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"But thank you. Mister Hinokami. I appreciate your kind words."
"But thank you. Mister Hinokami. I appreciate your kind words."
I stepped out of the room, and made my way to the other. There was someone I still had to see.
I knocked on Strife's room.

Revision as of 19:08, 23 January 2022

Not a single day went by where I wanted to see you happy.

Because every single time you told me how much you wanted to die, you weren't the only one in pain.

Seeing you in so much agony was the worst feeling I could ever experience. As your friend.

And that day...

"Hey... Danny, if hypothetically, one day, I had powers... in what scenario would it be justified that I could kill everyone in this world who hurt me?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had to lighten things up. I didn't want to see you walk down a path that you would ultimately regret.

"Yeling, what the hell man. Don't joke about that stuff. This isn't funny."

Yeling glared at me.

"I'm serious."

I had to change the subject. I had to. We were going down a dark conversation.

Think, Danny. Think.

I was his only friend. The only friend he had that he would admit these things to.

I could save him.

By pulling him away from this path.

"Let's just focus on this exam. Look. You haven't even started studying. The exam's coming up. Let's not talk about this stuff."

Yeling clearly didn't look happy.

But I needed to make sure he would never think about this stuff again.

"Look. All I have to say is... if it comes down to it, no matter what the reason is, nothing justifies murder. Nothing. Yeling."

Yeling's fists were clenched so hard that they had turned white.

"Like you know my reasons..." He muttered.

I sighed.

I didn't know what to say.

Curse you, Yeling.

Why did you put me in such a high pedestal? I never asked for this. I'm not your hero. I can't save you when you need it. I just can't. I'm just a powerless guy. A normal human being.

And ever since that freak accident with your family, you always showed up to class in rags and a terrible odour that would make others avoid you. But I stuck around.

After all, the best I could do is make sure you weren't alone.

But don't expect me to be the perfect person in your life that could magically fix all of your troubles. Because I'm human. A cowardly human. That's all I have.

I breathed out, awakening at the shrine of Kanghui in Fa Shan.

But you know, Yeling.

That was before I came back. Before she brought me back from the dead. When I was revived, my mind was in a haze. I could only feel hatred for you, because you, Yeling, had given into the temptation. All those times I tried to steer you clear from the dark path of murder, and you showed up, killing our classmates. Killing Duncan. Then killing me.

But it wasn't until she came back, after you supposedly died, to set me straight. I owe it all to her for reopening my eyes to the real reason why we had taken advantage of that Shakujin's revival ceremony.

"He has gotten even stronger." A girl's voice behind me said.

"Yes." I replied, standing up and inspecting my inventory.

"He, along with the Fujin destroyed all of my relics. All I have is Kanghui, Yama, Lei Shen, and my evos. His flames merged with the First Hinokami as well. That is... problematic."

"You will save him. I have faith in you, Yuyan." The girl purred into my ear.

I stared at the horizon.

"I trust you, my lady. After all, it was you who instructed me to look for the gods of China. To hone my new powers. To take advantage of my undying body. I owe it all to you. I do not understand your reasons still..."

"Do not burden yourself with such musings, my little champion. All you must know, is that the grand scheme of things is all in accordance to Lord Ginga."

"But why? I still don't understand. Taras Pax would have helped accelerate his plans. But why was I tasked to eliminate him?"

The girl raised an eyebrow, putting a finger under my chin and turning me to her direction.

She was beautiful. With long red ribbons of silk decorating her body and contrasting with her round red eyes. A pair of earrings decorated her pretty face, and her hair was long, silky and smooth. Mother would have immediately wanted me to marry her and restore honour in our family. After all, considering Father had divorced her a long time ago.

"Taras Pax was merely a pawn to Lord Ginga. Even if he was his most reliable subordinate. Everything Pax had was given to him from Ginga. Whether it be Matthew Vistara, who was ambushed by Ginga's Shadows to force him to unlock Level 2. Or the formation of the Contingency Initiative. In the end, Pax failed to bring about the other Level 1 Akuma Grade Dogma holders before Ginga lost his patience. It was only a matter of time. Now you are here. Yuyan Zheng."

I nodded, grimly.

"I will do my duty. And save my friend. After all, I know how much Yeling means to you, my lady. This is... why I was chosen, right?"

The girl smiled. The arcane demonic tattoos decorated her entire body. From her legs to her arms to her face. Symbols of vines and flowers decorated her skin, and her long silky smooth hair was braided like a princess. But I knew it would have been immoral to think these things of her. For Yeling's sake.

"Oh. It is true that this particular task was one of emotional value to me. But don't get me wrong. Once Yeling is truly saved, he will be all mine."

"And he will... be happy, right?"

The girl didn't reply.

"Do you not have faith in the person who brought you back from that scorching Hinokami's flame, Yuyan?"

"No, my Lady."

The girl reached out into the sunset.

"Have faith in me, Yuyan. After all... Yeling... is precious to me. My dear Yeling... how you must have regretted it that night. But I'm here.

"Your beloved will bring you home."

I stood before her, as thunder boomed all around.

The girl regarded me.

"Confront him. Yuyan. Kill him if necessary. I need only the body. And then I will take the Shakujin and reanimate him. As long as he is with me, dead or alive. All that matters is we are united again."

Level 1 Susanoo: Demon's Overcast

Storm clouds surrounded her, as she disappeared.


