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==='''INTRODUCTION'''===<br><br>Dalada:  "My race, my creation will be better than human kind, but they will be predators of humans, able to hunt them with, but a glance, a whiff of their scent, a smile...they will live on the taste of blood and control blood, any blood that comes their way...they will make humans their slaves, they will be called typical vampires by the narrow minded...they will be Sil, alive and pureblooded, not mindless undead."<br>Aria:  "Sister, mark my words, there will be one family of Sil that do not share your goals and I will bless that family and they will become free of your will."<br><br>==='''BASIC INFORMATION'''===<br><br>Real Name:  Asuya Yuuki<br>Age:  ~313 years<br>HT and WT:  ~5'11"-6'0" ~118-120lbs.<br>Family:  Min (Mother/deceased), Shen (Father/deceased), Kiname (Brother/???), Vy Ricter (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kojida (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kasumi (Adopted Mother/deceased), Sumana Senmaki (Grandmother/deceased)<br>Languages:  English, Valentian, Japanese, Draconic, Spanish, French, Dutch, Finnish, Russian*, Gaelic*, Italian, Turkish, Latin, Elven, Drow and German*<br>Fighting Styles and Powers:  Akuu-Shenyoda (Bishi-Shensen/Nitojutsu), Kempo and Yawara (mastered only recently*), Muay Thai/Muay Boran/Lerdrit (gained in Japan* and favored style/mastered), Potent Sil(Munakou Based) Blood and Shadow rites<br>Teachers:  Shen Yuuki, Kiname Yuuki, Vy Ricter, Anna Bingley<br>Aliases:  Night Valkyrie, Mistress of the Crimson Tide, Bloodrite, Blood Sage, Crimson Rose, Tuba, Queen of Valentia*<br><br>==='''HISTORY'''===<br><br>-Born in a family of Sil pureblood blood/dark or dimensional energies elementals that were hunted by the Sil Pureblood Council because of a blood prophecy (having to do with Aria's blessing) and their ideals*<br>-The council attacked the Yuuki family and during this attack, her mother sealed Asuya's Sil pureblood<br>-The attack left her mother and father dead and for this, her brother destroyed the council enforcers, Asuya was only three years of age<br>-The seal took 100 years to take effect so Kiname found a place for them to sleep until then<br>-Asuya awakened during the battle of Crux, a valley used for war, her brother no where to be found<br>-Vy Ricter led the reinforcements for the human armies that were near annihilation and came with 25,000 soldiers<br>-Asuya was adopted by Vy Ricter as a human, her Sil blood lying dormant; she was 11 years of age and was found unconscious on the battlefield<br>-During a crucial battle, her blood was awakened by her brother which made Asuya remember everything and as a bonus, she learned a modified combat style of her brother's from his memories<br>-Asuya destroyed the Sil Council, then slumbered thereafter; Asuya was born a prodigy of her race, able to use Sil Blood Rites and Shadow Rites to their maximum efficiency, like none before her<br>-When she awoke, the year was exactly 1800, she found the hidden fortune that her mother and father left her, keeping it hidden, even from her adopted parents she became a retainer for (bushi class)<br>-Later, she became a Miko or Shrine Maiden (Dalada allowed her to practice similar practices, close to Shinto practices to blend in with the society of this era) because of her unusual abilities and enrolled into Ashikaga Gakko, to learn of chinese alchemy and the English language (accent included) in an English port town, all while blindfolded; she spent 50 years in Japan<br>-After an exclusive battle between Asuya and her loved one Shekimaru and his samurai platoon (54 samurai) in Iya Valley, she left Japan on an expeditionary boat to Canada in 1851, keeping herself blindfolded and out of sight (she was a stowaway)<br>-Soon, she became an explorer and bodyguard of many traders of the Canadian lands along with the expeditions that formed Canada itself, staying silent throughout her time there<br>-Asuya stayed in Canada for ten years, eventually leaving Canada, because suspicions were aroused about if she were human or not<br>-After leaving Canada in 1861, she arrived in Glasgow, England in 1864 to expand her knowledge of the arts and of business, soon moving to Cambridge, England to do so<br>-Using the knowledge she gained from the Girton College and her professor Anna Bingley with the wealth passed on to her from her parents, she formed the exclusive, red wine distilleries, the Valentian Distilleries in 1910<br>-During the time between 1864 and 1910, Asuya figured out more about herself, her powers and her abilities, one, perhaps the most important, to mask the brightness of her eyes<br>-During World War I, the Valentian Distilleries became a prestigious establishment amongst exclusive millionaires and billionaires<br>-Also, during World War I, Asuya established the heroic identity and exclusive hero name, Night Valkyrie and was only whispered about as if already legend<br>-Her legend spread throughout England and stayed in mind throughout the first World War, soon after, disappearing as if an enigmatic dream<br>-Between the time of World War I and World War II, she kept the Valentian Distilleries alive with the fortune made from it's productivity and the wealth left over from the gift of her parents<br>-During World War II, the legend of the Night Valkyrie appeared once again and during that time, she helped the Allied Forces to overtake the Axis Powers through exclusive attacks, seemingly planned parallel to the movements of the Allied Forces themselves<br>-After World War II, the Valentian Distilleries were visited by a coven of vampires that wished to "get a feel" for Asuya herself and soon after their visit, they were destroyed, sparking a war between Asuya and the Midnight Coven<br>-The exclusive war lasted less than a year and ended with the slaughter of the whole coven<br>-After the original staff of the Valentian Distilleries died out or passed their jobs onto their families, Asuya reappeared as the establishing founder of the Distilleries and during this time, she spread the company to Canada and finally, New York City<br>-In 1955, Asuya went to slumber once more, appointing Herman White, CEO of the Valentian Distilleries<br>-During that time, Herman White established himself as the founder of the Valentian Distilleries New York Branch, basically stealing the company from Asuya and even passed on the company to his son, Harold White<br>-In 2011, she awakened to the new era and had no more wealth left over, with the exception of her established company, to which she used her aquired knowledge to "extort" from her own company, telling the ancestor of Herman White, Harold White, that the company now belongs to her<br>-Harold White at the time, was apart of the Italian mob and answered to a darkling named Bobby Gambini, a consigliere of this particular family and indeed informed him of Asuya's "activities"<br><br>==='''THE TRAGEDY'''===<br><br>I was so small back then.  Three years of age.  I remember one night...I was playing hide-and-seek with my brother...there was so much snow and these tall, beautiful trees...even beautiful in the winter.  I got lost...so I shouted for my brother, I was quite loud for my age...I asked, "Kiname? Where are you?"  T'was in Valentian of course, not many Sil knew any other language despite our visitors.  Suddenly, I spotted tracks...it was Kiname's tracks, so I started to run forward.  I remember wanting to run faster, but my little self couldn't go any faster, for at this age?  A Sil cannot do very much physically, we barely can develop our own Munakou.  I stop running out of fear, abruptly...I heard wolves.  Wargs to be precise...Valentian Wargs.  I kept running, but that was indeed foolish, for when I continued my pursuit of my brother, the wargs gave chase! I ran out of fear now and I shouted, "Please, no more hiding, I don't like this game anymo--"  I was cut off by the Valentian Wargs getting closer and closer...I even heard them growling, violently gnashing their teeth...I must have been quite the tasty morsel!  I ran a few more steps until I heard them right on my heels...which made me turn around, and to my surprise, a Valentian Warg was already in mid-air...lunging at me, only a foot away from devouring me whole.  These beasts could stand on their hind legs and be at least ten feet tall!  I thought I was dead...but suddenly, my brother came out of no where and in a flash, out of the snow wind, he uses his claw to actually force the wolf back from whence he came, the shockwave of the blow, threw snow everywhere!  I screamed in terror, falling to the snow and I closed my eyes...a horrible battle ensued, teeth gnashing, claws cutting through bone and flesh...then I heard it...a Sil-roar...for the first time, I heard my brother's fury!  That is when I blacked out.  I awakened in the snow...red with warg's blood...cold.  I stood up and that is when I felt it...for the first time, I felt hunger, and not for my mother's milk either.  I fell back to one knee as I looked to one of those huge Valentian Wargs...laying there.  He was slowly getting up, but he was injured...but not enough to forget me.  I looked around for my brother, only to find he was no where in sight, so I shouted out of fear, right when the warg was on his feet, "Shenyoshokai?!"  which meant 'Brother' in Valentian.  I tried to stand, but my hunger knocked me to my knee again.  Why was I so hungry?  I could tell my eyes flickered with the power within, I could see his arteries and veins each time they did.  I could hear it's heartbeat...or was that mine?  All I knew...is I wanted his blood...<br><br>The Valentian Warg lunged at me again, but this time...when he lunged...it was like time slowed down, he was moving so slow!  I had time to look to my hands that were now claws...when did they get there?!  I turned to look to the warg again and his mouth was right near my face, so I simply lifted my right claw and broke his neck with a punch under it's jaw!  I side-stepped his momentum, and he made a tread of snow, sliding at least fifteen feet from where I punched him!  I was shocked...and he was dead.  That is when I noticed that I only killed one of the three Valentian Wargs that lay around me, bleeding out.  I raised my claw...drawing all of their blood together into a catalyst, murmuring the words, "Shenyoda-Renkatoudou."...my first blood rite.  Every drop of blood became one big blood catalyst before me.  I slowly sucked the blood from the air until there was none left.  I felt strange...very strange after drinking the blood...it made me fall over again.  After regaining my constitution, I stood up...and I stood strong, I was ready for battle...I could see further, move faster and was much stronger than I was...I was the apex predator on Valentia, I am a Sil.<br><br>I smelled fire.  I turned towards the direction of my home, only to see it ablaze from where I stood.  I started to run towards it...I ran so fast, I got there within seconds, leaving a sonic boom behind me! For a moment, within my journey home...I could feel the wind whip through my raven lockes, the only moment of peace I would have this night.  I got to the back door of the villa, ripping it off with my new found strength, finding myself in the wine cellar.  The fire didn't reach this place...I could smell the fire on the top floors...they were using a tactic to smoke out anyone still alive in the villa, so they could run out into the slaughter, just outside!  The scent of blood, fresh wine and burning wood and flesh filled my nostrils, but I couldn't let that distract me, I had to find my family!  As I came out of the cellar, my mother was standing there, staring into the inner rooms of the villa.  She slowly and gracefully turned to face me.  She was breath-takingly beautiful.  Her hair was curled up, but still let out, long shiny raven lockes.  I just had to hug my mother...and with that, I began to cry.  I missed her so much, it felt like an eternity since I've seen her.  I wanted to know what was going on, but I couldn't speak...I could only cry.  Finally, my mother kneeled to face me.  She speaks in such a beautiful, delicate voice, "My daughter, the time has come...you must fulfill the prophecy, you must be strong."  I didn't know what that meant, but I found myself staring into the crimson windows to her soul and she began to sing in her naturally seductive voice, *La~dada~da...la~dada~dada~da...la~dada~dada...dadada~dadada~da...
==='''INTRODUCTION'''===<br><br>Dalada:  "My race, my creation will be better than human kind, but they will be predators of humans, able to hunt them with, but a glance, a whiff of their scent, a smile...they will live on the taste of blood and control blood, any blood that comes their way...they will make humans their slaves, they will be called typical vampires by the narrow minded...they will be Sil, alive and pureblooded, not mindless undead."<br>Aria:  "Sister, mark my words, there will be one family of Sil that do not share your goals and I will bless that family and they will become free of your will."<br><br>==='''BASIC INFORMATION'''===<br><br>Real Name:  Asuya Yuuki<br>Age:  ~313 years<br>HT and WT:  ~5'11"-6'0" ~118-120lbs.<br>Family:  Min (Mother/deceased), Shen (Father/deceased), Kiname (Brother/???), Vy Ricter (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kojida (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kasumi (Adopted Mother/deceased), Sumana Senmaki (Grandmother/deceased)<br>Languages:  English, Valentian, Japanese, Draconic, Spanish, French, Dutch, Finnish, Russian*, Gaelic*, Italian, Turkish, Latin, Elven, Drow and German*<br>Fighting Styles and Powers:  Akuu-Shenyoda (Bishi-Shensen/Nitojutsu), Kempo and Yawara (mastered only recently*), Muay Thai/Muay Boran/Lerdrit (gained in Japan* and favored style/mastered), Potent Sil(Munakou Based) Blood and Shadow rites<br>Teachers:  Shen Yuuki, Kiname Yuuki, Vy Ricter, Anna Bingley<br>Aliases:  Night Valkyrie, Mistress of the Crimson Tide, Bloodrite, Blood Sage, Crimson Rose, Tuba, Queen of Valentia*<br><br>==='''HISTORY'''===<br><br>-Born in a family of Sil pureblood blood/dark or dimensional energies elementals that were hunted by the Sil Pureblood Council because of a blood prophecy (having to do with Aria's blessing) and their ideals*<br>-The council attacked the Yuuki family and during this attack, her mother sealed Asuya's Sil pureblood<br>-The attack left her mother and father dead and for this, her brother destroyed the council enforcers, Asuya was only three years of age<br>-The seal took 100 years to take effect so Kiname found a place for them to sleep until then<br>-Asuya awakened during the battle of Crux, a valley used for war, her brother no where to be found<br>-Vy Ricter led the reinforcements for the human armies that were near annihilation and came with 25,000 soldiers<br>-Asuya was adopted by Vy Ricter as a human, her Sil blood lying dormant; she was 11 years of age and was found unconscious on the battlefield<br>-During a crucial battle, her blood was awakened by her brother which made Asuya remember everything and as a bonus, she learned a modified combat style of her brother's from his memories<br>-Asuya destroyed the Sil Council, then slumbered thereafter; Asuya was born a prodigy of her race, able to use Sil Blood Rites and Shadow Rites to their maximum efficiency, like none before her<br>-When she awoke, the year was exactly 1800, she found the hidden fortune that her mother and father left her, keeping it hidden, even from her adopted parents she became a retainer for (bushi class)<br>-Later, she became a Miko or Shrine Maiden (Dalada allowed her to practice similar practices, close to