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='''''<div style="color:white; background-color:#660705">History</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:white; background-color:#660705">History</div>'''''=
Kai'el Urogoz was born in 1999 with his twin Le'za to their mother Al'dreza at Andarion Medical General on the moon of Andarion. His youngest years were rather uneventful apart from moving about from system to system within the Confederation due to their mothers working within the Velarian Intelligence Branch to gather information about the opposition in the current civil war, but, as with all Velarians he adapted to the diverse cultures he became part of for moments at a time before departing for the next. In the family's travels he became increasingly more interested in the system of language, the cultural aspects, and the traditions of other cultures; being fluent in Velarian, Fassaiese, and Donburilian before the age of ten. During a mission to the space between the Confederation and the Varanyi Empire to locate a possible cell, the family was ousted as spies by a Chvorsq, several of the Vashyyl V'hanic were dispatched to apprehend both the parents and children for invasive psionic interrogation.
Kai'el Urogoz was born in 1999 with his twin Le'za to their mother Al'dreza at Andarion Medical General on the moon of Andarion. His youngest years were rather uneventful apart from moving about from system to system within the Confederation due to their mothers working within the Velarian Intelligence Branch to gather information about the opposition in the current civil war, but, as with all Velarians he adapted to the diverse cultures that he became part of for moments at a time before departing for the next. In the family's travels he became increasingly more interested in the system of language, the cultural aspects, and the traditions of other cultures; being fluent in Velarian, Fassaiese, and Donburilian before the age of ten. During a mission to the space between the Confederation and the Varanyi Empire to locate a possible cell, the family was ousted as spies by a Chvorsq, several of the Vashyyl V'hanic were dispatched to apprehend both the parents and children for invasive psionic interrogation.
Fearing both the wrath of the Varanyi and the possibility they two operatives could be forced to relinquish state secrets due to the misunderstanding, central command arranged a scene in which it would appear to both the Velarian Confederacy and the Vashyyl V'hanic that a rogue element in the civil war had destroyed the craft as an act of terrorism against the state. Not only would this cleverly constructed ruse save the lives of the family but it also saved thousands if not millions from a war with the Varanyi. However there was one thing left to do: place the family into hiding. But surely they could not be hidden within the already turbulent Confederation, no, they had to be sent somewhere so obscure that no one would think to look for them there. And so the family was placed into hiding on a planet that had been deemed capable of supporting carbon based life, and that planet was earth.
Fearing both the wrath of the Varanyi and the possibility they two operatives could be forced to relinquish state secrets due to the misunderstanding, central command arranged a scene in which it would appear to both the Velarian Confederacy and the Vashyyl V'hanic that a rogue element in the civil war had destroyed the craft as an act of terrorism against the state. Not only would this cleverly constructed ruse save the lives of the family but it also saved thousands if not millions from a war with the Varanyi. However there was one thing left to do: place the family into hiding. But surely they could not be hidden within the already turbulent Confederation, no, they had to be sent somewhere so obscure that no one would think to look for them there. And so the family was placed into hiding on a planet that had been deemed capable of supporting carbon based life, and that planet was earth.

Revision as of 00:14, 3 June 2016

Desher nameheader.png

"Maa-kheru of Ma'at"
Kai'el Urogoz
Desher image.jpg
"This is typically the part where you say something inspirational."
Player: @xemion1111
Super Group
Young Sentinels
· Other Affiliations ·
Quantum Quartet · Maa-kheru
Real Name
Kai'el Urogoz
October 30th, 1999
Andarion, Velarius System
United States · Velarian Confederacy
Millennium City, Michigan
Quantum Quartet HQ
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Al'dreza Urogoz (Mother) · V'estrus Urogoz (Mother) · Le'za Urogoz (Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
5'4 ft / 1.63 m
158 lbs / 67 kg
Body Type
Short black hair; parted at the middle and combed back
Yellow irises
Blue-green complexion
· Distinguishing Features ·
Deep-chested · Pointed and ribbed ears · Ankh tattoo on chest
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Astrakinesis · Enhanced Hearing
· Equipment ·
Heads Up Mask · Cable Ties · Utility Pouches
· Other Abilities ·
Gymnastics · Intelligence · Polyglottism



Kai'el Urogoz was born in 1999 with his twin Le'za to their mother Al'dreza at Andarion Medical General on the moon of Andarion. His youngest years were rather uneventful apart from moving about from system to system within the Confederation due to their mothers working within the Velarian Intelligence Branch to gather information about the opposition in the current civil war, but, as with all Velarians he adapted to the diverse cultures that he became part of for moments at a time before departing for the next. In the family's travels he became increasingly more interested in the system of language, the cultural aspects, and the traditions of other cultures; being fluent in Velarian, Fassaiese, and Donburilian before the age of ten. During a mission to the space between the Confederation and the Varanyi Empire to locate a possible cell, the family was ousted as spies by a Chvorsq, several of the Vashyyl V'hanic were dispatched to apprehend both the parents and children for invasive psionic interrogation.

