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Hawthorne Foundation now being led by her leadership, she's slow to believe in the arrogant, sometimes abrasive
Hawthorne Foundation now being led by her leadership, she's slow to believe in the arrogant, sometimes abrasive
Trevor Holt. But despite this is a warm, charming woman well-versed in both conversation and business.
Trevor Holt. But despite this is a warm, charming woman well-versed in both conversation and business.
*'''Sean Davenport:''' Lead engineer and project director of the 'Vanguard wind modulator'. A new, ambitious project
In the very heart of Ren Center that's sole purpose is to protect the city (and its surrounding areas) from extreme
wind and even prevent tornados! A meek, plyable man. Davenport secretly craves validation and attention, despite
his reserved, pragmatic exterior.
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*'''Skyline's Hoverboard:''' Made of the same Morphite as his suit, Skyline's hoverboard goes beyond just being a fast, stylish way of getting around. Directly tied to his suit's onboard A.I. in addition to allowing manual control from the user and its limited polymorphing abilities means it can be used as a boomerang, shield, or forearm-mounted striking weapon (non-lethal of course). All of these things come at a minor cost however, as the board sometimes seems to have a mind of its own...And fate help whoever tries to use the board without its permission, as they would soon find it shooting directly up into the air at 100+ mph. Or other such forms of retaliation from the insulted hoverboard...
*'''Skyline's Hoverboard:''' Made of the same Morphite as his suit, Skyline's hoverboard goes beyond just being a fast, stylish way of getting around. Directly tied to his suit's onboard A.I. in addition to allowing manual control from the user and its limited polymorphing abilities means it can be used as a boomerang, shield, or forearm-mounted striking weapon (non-lethal of course). All of these things come at a minor cost however, as the board sometimes seems to have a mind of its own...And fate help whoever tries to use the board without its permission, as they would soon find it shooting directly up into the air at 100+ mph. Or other such forms of retaliation from the insulted hoverboard...
*'''The Tectonic "Terraformer" armor:''' Repurposed and fitted from its original use as a wide-scale, effective way of digging and reforming soil in construction projects. The Tectonic armor is a horrifying, destructive blend of the technology's powerful capabilities along with the willpower and creativity of its wielder. An extension of himself, Vincent Bronzolis is able to not only shape (and break) localized rock, soil, and clay to his will. But the suit's advanced mineral detection software allows him a sort-of "Earth-sense" which makes him able to feel everything he can control around him as-if it were a natural part of his own senses. While the armor doesn't possess any form of outside weaponry, it's true threat lies in its ability to turn the wearer into one themself...
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*'''A.D.U. Trooper's gear:''' Each soldier in the A.D.U.'s employ are tested combat veterans eager to insure the sponsored "Heroes" of the organization follow the orders of their leader, Steve Orton. Each are outfitted with modern riot gear, along with standard-issue automatic rifles, a semi-automatic pistol for a sidearm, and reverse polarity sonic suppression grenades for restraining metahumans and other high-priority targets.
*'''A.D.U. Trooper's gear:''' Each soldier in the A.D.U.'s employ are tested combat veterans eager to ensure the sponsored "Heroes" of the organization follow the orders of their leader, Steve Orton. Each are outfitted with modern riot gear, along with standard-issue automatic rifles, a semi-automatic pistol for a sidearm, and reverse polarity sonic suppression grenades for restraining metahumans and other high-priority targets.
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*'''2010:''' A breakthrough is made in combating Morphite's Disease in the form of a serum. While it cannot cure one who's already been suffering from the disease it does slow its advance. Extending Hawthorne's life past what it normally would've been. However another discovery is made, when the serum is given to a healthy person it grants them superhuman attributes, and more importantly resistance to the deadly effects of using Morphite in close proximity...
*'''2010:''' A breakthrough is made in combating Morphite's Disease in the form of a serum. While it cannot cure one who's already been suffering from the disease it does slow its advance. Extending Hawthorne's life past what it normally would've been. However another discovery is made, when the serum is given to a healthy person it grants them superhuman attributes, and more importantly resistance to the deadly effects of using Morphite in close proximity...
*'''2018:''' Many years after his public disappearance, Steve Orton returns. Now in control of a government funded project called the "Advanced Defenders Union". Claiming it to be in charge of finding, training, and supplying worthy individuals into becoming government-sponsored superheroes. This is however a lie, as Orton merely uses the resources and people within the program to try and obtain Polymorphite for himself...The Union has caused much pain, and destruction since their formation. But Orton's deep, secured contacts prevents any of these acts from seeing public light...
Line 116: Line 128:
*'''2022:''' A brash new metahuman arrives on the scene of Millenium City, sporting advanced armor and a hoverboard that seemingly manifests from nowhere! Despite his claims of being "The new Skyliner...Or uh -- Skyline..." locals remain unimpressed...
*'''2022:''' A brash new metahuman arrives on the scene of Millenium City, sporting advanced armor and a hoverboard that seemingly manifests from nowhere! Despite his claims of being "The new Skyliner...Or uh -- Skyline..." locals remain unimpressed...
*'''Chapter 1:''' Skyline is involved in a wild, desperate chase with the new villain, Tectonic through the streets
of Westside. Prompting Courser to get involved, after distracting Skyline with her appearance Tectonic gets the
jump on him. A duo of A.D.U. heavy choppers arrive to aid Tectonic, requiring the Adventurers help! Tectonic
escaping, after the battle Skyline confronts Courser. The two arguing before Skyline exits, leaving her hanging.
*'''Chapter 2:''' A public event is being held in Ren Center! Celebrating the completion of the 'Vanguard wind
modulator'. A massive generator placed in the center ring that's purpose is to protect Millenium City and the
surrounding areas from tornados and other high wind activity. Carnival booths, information kiosks, and minor
celebrity appearances will follow! All leading up to the big speech being given by lead engineer and project
director Sean Davenport. The team gets to spend a nice evening enjoying the festivities, ending the night with
a scenic ride on the Ferris wheel!
*'''Chapter 3:''' Coming soon!

