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| name = Superior
| player = @magemighty
| image = Superiorflight.jpg
| caption = Earth's shining example.... Hopefully.
| class_focus = Tank
| level = 40 (eventually)
| research = Science
| realname = Kel'Il
| alias = Superior (Not currently used), John Suffolk
| gender = Male
| species = Kelvarian colonist
| ethnicity = Alien, blends among humans
| birthplace = Kelvaron, raised in Haynesville, Kansas
| operations = Millennium City
| relatives = Adoptive family: James (Adoptive father) and Amy Suffolk (Adoptive mother) and his biological family: Vor'Il (Father) and Mara'Tor-Il (Mother), Kar'Il ([[Energy Girl]])(Cousin), Nor'Qor-Il ([[Superior Lad]])(Genetically engineered clone)
| age = 27
| height = 6"5'
| weight = 185lbs
| eyes = Blue
| hair = Black
| complexion = Fair skinned, chiseled
| build = Tall, muscular
| features = Stubble
| alignment = 9
| reputation = 6
| identity = Secret, unused currently
| years_active = 0
| citizenship = American
| occupation = None
| education = College level
| marital = Single
| powers = Super strength, invulnerability to an unknown degree, speed, flight, various EM visions, heat vision, high lung capacity, freeze breath... the list goes on (Untested strength limits)
| paraphernalia = Kelvar environmental protection suit
| strength = 9
| endurance = 9
| agility = 10
| speed = 9
| fighting = 4
| projectiles = 9
| durability = 9
| resistance = 9
| intelligence = 6
| psyche = 7
| intuition = 10
| charisma = 5
Kel'Il, one of the last of a great and powerful race of aliens from a distant colony. He has powers that many can only dream of, yet, for some reason, he seems unsure of them. Always willing to protect others, he hopes to be a shining example to humanity.
=Prologue: Forged in fire=
John Suffolk was born as Kel'Il on a colony of the planet Kelvar 27 years ago. He was born in the midst of a war within the star system, against the neighboring Korvarlan people. However, the planet's core had become unstable after hundreds of brutal attacks in the planet's orbit, the radioactivity in the core was seeping out, beginning to set off a chain reaction across the planet that would eventually lead to its, and Korvarla's, destruction.<br>
Kel's biological father Vor'Il was a scientist for the colony. He had noticed the instability of the core as it was manifesting itself as freak weather across the planet.  He made preparations alongside his wife Mara'Tor-Il to save their son's life by constructing a ship to fly him away from the doomed planet, the first functional ship on the colony for centuries as the gravity of the planet and the sun it orbited made it nigh-impossible for a ship to take off. Around this time, Vor presented his findings to the Parliament, a council which governed the colony, however, they refused to believe him; having become so complacent in the so-called safety of the colony.<br>
Shortly after this, the disheartened Vor finished the rocket.<br>
Around the same time, the Kelvarian war criminals that had released a black hole generator in another colony's orbit, led by General Gro'Lor were due to stand trial. Vor was present at the trial, mainly to preach some more about the imminent destruction of the planet, this set the General off in a rage, saying how Vor had 'Failed the colony and disgraced his family for being a raving madman'. Shortly after this, he was sentenced to 1000 years on a desolate asteroid alongside his fellow conspirators. (they were sent there using a specially designed, one-way, teleport)<br>
Shortly after this, the instability in the colony's core became more and more noticeable, Vor and his wife stepped up their progress. Finishing the rocket, they immediately, after a heartfelt goodbye, sent him off to a planet with significantly less gravity, technology and under a yellow sun. They thought these conditions would secure his survival if he survived the trip, having discovered the effects that they have on his particular group of colonists.<br>
Then, the planet began to die, the core began to expand massively, causing powerful tremors and Earthquakes across the planet, each stronger than the last until, it simply collapsed in on itself, causing a world-ending explosion...
