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| border = #008080
| cell1 = #F535AA
| cell2 = #F535AA
| name = Miss Fitt
| player =
| image =
| caption =
| class_focus = Damage
| level = 19
| research = None
| realname = Fiona Dillashaw
| alias = Miss Fitt or just Fitt
| gender = Female
| species = Human
| ethnicity = American
| birthplace = Millenium City
| operations = Millenium City
| relatives = Parents, Uncle, two brothers.
| age = 22
| height = 6'3''
| weight = 148
| eyes = Green
| hair = Pink
| complexion = Caucasian
| build = Athletic
| features = Ear piercings, full body tattoos, lip piercing
| alignment = 7
| reputation = 2
| identity = Doesn't hide her identity, but she is one of many crime fighters.  Very unknown.
| years_active = Her first year
| citizenship = United States of America
| occupation = Mechanic/Crime fighter
| education = High School
| marital = Single
| powers = None, just basic combat sports training
| paraphernalia = Weight negating power fists, armor and a jetpack
| strength = 7
| endurance = 4
| agility = 4
| speed = 3
| fighting = 4
| projectiles = 2
| durability = 6
| resistance = 3
| intelligence = 6
| psyche = 4
| intuition = 7
| charisma = 5
[[Category:Miss Fitt]][[Category:Female]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Hero]][[Category:American]][[Category:Might]][[Category:Mechanic]][[Category:DPS]]
| header = #FFFFFF
== PRIMUS Database Entry Transcripts ==
='''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #C71585">History</div>'''''=
Soooo, like, my history?  Why do you guys wanna know something so boring?  For records?  Bah.  Alright, I like to stop bad guys with my fists.  We good?  More?!  Alright alright.  I'll bore you to death though.
Well umm, hi, my name is Fitt. Real name?  Fiona Dillashaw.  And I guess I'll start with my age, I'm 22, so, yeah, I was born 22 years ago.  I grew up with two older brothers and my folks were cool.  I mean they still are cool, yeah.  I grew up 'like one of the guys', wearing all baggy clothes and playing with action figures.  I don't think my mom was too thrilled with that but she, you know, loved me just the same.  I hope so at least!
  | font = #000000
Oh yeah, I loved anything to do with superheroes. I grew up in Millennium City so.. my life was like filled with superheroes here and there.  Magazines, movies, cartoons, toys, even the news.  I always wanted to be a caped crusader you know?  Wearing fancy tights and a cape; watching bullets bounce off my belly; making bad guys run while I fly around and scare the piss outta them... I really really wanted to do that.  I even convinced myself while I was in Elementary School that I was special, that I had powers or something [laughs].  I didn't.  I'm surprised I didn't kill myself on accident doing some of the dumb crap I did...
  | bg1 = #000000
[Long pause]
| bg2 = #b9b9b9
I'm not sure what else to say... About school? Sure.  Elementary School was fun.  I had a little superhero persona, I would even sneak a homemade costume to school and pick fights with bullies.  I had some crazy childish vigilante justice system in my dumb little head.  Got into trouble a lot.. not as much as Middle School or High School but.. yeah.  I was a little troublemaker.  A misfit if you will [laugh], get it?  Cause my alias is... oh you did get it.
  | bg3 = #797979
And uh, yeah, Middle School was weird. I mean it's weird for a lot of people right?  I was still obsessed with superheroes; I had a crush on pretty much every flavor-of-the-month superhero and heroine.  Writing silly fanfics and doing crappy drawings.. [laugh] I cringe thinking about it.  But moreso than being in other superheroes tights, I wanted to be in my own.  I wanted to be the gal that people had a crush on, or that people idolized.  Not in a weird power-trip fantasy way but.. you know, to have my own action figure or something.  Can you imagine?  A comic about me!  Who wouldn't want that?  I mean.. not who wouldn't want a comic about me.. I'm not that narcissistic.. I mean like.. who wouldn't want a comic about themselves?  But, oh yeah, back on track.