It will be done.

I tried my best to convince you, Yeling. But all you did was deny me. So I will bring you back. By force.

Because she is waiting.

My Lady is waiting for you.

Hakah Mah is waiting for you, Yeling.

The Mah Bloodline

There was only one Hinokami in history who unlocked Stage Four.

Her name was Aelienne. The First Hinokami. The Firebird.

And from Aelienne, her desire to have a family and children of her own, did the Dogma lose his most powerful Hinokami, and would need to search for another.

And so did the next holder of the Hinokami become chosen.

But with each attempt to reviving the Great Akuma, the Hinokami would be slain. Either by those who served Vala, or by Aelienne herself, who meddled with his plans.

This cycle would eventually continue, until the thirteenth Hinokami was chosen.

Mah Ye Ling.

The Tidalflame.

The cycle would come full circle, as the Tidalflame would battle Aelienne, ultimately proving his worth to her, Aelienne had given him her power, in an attempt to aid him in his quest to find happiness.

And it was there, with the help of the Firebird, did the second Hinokami to ever unlock Stage Four gain conception.

I am the strongest Hinokami. Unbound by the Dogma. Unbound by the laws of the Great Akuma.

Nothing holds me back.

At least... that's what I thought, until a full 300 pounds of blubber came flying my way.

"Despair! Villain!" The son of Duke Edinburgh, Charles "Charlie" Cobblestone charged me, his sword in hand.

He began swinging wildly. I dodged, Shenlong's Rain style still engrained in my muscle memory.

"I shall take you down! In the name and respect of all women! For I am an ambassador for-"

The great son of Duke Edinburgh tripped on a rock, falling on his chubby face.

"Geh!" I gasped, as Inoko gave me a panicked expression.

"Do something!" She hissed.

"What am I supposed to do?!" I replied.

Inoko's face flushed red as she gritted her teeth, her fists clenched and her feet shifting on the dirt on the ground.

"Ugh! Fine!" She muttered, as she ran forward and knelt in front of Charlie. He looked like he was about to cry, but Inoko put a smile on her face.

"My hero! You can do it! I believe in you."

Charlie stared at Inoko and wiped his eyes.

"Y- Yes! I will defeat this monster! And take your hand in marriage!"

Inoko smiled, her eye was twitching in irritation, but she did a pretty good job at hiding it. I guess.

"Uh... yeah! Yes! Save me, Charlie! Save this kingdom from that evil man!"

Charlie got to his feet, his eyes full of fury, as he glared at me.

I stumbled back.

"Uh... Inoko, are you sure this is a good idea-"

"Just take it, Yeling. Stop being a pansy."

I sighed. Then brought my hands back, doing my best at an evil villain laugh.

"HAHAHA! Come and try, if you can! Son of Duke Edinburgh! For I am the great Demon Lord who will destroy this land! And I will take Inoko! And do bad stuff! Yeah!"

Charlie yelled a war cry, and ran to my direction, his belly jiggling as he leapt into the air.

"Ah." My evil smile melted.

"Shit." I grumbled, as Charlie knocked me to the ground. 300 pounds of pure nobleman burying me into the ground.

"I have won! Inoko! I now have your hand in marriage!" Charlie laughed, grabbing Inoko's hand as her face momentarily flashed with disgust.

I gave her an evil smirk.

"Just take it, Inoko. Stop being a pansy."

Inoko wiped her face with another fake smile.

"Ah! Well. Um. I'm so happy! When you've grown older, my hero, I will be waiting!"

Charlie pouted.

"But I want to marry you NOW!"

"Heh?!" Inoko stumbled backwards, as I held back a laugh.

"Now my lord... You are still young. You must wait until you have taken your father's place as the Duke before you can take a woman's hand in marriage." Charlie's maid approached him, with a towel in one hand, and a tray full of snacks in the other.

"Snacktime!" Charlie's face beamed with a smile, as he ran to the maid, burying his face in the snacks.

Inoko helped me to my feet.

"God that was... so embarrassing." I muttered.

"Look. Our task was just to watch over the Duke's son. Just humour him a little."

The maid bowed to us.

"I thank you. Brave adventurers. For looking after his most highest while his usual sitter is away. Lord Charles is particularly fond of you two."

Inoko laughed.

"We enjoyed it too. It's our pleasure."

"Was it though...." I muttered.

Inoko glared at me.

"Yes. It sure was."

The maid put a hand on her mouth and giggled.

"You two get along so well with Lord Charles. Almost like he is your child. It is very adorable."

I raised my eyebrows, as I turned to Inoko, her face was bright red.

"N- No no no! It's not like that!" Inoko stammered.

"We simply just enjoyed this after all. There's nothing between us! Really! We're just friends."

With each coming excuse Inoko was giving, the more I felt like my body was sinking to the ground.

Charlie turned and looked at me. Then gave me a smirk.

"Virgin." He snickered.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Four.

"But in all gratefulness. We are truly in your debt. Inoko. Yeling. Thank you for looking after our lord. We will have your reward processed for you by the end of the day. In the meantime, feel free to enjoy yourselves in the village of Cobblestone."

We bowed, as we made our way out of the residence of Duke Edinburgh.

I tapped the right side of my temple, as runic reticules appeared in front of my right eye.

"Floki, revert."

Magical shimmering appeared, revealing my scorched flesh. My right eye reverted to its usual golden magical implant.

