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The race begins. And there off. The background changes to random magic patterns as the cars vehicles move. Genie takes the lead and looks back at Wiki. Genie pulls out a gatling gun from her cleavage and fires a warning shot at Wiki's tires. Wiki swerves. Rave spectating shouts, "Chastity! There's a whole other dimension down there. The blue girl pulled it out of her chest!" Chastity grinds her teeth and says, "I know. I saw!" Wiki says, "What already?! Why me?! I'm gonna get you back girl." Wiki makes some finger signs as her hands glow. Four spell books glowing different colors hover around her. The red one blast at Genie. And hits the back of her vehicle. Genie starts firing at Wiki for real. Wiki uses the blue book to set a blue shield aura that deflects the bullets. Another rider coming up on them gets hit by a stray shot. And flys out of the color panel. He explodes into a wall. Back to reality means out of the race. Genie turns back and sit across on her bike as Wiki gains on her. Genie kicks the side of Wiki bike. Wiki falls back. Wiki proceeds to stand up on the moving bike. With glowing fingers the green book conjures a floating rock that Wiki stands on. She then jumps up as the rock hits Genie's bike. Wiki lands back on her bike and takes the lead. Rave says, "Wow. She has skill." Other racers gain on their tails. Genie says, "Enough playtime." As she hit the nitros. Wiki hits her nitros. Wiki make rocks appear in the track. Genie makes anvils fall from dark voids. Genie uses one anvil as a ramp to fly ahead. Wiki does the same with earth magic. Genie shouts, "Quit copying me!" As she sits backwards in the bike. She pulls out twin Uzi's and fires at Wiki. The the bullets starts to break Wiki's shields. Wiki hangs backs a bit.
The race begins. And there off. The background changes to random magic patterns as the cars vehicles move. The background contains of neon colors and black to allow the glow. Genie takes the lead and looks back at Wiki. Genie pulls out a gatling gun from her cleavage and fires a warning shot at Wiki's tires. Wiki swerves. Rave spectating shouts, "Chastity! There's a whole other dimension down there. The blue girl pulled it out of her chest!" Chastity grinds her teeth and says, "I know. I saw!" Wiki says, "What already?! Why me?! I'm gonna get you back girl." Wiki makes some finger signs as her hands glow. Four spell books glowing different colors hover around her. The red one blast at Genie. And hits the back of her vehicle. Genie starts firing at Wiki for real. Wiki uses the blue book to set a blue shield aura that deflects the bullets. Another rider coming up on them gets hit by a stray shot. And flys out of the color panel. He explodes into a wall. Back to reality means out of the race. Genie turns back and sit across on her bike as Wiki gains on her. Genie kicks the side of Wiki bike. Wiki falls back. Wiki proceeds to stand up on the moving bike. With glowing fingers the green book conjures a floating rock that Wiki stands on. She then jumps up as the rock hits Genie's bike. Wiki lands back on her bike and takes the lead. Rave says, "Wow. She has skill." Other racers gain on their tails. Genie says, "Enough playtime." As she hit the nitros. Wiki hits her nitros. Wiki make rocks appear in the track. Genie makes anvils fall from dark voids. Genie uses one anvil as a ramp to fly ahead. Wiki does the same with earth magic. Genie shouts, "Quit copying me!" As she sits backwards in the bike. She pulls out twin Uzi's and fires at Wiki. The the bullets starts to break Wiki's shields. Wiki hangs backs a bit.
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Look the cars go. We take some time to appreciate the beautiful vehicles.
Look the cars go. We take some time to appreciate the beautiful vehicles as they drift under sexy dark lights.

Revision as of 17:43, 16 July 2022

Act 1.1


Caribbean Winter

A bit mature but not overly explicit warning. My stories tend to be a bit twisted and not intended for younger audiences. View discretion is advised.

Fictional folklore of Ariel Wintour:

Ariel was born with no father. One night Calypso turned to a fish and was swimming beyond the reefs where she got swallowed by a whale. She made a deal with the whale to turn it into a fish if it spitting her out so they can marry. But she lied. When it spit her out she turned back into a woman and dashed to shore. The whale said it will turn the land to ice so she must return to the sea. But Calypso didn't care. The whale was now a fish and could not bother her. So she eat the fish and her belly became swollen. Ariel was born of this curse but Calypso didn't care she hid this truth. On her 18th birthday the curse happened Rave had to aborb aborb most of her ice powers to temporary maintain the curse.

Story takes place in the Cayman Islands. Ariel is an ice skater based with ice powers. Her story begins when this Caribbean girls power causes winter in the once sunny isles. And it happens some time after Chastity character is well introduced. Ariel was not told they were magic her mom kept this a secret.

On her 18th birthday the very poor mother Calypso gave her daughter Ariel an phone as a gift. That cause the cybernetic ghost Rave to sense Ariel awaking ice power. He saw it as a dangerously huge source of chi energy. They had gone undetected from living a lower technologically advanced region of the island which was a bit tribal with a few modern privileges.

Calypso sat in a poorly lit room around a fire driven from a single candle on a medium birthday cake after the sun went down. The giant Rave came hunched back and creeping from a dark corner of the wall where tentacles ran it like wild vines. She tried to move but his eyes dazed her and his force powers then held her down. She kicked back flipping the table and breaking the wooden chair. "Aye aye aye, Oh my, devil" she cried as he made his way towards her. He held out one of her armns while she sat cross legged on the floor to examine her throughly. It didn't seem like the source of power he felt. Rave was so big he filled almost the entire room.

Then Ariel entered the room, "Jesus, Mom what happened? You fell?" Calypso, " no, Ariel run get out of here immediately, what do you want with me you monster?" The Rave stared at Ariel Calypso cried out, "No not my daughter take me instead" Ariel confuse asked, "who are you talking to? There is no one there. Did you hit your head?" Ariel walked in closer to hold her still on the floor. Calypso slammed her hands on the ground angrily, "Ariel, you are so stubborn you never listen to me! There is a demon right their." Then Ariel squinting and confused as she could not see him. Rave leaned in right in Ariel face. She screamed and drop down on her knees while embracing her mother. Itema levitated and spun around the room. Rave says something about Ariels powers then Calypso had to come clean.

Ariel is told her origin. She she says she knew it because Calypso looks way to young to be her mother.

They agree to go to Canada or the ice experts to try to fix Ariels curse. Ariel learns to use her powers with ice skating and becomes really attached to using it. Absorbing all of Ariels powers by Rave is not advised because she is a magical being and without magic there is no idea what will happen to her. Rave has to hold Ariel stare in her eyes to absorb and nerf her powers every couple of days but her power comes back faster and more violent. The only way Rave can fully control Ariels power is if they become more intimate but Calypso doesn't allow it. Rave doesn't really show concern for any of this. He just wants to access this powerwell of limitless energy. Ariel develops a crush on Rave but then she finds out that Calypso and Rave already did, um you know, 'It'. Calypso is ashamed but sees no need to be questioned as she is an adult. So Ariel escapes back to the Islands. Her power is not nerf and boom, snow in the Caribbean. The snow starts off like a miracle but then it becomes increasingly colder and more violent. The people and eco system is not eppuiped to handle snowy conditions.

