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In its place was a woman; tall, muscular, and cloaked from head to toe in layers of seemingly non-combustible beige and black fabric. Two of her attackers fled upon the arrival of the superhuman entity - the other two were dispatched with effortless ease. Her savior smiled to her. Chloe was apprehensive, but thankful for the deed, and the two ladies began talking in private.
In its place was a woman; tall, muscular, and cloaked from head to toe in layers of seemingly non-combustible beige and black fabric. Two of her attackers fled upon the arrival of the superhuman entity - the other two were dispatched with effortless ease. Her savior smiled to her. Chloe was apprehensive, but thankful for the deed, and the two ladies began talking in private.
The lady of flickering flame introduced herself as Hypernova: a medium-profile registered heroine operating out of the Detroit suburbs. She'd expressed a similar passion for stargazing, with Chloe responding by showing her some of the data and theories she'd strived to collect over the previous month.
The lady of flickering flame introduced herself as Hypernova: a medium-profile registered human heroine operating out of the Detroit suburbs. She'd expressed a similar passion for stargazing, with Chloe responding by showing her some of the data and theories she'd strived to collect over the previous month.
==An Unlikely Best Friend==
==An Unlikely Best Friend==

Revision as of 09:20, 25 December 2013

This page has been marked as a creative work in progress.

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(WIP Notes: First Primus Database page I've worked on in a while. As a character, Phosphene is still quite new, so hopefully I can get a head start on her.)

Player: @goodbyeclock
"Beauty is easy to find; all that's needed is life and a magnifying glass."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Chloe D. Reynolds
Known Aliases: Phosphene
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Warren, MI
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI
Relatives: Biological Parents
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 125lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dyed; natural light brown
Complexion: White, slightly pale
Physical Build: Slim and toned
Physical Features: Hair often kept in elaborate braids or curled locks
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 0
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Student (until recently)
Education: Astronomy undergrad, Millennium City University
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Currently able to manipulate fire and generate it to a small degree. Highly resistant to high temperatures. Regenerative capabilities exceed that of a normal human.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Various radiometers, telescopes, and monitoring equipment for personal use.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Early Life

Chloe Reynolds was born on March 20, 1995, and raised nine miles north of old Detroit in the city of Warren. Her extended family was decimated by the destruction of the city in 1992, leaving her parents as her only living biological relatives. From a young age Chloe had a glint in her eye each time she stood outside on a cloudless night: the vast unexplored universe above her became a fascination. As she grew, studying it and learning about the worlds outside her own developed into her passion.

As a student, Chloe was a heavy daydreamer. Reasonably introverted and highly book-smart, she'd ended up flying through her secondary education with high grades and finishing a year ahead of her original class. Immediately after graduating from high school in Warren, she immediately became accepted into an astronomy degree program with an expenses-paid scholarship in Millennium City.

Paralyzed By Wonder

Through some clever bureaucracy, Chloe was able to divert some of her scholarship funds to personal studies. Telescopes, radiometers, all she'd needed and wanted to turn her studies into a viable hobby as well.

Things were all set for Chloe's career to succeed. One clear November night in 2013 changed that.

During a curious study of a potentially habitable planet named Odar in the Oseris solar system from one of her homebrew telescopes, she'd witnessed the destruction of the world and the near-complete obliteration of the Oseris system by an unholy bright orange blast of incomprehensibly massive, virtually stellar proportions. The magnitude of the event shook her to the core, simultaneously being the most stunningly beautiful and fundamentally violent scene of her life. Seeing it in front of her eyes sent her into an intellectual frenzy: the patterns and signals she'd seen and received with her equipment would've been impossible had they originated from a static source. Whatever caused the blast had to have been alive.

Dubbed "Starlet" by Chloe herself, this cosmic being's mere existence turned into an obsession for the young student. She dropped out of university unceremoniously. She'd started skipping meals, exercise, and most communication with the outside world. She took to drawing images of the event on her tablet PC in her spare time, recalling the explosion from memory. She'd studied the creature's movements and energies with intense devotion, coming repeatedly to a daunting conclusion: this living being of incredible destruction was moving towards Sol.

Reality Hits

By the winter equinox, Chloe's research had hit a dead end. The chances of "Starlet" being anywhere within visual range were narrowed down to slim odds, so she returned to sketching her visualizations of the cosmic blast on her tablet. Unknown to her, four young men from the nearby high school, well-built and wearing matching yellow hooded jackets had their eyes on her.

Chloe was approached by the four with a malicious mix of jeers, hollers and swipes as the makeshift gang went after anything they could grab. There was no path of escape, no witnesses, and no way to protect herself or her gear.

A flash of orange flame struck down behind the gang.

In its place was a woman; tall, muscular, and cloaked from head to toe in layers of seemingly non-combustible beige and black fabric. Two of her attackers fled upon the arrival of the superhuman entity - the other two were dispatched with effortless ease. Her savior smiled to her. Chloe was apprehensive, but thankful for the deed, and the two ladies began talking in private.

The lady of flickering flame introduced herself as Hypernova: a medium-profile registered human heroine operating out of the Detroit suburbs. She'd expressed a similar passion for stargazing, with Chloe responding by showing her some of the data and theories she'd strived to collect over the previous month.

An Unlikely Best Friend

Chloe met Hypernova again a few days later while the latter was on air patrol near the City Hall district, once again falling into a conversation about the histories and passions both had shared over their lives. 'Nova proved to be a capable listener as Chloe scrambled through an explanation of her nightly notes and journals about her research, and the pair both departed with wide smiles and eachother's contact information as the night wound down.

Her research stalled a day after that, once again leaving the young Reynolds in a slight disarray. Hypernova extended her greetings to her home, inviting Chloe over for another chat between new friends; Chloe brought along some board games and bits of her radiometry equipment and recorders just to have something to do while there.

The equipment went ear-splittingly insane as Chloe powered it up, causing her and 'Nova to drop the radio antenna in shock. Chloe immediately went to check the recording of the errant signals and ran the machine over to her computer to analyze it: inexplicably causing quite the protest from her towering friend.


The signals she'd picked up from Hypernova's presence and the ones from the world-obliterating explosion differed only in amplitude. "Starlet", the source of her life-changing curiosity, ended up being the only person Chloe had talked to for weeks. She was far from excited: knowing full well how catastrophic the blast she'd witnessed was, standing beside the 'person' that had caused it drove her into absolute terror.

Chloe feared for her safety and that of her planet. She ran screaming. Her escape was prevented with a reflexive dash, as Hypernova grabbed her arm mid-flail and sat her down to explain her benevolent intentions for being on Earth.

Theme Music

Chloe to Hypernova: Fitz and the Tantrums - Out of My League