I shifted my bangs so it would cover the right side of my face, pulling hair out of my ponytail, as the brown locks gently fell under my chin.

"So... what now?" I asked Inoko.

Inoko shouldered her guard.

"I'm going to get my armour re-enchanted. How's those new clothes doing for you?"

"They're good." I replied.

They really were. After my battle against Danny. My second battle. My leather jacket was completely torn to shreds. So when I went adventuring with Inoko and the others again, Inoko helped pick out new clothes for me. My jeans stayed, since it didn't really suffer much damage, but my jacket was pretty much gone. She found something similar.

A fur coat with black dragon hide, that would be much harder to damage and would sustain my Hinokami a little bit better. The beige fur lined the collar, similar to my old jacket since Inoko figured I liked the style. She also picked out several dragon hide boots and gloves to compliment my look.

Inoko gave me a warm smile, as I felt my heart race. I kind of wish it didn't. It was never going to work out. But this was my problem, not hers.

"I'm really happy you like it! I've been told my taste for clothes is a bit drab by Shia... but my order is utility, then looks. Not to say I don't care about looks... I still want to look good.... I guess..."

Inoko began shifting. Her embarrassed face whenever she tried to awkwardly convince people that she wasn't a tomboy was honestly so adorable.

I had to look away before I got a nosebleed.

"Uh. Yeah. Well, I guess I'll see you around then, Inoko!" I waved her goodbye, as I watched her go to the weapon smith.

"Ah. Well. I guess this does beat walking around in the middle of nowhere all alone." I said, as I took in the scenery of Cobblestone. The place was exactly what you would expect in a medieval sorcery fantasy town.

I turned back to Inoko, who was speaking to the armour smith, when suddenly, a tall man with luscious green locks of hair ran up to her, taking her hands as Inoko panicked, dropping her breastplate to the ground.

"My dear! How beautiful you look today! Are you fixing up your armour? May I be of any assistance?"

"Ah! It's okay, Shen! It's really okay!"

Shen bent down and picked up the armour.

"I won't leave your side, Inoko. If you need me. I will be here for you. Now come. Let us have this enchanted." Shen took Inoko's hand and placed it on the armour. His face looked so dreamy.

And yes.

That pissed me off.

I stared at the two from a distance.

"Wait up! Big brother!" A little girl shouted, as a kid ran off. His little sister tailing him as they played with a ball in the streets of the village.

I turned around to watch the two play.

"Heh." I muttered to myself.

Seeing those two reminded me of my time with Hakah.

My own little sister.

Back when she was alive, I still held really fond memories of her.

We used to play together all the time. Obviously.

She always saw me as the cool big brother, and she wanted to be like me.

Whether it was learning to read and write Chinese. She would want to do that too.

If it was to learn to play the piano, she would want to do that too.

In a way, even when I came back feeling like a total loser in school, my adorable little sister would always welcome me home. She saw me as more than a big brother.

She saw me as her hero.

Even when we got older together, I was seventeen, and she was twelve, her feelings for me never changed.

My mama and baba were always my source of comfort. But Hakah was too, she was more.

She made me feel strong, even when I felt like shit.

I could never forget that one time I went on a school trip. She had told me she always wanted earrings. So I went out of my way to spend what little allowance I had on these pretty earrings. They had a card, with an illustration of a horse. Since our surname was Mah, Canan for horse.

When I returned home from the school trip, I gave my sister the earrings. And she had those on ever since. She believed by wearing those earrings, she would share my strength, and she could become strong. Obviously, such beliefs were silly, but seeing her happy made me happy.

Even if it was embarrassing to admit it. And I never ever like admitting stuff like this to her face, obviously. Being the older sibling.

My chest welled up in pain again at the thoughts of Hakah.

I clutched my heart, making my way to the inn.

"Mah-san. Welcome back!" The front desk lady bowed to me.

I climbed the steps to my room. This time, we were able to afford individual rooms. I guess while I was away, Shia had managed to rack up a lot of wealth from her constant adventuring. I always figured she would be good with money.

Shia was still out doing a random quest to rack loot so they could face the Guardian again.

After all, it was made painfully obvious what my limits were as Stage Four.

"Dinner time." I said, as I picked up the four trays of food and wolfed it down.

Then I turned to the desserts like a predator, and leapt at them animalistically.


With Aelienne's power, I was essentially two Hinokami's existing as one.

And with that, I was able to call upon even more of its power.

But the downside was...

I scarfed down plate after plate of food.

I needed twice the sustenance as a normal human being.

Twice the amount of food.

Twice the amount of sleep.

Twice the amount of rest.

All so I could deliver twice the amount of performance.

Aelienne didn't tell me shit about that!

I pulled the sheets over my head. And before I knew it, I was out like a light.

"Yeling! Wake up!"


I peeked from my mountain of sheets to see Shia's round little face peeking from the ground.

"I'm home!" She smiled at me.


I pulled the sheets back over my head.

"Hey! What are you doing?! I'll have you know I came back after a whole week, and this is how you welcome me?!"

"Good night."

"It's 3pm! Half the time I see you, you're either asleep, or eating, or fighting! What are you, an old man? You oldie! Gramps! Oldie! Old Man Yeling!"

Shia continued calling me names until I eventually dragged myself out of bed.

