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='''''<div style="color:White; background-color: #660705">Notes</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:White; background-color: #660705">Notes</div>'''''=
=='''RP Hooks'''==
=='''RP Hooks'''==
* He can be seen riding public transportation in full hero attire, while heroes are by no means rare in Millennium City, one might find it rather odd for them to take the bus.
* He can be seen riding public transportation in full hero attire, while heroes are by no means rare in Millennium City, one might find it rather odd for oone to take the bus.
* Those with the second sight, psionic talents, or general mediumship would notice that is glowing with astral energy and acts as a conduit for said energy when using his abilities.
* Those with the second sight, psionic talents, or general mediumship would notice that he is glowing with astral energy and acts as a conduit for said energy when using his abilities.
* From 7 PM to 10 PM on weekdays and 5 PM to 11 PM on weekends, police typically report a short green-blue person wearing scarf and super hero attire leaping across rooftops in the Westside, occasionally delivering small-time criminals to the police station with red cable ties keeping their hands locked in the rear stack position.
* From 7 PM to 10 PM on weekdays and 5 PM to 11 PM on weekends, police typically report a short green-blue person wearing scarf and super hero attire leaping across rooftops in the Westside, occasionally delivering small-time criminals to the police station with red cable ties keeping their hands locked in the rear stack position.

Revision as of 20:05, 21 April 2016

Desher nameheader.png

"Maa-kheru of Ma'at"
Kai'el Urogoz
Desher image.jpg
"This is typically the part where you say something inspirational."
Player: @xemion1111
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Quantum Quartet · Maa-kheru
Real Name
Kai'el Urogoz
October 30th, 1999
Andarion, Velarius System
United States · Velarian Confederacy
Millennium City, Michigan
Quantum Quartet HQ
Legal Status
Registered Hero · Secret Identity
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Al'dreza Urogoz (Mother) · V'estrus Urogoz (Mother) · Le'za Urogoz (Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
5'4 ft / 1.63 m
158 lbs / 67 kg
Body Type
Dancer; Longer torso than legs, lean arms, thin waist, defined legs
Short black hair; parted at the middle and combed back
Yellow irises
Blue-green complexion
· Distinguishing Features ·
Deep-chested · Short legs · Pointed and ribbed ears · Ankh marking on chest
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Astrakinesis · Enhanced Hearing
· Equipment ·
Self-assembling supersuit · Bus pass · HUD Mask
· Other Abilities ·
Gymnastics · Intelligent · Polyglottism



Born on the moon of Andarion in an area of space trapped in a period of civil war and grandiose political assassination. Deciding they wished to raise their children away from the violence, away from the constant threat of war, they sold their home and packed up everything into a ship to make the journey across the galaxy to a planet so far out of the way they could live their lives in peace. Earth--being located on the other side of the galaxy--was selected as the destination for its diverse climates, cultures, and new opportunities for the entire family to enjoy. At first his parents were not sure about settling on a world so primitive and wrought with its own problems but the excitement and sheer joy of their children was enough to convince them to stay. And while his parents took up new jobs that aligned with their skill sets, Kai'el and his twin sister Le'za took to what they did best; exploring. Kai'el soon found friends with more 'unique' interests at a comic book shop named Calliope, Derek, and Sarah; all peers with similar specializations in particular fields such as Calliope's skill in the esoteric, Derek's skill in martial combat, and Sarah's gift with computers.

