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The dragon tossed aside his autocannon, in which it disappeared in an odd blue mist, and threw a deadly swing towards one enforcer. Upon another look the officer noticed that his hand was covered in lethal and razor-sharp shards of ice, adorning his jumpsuit-covered knuckles. The hook connected with the enforcer's helmet, knocking him off balance. The helmet shattered and exposed the human's bloodshot eyes and furious face, upon which he was met with a tooth-shattering jab and knocked out cold. The dragon thrust his leg in a backward, horse-like kick, hitting the commander in the gut and sending him flying in the other direction. Before he could retaliate, the other enforcer's tubes lit up with green energy, and delivered a piercing uppercut to the dragon's snout, avenging his fellow.
The dragon tossed aside his autocannon, in which it disappeared in an odd blue mist, and threw a deadly swing towards one enforcer. Upon another look the officer noticed that his hand was covered in lethal and razor-sharp shards of ice, adorning his jumpsuit-covered knuckles. The hook connected with the enforcer's helmet, knocking him off balance. The helmet shattered and exposed the human's bloodshot eyes and furious face, upon which he was met with a tooth-shattering jab and knocked out cold. The dragon thrust his leg in a backward, horse-like kick, hitting the commander in the gut and sending him flying in the other direction. Before he could retaliate, the other enforcer's tubes lit up with green energy, and delivered a piercing uppercut to the dragon's snout, avenging his fellow.
Snowtalon fell to the ground unconscious as the commander, of which who's armored chestplate read "Lance" on left side, managed to get to his feet. Without anything resembling balance, he managed to limp his way over to the enforcer.
Snowtalon fell to the ground unconscious as the commander, of which whose chestplate read "Leonardson" on left side, managed to get to his feet. Without anything resembling balance, he managed to limp his way over to the enforcer.
"God damn--" The commander coughed prefusely, from his injuries. "--it. How many casualties?" Commander Lance inquired to the enforcer.
"God damn--" The commander coughed prefusely, from his injuries. "--it. How many casualties?" Commander Leonardson inquired to the enforcer.
"All squads down. Two vehicles destroyed in the scuffle, sir."
"All squads down. Two vehicles destroyed in the scuffle, sir."

Latest revision as of 14:17, 19 September 2013

Snowtalon banner.png

Skarius Snowtalon slumped to the floor, encased in pitch-black and grey power armor, blue lights glowing dimly. His arms were restrained by two large stasis locks, and another around his neck. Two members of the Tralonian military police, an earth dragon and a void dragon specifically, stand stoic over the accused snow dragon. They were in a metallic-grey room with onlookers up in the observation room, overseeing the dragon's trial.

"Mr. Snowtalon...Imperial Battlemaster, veteran of countless battles, youngest commander in history to attain the highest honor a Tralonian can attain..."

Skarius grimaced, his head lowered.

"...has been accused of treason by Exarch Emberstone, who has provided footage of such acts committed by the very same individual." Before him stood a Tralonian flame dragon sporting some very elaborate and fine robes, with detailed engravings and elegant markings present.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, former Battlemaster? Or shall you face your fate with nothing but grim and stoic silence?"

The snow dragon contemplated for a while, his head tilting slightly. His piercing, reptilian, amber eyes glanced behind himself, seeing the faces present in the crowd above. He rose his head, and looked the judge in the eye.

"I know I did not commit these acts, nor can I refute them, now that none other than Azala Emberstone has convicted me, and framed me. But of course, the Empire would not send any agents to investigate the issue, accusing me of taint. That I was unpure, because I stood valiant when all my other allies fell. That I had unholy assistance. But I will depart with this one lingering question. Do you think you can put down your grievances and bias down for a period of time to fight a bigger threat, or is the Empire far too pompous and ruthless?"

The judge fell silent. He was about to open his toothy maw, but fell silent.

"...I was not expecting an answer."

"Then you are found guilty, Skarius Snowtalon, of treasonous acts, and sentenced to inter-dimensional exile. You have your things, your equipment. Guards."

The dragon rose with the assistance of the two, almost equally-as-burly as Snow, military policeman hoisted the eight foot dragon back on his feet. As the judge moved out of the way and proceeded up to the observation room, Skarius was placed on a central platform with two large arcs over it, dimensional residue lingering around the center. The two guards thrust Skarius forward as he was placed on the platform, detaching the stasis locks around his neck and arms. The dimensional gateway's arcs started spurring and moving rapidly, as Skarius stood, apparently as still as a statue, accepting his fate. Within a few seconds, the arcs accelerated rapidly, and with a flash and a deafening WHAP!...