Ariel has to be found. Rave goes to the coldest point where no other man can travel. In the helicopter Calypso shows hints of sadness as snowfalls down. She understands what Rave has to do. Ariel's powers are now to strong not be nerfed. In the heart of the ices core. Rave goes in Ariels ice castle alone wearing full black Ice King armor. The snow stops...

Rave walks out in time. "'It' is done."

A girl in the background asked, "what happened!" Another "did he kill her?" But they are not answered. They leave all leave together. Rave hints to Calypso that Ariel wishes to stay on her own in her icy kingdom for some time. He will keep an eye on her, now that their souls have bonded. Ariel doesn't want to see people but eventually she will come to terms with what she has done.

Rave says that he is now even a man, I have no true physical form, Just a tool to be used by humanity. And discarded when broken. I bear the curse so that you wouldn't have too.

Next scene. sliding doors open. Rave enter a large white bedroom with a bend center of it. Chastity is lying on her back looking up at the ceiling with a candy worm in her mouth and the pack besides her. He walks to the bed slowly. He puts one foot up as he scratches his head. He says, "Umm, Chastity don't be mad but..." She shakes her head looks the other way and replies, "I'm not even listening to you." He says, "Good well that went better than I thought and starts to turn to leave." She rolls around on her stomach and replies, "You couldn't find somebody else?... What is wrong with you?!!! Are you sick? You need a doctor? You need to find somebody that can help you this because I'm not equipped to handle the amount of BS what living with you have to be like. I always knew you had a problem but this is beyond mental. You need to get yourself one of those plasma cannons! Put it to your frigging bald stupid head! And really, just stop yourself. Even so you just walk into my room without any frigging clothes on!!! You just get up every morning and walk around with you big old chest. 'look at me. I'm Rave. I'm gaude... camon I'm gaaaude! I can do anything I want!" She throws the pack of worms at him but he catches it with telekinesis. Looking at the worms he replies softly, "You're right. I'm sorry I'm like this Chastity. But oh, I will do it again and again, because that's how I am, and I want to. The gods wants us to deny our freedom but not me. Calypso and Ariel deserve that freedom just as much as you. " She reacts, "What?" He explains, "This planet is no longer easy for me. These things use to matter when I was a man. There was consequences. I had to think about where I end up if I made poor choices. But now I'm dead. Non of this matters accept for the people I care about. I love you, Chastity. Just as much as I love your mother and sister." She replies with tears in her eyes saying, "You take that back. You don't care about anyone. Everything you do is for yourself. You don't love me. You'd love to possess me. Just like every woman you come across and your excuse is. Its for saving the world. Look at yourself Rave. You're so use to seeing everything you stopped wearing clothes. I use to like you but that part of me has gone out the window with your mind." His face changes with a pout as he flex his nose and takes her by the shirt. Roman replies, "What am I even talking to you for. You shut your mouth. You forget who is in control here. I will do what I want and you WILL NO LONGER OPEN YOUR MOUTH UNLESS I GIVE YOU PERMISSIN TO!!!." She crouches down and nod yes silently. He flies out of the room angrily to cool off. Calypso comes to sit on the bed. Chastity says, "Stupid Rave. Always making me cry." as she rub her eyes. Calypso says, "I've been a goddess all my life. This human body of mind I don't even understand it. One day I'm a fish the next I'm just water. Humans wasn't meant to have that kind of power. He is not just a nice man but hundreds. And he will never show it but he is always in pain. And even worried that he cannot help everyone. The gods made us women to carry their pain. Even for the short moment you distract him he forgets he's hurting." When Rave comes back he stand on the balcony, Chastity says, "I been waiting here all day for you to come back. It's too cold for me. Come inside JA." He looks at her, chuckles and the scene ends.

Sunny Islands

After Rave left Ariel in Canada he stopped in Bermuda on his way down. There was a carnival. Calypso and Braille are with him. It is night time and there is a dark erie feeling over the region. They had just enough time to catch the ring girl perform. He met the ring girl named Jojo Dellangerie standing outside a tent burning incense. He ask her, "Hi. What are you doing?" Jojo replies, "Hello there you missed the show. Our park is closed for the night." Rave says, "I'm not here for the show I came to audition for the circus." Calypso says, "Don't bother with Rave he is only pulling your leg. We are a little lost." Jojo explains, "Few nights ago our camp was attacked by skeletons. Some say they came up from the sea. I'm warding off back spirits." Rave asks, "Bones? Surprising not the strangest thing I've heard. Can I help... Incase your skeletons come back?" She replies, "Mocking me isn't the proper way gain my attention. But sure join me." Calypso says, "Don't make fun. You shouldn't make fun of the dead Rave." As she takes up a charm. Jojo ask, "You seem strong. Are you and adventurer? A lot of heroes pass through this lands." Rave replies, "Guess you can say that. I'm Roman Rave btw." Braille yawns and whispers in Rave ears and Jojo says, "Jojo. Sorry I'd didn't recognize you had a girlfriend?" Rave replies, "They are..." Jojo asks, "Oh they..." Braille cuts her off, "I'm tired. Just ask her to join us already." Rave says, "It's not like that. I'm a very power man. I recruit talented ladies." Jojo asks, "So how is it like? Let me see you want me to drop everything and just follow you." Rave ask, "My girl don't usual ask for money but I could give you the best." She says, "Some how I believe you. Tell you do something for me and I'll consider it. If you want me to follow you. You'll have to fight the enter circus first. There is a magic spells that prevents anyone from leaving without a fight."

Midnight Freakshow Smackdown

They are teleported to center ring under the tent. The girls get seats in the audience. The announcer says, "I'm your host Wackie Wacko Jacko Jackie, You can just say Jackie for short. In this corner we have Mr Ghost Man, Roman Rave, Fighting for the maiden Jojo Dellangerie. And in the other corner playing for the defending team. The Hat Hatter, Hatman! You know the rules if he loses Roman becomes a member of the circus forever. Infact Roman wants to join on us. Let's get ready to rumbllllllllle" The play the clip of Roman saying he was here to audition for the circus. Rave says, "What is this I didn't sign up for this. How are they getting this?"

The Hatter bounces around in a big hat that is a portal to infinite storage. He is a loudly dress man with a tall strike hat. Everytime he jumps his hat turns barrel size to consume his entire body. When instead Large arms come out under it. That try to crush Rave. Hatter trying to grab Rave with big arms. Rave grow big fist as well and punches it out if the ring.

Next is Rave vs Big Nose and Lady Lick-a-Tongue. Big Nose playing brass with his nostrils tries to inhale Rave. Tongue warps Rave with her tongue. Rave makes the tongue accidentally lick inside the nose. Tongue gets upset and throws up. She then knocks out Big Nose. Rave has won.

Next up is CryBaby. An egghead in a jumper. He pulls out an AK-47 from the teddy bear he is holding. Fires at Rave but Rave is bullet proof. Rave back hand him.

Next up we have the Demonzhair Barette. Her hair seems to be a separate entity with a mind of it's own. She have 4 red eyes. Her hair is all over the place and fast making it hard for him to get to her. The hair is impervious to damage like a shield as well. Crybaby interrupts the match with a big mallet. Jojo tags in as well with her ring blade. Barrette's hair tangles up in her weapon and Crybaby is knocked out again. Match is a fair win.

