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(Ben'haian image file)
(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Dryndas is another earth-like planet inhabited by the Chakra'Vi, a race of tall humanoids with impressive mental capabilities. Their technology is rather advanced, and they make use of their mental capabilities to drive their vehicles and power their weapons. Dryndas is ruled over by one Chakra'Vi: Lord Chokaizen Deusise, the successor of his father Kozen Deusise.
Dryndas is another earth-like planet inhabited by the Chakra'Vi, a race of tall humanoids with impressive mental capabilities. Their technology is rather advanced, and they make use of their mental capabilities to drive their vehicles and power their weapons. They have a class-based society, ranging from the poor Koshiko, to the wealthy and powerful Manaei. The class a Chakra'Vi is in is shown by their halo. A Koshiko has no halo, and a Manaei has a very fancy looking golden one. The most prominent feature of their planet are the floating cities, be it in the air or on the seas. Dryndas is ruled over by one Chakra'Vi: Lord Chokaizen Deusise, the successor of his father Kozen Deusise.
A noteable Chakra'Vi is the Manaei Lord Advisor Micoo, who is currently on Earth.
====Chakra'Vi image file====
[[File:Micoo.png|center|Lord Advisor Micoo in her Advisor attire.]]
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A technologically advanced planet, and home to the Tarath. The Tarath are a fierce species, declaring war to anything they do not consider an ally. They are a force to be feared, as they are the ones with the infamous Tarath Shandtra, a military force that even [[The OSF|The VSI and their divisions]] were not able to fight. The Tarath Shandtra still seems to have some form of bond with them, as one of the VSI's leaders ''is'' a Tarath.
A technologically advanced planet, and home to the Tarath. The Tarath are a fierce species, declaring war to anything they do not consider an ally. They are a force to be feared, as they are the ones with the infamous Tarath Shandtra, a military force that joined [[The VSI]] to expand their ranks and become even more deadly. Some people believe the Tarath Shandtra was accepted into the VSI by one of their leaders, Kiyuk, who ''is'' a Tarath.

Latest revision as of 11:27, 31 December 2013



Heyo everybody! You may or may not know me (not know me is most likely) from Champions Online, where I play various characters in my RP sessions, such as Slicer, Mesira, Hammer, Dragoon, etc. As for my other characters, I make quite a lot characters. Not all of them have pages yet, but those are under construction! And yes it IS true I have many female characters. It's just that I usually feel out of place and awkward when on a male character...Except Exobreaker for some reason.

I have won 2 Page of the Month awards. One with my character Slicer, and one with Mesira.

I am the proud creator of 8 alien species (Which are listed below), and numerous factions such as the infamous Omega Strike Force. I am also planning on expanding my most recent SG, the Coalition of Legends.

I would describe myself as being fun to hang out with, and really nice to everyone! I make friends pretty easily. But there are times that I am quite depressed. And that is true. My life is not really easy. Lots of things go wrong for me, and life always seems to do its best to get me depressed. But catch me in a good mood and you'll definitely see the best side of me!

Also, my birthday is on the second of February.

NOTE: My PC has recently crashed, and I lost -all- of my files. That being said, not ALL the costumes on some pictures may look the same in-game anymore.

Anyways...Well...I'm a female player with the annoying additude to make a tonload of alts (Got 25 at the moment), which mostly results in me getting confused who to jump on. There are a lot characters I really like, and for those I will be making a page. Without further ado, here are the characters of mine that have a page already:

Insert.png Character pick.png

Icon 1.png Icon 2.png Icon 6.pngIcon 3.png Icon 4.png Icon 5.png Icon 7.png Icon 10.png Growly (R.I.P.) Iconn.png

Insert.png Factios.png

Faction 1.png Faction 2.png Consul2.png

The Ississ Solar system

The Ississ solar system is the place where Slicer's story takes place. Other characters of mine, such as Yim Pathoy, Dragoon, and Exobreaker, are aware of the existence of this system. Anyone who works with UNTIL likely is too. Does your character work with UNTIL? Then he/she likely knows from this solar system.

The Ississ solar system holds 7 known planets and is (apparently) the current homebase of the OSF. The planets are (In order, based on position from the sun):


A rather small planet, that is too close to the sun to be inhabited. It has been noticed by UNTIL scientists, that the planet is moving closer and closer to the sun due to gravitational pull. Once, Toisroth shall inevitably crash into the sun.


Daxes is a small jungle planet inhabited by the reptilean Wydek. The Wydek are already fighting for centuries, a fight between the 3 tribes of Daxes. They are not technologically advanced, not even having come past the point of inventing electricity, thus they all rely on primal survival techniques. This is also the reason why Daxes is of no interest to the VSI.


Yarii is a moderate distance away from Toisroth, and is a rather Earth-like planet. It is one of the two planets with liquid water. It has -whole- seas. Yarii has three "countries". East Yarii, the Ther'tiae Region, and Vessay. Each of the countries is situated on a different continent. Yes, Yarii has three continents. And each country is ruled by a king, with the exception of the Ther'tiae Region, which is ruled by a queen. Those kings and queen together form the "Yarii Court of the Mighty". The technology originating from Yarii is special: The natives, the Arado, managed to construct things using both technology and magic, making contraptions such as Orrak Theros, a huge machine that landed on Earth by accident eons ago. The language spoken on Yarii is Singhalno.