On a trip to their local museum that Kyle and Calliope were dying to see, a supervillain clad in a green dress with a golden helmet and undead minions staged a less than covert breaking and entering in the form of quite literally breaking down the doors and marching in with the announced intent on taking what she called the "Ankh of Ma'at". With her minions engaged with the security officers, the woman who proudly dubbed herself as the Emerald Enchantress made her way into the exhibit on the world of Ancient Egypt. Calliope decided reporting on this would be the story of the century persuaded Sarah to begin recording as she and the boys tailed after the Enchantress, to find the woman violently searching the exhibit, dropping ancient urns, shattering the glass of the exhibits, all in the hope that they would contain the object she was looking for. Kyle having simply enough of her outright disregard for the ancient world left his hiding place to throw a chunk of one of the broken stone urns which--naturally--clanged against her helmet, Calliope attempted to join in with the use of her novice magical talents to ensnare the woman in conjured bandages. Clearly not entertained by the stone throwing or the rudimentary attempts to restrain her, the Enchantress freed herself from a singular glance that sent them falling to the floor, followed with an unseen force threw the teens from where they stood and onto the floor with ease. As she continued her search now interference free, the woman gave an oddly soft chuckle as she clearly found what she was looking for; a sarcophagus laid on a slightly elevated platform that she forced open and retrieved from within an ankh several inches in height made up of something visually similar to carnelian.

Now becoming enraged at the desecration of the very artefacts he had one day hoped to preserve, Kyle rose in his weakened state and began a mad dash toward her even while she scored several glancing and direct bolts of that signature emerald fire on him. Knocking her over he ripped the ankh from her clutches and tumbled across the floor, landing on his back with a pained groan; the artefact safely held in his hands. For a few moments the Enchantress merely stared up at the ceiling from her position on the floor, her helmet askew and her brunette hair a mess across her face, slowly but surely however her eyes appeared to burst into flame as the events slowly caught up with her. Incanting a spell in a language lost to the ages, the Enchantress rose from her back but was interrupted by he sound of approaching sirens that appeared to change her anger to disgust as she herself burst into a column of flame and vanished.

The rejoicing of the quartet was cut short as Kyle let out a yelp in pain, as he opened his hands the artefact to release the artefact it landed perfectly square on his chest and began to glow; melting through his shirt and onto his skin below. His friends hobbling over to look on as they attempted to assist but as swiftly as the artefact began to melt it ceased, leaving an almost tattoo-looking marking on his chest. Being the young teen he is, his first thought was of course "my parents are going to kill me." then followed by a heavy sigh that triggered a blast of energy to stream from his eyes to the ceiling to rain dust upon his face. Utterly in shock he sighed once more as he rose from his back and another blast of energy shot across the room to hit the wall opposite him, with his friends and himself in an absolute riot as the discussed these 'sigh beams'--as Sarah dubbed them--they were caught off guard as number of police officers entered the exhibit to secure the area; swearing themselves to silence regarding Kyle's new ability they immediately told the police about the emotional roller-coaster they had just gone on and once satisfied that the teens were not not involved in the would-be zombie apocalypse that was the lobby a few minutes ago, the officers showed the group toward a group of EMTs waiting on standby whilst they searched for the missing villainous woman to no avail.

After Kyle's parents picked the group up they made their way to Quantum Quartet HQ, also known as Kyle's bedroom, to have him continue to test out his abilities on various soda cans before they all agreed that based on all of the comic books they had read the logical step was for Kyle to train his ability and become a super hero. An idea that was more than well received by him, taking to his books on ancient languages he picked out a word he believed to be fitting to the artefact that gave him his abilities and amongst garbage pizza boxes, discarded rubbish, and piles of unfinished homework, the hero Desher was born.


Though he doesn't talk a lot and prefers to listen, he is quite the friendly individual who often maintains a calm smile and tone of voice. Being supportive at heart, he does his best to encourage his friends and assist his enemies to better themselves through things such as positive reinforcement with the end goal of reforming them from villains into good people; expressing that it may be hard work but it will pay off far more in the end rather than having to catch them after breaking out of prison for the fifteenth time this week.

A large portion of his introverted nature comes from a tenacious curiosity and use of a 'detached bigger picture' style of investigating to explore something in great detail or to see how things are related to one another, a style similar to that of the great Sherlock Holmes; one of Desher's role models to such a degree he even adopted a rather casual Received Pronunciation English accent mixed with Mid-western American.