  | cell1 = #bbb
I started to become a little more self-aware in Middle School. Like, I realized I didn't have any special powers or stuff.  If I wanted to fight crime I'd, at best, be part of MCPD or some gun wielding soldier or .. I dunno.  There's nothing wrong about those peeps but ehh, it wasn't my dream.  I started treating myself like I was worthless, I didn't hurt myself or nothing but, at least physically.  But I stopped caring about all the important things.  I gave up any sports I played, stopped giving a crap about school, and fell into a shady crowd.  By High School I was a full-fledged rebel without a cause.
  | cell2 = #777
When I got to High School my parents got really strict, they saw the direction I was going, you know?  They knew what was best but I was such a hard headed chick [laugh].  My grades still slipped.  I had a lot of fun in High School though, but uh, it was the wrong kind of fun.  Like, sex, drugs, booze, partying.  That kind of fun.  But yeah, grades slipped, still didn't have a care in the world.  I started hating my folks, they were just looking out for me.  I swear there was times where I literally hated them for something silly like taking away my cellphone.. I hardly even use the damn thing no more [laugh].  They were just looking out for me, but.. I dunno, I guess it's hard to explain that to some punk kid.
Around the Summer of grade 11 my folks made me work at my Uncle's independent garage. He was a cool guy.  Is a cool guy I mean, he ain't dead or became uncool [laugh].  Again, hated my folks for that.  I guess I hated my folks for damn near anything.  Don't worry, I love em now.  But yeah, making me work at my Uncle's completely changed my life.
  | name = Miss Fitt
I got to work in a garage with a pretty good tinkerer, he taught me damn near everything. I actually really enjoyed it.  I still took it for granted though, coming in hungover, buzzed, or high.  My Uncle was good at making me feel all guilty though, so I tried not to let it show.  Anywho, after the Summer came grade 12.  And I waved at grade 12 as it passed me by.. I flunked it.  Had to take another year.  Parents were furious.  I learned some good habits at the garage but it didn't transition too well to school.
  | player = [[]]
My 'Graduation Summer' where I was supposed to be applying to Colleges I just stayed in the garage again.  My folks didn't know what to do I think.  They didn't want to ban me from working at the garage cause I would just be more of a problem.  Don't worry, I didn't forget about the "changing my life" part I just said.  One slow Summer in the garage I got bored and started making random stuff.  Eventually I made some sort of metal.. I dunno what it was, like a thigh guard maybe?  And then I needed to make some padding for the thigh guards.. and then I needed to make a matching protective belt.. and then why not some boot guards?  And maybe some reinforced boots. You see where this is going.
  | image = Fittpunch.png
I was kind of reliving my childhood dream. I was making my own superhero outfit, only, usable for a average non-superpower human.  I started to get those grandius.. grandias... gran.. what's the word?  Grandiose?  Yeah.  Grandiose plans that I only had as a little girl.  I started coming into the shop early and sober so I could have more time to work on my little project after all the real work was done.  In order to use any sort of super-suit or fight crime, I would need to get in better shape.  So I took some mixed martial arts classes and started working out at Carl's Gym.
  | caption = #FistsToFaces
So uh, Grade 12-2: Electric Boogaloo happened. I was still working at the garage after school.  But I really applied myself.  After the embarrassment of failing the grade, combined with my new kickin' rad attitude and inspiration, I was ready to do well.  Who wants some crime fighter that can't read good?  Or think great?  [laugh].  I passed with C+'s and B's.  To a lot of people that's average but.. well I guess it is average... but to me it was.. well I don't want to get all emotional-mushy-gushy, but damn, I'll admit I cried like a little girl the first time I got a B on anything.  My folks were happy to see me pull away from my little rebel phase I'm sure; luckily I didn't need to end up on some intervention TV show or other garbage like that.
  | realname = Fiona Dillashaw
So, 19 year old me graduated High School.  Yay.  I rented a little basement suite with a mini-workshop.  I actually kind of started my own little repair business.  I got enough work just to get by.  I still get little odd jobs here and there.  I also finished most of my suit.  I looked badass in it.  Real grimy home-made feel.  I loved it.  This was before I made any fancy weapons.  I guess I was cocky and thought my MMA classes could qualify me to beat up bad guys.  
