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Revision as of 00:31, 3 September 2014

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The Red and Blue Soldier Boy
Blue Patriot
The Star-Spangled Shieldsman
10 Hut!
Player: @somerandomkid500
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Ezekiel "Zeke" Thomas
Blue Patriot, BP, Ezekiel, Zeke, The Black Indy Kid
July 3rd
Somewhere in Millennium City
Basement in Westside
Hero, Adventurer
Legal Status
No Criminal Records
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Christopher Thomas (Father, Blue Patriot I, deceased), Francine Thomas (Mother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
154 lbs
Body Type
Tall, Muscular, Slender
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Peak Human Strength,

Peak Human Speed,

Peak Human Stamina,

Peak Human Durability,

Peak Human Agility,

Peak Human Reflexes,

Peak Human Endurance,

Acute Human Senses
· Equipment ·
Costume, Steel Patriot Shield, Tonfa, Chain Lariat
· Other Abilities ·
Skilled Athlete and Combatant


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Appearance and Personality

Ezekiel Thomas is a young teenager that attends a local public high school and is a devoted student and is skilled in the fields of science, math, biology, computer programming and writing. Zeke is a 17 year old that focuses on living up to his father's legacy as the Blue Patriot and his misadventures and journeys as a superhero often leave him exhausted near the end of the day. Zeke is often said to have a very athletic physique and fit, he plays football in and out of school to keep himself in shape and when hes not doing that he often catching up on his studies in school, fellow female peers often find him attractive and cute.

As the Blue Patriot, Zeke has only one thing on his mind and thats living up to his father's legacy as a hero. When Zeke is in his uniform he is often seen with his shield ready and prepared for a possible fight, Zeke also partakes in parkour and uses this method of running as his way of transportation and is almost always spotted running and jumping across rooftops. He is only sometimes seen fighting crime during the day and thats during the weekends when he isn't in school, but on weekdays he is only active during the afternoon and sometimes nights.

Zeke's costume is a navy blue military jacket, tucked black pants with two red and white stripes (one on each side), leather red boots, fingerless combat gloves, domino mask, and infamous backwards trucker hat.

Friends and Allies



Name: Michael Peterson
Abilities: Venom Shock, Arachna Sense, Voltage Webs, and Omicron Super Strength

"Mike Peterson was born a mutant with spider-like powers and abilities which he uses to fight for the people he swore to protect. Although Killer's had his ups and downs, at the end of the day hes a hero who lives up to what he believes in"



Name:Richard Roger
Abilities: Superhuman Attributes, Toxin Generation, Wall-Crawling

"Hes a strange kid and he looks like a bruised banana but hes a cool guy I guess"

Rogues Gallery


Red Soviet

Name: Bernardo Blitzkrieg
Abilities: Magic, Spell-Casting, Flight

"I don't have much info on Red Soviet, but I know he killed my father and he will pay for taking him away from me. Little does Soviet know it was BECAUSE of what he did that motivated me into picking up my dad's mantle and becoming a hero."



Powers and Abilities

  • Peak Human Strength: Zeke's strength was increased to the peak of human potential. While not superhuman, he can lift up to approximately 500 lbs.
  • Peak Human Speed: Zeke is capable of leaping great distances and running up along buildings, running at 22.5 mph. Fast enough to outrun a speeding car.
  • Peak Human Stamina: Zeke's musculature produced less fatigue toxins during physical activity than most other humans, though not to a superhuman degree. He could physically exert himself at peak capacity for approximately 1 hour before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood began to impair him.
  • Peak Human Durability: Zeke's body is physically resistant to most things, While still subject to all human physical vulnerabilities, he is more resistant to them than most other humans.
  • Peak Human Agility: Zeke is probably as agile as an Olympic gymnast. Zeke's enhanced agility probably outdoes any Olympic gymnast ever competed.
  • Peak Human Reflexes: Zeke's reflexes were increased to similar levels and were superior to that of any Olympic athlete.
  • Peak Human Endurance: Zeke is incredibly tough and resilient, through his greatly increased strength, stamina, speed and endurance, Zeke is capable of fighting toe-to-toe with experienced martial artists.
  • Acute Human Senses: Zeke's five senses are greatly enhanced to peak human levels. He is capable of dodging most bullets due to his eyesight rendering him able see bullets slow down, he can smell a fire or something on fire far quicker then the average human, and his hearing allows him to hear past solid concrete walls.


  • Costume: Zeke's costume is made of a state-of-the-art, Ghost Armor, which can go undetected underneath Zeke's jacket. The Ghost Armor is capable of withstanding bullets, electricity, and fire.
  • Steel Patriot Shield: The Steel Patriot shield was originally wielded by Zeke's father and was linked to his genetic coding, when Zeke came across it was then linked to his being that he was the first Blue Patriot's biological son and so if anyone other then Zeke picks up the shield their bound to receive an electric shock and a special barrier will surround it until Zeke can get to it again.
  • CT-1 Boomerang Tonfa: Simply known as, Tonfa, Zeke carries a antique Boomerang Tonfa. The "Boomerang Tonfa" stays true to its name, Zeke uses it to commonly disorient enemies, disarm thugs, or hit levers/buttons/and switches that reside in hard to reach places. The initials for the tonfa are also the initials of Zeke's deceased father, Christopher Thomas and the 1 indicates him as the first Blue Patriot.
  • Chain Lariat: After having his tonfa broken in a battle with some New Purple Gang thugs within their own warehouse hideout, Zeke resorted to a chain "lasso" or Lariat to defend himself. Zeke has since had his tonfa replaced and kept the chain to better keep enemies at bay.


  • Skilled Athlete: Zeke is an excellent athlete and has portrayed skill in Parkour, he is commonly seen running up walls and jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
  • Skilled Combantant: Even without his powers, Zeke, partially through his adventures, is an experienced and formidable hand to hand combatant, said to have trained with some of UNTIL's and PRIMUS's most experienced combatants.
  • Learner of the Dragon Fist: Ezekiel recently learned how to master a martial art known as, the Dragon Fist. The Dragon Fist is the harnessing of your life energy known as, Chi and using it to perform/execute the perfect uppercut to your opponent.


  • Only Human: The common misconception with Super-Soldiers is that people mistaken them for Superhumans, well their not. Super-Soldiers are basically standard, everyday humans just all their physical attributes are augmented to peak human levels making them still able to be killed by typical human weaknesses, and Zeke is able to be killed by a bullet to the brain or be crush by a train.
  • Sensory Overload: Zeke is very dependent on his enhanced five senses and they are susceptible to be overloaded special devices or machines outfitted to just this.
  • Bad Tactician: Zeke lacks the self-confidence in himself to lead a team like most of Millennium City's fellow patriotic heroes. He feels that he just works alongside his other friends and allies rather then lead his team into a ditch.


  • Character is loosely inspired off of Marvel Comics' Patriot
  • The Blue Patriot name was once the nickname of my deceased father.