Shinto practices to blend in with the society of this era) because of her unusual abilities and enrolled into Ashikaga Gakko, to learn of chinese alchemy and the English language (accent included) in an English port town, all while blindfolded; she spent 50 years in Japan<br>-After an exclusive battle between Asuya and her loved one Shekimaru and his samurai platoon (54 samurai) in Iya Valley, she left Japan on an expeditionary boat to Canada in 1851, keeping herself blindfolded and out of sight (she was a stowaway)<br>-Soon, she became an explorer and bodyguard of many traders of the Canadian lands along with the expeditions that formed Canada itself, staying silent throughout her time there<br>-Asuya stayed in Canada for ten years, eventually leaving Canada, because suspicions were aroused about if she were human or not<br>-After leaving Canada in 1861, she arrived in Glasgow, England in 1864 to expand her knowledge of the arts and of business, soon moving to Cambridge, England to do so<br>-Using the knowledge she gained from the Girton College and her professor Anna Bingley with the wealth passed on to her from her parents, she formed the exclusive, red wine distilleries, the Valentian Distilleries in 1910<br>-During the time between 1864 and 1910, Asuya figured out more about herself, her powers and her abilities, one, perhaps the most important, to mask the brightness of her eyes<br>-During World War I, the Valentian Distilleries became a prestigious establishment amongst exclusive millionaires and billionaires<br>-Also, during World War I, Asuya established the heroic identity and exclusive hero name, Night Valkyrie and was only whispered about as if already legend<br>-Her legend spread throughout England and stayed in mind throughout the first World War, soon after, disappearing as if an enigmatic dream<br>-Between the time of World War I and World War II, she kept the Valentian Distilleries alive with the fortune made from it's productivity and the wealth left over from the gift of her parents<br>-During World War II, the legend of the Night Valkyrie appeared once again and during that time, she helped the Allied Forces to overtake the Axis Powers through exclusive attacks, seemingly planned parallel to the movements of the Allied Forces themselves<br>-After World War II, the Valentian Distilleries were visited by a coven of vampires that wished to "get a feel" for Asuya herself and soon after their visit, they were destroyed, sparking a war between Asuya and the Midnight Coven<br>-The exclusive war lasted less than a year and ended with the slaughter of the whole coven<br>-After the original staff of the Valentian Distilleries died out or passed their jobs onto their families, Asuya reappeared as the establishing founder of the Distilleries and during this time, she spread the company to Canada and finally, New York City<br>-In 1955, Asuya went to slumber once more, appointing Herman White, CEO of the Valentian Distilleries<br>-During that time, Herman White established himself as the founder of the Valentian Distilleries New York Branch, basically stealing the company from Asuya and even passed on the company to his son, Harold White<br>-In 2011, she awakened to the new era and had no more wealth left over, with the exception of her established company, to which she used her aquired knowledge to "extort" from her own company, telling the ancestor of Herman White, Harold White, that the company now belongs to her<br>-Harold White at the time, was apart of the Italian mob and answered to a darkling named Bobby Gambini, a consigliere of this particular family and indeed informed him of Asuya's "activities"<br><br>==='''THE TRAGEDY'''===<br><br>I was so small back then.  Three years of age.  I remember one night...I was playing hide-and-seek with my brother...there was so much snow and these tall, beautiful trees...even beautiful in the winter.  I got lost...so I shouted for my brother, I was quite loud for my age...I asked, "Kiname? Where are you?"  T'was in Valentian of course, not many Sil knew any other language despite our visitors.  Suddenly, I spotted tracks...it was Kiname's tracks, so I started to run forward.  I remember wanting to run faster, but my little self couldn't go any faster, for at this age?  A Sil cannot do very much physically, we barely can develop our own Munakou.  I stop running out of fear, abruptly...I heard wolves.  Wargs to be precise...Valentian Wargs.  I kept running, but that was indeed foolish, for when I continued my pursuit of my brother, the wargs gave chase! I ran out of fear now and I shouted, "Please, no more hiding, I don't like this game anymo--"  I was cut off by the Valentian Wargs getting closer and closer...I even heard them growling, violently gnashing their teeth...I must have been quite the tasty morsel!  I ran a few more steps until I heard them right on my heels...which made me turn around, and to my surprise, a Valentian Warg was already in mid-air...lunging at me, only a foot away from devouring me whole.  These beasts could stand on their hind legs and be at least ten feet tall!  I thought I was dead...but suddenly, my brother came out of no where and in a flash, out of the snow wind, he uses his claw to actually force the wolf back from whence he came, the shockwave of the blow, threw snow everywhere!  I screamed in terror, falling to the snow and I closed my eyes...a horrible battle ensued, teeth gnashing, claws cutting through bone and flesh...then I heard it...a Sil-roar...for the first time, I heard my brother's fury!  That is when I blacked out.  I awakened in the snow...red with warg's blood...cold.  I stood up and that is when I felt it...for the first time, I felt hunger, and not for my mother's milk either.  I fell back to one knee as I looked to one of those huge Valentian Wargs...laying there.  He was slowly getting up, but he was injured...but not enough to forget me.  I looked around for my brother, only to find he was no where in sight, so I shouted out of fear, right when the warg was on his feet, "Shenyoshokai?!"  which meant 'Brother' in Valentian.  I tried to stand, but my hunger knocked me to my knee again.  Why was I so hungry?  I could tell my eyes flickered with the power within, I could see his arteries and veins each time they did.  I could hear it's heartbeat...or was that mine?  All I knew...is I wanted his blood...<br><br>The Valentian Warg lunged at me again, but this time...when he lunged...it was like time slowed down, he was moving so slow!  I had time to look to my hands that were now claws...when did they get there?!  I turned to look to the warg again and his mouth was right near my face, so I simply lifted my right claw and broke his neck with a punch under it's jaw!  I side-stepped his momentum, and he made a tread of snow, sliding at least fifteen feet from where I punched him!  I was shocked...and he was dead.  That is when I noticed that I only killed one of the three Valentian Wargs that lay around me, bleeding out.  I raised my claw...drawing all of their blood together into a catalyst, murmuring the words, "Shenyoda-Renkatoudou."...my first blood rite.  Every drop of blood became one big blood catalyst before me.  I slowly sucked the blood from the air until there was none left.  I felt strange...very strange after drinking the blood...it made me fall over again.  After regaining my constitution, I stood up...and I stood strong, I was ready for battle...I could see further, move faster and was much stronger than I was...I was the apex predator on Valentia, I am a Sil.<br><br>I smelled fire.  I turned towards the direction of my home, only to see it ablaze from where I stood.  I started to run towards it...I ran so fast, I got there within seconds, leaving a sonic boom behind me! For a moment, within my journey home...I could feel the wind whip through my raven lockes, the only moment of peace I would have this night.  I got to the back door of the villa, ripping it off with my new found strength, finding myself in the wine cellar.  The fire didn't reach this place...I could smell the fire on the top floors...they were using a tactic to smoke out anyone still alive in the villa, so they could run out into the slaughter, just outside!  The scent of blood, fresh wine and burning wood and flesh filled my nostrils, but I couldn't let that distract me, I had to find my family!  As I came out of the cellar, my mother was standing there, staring into the inner rooms of the villa.  She slowly and gracefully turned to face me.  She was breath-takingly beautiful.  Her hair was curled up, but still let out, long shiny raven lockes.  I just had to hug my mother...and with that, I began to cry.  I missed her so much, it felt like an eternity since I've seen her.  I wanted to know what was going on, but I couldn't speak...I could only cry.  Finally, my mother kneeled to face me.  She speaks in such a beautiful, delicate voice, "My daughter, the time has come...you must fulfill the prophecy, you must be strong."  I didn't know what that meant, but I found myself staring into the crimson windows to her soul and she began to sing in her naturally seductive voice, *La~dada~da...la~dada~dada~da...la~dada~dada...dadada~dadada~da...
la~da~da~dada~dada...da~dada~dada~da.* This caught me off guard...I looked to my feet and saw myself begin to glow...she used a powerful Sil blood rite.  I held onto my mother as the blood rite seeped into my body, disappearing after a moment.  That is when Kiname walked in from the inner rooms...he was still covered in warg's blood.  He spoke, saying, "Mother, we need to get out of here.  Father is fighting, I must join him."  His voice was cold, he spoke as if he knew what was going to happen, I could feel the terror from him, but he could not...would not show it.  We all rushed to the front of the villa...and to my own horror...I saw the carnage, the slaughter of all the humans we took in...kept safe.  All of the efforts of my family were in vain.  My mother wanted to push me behind her, but it was too late, I couldn't help, but to stare to the bodies...I could feel my own terror creeping through my soul.  Then I saw him.  My father, Shen Yuuki.  He had just cut down another Takezoukin-Sil of the Sil Enforcers from the Sil Council.  Why did they wish to ruin us so?  My father destroyed three Takezoukin-Sil, which angered an enforcer, forcing him to use a blood rite, the "Blood Mist Form" blood rite to get behind my father, only to cut him down.  My father was not in his best of practice and this doomed him.  Soon after he fell to the ground, many other Takezoukin-Sil jumped onto him, draining his blood. Drinking Sil pureblood was quite the treat for them!  I could only scream in terror...even my mother screamed.  Kiname stepped outside, only to see his father being torn limb from limb.  This sent him over the edge...he Sil-roars once more, shouting, "You bastards...I will SLAUGHTER YOU ALL!"  My mother...ran past us, I didn't even see her move, it was so strange...like a bad dream.  My mother was over by the remains of Shen, holding his head up...but I looked closer and that was all she was holding, that was all that was left, it seemed.  The Takezoukin-Sil stood away from her, for fear she might retaliate, but she couldn't...she was in shock.  My vision was becoming cloudy from the tears that brimmed my eyes, but I saw him...an enforcer...he stepped off of his horse, drawing his blade.  He was ready to bring it down upon my mother, but before he could do anything, my brother took his whole arm off in a flash!  Suddenly, he blew in half...a shadow literally cut the enforcer in half! My brother...he formed from the shadow, holding our father's blade.  He moved so fast, I barely could follow his movements, but I saw him reappear behind another enforcer, standing on the back of his horse, only to behead him quickly...Kiname was going to own up to his threat, one enforcer at a time!<br><br>He slaughtered them within minutes.  I found myself running to my mother, she was sitting there in a severe shock...her heart was broken, I could tell...I could even see it.  My mother fell over and Kiname was there to catch her.  She whispered to us and with her last breaths, she said to my brother, "Kiname, my love...please take care of your sister, I used a blood rite to seal her power, for the time has not yet come for her to use it...please...take...care..."  She could not utter another word...her heart stopped beating.<br><br>==='''THE BATTLE OF IYA VALLEY'''===<br><br>It was a glorious day. A day that I have waited for since I met my dearest love, Shekimaru. Today, I did not have to attend Ashikaga Gakko. Today, I could elope with him.  He had plans for me, he said. Plans that involve spending the whole day in Iya Valley.  I've only been there once, but it is beautiful!  I...I wanted to show him my eyes, I wanted to show him who---or what, I really am, he deserved this, but there was something in the back of my mind that warned me, something that made me shiver thinking about it.  We met outside of Gakko and he had this expression on his face, a quick glance, something wasn't right.  Then he saw me and all of that went away, he smiled at me with that amiable expression of his, the one I fell in love with, the one that captured my heart.  He said, "Asuya, today is our day, are you ready, my love?"  Did he really have to ask that?  I couldn't be more ready, so I simply responded with, "I am always ready for your love."  I wasn't very good with words, I was young.  We walked down a path that was well traveled and we got to---what looked like an escort of some kind, at least five samurai, directly from the Emperor.  I was shocked, such a thing for us?  We were eloping, so this was...overwhelming to say the least.  The men were guarding a Kagu, made just for us.  This Kagu was amazing, it was fitted with the finest of silks and made with sturdy wood, I couldn't be more happy!  I found myself sweating, tension was getting to me.  Shekimaru went to touch my hand and looked to me with a quizzical expression, asking me, "Why are you so warm?  Are you sick?"  I...I didn't know what to say, so I said, "I'm just...this is what you do to me, your love does this to me!"  I panicked, and begged him, "Please, please do not leave me!"  He comforted me, placing his arm around me, then said in a whisper to my ear, "I will not leave you..."  I...do not know what I heard after that, but I thought I heard him say 'yet'...it was my imagination, I'm sure.  We got into the Kagu and headed to the valley.  Something was not right, Shekimaru would not touch me or hold me, or even speak to me during the whole trip.  This was odd, what did he want me to say?  What have I done wrong?  Did he already know what I am?<br><br>We finally got to the Valley and when I got out of the cart, we were in the most beautiful part of this valley.  WIt truly took my breath away and soon, I found myself staring at the sun, I did not care, at the time, how weak it made me feel.  Soon the sun was setting, the valley was left a dim yellow and and orange.  I looked around to where we were going to stay, it was a small cottage, well-crafted...and there were at least fifty samurai, including our escort, in this place.  Was Shekimaru expecting an attack from an enemy of some sort?  Perhaps he was just being overprotective of me...<br><br>We got inside the small cottage and upon entering...I could see the details, it seemed just built, I could smell it's contemporary scent, but what was that I got a wisp of?  Was that oil?  It must be a preparation for the enemy, they were being very protective of this area for some reason, but I didn't let it bother me...too much.  Okay, it did bother me, so I had to ask Shekimaru...