Yarii is one of the few planets in the system to remain untouched by The OSF.

Arado image file

A male and a female Arado. The female Arado is actually a character of mine: Yim Pathoy.


Ben'hai is the second to largest planet in the system, and is one of the two with liquid water, but not as much as Yarii. It is also the only planet that has a star oribiting around it. Ben'hai is largely covered in a desert and is home to the Ben'haians, the native species of that planet. Other than a desert, there are also huge parts of rocky wasteland, and some of Ben'hai's cities (Such as Avaren) are SO large, that they can be seen from space. The language spoken on Ben'hai is Singhalno. The Ben'haian empire is ruled by emperor Alardran Urnimdra and his wife, Que'alee.

Ben'haians is actually just the name in English, and as which Slicer introduced the species to the humans. The term for a Ben'haian is "Taidra", in their language.

Ben'haians are further described on my very own Ben'haian character's page: Shir'ith Al'kto.

Ben'haian image file

A male and a female Ben'haian.


Dryndas is another earth-like planet inhabited by the Chakra'Vi, a race of tall humanoids with impressive mental capabilities. Their technology is rather advanced, and they make use of their mental capabilities to drive their vehicles and power their weapons. They have a class-based society, ranging from the poor Koshiko, to the wealthy and powerful Manaei. The class a Chakra'Vi is in is shown by their halo. A Koshiko has no halo, and a Manaei has a very fancy looking golden one. The most prominent feature of their planet are the floating cities, be it in the air or on the seas. Dryndas is ruled over by one Chakra'Vi: Lord Chokaizen Deusise, the successor of his father Kozen Deusise.

A noteable Chakra'Vi is the Manaei Lord Advisor Micoo, who is currently on Earth.

Chakra'Vi image file

Lord Advisor Micoo in her Advisor attire.


Kymore is a planet of average size that is the only planet to have (had) an embassy (The Embassy of Kymore) in charge of the entire planet. Unlike all other planets, Kymore has no regions, or countries. Kymore is a rather cold planet, situated rather far away from the sun. However, the Kymorians, the native species, seem to have no trouble with it. With their highly advanced powered suits, they stay warm in the cold environment. It is no surprise that Kymore has no water at all. Only deep under the surface, there hides water. And lucky for them, the orbit of Kymore is rather elliptic in shape, causing the planet to go closer to the sun every quarter of a year, melting the ice on the planet's surface and refilling the water pools. The language spoken on Kymore is Kymori. When they are not outdoors, Kymorians prefer open clothing, seeing as their houses are usually very warm inside.

However, Kymore is now under control of the OSF. They wrecked most of Kymore's cities, and built a lot of enormous prison complexes on the planet, the most infamous one being Carcerem Mortis.

Kymorian image file

A male and a female Kymorian.


Poltanusk is the largest planet of the system, and is in fact mostly mechanical. It used to be the same as Kymore, but a lot colder and bigger. The Poltan have been on that planet since the beginning of time, it seems. They slowly but certainly changed the rock into metal, until Poltanusk looked like what it looks like now: A huge sphere made of metal, several huge metallic plates spinning around its energy core. That of course means that the core of the planet can be seen. Those plates are in fact supposed to resemble Yarii's 3 continents. The plates are connected by bridges. Other than that, Poltanusk almost has no foliage or green whatsoever. The very few forests that remain are stored inside huge greenhouses. Poltanusk is almost literally one huge city with an economy that others can only envy. The Poltan Ministry was in charge of the planet, until the VSI took it over and made it their homebase.

Poltan image file

A Poltan. It should be noted that the Poltan usually have feminine shaped bodies. Also, 87% of the Poltan has female programming. Whether this is intended or not remains unknown.

The Oseris System

The latest addition to my lore, the Oseris system once was a system brewing with life, before an intergalacic threat known as Hypernova destroyed many planets within it. Only 3 remain to this day. The planets are, in position from the sun:


Eshyria is a technologically advanced planet inhabited by the Omroth'Esh. They have fully mastered quantum leaping and applied it to all of their space vessels. This very technology is trying to be replicated by other species, even by some from Ississ. The only Omroth'Esh currently on Earth is Kzerra.


Home to the Rahuk, who played a great role in the defeat of Hypernova. They are infamous for their willpower and strength, and once possessed the largest space fleet of their system. However, after the fight with Hypernova, two thirds of their fleet was destroyed. The most noteable Rahuk is the superhero Vangarde, an ally of Cyblast.


A technologically advanced planet, and home to the Tarath. The Tarath are a fierce species, declaring war to anything they do not consider an ally. They are a force to be feared, as they are the ones with the infamous Tarath Shandtra, a military force that joined The VSI to expand their ranks and become even more deadly. Some people believe the Tarath Shandtra was accepted into the VSI by one of their leaders, Kiyuk, who is a Tarath.