oh. She captured Rave then I used him to make her angry." Rave perched his lips as his face turn sort. Crux looks at him. Crux' smile turns into a thrown. Scene cuts to Raves ship being chased by Crux' larger ghost ship. Rave shouts, "Deelihla, Put him back!" Deelihla shourts, "I can't. It's not that easy just fight him!" Rave shouts, "No way he is a bloody Chuttalu!!!" Mei says, "Cthulhu. Chuttalu is a spaghetti!" Redwood screams, "Rave!!!" They end up bouncing up with Siren. Crux attention changes to Siren. Siren says, "I don't love you anymore Crux. I have a new man now." Crux replies, "I never loved you you crazy sea hag. I'm going to kill you!" Siren replies, "Why can't you just accept I've moved on. Hurting me wouldn't get me to love you again." Crux says, "Maybe I should just except my way out if this." Cruz reverses his ship and speeds away. Crux shouts, "Fair well Roman Rave. The crazies are your problem now!!!!" As he speeds off. Distracted Rave then turns to see Siren standing next to him. Rave frightens. They didn't even notice the storm has stopped. Siren, Deelihla and Koi is now part of the crew. Redwood asks, "Where to next?" Rave says, "Next stop straight home. The other me needs us."
== Invader ==
Timeline Act 1.6
'''Dollhouse, Florida'''
All Raves are called home to deal with a pest invasion. Chastity sees who he come home with. She says, "Well you been busy." Rave says, "I love women Chastity. I can't help it." Chastity replies, "When somebody is as powerful as you they should be a little more responsible with how they interact with others." Rave replies, "I am. I feel stronger. Thanks for the Uncle Ben ready rice." Chastity is introduced to Siren and Deelihla. Luna smiles but all you see is shark teeth. Chastity continues, "Oh no. Rave! I don't feel safe around these girls. These women you brought home are beyond the usual evil! You know they are just using you for your power. They will slay you as soon as they get the opportunity." Rave says, "Define slay..." Chastity shouts to Rave, "You're and idiot don't you get it!" Rave knows he cannot control the wicked spirit that is Siren Song. He daughter is more understanding. Unlike Deelihla who loves pain has a soft heart for her monsters. Siren is just a wicked lady regardless. Rave has to be extremely rough with her to get her to obey him. Yet she smiles the more he hurts her. Chastity is right, these women are more evil than he usually deals with. But Rave know he has a plan for all of these girls. They are criminals, out cast and monsters.
'''Qularr Hive, Space'''
The Qularr are pushing some buttons at a desk. They are all serious and dark. They unviel a pod. It is a Human Qularr hybrid. Her name is Synthrax. Doom music starts to play. A Qularr says, "...With this hybrid our invasion will not fail." The scene takes a hilarious turn when Synthrax comes out shouting, "What the sh*t! I hate this ****ing body! Theirs machines all over me. And all got all this stupid nonsense embedded I'm my brain. My chest is too big!!!" A Qularr says, "What that is where you store your back up eggs!" Synthrax shout, "Those things are heavy!! How will I even move!! You idiots!!!!" In a fit of rage she screams a battle cry and knocks out all the much larger gaurds in her room. This looks promising. They proceed to run some tests regardless of her huge overbearing personality. She is kind of young and loud mouth as a human adolescent. But Synthrax is a killing machine and will be sent to Earth.