<br><br>"My love?  Are we expecting the enemy down this pass?"  To which he looked at me with confusion in his expression, then smiled warmly to me, stating, "Um...yes!  That is exactly it, we suspect that the enemy might come this way, we have suspected this and fortified defenses well."  I do not know why, but I believed him, the way he said it, seemed like he was telling the truth, but why did he bring me if he knew there was eminent danger?  He...he must have known what I was, but I couldn't suspect that so hastily, if I did and revealed myself prematurely, there would be too much turmoil...<br><br>He didn't touch me for the rest of the day, he was outside talking to the men and I could hear them getting into position.  The night came.  I sat in my room for a while, waiting for him, I wanted to talk to him...I wanted to /see/ him...<br><br>Finally, he came into my room.  There was that expression again, that stern expression he had before we got here, but this time, he didn't change his expression, he just stared at me.  I opened my mouth to say something, but I found I couldn't...fear froze me in place.  What if he already knew?  What if he did not love me for not telling him in the first place?  I couldn't let that stop me from saying /something/.  So I said, "My love, what is on your mind?"  I couldn't read him, his expression was so blank...dead...finally, he smiled to me, which relieved me...his smile was addictive, it lifted me up, despite my fears.  I wanted to marry this man.  He looked at me with those brown eyes of his, staring to me, as if he could see my eyes beyond the scarf...then he kissed me...forcefully, he pushed his lips against mine as hard as he could!  I couldn't resist, that shocked me beyond sense!  The kiss seemed to last for hours and I was getting drained from just that one, long kiss!  He let go of me, finally, and stared to me, he could tell he got me riled up quite a bit, I had beads of sweat forming on my face and my scent was much stronger now.  My lips were quivering, aching for more...<br><br>He smiled...he knew he had me, then he just took hold of my top, holding me by the shoulders, then slowly undressed me, slowly untying my belt, my wristguards...soon, I was completely nude!  He had me completely unclothed and off guard...except for my blindfold, my scarf...<br><br>He asked me, "May I, love?  I wish to see your eyes for the first time...I do not care what they look like, I do not care about whatever accident deformed them..."  I couldn't be happier to hear those words, all I could do is cry.  He then, took one of my tears with his index finger and put it in his mouth, smiling, then muttered, "Sweet..."  It wasn't supposed to be sweet?  He must have known now...so I gently...reached to the back of my head with my claws...and took the blindfold off.  I kept my eyes closed.  I could feel him shiver...I could feel his anticipation.  I finally opened my eyes...and when my eyes focused, there was Shekimaru...staring to me with the most horrified expression on his face!  He screamed, "MONSTER!" ...I watched him scramble outside, running...why did he run?  Why did he run?  I am hideous.  I am an abomination.  How could I be so blind?  The blindfold suited me well...no human could love me.  It is impossible.  All I could do is cry...<br><br>I let my claws tear into the floor of the newly formed house...and suddenly, I heard, "FIRE!"  It was Shekimaru...I looked skyward and heard at least ten arrows hit the roof of the house...then...it dawned on me...the oil...it was in the wood, the wood was soaked in it!  In the blink of an eye, I was surrounded by flames, so much, that I could feel my skin catching on fire within the same moment!  The pain was excruciation incarnate...I was breathing it in...it burned my throat, it charred my flesh, it boiled my eyes that were soaked in my own tears...but something else burned deep inside of me...something else...I could feel it...liquid power rising within me.  Suddenly, I was engulfed by a new flame...an aura...what was this?!  I was no longer burning!  I knew I had to act quickly...this wasn't going to last long...I saw them...men...clusters of veins, precious blood pumping through them...I needed it...I rushed out as fast as I could, but to my surprise, everything seemed to slow down, but me!  I rushed out of the front door, surprising the samurai.  Apparently, they were not expecting me to live through that, despite them being ordered by Shekimaru to stay ready.  There was my advantage...with a flick of my wrist, I tore into the man on my right, gashing his ribs open, then wasting no time, I used his blood to make a catalyst and formed a spear from it...I smiled...why did I smile?  I see...if it was death I was going to have, this death, a warrior's death...is what it would be!  I skewered him...the faceless man on my left, using his blood to thicken my floating catalyst of blood...then...I looked ahead and saw them all...every single samurai, looking upon the burning hut behind me...looking upon me...their adversary.  I am ready.  I slaughtered...so many died that evening.  I was shot at constantly with fire arrows, but I dodged most of them and those that I didn't dodge, burned into me, or glanced my aura...this aura, was this a gift from Dalada?  Those burns didn't heal fast enough, so I quickly used the blood in my catalyst to heal my wounds and kept going as if I was running a marathon...the faceless men were the hurdles.  I roared!  My small throat contained such a booming roar...what was I exactly?  Where was Kiname?  I miss my mother...my father...I miss them...I have to fight...I destroyed them all...the last two men were ninja, guarding Shekimaru with their lives and indeed...their lives!  I tore into them, dismembering the one on the left...his left arm was completely destroyed by my power...popping like a bubble...the man was resilient, he still managed to scream, "MY LORD!!"  Why was I so strong?  I ripped his arm out of the socket...and used his arm to fill the last of the catalyst!  The man on the right engaged me, to his own peril...I used my catalyst to heal myself...simply staring at the man...he stopped in his tracks and started to convulse...his arms exploded and his heart...I could see it...his beating heart...it exploded with a thought.  Shekimaru simply stood there, looking behind me at the destruction I wrought.  Fifty four samurai lost their lives...to me...he spoke...but I couldn't hear him...all I could feel was rage...all I heard was rage...ringing in my ears...I tackled him, forcing him to the ground...and I asked him, "Why...WHY did you do this to me!?  I LOVED YOU!"  I roared at him and for the first time, I saw true fear in his eyes...my claw was around his throat...I raised my other claw to finish him...but he stopped me with words.  Shekimaru answered me...he said, "You do not belong in this world...you are an abomination...a perversion, death is all you deserve."  A remarkable man to the end...his fear did not drive his words, he must have accepted his death...I sat on him...stunned...I would not let him defeat me with words, so I retorted, "So this is the ignorance of man, is it?  So be it." ...I opened my mouth, baring my fangs...and I bit into his neck, drinking his blood...I drained him...completely dry.  That was the last good feeling that man gave me.<br><br>==='''VIRTUES'''===<br><br>-Honor your goddess<br>-Stay true to one's self<br>-Do not be intimate to anyone, but your chosen partner<br>-Do not kill your own kind, Takezoukin-Sil are excluded (unredeemed)<br>-Honor your peers and enemies<br>-Sodomy is a grave dishonor to your goddess<br>-Do not be intimate with demons, the dead or undead of any kind<br><br>==='''BASIC BIOLOGY(copyright information and not known to any throughout the Multiverse)'''===<br><br>-They are NOT undead or a demon...and do not sparkle<br>-They are an interdimensional race, created by Dalada to destroy humanity, however, the Yuuki family were able to defy these wishes through Aria, Dalada's "sister", and her blessing*<br>-Asuya Yuuki and Kiname Yuuki are the last of the Sil left in all of the Multiverse<br>-The realm a Sil is currently in, affects the Sil greatly and can cause Munakou gain and capacity problems for the Sil, it can even fluctuate Munakou levels, Sil stress levels and exhaustion can also fluctuate Munakou levels<br>-Dalada began her attempts at creating her Sil in a certain realm* making imperfect versions of Sil called Takezoukin-Sil (all are deceased now)<br>-They originate from an island called Valentia, a land that was hidden from view with Dalada's powerful magics. Any that came near the island were pushed away by mystical winds and was obstructed from view from even the most keen and magical eye; a place rich in culture that is now underwater (the language will not be revealed for lore security and those that do not obey copyrights); All Sil know "Valentian" as their first language<br>-Their bodies were crafted from Munakou in "taina" that Dalada crafted from her own energies<br>-"Munakou" is a paradox energy created by Dalada herself and it has a wide number of uses: 1. Damages some mystical energies, 2. Can be a liquid, crystallized solid, mist, energy or anomalous form and is highly flammable, 3. Is able to allow a Sil to control and eat blood as well as void, dimensional, chaos, dark and shadow energies to convert into "Munakou" itself (must drink at least a fifth of a cup of blood; energies/anomalies are as follows: Void = no control, can devour 100lbs. equivalent; Chaos = little control, can devour 1000lbs. equivalent; Dark/Shadow = MUCH control, can devour 1000lbs. equivalent; Dimensional = little control, can devour 250lbs. equivalent; these are Asuya's statistics), 4. Sustains a Sil alive and ageless, 5. Resists poisons and diseases to a very high degree, 6. Absolutely cannot be controlled or manipulated by anything, but a Sil, 7. Is activated by "Sil Rites" that are either said or whispered if used in combat, 8. Will make a Sil climax if gain a "Munakou" boost from feeding, unless they feed through a source that dampens the effect, 9. Their scent is caused by "Munakou" itself and is lightly coated over their skin to destroy bacteria, dissolve dirt, and makes them smell extremely alluring, making it near impossible for them to stink (it has a subtle, blackberry and vanilla scent), 10. Their bodies are slender and muscular, the women are buxom and curvy along with a slender and muscular build, "Munakou" causes this, 11. The Sun drains a Sil's "Munakou" because it is an opposing "element", 12. Causes a time lock on Sil 'DNA' making it useful for only three seconds outside of the Sil<br>-Because of "Munakou", it is /impossible/ for anyone to control a Sil's blood anywhere in the multiverse, however, it is questionable whether Sil can control a subject's blood, depending on power<br>-Sil can store Munakou in their Shenyoda-Shuradaso and if they gain too much, it crystallizes and can be stored in their Munakou-Zounakika as well, otherwise, it is stored inside their bodies; Sil use their Munakou-Zounakika as a storage device (200lbs), use it to clothe themselves (tangible shadow), defend themselves from fire, project it for attacks, as well as many other things<br>-Their temperature is caused by how active "Munakou" is in their bodies (Body temp: 100-110 degrees F/37.7-43.3 degrees C), it is also managed by wearing less or 'light' clothing to cool down...and they only heat up if excited, use a power, have low Munakou or if it is cold in the area they are located therein<br>-Mental attacks would meet the nothingness of the void, depending on the strength of the Sil...and the strength of the attack*<br>-Sil, when stressed, the glow in their eyes begins to beat with their heartbeat (which beats 1.5x faster than a human's heart) and if they are angry, they flame with Munakou power; their aura cannot be seen through 'normal human' eyes and feels as if, when around them, they do not even exist, as if they are a dream<br>-A Sil can see (depending upon the brightness of their eyes): Through darkness of any kind; The blood and organs of another being, shifting their sight to do so;  Ethereal beings of any kind; The energies and anomalies they can devour; Any arcane power of any kind (Munakou dampens such power); Through many different solids; Microscopicly with a bit of a strain; they can hear things 50 miles away and see 500 miles, depending on Munakou levels and if they concentrate and can hear what they can see, if the subject can communicate, but have the olfactory of a normal human with the exception of smelling blood (even through flesh, metal or magic or through any other scents around), then it is as good as their hearing and sight<br>-After birth, a Sil will grow until their 20's in human years, then stop biologically aging; Sil have existed since the 1300s<br>-They are able to remember things for a very long time (approx. 500 years), in extremely vivid detail<br>-They can hold their breath for around an hour, without rites<br>-Sil can purr like kittens with a sensuality to it and roar very close to the sound of tigers, but the sound is unique in frequency and much louder (can shatter glass at 50ft away), as well as much more violent; the reason they can do this is located in their delicate necks<br>-Their voices are very beautiful and have a subtle melodiousness about it<br>-Their bodies can take a lot, but are also five times more sensitive to touch than humans and their climaxes are strong and plentiful<br>-Their neck is one of the most sensitive parts of their body and can only feel pleasure; severing the head of a Sil can kill them, but if decapitated, their body and head stays alive for a month, but they are unconscious for this time<br>-Their claws, teeth and bones are the strongest parts of their body and can compare to the strength of adamantium and also have them on their toes which are retractable...and if broken, they grow back in seconds<br>-They do not grow hair anywhere, but their eyebrows and head, men can grow a beard<br>-They look like orientals mixed with caucasians, despite this, they are still pureblooded<br>-The strongest in terms of physical strength can lift eight tons; Asuya can lift four tons (sixteen with rites), Kiname can lift six tons (twenty-four with rites)<br>-Female Sil can move as fast as the speed of sound (mach one) on the ground, Male Sil can move slightly slower and in the air, they can move up to two hundred miles per hour (200 mph)<br>-Blood to them, tastes of the finest, thickest wines and if they consume it, they gain random useful memories of the subject<br>-They have perfectly set fangs on the top and bottom jaws and behind them are "sokokushi" that contain the most potent "Munakou" in their bodies and are also very sensitive to touch, much like their neck<br>-Their jaws can unhinge and they can open their mouths 2 feet vertically<br>-Sil stomach acid consists of "Munakou" as well, so they rarely ever make any waste and if they do, it is usually munakou smelling urine or feces<br>-When near death, a shield surrounds them that can only be penetrated by an equal power and the Sil will go into "Shugasabikai"<br>-They do not turn into dust when they die, instead, they turn into pure energy and return to Dalada<br>-If not blessed by Aria, they are "Chaotic Neutral" and very whimsical, which is why, during the age of Valentia, they percieved humas a threat, because they were literally taking over Valentia; Dalada let humans settle on Valentia for this very reason<br>-Dalada can "suggest" or use one as an avatar directly, unless blessed by Aria, she then, can only speak through their energies<br>-They can go into a "Shukodata