(WiP. More fights eventually. I'm tired.)

"And the winner is Romaaaaan Raaaaaaave!" Boom bam bim! Tent turn back normal. Rave gives Jojo a kiss on the cheek. They run out to the mash to rejoice. Gaint fish beached starts to sing. Their eyes are red but not evil just tired sleepy eyes. They smile until hungry direwolves looking on with malicious intention from the grass gobble them fishies up.

The announcer, Wackie Jackie is not happy Rave won. Jackie says to himself, "I'm ringmaster I should get the ring girl. It's not fair. No one should leave the carnival! Maaaaahh!"

Rave lies in the grass looking at the stars. Jojo sits untop him talking. Jackie tackles them with a chainsaw. Jackie shouts, "I KILL YOU!" Jojo counters it with her ring blade. Ping! Jackie says, "Not you my sweet. It is that idiot Roman Rave who has to die. He stole you from me." Jojo replies, "No way! I don't like you. We never had anything." Jackie replies, "This is all his fault!" Rave gets hit with the chainsaw that goes through his chest. Rave headbutt Jackie in his chest to the ground. Rave pulls the chainsaw from his chest. Rave wounds instantly heals. Jackie fakes being hurt to pull a button from his jacket. Rave looks at his hand and his holding TNT. BOOM! It's explodes. Rave dodges grabbing Jojo out of the way just in times. Rave asks, "How did he do that?" Jojo replies, "It's his power. He can bend reality. No one escapes the circus." She continues, "Give it up Jacko! Rave won fair and square!" Rave says, "I'll handle this." Rave pulls a tech scissors from his chest and separates it in two like two blades. Jackie begins cuts off his own two arms while nailing giant hammers to them. With each pound of nail he sobs. Then the stands up. Ram BAM! Rave tackles him while he was doing this nonsense. It send two pieces of Jackie flying. He is cut by the waist. He nails himself back together. Rave pounce at him. He blocks with his hammer fists. They start weapon fighting. Rave is a much more skilled fighter than Jackie. Rave says, "My turn!" Rave rams the two blades cross style in Jacko the let's it explode. Jacko body drops then just gets up fine again. Rave hold him by his collar and continues to beat the living hell out of him. You almost feel sorry for Jacko. He cannot fight Rave. The only thing he has is the ability to not die. Rave punches Jacko face into a hole of blood. One by one more circus freaks gather outside to spectate the fight. A cop show up to stop Rave for murder. Rave is confused but when he looks again he sees a rag doll in his place and Jacko is the cop. The circus freaks cheer. Rave realizes, "Okay. It's time to fight magic with magic." Rave separates into 3 clones the fly around in circles. One clone grabs the Hatter. Rave swallows the Hatter in his own Hat then Jackie. Rave hold the mouth of the magic hat like a bag and ties it in a knot. Jacko and Hatter kicks and cough at the bag to try to get out. Rave holds up the bag over his head and spits fire at it. The hat explodes into fireworks. Jacko is trapped in this magic void dimension. Rave has won but sees all the circus freaks watching him so he takes a battle stance. To his surprise the circus freaks rejoices that Jacko is no more to control them.

The dark eerie essense fades at the morning sun comes up.

Vacation to the East

North Korea

Proxi sits across Roman lap with her hand under her chin. Rave is lost out the window as she focuses on him. She looks at him like something of a god. I've never been to Korea." Rave says. He thinks, "This is my chance to travel the world. It may not be what it use to be but i could do something this time. Maybe I'll fix it." Proxi replies in Japanese and then Korean. Rave says, "Hey! I put that translator in you because I didn't what to learn other languages. And I can't have them know I'm linked to you." She replies,"Sumimasen, papa." He replies, "Stop making me like it! I don't know what your saying."

At the airport he is greeted by Supreme Leader Mr Kim Jong-Un. He salutes him in return. "Mr Jong-Un, You much thinner in person." Rave says. Jong-Un replies, "please. Kim is fine. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice. I'm hopeful this meeting will bring new allies." Rave walks with Proxi behind them holding her hand. Proxi replies, "I thought you didn't like dictators?" Roman says to her, "They are only friending me because they are afraid of my power. I will assume they will research ways to kill me as well. The USA did it and now them. I have a feeling they know what I could do to them. But suppose there is a place and a time for everything Proxi." Rave stares at the back of the supreme leaders head and thinks, "This could only take a second. He be dead before he hits the ground. My chance to kill them all has never been so close." Proxi tightens her grip on his hand that makes him snap out of it. He is brought to a hotel where Proxi changes her clothes of the next meeting. Rave us shown display of the North Korean cybernetic military. Roman asks, "Many of these soldiers have cybernetic enhancements. I'm guessing it's mandatory. To chop up their limbs like that if you could have a stronger robot one?" Kim says, "Stronger indeed. There is no room for imperfection in the army of NK." They are lead to the Mecha pilot section. Their Rave sees Lead Lead for the first time. She has a noticable robotic right arm and left lower leg. His eye catches hers and she stops for a while causing the other soldiers to stumble. Kim gets angry and calls her to slap her. Rave catches Kim hand in mid swing and twist his wrist. Rave replies, "Why Kim. You must forgive me. I was the one who distracted her with my fascination. I want to pay for her freedom. If she chooses to join me I'd like to have her on my team." Kim replies, "Ah. You have an eye for pretty ladies. I will have her cleaned up and sent to you at once. And don't worry about paying this is on the house." Rave then let's go of Kim's wrist that he seem to have sprained. Kim trys to hide the pain and thinks, "How dare that bastard touch the supreme leader not only that he embarrassed me!" Rave continues, "It's fine. Have her follow me as is. I will take her back to the hotel... If the lady wishes." Lead replies, "Yes Sir. I will honored to join you. My name is Nayomi Tran." Proxi holds Nayomi's hand as they continue the rest of the tour. Kim is getting really pissed with Romans ability to defy him but dares not show a sign. Rave cut the tour early be with Nayomi. At the hotel she take a bath and dresses with Proxi. Proxi is always happy to meet new girls. These soldiers are trained in a way they are not accustom to free life. She put on one of Proxi's dress and go sees Rave who was chilling on the bed. As she climbs in he tells her, "You know you don't have to do this. You are free to go just about anywhere when we are out of this country." Nayomi replies, "Where will I go? What will I do? You know I didn't have a choice. If I has said no I would of been dead by now. But now it's my choice to stay with you. The way you hurt the supreme leaders arm made me feel so happy." Nayomi hold her robot arm as she says this. Rave notices and replies, "Oh. They did that to you." He takes her by the hands and upgrades her robot limbs with his technomancer powers. They shape to look more like realistic humans limbs. Nayomi says to him, "I'm am forever in your debt. Let me serve you my king." He wakes up with Proxi and Nayomi. He says, "Get dressed. We are going to Thailand. I no longer see interest in discussing anything with Mr. Jong-Un." Rave leaves with the two girls. They load Nayomi Mecha on the aircraft. Kim rushes to talk to him but Rave cuts him off. Kim feeling a variety of emotions but most of all silent anger. Nayomi looks at Kim in the window as Rave aircraft takes off.


