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Rave sends back a transmission, Rave ask Malt, "Is that blood on your shirt? Didn't your mother alway tell you never to leave the house with a tampax stayfree. You must eager to die Mr. Malt. Why don't you stop wasting your time with little fish. I will be there to kill you soon enough." Mult replies, "Big talk from a little man. From what I've seen. I'm starting to believe you're bluffing." Then he flick is cape and flies back up into his ship. He and the girls are on there way in a small ship. Kimbra say, "JC, Rave I really hope you can fight this guy." Rave says, "I was bluffing. I have no idea what this guy can do. But if I can't stop him then we're all dead anyways." Chastity adds, "At least you bought us time to say our prays." The scene is gloomy. Rave smiles saying, "Don't go doubting me just yet. There is no way I'm the strongest one on Earth but there is a higher probablity there is."
Rave sends back a transmission, Rave ask Malt, "Is that blood on your shirt? Didn't your mother alway tell you never to leave the house with a tampax stayfree. You must eager to die Mr. Malt. Why don't you stop wasting your time with little fish. I will be there to kill you soon enough." Mult replies, "Big talk from a little man. From what I've seen. I'm starting to believe you're bluffing." Then he flick is cape and flies back up into his ship. He and the girls are on there way in a small ship. Kimbra say, "JC, Rave I really hope you can fight this guy." Rave says, "I was bluffing. I have no idea what this guy can do. But if I can't stop him then we're all dead anyways." Chastity adds, "At least you bought us time to say our prays." The scene is gloomy. Rave smiles saying, "Don't go doubting me just yet. There is no way I'm the strongest one on Earth but there is a higher probability there is."

Revision as of 17:37, 1 June 2022

Act 1

Usual Mature Content, Fighting Gore warning

While Rave was in Florida.

A giant aircraft casts a dark shadow over the sky. Every device on Earth is hacked as the Vindicator takes the screen. He says, "People of Earth. This is Vindicator (alien term for Officer) Malt Zegier from the Galactic Federation UPA. Your planer has been schedule for termination under code C-Delta-14-7-6-9 BrRavo 7-9 effective immidiately. Thank you and have a great day."

Rave immediately hacks back this transmission and the whole thing is broadcasted. Rave said, "Malt, Malt, Malt you are not going to blow up the Earth. See that little ball of dirt through your little computer screen. Take a good look at it. Me and my friend live down there. And I'm going to fight you and I garantee you it will be the last thing you see before you die." Malt pauses as he was about to hit the plantery destroying weapon button and covers it back. Poison his robot assistant tells him, "Sir. The Earth is to be destroyed immediately we will be behind schedule." He replies, "We did a scout a few years ago and the Earth was destined to destroy themselves in war anyway. We didn't know the Earth apposed challengers. If he can hack my ship then I will fight them." Malt turn back on the intermission. He says the world was seconds away from being destroyed but he changed his mind. He challenges all the heroes of Earth to fight him for Earth's fate. The presidents around the world broadcast to heroes be them to assist. It's wasn't hard to get heroes as well as villains to rally against this new threat. If the Earth was blown up then it was game over. Poison tell Malt, "All this because the grey one insulted your pride? Now you risk the mission and my rank. I would report you to HQ but you'd kill me before and after I get the chance. So good luck. Just don't die out there." "I won't.", He replies in his deep voice. And jumps from the ship onto Earth. He lands in Texas creating a massive creator. Social media picks this up and heroes swarm to Texas. On the news they ask, "But who is this grey hero? - Will he show up to fight? - He was the one who gave the planet a chance to fight." Malt's suit collects power from the yellow sun. On Earth he feel top shape. Now Malt is really power. Infin8te being Earth's fastest and strongest but Malt was like three times that with his suit on. Before the fight even begins we already know a ton of heroes are going to die.

This guy is big. He holds two sups that charge him and crush their head under his arms. The boy is fast all they can see is the light that trails him and by time they see it then it is already too late. Heroes drop like flies. We had to slow it down to unsdertand what was going on. But you rather not see Earth's Defenders fall so horribly in slow motion. The new goes, "OMG! Do you see what I'm seeing. The Vindicator just finished of the first wave in less than a minute! He seems to have picked up the Blue Bullet by the chest! What is he saying to him!" Vindicator is asking malt for Rave but the Bullet doesn't know of him. Suddenly the Vindicator tears him in half. To the shock of the news camera crew the Malt strikingly turns at them. A light powers up on his chest and a beam hit the news crew and the cameras go black. He jumps infront another news crew and he screams, "WHERE IS THE GREY HERO!!!" into the camera. Then he beats them to death with it. The the bloody cameras and to be cut off.

Rave sends back a transmission, Rave ask Malt, "Is that blood on your shirt? Didn't your mother alway tell you never to leave the house with a tampax stayfree. You must eager to die Mr. Malt. Why don't you stop wasting your time with little fish. I will be there to kill you soon enough." Mult replies, "Big talk from a little man. From what I've seen. I'm starting to believe you're bluffing." Then he flick is cape and flies back up into his ship. He and the girls are on there way in a small ship. Kimbra say, "JC, Rave I really hope you can fight this guy." Rave says, "I was bluffing. I have no idea what this guy can do. But if I can't stop him then we're all dead anyways." Chastity adds, "At least you bought us time to say our prays." The scene is gloomy. Rave smiles saying, "Don't go doubting me just yet. There is no way I'm the strongest one on Earth but there is a higher probability there is."