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This character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Player: BlackKusanagi
"Heh. Who knew humans were so squishy..."
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS / Tank Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Princess Lianna Aoi'Lani Tyreh
Known Aliases: Empress, Queenie, Lani, Li.
Gender: Female
Species: Half Human, Half Artheean
Ethnicity: Artheean, while her human genealogy has roots in Prussian and Germanic roots.
Place of Birth: Renilus, Artheean Empire.
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: Alexandra (Mother, Deceased), Karuu'l (Father), Ann'Esia (Aunt), Piram (Uncle)
Age: 28
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 3,400 lbs
Eyes: Violet
Hair: White with Black Streaks
Complexion: Caucasian, Tanned
Physical Build: Bodybuilder, with amazonian proportions.
Physical Features: Violet Eyes, Tanned Skin, Larger build.
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Chaotic Evil

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: On Earth - Just Arrived
Citizenship: Royal Artheean, With No Earth Country Citizen.
Occupation: None, Royal Member of Her Planet.
Education: Associates Degree Equivalent
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, Super Durability, Enhanced Stamina and Recovery, Heightened Agility, Skilled Hand-To-Hand Capbilities, and Flight.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Not much, normally uses her body.
ReldinBox Template

Character History


The story begins with one Natalya Petrova, born December 3rd, 1917. Born a child of a Russian clock-maker Aleksei who had served in the war, and a German seamstress Mary, in what was at the time, Petrograd, Russia. It was a trying time, as while most of the nation celebrated with the fruits of overturning the Czarist rule, Aleksei had feared for the safety of his wife and child, thinking due to his wife's background and his child's mixed heritage, it would only seem to cause issue. While the child was still very much a toddler at the age of 2, Aleksei and Mary left by train to relocate to Britain and try to start anew. Europe was a different place, at that time after The Great War, but he felt that Mary and Natalya would indeed be safe or at least, in a better place than what he felt was going to happen in the nation he loved as a boy. The family would wind up slightly outside of London, once they had eventually reached there in about 1920.

While it took a while to get their bearings, Natalya was taught her parents respective languages, along with English. Due to the somewhat low opinions of Germans at the time of her being in school, she did her best to avoid speaking German in public unless she was at home with her parents, or with Mary's family. Natalya was a socially awkward sort, who wanted to be a doctor more than anything. Through her years of schooling, much to her father's dismay, she continued to work hard at the goal she wanted to attain. While her dream was within reach, life had something else in mind. It was called, World War II.

At the age of 22 when the war began, Natalya felt she had to at least do something to try and help. Against her parents wishes, but still gaining their blessings, she had joined the war effort as a Combat Nurse. Joining a company who were stationed in France, shortly before the Axis had invaded. She worked under a Russian doctor by the name of Dmitri Gorochov, who was intrigued by her story, and had decided as long as they were in the same company, he would teach her what he could about medicine. When Nat was being shown his personal collection, she was caught off guard by a rather foreign looking pendant. Dmitri had told the story of how he found it as a child while running through the bushes in his town. He had mentioned how it oddly glowed on some nights, but said it had always brought him luck. During the battles in France, while they had tended to the people, they had started to fall in love, and one night of passion was abruptly ended by German and Italian soldiers attacking the barracks their forces were residing in. Dmitri handed Natalya the pendant, kissed her forehead and shoved her out, as he was met by a wall of gunfire.

Her feet pitter-pattered against the dirt, with the pendant around her neck, and a pistol as her only form of defense, Natalya hid in a local wooded area, in the bushes. Holding the pendant close, she rested her forehead on it, and simply tried to pray for assistance. But as she spoke repeatedly, her pursuers had caught up, and were about to take her hostage. With her eyes closed, she simply wished for a quick end.

An ear drum shattering boom could be heard as she was launched backwards by a powerful gust. Her sight was blurred, as she saw a somewhat large male frame standing in front of beaten, broken troops. The force was enough to knock her out... and by the time she had opened her eyes, all she could see was a powerful blinding light. Sitting up she would realize she was on a ship of some sort. A very muscular male standing infront of her, with pale white hair, and purple eyes, quietly looked to the pendant on her, and pointed to it. Bewildered, and afraid of the man who was almost three times her size in width, quickly took it off and held it out to him. She was surprised as the gem in the center began to flash brighter and brighter, far more intensely as it neared him. As he grasped it, she could feel him in her mind, with an intense burn, and when she let go, the man simply spoke, "I apologize. This has been a long lost heirloom of my family, and I had traveled the universe for it." He would promptly introduce himself as King Arrtius of the Artheean empire, and that he had used the amulet to learn her language. While Natalya just wanted to go back, the King had insisted she stay...because by the time she had awakened, about 2 days later, they were already nearing the homeworld. He had said he was going to keep her as a pet originally, but seeing how she stood up in the face of danger, and willingly accepted death, only intrigued him more about the human specie in general.