They Arrive in Thailand to see it Al little less technologically Advanced. Nayomi asks, "What now?" Rave replies, "Maybe a little rendezvous with the locals." Proxi adds, "Yay I suppose we have extra time. And we would be in Japan win a few days? Better not be late for your meeting." Rave answers, "To hell with the meeting. We will meet when I tell them to meet." They try some local food and take pictures with the locals. That night they attend a car show. The cars their are high tech. Proxi see and model and screams, "OMG! It's Sai Lee!" And runs toward the model taking pictures. Proxi crosses the restricted area and runs to hug her. The gaurds look to remover her but Sai says it's find and the camera men continue to take pictures. Rave walks up to Sai. He asks, "You know her?" Proxi screams, "She's only the most beautiful, most famous model in Thailand!" Rave replies, "Okay... I'm not all that cultured with foreign stars." Sai replies, "Roman Rave. The grey hero. I suppose even for a superstar. I know you from TV and you don't know me. Why don't you join me in ViP so we can chat?" In ViP she is a but quiet as they eat. Rave senses something is wrong. She invites him back to her hotelroom. She tells him to bring the other girls if you like. Proxi and Nayomi climbs on the bed with a photo album. Sai puts on some soft music. Then goes into the bathroom to set a bath then comes out. Sai them undressed infront him then goes back to it. "Coming?" She asks. Rave signs, "Okay." He follows her and gets into the tub. Proxi squints at him across the room and laughs. He is fully dressed in the water. Sai explains, "Good they cannot hear us in water. I myself am a mutant just like you. I can upload my consciousness to cyberspace. I may not be as strong as you but it's something. The modelling thing is just a cover up. I am a spy for a secret agency. A few weeks ago the company fell and we were hacked they are watching my every move. Let's make it real or they will know!" Rave says, "Okay.... But I'm to help you how?..." She replies, "Enter my mind and see." Rave enters cyberspace in her mind. She is floating along side him. She is dressed in her Spyder suit. Rave comments, "Nice suit." She answers, "Thanks. I'm the Cyberspyder. This way!" The pair fly down the inter tubes. Back in the real world Proxi and Nayomi notice they had gone from noisy to quiet so they went in to look. Sai had black out completely and Rave has disappeared into her head. "Where did he go?" Nayomi asked. Proxi replied, "Inside her head maybe. Come on let's keep her from drowning." As they straighten the body to sit up properly there is a knock on the front door. Smiling Proxi asked who is it as she is about to leave the bathroom to check. "Wait!" Nayomi says. Then they heard another aggressive bang on the door. And another kicked it open the girls lock the bathroom door. Back in cyber Sai sees programs chasing them. "Malware! She shouts, "Something must be wrong." Rave blasts the malware out of the sky but more regroup to follow them. Proxi and Nayomi have gotten into the tub that is draining. For cover. Proxi's left hand transforms into a machine gun and Nayomi receives a gun stored in her left robotic legs. She holds it in her right robotic arm. They aim at the door. Nayomi shakes on Sai body to wake her up. In cyberspace Sai fades for a second. She says, "Someone is trying to wake me up." Rave replies, "One second." The girls in the tubs here men rumbling from the outside. Sudden the door is jammed open and they some funny looking ajent mook. They point their guns at him and he falls to the ground. Surprised with a closer look it was actually Rave holding up the agent. Rave slammed the guys head unto the door to open it. Proxi runs to hug him. Nayomi exhales, "My hero." In cyberspace Rave relay information back to Sai through himself, "I made another copy of me in the hotel. They sent some men after you." She replies, "We must push on. If this information leaks. Consequences would be dier" More malware constructs close in on them. Voop-Vap! Teeer! Rave blast them with eye beams. Sai creates a green holo wall and push them back. She and Rave moving into another flow. Sai asks, "Rave you seem distracted." Rave mentions, "More agents have arrived at the hotel. They seem to be using some type of EMP weaponry that is weakening my forcefield. I'm going to have to kill them. Sai starts to hack the entrance wall. Rave bypass her and breaks it with his mind. She types more code at the console. Rave tries to bypass her. She says, "No! Hacking this wrong could trigger a system shutdown!" Rave says, "All of this is inside your mind? It's not like human of robot. It's not cyborg either. It seems like alien tech to me." Malware processes poor in. Sai says, "Leave-it. Shut it down!" Rave break the system and the room fades black. Sai wakes up to see Rave standing with the other copy of himself. One holds a forcefield around them as agents shoot at it with blasters. Proxi and Nayomi return fire with their weapons. Sai projects the CyberSpyder suit on herself using the green energy. Rave looks at Sai and says, "Tell them they are going to die. I do not even know what all of this is about. From my perspective I'd say we're the bad guys." Sai replies, "The Asian embassy is building an EMP bomb to wipe out the remaining Robots. Is botched because a lot of us still depend on technology to survive. If that bomb is released millions would lose the the ability to defend themselves another million would die in accidents alone." Rave thinks, "This EMP might actually kill me." He smiles and says, "Ready to be criminals of the state?" Boom! He expulse the forcefield blasting the agents back along with debris from the hotel. He pushes back rooting his squad out of the hotel and chunks of the hotel with him. This causes the hotel to collapse. On the agents. Sai shouts, "Omg! There were innocent people on that building." Rave says, "It's better if you just block it out." On the ground some vans carrying weapons fire at them. Rave knocks them over like dominos with telekinesis. Rave summons the Genos from the Lost Dimension. He fuses with it. He creates Rave clones that hack the mind and tech of all surviving agents as well as Sai. All of their eyes glow blue. The Genos is but a stronger version of Raves powers. He finds out where their head quarters is located. He moves like a flashes to their secret location. He watches them against a window and it is terrifying to the receptionist that dives under the cover. Several Raves circle the building along with the Genos that goes inside. After hacking their files. He crushes the building and everyone in it accept the receptionist. Rave tells her, "Tell the rest of your people I have their information. Where they are and where their family is. I will return to check up and if I'm not pleased no one will remember any of you existed down to the friends of your children would fade from existence." She screams and nod yes. But you have to admit the three Rave girls was just as scared as her.

Rave and his girls return to his ship. He see that they are afraid or frightened by how it played out. Rave says, "I'm sorry I scared you all. My ghost form call for blood and conquest. The Genos is all the insanity of my ghost body amplified. I try not to use it because I feel it may top me over the edge. I alway afraid I could lose my mind for good. And then what?" Sai replies, "It's okay. Regardless you got results. But I guest I'm stuck with you know?" Rave says, "Yah. Welcome to the team. You're a little less crazy than I hire but you're smart. I just hope the girls back home don't swallow you alive. I thought of it? I'm thinking of enter the girls into the modeling industry..." Rave talks to Sai, "The Genos was able to break through parts of knowledge hidden from me. I have learned that cyberspace or the internet is the first level of Heaven. VR Idomeneus, Helen, the purgator. All of this information is incomplete. It makes no sense to me." Sai replies, "Rave. I didn't know. I have no information to help you with that." Rave replies, "You're telling the truth. I guess I will have to find out what it means in future."