'''The Invasion'''
So we have this deadly invasion no one care about. Rave is blowing up bug with telekenesis. Synthrax is blasting people down in the streets. She even went through a pre school. But then she is intercepted by Rave. As soon as Synthrax sees Rave she has her first crush. She is crippled with butterflies. ''I say, what is this story Rave! Hahaha.'' Rave pauses when he see her trying not to focus on the chest. He says, "What?! I havent seen this version before. Bug don't have... Well... You know." She shouts back, "I'm a hybrid! One more step closer and I'll blast you!" Rave says, "I doubt that little gun will do anything to me." As he walks closer. The bud on her back blossoms into flower wings. She starts letting of spores. She feels embarrassed. Rave is clueless and doesn't get it. Chastity standing in the background shouts, "She has a crush on you stupid!" Pew! Synthrax blasts him with pheromones and runs away. The pheromones stun him and he falls to the ground. Chastity aims to shoot her as she makes an escape in flight. While in pain Rave groans, "No wait!.. don't kill her... she's hot!" Chastity replies, "Omg! You are such a pervert! I want to shoot her so bad! I'm gonna shoot!!!" Rave continues, "She not only hot but she is strong too if her weapons can have an affect on me. I must study her!" Rave recovers and stands up. Meredith on her dragon bust into the room to pick up Chastity. Rave says, "I'm going after her!" The two girls fly up on the dragon while Rave fly on his own powers. Rave shouts, "Y'all are not space bound yet! I'm switching to Proxi!" Proxi flies up full speed. Proxi says, "Weeeeeeeeee!" Rave grabs her shoulder and sits on her back like a broom as they propel into space. Chastity says to Meredith, "He think he is smart by losing me. I need to see what he gonna do to that girl. Rave!!! Rave!!! Send a copy to take me to orbit right now!!" Rave doesn't respond. Chastity jumps off the dragon. She says, "Rave I'm free falling and I'm going to die! You better save me!" A Rave copy pops up to catch her. Rave says, "Dammit Chastity, You are such an attention hog! Everytime I meet a new girl you are always trying to block me! You know I'm just trying to do my job!"
Synthrax flies back to the mother ship on orbit. A Qularr asks, "Synthrax you a back! And your wings finally bloomed. It's mid invasion. I thought you would be on the battlefield!" Synthrax replies, "I was but there was an emergency! I need to know ever there is about human anatomy!" They responded, "but we already brief you on human anatomy." Synthrax explains, "No no. I need to know more about a man. I mean men. I mean human men... And women." They just look at her confused.  She screams, ",I said it was an emergency, gotdammit!" They hand her a device like a USB. She hold it suspiciously in her sweaty palms. She says, "I will be in my room! No one bother me!" A Qularr asks, "Sesh. What's gotten into her." Another says, "Scan her brain patterns!" The other says, "Funny. Our scanners indicate that the human hybrid seem to indicate that um?" He suddenly pulls out his gun and starts blasting the scanners. The other one joins him. Several minutes later. More Qularr come in. They says, "We are losing the battle! Where is Synthrax!" The Qularr says, "She is in her room." The other shouts, "In her room. What the hell! Get her out of there!" Her charges to her door. They others try to explain. They says, "Well in she said not to bother her! - Don't she will kick our butts if we open that door! - Nooooo! Don't go in there!" The angry Qularr kicks down the door. One shouts, "No! We are gonna die!" They expected Synthetic to be angry but she was polite. The angry Qularr said, "Synthrax! We are losing the war! Get your butt other there before I blast yah!" She replies, "Yah. Okay. Sure. Fix that door for me please. When your done?" Others commented, "She smells like a female! - Is that perfume?! - Did she take a bath?! - please?!?!" The angry Qularr says, "She either got hit in the head or is being sarcastic. We better fix that door before she snaps out of it and kills us!"
Rave is standing upsidedown under a smaller Qularr ship. He is invisible with Proxi. They phase into the ship and Rave karate chops the Qularr neck. He imitates it look by morphing into it. Then he cuts open it's body and rubs it's insides all over them to mask the smell. Then Rave swallows Proxi whole. as he is about to infiltrate the Qularr ship. He sees Synthrax leaving. He confronts her. Rave says, "This Qularr form is really attracted to her sent! Idk if I could take this!" He accidentally spits out Proxi. Proxi is surrounded by Qularr. On the floor Proxi says, "Hi." And waves. The other Qularr looks at Rave in disguise. He says, "What?! I ate to much." The Qularr talk but it not human language. Rave says, "Oh." Rave body morph into vines of spikey tentacle that peirce all the Qularr in tbe room dead. Rave turns back to his normal grey form as Proxi stands up. Synthrax sees that it is Rave and she starts to run. He pulls her to him with telekinesis. she screams. He sniffs. He asks, "You sme different. Are you wearing makeup?" He drops her on the floor and says, "Ew." She says, "If I had my gun. I'd blast yah!" He says, "No you wouldn't. Tell me his to defeat the Qularr and I promise not to kill you." She says, "Never." He says, "Well I do it the hard way." Rave starts tearing the ship apart from the inside out. Then he leaves with Proxi and Synthrax. The remaining Qularr retreat. The Qularr notes, "Crossing Human DNA with Qularr was a bad idea. The hybrid project is squashed." Rave says to Synthrax, "Looks like you're stranded. I was interested in hiring a narcotics expert."

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