Not having much more say in the instance, Natalya thought at that point, if the war was continuing the way it was, she would have nothing to return to. She had already lost the man she loved. Upon landing on Arthea, she was floored by the gravity, roughly 4 times what it was on Earth. Carrying her inside, Arrtius had kept her within the castle bounds and did what he could to train her to at least become a bit more resilient. But while she was to start, she had realized a few months later, she was indeed pregnant. She would birth her child named Alexandra after her father. Arrtius still a bit enamoured by the one he found with his heirloom, simply said for her valor, he would ensure his son protected her daughter. His eldest son, Karuu'l was barely teenager at the time, but the boy was a spitting image of his dad...sans a few hundred pounds. The boy thought by what his father meant, it was an arranged marriage, and just vowed nothing would happen to her.

An Unholy Birth

Alexandra and Natalya were not welcomed by many members of the royal house, and many of the Arthean people. If anything they thought these smaller, weaker species were better off as pets. The Arthean people, were space faring warriors from unknown origins. While their hair varied in color, royals often had black or white hair, with violet to lavender eyes. They were large in build, and would grow in terms of muscular size and mass when infuriated, or when in a life or death situation, when a feral fight or flight mentality hit. The royals held those traits to a higher level, while having what many considered a very dense skin / bone structure. Alexandra did her best to learn from their society, often training herself with Karuu'l, or going on hunts with many of the women. Her actions gained her popularity, and began to change the opinion of many of the irritated sorts who did not take too well to them. When Arrtius died of a disease rare to their people, Alexandra was if anything his closest source of comfort. The girl was if anything, at peak human condition, something borderline superhuman due to living on that planet. While she was still, by leagues weaker than the people of the planet, she was still very talented. Alexandra thought her "guardian" was someone she cared about, a lot more than what people saw on the surface, and what she didn't expect was him to feel the same. While he had grown into a powerful man, he was still the young boy at heart who felt drawn to her. Against the wishes of many of the people around him, he wedded Alexandra, and said she was to have his child, which in some cases destroyed much of the good will Alexandra built. But that did not matter, because for them all that mattered was their love.

Alexandra, nearing her mid-40's was impregnated. Before she could break the good news to Natalya, she had come to find her mother unable to walk. The wear and tear over the years finally getting to her, while it unnerved her and made her consider her own future, she thought little of it. Kar's siblings, Ann'Esia and Priam, were if anything disgusted by what was to take control of the empire. Something Alexandra and Karuu'l did not fathom or expect, was the consequences of their attempt of consummating their marriage. As the unborn child grew, their level of power did also. Being half Arthean already, still growing child stronger than Alexandra. With this combination of genes, they did not know just what type of effect it would have. With every kick, her womb was becoming more and more ravaged, her internal organs taking more damage. When they had nearly hit the 9 month point, there was little more they could do. In a brutal display, while nurses were tending to Alexandra, the child ripped itself free from her stomach, crying and screaming. The trauma was too great, and like that Alexandra was gone... leaving Kar with the child they had decided to name, Lianna.

The Outcast

Lianna, as the next crown princess did not understand the circumstances of her mother's death. She was often told her mother had just fallen ill, or died during a hunt. No matter how much she wanted to hear the circumstances, she never got the answer she liked to hear. As much as her father and maternal grandmother tried to explain, the girl seemed rather set on the fact her mother hated her. The other children on the palace grounds looked at her oddly, as her hair was a brunette color, with brown eyes. While she lacked flight, and other abilities, and was runt sized, the girl was still capable of by the age of 6, pressing 10 tons. Karuu'l tried to teach Lianna more and more about human society, and things about her mother, but the more she heard about it, the more she felt sick to her stomach. She felt her mother was weak.. if anything unwilling to evolve to her surroundings, despite the impressive level of conditioning her mother reached. Li was often called a "Priap"...which in their society was a "little devil." While she was open minded to many things, whenever studies of battle or war were brought up, she took greater interest in those. Lianna saw Natalya's slow deterioration as she aged, and could only seem to have her opinion of humans become more eschewed. Seeing this, Ann'Esia and Priam saw this as a way to turn what they saw as a very sickening situation, into an advantage. Anytime they saw her opinion waver, they would do all they could to reinforce it. Lianna saw humanity's repeated need for battle intriguing, she found their bodies weak and pitiful. She thought their need to rely on weapons was sad, and she thought if anything they should have been killed off with the dinosaurs.

