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(Technological Evolution)
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Ardacorp's humanoid infantry were designed with cost-efficiency as the main target goal. They needed to be able to act on their own, as well as use sturdy but fairly inexpensive materials. The result was the ACRP-ICD-001, Ardacorp's first mechanised infantry unit. The name meant "Intelligent Combat Droid"; it had a basic AI, controlled by a non-localised central mainframe, which would often be situated safely within a headquarters. The ICD ran with the concept of "quantity over quality", they were reknown for being cheap and easy to produce, but their programming often lead to confusion when in combat.
Ardacorp's humanoid infantry were designed with cost-efficiency in mind. They needed to be able to act on their own, as well as use sturdy but fairly inexpensive materials. The result was the ACRP-ICD-001, Ardacorp's first mechanised infantry unit. The name meant "Intelligent Combat Droid"; it had a basic AI, controlled by a non-localised central mainframe, which would often be situated safely within a headquarters. The ICD ran with the concept of "quantity over quality", they were reknown for being cheap and easy to produce, but their programming often lead to confusion when in combat.
Limitations were a hurdle that Ardacorp sought to extinguish. The ICD's programming and processors needed to be upgraded; it took the company over 6 years to produce a new unit that was reliable enough to be used as conventional infantry. The ICD series ended with the Mk.4, which turned out to be too expensive to mass-produce.
Limitations were a hurdle that Ardacorp sought to extinguish. The ICD's programming and processors needed to be upgraded; it took the company over 6 years to produce a new unit that was reliable enough to be used as conventional infantry. The ICD series ended with the Mk.4, which turned out to be too expensive to mass-produce.
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The OSS series ended with the mk.1, due to Ardacorp being unable to design a cheaper unit without sacrificing other key elements. The company needed an alternative...
The OSS series ended with the mk.1, due to Ardacorp being unable to design a cheaper unit without sacrificing other key elements. The company needed an alternative...
== The Crusader ==
== The Crusader ==

Revision as of 15:04, 10 December 2013

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Ardacorp is an arms manufacturing company, originally based in North Carolina. Its CEO, Victor Ardaman, set up the company in 1987. Originally, Ardacorp intended to supply law enforcement and government military with weaponry and mechanical soldiers; Ardaman saw the implications of using people as soldiers, he knew the cost of supplying each individual with their own personal armament, as well as the cost of the training needed to create battle-ready troops.

Technological Evolution

Ardacorp's humanoid infantry were designed with cost-efficiency in mind. They needed to be able to act on their own, as well as use sturdy but fairly inexpensive materials. The result was the ACRP-ICD-001, Ardacorp's first mechanised infantry unit. The name meant "Intelligent Combat Droid"; it had a basic AI, controlled by a non-localised central mainframe, which would often be situated safely within a headquarters. The ICD ran with the concept of "quantity over quality", they were reknown for being cheap and easy to produce, but their programming often lead to confusion when in combat.

Limitations were a hurdle that Ardacorp sought to extinguish. The ICD's programming and processors needed to be upgraded; it took the company over 6 years to produce a new unit that was reliable enough to be used as conventional infantry. The ICD series ended with the Mk.4, which turned out to be too expensive to mass-produce.

The new unit that was chosen was the first in the ACRP-OSS series, or "Omega Super Soldier". It was a humanoid infantry unit that used kendrium armour plating with a cheaper titanium inner frame. It was durable, albeit more expensive than the original ICD; however, it proved to be a roaring success in action - able to take down at least 4 fully-trained men, on average, before their destruction.

Because of the Omega's success, large batches were purchased by the government to replace a number of human infantry units. Despite Ardaman's goal of replacing people entirely, it was still not economically viable for the mechanical units to be used all the time.

The OSS series ended with the mk.1, due to Ardacorp being unable to design a cheaper unit without sacrificing other key elements. The company needed an alternative...

The Crusader

The alternative was clear. If Ardacorp couldn't produce a cost-effective mechanical infantry unit, they would attempt to create a biological soldier. The aim was to make them non-sentient, lacking any real human emotion aside from anger or, when necessary, fear. Only the most basic primal instincts were to be implemented within these soldiers.

After years of research and development (around 11 years or so), Ardacorp managed to create the "Cerberus". This was to be known as the company's first biologcally-engineered creature. It was large, standing at around 3 meters tall; it was a ferocious and largely feared unit, but it was too expensive and imperfect to mass-produce. The Cerberus look 2 years to fully mature, and only 5 were ever grown. The expense was due to the cybernetic implants needed to keep the creature alive; various life-sustaining peices of equipment were necessary, or it would die. Ardacorp's bio-engineering labs were very sophisticated, but the professors and doctors involved in the project were still unable to yield a self-sustaining lifeform due to inexperience with growing man-made organisms.

Around 6 years later, the Crusader was born. This new unit stood as tall as 7ft, a bit bigger than the average man; it adopted a hunched posture, much like the Cerberus, but it was different; the Crusader made use a biologically-engineered weapon, grown from its right arm. The weapon used a very simple concept: various specially-designed muscles were linked to a gland within the weapon. When fired, the muscles would spasm and force the corrosive biogel substance from the gland, and onto anyone unfortunate enough to be stood in the way.

It wasn't long before a number of factories were converted into laboratories for the mass-production of the Crusader. They were superior to any soldier because of their short maturation period; it took only 2 weeks from birth for a single Crusader to fully mature, ready for combat.

A slight problem...

Because of the nature of Ardaman's business, his privacy was routinely interrupted by superheroes to check up on the company and which direction it was headed. Needless to say that Ardacorp's biological experiments and genetically-engineered creatures would raise various ethical issues. Not only this, but the company became the target of the infamous supervillain, Warlord. He was interested in Ardacorp's technology, and sought to take it by force; most of the time, succeeding. Ardaman simply couldn't allow this, and the authorities weren't enough; he figured that taking the matter into his own hands was the best course of action.

The year 2011 was when Ardacorp changed its ways. Its CEO had deemed the company too vulnerable; so he began sending unmarked, newly-produced and unregistered units to attack numerous superheroes with publicly-known identities. The same was done with supervillains. The attacks seemed indiscriminate; had Ardaman gone mad? It was rather simple... By removing a large number of super-powered individuals, Ardacorp would be able to effectively operate in the open with very little disruption.

This would likely be Ardaman's biggest mistake.

An even BIGGER problem...

White-Glint... This would be the name that Victor had come to remember; the name that was carved into his mind. This particular superhero was incredibly problematic for Ardacorp; it all began with a simple encounter inside Club Caprice. The hero took down an unmarked OSS unit in self-defense, as well as an Incursion Drone; in retaliation, Ardaman hired a mercenary to capture him.

The attack was a success, and White-Glint was taken to Ardacorp's Westside outpost in Millennium City. Face-to-face with him, Victor threatened to bomb his species, who were held up on an island in the Pacific; filled with anger, the hero managed to break free of his bindings, and would've come close to killing Ardaman if it weren't for his Hercules power armour. The avian hero fled the outpost, and made a mission of destroying any Ardacorp units he came across from then on.