Latest revision as of 00:44, 27 August 2022


Skyline: Sins of the past, sins of the present is a group roleplay story for The Adventurers supergroup put on by @Heavywhirlwind89. The purpose of this page is to provide a reference to the characters, events, and lore that take place around the story. Enjoy!


  • Skyline/Trevor Holt: Brother of Courser and heir to the "Skyline" moniker. Eager to prove himself but

slow to trust others, Holt was given superhuman physical attributes (strength, speed, constitution, stamina) to resist the deadly effects of using Polymorphite in direct proximity (I.E. a suit made of it). Donning a modern, unique take on the Skyliner armor. The suit carries an onboard A.I. that allows limited use of the Polymorphite to manifest a hoverboard that's directly tied to the A.I.'s systems, seemingly giving the board a mind of its own.

  • Tectonic/Vincent Bronzolis: Sponsored enforcer of Steve Orton's "Advanced Defenders Union" (A.D.U.). Former

stick up man and recently released prisoner. Wears a suit that allows control over earth-based minerals (dirt, clay, stone, etc.) Independantly minded and cunning, Bronzolis is weakened only by the tempermental chip he carries on his shoulder.

  • Langston Hawthorne/Skyliner: Brilliant engineer who discovered "Polymorphite". Eventually creating a super-

powered suit made from the cosmic-based metal and donning the moniker "Skyliner". Prominant in the 80's, in the early 90's his health began to slowly decline from the deadly metal and as a result retired from heroics. Creating a government-funded program called "The Hawthorne Foundation" that supplies military tech, and home consumer products safely using the Polymorphite in various ways. Recently deceased, Langston left the leadership of the Foundation to his daughter, Deirdre. The Skyliner moniker being modified, and revived by Trevor Holt.

  • Steve Orton/Laughing Coyote: Former U.N. special agent turned government contractor. Orton was in charge of

overseeing the safety of a pre-Skyliner Langston Hawthorne during his discovery (and mastery) of the Polymorphite metal. Opportunistic, shrewd, charming, and intelligent. Orton has obsessed over owning and controlling the coveted metal ever since its discovery. In his later years he's used his deep, secure government contacts to create the A.D.U. (Advanced Defenders Union) which is dedicated to creating government-regulated superheroes. He uses his sway to hide the "Unions" true purpose, the acquisition of Polymorphite and destruction of the Hawthorne Foundation. And with the recent death of Langston Hawthorne he's more eager than ever to achieve his goals.

  • Deirdre Hawthorne: Daughter of Langston Hawthorne and his late wife, Melinda. Deirdre has the intelligence of

her father, mixed with the even-tempered and perceptive traits of her mother. She exemplifies the term "Over-Qualified" as she was raised to carry the responsibilities (and burden) of her father's legacy. The Hawthorne Foundation now being led by her leadership, she's slow to believe in the arrogant, sometimes abrasive Trevor Holt. But despite this is a warm, charming woman well-versed in both conversation and business.