Every time she voiced her opinion, it got her beaten viciously by Karuu'l. While many children had developed their abilities by the age of 15, at that age, Lianna still gained nothing. So she turned to building her body, constantly picking fights with some of the other military families. While she often lost, she got better with each attack. By the time Lianna hit the age of 18, she had built her body to a very honed state, and if anything, her confidence and ego had grown as well. Her fellow "classmates" feeling insulted decided that this arrogant "Priap" was to be shown her place. Upon an invasion on another planet, the company of young soldiers Lianna was among had taken a recon position due to their lack of power compared to older, much more experienced troops. Seeing their moment, they viciously attacked Lianna, beating her unmercilessly. While she was able to keep up hand to hand...it meant nothing if her punches and kicks felt like raindrops, while theirs felt like cars. Beaten and broken, they impaled her hands with blades, and left her there, for all intents and purposes, to die.

Sweet Revenge and The Plan

For hours she remained, the others ensuring that she could not move, and as much as she wanted to scream in pain, they had broken her jaw to hinder it. As she laid there, she continued to curse her human blood that flowed with her Arthean blood. She felt it held her back...it restrained her... it... stopped. Her heart stopped for a moment, and in a flash began to beat harder. Her jaw, while pained, began to reset itself, and heal. The blades seemingly started to push out of her hands, her bones were fixing themselves...hardening. Her hair was shifting to a black and white color. Her eyes began to change to an unnatural violet, as the muscles on her frame began to bulk up on her frame, rather proportionally, as her bones began to pop a bit as she grew in height. It was a painful...yet exhilarating 15 minutes. Making those hours not too long ago seem like a distant memory. She had no time to see just what happened... she felt rejuvenated and she only had one thing in mind. Revenge.

It was not swift. It was long. Brutal. With the 15 members of her recon party, only 12 were involved with what they had done to her. Lianna could not explain it...she had felt better than them. They could barely harm her, in the event they could touch her. Her speed was better, she was breaking arms, and ripping through them like paper. She killed the 12 involved without batting an eyelash. While Lianna respected the other 3 for not getting involved...she killed them for the same reason...and went down to take the enemy base for herself. Her father was pleased that she had managed to finally "grow into her own", although he was not totally sold on her story of soldiers getting the drop on their group. More than impressed, Priam had come up with a scheme where he thought the cursed one and her traitorous father could both die in one fell swoop. Upon Lianna's return to the castle, Priam and Ann'Esia had called her to a private meeting, explaining to her that with her development, she was more or less entitled to her birthright to the crown. While Lianna agreed initially, she had felt through honor, she was not to break her father...yet. Esia was unsure if she could keep the lie going, but Priam using his silver tongue, had managed to fabricate a story that was rather believable... there were minor truths to it. Just extremely stretched. Telling her that her father intended on not only allying with Earth, but maybe thinking of breeding to make half breeds to try and erase the thought of her killing her mother just added more to the already unstable mixture inside. She needed the crown. Lianna needed to take it from Karuu'l. No one was going to rule better than she was, and she was going to ensure he suffered for failing her and his people.