"Shia. Yeling. It is a good thing you two are here." A man in a lab coat adjusted his glasses.

I couldn't help it.

I couldn't hold it.

I let loose a massive yawn, stretching my arms, as Shia stared at me in shock.


"S- Sorry. I didn't sleep enough." I muttered.

The man laughed.

"Ah, I hope you get enough sleep soon. So sorry for bothering you with such a task."

Shia gave me a death glare.

"No. Yeling is just like that. He's like a bear. Always sleeping. So I'm guessing you called about Cobblestone's water problem?"

"Yes. It seems I've found the problem. From the samples I've tested, it seems the source is from a monster. A slime to be exact."

"A slime, huh." Shia leaned in and put a hand on her chin.

"And this slime, I'm guessing it's located in the lake."

The scientist nodded.

"Slimes have historically been a pain for this village. But one at this magnitude..."

"It's okay." Shia rolled up her sleeves.

"We got this! Right Yeling?"

I snorted awake, seconds from falling asleep.


Shia and I walked to the plaza.

"Are... you okay, Yeling?"

"Yeah, just tired and all."

"Is it because of your new power?"

"I think so. When Aelienne transferred her power to me, she ended up transferring part of herself. Meaning while I have the power of two Hinokami's I'm also twice as hungry, sleepy, and I need twice the sustenance. Which sucks, honestly."

I inspected my hands.

"Just when I thought I could get an edge with Stage Four, and I can't even use my powers for any longer than ten minutes! Damn!"

Shia skipped ahead of me.

"Well. You're not alone. You know that right? We can do it and tackle it together!"

I managed a smile.


We continued walking, when suddenly, Shia got distracted.

"Oh my god! Cheese buns! Wait here, Yeling. Do you want one?"

"I'm good."

"Suit yourself!" Shia ran off to the stall, while I watched.

"Your eyes." A voice appeared next to me.

I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Ah! Uh, can I help you?"

The man looked sickly. As if he had spent weeks without eating.

"Such large eyes. Just like hers."


The man began breathing heavily.

"My Lady. She has the same eyes as you. So round. So evil. So... menacing..."

I was getting some seriously creepy vibes from this guy. I felt like booking it, but Shia was still at the stall.

"Floki: Scan"

Floki began sending me information on the guy. From what I knew, he was just a regular villager in Cobblestone. A little on the brittle side, which made sense. He looked like he was extremely malnourished.

But suddenly, something stuck out.

Something unsettling.

Floki was alerting me that this man had a connection. It wasn't direct, but there were fragments of it. Floki detected it to be some kind of master servant.

Loyalty Seal: Dogma Grade - Susanoo

"...Susanoo? Like the God of Storms?" I muttered, stumbling back, but the man stared at me.

"How did you... ahhhhhh that eye. That beautiful eye!" The man began clawing at his face.

"She knows. She knows. She will kill me. She will kill me! Help me! Protect me..."

"Whoa whoa whoa. What are you talking about? Who is she?"

The man stared at me, as he took out a knife, pressing it against his neck. Several screams erupted from the crowds, as several of the village guards confiscated his weapon, dragging him away.

"She wants you. She wants you to reunite with her. She has been waiting. For oh so long."

I stared at him in terror, as Shia ran up to me.

"Yeling! What's wrong? You're white as a ghost! Who is that guy?"

"I... have no idea..."

"No.... no.... I did my best to keep it a secret! Don't! Don't kill me! I beg you!"

The man began to squirm as the guardsmen struggled to keep him in check.

"Sir! Stay calm! You are safe! No one is here to kill you."

The man suddenly stopped resisting, a sinister smile on his face, as he looked at me.

"Last son of the Mah Clan. Brace yourself. For she has begun to make a move."

Shia put distance between us.

"What are you talking about? What are you going about this 'she'? How do you know that Yeling is from the Mah clan?"

I was going to make a witty remark. Like how my last name was Mah. But suddenly, the region around him turned dark.

What the hell was going on?!

"Yeling! Get back!" Shia shoved me out of the way as we landed on our backs.

A spectre appeared from the shadows, a humanoid figure with a blue swirl for a face. It was looking straight at me, as a mask began to take root from the swirl. Growing and gaining form.

I gasped.

No way.

I've seen these masks before.

That vision... of Matt from the Dogma. That day he was ambushed. Those operatives who wore those masks that I couldn't recognize. I always wondered about that, and at some point, I slowly forgot about it. But here they were again.

A scream erupted from the man who was detained, as a shadow had grabbed his face, sucking up his life force. The guardsmen tried to do something, but they couldn't get near without their life force being sucked away too.

Shia ran forward, summoning a big hammer.

Rain God Shenlong - Holy Water Imbuement

The hammer gained a swirling green aura as she swung, yeeting the shadows into the sky. Shia continued fighting off the shadows, as more and more formed.

"Tatsu!" I shouted, summoning the blade as it appeared in my head.

I spun around, my heart beating at top pace.

I was in no condition to use Stage Four. I was too tired.

So frickin lame!

"Floki! Hostile Scan."

My vision was covered in reticules, Floki interfacing with my nervous system from the damaged nerves of my missing right eye, as my muscles lined up perfectly.

Hinokami Rain Style Kenjutsu Form 1

My blade caught on fire, red flames emitting a red glow across the street.