==Kansas and other trials==
Kel'Il's ship was briefly caught in the blast, its shielding protecting it from any real damage, it merely gave it the boost it needed to kick in its engines at full power, allowing the ship's slipspace drive to activate sooner than expected, taking him to his new home faster.<br>
The slipspace drive of the young Kel'Il's ships materialized in him in our solar system moments later. The engines immediately began propelling him to what would be his new home: Earth.<br>
<p>It was midnight outside of Haynesville, Kansas when what appeared to be a lone meteor crashed down to Earth in the middle of a field. Luckily, a kind, newly married, couple were returning from a late night party when it crashed near them. Naturally, the couple, being naturally adventurous, investigated further. They founding what they perceived as a blessing from the heavens in the crater. They found a baby, something they had always wanted but could never have due to unfortunate circumstances. They immediately wrapped the baby in the blanket that they found him in and drove off. These people were James and Amy Suffolk, but to Kel'Il, they would be mom and dad.</p>
The couple, being Kansas farmers, were worried that they could not protect their new found child from the government (who they were sure would come for him), used a few of Amy's old connections to forge his birth details. They gave the child a new name: John Suffolk. It didn't take long for them to realize that their son was different. As a baby, he was prone to violent fits, caused by difficulty breathing, little did they know that this was due to him adapting to Earth's atmosphere and his own absorption of yellow sun radiation, granting him powers. After these violent fits were over, he had a relatively stable and calm life for a few more years...<br>
[[image:John7.jpg|thumb|200px|left|John, aged 7, discovering his Superstrength]] 7 years later, John experienced what could be called growing pains. He started having excruciating pains across his body. This continued for several weeks, his parents were worried and his mother considered taking him to a hospital. His dad however, was over-protective and refused it, he said to 'let it takes its course'. One day, John struck out in anger at his family truck, he dented it, massively. This made him curious, he tried to lift the car and, with much effort, managed it and lifted it above his head. Much to his, and his parents, amazement and fear. He was no longer 'normal'...<br>
This was merely the first of many strange occurrences. A few months later, John was having a tantrum, he went outside to vent his anger and then he felt a burning in his eyes. Glaring at a nearby bench, his eyes began emitting rays of heat, melting the bench. To his horror, he had discovered another 'power'. This worried his father further, instilling his belief that his son must keep his abilities a secret. [[image:Johnheatvision.jpg|200px|thumb|left|John discovers his heat vision]]<br>
A few months later, John then discovered he could hold his breath for extended periods of time during a swimming lesson at Haynesville school. By this time he'd learned to accept that he was different. However, a later fright came in the form of the manifestation of his super hearing, micro-vision and X-ray vision. It happened in the middle of a friends party, in front of all of his 'friends'. He could suddenly hear everything for miles around him, see through walls and hone in on items miles away. He fled the house, hiding in the Kansas fields for hours on end until his parents came to him and lovingly attempted to teach him to hone in on only the things he wanted to see or hear. It worked. He mastered yet another power but at the cost of being socially outcast.<br>
His teenage years went by with relatively without incident with only a few moral lessons about keeping his abilities a secret, shaping the man he would become...
===The Fire===
Everything seemed to be going well for John, 18 years old, until he was travelling with his parents, on a Holiday to Millennium City, the first time he'd seen the great city and he was loving in his time their, the Renaissance Center was particularly amazing to him. All in all, he liked what he saw. However, one day he was visiting the run-down suburbs of West Side, he was wandering around until he found a fire in an apartment complex, as if impulsively, he ran towards it, discovering yet another power: super speed. At first, this again scared him, but for the first time in his life, he decided to harness his powers and save the people in the building.<br>
He decided to adapt his lung capacity and use it to release a massive gust of wind to put out some of the fires. He used his strength to free people from being trapped under rubble, it was all going incredibly well until some of the building collapsed around him...<br>
... This was when he fully discovered his indestructibility. He found that the rubble against him barely hurt him, only a blunt, minor pain. The initial shock of surviving soon wore off, he freed himself from the rubble, saving the remaining people and fleeing the scene. Returning to Kansas using his super speed, he left a note for his parents explaining where he planned to go and that he was leaving. Then, he vanished, not to be seen again for several years...