Attack on The King, and Exile

Karuu'l was in the middle of talking to Natalya, whom had been nearing her deathbed for quite some time, as the bodies of two guardsmen smashed through the doors, and slid along the ground. Lianna simply stating it was her time, and she would not allow him to destroy her people further, brought the two to blows. Karuu'l was powerful due to his age, as they got stronger with age. What he didn't understand, was the girl was not only overpowering him in some instances, but she was occasionally shrugging off his lighter blows. Forced to rely on his experience against her's, he struggled to hold her off until other members of the Royal Elite could rush in, and subdue her long enough for them to place her in stasis. Karuu'l faught hard not only because he cared for her and did not wish to hurt her...for her to listen to reason, but he wished to protect Nat, who he knew the girl had such a low opinion of. But as he turned, he would see some of the rubble from the battle had fallen upon the 88 year old...claiming her life. While she was buried, soon after, he mulled over what to do. The girl needed to learn respect...but he could not do it to her anymore. She was arguably stronger and faster than him. Her human blood if anything, enhanced much of the powers that they were capable of, which only made him fear if she had another chance. Priam not expecting his brother to survive the encounter, did his best to cover his and his sisters tracks, simply stating to him that the girl acted despite their warnings, and that exile was probably the safest thing they could do.

Karuu'l decided she would be sent to a nearby colony where they sent their most wicked, in hopes she would in time come to care about that she hated so much. Using a special suit they had designed, powered by the same energy source of the Royal amulet, it was designed to more or less apply greater stress than whatever the one placed in the suit could apply. Putting her in it, and tying her down before releasing her from stasis, he placed her on a small prison ship, with a special system plugged to her helmet. So they would not require to remove it to feed her or sustain her. While he only showed remorse, Kar had mentioned to Lianna on her day of sentencing and exile, what his siblings had said. She had realized what had happened... and while she could not move from her seat, the woman simply spoke, "When I return. Not even your traitor brother and sister will save you from my wrath. I will take everything you love...and break it. I will spit upon your subjects who are most loyal to you, and revel in their blood. I will reave your traitor siblings bit by bit until they are nothing but meat on my fingertips. Then. When I come to you. I will hit you... and I will go on hitting you... until you cannot move anymore. Then I will rip your torso just as I did Mother. Then all will be...forgiven." With bewildered eyes...and a shocked disposition, he had sent her, and 9 other elites who were to watch her, off on their journey.

The Change in Plan

No matter how hard she fought, she could not free herself from her bonds. As the months went on, she continued to struggle against the suit. Against a normal Arthean, it would have done its job. But as she struggled, her body began to adjust... so each time she faught for an extended period of time, it only honed her...as if it was some way of training. While the guards only spend the time to ensure that the automated system that fed her through her helmet worked, they didn't realize just what was going on under the suit. As the ship was nearing it's destination nearly 2 years into its voyage, it was caught in a solar flare that severely damaged most of the life support functions, and threw it off course. While it killed most on board, the few who survived, slowly died off due to most of the emergency life support systems being focused on the one super reinforced area of the ship. Lianna's cell. She heard nothing... just silence... the eerie silence that just made her wonder, were they all dead? Was she alone? She had no way of checking due to her restraints, and for 6 years, her ship just floated... until it neared an unfamiliar solar system... and it was to land on the place she least expected.

With a crash, the ship landed in the Canadian Wilderness. As she patiently awaited to see if it was indeed soldiers of her father's, much to her surprise it was something completely unexpected... Two figures were before her. One freakish mass of tissue, and a warrior with a black aura. Hearing them speak English confused her... if this was an Artheean planet, there would be no english spoken. Playing around for a moment pretending she did not understand, when the threat of something that was supposed to make her talk ws brought up, she had decided she was tired of words, feeliing insulted she attacked. Through a quick skirmish against the warrior, Warblade, and the mass, Chunk, she stood down, unsure of just what they wished from her. It was then Warblade extended an offer... through their alliance, once they had Earth, they could turn their efforts towards her home... seeing his eyes did not lie, and his voice held no deception as far as she could tell, on this foreign planet, she agreed to their alliance. Through cruel fate, she landed on the home of the specie she hated so much. But if this plan was to come to pass... this...Blackguard, Lianna felt would help her not only strengthen herself, but her resolve, and her chances of taking back the planet she once called home.

Personal Info.


Lianna is an extremely driven person, if anything molded by what she has experienced in the course of her life. She is confident roughly to the point of arrogance, she is calculating, and she is brutal. In an event when she would realize that lives can be lost, she has no issue ensuring that she does what she can to cause as much collateral damage as possible. She sees caring for those who cannot defend themselves as a weakness, and if she is at a disadvantage and sees that innocents can be used as something to even the score, she will ensure they are put on the playing field. She is rather ambitious, and in some cases a perfectionist when it comes to her skills and the shape she is in.