Devil's Surface Slash

I swung, delivering a powerful swipe of flames which neutralized the ghosts in an area, filtering out and carefully aiming so as to not avoid any damage to the surroundings or people.

But more spectres began emerging from the ground, trying to capture the man.

"Shit!" I gasped.

Shia looked at me.

"Protect that creep! We don't know why they're after him, but we can't have him die!"

"On it!"

I ran to the creep, but was surrounded by a bunch of those spectres.

"Out of my way!" I yelled, bringing my hands back.

Level 1 Hinokami: Devil's Typhoon

I unleashed a red flame outwards which disintegrated the spectres. But the man was suddenly gone, running for dear life.

"Hey!" I shouted after him, chasing the man and slashing down spectre left and right.

"Get away from me!" The man screamed.

"I'm supposed to be the one saying that you creep!"

More shadows intercepted me.

There was no point wasting what little stamina I had on these guys.

I summoned my Chainblade and threw it into the roof of a nearby building, swinging above them, and pursuing the man.

I had no idea who he was. But for whatever reason, he knew something about me, and these people were after him. I couldn't just let him die like this.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared from within an alley, tackling the man to the ground.

"No!" The man screamed.

I blasted forward, but more and more shadows appeared from the sides of the walls of the buildings.

Elder son... The shadows whispered into my ear as my eyes went wide.

"What the-"

I swung wildly, dissipating shadows left and right, but more and more of them began latching onto me.

She awaits you. She has waited long enough. Come to her.

Come to her.

Unite the bloodline.

What the hell were they talking about? Uniting a bloodline? This, lady this man was talking about.

She seemed dangerous.

I already had Danny to worry about. I didn't need another thing on my mind.

The man was pinned on the ground, as a shadow began sucking up his life-force.

I had no choice.

This level should be more than enough. I just hoped it wouldn't eat up at my energy too much.

Level 1 Hinokami Stage Two...

"Get away from him!" A boy's voice shouted.

"Wha-" I gasped, as a young man, probably around fifteen, had shot forward from a nearby building. A long dagger in his hand and armour.

He was an adventurer.

The shadows hissed at him as he landed on the ground, runes appearing on one of his forearms.

Little mortal. Do not interfere. With our Lady's plans.

"It's okay now. I will save you!"

A magic circle appeared as the kid made a fist, unleashing a powerful fire bolt which incinerated the shadows.

The kid ran forward, but was intercepted by another shadow. The two clashed.

"Run, boy! You cannot win against the Shadows!" The man exclaimed, but the boy refused to give up.

"No... no way. I won't leave you behind. Your life has value!"

The man was speechless, as the kid stood before him, fighting an overwhelming horde of shadows. He was at his limit, but he kept fighting.

I landed on the ground, Tatsu still in hand. My bangs were dancing around my face, covering most of it.

I said nothing, as I watched the kid fight valiantly.

It never occurred to me, why this scene looked so familiar.

But then it hit me.

A kid who would fight with so much effort against an overwhelming threat. But refusing to give up to protect another life.

I had seen this before.

Matthew Vistara was just like this.

Why do you struggle, boy. Your strength wanes. Surrender yourself. The spirits whispered.

"I refuse! Because... if I give up now... who will be here to protect this man?!"

... Me.

I'm still here.

I brought Tatsu up, but suddenly, a shadow emerged from the ground, grabbing my wrist.

"Tch!" I seethed, but the shadow put a hand on mine.

You are not our enemy. Elder Son. We do not wish to fight you. But the man deserves to die.

"Who the hell are you?!" I exclaimed.

You will understand in time... Eldest.

Eldest? What the hell are these guys talking about? And how did they know so much about the Mah Clan?

I watched as the kid continued fighting like crazy, when suddenly, a girl joined in. Wielding a glowing green hammer.

"Shia!" I said, as I looked back at the ghost, who disappeared.

Shia landed on the ground, swinging her hammer and knocking the Shadows away.

"Who-" The kid asked.

Shia turned around.

"Stay back."

Rain God Shenlong: Holy Rain

Shia put her hand in the air, as a sphere of green swirling energy appeared above her, flooding the sky with clouds. Green rain began pouring over the town as the shadows screamed, dissipating and melting.

I sighed.

It was over.

I was about to step out of the shadows, but a spectre grabbed my wrist from behind. It was moments from being disintegrated as well by Shen's Rainwater.

"You!" I snarled, raising Tatsu, but the Shadow simply regarded me.

You thwarted our plans. Eldest. Our Lady will be most displeased. But we will let you go just this once. Because our Lady is fond of you. She wants you. But should she change her mind, it doesn't matter if you are a surviving member of the Mah Bloodline. We will kill you if she wishes it. With no hesitation.

I stood in silence, watching the Shadow disintegrate in the darkness.

"Yeling!" Shia shouted as she ran up to me.


"Are you okay? The man is fine too. I guess Shen's Rainwater did the trick..." Shia's legs buckled. I reached out to grab her, but the kid beat me to it.

"Hey! Are you okay? Thanks for helping me back there. I really appreciate it! I really do!"

The kid bowed before Shia, who regained her composure.

"Aww... and thank you for helping defend him. What you did was so heroic! What's your name?"

"Strife Reinhart. I... I saw the shadows and the man being chased. So I went after him."

Shia raised her eyebrows.

"Those Shadows were really strong. Why would you do something so reckless?"