=The lost years=
It would take years for John to reappear, sometimes he'd be seen in fleeting appearances. He became a drifter, travelling around the world, taking the odd job. He never stayed in one place too long. [[image:Johndrifting.jpg|200px|thumb|left|John, drifting on a Canadian highway]] Throughout this time, he kept searching for other 'special' people to find if he wasn't alone, but he could never find someone exactly like him, with all of his unique powers. He would always hide his powers while travelling, however, situations sometimes arose that demanded the immediate use of his powers to save people. After these times, he would flee to almost another continent.[[image:Johnjob.jpg|thumb|200px|right|John, working as a bartender in London]]
However, after several years of no luck into the search for people like him. He returned to Haynesville, seeing his parents for the first time in years. He asked about where he came from. They finally divulged the secrets about the night that they found him, the spaceship and all. Then, they revealed that they had towed said spaceship to their farm and had been hiding it there ever since. Naturally, they showed it to him and he finally understood that he was an alien.[[image:Superiorship.jpg|thumb|200px|left|John's ship and the missing link to his past]]<br>
From then on, he searched for his meaning and more about his race, using his jobs as sources of information about anything weird or unexplained, hoping that he will someday hear the one bit of news or information he's after...
==The Wolfgirl==
At some point during 'the Lost years' John met a young wolf girl by the name of Vara at the docks in a far off city. She was suicidal after he unfortunate mutation had manifested itself in the middle of a night club. John, being as empathetic as he was, made it his job to talk her out of giving up everything, letting her release her grievances onto him. He listened to her every word, all in an attempt to [[image:Johnandvara.jpg|thumb|190px|right|John talking the Wolf girl away from the edge.]]show her that she isn't alone and that there are people like her. In the end, she listened to him, she stepped away from the churning waters with renewed hope for her life. John was happy about this, but he couldn't help but reflect on his own loneliness in the world and how there was no one like him, he just had to keep pushing forward to find his purpose...
==The Unexplained arctic object==
While working a job at a Canadian bar for a few months, he overheard some drunken army soldiers openly talking about a top-secret find in the Arctic ice, saying something about it not being from Earth. Upon hearing this, he quit his job, falsified a new identity and somehow set about to work, getting assigned to the Military Research base: Arctic storm. He worked their for several days, overhearing the various theories about what the object was. Some thought it was a high-tech submarine. Others thought it was a failed NASA shuttle design. But most settled on the fact that it was alien.[[image:Colonistship.jpg|thumb|200px|right|The Colonists scout ship in arctic tundra]] One night, he explored the vessel, discovering an entrance and establishing that is was definitely alien. He explored some more, looking for some kind of hint as to where it was from. Then, he found the bridge of the ship, it contained a mysterious console that seemed to be calling to him. He touched it. Suddenly, the ship sprang to life, its systems activating and the AI that inhabited the ship: Intellnac, activating, offering him information about his people, teaching him their language and showing him their history. Intellnac also told him his personal history, recognizing him as the lost Kel'Il, he replayed a goodbye message from his birth parents and showing him his heritage. His father told him to keep pushing himself and stand as a symbol of hope, no longer hiding in the shadows. The AI then cryptically alluded that there were more secrets hidden inside the vessel before teleporting the entire vessel to the middle of the  Arctic, hiding it from the military and activating its FORTRESS functions which meant that its architecture shifted dramatically, altering itself, ingraining itself into the arctic, providing a home for Kel'Il. The AI then did one last thing before going into hibernation, it showed him an environmental protection suit, made to be indestructible regardless of where he was, he also explained that it could adapt to any location he was in via the use of its adaptive biotech. Kel'Il then donned the suit for the first time.
Initially, John hated wearing the suit, it was tight and uncomfortable, allowing for more freedom of movement at the cost of it clinging to his body like a second skin. It'd take a while for him to get used to it. Even the cape was annoying, always waving around behind him, sometimes, although he'd never admit it, he tripped over it.<br>
However, he remembered what the message from his parents had said 'keeping pushing himself' and decided to take his new suit for a test run. Initially, he started by literally running, pushing as fast as he could go with his super speed by running laps around the world, he was surprised at how light the suit was, it allowed him to move faster than he ever had before, then he got even more adventurous, testing his strength, jumping, using all the muscles in his legs, he was able to do a super jump; he was content with this for a little while. But then he remembered what the message said about soaring high and tried something. He focused all of his thoughts on wanting to fly and, surely enough, gravity started to affect him less, he pushed off of the ground, soaring high into the atmosphere. He then discovered a function of the suit, when he left Earth's atmosphere, it formed a protective air bubble around his head, allowing him to breathe safely, this all left him in awe and motivated at what he could do, now seeing his powers as a gift from his birth parents.