Kuurama" that is very much like an out-of-body experience, only the Sil can control it<br>-Sil women always have more "Munakou" capacity and speed than Sil men, but the men have more physical strength<br>-Sil must follow the Virtues that Dalada has to follow, because of the concepts she chose*<br>-If a Sil woman regenerates her hymen, she is then, declared a virgin or 'mukaisana' again by Dalada herself and their bodies go under a temporal shift, biologically making them the way they were before intimacy, they will not remember intimate encounters, the memories effectively fading to black, however, they will still remember the feelings they've had for people they've been with*<br>-If women Sil start to lactate, they never stop from that point on and for Sil, it causes the slightest of pleasures; Sil milk is quite nutritious, however, causes a tingling sensation if anything other than Sil drink it, because it still does contain "Munakou"; Sil women start to lactate when they reach sixteen years of age, it has nothing to do with intimacy or pregnancy, however, it does keep their mate aroused*<br>-Women Sil do not have a menstrual cycle, however, they are always furtile; During a Bloodmoon/Hunter's Moon, a Sil cannot run out of Munakou, are much more furtile, are in heat and have extremely high regeneration, but have a high chance of not remembering their activities<br>-When pregnant, Sil do grow a belly, but it is half the size of a human's belly, because of the placenta is surrounded by "Munakou" powered void energy which makes the signature very unique<br>-The only thing painful about giving birth is the fact that the fetus breaks through the regenerated hymen membrane, unless they are intimate a month before giving birth<br>-It takes five months for a Sil to give birth, unlike the nine it takes for human women<br>-Sil cannot inpregnate any other being or be inpregnated by them*<br>-WARNING: Sil are a pro procreation race, Dalada and Sil alike cannot take same gender relationships seriously, because of this<br>-Strengths: Super Strength, Speed and Dexterity, Flight, Potent Sil Blood and Shadow 'Rites', Regeneration (Certain things regenerate faster than others, intimate areas regenerate slower, but will regenerate completely after a month or so; uses stored "Munakou"), Sensing blood in many different forms, demons cannot hide their scent from her unless they use a LOT a great deal of the arcane to do so*<br>-Immunities: Crosses, Holy Water, Garlic, Stakes, Diseases, Poisons<br>-Weaknesses: Fire, Sunlight Heightened Bloodlust, Blood Starvation, 'Dead' or Cloned Blood, must use the "Shugasabikai" Bloodrite to rest in times of dire need, paralysis by neck fondling<br>-Most of this information is not contained in any database throughout the Multiverse<br>-Their language is known by Asuya, Kiname and Dalada only<br><br>==='''MUSIC'''===<br><br>Combat Theme: Paradox-FFXIII-2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhPRByQPbzE)<br>Idle Theme: Selisona(Pi)-E.S.Posthumus (Selisona: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdLEt3azdNE | Selisona Pi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0kAVenE_Vw)<br>Combat Theme 2: Gotham's Reckoning-Hans Zimmer, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clndZD_beQA)<br>Combat Theme 3: Hero-VTZ (www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8IYb4WmfgU)<br>Asuya, expressing her love for her dearest through voice and piano: Noel's Theme-FFXIII-2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtebBTm7Hs8)<br>Slumber Theme: Belato Base-RF Online OST (This one, you must find yourself~)<br>Awakening Theme: The Guardian-Darksiders 2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4lwpYLlVvM)<br>Portrait of Ruin: Memento-VTZ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=780hpwemqG4)<br>Shekimaru's Discovery and Confession against Asuya: Equinox of Insanity-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-LvlUwzJA)<br>Shekimaru's Attack on Asuya: Reaper-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0fb8zZxN9Q)<br>Counter Attack on Shekimaru: Bloody Black-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW_4BCJNhMA)<br>Death of Shekimaru: Escape from UB-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5rh5lv-kc)<br>Happy Ending: For a Thousand Years-Christina Perri (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOvBOTyX00)<br>Sil-Roar Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CevxZvSJLk8)
la~da~da~dada~dada...da~dada~dada~da.* This caught me off guard...I looked to my feet and saw myself begin to glow...she used a powerful Sil blood rite.  I held onto my mother as the blood rite seeped into my body, disappearing after a moment.  That is when Kiname walked in from the inner rooms...he was still covered in warg's blood.  He spoke, saying, "Mother, we need to get out of here.  Father is fighting, I must join him."  His voice was cold, he spoke as if he knew what was going to happen, I could feel the terror from him, but he could not...would not show it.  We all rushed to the front of the villa...and to my own horror...I saw the carnage, the slaughter of all the humans we took in...kept safe.  All of the efforts of my family were in vain.  My mother wanted to push me behind her, but it was too late, I couldn't help, but to stare to the bodies...I could feel my own terror creeping through my soul.  Then I saw him.  My father, Shen Yuuki.  He had just cut down another Takezoukin-Sil of the Sil Enforcers from the Sil Council.  Why did they wish to ruin us so?  My father destroyed three Takezoukin-Sil, which angered an enforcer, forcing him to use a blood rite, the "Blood Mist Form" blood rite to get behind my father, only to cut him down.  My father was not in his best of practice and this doomed him.  Soon after he fell to the ground, many other Takezoukin-Sil jumped onto him, draining his blood. Drinking Sil pureblood was quite the treat for them!  I could only scream in terror...even my mother screamed.  Kiname stepped outside, only to see his father being torn limb from limb.  This sent him over the edge...he Sil-roars once more, shouting, "You bastards...I will SLAUGHTER YOU ALL!"  My mother...ran past us, I didn't even see her move, it was so strange...like a bad dream.  My mother was over by the remains of Shen, holding his head up...but I looked closer and that was all she was holding, that was all that was left, it seemed.  The Takezoukin-Sil stood away from her, for fear she might retaliate, but she couldn't...she was in shock.  My vision was becoming cloudy from the tears that brimmed my eyes, but I saw him...an enforcer...he stepped off of his horse, drawing his blade.  He was ready to bring it down upon my mother, but before he could do anything, my brother took his whole arm off in a flash!  Suddenly, he blew in half...a shadow literally cut the enforcer in half! My brother...he formed from the shadow, holding our father's blade.  He moved so fast, I barely could follow his movements, but I saw him reappear behind another enforcer, standing on the back of his horse, only to behead him quickly...Kiname was going to own up to his threat, one enforcer at a time!<br><br>He slaughtered them within minutes.  I found myself running to my mother, she was sitting there in a severe shock...her heart was broken, I could tell...I could even see it.  My mother fell over and Kiname was there to catch her.  She whispered to us and with her last breaths, she said to my brother, "Kiname, my love...please take care of your sister, I used a blood rite to seal her power, for the time has not yet come for her to use it...please...take...care..."  She could not utter another word...her heart stopped beating.<br><br>==='''THE BATTLE OF IYA VALLEY'''===<br><br>It was a glorious day. A day that I have waited for since I met my dearest love, Shekimaru. Today, I did not have to attend Ashikaga Gakko. Today, I could elope with him.  He had plans for me, he said. Plans that involve spending the whole day in Iya Valley.  I've only been there once, but it is beautiful!  I...I wanted to show him my eyes, I wanted to show him who---or what, I really am, he deserved this, but there was something in the back of my mind that warned me, something that made me shiver thinking about it.  We met outside of Gakko and he had this expression on his face, a quick glance, something wasn't right.  Then he saw me and all of that went away, he smiled at me with that amiable expression of his, the one I fell in love with, the one that captured my heart.  He said, "Asuya, today is our day, are you ready, my love?"  Did he really have to ask that?  I couldn't be more ready, so I simply responded with, "I am always ready for your love."  I wasn't very good with words, I was young.  We walked down a path that was well traveled and we got to---what looked like an escort of some kind, at least five samurai, directly from the Emperor.  I was shocked, such a thing for us?  We were eloping, so this was...overwhelming to say the least.  The men were guarding a Kagu, made just for us.  This Kagu was amazing, it was fitted with the finest of silks and made with sturdy wood, I couldn't be more happy!  I found myself sweating, tension was getting to me.  Shekimaru went to touch my hand and looked to me with a quizzical expression, asking me, "Why are you so warm?  Are you sick?"  I...I didn't know what to say, so I said, "I'm just...this is what you do to me, your love does this to me!"  I panicked, and begged him, "Please, please do not leave me!"  He comforted me, placing his arm around me, then said in a whisper to my ear, "I will not leave you..."  I...do not know what I heard after that, but I thought I heard him say 'yet'...it was my imagination, I'm sure.  We got into the Kagu and headed to the valley.  Something was not right, Shekimaru would not touch me or hold me, or even speak to me during the whole trip.  This was odd, what did he want me to say?  What have I done wrong?  Did he already know what I am?<br><br>We finally got to the Valley and when I got out of the cart, we were in the most beautiful part of this valley.  WIt truly took my breath away and soon, I found myself staring at the sun, I did not care, at the time, how weak it made me feel.  Soon the sun was setting, the valley was left a dim yellow and and orange.  I looked around to where we were going to stay, it was a small cottage, well-crafted...and there were at least fifty samurai, including our escort, in this place.  Was Shekimaru expecting an attack from an enemy of some sort?  Perhaps he was just being overprotective of me...<br><br>We got inside the small cottage and upon entering...I could see the details, it seemed just built, I could smell it's contemporary scent, but what was that I got a wisp of?  Was that oil?  It must be a preparation for the enemy, they were being very protective of this area for some reason, but I didn't let it bother me...too much.  Okay, it did bother me, so I had to ask Shekimaru...<br><br>"My love?  Are we expecting the enemy down this pass?"  To which he looked at me with confusion in his expression, then smiled warmly to me, stating, "Um...yes!  That is exactly it, we suspect that the enemy might come this way, we have suspected this and fortified defenses well."  I do not know why, but I believed him, the way he said it, seemed like he was telling the truth, but why did he bring me if he knew there was eminent danger?  He...he must have known what I was, but I couldn't suspect that so hastily, if I did and revealed myself prematurely, there would be too much turmoil...<br><br>He didn't touch me for the rest of the day, he was outside talking to the men and I could hear them getting into position.  The night came.  I sat in my room for a while, waiting for him, I wanted to talk to him...I wanted to /see/ him...<br><br>Finally, he came into my room.  There was that expression again, that stern expression he had before we got here, but this time, he didn't change his expression, he just stared at me.  I opened my mouth to say something, but I found I couldn't...fear froze me in place.  What if he already knew?  What if he did not love me for not telling him in the first place?  I couldn't let that stop me from saying /something/.  So I said, "My love, what is on your mind?"  I couldn't read him, his expression was so blank...dead...finally, he smiled to me, which relieved me...his smile was addictive, it lifted me up, despite my fears.  I wanted to marry this man.  He looked at me with those brown eyes of his, staring to me, as if he could see my eyes beyond the scarf...then he kissed me...forcefully, he pushed his lips against mine as hard as he could!  I couldn't resist, that shocked me beyond sense!  The kiss seemed to last for hours and I was getting drained from just that one, long kiss!  He let go of me, finally, and stared to me, he could tell he got me riled up quite a bit, I had beads of sweat forming on my face and my scent was much stronger now.  My lips were quivering, aching for more...<br><br>He smiled...he knew he had me, then he just took hold of my top, holding me by the shoulders, then slowly undressed me, slowly untying my belt, my wristguards...soon, I was completely nude!  He had me completely unclothed and off guard...except for my blindfold, my scarf...<br><br>He asked me, "May I, love?  I wish to see your eyes for the first time...I do not care what they look like, I do not care about whatever accident deformed them..."  I couldn't be happier to hear those words, all I could do is cry.  He then, took one of my tears with his index finger and put it in his mouth, smiling, then muttered, "Sweet..."  It wasn't supposed to be sweet?  He must have known now...so I gently...reached to the back of my head with my claws...and took the blindfold off.  I kept my eyes closed.  I could feel him shiver...I could feel his anticipation.  I finally opened my eyes...and when my eyes focused, there was Shekimaru...staring to me with the most horrified expression on his face!  He screamed, "MONSTER!" ...I watched him scramble outside, running...why did he run?  Why did he run?  I am hideous.  I am an abomination.  How could I be so blind?  The blindfold suited me well...no human could love me.  It is impossible.  All I could do is cry...<br><br>I let my claws tear into the floor of the newly formed house...and suddenly, I heard, "FIRE!"  It was Shekimaru...I looked skyward and heard at least ten arrows hit the roof of the house...then...it dawned on me...the oil...it was in the wood, the wood was soaked in it!  In the blink of an eye, I was surrounded by flames, so much, that I could feel my skin catching on fire within the same moment!  The pain was excruciation incarnate...I was breathing it in...it burned my throat, it charred my flesh, it boiled my eyes that were soaked in my own tears...but something else burned deep inside of me...something else...I could feel it...liquid power rising within me.  Suddenly, I was engulfed by a new flame...an aura...what was this?!  I was no longer burning!  I knew I had to act quickly...this wasn't going to last long...I saw them...men...clusters of veins, precious blood pumping through them...I needed it...I rushed out as fast as I could, but to my surprise, everything seemed to slow down, but me!  I rushed out of the front door, surprising the samurai.  Apparently, they were not expecting me to live through that, despite them being ordered by Shekimaru to stay ready.  There was my advantage...with a flick of my wrist, I tore into the man on my right, gashing his ribs open, then wasting no time, I used his blood to make a catalyst and formed a spear from it...I smiled...why did I smile?  