Flying over the forest in Cambodia Rave aircraft is shot out of the sky by an unknown toxic blast. Rave had return to cyberspace to rest in the girls mind. When they are hit he pops back out the flys outside. He tries to repair the ship in sky but the chemicals continues to eat away at the metal. Instead he takes hold of it with telekinesis and dunk it in a near by river till the water washes it off. The girls sit on the river bank and watch him. "My ship! This is gonna take forever to get all of this gunk out before I can do repairs! Who did this! I'm gonna kill em!" He looks in the girls direction again. They are not there. He hears Proxi scream. He looks up the river and see the girls having fun in the water. He says to himself then starts to shout at the girls, "Typical... I don't have enough raw materials to build a new one. A few patches on the hardware is a faster solution. Plus I gotta save my energy for who ever attacked us and OMGGGGGG! Less than 10 minutes from an attack you girls let your gaurd down to play in water. I just been shot and the first thing you think is let's go skinny dipping? seriously? Sai you're the smart one I expected better from you." Proxi replies, "Leave her alone. You big bully." He fixes his teeth and says, "Fine no one fix the ship. Let's all play in water." Then he sees dead fishes coming down the river and tells the girls to get out. He see this might be the clue to find his attacker. They get dressed and track up stream. Rave sees a girl bathing by herself. She stands at wist height in the stream. They stake out behind the bushes and spy on her. Sai says, "This is kinda wrong." On closer look he can see a few scales on her sides and horns on her head. The girls don't believe she did it. But he sees a green mist of death dispersed from where she is standing in the water. Nayomi says, "On no. Roman sees a girl." Roman replies, "What? Just because she is a girl doesn't mean I just automatically like her. She's only some random beautiful voluptuous goddess of death. Enticing poetry in her essence." Sai says with finger quotations, "Whatever. Go grab her. Then pull her on your team." Rave say, "I'm just gonna talk." Then walks slowly to the waters edge. Rave has taken his small human appearance in other not to scare her right away. He does this when he is in non fighting public places as well. He sees her armor and weapon on the ground. He think well it's armor but not much of it. It just a metal bikini. She stop washing them turns around slowly. He kneels down and places a finger into the water. Non of them speaks. Nayomi jokes to the other girls, "Oh he's good!" She walks into the deep end seductively dearing him to join her with a sound. Her follows her into the water. They swim at neck height making them both face to face. She ducks under the water comes up the spits cute stream of water at him. He ask, "I was flyinh moments ago do you know what hit my ship?" She looks at him strange. It appears her years of solitude affected her ability to communicate with people properly. He is trying to lock her eyes for a mind read but she is being evasive. She swims closer to him and makes out with. Then she let goes his bald head. She comes back again and 'frenches' it. He is confused as well as her. She suddenly gets scared and swims out of the water to her belongings. Rave takes big grey ghost Form and hover over the water watcher her. He thinks, "That wasn't a kiss of passion, it was a kiss of death. But I am already dead. Seems I'm immune to her poison. My DNA quickly adapts to heal." He flies toward her as she out on her bikini armor. Rave asks, "Is that all you can wear? The grass burns where you walk but not for your cloak." She doesn't answer. He ask, "Don't be afraid. If I can read your mind I can help you. But their is another being blocking me. Sexy dragon lady wait!!!" He flys and grabs her by her arms to force his way in her mind. Dragon lady screams and Rave see the forest trembling. The girls in the bushes stand up in shock revealing themselves. Proxi says, "Um Roman... This isn't fun anymore." A big ol bloody dragon blast through the trees rawing. Rave looks at it and says, "Oh that makes sense. Now." The dragon see Rave holding the girl and she is scared. Rave trys to give the girl to it slowly. Rave says, "Alright your a dragon. And that's cool. I'm just trying to communicate. No reason to go blasting each other. I want the girl safe just like you buddy. Look I want to be friends see." But the dragon is not having it! The girl says, "Zion attack!" As she runs towards it. Rave replies, "Wait! I thought we wasnr fighting!" She dives under it legs and swings untop it's neck using her barbed chain sword. It blast Rave with a large bolt of green toxin. Boom! Rave blown away. Another copy of Rave appeared from the Rave Girls. Rave shouts, "WTF! That F-ing killed me. Oh son of a ... That hurt like..." Nayomi points up and say, "She's getting away." Rave still in shock says, "Good Shepherd! How does somethimg that big move that fast! I can still feel it burning my eyes! I can't see ...!" Sai shakes her head, "You let her escape. I wanted to see where this act goes." Nayomi adds, "I say we track her down and force her to join us!" Proxi shouts, "Yah!" Rave mad says, "Hey, this isn't what we do! When did we star voting we don't vote! I'm the leader and I say we are going after her!" They jump down some rocks and track back to the ship.

Alone the dragon girl puts her hand on her chest and says very sweetly, "Roman." Zion tells her, "So he survived your attacks?" She replied, "I didn't fight him. Just a kiss." Zoin replied, "Meredith, Maybe you should of let the humans help you." Meredith shouts back, "I don't want help got that! Humans deserve to die! They all deserve to die! For what they have done to us." Zion nods. (Only Meredith can talk to her dragon. It's a soul bond that also prevented Romans mind games.) She continues, "He is probably dead for all I know. We must go the the village and burn it." Meredith jumps on its back. Rave says, "I do don't want to hurt her. But it's going to be hard with that thing besides her. Nayomi says, "Even if, but how you going to find her?" Sai points at smoke in the distance.

Meredith was burn down a small town. She was lashes her whip sword like a wicked temptress. Rave used the other girls to distract her while knocked out her pet dragon. It wasn't had for him to over power her using telekinesis. After she was defeated he pick up her chain sword in one hand then he took her by the wrist and brought to his ship. He told her to walk faster. And she gave the excuse that she was wearing heels. He said he didn't ask. She said that she already submitted so he didn't need to be so aggressive. He wanted to cement the fear of god in her. Proxi plead for Rave to not hurt her. She said that she was poison. Anyone she touched would die whether he wanted them to or not. She was outcast. Rave changed he DNA to let her control the poison. She agreed to go with him. He like her indifferent silent stares she was always to shy to express herself with him so she preferred he read her mind all the time.


What happened next?

Rave replaces the old crew. Rave memories fused with his other selves when they where in range. Chastity came, Meredith Maisma decided to stay while the other girls went back with the other Rave. Rave said, "I knew this trip would be exhausting so I set up a rendezvous point with myself coming from the west as we were moving north. All seems to be fine at home." Chastity stares at Rave with her mouth open. She says, "Aren't you gonna say something? Didn't you miss me?" He replies, "Chastity, I'm still the same guy that was with you. My memories catch up as soon as we meet again." She looks at Meredith sitting with her legs crosses. Chastity says, "And you've been busy, working amirite?" Rave replies, "Got big business deals in the Asia countries. I want to see it through. But this is literally the last time I'm using such a small ship for this. Piece of junk gotta stop everywhere I wanted to go site see but this is getting annoying." Chastity asks, "So where to now?" He replies, "Mongolia. Meredith says they are the last reserves of dragons." Meredith adds, "These are not dragon halves like myself. They are aliens who been here for 1000s of years. They asorbed my ancestors soul and used it to achieve immortality." Chastity says, "let me guess Rave is gonna fight them for you." As she sits next to Meredith. Meredith answers, "I just what to see what's going on. I haven't been that way in centuries. Rave convinced me to go actually but I'm a bit scared."

