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Latest revision as of 13:53, 8 May 2015

Player: @jhuno
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jaguannybat
Known Aliases: Sarah Handannahaf, Vanessa Cardui
Gender: Female
Species: Manimal
Ethnicity: Manimal?
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: N/A; Conceptual Father: "Mad Wizard" Handannahaf, Conceptual Mother: Yuki Hayashiro
Age: 5 Chronological, 26 Subjective
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 175
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black natural, Blonde human form
Complexion: Jaguar-print natural, Dark tan human form
Physical Build: Lithe
Physical Features: None
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Identity: Readily Available
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: North America
Occupation: Porn Starlet, "Living Fanservice Character"
Education: N/A
Marital Status: Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Winged flight, magic immunity, shapeshifting, extreme flexibility
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Bow of Wat, Robes of Wat, Blades of Wat
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

Character Sheet

Character sheet is built using Hero Designer 6: |Here



  • Superacute Hearing: Thanks to the combination of animals used in her creation, the Jaguannybat sports super-sensitive hearing, able to accurately map out an area using nothing more than ambient sounds, regardless of acoustics. This also allows her to sense silenced targets by locating the lack of sound. However, this means that sonic attacks can be quite devastating, and even "harmless" things such as flashbangs can cause actual harm beyond hearing damage.
  • Nightvision: Another perk of being a chaotic mish-mash of random creatures is the ability to see clearly even in minimal light. However, unlike her stupidly sensitive ears, her pupils can contract quick enough that bright flashes have a diminished effect on her.
  • Extreme Flexibility: Thanks to her mostly-feline anatomy, the Jaguannybat has an almost grotesque amount of flexibility, able to contort he body is almost unnatural ways - which she has displayed in her job as a porn starlet, obtaining the moniker "The Human Slinky".
  • Winged Flight: Self-explanatory. Able to reach modest speeds of around 20 MPH with no tailwind. She's also experienced enough with them to use them for underwater propulsion.
  • Natural Defenses: She has nonretractable claws on her fingertips, a set of sharp, flesh-tearing teeth, and a whiplike tail that - while not prehensile in the least - is used for defense as well as maneuvering while in flight or underwater.
  • Magic Immunity: Another self-explanatory trait. She's completely immune to virtually all sorts of magic. This includes enchanted objects, though weapons such as enchanted bullets or blades still effect her - however, due to the nature of her immunity, the enchantment runs a risk of long-term disruption the more it's used against her.
  • "Offscreen" Teleportation: Jaguannybat is inherently capable of teleporting essentially anywhere in the world. Originally, she was only able to travel to places not in anyone's field of vision, she eventually learned how to perform more traditional teleportation - though whether the comedic methods she uses are a requirement or not is unclear.

Panoply of Wat

The Panoply of Wat is a set of artifact created by the aptly-monikered "Mad Wizard" Handannahaf and characterized by their questionable utility. Handannahaf himself is a wizard who lived in a tower built of ice in the middle of the Sahara Desert, which provided fresh water and acted as a sort of oasis for the Bedouin tribes there.

  • Bow of Wat: The Bow of Wat is perhaps most devastating in Jaguannybat's hands, as her body was literally created to be able to channel its energies without harm. In the hands of anyone else, it would function as normal - firing a bolt of chaos magic that could do anything from harmlessly conjuring a muffin from thin air up to completely destroying a modern tank in a single shot. Just the half-ton draw strength and the unpredictable nature of its effects make it impractical enough, but in the hands of anyone not already suffused with chaos magic, the enchantments in the bow would skim off bits of the wielder's soul to fuel its shots. However, as the Jaguannybat was created specifically to wield this object, she is immune to this life-draining effect, and her selection of arrow effects is considerably more practical, ranging from a comparable selection of relatively-equal elemental effects to summoning magical creatures, to what she lovingly calls the "Dayfucker", which is an obscenely-powerful single shot capable of utterly obliterating a human's body in a single shot.
  • Daggers of Wat: Not technically a part of the Panoply of Wat, these are a pair of hand-forged stilettos crafted from a proprietary alloy known as Jaguannysteel - which is typical steel with all of the carbon folded out and replaced with carbon from herself using a closely-guarded tempering agent. Thanks to this process, these daggers are only usable by the Jaguannybat, and only when they are held in her hands. Upon striking a target, these weapons infect their victim with a portion of chaos magic, which reacts violently to ambient magic; in effect, they effect a sort of magic allergy, playing havoc with unprepared wizards.
  • Robes of Wat


  • Pinbearer Perks: A member of a sort of not-at-all-Secret Society. Her creator, Yuki Hayashiro, has a sort of worldwide network of psionic buttons that grant their bearers access to a telepathic network as well as offering powerful mental shielding. Jaguannybat has gotten Yuki's blessing in being able to literally travel through the pin network, as well as provide moral support to those who need it in her place.
  • The Girls: A pair of Jaguannybat's "sisters" created by Handannahaf. They are abominations created from a badger, boar, and bear, and a sea sponge, squid, cuttlefish, and jellyfish respectively. Boardger provides the transportation while Spidcully mass-produces replacement Bows of Wat. They live in Jaguannybat's pockets.
  • The Pockets: While unclear whether these are actually equipment or a magical trait, Jaguannybat has a pair of Pockets of Holding - essentially, positioned where pockets would be on jeans, she has a pair of portals that lead to a literal pocket dimension capable of holding an unknown amount of equipment.

Skills and Knowledge

Flaws and Weaknesses




Early Career