==Skirmish in the sky==
Returning to Millennium City after his first ever flight, his super hearing picked up what appeared to be gunfire, screams for help and then... a Metallic roar?<br>
He used his microvision and found out that, outside city hall, a robotic dragon was on a rampage and that law enforcement were failing to stop it. He reacted how anyone with immense power would. He flew towards it, saving the life of a SWAT officer as he did so. The dragon then immediately struck out at him, catching him unaware with a glancing blow, knocking him into City hall, causing considerable damage. He wouldn't let it happen again. The robot flew towards him, preparing a punch. He caught it, easily, sending shockwaves through the street outside. He then pushed the dragon away, sending it into the building across the street.<br>
Pressing his advantage, and not wanting civilians to be injured in the crossfire, he flew over to the dragon, grabbing it by the neck and [[image:Cyberiafight2.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Kel's battle with Cyberia, the robo-dragon]]flying into the sky where they engaged in a deadly air based duel. The dragon began shooting rays of heat from its eyes, similar to Kel's own, naturally or instinctively, he blocked, finding that the rays actually hurt him, showing him that there is some limit to his invulnerability. He then returned fire with his own, conveniently, the robot then went into some kind of fit, demanding that something "GET OUT" of its head. His heat vision was able to knock the robot back on a collision course with a bell tower, it then ricocheted into the George MacDonald park, creating a massive crater. Kel then flew over to inspect the damage and neutralized the robot, then left before any reporters could find him. This left the people of Millennium City wondering who the new, unseen savior of the City was and left Kel wondering what exactly was in the dragon's head...
==The Heist==
Kel had barely enough time to ponder what could have infiltrated the dragon when he heard more trouble, near where he had left the dragon. A group of unknown contacts had attacked Millennium City, making their Ground Zero at the George MacDonald park. Kel immediately went to investigate, confident that he could handle it, however, he was wrong.[[image:Groundzero1.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Ground Zero. Photography by Nicole Daniels. SNN.]]<br>
When he arrived, he was faced down by people not unlike him, with similar abilities. He was outnumbered at least 7 to 1. He engaged them, getting his butt thoroughly kicked and punched through several blocks of the city before they went on their way. It would later come about that this was only the start. The invaders later hijacked all television signals, demanding that Earth hand over an alien fugitive and a stolen quantum slipspace drive in their possession. The leader of the invaders then identified himself as none other than General Lor.<br>
It didn't take the invaders, now known to Kel as being the same race as him, long to find what they perceived as being the 'stolen' technology in the Millennium City Natural History museum. As it turns out, the device had been donated by the Lemurians as a peace offering as it had been found thousands of years ago near the Mandragalore. Lor and his minions immediately took the museum hostage, taking the device and again making chilling threats.<br>
[[image:Superiormuseum.jpg|thumb|180px|left|Superior, as we call him, salutes the cameras. Photography by Nicole Daniels. SNN.]]It didn't take long for Kel to arrive at the scene, he recovered quickly from his beating and immediately flew to the museum, dispatching the noticeably weaker Colonists in the museum (Perhaps he was naturally stronger) and then facing down Lor himself in a brief but intense battle. [[image:VsLor2.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Kel and Lor's first battle]]<br>
In the end, Lor and his nefarious minions escaped with the Quantum slipspace drive which they required for reasons unknown and, although Kel had won the battle, he was certain that he had not won the war. He was certain that they need the device for something, he just didn't know what. He was left to soak up the press and pose for the cameras, even with those thoughts in his head...