I see...if it was death I was going to have, this death, a warrior's death...is what it would be!  I skewered him...the faceless man on my left, using his blood to thicken my floating catalyst of blood...then...I looked ahead and saw them all...every single samurai, looking upon the burning hut behind me...looking upon me...their adversary.  I am ready.  I slaughtered...so many died that evening.  I was shot at constantly with fire arrows, but I dodged most of them and those that I didn't dodge, burned into me, or glanced my aura...this aura, was this a gift from Dalada?  Those burns didn't heal fast enough, so I quickly used the blood in my catalyst to heal my wounds and kept going as if I was running a marathon...the faceless men were the hurdles.  I roared!  My small throat contained such a booming roar...what was I exactly?  Where was Kiname?  I miss my mother...my father...I miss them...I have to fight...I destroyed them all...the last two men were ninja, guarding Shekimaru with their lives and indeed...their lives!  I tore into them, dismembering the one on the left...his left arm was completely destroyed by my power...popping like a bubble...the man was resilient, he still managed to scream, "MY LORD!!"  Why was I so strong?  I ripped his arm out of the socket...and used his arm to fill the last of the catalyst!  The man on the right engaged me, to his own peril...I used my catalyst to heal myself...simply staring at the man...he stopped in his tracks and started to convulse...his arms exploded and his heart...I could see it...his beating heart...it exploded with a thought.  Shekimaru simply stood there, looking behind me at the destruction I wrought.  Fifty four samurai lost their lives...to me...he spoke...but I couldn't hear him...all I could feel was rage...all I heard was rage...ringing in my ears...I tackled him, forcing him to the ground...and I asked him, "Why...WHY did you do this to me!?  I LOVED YOU!"  I roared at him and for the first time, I saw true fear in his eyes...my claw was around his throat...I raised my other claw to finish him...but he stopped me with words.  Shekimaru answered me...he said, "You do not belong in this world...you are an abomination...a perversion, death is all you deserve."  A remarkable man to the end...his fear did not drive his words, he must have accepted his death...I sat on him...stunned...I would not let him defeat me with words, so I retorted, "So this is the ignorance of man, is it?  So be it." ...I opened my mouth, baring my fangs...and I bit into his neck, drinking his blood...I drained him...completely dry.  That was the last good feeling that man gave me.<br><br>==='''VIRTUES'''===<br><br>-Honor your goddess<br>-Stay true to one's self<br>-Do not be intimate to anyone, but your chosen partner<br>-Do not kill your own kind, Takezoukin-Sil are excluded (unredeemed)<br>-Honor your peers and enemies<br>-Sodomy is a grave dishonor to your goddess<br>-Do not be intimate with demons, the dead or undead of any kind<br><br>==='''BASIC BIOLOGY(copyright information and not known to any throughout the Multiverse)'''===<br><br>-They are NOT undead or a demon...and do not sparkle<br>-They are an interdimensional race, created by Dalada to destroy humanity, however, the Yuuki family were able to defy these wishes through Aria, Dalada's "sister", and her blessing*<br>-Asuya Yuuki and Kiname Yuuki are the last of the Sil left in all of the Multiverse<br>-The realm a Sil is currently in, affects the Sil greatly and can cause Munakou gain and capacity problems for the Sil, it can even fluctuate Munakou levels, Sil stress levels and exhaustion can also fluctuate Munakou levels<br>-Dalada began her attempts at creating her Sil in a certain realm* making imperfect versions of Sil called Takezoukin-Sil (all are deceased now)<br>-They originate from an island called Valentia, a land that was hidden from view with Dalada's powerful magics. Any that came near the island were pushed away by mystical winds and was obstructed from view from even the most keen and magical eye; a place rich in culture that is now underwater (the language will not be revealed for lore security and those that do not obey copyrights); All Sil know "Valentian" as their first language<br>-Their bodies were crafted from Munakou in "taina" that Dalada crafted from her own energies<br>-"Munakou" is a paradox energy created by Dalada herself and it has a wide number of uses: 1. Damages some mystical energies, 2. Can be a liquid, crystallized solid, mist, energy or anomalous form and is highly flammable, 3. Is able to allow a Sil to control and eat blood as well as void, dimensional, chaos, dark and shadow energies to convert into "Munakou" itself (must drink at least a fifth of a cup of blood; energies/anomalies are as follows: Void = no control, can devour 100lbs. equivalent; Chaos = little control, can devour 1000lbs. equivalent; Dark/Shadow = MUCH control, can devour 1000lbs. equivalent; Dimensional = little control, can devour 250lbs. equivalent; these are Asuya's statistics), 4. Sustains a Sil alive and ageless, 5. Resists poisons and diseases to a very high degree, 6. Absolutely cannot be controlled or manipulated by anything, but a Sil, 7. Is activated by "Sil Rites" that are either said or whispered if used in combat, 8. Will make a Sil climax if gain a "Munakou" boost from feeding, unless they feed through a source that dampens the effect, 9. Their scent is caused by "Munakou" itself and is lightly coated over their skin to destroy bacteria, dissolve dirt, and makes them smell extremely alluring, making it near impossible for them to stink (it has a subtle, blackberry and vanilla scent), 10. Their bodies are slender and muscular, the women are buxom and curvy along with a slender and muscular build, "Munakou" causes this, 11. The Sun drains a Sil's "Munakou" because it is an opposing "element", 12. Causes a time lock on Sil 'DNA' making it useful for only three seconds outside of the Sil<br>-Because of "Munakou", it is /impossible/ for anyone to control a Sil's blood anywhere in the multiverse, however, it is questionable whether Sil can control a subject's blood, depending on power<br>-Sil can store Munakou in their Shenyoda-Shuradaso and if they gain too much, it crystallizes and can be stored in their Munakou-Zounakika as well, otherwise, it is stored inside their bodies; Sil use their Munakou-Zounakika as a storage device (200lbs), use it to clothe themselves (tangible shadow), defend themselves from fire, project it for attacks, as well as many other things<br>-Their temperature is caused by how active "Munakou" is in their bodies (Body temp: 100-110 degrees F/37.7-43.3 degrees C), it is also managed by wearing less or 'light' clothing to cool down...and they only heat up if excited, use a power, have low Munakou or if it is cold in the area they are located therein<br>-Mental attacks would meet the nothingness of the void, depending on the strength of the Sil...and the strength of the attack*<br>-Sil, when stressed, the glow in their eyes begins to beat with their heartbeat (which beats 1.5x faster than a human's heart) and if they are angry, they flame with Munakou power; their aura cannot be seen through 'normal human' eyes and feels as if, when around them, they do not even exist, as if they are a dream<br>-A Sil can see (depending upon the brightness of their eyes): Through darkness of any kind; The blood and organs of another being, shifting their sight to do so;  Ethereal beings of any kind; The energies and anomalies they can devour; Any arcane power of any kind (Munakou dampens such power); Through many different solids; Microscopicly with a bit of a strain; they can hear things 50 miles away and see 500 miles, depending on Munakou levels and if they concentrate and can hear what they can see, if the subject can communicate, but have the olfactory of a normal human with the exception of smelling blood (even through flesh, metal or magic or through any other scents around), then it is as good as their hearing and sight<br>-After birth, a Sil will grow until their 20's in human years, then stop biologically aging; Sil have existed since the 1300s<br>-They are able to remember things for a very long time (approx. 500 years), in extremely vivid detail<br>-They can hold their breath for around an hour, without rites<br>-Sil can purr like kittens with a sensuality to it and roar very close to the sound of tigers, but the sound is unique in frequency and much louder (can shatter glass at 50ft away), as well as much more violent; the reason they can do this is located in their delicate necks<br>-Their voices are very beautiful and have a subtle melodiousness about it<br>-Their bodies can take a lot, but are also five times more sensitive to touch than humans and their climaxes are strong and plentiful<br>-Their neck is one of the most sensitive parts of their body and can only feel pleasure; severing the head of a Sil can kill them, but if decapitated, their body and head stays alive for a month, but they are unconscious for this time<br>-Their claws, teeth and bones are the strongest parts of their body and can compare to the strength of adamantium and also have them on their toes which are retractable...and if broken, they grow back in seconds<br>-They do not grow hair anywhere, but their eyebrows and head, men can grow a beard<br>-They look like orientals mixed with caucasians, despite this, they are still pureblooded<br>-The strongest in terms of physical strength can lift eight tons; Asuya can lift four tons (sixteen with rites), Kiname can lift six tons (twenty-four with rites)<br>-Female Sil can move as fast as the speed of sound (mach one) on the ground, Male Sil can move slightly slower and in the air, they can move up to two hundred miles per hour (200 mph)<br>-Blood to them, tastes of the finest, thickest wines and if they consume it, they gain random useful memories of the subject<br>-They have perfectly set fangs on the top and bottom jaws and behind them are "sokokushi" that contain the most potent "Munakou" in their bodies and are also very sensitive to touch, much like their neck<br>-Their jaws can unhinge and they can open their mouths 2 feet vertically<br>-Sil stomach acid consists of "Munakou" as well, so they rarely ever make any waste and if they do, it is usually munakou smelling urine or feces<br>-When near death, a shield surrounds them that can only be penetrated by an equal power and the Sil will go into "Shugasabikai"<br>-They do not turn into dust when they die, instead, they turn into pure energy and return to Dalada<br>-If not blessed by Aria, they are "Chaotic Neutral" and very whimsical, which is why, during the age of Valentia, they percieved humas a threat, because they were literally taking over Valentia; Dalada let humans settle on Valentia for this very reason<br>-Dalada can "suggest" or use one as an avatar directly, unless blessed by Aria, she then, can only speak through their energies<br>-They can go into a "Shukodata Kuurama" that is very much like an out-of-body experience, only the Sil can control it<br>-Sil women always have more "Munakou" capacity and speed than Sil men, but the men have more physical strength<br>-Sil must follow the Virtues that Dalada has to follow, because of the concepts she chose*<br>-If a Sil woman regenerates her hymen, she is then, declared a virgin or 'mukaisana' again by Dalada herself and their bodies go under a temporal shift, biologically making them the way they were before intimacy, they will not remember intimate encounters, the memories effectively fading to black, however, they will still remember the feelings they've had for people they've been with*<br>-If women Sil start to lactate, they never stop from that point on and for Sil, it causes the slightest of pleasures; Sil milk is quite nutritious, however, causes a tingling sensation if anything other than Sil drink it, because it still does contain "Munakou"; Sil women start to lactate when they reach sixteen years of age, it has nothing to do with intimacy or pregnancy, however, it does keep their mate aroused*<br>-Women Sil do not have a menstrual cycle, however, they are always furtile; During a Bloodmoon/Hunter's Moon, a Sil cannot run out of Munakou, are much more furtile, are in heat and have extremely high regeneration, but have a high chance of not remembering their activities<br>-When pregnant, Sil do grow a belly, but it is half the size of a human's belly, because of the placenta is surrounded by "Munakou" powered void energy which makes the signature very unique<br>-The only thing painful about giving birth is the fact that the fetus breaks through the regenerated hymen membrane, unless they are intimate a month before giving birth<br>-It takes five months for a Sil to give birth, unlike the nine it takes for human women<br>-Sil cannot inpregnate any other being or be inpregnated by them*<br>-WARNING: Sil are a pro procreation race, Dalada and Sil alike cannot take same gender relationships seriously, because of this<br>-Strengths: Super Strength, Speed and Dexterity, Flight, Potent Sil Blood and Shadow 'Rites', Regeneration (Certain things regenerate faster than others, intimate areas regenerate slower, but will regenerate completely after a month or so; uses stored "Munakou"), Sensing blood in many different forms, demons cannot hide their scent from her unless they use a LOT a great deal of the arcane to do so*<br>-Immunities: Crosses, Holy Water, Garlic, Stakes, Diseases, Poisons<br>-Weaknesses: Fire, Sunlight Heightened Bloodlust, Blood Starvation, 'Dead' or Cloned Blood, must use the "Shugasabikai" Bloodrite to rest in times of dire need, paralysis by neck fondling<br>-Most of this information is not contained in any database throughout the Multiverse<br>-Their language is known by Asuya, Kiname and Dalada only<br><br>==='''MUSIC'''===<br><br>Combat Theme: Paradox-FFXIII-2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhPRByQPbzE)<br>Idle Theme: Selisona(Pi)-E.S.Posthumus (Selisona: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdLEt3azdNE | Selisona Pi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0kAVenE_Vw)<br>Combat Theme 2: Gotham's Reckoning-Hans Zimmer, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clndZD_beQA)<br>Combat Theme 3: Hero-VTZ (www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8IYb4WmfgU)<br>Asuya, expressing her love for her dearest through voice and piano: Noel's Theme-FFXIII-2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtebBTm7Hs8)<br>Slumber Theme: Belato Base-RF Online OST (This one, you must find yourself~)<br>Awakening Theme: The Guardian-Darksiders 2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4lwpYLlVvM)<br>Portrait of Ruin: Memento-VTZ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=780hpwemqG4)<br>Shekimaru's Discovery and Confession against Asuya: Equinox of Insanity-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-LvlUwzJA)<br>Shekimaru's Attack on Asuya: Reaper-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0fb8zZxN9Q)<br>Counter Attack on Shekimaru: Bloody Black-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW_4BCJNhMA)<br>Death of Shekimaru: Escape from UB-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5rh5lv-kc)<br>Happy Ending: For a Thousand Years-Christina Perri (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOvBOTyX00)<br>Sil-Roar Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CevxZvSJLk8)<br><br>==='''QUOTE'''===<br><br>~...If you are a true warrior...always be ready to fight...and always be ready to lose...but most importantly, always be ready to get up.  Defy your weakness...make it your strength and fight with everything you have, for the battlefield?  'Tis life.~  -Asuya Yuuki

