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Revision as of 16:17, 4 November 2013

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Liath Hotspur Paper.jpg
Liath Hotspur Paper.jpg
Liath Hotspur Paper.jpg
Liath Hotspur Paper.jpg
Hotspur in flame

Wilhelm 'Willie' Brand was a young Wyoming sheriff kidnapped by the Qularr during the early 1800s, and experimented on to try and create a hybrid that could be used to infiltrate Earth. The infiltration plans were ultimately a deemed a failure and Willie was put into suspended animation aboard the ship and forgotten about.

Over the next couple of centuries the storage cell was moved from ship to ship with other cargo until he eventually once more ended up on a ship bound for Earth.

And so during the invasion of Millenium City, the ship upon which Willie was now inadvertently being held was damaged allowing him to escape from his cryotube into the rubble of the warzone.

Finding himself changed by the aliens and alone in a brand new world, Willie turned to the only constant in his life - upholding the law and serving the public good. Following the reclamation of Millenium City Willie initially sought out any information on his family, but was unable to find any descendants so returned to MC taking the name Hotspur and following the example of the Champions as a costumed hero.

Due to his work during the conflict and because he was still technically a sheriff (although with no town to police), Willie was deputised as a special officer of the MCPD.