Strife scratched the back of his head.

"I... I'm actually not so sure... I guess my body moved on its own."

Shia and Strife continued talking. And for some reason, my heart rate went up.

I felt irritated. Almost irrational.

And I knew this feeling. I couldn't believe I was feeling it, but I was.

I was jealous.

But this wasn't the time to be worried about that. Now that there was this whole Mah Clan thing going on. I felt uneasy. What did these Shadows have in common with that night Vision was intercepted? Why did they say they were not my enemy? Who the hell was this Lady? And why did she want me so bad?

Shia looked at me.

"Yeling, are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied.

Shia sighed.

"We still need to worry about that giant slime in the lake too. I guess let's check up on the others."

Strife Reinhart

"C- Can I come along with you?" Strife bowed.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely not-"

"Of course you can!" Shia patted him on the head, causing Strife to blush.

Inoko smiled.

"Why do you want to join our party?"

Strife put a hand on his chest.

"I... I want to get stronger. To protect this town and the people. Seeing Shia in action today, I've realized I still have a long way to go. I want to become even stronger and push myself. I want to help you guys save these people. I... want to be a hero."

Shen laughed, putting an arm around Strife.

"My boy. You already are. For your actions against those weird ghostly creatures! Saving a man you never even knew before! I approve!"

My eye twitched in annoyance as Strife was now part of our group. Majority decision.

We made our way to the lake.

Strife was getting along so well with Shia, Shen, and Inoko.

I couldn't believe this was happening. But I guess this wasn't up for me to decide.

"Hey... you're Yeling Mah right?"

I turned to Strife, hiding the look of annoyance from my face.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"You wouldn't happen to be... The Chinese Terrorist, would you?"

I stopped walking.

Everybody turned around to us, their faces full of concern.

"Why do you ask?" I said, my hand inches from summoning Tatsu.

"N- Nothing! I didn't mean to be rude. I guess... you kind of remind me of him. You have a freakishly strong aura. Kind of scary. Not in a bad way though!" Strife stammered, his hands in the air.

I took a deep breath.

This was going to be an awkward journey.

We got to the lake, and Inoko gasped.

"Oh god. It's even worse now."

I lifted my bangs.

"Floki: Status."

Strife's eyes widened.

"Whoa... is that a magical eye implant? That's so cool! You don't even need to use magic like us, that eye is basically a magic item itself!"

Shia smiled.

"Yes. Yeling's eye is special. At least... the one he has right now. He lost his other one fighting... someone very strong."

"I'm sorry." Strife said.

I don't need your pity, kid.

"Yeah. That's a slime alright." I said, narrowing my eyes as the crosshair reticules focused, magic circles forming in front of my golden eyeball.


Inoko looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

I paused.

"Aren't slimes supposed to be thoughtless creatures?"

Shia walked up to me.

"Yeah. They don't have INT stats above 5, usually. What does this one say?"

I gave Shia a grim expression.


Everybody stared at me.

"Mah Ye Ling. Are you sure the magical eye device Rui gave you is not perhaps defective?" Shen asked.

"It's not defective you stupid dragon!" I snapped.

"That's mean! How dare you mock my lack of intelligence like this?!" Shen exclaimed.

We continued bickering, until Inoko gasped.

"Strife! What are you doing?!"

Strife ran up to the source of the darkness in the pool. He was unarmed.

"Get back from there!" Shia shouted, as suddenly, the entire place rumbled. The lake monster emerged from the water. A mass of purple goo rising. Its body was sloshing and mixing with the water, as the water splashed onto the grass, disintegrating it.

"Strife!" Inoko shouted, but Strife darted left and right acrobatically, dodging the splashes.

My eyes widened as one splash came flying in my direction, but Shen stood in front of it, taking the damage head on.

"Shen!" I shouted, but Shen smiled at me. Regenerating.

"Such an attack is meaningless to a god like me!"


God of idiots, more like.

"The monster is here. Time to light this bitch up." I growled, raising my hand.

Level 1 Hinokami...

"Don't!" Strife stood in front of me, his arms wide.

"Kid! I'm not going to ask you again. Move out of the way. I'm going to kill this monster in one blow."

"No! This monster... I think I can save her."

I stared at Strife, completely speechless for a good four seconds.

"The hell did you just say?"

Strife maintained his expression.

"I can sense her pain. She isn't doing this out of her own volition. Let me talk to her."

"She is a mindless slime! You're trying to reason with a slime, do you know how dumb that sounds?"

Strife turned around, as Inoko and Shia were trying their best to land hits on the slime, evading its strikes and trying their best to restrain it from continuing to harm the wildlife and ecosystem around it.

Strife ran up to the slime.

"Stop!" Strife shouted, as the slime continued lashing out.

I looked at Shen.

"Nope. He's a lost cause. Let him get eaten. I'll disintegrate the monster after it eats the kid and what are you doing."

Shen's eyes welled with tears.

"S- So... so beautiful. His heroism. If I had met him that day, I should have transferred my power to him instead of you!"

"Are you frickin kidding me?!"

I glared at the monster, running forward with Tatsu in hand and slashing down, as Inoko picked up a boulder with her monstrous strength, and dashed out of the way, her body glowing silver.

Her speed was being amplified by Tian.

Inoko chucked the boulder at the slime, which disintegrated, as pieces of the slime lashed to her direction.

I shot forward.

