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==<div valign="bottom" style="background: #006999; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''The Begining'''</div>==
==<div valign="bottom" style="background: ##0089b9; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''The Begining'''</div>==
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Ten Years Ago'''</div>===
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Ten Years Ago'''</div>===
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Latest revision as of 14:41, 10 January 2014

Player: @Suntear11
Class Focus:
Power Level: 38
Research & Development:
Personal Data
Real Name: M'Kah (Sadarian), Marcus Ware (human)
Known Aliases: Sentinel 2971
Species: Sadarian
Ethnicity: N/A
Age: over 200 years in Sadarian
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eye Color: Glowing green
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: Police Detective
Place of Birth: Sadaria
Base of Operations: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Telepathy, Telekenisis, Morphing, Flight, Teleporting, Enhanced Strength, Durability.
Known Abilities
Trained in most forms of combat
Space Station Zero

The Begining

Ten Years Ago

His mind was a haze, eyes struggling to focus as his hand instinctively went to his head. A slight groan filled his throat as he continued to gather his bearing, his feet slowly pulled under him and his hand unfastened the seat belt. Pushing both hands of the arms of the chair he rose to his feet, groggily looking out the forward canopy. His eyes blinked once, then a second time as everything slowly came back into sight. He could see the stars scattered across the display screen and he started to remember the crash landing.

"HAL, open the canopy please, and give me a diagnostic check. I need to know what type of damage the ship has taken." He instantly sat back down in the very chair he stood up from. His fingers began clicking away at the keys, bringing up holo-monitors and accessing the situation.

"Sir...", the voice sounded hollow and artificial as it echoed through the half circular shaped room. "...I dare say that the ships systems are down, it seems as though we took heavy damage to the thrusters, one of which is missing. Life support systems do seem to be on..."

"What do you mean missing HAL?" He asked as his eyes lifted up looking out the now glassed in canopy of the ship. The stars of the universe splashed across the canopy itself. There in the distance he could see the sparking thruster, or what was left of it, floating through space and his heart sank. He slouched back into his chair with a defeated sigh, his hand rubbing at his temple. "HAL, do you have a destination for him? He couldn't have gotten far yet."

"Yes Sir, he seems to have landed on that planet off starboard. It's called...let me see, yes...it's called Earth Sir."

He sat back up again, fingers going back to work on the keyboard as he pulled up holo screen after holo screen. "I assume the ship will not be able to fly HAL? Is there anyway to tap into Earth communication systems? I need an idea of what I am up against here. If he is down there, he could already be hidden among their people."

"The ship is unable to fly Sir, it seems we will be here for an extended stay. However I have located an earth born satellite. Shall I tap into it?"

He spun in his chair, springing to his feet once more and answering over his shoulder as he crossed the room to the stairs. "Yes HAL, tap in and give me any feeds you can get. In the meantime I will be heading outside to access the damage." The large bay door opened and he floated out of the ship, his feet never touching down. His body shook slightly and he could feel his throat contract for an instant before his body adapted to the void of space, allowing him to breath once more. Floating out along the moon's surface he scanned over the damage, seeing where the once starboard thruster was. He shook his head before turning to gaze towards the blue/green planet itself, even from this distance his vast mental capabilities could feel the faintest sign of thoughts roaming on it's surface. Dejected he turned and re-entered his ship, "What do you have for me HAL?" He slumped back down into his seat.

"Radio communications Sir as well as a thing called...television. Shall I pump them into the cabin now?"

"Yes HAL, I have to learn their culture and their language. Also bring up some displays, I need to see what I am dealing with down there..."

One Year Ago

He stepped into the squad room, not expecting an overwhelming welcoming committee. Stopping at the front desk he leaned over it to speak to the front desk officer. "Captain Surhoff?" The gruff man behind the desk with gray hair and a mustache to match looked too busy to even glance up. He merely pointed out across the squad room to the glasses in office in the back. "...Thanks..." He crossed the sea of messy police desks until he reached the glassed in office, knocking on the door and stepping in. "Captain Surhoff? Marcus Ware, your new transfer."

"Ah yes Ware, I was just going through your file. Come in and take a seat." Stepping in he placed his jacket over the back of the second chair, his briefcase placed in it as he took his seat in the first chair. Surhoff shuffled the papers on his desk before finding the file he wanted. "Ah yes, here we go Ware. Transfer from Paragon City R.I., what brings you to Michigan? I know that Paragon had it's share of troubles but I have to warn you, it's not much different here. We still have masks and capes running around in the center of the country."

"I just needed a change Sir, I served my time there and it's time to move on. I am looking forward to new challenges."