When it comes to most notable traits, his fantasy prone personality is most certainly one of them. It exists as one of those rather odd yet not entirely good nor bad traits, some things that have come of it are a 'glass half full' mentality, opportunity to train his abilities constantly, the occasional 'doomsday' situation such as the time when he mistook a pale nightshift worker at his favourite coffee shop for a vampire, or the 'good' occurrences such as his former imaginary friend "Bob the Human" who was a normal human adult male with a normal human wife, two normal human children, and a normal human home; the trend of his interest in the idea of human normality being exceedingly apparent even during his pre-teenage years.

Powers and Abilities


Upon becoming a conduit to the astral plane Desher gained the ability to channel the energy from the astral realm and will the flow into different forms and intensities but because of both his inexperience he has displayed a limited number of applications for his ability that could theoretically grow in time with more practice and mentorship. When he does something particularly strenuous, an incantation is used, in this way it is rather evident that Desher's astral abilities do indeed stem from a mystic source.

  • Astral Attacks: The simplest form of his ability comes in the form of projecting concussive blasts of raw astral energy that can be altered to range from a mere gust to a blast powerful enough to shatter stone.
  • Astral Constructs: The next step up in the way of manipulating the energy itself is through the manifestation of astral energy into a desired form or forms then shunting it into the realm he is currently on with the form limited by his ability to endure strain placed on him whilst the energy uses his body as a conduit. Whilst astral projecting he is able to use this ability to manipulate his astral body into new forms painlessly.
  • Astral Projection: As one would expect of someone with such a close relation to astral energies, he is capable of projecting his astral body into the Astral Realm. Currently he can take a single--willing--person with him on this journey and astral project with them for up to forty two hours before feeling severely exhausted and subsequently requiring an extended period of rest.

Racial Traits

Velarians evolved several evolutionary traits to allow them to not only survive but to thrive in their otherwise extremely hostile environment. Tidally locked to its giant moon of Andarion which is itself nearly another planet at half of the size of Velarius VII itself allowing it to slow down the rotation of the planet to such a point that a standard day is roughly ten Terran days.

  • Velarian Hearing: Tall pointed ears adorn either side of Desher's head that allow him and the rest of his species to hear in the thin air of their planet. Whilst in a thicker atmosphere like earth he is capable of an above average range of roughly 65 Hz to 43 kHz, nearly that of a Terran canine at their upper range.
  • Velarian Wakefulness: With Velarius VII being tidally locked to its giant natural satellite, most--if not all--species evolved to be able to remain awake for the entire period of its day. In Velarians this is characterized by the ability to only require a minimum of eight hours of sleep per Terran month, some of course sleep more than this and exhaustion can of course induce a desire to rest as with Humans.
  • Velarian Lungs: Similar in origin to their ears, the thin atmosphere of Velarius VII required lungs more efficient than that of humans. While they posses no real noticeable difference within earth's atmosphere--aside from perhaps less frequent breaths--they allow Velarians to breath within the atmosphere of their homeworld and other similar thin atmosphered environments.


  • Gymnast: As a competitive gymnast Desher possesses both agility and flexibility due to formal training started during childhood, though, he avoids having to explain exactly why he was he had such training stating "It is a bit embarrassing". His training primarily revolves around handspringing and vaulting which he has been known to enhance with his astral abilities to propel himself lengthy distances.
  • Intelligent: Whether from his familial upbringing or simply due to luck of his gene-pool Desher has displayed a higher than average intellect by human standards with a clear specialization in linguistic capabilities. As of recent he has started taking college level classes relating to linguistics, archaeology, and anthropology, of which he has expressed a passion for and displayed an above average talent for. In jest, he has stated he is an "expert at cryptozoology", a fictional science relating to strange and bizarre fictional species, ironically this has saved his life twice so far.
  • Polyglottism: As a polyglot, Desher possesses an affinity for languages both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Languages to him are very comparable to 'connect the dot' paintings in that he is capable of swiftly understanding various languages if provided with time and references; this ability is purely natural and in no way magical resulting in there of course being clear limitations such as the difference between understanding and actually holding a conversation. In the order learned, Desher is capable of at the very least holding a conversation in Velarian, Fassaiese, Donburilian, English, French, Egyptian Arabic, and--with his prompted interest into Egyptology--the various iterations of ancient Egyptian with different degrees of skill in each.