Revision as of 08:51, 31 October 2013

Pureblood Asuya
Player: @Sil81
File:Seductive squint by silgirl81-d69e8lj.jpg
Class Focus: Munakou*
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Asuya Yuuki
Known Aliases: Night Valkyrie, Mistress of the Crimson Tide, Bloodrite, Blood Sage, Crimson Rose, Tuba, Queen of Valentia*
Species: Sil (Female)
Ethnicity: Valentian
Age: ~313
Height: ~5'11"-6'0"
Weight: ~118-120lbs.
Eye Color: Glowing Crimson
Hair Color: Raven Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S. Citizen, Japanese Citizen, English Citizen
Occupation: Adventurer
Place of Birth: Valentia
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: ...
Known Relatives: Min (Mother/deceased), Shen (Father/deceased), Kiname (Brother/???), Vy Ricter (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kojida (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kasumi (Adopted Mother/deceased), Sumana Senmaki (Grandmother/deceased)
Known Powers
Munakou Based Strength, Speed, Blood/Shadow/Darkness/Void/Dimensional/Chaos Control and Consumption, Regeneration
Known Abilities
Unbreakable Bones, Claws and Teeth, Unhinging Jaw, Akuu-Shenyoda (Bishi-Shensen/Nitojutsu), Kempo and Yawara (mastered only recently*), Muay Thai/Muay Boran/Lerdrit (gained in Japan* and favored style/mastered)


Dalada: "My race, my creation will be better than human kind, but they will be predators of humans, able to hunt them with, but a glance, a whiff of their scent, a smile...they will live on the taste of blood and control blood, any blood that comes their way...they will make humans their slaves, they will be called typical vampires by the narrow minded...they will be Sil, alive and pureblooded, not mindless undead."
Aria: "Sister, mark my words, there will be one family of Sil that do not share your goals and I will bless that family and they will become free of your will."


Real Name: Asuya Yuuki
Age: ~313 years
HT and WT: ~5'11"-6'0" ~118-120lbs.
Family: Min (Mother/deceased), Shen (Father/deceased), Kiname (Brother/???), Vy Ricter (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kojida (Adopted Father/deceased), Tanaka Kasumi (Adopted Mother/deceased), Sumana Senmaki (Grandmother/deceased)
Languages: English, Valentian, Japanese, Draconic, Spanish, French, Dutch, Finnish, Russian*, Gaelic*, Italian, Turkish, Latin, Elven, Drow and German*
Fighting Styles and Powers: Akuu-Shenyoda (Bishi-Shensen/Nitojutsu), Kempo and Yawara (mastered only recently*), Muay Thai/Muay Boran/Lerdrit (gained in Japan* and favored style/mastered), Potent Sil(Munakou Based) Blood and Shadow rites
Teachers: Shen Yuuki, Kiname Yuuki, Vy Ricter, Anna Bingley
Aliases: Night Valkyrie, Mistress of the Crimson Tide, Bloodrite, Blood Sage, Crimson Rose, Tuba, Queen of Valentia*


-Born in a family of Sil pureblood blood/dark or dimensional energies elementals that were hunted by the Sil Pureblood Council because of a blood prophecy (having to do with Aria's blessing) and their ideals*
-The council attacked the Yuuki family and during this attack, her mother sealed Asuya's Sil pureblood
-The attack left her mother and father dead and for this, her brother destroyed the council enforcers, Asuya was only three years of age
-The seal took 100 years to take effect so Kiname found a place for them to sleep until then
-Asuya awakened during the battle of Crux, a valley used for war, her brother no where to be found
-Vy Ricter led the reinforcements for the human armies that were near annihilation and came with 25,000 soldiers
-Asuya was adopted by Vy Ricter as a human, her Sil blood lying dormant; she was 11 years of age and was found unconscious on the battlefield
-During a crucial battle, her blood was awakened by her brother which made Asuya remember everything and as a bonus, she learned a modified combat style of her brother's from his memories
-Asuya destroyed the Sil Council, then slumbered thereafter; Asuya was born a prodigy of her race, able to use Sil Blood Rites and Shadow Rites to their maximum efficiency, like none before her
-When she awoke, the year was exactly 1800, she found the hidden fortune that her mother and father left her, keeping it hidden, even from her adopted parents she became a retainer for (bushi class)
-Later, she became a Miko or Shrine Maiden (Dalada allowed her to practice similar practices, close to Shinto practices to blend in with the society of this era) because of her unusual abilities and enrolled into Ashikaga Gakko, to learn of chinese alchemy and the English language (accent included) in an English port town, all while blindfolded; she spent 50 years in Japan
-After an exclusive battle between Asuya and her loved one Shekimaru and his samurai platoon (54 samurai) in Iya Valley, she left Japan on an expeditionary boat to Canada in 1851, keeping herself blindfolded and out of sight (she was a stowaway)
-Soon, she became an explorer and bodyguard of many traders of the Canadian lands along with the expeditions that formed Canada itself, staying silent throughout her time there
-Asuya stayed in Canada for ten years, eventually leaving Canada, because suspicions were aroused about if she were human or not
-After leaving Canada in 1861, she arrived in Glasgow, England in 1864 to expand her knowledge of the arts and of business, soon moving to Cambridge, England to do so
-Using the knowledge she gained from the Girton College and her professor Anna Bingley with the wealth passed on to her from her parents, she formed the exclusive, red wine distilleries, the Valentian Distilleries in 1910
-During the time between 1864 and 1910, Asuya figured out more about herself, her powers and her abilities, one, perhaps the most important, to mask the brightness of her eyes
-During World War I, the Valentian Distilleries became a prestigious establishment amongst exclusive millionaires and billionaires
-Also, during World War I, Asuya established the heroic identity and exclusive hero name, Night Valkyrie and was only whispered about as if already legend
-Her legend spread throughout England and stayed in mind throughout the first World War, soon after, disappearing as if an enigmatic dream
-Between the time of World War I and World War II, she kept the Valentian Distilleries alive with the fortune made from it's productivity and the wealth left over from the gift of her parents
-During World War II, the legend of the Night Valkyrie appeared once again and during that time, she helped the Allied Forces to overtake the Axis Powers through exclusive attacks, seemingly planned parallel to the movements of the Allied Forces themselves
-After World War II, the Valentian Distilleries were visited by a coven of vampires that wished to "get a feel" for Asuya herself and soon after their visit, they were destroyed, sparking a war between Asuya and the Midnight Coven
-The exclusive war lasted less than a year and ended with the slaughter of the whole coven
-After the original staff of the Valentian Distilleries died out or passed their jobs onto their families, Asuya reappeared as the establishing founder of the Distilleries and during this time, she spread the company to Canada and finally, New York City
-In 1955, Asuya went to slumber once more, appointing Herman White, CEO of the Valentian Distilleries
-During that time, Herman White established himself as the founder of the Valentian Distilleries New York Branch, basically stealing the company from Asuya and even passed on the company to his son, Harold White
-In 2011, she awakened to the new era and had no more wealth left over, with the exception of her established company, to which she used her aquired knowledge to "extort" from her own company, telling the ancestor of Herman White, Harold White, that the company now belongs to her
-Harold White at the time, was apart of the Italian mob and answered to a darkling named Bobby Gambini, a consigliere of this particular family and indeed informed him of Asuya's "activities"


I was so small back then. Three years of age. I remember one night...I was playing hide-and-seek with my brother...there was so much snow and these tall, beautiful trees...even beautiful in the winter. I got lost...so I shouted for my brother, I was quite loud for my age...I asked, "Kiname? Where are you?" T'was in Valentian of course, not many Sil knew any other language despite our visitors. Suddenly, I spotted tracks...it was Kiname's tracks, so I started to run forward. I remember wanting to run faster, but my little self couldn't go any faster, for at this age? A Sil cannot do very much physically, we barely can develop our own Munakou. I stop running out of fear, abruptly...I heard wolves. Wargs to be precise...Valentian Wargs. I kept running, but that was indeed foolish, for when I continued my pursuit of my brother, the wargs gave chase! I ran out of fear now and I shouted, "Please, no more hiding, I don't like this game anymo--" I was cut off by the Valentian Wargs getting closer and closer...I even heard them growling, violently gnashing their teeth...I must have been quite the tasty morsel! I ran a few more steps until I heard them right on my heels...which made me turn around, and to my surprise, a Valentian Warg was already in mid-air...lunging at me, only a foot away from devouring me whole. These beasts could stand on their hind legs and be at least ten feet tall! I thought I was dead...but suddenly, my brother came out of no where and in a flash, out of the snow wind, he uses his claw to actually force the wolf back from whence he came, the shockwave of the blow, threw snow everywhere! I screamed in terror, falling to the snow and I closed my eyes...a horrible battle ensued, teeth gnashing, claws cutting through bone and flesh...then I heard it...a Sil-roar...for the first time, I heard my brother's fury! That is when I blacked out. I awakened in the snow...red with warg's blood...cold. I stood up and that is when I felt it...for the first time, I felt hunger, and not for my mother's milk either. I fell back to one knee as I looked to one of those huge Valentian Wargs...laying there. He was slowly getting up, but he was injured...but not enough to forget me. I looked around for my brother, only to find he was no where in sight, so I shouted out of fear, right when the warg was on his feet, "Shenyoshokai?!" which meant 'Brother' in Valentian. I tried to stand, but my hunger knocked me to my knee again. Why was I so hungry? I could tell my eyes flickered with the power within, I could see his arteries and veins each time they did. I could hear it's heartbeat...or was that mine? All I knew...is I wanted his blood...