"New challenges..." Surhoff said under his breath with a chuckle, "...we definitely have those here. Let's see, it says you worked the Westgate case. That's a high profile case, you are the one that cracked it. Caught a serial killer and saved the life of a four year old girl that was missing for a week. Pretty impressive, especially seeing that many thought the case had gone cold."

"Just doing my part Sir." What he didn't tell the Captain was that his ability to read minds is what gave the killer away. He was happy to save the young girl's life, since his time on Earth he had grown fond of children, his species did not have the equivalent.

"Well Ware, welcome to the force." Surhoff stood and shook his hand, then motioned to the desk just outside his office. "We can always use good detectives here. Crime is up a bit in this part of the world. Take the desk outside my office, I am sure it will come in handy as we work together..."


He stepped inside the UNITIL building, glancing from one side to the other. He saw various people going about their business, but no other capes in the vicinity. Stepping forward to the front desk to see the man seated behind it, he began to speak but was cut off rather quickly. "Hello..."

"So you want to join The Order of Justice soldier? Fill out this information to get started. We'll be here if ya got more questions."

Handed the clipboard, he turns his eyes looking over the form as he makes his way to one of the chairs. Taking a seat, his fingers taking up the pen he begins to fill out the form...

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Super Strength Super Strength, Exile possess vast amounts of superhuman strength. Exile can further supplement his strength by increasing his size.

Invulnerability Exile has invulnerability sufficient for him to take blows from enemies with super strength. He can also increase his invulnerability by altering his density to become super dense. His invulnerability protects him from the harsh environments of space and also re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. His skin can also repel bullet fire.

Super Stamina Exile has nigh inexhaustible endurance and resilience. He can last for extensive periods of time without food, rest, or air. He has been able to travel great distances in space and fight long battles without tiring.

Regeneration Exile can quickly recover from almost any injury. He is able to reconstitute his body even when severed into several pieces. His regenerative abilities have allowed him to reconstitute his body from even an extremely small mass in only a matter of seconds, and he has even grown a new body from a severed arm.

Shape-Shifting Exile has vast shape shifting abilities that stem from complete control of his molecular structure. He is able to take on any shape he pleases, often taking the human guise of Detective Marcus Ware. He can form shapes of objects or organisms alive, extinct, or imagined, and he has often shown to grow an extra pair of arms to supplement his fighting abilities and his strength. He can become as stiff and unmovable or as flexible and malleable as he pleases. He can also alter his size or the size and length of his limbs. He is however unable to replicate hair as his species is hairless.

Flight Exile has been seen flying at Mach 10 in Earth's atmosphere. He has maneuverability and flight speed comparable to any meta human flying through the sky.

Intangibility By greatly lowering the density of his own mass, Exile is able to become intangible. He has used this power often during combat to protect himself from his enemy's attacks and to pass through walls and other structures to travel. Another use of this power is phasing opponents into solid objects.

Telepathy Exile is one of the most powerful telepaths on earth. He is capable of linking the minds of all superheroes at once from a distance of the moon to all corners of the earth. He is also capable of reading the minds of all inhabitants of earth at once. His telepathic abilities also allow him to create realistic illusions; telepathically trace and locate people; shut down people's minds; influence thoughts; mind control people; induce sleep; reprogram or reorder minds; and transfer information directly into people's brains. He is also capable of mentally shielding those around him from telepathic assault. His own mental defenses are so strong that he is able to telepathically shield himself.

Psionic Blasts Exile is able to project painful and destructive blasts of psionic energy from his mind and eyes.

Astral Teleportation Exile is able to phase his physical form into the astral plane and traverse it before coming back out into our reality in a new location. Because time is much slower in the astral plane, this travel and rephasing seems almost instant and like teleportation.

Adaption Exile has the power of "reactive evolution"; i.e., his body automatically adapts to any situation or environment he is placed in, allowing him to survive possibly anything; the exact nature and limits of his powers have not been revealed. He can adapt to breathing under water, adapting to our own atmosphere and even adapting to space where he wont need to breath at all.

Information Retention Exile has an eidetic memory, most of the time seeing, reading or learning something once will make him retain that information and be able to bring it up at a moments notice.


Exile has found himself honing his detective skills through his work with first the PCPD, and now the MCPD.


The only form of equipment that Exile utilizes is his star ship now known as Space Station Zero. He crash landed it into the moons surface and it is now utilized as a base of operations. When he is not on earth, he can usually be found up there, tapped into all the satellites orbiting the planet and listening into what is going on, looking for people in need of help. SSZ also utilizes it's A.I. known as HAL, which stands for Holographic Automated Liaison.


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General Perception

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.

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