==Stronghold Disaster==
Soon after the Colonists initial attack on Millennium City. Superior, as the SNN (Superpowered News Network) had taken to calling him, was called in by the US Government for a top secret meeting. When he arrived, he was immediately debriefed by a team of scientists about Lor [[image:Superiorvsprisoners.jpg|thumb|190px|left|Superior, battling some escaped prisoners.]]and the colonists. He then negotiated with them in order to be set free and help them. To test his loyalties, they informed him of the [[image:Superiormilitarybase.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Superior, arriving at a secret Military base.]]current riot at the high security Stronghold prison and deployed him as their ace in the hole. He began by making a dent in the rioters numbers, rounding up hundreds of them and handing them in with deadly efficiency. He then met up with a Project: Mind Games operative to allow him entrance into the prison by strengthening his mental blocks, the operative also revealed that the riot was caused by one of the most powerful psionics on the planet: Menton. Once inside, he proceeded to Menton, alone. There, Menton mentally tortured him, forcing him to experience painful [[image:SuperiorvsMenton.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Superior finishing off Menton.]]falsehoods about his life, things that could have been such as: Him murdering his adoptive family, ruling the world, joining Lor. Just when it seemed that Menton had defeated him by showing him all of the greatest things in his life and then shattering them, a vision appeared, a vision of his biological father, spurring him to fight[[image:Superiorvsmenton.jpg|thumb|150|right|Superior versus Menton.]] on, showing him a way past all the hallucinations and allowing him to deliver a brutal, finishing punch to Menton's jaw. The riot was ended at that moment. However, it worried him now that he knew that certain psionics can weaken him mentally, even if they can't hurt him physically...<br>
A curious thing for Superior, other than the vision of his father, was the sudden manifestation of a new power. While subduing the inmates, he discovered that he could condense and freeze his super breath, forming a variant he called 'Ice breath'. [[image:Superiorfreezebreath.jpg|thumb|190px|left|Superior's Ice breath manifesting for the first time.]]
===The Talisman incident===
While battling through Stronghold's various cell blocks, he entered the magic one where the supervillainess, Talisman, was calling the shots, abusing the weak or mind controlled prison guards. Superior, with his ingrained and strong sense of morals immediately went to help, even if the guards would not remember or appreciate it.<br>
He went in, with a brutal first hit knocking her into the next block along. He felt confident, assured that he could take her down but then, she unleashed magic, having never encountered it before, he was confident he could take it as well.<br> [[image:SuperiorvsTalisman.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Superior versus Talisman inside Stronghold.]]
He was wrong. The magic bolts managed to burn his skin, severely injuring him for the fight, forcing him to flee for his injuries to heal... he had discovered another weakness. After he'd healed, he went back in, focusing entirely on his super speed, he almost broke the speed of light, using it to barrage her with a brutal, knockout, beating before she could even react to it.
==The Red Diamond==
A little while after the Stronghold crisis, Superior was fully established in the city, with popularity to rival that of the champions. Unfortunately, this had been at someone else's expense another Kelvarian colonist, Red Diamond, used to be Earth's protector, but after repeat disappearances, he vanished from the public's interest, his popularity usurped, in his eyes, by Superior.<br>
He fell into a deep depression and reliance on alcohol. All this created a bitter resentment towards Superior. This culminated when he struck out at him, causing a massive match-up of Kelvarian powers, threatening the very citizens Diamond used to protect.<br>[[image:SuperiorvsDiamond.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Red Diamond vs Superior.]]
Obviously, due to Superior's natural skills and more recent usage of his powers, he was more than a match for the quasi-retired hero and was able to subdue him, getting him in a headlock, he handed him over to the authorities. The fact that he was able to injure Red Diamond proved something to himself, the colonist race he was from were for some reason able to injure eachother.
=Enter: Energy Girl=
Shortly after Superior's encounter with the fallen hero, Red Diamond, he was doing a routine patrol through the city. He heard a commotion atop a building in West Side. Choosing to investigate as usual, he encountered a woman, fighting with similar powers to him, dispatching the criminals. Given all previous encounters with his race, he readied for combat but, at that moment, the voice of Vor'Il appeared in his[[image:EnergygirlSuperior.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Energy Girl, the last daughter.]] head again, telling him to stay his hand. He floated down calmly and began a conversation with the woman, finding out that she was in fact his cousin, another survivor of the destruction of Kelvaron. They took the conversation into the sky in order to talk more privately, Kel being overjoyed that he found a living member of his biological family on Earth. He revealed his identity as John Suffolk and set into motion events to set her up as an Earth girl, they then went their separate ways, sure to stay in touch. He also granted her a hero name: [[Energy Girl]].