The Valentian Warg lunged at me again, but this time...when he lunged...it was like time slowed down, he was moving so slow! I had time to look to my hands that were now claws...when did they get there?! I turned to look to the warg again and his mouth was right near my face, so I simply lifted my right claw and broke his neck with a punch under it's jaw! I side-stepped his momentum, and he made a tread of snow, sliding at least fifteen feet from where I punched him! I was shocked...and he was dead. That is when I noticed that I only killed one of the three Valentian Wargs that lay around me, bleeding out. I raised my claw...drawing all of their blood together into a catalyst, murmuring the words, "Shenyoda-Renkatoudou."...my first blood rite. Every drop of blood became one big blood catalyst before me. I slowly sucked the blood from the air until there was none left. I felt strange...very strange after drinking the blood...it made me fall over again. After regaining my constitution, I stood up...and I stood strong, I was ready for battle...I could see further, move faster and was much stronger than I was...I was the apex predator on Valentia, I am a Sil.

I smelled fire. I turned towards the direction of my home, only to see it ablaze from where I stood. I started to run towards it...I ran so fast, I got there within seconds, leaving a sonic boom behind me! For a moment, within my journey home...I could feel the wind whip through my raven lockes, the only moment of peace I would have this night. I got to the back door of the villa, ripping it off with my new found strength, finding myself in the wine cellar. The fire didn't reach this place...I could smell the fire on the top floors...they were using a tactic to smoke out anyone still alive in the villa, so they could run out into the slaughter, just outside! The scent of blood, fresh wine and burning wood and flesh filled my nostrils, but I couldn't let that distract me, I had to find my family! As I came out of the cellar, my mother was standing there, staring into the inner rooms of the villa. She slowly and gracefully turned to face me. She was breath-takingly beautiful. Her hair was curled up, but still let out, long shiny raven lockes. I just had to hug my mother...and with that, I began to cry. I missed her so much, it felt like an eternity since I've seen her. I wanted to know what was going on, but I couldn't speak...I could only cry. Finally, my mother kneeled to face me. She speaks in such a beautiful, delicate voice, "My daughter, the time has come...you must fulfill the prophecy, you must be strong." I didn't know what that meant, but I found myself staring into the crimson windows to her soul and she began to sing in her naturally seductive voice, *La~dada~da...la~dada~dada~da...la~dada~dada...dadada~dadada~da... la~da~da~dada~dada...da~dada~dada~da.* This caught me off guard...I looked to my feet and saw myself begin to glow...she used a powerful Sil blood rite. I held onto my mother as the blood rite seeped into my body, disappearing after a moment. That is when Kiname walked in from the inner rooms...he was still covered in warg's blood. He spoke, saying, "Mother, we need to get out of here. Father is fighting, I must join him." His voice was cold, he spoke as if he knew what was going to happen, I could feel the terror from him, but he could not...would not show it. We all rushed to the front of the villa...and to my own horror...I saw the carnage, the slaughter of all the humans we took in...kept safe. All of the efforts of my family were in vain. My mother wanted to push me behind her, but it was too late, I couldn't help, but to stare to the bodies...I could feel my own terror creeping through my soul. Then I saw him. My father, Shen Yuuki. He had just cut down another Takezoukin-Sil of the Sil Enforcers from the Sil Council. Why did they wish to ruin us so? My father destroyed three Takezoukin-Sil, which angered an enforcer, forcing him to use a blood rite, the "Blood Mist Form" blood rite to get behind my father, only to cut him down. My father was not in his best of practice and this doomed him. Soon after he fell to the ground, many other Takezoukin-Sil jumped onto him, draining his blood. Drinking Sil pureblood was quite the treat for them! I could only scream in terror...even my mother screamed. Kiname stepped outside, only to see his father being torn limb from limb. This sent him over the edge...he Sil-roars once more, shouting, "You bastards...I will SLAUGHTER YOU ALL!" My mother...ran past us, I didn't even see her move, it was so strange...like a bad dream. My mother was over by the remains of Shen, holding his head up...but I looked closer and that was all she was holding, that was all that was left, it seemed. The Takezoukin-Sil stood away from her, for fear she might retaliate, but she couldn't...she was in shock. My vision was becoming cloudy from the tears that brimmed my eyes, but I saw him...an enforcer...he stepped off of his horse, drawing his blade. He was ready to bring it down upon my mother, but before he could do anything, my brother took his whole arm off in a flash! Suddenly, he blew in half...a shadow literally cut the enforcer in half! My brother...he formed from the shadow, holding our father's blade. He moved so fast, I barely could follow his movements, but I saw him reappear behind another enforcer, standing on the back of his horse, only to behead him quickly...Kiname was going to own up to his threat, one enforcer at a time!

He slaughtered them within minutes. I found myself running to my mother, she was sitting there in a severe shock...her heart was broken, I could tell...I could even see it. My mother fell over and Kiname was there to catch her. She whispered to us and with her last breaths, she said to my brother, "Kiname, my love...please take care of your sister, I used a blood rite to seal her power, for the time has not yet come for her to use it...please...take...care..." She could not utter another word...her heart stopped beating.


It was a glorious day. A day that I have waited for since I met my dearest love, Shekimaru. Today, I did not have to attend Ashikaga Gakko. Today, I could elope with him. He had plans for me, he said. Plans that involve spending the whole day in Iya Valley. I've only been there once, but it is beautiful! I...I wanted to show him my eyes, I wanted to show him who---or what, I really am, he deserved this, but there was something in the back of my mind that warned me, something that made me shiver thinking about it. We met outside of Gakko and he had this expression on his face, a quick glance, something wasn't right. Then he saw me and all of that went away, he smiled at me with that amiable expression of his, the one I fell in love with, the one that captured my heart. He said, "Asuya, today is our day, are you ready, my love?" Did he really have to ask that? I couldn't be more ready, so I simply responded with, "I am always ready for your love." I wasn't very good with words, I was young. We walked down a path that was well traveled and we got to---what looked like an escort of some kind, at least five samurai, directly from the Emperor. I was shocked, such a thing for us? We were eloping, so this was...overwhelming to say the least. The men were guarding a Kagu, made just for us. This Kagu was amazing, it was fitted with the finest of silks and made with sturdy wood, I couldn't be more happy! I found myself sweating, tension was getting to me. Shekimaru went to touch my hand and looked to me with a quizzical expression, asking me, "Why are you so warm? Are you sick?" I...I didn't know what to say, so I said, "I'm just...this is what you do to me, your love does this to me!" I panicked, and begged him, "Please, please do not leave me!" He comforted me, placing his arm around me, then said in a whisper to my ear, "I will not leave you..." I...do not know what I heard after that, but I thought I heard him say 'yet'...it was my imagination, I'm sure. We got into the Kagu and headed to the valley. Something was not right, Shekimaru would not touch me or hold me, or even speak to me during the whole trip. This was odd, what did he want me to say? What have I done wrong? Did he already know what I am?

We finally got to the Valley and when I got out of the cart, we were in the most beautiful part of this valley. WIt truly took my breath away and soon, I found myself staring at the sun, I did not care, at the time, how weak it made me feel. Soon the sun was setting, the valley was left a dim yellow and and orange. I looked around to where we were going to stay, it was a small cottage, well-crafted...and there were at least fifty samurai, including our escort, in this place. Was Shekimaru expecting an attack from an enemy of some sort? Perhaps he was just being overprotective of me...

We got inside the small cottage and upon entering...I could see the details, it seemed just built, I could smell it's contemporary scent, but what was that I got a wisp of? Was that oil? It must be a preparation for the enemy, they were being very protective of this area for some reason, but I didn't let it bother me...too much. Okay, it did bother me, so I had to ask Shekimaru...

"My love? Are we expecting the enemy down this pass?" To which he looked at me with confusion in his expression, then smiled warmly to me, stating, "Um...yes! That is exactly it, we suspect that the enemy might come this way, we have suspected this and fortified defenses well." I do not know why, but I believed him, the way he said it, seemed like he was telling the truth, but why did he bring me if he knew there was eminent danger? He...he must have known what I was, but I couldn't suspect that so hastily, if I did and revealed myself prematurely, there would be too much turmoil...

He didn't touch me for the rest of the day, he was outside talking to the men and I could hear them getting into position. The night came. I sat in my room for a while, waiting for him, I wanted to talk to him...I wanted to /see/ him...

Finally, he came into my room. There was that expression again, that stern expression he had before we got here, but this time, he didn't change his expression, he just stared at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but I found I couldn't...fear froze me in place. What if he already knew? What if he did not love me for not telling him in the first place? I couldn't let that stop me from saying /something/. So I said, "My love, what is on your mind?" I couldn't read him, his expression was so blank...dead...finally, he smiled to me, which relieved me...his smile was addictive, it lifted me up, despite my fears. I wanted to marry this man. He looked at me with those brown eyes of his, staring to me, as if he could see my eyes beyond the scarf...then he kissed me...forcefully, he pushed his lips against mine as hard as he could! I couldn't resist, that shocked me beyond sense! The kiss seemed to last for hours and I was getting drained from just that one, long kiss! He let go of me, finally, and stared to me, he could tell he got me riled up quite a bit, I had beads of sweat forming on my face and my scent was much stronger now. My lips were quivering, aching for more...

He smiled...he knew he had me, then he just took hold of my top, holding me by the shoulders, then slowly undressed me, slowly untying my belt, my wristguards...soon, I was completely nude! He had me completely unclothed and off guard...except for my blindfold, my scarf...

He asked me, "May I, love? I wish to see your eyes for the first time...I do not care what they look like, I do not care about whatever accident deformed them..." I couldn't be happier to hear those words, all I could do is cry. He then, took one of my tears with his index finger and put it in his mouth, smiling, then muttered, "Sweet..." It wasn't supposed to be sweet? He must have known now...so I gently...reached to the back of my head with my claws...and took the blindfold off. I kept my eyes closed. I could feel him shiver...I could feel his anticipation. I finally opened my eyes...and when my eyes focused, there was Shekimaru...staring to me with the most horrified expression on his face! He screamed, "MONSTER!" ...I watched him scramble outside, running...why did he run? Why did he run? I am hideous. I am an abomination. How could I be so blind? The blindfold suited me well...no human could love me. It is impossible. All I could do is cry...