Rain Style Kenjutsu: Form 10 - Peace after the Flood

Millions of slashes appeared on the appendage, reducing it to mince.

I landed on the ground next to Inoko.

Shia and Shen regrouped with us.

"Where's Strife?!" Shia shouted at us.

"He went to reason with that monster." Shen said.

"What?!" Inoko exclaimed, shooting to her feet.

"He's going to get eaten! Has he lost his mind?!"


Someone who was listening to reason.

But suddenly, the last person I would ever expect spoke up.

"No... I think Strife is onto something." Shia put a hand to her chin.

"Are you kidding me?!" I gasped.

"Yeling, when Floki read its stats, you mentioned the slime had an INT of 147. That's the same as a functioning human being. This slime... this slime wouldn't normally just be sitting in the lake like this, polluting the entire place. A slime needs to keep itself fed, not dilute itself. Maybe it's true it can listen to reason."

We looked at Strife, who continued to plead to the slime, which let loose a relentless assault. I drew Tatsu.

"I'll save you... no matter what!" Strife shouted, as he charged forward. Thousands of appendages closing in on him fast.

Level 1 Hinokami

Rain Style Kenjutsu

I spun violently in the air, sideways like a corkscrew.

Form 6 - Devil Vortex Slash

The appendages were sliced into pieces through a death spiral all around Strife as he stared at me, his mouth hanging open.

"Stop staring and talk to the monster!" I snarled, as I landed on the ground.

I grabbed my bangs, lifting them up.

"Floki, Trace Openings!"

Floki created a bunch of afterimages in my vision.

"Let's go, kid." I ordered, as Strife followed after me.

We continued running, as Strife slashed with his sword.

Turn after turn, until we were at the centre.

And I couldn't believe my eyes.

"I... I knew it!" Strife said, as he ran up to a young girl who was suspended in a mass of slime goop.

"A... A human...?" The girl muttered.

"Let me free you." Strife said, as he sliced at the goo.

"No... don't. The slime is toxic." The girl warned, but Strife ignored her, slashing and cutting frantically. His body was starting to show signs of poisoning as his strikes became slower.

"Strife, you can't free her like this." I said, turning to the girl.

"How did you end up like this? Is this entire thing part of you? Or are you stuck in here."

I pulled the bangs behind my head, tucking it behind my right ear, as the girl responded.

"No... I was imprisoned here. This slime feeds off my life force to survive. Please... please run. I cannot be freed."

Floki was showing me that she wasn't lying.

"Because the slime is toxic?"

I grabbed Strife, and pulled him back violently. Strife was about to protest, but I shot him a glare.

The girl closed her eyes.

"I'm... dangerous... No matter what I do, I just burden others. So please. Please. Just leave me here. Please."

I narrowed my golden eye, magical crosshairs forming in front of it. A number was next to her stats. And it was decreasing. Rapidly.

"You're not a human, are you."


"But even so, this slime is killing you."

The girl's eyes widened.

"Th.... Then maybe I deserve to die."

"And why is that?" I asked.

The girl looked at me, tears brimming from her eyes.

"Have you ever lost someone important... and the reason... was because of you?"

I paused, images of Mama, Baba, and Hakah appeared in my mind.

The girl continued.

"I killed him. I killed Uncle, it was completely by accident, but that's not an excuse. I was too powerful. So father... he exiled me. He banished me from my kind and left me in this slime for centuries. For the longest time... I've spent it alone. The thoughts of Uncle dying by my hand, and father disowning me constantly replaying in my head. So please. Brave hero..."

The girl gazed at Strife.

"Please don't save me."

I lowered Tatsu.

If we freed her...

If we freed her, wouldn't she just end up getting more people hurt? Just like what she did to her uncle?

I should just eliminate the entire slime. Forget about freeing her. The fact and reality was that if a high elf like her was freed, her destructive powers would just end up screwing everybody in Cobblestone over. But suddenly, Strife shouted.

"Is that really what you think?!"

The girl paused, startled.

Strife aimed his sword at her.

"Do you really think you deserve to die?"

"I- I don't deserve to live..."

"If you have these feelings of remorse and pain for what you did, then you deserve the life you were given! You deserve it! Your life is precious, even if the whole world is against you, there is always one person you can convince to never give up on your life and that is yourself!"

I stared at Strife.

Maybe it was because her situation was so similar to mine... I never really thought of it like that.

"Every life deserves to be lived. If you can't control your powers, then control them! I will help you!"

Strife charged and sliced at the girl's restraints, as she began begging him to stop.

"Please, hero. Don't... don't do all these things just for my sake... why are you helping me?! Why?!"

Strife continued striking, as his body was starting to fail. At this point, he was barely able to stand.

"B- Because... that's just... who I am..." Strife muttered, grabbing the girl's wrist. His hand was turning purple.

The girl sobbed.

"No... no... I don't deserve this... I don't deserve kindness..."

Strife smiled at her through the pain.

"Then I will force my kindness onto you."

Strife yelled, bringing his sword, back but dropped it, as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. The girl screamed, crying, as Strife was about to fall into the goop, but I grabbed his collar.

I set Strife down, my hand hovering over his chest.

Level 1 Hinokami: Phoenix Hearth

Warm red flames surrounded him, healing and expelling the poison, as I turned to the girl.

"He'll live." I said, as the girl stared at me.

