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Kyzer was born in and raised in a small crime ridden city in japan, the area was practically run by gangs, and no one cared to stop it. Growing up Kyzer was obsessed with Japanese TV Tokusatsu heroes, this would later influence his Super Hero persona. In school Kyzer only had one real freind and that was Ryo, he and Ryo would get into alot of trouble but they had enough fun to make it all worth it. In highschhol Kyzer and Ryo were still inseparable, Kyzer wasnt as good with school and did more physical stuff, whereas Ryo was a tech junkie and a genius. When they reached adulthood Ryo's parents where gunned down in a gang fight, this filled both Kyzer and his friend with rage, then they decided to put an end to it. They would start the experiment of a lifetime, Ryo had created a suit of armor to turn his best friend into a super hero! Stun katana in hand and mobile earpiece equipped Kyzer would hit a gang with help from Ryo assisting from the side. Together they saved many people and were rewarded with cash, cash spent on creating even stronger armor, after a year of fighting crime Ryo created the Super Sentai Power Hype Armor MK1! Zyzer, now know by the public as Nex was ready to take out the gang that had ruled his town for so long, he reached the base of his enemy given to him by an anonymous source. Nex entered the building only to come face to face with Blazing Luc leader of the Black Tiger gang, the battle was explosive Luc's armor was much larger than Nex's and made quick work of him forcing Nex to retreat to base. A few short hours later Nex's base was stormed by Black Tiger gang members, they had tracked his suit! After a long battle Nex took out the Black Tigers but Ryo had been slaughtered. In search of vengeance Nex began searching for a cursed blade to help him defeat his enemy. Nex returned to the abandoned warehouse he fought Blazing Luc in, using the cursed blade Nex struck down his enemy, he had won.
Kyzer was born in a small crime ridden town in Japan. Growing up he did decently in school, though his best friend Ryo did much better, Ryp was a nerdy tech junkie, whereas Kyzer was more of a physical guy. After school ended for the two of them they moved in together. A few months passed and Ryo's parents were gunned down in a large gang fight that put the Blazing Tigers in control of most of the area.
Having put an end to the Blazing Tigers Nex left his old town and traveled to somewhere else he could assist. That place was Millennium City, Nex quickly set up a base of operations and began assisting his fellow heroes.
~The Spark!
Outraged Kyzer and Ryo decided to do something to stop it, after the construction of a tokusatsu style body suit, and stun katana Kyzer set out to defeat all of the Blazing Tigers. Kyzer, and Ryo (Through the assistance of an earpiece) began hitting hitting Blazing Tigers on the streets putting many behind bars. After a full year of fighting Kyzer, know known as Nex had collected a large sum of money funding the creation of The Nexus Armor MK1 an advanced suit of power armor. Nex used this suit for quite sometime, slowly upgrading it with new tech.
~Everything goes wrong!
After some time Nex discovered the location of the leader of the Blazing Tigers "Blazing Lucca" from an anonymous source. After eliminating a few grunts Nex found Lucca in an armor suit of his own, Lucca had the upper hand. An intense battle followed, but Nex was forced to retreat. After returning to base Ryo fixed up the armor, but a huge group of Blazing Tigers. After a long battle Nex defeated them... but at the loss of Ryo's life. Nex began searching for a way to overpower his opponent, remembering an old legend of a cursed blade hidden away on the outskirts of his town. Kyzer set off on a quest to find this blade. Nex returned to the base of his enemy, an explosive battle ensued, but with the help of this cursed blade Nex struck down his enemy... for the first time he had taken a life.
~Search for evil
Nex had defeated his enemy and restored peace to his town, but the place carried to many painful memories, he left in search of somewhere new. After some time he found a city that required help, Millennium City.
==Powers and Abilities==
==Powers and Abilities==

Revision as of 02:11, 17 December 2013

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Player: @nexscarecr0w
Nex champs online (2).jpg
"Saving lives, and looking awesome while doing it!"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kyzer Mitsarugi
Known Aliases: Nex
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Asian
Place of Birth: Japan
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: None
Age: 24
Height: 6'0
Weight: 124lbs(Without suit) 300lbs(With suit)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features:
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Identity: Hidden
Years Active: Less than a year
Citizenship: Legal Citizen of the USA
Occupation: N/A
Education: K-12
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Super Sentai Samurai Power Hype Armor MK1 paired with Cursed Red Katana and solar powered jetpack
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


~Childhood~ Kyzer was born in a small crime ridden town in Japan. Growing up he did decently in school, though his best friend Ryo did much better, Ryp was a nerdy tech junkie, whereas Kyzer was more of a physical guy. After school ended for the two of them they moved in together. A few months passed and Ryo's parents were gunned down in a large gang fight that put the Blazing Tigers in control of most of the area. ~The Spark! Outraged Kyzer and Ryo decided to do something to stop it, after the construction of a tokusatsu style body suit, and stun katana Kyzer set out to defeat all of the Blazing Tigers. Kyzer, and Ryo (Through the assistance of an earpiece) began hitting hitting Blazing Tigers on the streets putting many behind bars. After a full year of fighting Kyzer, know known as Nex had collected a large sum of money funding the creation of The Nexus Armor MK1 an advanced suit of power armor. Nex used this suit for quite sometime, slowly upgrading it with new tech. ~Everything goes wrong! After some time Nex discovered the location of the leader of the Blazing Tigers "Blazing Lucca" from an anonymous source. After eliminating a few grunts Nex found Lucca in an armor suit of his own, Lucca had the upper hand. An intense battle followed, but Nex was forced to retreat. After returning to base Ryo fixed up the armor, but a huge group of Blazing Tigers. After a long battle Nex defeated them... but at the loss of Ryo's life. Nex began searching for a way to overpower his opponent, remembering an old legend of a cursed blade hidden away on the outskirts of his town. Kyzer set off on a quest to find this blade. Nex returned to the base of his enemy, an explosive battle ensued, but with the help of this cursed blade Nex struck down his enemy... for the first time he had taken a life. ~Search for evil Nex had defeated his enemy and restored peace to his town, but the place carried to many painful memories, he left in search of somewhere new. After some time he found a city that required help, Millennium City.

Powers and Abilities