While she is loyal to those who show her the same courtesy, she is not above severing ties and limbs the moment she is burned.


Super Strength

Due to her genetic material, and the strain that has been consistently put on her frame, Empress has built her body to a considered "super" level even for an Artheean. Empress is capable of very impressive lifts, pressing immense weights. While her limits haven't quite been seen, she is capable of more when in a berzerked state.


Empress' body is very durable due to the density of her muscle tissue, bones, and thick skin. She is capable of shrugging off heavy ordinance, or survive in the vastness of space or in alien enviroments for a period of time. Despite her immense durability, she is still capable of being harmed by those who are equal or greater in terms of strength, paranormal attacks and a sustained assault of incredible force.

Stamina And Recovery

Due to her physiology, Empress' body releases less toxins for fatigue, allowing her to operate at peak efficiency for an extensive amount of time. While she can tire out, it takes quite a bit to do so. It is also due to her physiology she requires less time to recover from an injury, that would take a normal human quite a bit of time to recover. Due to her blood from her Arthean side, it takes her roughly half, or less time than an average human to recover from a severe injury. It's also made her for the most part, immune to human diseases.

Hand to Hand and Agility

Due to growing up and training on a planet with a greater amount of gravity, it has allowed Empress to actually be much faster on Earth, due to the lighter gravity. With her body more or less used to a greater weight, she is much lighter on her feet, and is suprisingly agile for a woman her size. She is an experienced hand to hand combatant, and is a master of the Arthean Military's close combat style.


Empress is capable of unassisted flight, nearing Mach 2 speeds. It's yet to be known if she is capable of more.


Over Analyzing Things

While she takes a tactical approach to most things, in many situations she may try to look over so many things, that if she didn't spend so much time looking things over could catch much sooner. That coupled with her thought process that humans are weak, fragile, and rely on weapons too much can allow her to not be as capable to figure something ot until it's too late.

Her Pride | Ego

She is incredibly confident in her abilities. So much so she feels that very few can stand up to her if she were to go all out, especially since she's had not much time to really use her abilities after gaining them. Which can move into overconfidence, which can mean she can be goaded into things if the right words are said.

Mental Defenses

While her will is strong, if her mind is pounded on enough, she is succeptible to being manipulated. Even more so if shes in a berzerked state. It's a state she relies very little on due to how unrestrained and how uncontrolled she is when like that. A simple nudge in that state can turn her against her allies.

Berzerker State

The Artheean people are capable of a Berzerker state that increases their physical size, mass, turns their eyes feral, and gain a few armored plates on their skin. While it doesn't take much to access it, they primarily use it on invasions or against stronger foes. Due to Lianna's natural mutation due to the difference in blood and capablities, she does not have the easy access to the form others of her father's specie have. While it takes a much higher level of rage to access it, she does gain the same attributes others of the Artheean specie would. Increased strength, speed, durability and recovery time. She does not gain the plates on her skin, but she does gain tiny horns on her head aside from her increased muscle mass and height.

But with those increased advantages, comes major disadvantages, primarily her level of control, and her wild state of mind. It's very hard for her to distinguish friend or foe in that state, and it can be used against her.

Character Relationships

Public Opinions

If Your Character had met her / have known of her, just throw their opinion down here.


None yet.

Misc, OOC Info


Well, when I put her together, she was like an expy of Superwoman in terms of alignment. With Red She-Hulk , Barda , and Diana in terms of confidence, power level and other things. Obviously putting my own spin on it. So she doesnt have projectiles, but shes a close range juggernaut type, that is in terms of raw power in the group she's in, and is considered maybe second in overall power. Or at least that's where I'd throw her. Kinda was like, if he's Superman Prime, she'd be the one a few steps down. While I wanted to make her tough, didn't want to make her unbeatable...cause that isn't me. Besides, while I have villains I play off and on, she's probably the first I've thrown out into the community, so it's an experience.

Tropes She Falls Under



  • One Man Army - Point her in a direction and watch the people fly.
  • Confusion Fu - Despite her powerset, she does fight rather dirty when she feels she doesn't wish to be nice.


  • Power Is Sexy - She is attracted to it. She wont deny it, but its more on a power scale sense than a money or ruler sense.
  • Bi the Way - She's attracted to battle, and capable warriors. Anyone who can satiate that is fine by her.



((Will be adding more.))