"Wh- Why are you two going so far for someone you never met?" She whispered.

Strife coughed, barely conscious. His hand was still moving as if he was trying to slash at the goop.

"If I can't... can't... save one hurting girl... what kind of a hero... am I..."

I regarded Strife.

Even when he was on the verge of dying, he was still trying to save her.

If you have these feelings of remorse and pain for what you did, then you deserve the life you were given!

I grimaced.

This kid...

"You heard the hero." I said, as Tatsu dissipated into flame. I approached the girl until we were face to face. The girl regarded me, tears were still streaming down her eyes.

"Wha- What will you..."

"We're going to free you. While Strife is right that you deserve to live your life, there's also the matter that this idiot slime is polluting Cobblestone's water supply. So I'm going to rip you out of this thing then send the mofo to kingdom come."

The girl looked confused.

"C- Cobblestone? I'm not... in The Labyrinth?"

"What?" I asked.

"The Labyrinth, I was sealed in the slime... and I was exiled to the bottom floor of the Labyrinth. Why am I... why am I in a water supply?"

God dammit.

This whole quest just got even more complicated.

I lifted my hand.

"Wait... what are you doing?"

"I'm going to free you, by destroying the monster."

My hand burst into red flame.

"But you'll get me too!"

"Trust me."

The red flames began to give a sinister red glow which lit up my face evilly. The girl gulped, her face pale in terror.

"Floki: Selective Targeting."

My right eye socket widened, as my golden implant generated even more runic reticules, as a blue magic circle appeared around my flaming wrist.


I picked the girl up like a sack of potatoes and dragged Strife by the collar as we emerged from the remains of the slime, which had completely dried up from Hinokami.

"Guys!" Shia shouted at us, as we reunited.

"What happened to Strife?" Inoko ran up to the kid, cradling him.

"Tried playing the hero." I replied.

With the slime problem out of the way, Strife and the high elf was treated to their injuries.

Shia, Inoko, and Shen took turns visiting Strife.

I went the other way, to the other hall of the infirmary for the girls.

"Ah. Yeling. Yes, she is right this way. We can only allow fifteen minutes, unfortunately. Even for an adventurer like you. I hope you understand." The doctor bowed to me.

"That's fine."

I knocked gently on the door, as the girl regarded me. I peeked at the sign.

Her name was Arcana.

Oops. I guess I forgot to get her name. Better late than never.


Arcana smiled at me, though it looked kind of forced.


"Feeling any better?"

"I suppose... I haven't hurt anyone yet."

"That's progress."

I sat down on a chair next to her bed. Arcana regarded me.

"I sense a lot of pressure from you, but the only mana that's coming out of your body is through that golden eye of yours. That flame you used..."

"Yeah." I adjusted my sleeve, showing her my tattoos.

"It's Hinokami. The Devil's Flames."

Arcana gasped.

"Like... the Great Akuma?"

"So even high elves know about the Great Akuma, great." I grumbled.

"S- Sorry if I offended you. I was just taken aback. The Great Akuma is a very powerful spectral entity even back when I served my father as his lieutenant for the High Elves hundreds of years ago."

"He's that popular huh."

"Not he... The Great Akuma is a she."

"Uh. What?" I stammered.

Arcana put a hand to her mouth and giggled.

"Sorry. I shouldn't laugh. I suppose you came here for a few questions. Don't worry, I can answer them. But first... is he okay? The hero?"

"He's fine."

Arcana sighed.

"Thank goodness."

I managed a smile.

"Yeah. He's a good kid. Naive as hell though."


Arcana remained silent for a few seconds. I could tell Strife's "words of encouragement" wasn't enough to get her out of her mental state. But because of what Strife said... I guess I felt obligated to do something now. Which was completely out of my character.

"Since you're familiar with The Great Akuma, I guess you know about the Dogma then."

"Yes. The Dogma was the Akuma's right hand man. From what I understand, it's the Dogma who bestowed a portion of the Akuma's power to mortals to allow them to do their bidding. It's... strange that you seem free. Did you decouple yourself like the First Hinokami did?"


I shifted my sleeves.

"Still feeling guilty, huh."

Arcana pursed her lips.

"Who wouldn't, after doing something like that? I really appreciate the kind words Strife said to me, but... I feel like there isn't a single person who could ever relate to what I've been through."

I clenched my fist.


Arcana wiped her eyes.

"I... Sorry. I didn't mean to ruin things again. What were you going to ask me?"

"Yeah. You mentioned that you were originally exiled into the Labyrinth. But now you ended up here."


"Do you remember... anything? From when you were imprisoned? The water pollution only happened recently. So whatever relocation that you encountered must have been recent for you as well."

"N- No... sorry. I don't... wait."

I raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"There were... figures. I remembered that much. Being with strange masks. And ghostly shadows. And one person, bigger than the rest. But everything else felt hazy. I cannot recall anything else."

Ghostly shadows.

Not those assholes again.

"Get some rest." I said, as I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Also, don't beat yourself up too bad. Strife is right. If you have the capacity to feel bad about it, then there's hope. Don't give up on yourself, kid."

"I... think I'm older than you. By a lot."


I got up and left, as Arcana laughed.

"But thank you. Mister Hinokami. I appreciate your kind words."

I stepped out of the room, and made my way to the other. There was someone I still had to see.

I knocked on Strife's room.