  • Mortal: Like almost all mortals he is susceptible to magical curses, charms, hexes, psionics, possession, illness and the like. Additionally, fields that prohibit magic render his astrakinetic powers inert for the duration of his stay within the field as his powers are from a magical artefact fused to his body.
  • Fear: As his powers work on the concept of will there are times when his emotional states can vastly affect not only the intensity of his powers but also the very use of them as well. Self-doubt and fear cause his abilities to become unruly to the point of simply not working or becoming dangerous. Unfortunately as a teenager on the crux of adulthood; he is heavily subject to these waxing and waning states.
  • Electroshock Weaponry: Unlike psionic inhibitors which last for as long as they are worn, electroshock weapons of all varieties will leave Desher crippled both in the means of his abilities and physically. Presumably they disrupt the higher brain functions that control his abilities and in turn result in his entire power set being disabled for a measure of time afterwards that depends entirely on duration and the amperage of the current that was applied to him.



  • Heads Up Mask: A refined version of the original helmet using 29th century technology given to him by his friend Psyquisitor. It retains the smartphone capabilities of the helmet with a few additional ones such as the neural interface to control it, a vision filter that allows for night-vision, and the ability for the mask to convert his current apparel into a recoloured version of Psyquisitor's suit that resembles Lycra in both texture and properties, providing no real protection but a good super suit for any new hero on the scene.
  • Cable Ties: Rather self explanatory, he keeps a bundle of dual looped red cable ties in his belt's pouches. They are entirely normal red plastic cable ties with no special qualities.
  • Utility Pouches: As part of the supersuit given to him by Psyquisitor a number of pouches lines the belt which by default they contain: three small sample containers, five sample swabs, a pair of latex gloves, and a small UV torch. Several others are left empty for situational use as exemplified with Desher typically using them to store a chocolate caramel energy bar, ten dollars, his bus pass, and fifty marbles just prior to going on patrol.


  • Public Transportation: Unlike many heroes Desher neither has the funds nor licence to acquire and operate a vehicle, as such he relies on public transportation or his abilities to get from point 'A' to point 'B'.


RP Hooks

  • He can be seen riding public transportation in full hero attire, while heroes are by no means rare in Millennium City, one might find it rather odd for oone to take the bus.
  • Those with the second sight, psionic talents, or general mediumship would notice that he is glowing with astral energy and acts as a conduit for said energy when using his abilities.
  • From 7 PM to 10 PM on weekdays and 5 PM to 11 PM on weekends, police typically report a short green-blue person wearing scarf and super hero attire leaping across rooftops in the Westside, occasionally delivering small-time criminals to the police station with red cable ties keeping their hands locked in the rear stack position.


  • The physical properties of the astral energy he channels are often compared to a cool blast of air which smells faintly of ozone. When used offensively the damage appears kinetic in nature and leaves the surface that was impacted chilled.
  • He has a blog with his friends and often advertises it. The blog, when looked up, produces articles on various interesting, mysterious, or otherwise paranormal activity. The most popular one with several hundred views is "The Toaster of 276 Sherbet Dr." a piece on a haunted toasted which could spell out predictions in the toast, sadly the toaster was found destroyed in the morning after it made a prediction the owner disliked.
  • When it comes to music his favourite genres are classic rock, punk rock, vaporwave, and J-Pop, with his favourite song most likely being 'Rhiannon' by Fleetwood Mac.
  • Reading material on Velarians: Link