  • Sean Davenport: Lead engineer and project director of the 'Vanguard wind modulator'. A new, ambitious project

In the very heart of Ren Center that's sole purpose is to protect the city (and its surrounding areas) from extreme wind and even prevent tornados! A meek, plyable man. Davenport secretly craves validation and attention, despite his reserved, pragmatic exterior.

Items, resources, and tools:

  • Polymorphite: A strange, seemingly impossible mineral found in a fallen meteor by Langston Hawthorne in 1982. Polymorphite appears in its raw form as rough, cube-shaped portions with a platinum material to it. But when refined it changes to small, thin individual squares! But what truly makes Morphite so unique and coveted is when powered (and programmed through a platform) it's capable of changing its form to the will of the user. However it comes at a deadly price, prolonged use at close proximity will eventually spread an uncurable disease within the user. In recent times however The Hawthorne Foundation has founds ways to use the technology more safely. Such as: Military stealth drones that can flatten to surfaces and active-camouflage themselves to avoid detection, authentic perpetual motion clocks, and high-end home entertainment products (speakers, festive lighting, etc.) among other things. Highly desired for its almost limitless uses, many have tried to obtain it over the 50 years it's been known. As will many more in the times to come. Another incredible trait of the mineral is its ability to self-replicate when properly energized. Making its availability almost unlimited!

  • Skyline's Hoverboard: Made of the same Morphite as his suit, Skyline's hoverboard goes beyond just being a fast, stylish way of getting around. Directly tied to his suit's onboard A.I. in addition to allowing manual control from the user and its limited polymorphing abilities means it can be used as a boomerang, shield, or forearm-mounted striking weapon (non-lethal of course). All of these things come at a minor cost however, as the board sometimes seems to have a mind of its own...And fate help whoever tries to use the board without its permission, as they would soon find it shooting directly up into the air at 100+ mph. Or other such forms of retaliation from the insulted hoverboard...

  • The Tectonic "Terraformer" armor: Repurposed and fitted from its original use as a wide-scale, effective way of digging and reforming soil in construction projects. The Tectonic armor is a horrifying, destructive blend of the technology's powerful capabilities along with the willpower and creativity of its wielder. An extension of himself, Vincent Bronzolis is able to not only shape (and break) localized rock, soil, and clay to his will. But the suit's advanced mineral detection software allows him a sort-of "Earth-sense" which makes him able to feel everything he can control around him as-if it were a natural part of his own senses. While the armor doesn't possess any form of outside weaponry, it's true threat lies in its ability to turn the wearer into one themself...

  • A.D.U. "Argentavis" heavy chopper: One of the most commonly seen vehicles in use by the Advanced Defenders Union. A hefty, chunky armored dual-rotor helicopter. It not only houses the space to carry up to 10 A.D.U. troopers but also supports the deployment of 2 A.D.U.'s S-21 heavy combat robots (See below). Despite lacking any weaponry, these choppers are still a tough target to take down. Not only due to their heavy design and armoring, but the ace pilots behind the controls.

  • A.D.U. "Samson-21" heavy combat robots: The epitome of mass-produced robotic warfare. The S-21 robot is seen as a savior to its allies, and a dread terror to its enemies. Self-controlled bipedal humanoid robots with heavy-plated armoring, they also possess: One high-velocity minigun arm, a wrist mounted railgun on the other, and a large back apparatus that not only allows limited hovering on the bottom, but also multiple micro-missile packets at the top. In addition to its offensive capabilities they can also release an EMP charge when swarmed!

  • A.D.U. Trooper's gear: Each soldier in the A.D.U.'s employ are tested combat veterans eager to ensure the sponsored "Heroes" of the organization follow the orders of their leader, Steve Orton. Each are outfitted with modern riot gear, along with standard-issue automatic rifles, a semi-automatic pistol for a sidearm, and reverse polarity sonic suppression grenades for restraining metahumans and other high-priority targets.


  • 1982: Langston Hawthorne. A young, but highly gifted engineer is brought under the employ of the U.N. to investigate a strange meteor that secretly fell to Earth under the watch of Special Agent, "Laughing Coyote". Leading to the discovery of Polymorphite.

  • 1982: Learning the widespread use for Polymorphite (and the good he can do with it), Langston Hawthorne creates the alias "Skyliner". Donning a suit made from the incredible resource. While initially reluctant to allow the young engineer to do such a thing, the U.N. eventually agree to the conditions. Provided he remains under their supervision.