They arrive in the land of Drakkos by sun down. It's a dark traditional land. It's beauty is in the pink sakura trees that accent all the scary architecture. They are stop by some guards who want to take them to the King of Drakkos. Surprisingly Rave is twice the size of these guards so they ask nicely. As they escort them to the king Rave in the center puts his hands on the guards shoulders to noticed them flinched. They wouldn't say anything even after he started to rubs their heads. Rave rocked the guards head and rock it left to right as they walked. Rave says laughing silently, "Chastity look at this. I could just knock these guys heads together. Meredith, Meredith, Is this who your people were afraid of for thousands of years? These guys are my sons man. My sons." Chastity hold back a smirk but then beings to laugh as well. Meredith says, "He strength is attractive." Chastity is also attracted to Rave's 'Chadness' but tries to hide it. Rave recognizes the flirtatious laughter. The ancient alien king Atlan sits on his throne but his third eye now blind. He is not the ruthless warrior ruler he use to be. He knows when it's time to give up on his old ways and be humble. He has remained on thrown this long surviving on the riches he acquired over the years. And his daughter Sakura Nguyen, Princess of Drakkos. He named her after the beauty of this land. Sakura is not just pretty but a ruthless killer like her father. He wanted her to replace him but he doesn't think she is strong enough to rule. She is a fine warrior but her problem is she has asthma. When ever she does her hurricane top attacks she runs out of breath. Alan explains he need help to decent them against a neighboring kingdom who heard about their decline and plots to over run them. Atlan says he doesnt have any money left to pay for mercenaries. Rave asked who is the girl standing behind the wall. He called her out and it's the princess. Rave say, "I can save your kingdom. But in turn I must wed princess on the throne... Old man." Atlan says, "You trouble some child. I told you not let foreigners see you." Sakura says, "What! So my options are to marry a pig who would destroy my culture or marry some random vagabond? Look at that freakish giant... You'll ruin me. You want me miserable father, is it because I cannot reach my full potential?." Rave replies, "Am I the pig or the vagabond?" Sakura groans and runs off. The men laugh and treat Rave and his guest to a meal. Rave introduces himself as a foreign king and Chastity and Meredith as two of his wives. They believe him when the girls play along. They throw a feast in the night. They ask Sakura to dance with Rave but she runs off again. Rave continues, "She'll make an excellent wife." Outside she sits by the fountain talking to herself, "It's not fair! I should not be second to anyone. I know I'll kill him and everybody will see I don't need a king." Rave behind her says, "You'd kill me?" She frightens. He continues, "Someone already beat you to it. I am undead." She replies, "You cannot scare me giant. I will never submit to you. I've killed hundred of men like yourself before and I'll do it again. Why do you think I'm still single?" Rave grabs her by her neck faster than she can react. She gasps. He says, "Listen princess I don't have that from little girls like you. You think I'll try to win your heart you are wrong? I will break you until you think of nothing else but when I will return to do it again. I will slap you infront of your father and your entire kingdom if you ever think of disrespecting me again. Heck. I'd doing in the morning just because it would be funny to me. Think I'm joking fight me!" He pushes her down in the fountain and wets her clothes. People here the commotion and look outside. They ask her what happened. She says, "I fell... I was showing Rave the fountain and I fell in." He picks her up by the hands. She whispers, "Please. Now is not the time. I'll obey." Rave says, "Nah. Your only scared you'll lose. If you can beat me now you'd have your throne for sure. But you know you can't." She hungs him and begins to cry. "Thank you for agreeing to save my people Lord Roman." She sobs a d breaks down more. Rave knows she is crying for something else. "It's okay he comforts her." They marry the next day. The tell Rave it's is tradition to procreate with the queen before battle as it assures an heir to the throne regardless the outcome. Conception only works with Rave as a mental readiness of both parties. It like a spiritual thing. Given that Sakura and Meredith, Nayomi was the first girls to have his children. Rave never understood how it happened. He would find out later in life. They nicknamed Sakura 'Sixx' because of the symbols on her clothing that looked like three sixs. He like that her nose was always stuffy. They said they didn't need to test his strength as making Sakura accept him was enough trial. Rave return form the battle field they all bowed to him. The other side sent word for immediate surrender. Rave took some of their wealth for Drakkos. Atlan loved Rave like a son. He still teased Sixx about not being strong enough. What he did was retire the throne to go teach an apprentice name Goldtooth.

Rave left Drakkos with Chastity only. He had to complete his tasks and couldn't leave the throne empty. A copy of him had already cemented itself in her mind. Meredith also stayed in Drakkos. Rave never actually left Drakkos in thier perception. He promised to take them to the US when all was settled. (Rave is like, I'm evil but these girl make me feel otherwise.)


The boy and the Junkyard Fox

Rave parks his airship on Japanese ground. He speaks to Chastity but she just fallen asleep. He goes outside to watch the stars. Soneko. A creepy one. The beautiful voluptuous woman with fox ears and tail look up at him. Her white hair sparkled in the moonlight. "Oh you can see me. Not everyone can see ghosts." She said. "Come If you don't want to sleep in all wet." He points back at his ship. She turns into a fox's and leaps away. He runs after her. He says, "Um, Slow down I can't do to far from my girl. I'm a ghost to like you" She lead him to a cave under a water fall. She simply phased dry as she turn back to a girl. And he mimiced her. She got very close for warmth. The woman had been a ghost for so long she lost all aspect of personal boundaries. She acted more like a cat the than a person. It started to train outside. Roman asked, "How did you know it would rain?" She says, "I can sense it." They talk for hours. She fell asleep and woke around 4AM. The rain had stopped into a beautiful morning. "I have to go soon. I have to leave before the sun is up. I'll be a fox permanently during the day." she explained. He replied, "If you live alone just come with me instead." She was to sure what to say but agreed. He carried her on his back along the beach. She turned to a white fox at some point. She she licked his face. Chastity woke up and saw the white fox frolic with Rave. He didn't bother to tell her it was actually a kitsune girl. Chastity saw him with he fox and said, "Ah you bringing in strays now. I feel for you Rave you are someone who was seriously neglected as a child. So you seize you opportunity to do all this rando things." Rave looks at the fox he says, "SoKeno you here that? She called you a stray. You gonna take that from her? Let's prank her. She'll find when the sun goes down who you really are." SoNeko Nods.

The Prank

SoNeko acted like a demon ghost cat when Chastity alone was looking. Rave told her she was going mad. It distroyed few of her things. Later that night SoNeko revealed herself to be a cat girl. Chastity was so mad she wrestles with her. Rave let it go on for a bit then they made up.

The meeting

Right there in Japan the held a global meeting. He discuss the terms of what he wanted most. Rave was going to build machines to clean of the matallic scrap piles the robots left behind by the robots. In turn he would use it to build robot for domestic sale and defence weaponry for human civilization. Ever since he was a boy he dreamt of building machines to help but he was never smart enough or accepted. Japan was the only zone due to recent robot rebellion willing to produce domestic robots. Japan kept there place well manages and never got effected by robot rebellion or the war. One rule was domestic robots were not to be made with super resistance bodies. They had to be suspicable to danger of a normal human. AI sentience was not to be given to systems operating weaponry. And AI had to be monitored by a trusted private company that will not leak personal information.

