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Revision as of 02:23, 20 August 2014

Mira Kimbal
Player: @Razama
Miranda Kimball Model01.jpg
The Space Pirate Mira
Biographical Data
Real Name: Miranda Kimbal
Known Aliases: Mira
Gender: Female
Species: Confidential
Ethnicity: Confidential
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Milky Way Galaxy
Age: 25
Height: 6'0" (1.82 Meters)
Weight:  ;D
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Confidential
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Confidential
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Identity: Public
Years Active: 10
Citizenship: Planet Regia
Occupation: Privateer
Education: Autodidact
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
No innate powers
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Swords, handguns, stimpacks
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Mira is known in some parts of the galaxy as a symbol of hope and a hero to the common person. In other parts of the galaxy she is viewed as an outlaw and common pirate. Either way, her name is well known because of the beauty and flair she posseses, and more importantly the impact she makes on the people she comes into contact with while roaming the Milky Way.
Captian of the SSV Juno, Mira and her crew search for treasure and adventure while following their own sense of justice to try and bring a little bit of hope to the downtrodden people they come across.



Mira was born into a life a luxry and privilage inside the royal place on the planet of Regia. However, a rebellion would tear her from her family as she was sent to a hidden space station that was a meant as a safe house for the royal family. No one else ever made it to the location, and for the next 10 years Mira was trapped and completely alone, with nothing but the station's A.I. to care for her and keep her company.

Set Free

After almost a decade had passed, a ship looking to salvage the station docked to see what they could find. Mira used the automated defense system's to fight them off the best she could, but the pirates were able to get away with the A.I. that had taken care of and been Mira's only friend all these years.
Since there was no computer running the station, an automated systems opened the locked areas of the installation. Mira found a ship, the Juno, and took off to retrieve her compainion. Using the skills she had accumulated over the years (there isn't a lot to do locked away on a space station with nothing but educational videos and VR sims), she disabled the pirate ship and retrieved her friend. Mira downloaded him to a small drone and decided there was nothing left for them back at their space station. Together, they headed off to explore the galaxy.

Becoming the Space Pirate

Mira eventually was able to head to her home planet and found that the once thriving planet was now dominated by a several large corporations viying for control. The majority of the population lived in poor conditions and pollution affected people on an enormous scale. Unable to get medical supplies to people who needed them because of regulations that allowed only certian suppliers to distribute them, Mira used her ship and connections to smuggle medicine in. This made her a crinimal in the eyes of the law. Even worse, the medicine she had already given away was confiscated. Taking matters into her own hands, Mira recruited volunteers to help board and raid a supply ship carrying the confiscated medicine. They distributed their prize to the people who needed it most and this time hindered the efforts of law enforcement to confiscate the contraband. Mira was now officially an outlaw, smuggler, and pirate.

Stranded on Earth

Mira had a small and loyal crew that were experienced in raiding ships, especialy Qulaar ships. Hunting a Qulaar vessel carrying a large shipment of Questionite, Mira followed it to the Sol System. There she realized they had ran into an full armada of Qualaar ships preparing to attack Earth and tried to retreat. Hoewver, the SSV Juno was damaged in when they were spotted and they were forced to land on Earth.

The Juno is now stranded until Mira and Co. can afford the reparis needed for their ship.



The people of Regia live incredibly long lives, and some say members of the Royal family are completely immune to the effects of aging

Heightened Reflexes
From years of sword fighting and hand to hand combat

Comes with being the Captian of the SSV Juno

Close Quarter Combat
Utilizes swords, handguns, and plasma rifles to take on enemies

Mira is able to control or "fly" most spacecraft.


Years of isolation left Mira a bit unsociable. However, during her isolation she studied on how to interact with, persuade, and charm people. She is incredibly charasmatic and confident, almost to the point of arrogant. She is also unafraid, exuberant, and loves to explore. Although she can be friendly and "down to earth" at times, the smirk on her face reveals that she is always plotting and thinking about her next big adventure.

General Perception

Generally thought of as a "good guy" and a help to the community, Mira plays the part of hero because she enjoys it. Often thought of as a "Robin Hood" type, she doesn't necessarily follow the law as much as she simply does what she feels is right.