  • 1985: Laughing Coyote (Real name Steve Orton) becomes increasingly disenfranchised with the U.N. and their increased support of Skyliner since his debut, breeding jealousy within him (as he feels his protection during Morphite's discovery deserved equal praise) Orton convinces Skyliner to go rogue with him and form the mercenary group, "Diamond Defenders". Causing a massive schism between Skyliner and the government that grew to trust him. All the while Orton keeps his alliance to the "Defenders" hidden to the U.N.. Playing both sides.

  • 1986: The Diamond Defenders recruit talented diplomat and linguist, Melinda Jones to their numbers. Despite Jones initially finding Hawthorne too aloof and slightly arrogant, the two would eventually marry years later.

  • 1987: After 2 years as a mercenary, Skyliner begins to question the motives of Coyote. Once presented with evidence of Coyote's double-allegiance to both the Defenders and the U.N. provided by Melinda, Coyote stages a desperate coup. Splintering the loyalty of the Defender's soldiers and demolishing the secret base they built. Jones nearly losing her life as Coyote gave Skyliner an ultimatum, her or the Polymorphite. Skyliner temporarily breaking his vow of not using extreme violence after removing Coyote's gun hand with a formed blade. Laughing Coyote/Steve Orton then went into hiding, not being seen for several years...

  • 1989: Langston Hawthorne and Melinda Jones happily marry. Soon welcoming their daughter, Deirdre into the world!

  • 1991: After his health begins to decline from the near decades use of Polymorphite, Langston Hawthorne retires as Skyliner. Having spent the years since the collapse of the Diamond Defenders to rebuild his relationship with the U.N. he forms "The Hawthorne Foundation", which found early success helping with the later rebuilding of Detroit, Michigan into what's now known as Millenium City after Dr. Destroyer's brutal attack.

  • 2006: The first true victim of "Morphite's disease", Melinda Hawthorne passes away in a private hospital surrounded by her loved ones. A plaque is setup in Renaissance Center in her name.

  • 2007: After his wife's sudden decline in health, and subsequent death. Hawthorne invests nearly all of the Foundation's resources into finding ways to combat the disease, horrified his legacy may end with him unwillingly killing several people with a disease he helped create.

  • 2010: A breakthrough is made in combating Morphite's Disease in the form of a serum. While it cannot cure one who's already been suffering from the disease it does slow its advance. Extending Hawthorne's life past what it normally would've been. However another discovery is made, when the serum is given to a healthy person it grants them superhuman attributes, and more importantly resistance to the deadly effects of using Morphite in close proximity...

  • 2018: Many years after his public disappearance, Steve Orton returns. Now in control of a government funded project called the "Advanced Defenders Union". Claiming it to be in charge of finding, training, and supplying worthy individuals into becoming government-sponsored superheroes. This is however a lie, as Orton merely uses the resources and people within the program to try and obtain Polymorphite for himself...The Union has caused much pain, and destruction since their formation. But Orton's deep, secured contacts prevents any of these acts from seeing public light...

  • 2021: A trio of thieves attempt to break into a Foundation supply warehouse. Leading to the capture of Trevor Holt. Seeing something more than just a miserable thug in the young man, the dying Hawthorne decides to take him under his wing, and form him into the makings of a hero...

  • 2021: After fighting the Morphite's disease for so many years, Langston Hawthorne, Skyliner succumbs to it...Leaving behind ownership of the Foundation to his daughter, Deirdre. Along with the legacy of Skyliner under Holt. A vigil is held in Renaissance Center for Hawthorne, along with a statue in the City Center park, and a televised biography dedicated to all he did. A true hero was lost...

  • 2022: A brash new metahuman arrives on the scene of Millenium City, sporting advanced armor and a hoverboard that seemingly manifests from nowhere! Despite his claims of being "The new Skyliner...Or uh -- Skyline..." locals remain unimpressed...


  • Chapter 1: Skyline is involved in a wild, desperate chase with the new villain, Tectonic through the streets

of Westside. Prompting Courser to get involved, after distracting Skyline with her appearance Tectonic gets the jump on him. A duo of A.D.U. heavy choppers arrive to aid Tectonic, requiring the Adventurers help! Tectonic escaping, after the battle Skyline confronts Courser. The two arguing before Skyline exits, leaving her hanging.

  • Chapter 2: A public event is being held in Ren Center! Celebrating the completion of the 'Vanguard wind

modulator'. A massive generator placed in the center ring that's purpose is to protect Millenium City and the surrounding areas from tornados and other high wind activity. Carnival booths, information kiosks, and minor celebrity appearances will follow! All leading up to the big speech being given by lead engineer and project director Sean Davenport. The team gets to spend a nice evening enjoying the festivities, ending the night with a scenic ride on the Ferris wheel!

  • Chapter 3: Coming soon!