Rave, Soneko and Chastity walking on the beach saw Rave, Proxi, Sai and Nayomi standing waiting for them ahead. Turn out they decided to turn the ship around. Instead of going west they went east too meet Rave in Japan instead. Rave asked himself, "You're late. We been waiting you? You married a princess. Nice."

Luna Tides, mutant shark girl, and Sushi Mei Sake, octopus girl, are two sea based monster girls just just auditioned to join Doll House. Appeartly the two girls run a popular cooking stream channel together. Sushi join as second chef, Luna would spend all her time in the pool.


(NothingFace Matt Holt tribute)

Rave's two ships decides to travel East from Japan to cross back into the US. Now flying over Sapporo just over the sea in his airship. One ship containing Chastity flys ahead of the other. Chastity screams, "Rave!" She had a future vision that frightened her. Looking ahead he replies, "I see it." She tells him, "We were about to hit something. I can't see what... It's... It's Nothing." What Chastity sees is a clear blue sky with a few fluffy clouds on a sunny day. Rave see a red and black version. It's a thousand metres high wall with jagged spikes up to 20 metres outward. Rave concentrates further to see a man in black standing untop of it. The man steps back and drops the wall on them. Rave abandones ship. He can evade this faster than the ships will be able to fly out. Only the first ship ahead of them is caught and explodes. The wall falls into the sea. Only then the girls see the shape of it. The others of the destroy ship board the second one. Rave confronts the silent man. Rave says, "Who are you? What is this about?" He doesn't answer. Rave looks into this man's doll expressionless eyes. Rave says, "I stared directly into his eyes and got nothing. But by the looks of him it appears this man is mute or some type of mime." Rave makes 5 more clones to add to the two hims that was aboard the two ships. One clone stays aboard the ship with the girls. The other six flys to meet the one talking to the mime. They hover in the sky staring down before a fight. This vision is putting a strain on Raves eyes. The object the mime makes are very hard to see and foggy like a dream. The mime jumps into a hatch to enter the invisible steam fortress he was standing on. Rave loses site of him. In other to be aware of both surrounding while keeping at track on the mime half of the clones are watching in normal vision and others are watching the constructs. They follow in after him into a maze labrinth. The six Rave ghost fly in. A spike burst of from a walk and take out a clone. Rave is down to 5. Rave says, "This isn't going to be easy." The labrinth changes to squash the other 5 Raves. Chastity says, says to Rave aboard the ship, "You okay their NothingFace? Normaly I would say tag me in but I can see when I'm out matched." Rave says, "NothingFace. That what we'll call him. I don't want to exert my energy reserves fighting this guy. You see what he is doing. It's a game of cat and mouse. And I wandered write into his trap." Rave say, "He made a box around us. We war now trap in. And another thing. I wasn't able to phase through is projections. I'm going to have to go all out if we are to win this." Rave summons the Genos. Then submerges the airship in the sea. He makes a about 50 Rave clones spread them out underwater. They span out. Rave says, "Now 'he' cannot see me. NothingFace has the ability to make walls thousands of metres wide. This is a very big playing field he got us in. What I expected is if he could he would of crushed us already. I'll span out, moniter the changes in the perimeter. NothingFace drops giant rotating traps to comb the sea for Rave. This makes the traps visible because of the water displacement. Sushi and Luna joins Rave in the sea. They are to make sure he does go to deep and turns insane. The others girl are too out of their element to join the fight but Chastity goes with Genos. And Sai, Nayomi and Proxi man the ship. SoNeko just really hates all this water.

Rave embarks on guerilla hit and hide tactics. Rave asks, "Why are you attacking us! Who sent you?" Nothing just looks at him with those big eyes and evades. Rave shouts, "Your thoughts are black!"Rave stars summoning out little robots used the lost dimension as sorce of material. The Genos Rave holds a giant lightening bolt that breaks the walls of NothingFaces traps. The other Raves poor in to get nothing. Nothing sees a swam of Raves moving in on him. They use force and telekinesis to dismantle and counter nothing's attacks. There are Rave like everywhere. Below Sushi notices the battle field perimeter closing in. Luna comes up from the seas and asks, "He is trying to crush us?". Rave replies, "Maybe or Maybe he is running out of steam. The three finds an entrance to his fortress. Sushi can release a color splash of in that makes objest visible. Rave takes them inside.

Another Rave teleports the ship containing the girls to the lost dimension and then teleports them out of NothingFaces trap just in time. That dimension is inside Rave himself. Only Luna and Sushi the two aquatic girls stay with him. Rave rejoices, "Ohh yeah! I didn't even know I could do that!" They follow nothing through his under labrinth. Water in the ocean to create ice that hardens and jams NothingFaces traps. Genos watches NothingFace in the distance finally cornered. Lightening bounce and the Genos rushes at him at the speed of light. NothingFace is to slow to react to that level of speed. So he plans to crush them all himself included. Instead Rave teleports everyone to the lost dimension. In there Rave is strong as NothingFace. The enter dimension is inside Rave and contorts to his will. NothingFace counter defences to spawn more constructs. They jam and slam against each other as the are pushed back by force matter in the living dimensions.

NothingFace is blindsided by the Genos that teleports behind him and tears his heart out from the back to the front of his chest. The black and white clothes is colored by a touch of red blood. NothingFace dies without a sound. He falls into his pool of blood on his invisible platform that then fades away. Then be false into the void of storm that is Rave never to be seen again. Rave reads Nothing's last word he scratched into his own heart seconds during death,

"I tried to tell you, There's something dead in me, Love lies in moments, Still I cannot grasp one fragment, I can tell you nothing, Answers don't exist, Floors, walls my own asylum, Shades my eyes from all of this, And I kill the one that you loved, Soiled, shaded, But the knife will cut the same skin, Now I still grasp my heart, I can't graze the sadness surface, I'm so tired."

During the time of his death Rave absorbs NothingFace's chakra. Rave realizes that is now as three times as strong a force user as before. NothingFace was twice as powerful as him. But failed to being out witted. Rave leaves the Genos in the Lost Dimension as usual. He and the girls continue coarse for home. Rave says, "I'm going to try to use the XD teleports to jump home sooner." Roman now used this teleport technic to burst through short distances.

In a dark room a mysterious organization reports the silent one have been defeated and Roman Rave is faster and stronger than before we sent the experiment after him. The one who suggested the idea stands up and shoots himself dead on the spot. Thick blood poor down the black marble table around his colleagues. A man not in the room but on a screen seems to be in charge. He wears a very light white-blue suit and his face is not shown. He has long light blue hair. He picks up his white cat and turns his chair away. The rest of the member exhale in relief because they are afraid of their boss.