  | alias = Fitt
I kind of.. unofficially... should I even say this? Ah, whatever, I didn't bother getting registered as a crime fighter or anything at first.  So I took to the streets in my homemade getup, ready to stop crime.  My pink hair ruffling in the wind as some wicked sick goggles protected my eyes.  I thought I was awesome.
  | gender = Female
Well, first encounter with some thugs went poorly. I got stabbed.  I got away but jeez, made me look like an idiot [laugh].  I felt dumb again, just as dumb as when I realized I had no powers.  I didn't give up though.  I was more tenacious now, I didn't want to feel like a dummy again.  I kept training and working, training and working, day after day.
  | species = Human
When I turned 20 I bought a jetpack. Yeehaw, that sucker was fun to use [laugh].  I use it all the time still.  I also began working on a prototype for some mechanical hydraulic fists, something that could give me an edge.  Something like that would set me apart from average-joe-crime-fighter.  I spent all the money I had for parts on the prototype, even took it to tech shops for consulting.  By 21 I had a working prototype and started making the motions to becoming officially registered as a crime fighter
  | ethnicity = Caucasian
[Sigh] Wow, I guess that's all, really. After I finished the prototype I had to work for another year to afford making the prototype a finished piece of tech.  But here I am now, 22 and being entered into the PRIMUS database as a superhero, ready to fight crime.  I know I'll jut be stuck fighting petty thugs on the street until I get more experience but I am so pumped.
  | birthplace = Millennium City, MI
[End of recording]
| operations = Millennium City, MI
| relatives = Mira Dillashaw (Mother)
| age = 23
| height =6'3''
| weight = 155 lbs.
| eyes = Green
| hair = Light blonde naturally. Pink dyed.
| complexion = Fair
| build = Toned, athletic, healthy amount of muscle.
| features = N/A
| fame = 3
| alignment = Neutral Good
| identity = Public
| years_active = 5
| citizenship = Citizen of the USA
| occupation = Member of Young Champions, UNTIL informant
| education = Dropout
| marital = Single
| powers = No natural powers, power armor giving her super-strength and highly
increased survivability.
| paraphernalia = Power armor.
| strength = 9
| weapon =3
| durability = 7
| armor = 6
| speed = 5
| reflexes = 4
| resistance = 2
| stamina = 2
| dexterity = 2
| agility = 4
| combat = 6
| regen = 4
| energy = 1
| psionics = 1
| telepathy = 1
| willpower = 5
| sorcery = 1
| tech = 4
| intelligence = 4
| knowledge = 5
| charisma = 7
| bravery = 7
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Summary</div>''''' =
Fiona Dillashaw likes to be known as Fitt, which is short from her original more angsty nickname 'Miss Fitt'.  Fitt currently lives in Millennium City and works within the Young Champions supergroup.  When she is not working she can usually be found at Club Caprice, Carl's Gym, or in her own apartment suite.
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Background</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Appearance</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Personality</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Powers</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Skills</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000">Weaknesses</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000"></div>''''' =
[[Category:Powered Armor]]
Image:Missfittdrawing.jpg|Drawing by @ReconHybrid
Image:Harpergang.jpg|Harper Security Solutions and friends!  by @ReconHybrid
Image:Missfittchibi.jpg|Miss Fitt chibi-style!  by @ReconHybrid

Latest revision as of 11:10, 13 April 2014

Miss Fitt
Player: [[]]
Biographical Data
Real Name: Fiona Dillashaw
Known Aliases: Fitt
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Millennium City, MI
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Mira Dillashaw (Mother)
Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Light blonde naturally. Pink dyed.
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Toned, athletic, healthy amount of muscle.
Physical Features: N/A
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: Citizen of the USA
Occupation: Member of Young Champions, UNTIL informant
Education: Dropout
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
No natural powers, power armor giving her super-strength and highly

increased survivability.

Equipment and Paraphernalia
Power armor.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Fiona Dillashaw likes to be known as Fitt, which is short from her original more angsty nickname 'Miss Fitt'. Fitt currently lives in Millennium City and works within the Young Champions supergroup. When she is not working she can usually be found at Club Caprice, Carl's Gym, or in her own apartment suite.