<p>His particular race of Kelvarian colonists are granted immense powers underneath the yellow sun of Earth. These are maintained also by the unique gravity and atmospheric composition of the planet.</p>
<b>Super strength</b>: Superior has, on many occasions, demonstrated an immense level of strength, capable of holding up a collapsing building, it is strength to an unknown level, even to him. Though... he has said he'd like to test it. This strength grants him the ability to go toe to toe with many of the world's deadliest and strongest supervillains. [[image:Superiorsuperstrength.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Superior, demonstrating his super strength.]]<br>
<b>Flight and super speed</b>: A staple of Superior's abilities and possibly the most frequently seen one, Superior has, over time, developed the ability to defy gravity at will. He has also shown to be able to move at great speeds with it when required. His apparent threshold for it seems to cap at the tail end of Hypersonic speeds, making it an invaluable asset to traversing the world with ease.[[image:Superiorflyingdesert.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Superior, flying through the desert.]] Superior has also been shown to be able to run and super speeds, rivalling those of Kinetic, allowing his to traverse enclosed spaces faster than he would be able to with flight. He also used this power avidly before he developed flight. <br>
<b>Heat vision</b>: Superior has, on many occasions, demonstrated the ability to emit rays of immense heat from his eyes, he typically uses this to weld doors together and secure collapsing buildings as the heat is deadly to humans. However, he has been known to use his heat vision against foes that he deems enough of a threat to warrant it, or able to withstand their power. [[image:Superiorheatvision.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Superior, using his heat vision near a VIPER base.]]<br>
<b>Invulnerability and super endurance</b>: Superior has demonstrated a level of invulnerability and durability to an unknown capacity, rarely flinching from any beating he's given and never gaining any scars. Bullets appear to ricochet against him rather than damage him and he has never received so much as a bruise in the public's eye. He has also been said to be never tiring, able to go for weeks on end without showing any form of tiredness or even a drop a sweat, but this could be exaggeration. These two factors again are an invaluable factor allowing him to stand toe to toe with creatures such as Grond and villains such as General Gro'Lor.<br>
<b>Super breath and Ice breath</b>: These two abilities can be attributed to his high lung capacity, an ability which also allows him to hold his breath for hours, if not days, on end, meaning he can survive in space or the vast depths of the sea for a considerable amount of time. Super breath is a byproduct of his lung capacity, allowing him to exhale with a force equal to that of a gale force wind. Ice breath[[image:Superiorsuperbreath.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Superior, using super breath against Gro'Lor.]] is caused by factors unknown to himself, all he knows is that he can condense and cool his breath into that of an arctic gust; perfect for putting out fires.<br>
<b>Longevity</b>: As Kel has lived among the humans, he has been absorbing solar radiation, super-charging his cells. He cannot die until the half-life of this radiation has completely dissipated from him, so, as long as he remains under a yellow sun, he can live almost indefinitely.
<p>Kelvarian colonists, although being gifted with immense powers, also have several crippling weaknesses which can be exploited once someone discovers them.</p>
<b>Kelvarite</b>: ((OOC note: Superior himself has not discovered this weakness yet, DO NOT exploit this without my permission.)) Kelvarian colonists are ironically made vulnerable by an isoptope of mineral known to give humans superpowers: Kelvarite. The radiation emitted from the rocks induces a reversible chemical reaction within the cells of the Kelvarian colonists. It removes their powers while causing them immense pain as it happens. It is one of very few things truly capable of killing a member of the species. Currently, there are no known isotopes of the specific Kelvarite variant required to injure a Kelvarian on Earth.<br>
<b>Magic</b>: As shown by Superior's encounter with Talisman, the colonists are vulnerable to forms of magic which are able to bypass their invulnerability.<br>
<b>Powerful Psionics</b>: Superior himself is not completely immune to telepaths, the most powerful of them such as Menton are able to infiltrate his mind and mentally attack him, even if they cannot physically hurt him.<br>
<b>Kelvarian colonists</b>: The race of colonists that Superior belongs to are capable of killing eachother due to matching power levels. They are able to exert enough force on each other with their attacks to shatter their own bones and kill one and other.
Superior is clearly my take on Superman, the Man of Steel take specifically. I'm always looking for ways to expand upon his character and differentiate him.<br>
This page will constantly be added to as new story arcs take place.

Latest revision as of 12:42, 28 June 2015