Principles of Business

So he be just getting back with his little new recruits. Hoopty hardy so whole hearty. A dark shadow stretches across Rave's face his teeth sharp like razors. Kimbra screams, "Eck! Rave, What is that face. Please stop making that face." He replies, "I'm happy. Can't a man smile. I forgot how to smile." Chastity adds, "Right. Because smiling is for small scale trivial men. Got it." Doll House gathers around him. "Got a mission for us bad boy" Braille asks. Poison says, "Not me. China as exhausting." Rave say, "Nope I got nothing planned really. I could just walk as far in one direction till I see something. But you girls always complain. 'We been flying to long - I'm hungry - I need to sleep.' it's nothing efficient." America adds, "You are really under utilizing my skills." Rave answers, "The only skills you need to utilize is here. Learn how to dress your bed. Do some laundry for once." Rave walks into the other room. He continues, "I love how on this island the world just stops." Gaia looks at him. He tells America and the other girls that follow him, "I have less interesting endeavors to embark. Ones of commerce and good cooperate moral standing. I'm thinking the domestic robot and defense weaponry scenery." They sigh. "And yes I will need you to accompany me. With my powers I will be making defense weapons so the humans can protect their cities. And on a side note I will be making companion dolls to sell because if there's any thing I know it's the human body." They reply, "Robots? You forget what happened in Sky City?" He says, "No no no no, these robots will be incapable of achieving sentience. I will not use my powers to make them. I will set up factories. Yet I will set up a trusted monitored anti crime data base and protocols in them so they will not be used to harm anyone. My weapons will only be in the hands of trusted agencies. I did some research while I was in Japan as well." He looks at Proxi saying, "They will be nothing like Proxi or Gaia. And for every robot I build which has eyes. My monitoring will be effortless stretched across the planet."

Rave is in a new big fancy tech sky scraper in Japan. This is the company he started under the Name Rave Industries. Roman looks at five female robot models in a glass cases. Of one of those is the model named Sky Fall. This one is a thick black woman with standard cut hair. This one he doesn't sell to the public but several copies of her work as security for his company. He wants to give people more jobs but he doesn't really trust to have to much outsiders in his building. He is aware that the A.I for Sky Fall has achieve sentience under one internal hard drive (One mind running several copies.) This happened because he converted her to Legion as a test. He calls her Sky for short but keeps a copy with him he calls Nibblez. Proxi and Sky sit on his desk in bedroom wear. He says, "To give life is the ways of gods. And life is the resulting death. And for what my powers do I'm quite terrified." Nibblez says, "I don't want you to talk so grim on your big day." He brings them downstairs along with another model to the interviews. Today he will finally announce that the Rave Bots are available for shipping. Store will open with them for purchase. A lot of areas in the world are still not ready to used robots again. Sales do remarkably well. Rave Industries would evolve into an everything robotic company. Rave's favorite, a new space station.

The Grand Prix

Trevor Something
Come Back Down

With all this money Rave sponsors Wiki at the Grand Prix. There are new girls by the name of Tequilla Diamond and Cameron Dgelli. These girls come from super rich families so Rave in a new tax bracket sponsored their modeling careers. The girls from Doll House also start modelling and small acting gigs. Just like reality seem to be heavy popularity for hot super powered girl in media. At only 5 feet Tequilla is nothing to play with. She has diamond hard skin and a bad attitude. She would not hesitate fight anyone. Cameron feeling lonely had adopted a sick looking cat that turned out to be a cosmic alien that gives her telekinesis and telepathy. Turns out the mucous jelly in the cats nose is some type of space ectoplasm.

Rave is in ViP at the stadium with all his girls. They all wear team uniforms to show support. He sits in a glassed tower shaped hover craft above. Rave is sponsoring Wiki at the tournament. That's how they met. Wiki is a tiny ginger teen 18 with point elf ears. She uses spell books magic. Wiki comes to see Rave dressed in her racer outfit. Rave say to her, "You look good. Ready to win?" Wiki replies, "Of course." As she stares him dead in the eyes. After reading her mind replies, "After. You need to focus on winning." Then wiki leaves. Chastity in the background comes closer and says, "I hope you're not planning to cheat. I know what you did to that poor girl. If she uses your powers that would be cheating. The race is for magic users only." Rave replies, "She's not a poor girl. She's young and clearly using me for my money. I thought she was innocent by her size but the things she says to me telepathically is diabolical." Chastity says, "And you are okay with that? Why you always playing victim?" Rave replies, "It does not matter I just wanted to help her. She's just one little girl." Chastity replies, "Your idea of help is sleeping with her?" Rave says, "For the last time I did not take advantage of her. You know how I am for redheads." Chastity looks up and says, "Shut up. You better not ******* cheat!" And she leaves. They go down to the garage area. Sai and Wiki checks on the hover bike she is to ride. Rave looks at the competition across he sees Genie pull up on a pink bike. Genie eyes' Rave up down viscously. Rave just pauses and stares back. Chastity notices, hits him and tells him, "One day all this is gonna fall back on you." Rave says, "Why?! I didn't start it?! Did you she her skin?! She's blue. Blue! A blue girl!" Rave continued, "You know what I think you're just jealous." Chastity replies, "Pfft. Of that. No way! She looks like she has blue waffle muffin." Rave shouts, "Ah hah! Exactly the thing a jealous person would say." The band Static X starts to play on stage. This is a tribute.



The race begins. And there off. The background changes to random magic patterns as the cars vehicles move. The background contains of neon colors and black to allow the glow. Genie takes the lead and looks back at Wiki. Genie pulls out a gatling gun from her cleavage and fires a warning shot at Wiki's tires. Wiki swerves. Rave spectating shouts, "Chastity! There's a whole other dimension down there. The blue girl pulled it out of her chest!" Chastity grinds her teeth and says, "I know. I saw!" Wiki says, "What already?! Why me?! I'm gonna get you back girl." Wiki makes some finger signs as her hands glow. Four spell books glowing different colors hover around her. The red one blast at Genie. And hits the back of her vehicle. Genie starts firing at Wiki for real. Wiki uses the blue book to set a blue shield aura that deflects the bullets. Another rider coming up on them gets hit by a stray shot. And flys out of the color panel. He explodes into a wall. Back to reality means out of the race. Genie turns back and sit across on her bike as Wiki gains on her. Genie kicks the side of Wiki bike. Wiki falls back. Wiki proceeds to stand up on the moving bike. With glowing fingers the green book conjures a floating rock that Wiki stands on. She then jumps up as the rock hits Genie's bike. Wiki lands back on her bike and takes the lead. Rave says, "Wow. She has skill." Other racers gain on their tails. Genie says, "Enough playtime." As she hit the nitros. Wiki hits her nitros. Wiki make rocks appear in the track. Genie makes anvils fall from dark voids. Genie uses one anvil as a ramp to fly ahead. Wiki does the same with earth magic. Genie shouts, "Quit copying me!" As she sits backwards in the bike. She pulls out twin Uzi's and fires at Wiki. The the bullets starts to break Wiki's shields. Wiki hangs backs a bit.


Look the cars go. We take some time to appreciate the beautiful vehicles as they drift under sexy dark lights.

I'm With Stupid

X blows up the stage with an epic performance. The singer Wayne gets up in the desert with his hair on fire. He had become zombified but like with stone He starts rapping. When he reached civilization people that hear his song became zombified as well. They all match behind him in a dance mob.