He was banished. A Tralonian woman in the crowd lowered her head. She was a snow dragon, and sighed disappointingly.

A loud thump occurred in the brisk, freezing cold snow of the British countryside. It was winter, and the branches of the trees nearby were piled upon pile with snow. The surrounding area was almost like a painting in its serenity, with nothing but scurrying wildlife and snowflakes dropping to the ground upon feet of snow. Some of the snowflakes fell upon a pitch-black armored figure, who slowly awoke. His large frame stood tall as he lifted his hand, rising up to his feet...yet again. The hell am I? Skarius peered around this beautiful picture of winter, gazing with an equally curious and equally stunned visage. He lifted a foot and took a step. Gravity is lighter here... He thought, and started moving through the countryside.

Within what seemed like a few minutes to the burly dragon, he found an old cave dug into the side of a nearby mountain. Glancing behind himself periodically, he could use the shelter. He needed a place to stay and forage, now, given that he was lost, and alone in another world. A world of which he had no knowledge. Although calm on the outside, Skarius was furious inside. That because some former lover of his managed to swindle a few Tralonian bureaucrats and get him exiled out of a grudge cost him everything. All he had now were some personal items, his suit, and his belt. That was it. He had no knowledge of this place, that he would need to learn everything again, now that he was in exile. He was not even sure this place had sentient inhabitants. That was, until...

Two Weeks Later.

The blizzard was picking up, but thanks to his keen eyes, he could easily see through the blistering snow building up all around him. He needed to find a residence of some sort, or the inhabitants of the planet. He had hoped that they would be somewhat like him if not similar, and that they wouldn't be stick-waving stone age cavemen.

"Why the hell 'ave we gotta lug all our equipment out of the place in the middle of a fucking blizzard?"

Someone nearby complained, though he could see himself. Snowtalon quickly activated his boot-mounted thrusters and clung a nearby mountain archway to see who was speaking. From atop his position he could see an advancing convoy of what appeared to be garishly-dressed soldiers. With yellow armor and green undersuits, and snake motifs. His eye caught the man with his helmet off, revealing a greying crewcut atop his head. Humans? They're here, too? The dragon thought. There were humans back in his own dimension, and he was somewhat surprised to see this dimension had similar inhabitants. Laying low, the dragon decided to crouch behind the archway as not to draw any attention. An armored convoy of at least four tanks, six separate squads of soldiers and two bulky, experimental soldiers with all sorts of enhancements running through their suits were not to be trifled with. Or so he thought, until a stray shot hit his armor. The shields flared up.

"Get the scaly bastard! Open fire, but don't kill him! The scientists will have good use for the corpse!" The commanding officer fired his pistol, and the other grunts opened fire with their pulse rifles.

Snowtalon yet again engaged thrusters and dove for the ground near one squad, pulling out what appeared to be some sort of heavy machine gun with slick-black plating. As the gun whirred, it opened fire with lethal volleys of bullets, and the few other squads nearby came to their aid. Lethal projectiles flew downrange and pierced his enemies' shoddy armoring.

"Tanks, do not open fire! I repeat, do not open fire!" The commander still stood as the dragon was cutting down his own men, and the burly reptile started moving forward, sputtering bullets over his squadmates and tearing a few holes in the nearby vehicles. The two enforcers came to aid as he cut down the last squad with avalanches of bullets, and the commanding officer came forward and joined the hand-to-hand fray.

The dragon tossed aside his autocannon, in which it disappeared in an odd blue mist, and threw a deadly swing towards one enforcer. Upon another look the officer noticed that his hand was covered in lethal and razor-sharp shards of ice, adorning his jumpsuit-covered knuckles. The hook connected with the enforcer's helmet, knocking him off balance. The helmet shattered and exposed the human's bloodshot eyes and furious face, upon which he was met with a tooth-shattering jab and knocked out cold. The dragon thrust his leg in a backward, horse-like kick, hitting the commander in the gut and sending him flying in the other direction. Before he could retaliate, the other enforcer's tubes lit up with green energy, and delivered a piercing uppercut to the dragon's snout, avenging his fellow.

Snowtalon fell to the ground unconscious as the commander, of which whose chestplate read "Leonardson" on left side, managed to get to his feet. Without anything resembling balance, he managed to limp his way over to the enforcer.

"God damn--" The commander coughed prefusely, from his injuries. "--it. How many casualties?" Commander Leonardson inquired to the enforcer.

"All squads down. Two vehicles destroyed in the scuffle, sir."

"Take the beast back. I'm going to enjoy watching the bastard get cut open."

To be continued!