I let my claws tear into the floor of the newly formed house...and suddenly, I heard, "FIRE!" It was Shekimaru...I looked skyward and heard at least ten arrows hit the roof of the house...then...it dawned on me...the oil...it was in the wood, the wood was soaked in it! In the blink of an eye, I was surrounded by flames, so much, that I could feel my skin catching on fire within the same moment! The pain was excruciation incarnate...I was breathing it in...it burned my throat, it charred my flesh, it boiled my eyes that were soaked in my own tears...but something else burned deep inside of me...something else...I could feel it...liquid power rising within me. Suddenly, I was engulfed by a new flame...an aura...what was this?! I was no longer burning! I knew I had to act quickly...this wasn't going to last long...I saw them...men...clusters of veins, precious blood pumping through them...I needed it...I rushed out as fast as I could, but to my surprise, everything seemed to slow down, but me! I rushed out of the front door, surprising the samurai. Apparently, they were not expecting me to live through that, despite them being ordered by Shekimaru to stay ready. There was my advantage...with a flick of my wrist, I tore into the man on my right, gashing his ribs open, then wasting no time, I used his blood to make a catalyst and formed a spear from it...I smiled...why did I smile? I see...if it was death I was going to have, this death, a warrior's death...is what it would be! I skewered him...the faceless man on my left, using his blood to thicken my floating catalyst of blood...then...I looked ahead and saw them all...every single samurai, looking upon the burning hut behind me...looking upon me...their adversary. I am ready. I slaughtered...so many died that evening. I was shot at constantly with fire arrows, but I dodged most of them and those that I didn't dodge, burned into me, or glanced my aura...this aura, was this a gift from Dalada? Those burns didn't heal fast enough, so I quickly used the blood in my catalyst to heal my wounds and kept going as if I was running a marathon...the faceless men were the hurdles. I roared! My small throat contained such a booming roar...what was I exactly? Where was Kiname? I miss my mother...my father...I miss them...I have to fight...I destroyed them all...the last two men were ninja, guarding Shekimaru with their lives and indeed...their lives! I tore into them, dismembering the one on the left...his left arm was completely destroyed by my power...popping like a bubble...the man was resilient, he still managed to scream, "MY LORD!!" Why was I so strong? I ripped his arm out of the socket...and used his arm to fill the last of the catalyst! The man on the right engaged me, to his own peril...I used my catalyst to heal myself...simply staring at the man...he stopped in his tracks and started to convulse...his arms exploded and his heart...I could see it...his beating heart...it exploded with a thought. Shekimaru simply stood there, looking behind me at the destruction I wrought. Fifty four samurai lost their lives...to me...he spoke...but I couldn't hear him...all I could feel was rage...all I heard was rage...ringing in my ears...I tackled him, forcing him to the ground...and I asked him, "Why...WHY did you do this to me!? I LOVED YOU!" I roared at him and for the first time, I saw true fear in his eyes...my claw was around his throat...I raised my other claw to finish him...but he stopped me with words. Shekimaru answered me...he said, "You do not belong in this world...you are an abomination...a perversion, death is all you deserve." A remarkable man to the end...his fear did not drive his words, he must have accepted his death...I sat on him...stunned...I would not let him defeat me with words, so I retorted, "So this is the ignorance of man, is it? So be it." ...I opened my mouth, baring my fangs...and I bit into his neck, drinking his blood...I drained him...completely dry. That was the last good feeling that man gave me.


-Honor your goddess
-Stay true to one's self
-Do not be intimate to anyone, but your chosen partner
-Do not kill your own kind, Takezoukin-Sil are excluded (unredeemed)
-Honor your peers and enemies
-Sodomy is a grave dishonor to your goddess
-Do not be intimate with demons, the dead or undead of any kind

===BASIC BIOLOGY(copyright information and not known to any throughout the Multiverse)===

-They are NOT undead or a demon...and do not sparkle
-They are an interdimensional race, created by Dalada to destroy humanity, however, the Yuuki family were able to defy these wishes through Aria, Dalada's "sister", and her blessing*
-Asuya Yuuki and Kiname Yuuki are the last of the Sil left in all of the Multiverse
-The realm a Sil is currently in, affects the Sil greatly and can cause Munakou gain and capacity problems for the Sil, it can even fluctuate Munakou levels, Sil stress levels and exhaustion can also fluctuate Munakou levels
-Dalada began her attempts at creating her Sil in a certain realm* making imperfect versions of Sil called Takezoukin-Sil (all are deceased now)
-They originate from an island called Valentia, a land that was hidden from view with Dalada's powerful magics. Any that came near the island were pushed away by mystical winds and was obstructed from view from even the most keen and magical eye; a place rich in culture that is now underwater (the language will not be revealed for lore security and those that do not obey copyrights); All Sil know "Valentian" as their first language
-Their bodies were crafted from Munakou in "taina" that Dalada crafted from her own energies
-"Munakou" is a paradox energy created by Dalada herself and it has a wide number of uses: 1. Damages some mystical energies, 2. Can be a liquid, crystallized solid, mist, energy or anomalous form and is highly flammable, 3. Is able to allow a Sil to control and eat blood as well as void, dimensional, chaos, dark and shadow energies to convert into "Munakou" itself (must drink at least a fifth of a cup of blood; energies/anomalies are as follows: Void = no control, can devour 100lbs. equivalent; Chaos = little control, can devour 1000lbs. equivalent; Dark/Shadow = MUCH control, can devour 1000lbs. equivalent; Dimensional = little control, can devour 250lbs. equivalent; these are Asuya's statistics), 4. Sustains a Sil alive and ageless, 5. Resists poisons and diseases to a very high degree, 6. Absolutely cannot be controlled or manipulated by anything, but a Sil, 7. Is activated by "Sil Rites" that are either said or whispered if used in combat, 8. Will make a Sil climax if gain a "Munakou" boost from feeding, unless they feed through a source that dampens the effect, 9. Their scent is caused by "Munakou" itself and is lightly coated over their skin to destroy bacteria, dissolve dirt, and makes them smell extremely alluring, making it near impossible for them to stink (it has a subtle, blackberry and vanilla scent), 10. Their bodies are slender and muscular, the women are buxom and curvy along with a slender and muscular build, "Munakou" causes this, 11. The Sun drains a Sil's "Munakou" because it is an opposing "element", 12. Causes a time lock on Sil 'DNA' making it useful for only three seconds outside of the Sil
-Because of "Munakou", it is /impossible/ for anyone to control a Sil's blood anywhere in the multiverse, however, it is questionable whether Sil can control a subject's blood, depending on power
-Sil can store Munakou in their Shenyoda-Shuradaso and if they gain too much, it crystallizes and can be stored in their Munakou-Zounakika as well, otherwise, it is stored inside their bodies; Sil use their Munakou-Zounakika as a storage device (200lbs), use it to clothe themselves (tangible shadow), defend themselves from fire, project it for attacks, as well as many other things
-Their temperature is caused by how active "Munakou" is in their bodies (Body temp: 100-110 degrees F/37.7-43.3 degrees C), it is also managed by wearing less or 'light' clothing to cool down...and they only heat up if excited, use a power, have low Munakou or if it is cold in the area they are located therein
-Mental attacks would meet the nothingness of the void, depending on the strength of the Sil...and the strength of the attack*
-Sil, when stressed, the glow in their eyes begins to beat with their heartbeat (which beats 1.5x faster than a human's heart) and if they are angry, they flame with Munakou power; their aura cannot be seen through 'normal human' eyes and feels as if, when around them, they do not even exist, as if they are a dream
-A Sil can see (depending upon the brightness of their eyes): Through darkness of any kind; The blood and organs of another being, shifting their sight to do so; Ethereal beings of any kind; The energies and anomalies they can devour; Any arcane power of any kind (Munakou dampens such power); Through many different solids; Microscopicly with a bit of a strain; they can hear things 50 miles away and see 500 miles, depending on Munakou levels and if they concentrate and can hear what they can see, if the subject can communicate, but have the olfactory of a normal human with the exception of smelling blood (even through flesh, metal or magic or through any other scents around), then it is as good as their hearing and sight
-After birth, a Sil will grow until their 20's in human years, then stop biologically aging; Sil have existed since the 1300s
-They are able to remember things for a very long time (approx. 500 years), in extremely vivid detail
-They can hold their breath for around an hour, without rites
-Sil can purr like kittens with a sensuality to it and roar very close to the sound of tigers, but the sound is unique in frequency and much louder (can shatter glass at 50ft away), as well as much more violent; the reason they can do this is located in their delicate necks
-Their voices are very beautiful and have a subtle melodiousness about it
-Their bodies can take a lot, but are also five times more sensitive to touch than humans and their climaxes are strong and plentiful
-Their neck is one of the most sensitive parts of their body and can only feel pleasure; severing the head of a Sil can kill them, but if decapitated, their body and head stays alive for a month, but they are unconscious for this time
-Their claws, teeth and bones are the strongest parts of their body and can compare to the strength of adamantium and also have them on their toes which are retractable...and if broken, they grow back in seconds
-They do not grow hair anywhere, but their eyebrows and head, men can grow a beard
-They look like orientals mixed with caucasians, despite this, they are still pureblooded
-The strongest in terms of physical strength can lift eight tons; Asuya can lift four tons (sixteen with rites), Kiname can lift six tons (twenty-four with rites)
-Female Sil can move as fast as the speed of sound (mach one) on the ground, Male Sil can move slightly slower and in the air, they can move up to two hundred miles per hour (200 mph)
-Blood to them, tastes of the finest, thickest wines and if they consume it, they gain random useful memories of the subject
-They have perfectly set fangs on the top and bottom jaws and behind them are "sokokushi" that contain the most potent "Munakou" in their bodies and are also very sensitive to touch, much like their neck
-Their jaws can unhinge and they can open their mouths 2 feet vertically
-Sil stomach acid consists of "Munakou" as well, so they rarely ever make any waste and if they do, it is usually munakou smelling urine or feces
-When near death, a shield surrounds them that can only be penetrated by an equal power and the Sil will go into "Shugasabikai"
-They do not turn into dust when they die, instead, they turn into pure energy and return to Dalada
-If not blessed by Aria, they are "Chaotic Neutral" and very whimsical, which is why, during the age of Valentia, they percieved humas a threat, because they were literally taking over Valentia; Dalada let humans settle on Valentia for this very reason
-Dalada can "suggest" or use one as an avatar directly, unless blessed by Aria, she then, can only speak through their energies
-They can go into a "Shukodata Kuurama" that is very much like an out-of-body experience, only the Sil can control it
-Sil women always have more "Munakou" capacity and speed than Sil men, but the men have more physical strength
-Sil must follow the Virtues that Dalada has to follow, because of the concepts she chose*
-If a Sil woman regenerates her hymen, she is then, declared a virgin or 'mukaisana' again by Dalada herself and their bodies go under a temporal shift, biologically making them the way they were before intimacy, they will not remember intimate encounters, the memories effectively fading to black, however, they will still remember the feelings they've had for people they've been with*
-If women Sil start to lactate, they never stop from that point on and for Sil, it causes the slightest of pleasures; Sil milk is quite nutritious, however, causes a tingling sensation if anything other than Sil drink it, because it still does contain "Munakou"; Sil women start to lactate when they reach sixteen years of age, it has nothing to do with intimacy or pregnancy, however, it does keep their mate aroused*
-Women Sil do not have a menstrual cycle, however, they are always furtile; During a Bloodmoon/Hunter's Moon, a Sil cannot run out of Munakou, are much more furtile, are in heat and have extremely high regeneration, but have a high chance of not remembering their activities
-When pregnant, Sil do grow a belly, but it is half the size of a human's belly, because of the placenta is surrounded by "Munakou" powered void energy which makes the signature very unique
-The only thing painful about giving birth is the fact that the fetus breaks through the regenerated hymen membrane, unless they are intimate a month before giving birth
-It takes five months for a Sil to give birth, unlike the nine it takes for human women
-Sil cannot inpregnate any other being or be inpregnated by them*
-WARNING: Sil are a pro procreation race, Dalada and Sil alike cannot take same gender relationships seriously, because of this
-Strengths: Super Strength, Speed and Dexterity, Flight, Potent Sil Blood and Shadow 'Rites', Regeneration (Certain things regenerate faster than others, intimate areas regenerate slower, but will regenerate completely after a month or so; uses stored "Munakou"), Sensing blood in many different forms, demons cannot hide their scent from her unless they use a LOT a great deal of the arcane to do so*
-Immunities: Crosses, Holy Water, Garlic, Stakes, Diseases, Poisons
-Weaknesses: Fire, Sunlight Heightened Bloodlust, Blood Starvation, 'Dead' or Cloned Blood, must use the "Shugasabikai" Bloodrite to rest in times of dire need, paralysis by neck fondling
-Most of this information is not contained in any database throughout the Multiverse
-Their language is known by Asuya, Kiname and Dalada only


Combat Theme: Paradox-FFXIII-2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhPRByQPbzE)
Idle Theme: Selisona(Pi)-E.S.Posthumus (Selisona: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdLEt3azdNE | Selisona Pi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0kAVenE_Vw)
Combat Theme 2: Gotham's Reckoning-Hans Zimmer, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clndZD_beQA)
Combat Theme 3: Hero-VTZ (www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8IYb4WmfgU)
Asuya, expressing her love for her dearest through voice and piano: Noel's Theme-FFXIII-2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtebBTm7Hs8)
Slumber Theme: Belato Base-RF Online OST (This one, you must find yourself~)
Awakening Theme: The Guardian-Darksiders 2 OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4lwpYLlVvM)
Portrait of Ruin: Memento-VTZ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=780hpwemqG4)
Shekimaru's Discovery and Confession against Asuya: Equinox of Insanity-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-LvlUwzJA)
Shekimaru's Attack on Asuya: Reaper-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0fb8zZxN9Q)
Counter Attack on Shekimaru: Bloody Black-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW_4BCJNhMA)
Death of Shekimaru: Escape from UB-3rd Birthday OST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5rh5lv-kc)
Happy Ending: For a Thousand Years-Christina Perri (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtOvBOTyX00)
Sil-Roar Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CevxZvSJLk8)


~...If you are a true warrior...always be ready to fight...and always be ready to lose...but most importantly, always be ready to get up. Defy your weakness...make it your strength and fight with everything you have, for the battlefield? 'Tis life.~ -Asuya Yuuki