Fearing both the wrath of the Varanyi and the possibility they two operatives could be forced to relinquish state secrets due to the misunderstanding, central command arranged a scene in which it would appear to both the Velarian Confederacy and the Vashyyl V'hanic that a rogue element in the civil war had destroyed the craft as an act of terrorism against the state. Not only would this cleverly constructed ruse save the lives of the family but it also saved thousands if not millions from a war with the Varanyi. However there was one thing left to do: place the family into hiding. But surely they could not be hidden within the already turbulent Confederation, no, they had to be sent somewhere so obscure that no one would think to look for them there. And so the family was placed into hiding on a planet that had been deemed capable of supporting carbon based life, and that planet was earth.

Upon arrival in December of 2015 they were pleasantly surprised to find it wasn't as primitive as previously estimated, sadly they would be unable to update the Confederacy's charts due to their communications silence however they could assuredly make a life on such a beautiful world. His parents took up work with PRIMUS finding it similar in nature to their work at the VIB and were assigned to Millennium City where they got a house in a more suburban part of town and both Kai'el and Le'za were enrolled at Westside High so that they could have a chance to experience earth just like the other children. There Kai'el and Le'za took on the human names Kyle and Liza to simplify the more peculiar alien names they had for the benefit of others, those others would take the form of the 'popular kids' for Liza and the 'other kids' for Kyle. The 'others' being the more unique and eclectic bunch, having interests in comics, video games, TV shows, blogging, and the paranormal, and it was here Kyle felt extremely at home, picking up earth sports such as gymnastics and interests in ancient human culture; particularly the culture of Egypt in its antiquity.

That interest was the contributing factor in early February when he took an expidition of his own to the local museum to visit their new Ancient Egypt exhibit that featured the objects recently discovered in an unmarked tomb now on loan from Egypt. While he explored the exhibit a sorceress in green claiming to be the 'Emerald Enchantress' -- an odd name Kyle thought as he was sure that her dress was more of a forest green -- staged a robbery in broad daylight, and it didn't take long for her to retrieve her desired prize from a now destroyed sarcophagus; it was an ivory ankh roughly several inches in height that had inscriptions carved into all of its faces. In a desperate attempt to stop the Enchantress as she read off an incantation which shook the very foundations of the building, Kyle applied his gymnastic training to vault into the woman and snatch from her clutches the now glowing artefact.

A single moment was all it had taken for the artefact to bonded with him and send his mind far from his body now splayed on the floor. A group of heroes known as the Defenders of Paragon arrived on the scene to dispatch the Emerald Enchantress and to tend to the wounded, one of them -- Hexxia -- took notice of the collapsed Kyle and used her own magical talents to awaken him under the assumption that the Emerald Enchantress must have sent him into this state. But being awoken by her severed the transfer of knowledge from the previous bearer to Kyle leaving him with only a fractured knowledge of the ability given to him. With the crisis over everyone went about their day, Kyle knew that he had to explore these slivers of information strewn about his mind, but most of all was the desire to be like the previous bearer; to be a hero.

Chapter 1: Young Sentinel

Some time in April of 2016 Kyle finally gathered the courage to reach out to the teen division of the Silver Age Sentinels, a group that he admired both for its membership and its values. Soon enough he was invited to the Artemis Airship to undergo an interview by his future peers and while it started off rather rocky in his mind he eventually warmed up to the those whom he spoke with upon the realization that whilst he might have been both the youngest and shortest in the room they were still very much teens like him. After the interview concluded he was accepted into the Young Sentinels and created a variant of his costume based on the unofficial team colour scheme.


Though he doesn't talk a lot in crowds and prefers more one-on-one situations, he is quite the friendly individual who often maintains a calm smile and tone of voice regardless of his less than stellar social skills. Being supportive at heart, he does his best to encourage his friends and assist his enemies to better themselves through things such as positive reinforcement with the end goal of reforming them from villains into good people; expressing that it may be hard work but it will pay off far more in the end rather than having to catch them after breaking out of prison for the fifteenth time this week.

When it comes to most notable traits, his fantasy prone personality is most certainly one of them. It exists as one of those rather odd yet not entirely good nor bad traits, some things that have come of it are a 'glass half full' mentality, opportunity to train his abilities constantly through attempts to create more complex imaginary creations, and the occasional 'doomsday' situation such as the time when he mistook a group of pale teenagers at his favourite coffee shop for a group vampires.

Powers and Abilities


Upon becoming a conduit to the astral plane Desher gained the ability to channel the energy from the astral realm and will the flow into different forms and intensities but because of both his inexperience he has displayed a limited number of applications for his ability that could theoretically grow in time with more practice and mentorship. When he does something particularly strenuous, an incantation is used, in this way it is rather evident that Desher's astral abilities do indeed stem from a mystic source.

  • Astral Attacks: The simplest form of his ability comes in the form of projecting concussive blasts of raw astral energy that can be altered to range from a mere gust to a blast powerful enough to shatter stone.
  • Astral Constructs: The next step up in the way of manipulating the energy itself is through the manifestation of astral energy into a desired form or forms then shunting it into the realm he is currently on with the form limited by his ability to endure strain placed on him whilst the energy uses his body as a conduit. Whilst astral projecting he is able to use this ability to manipulate his astral body into new forms painlessly.
    • Astrakinetic Armour Creation: A form of his construct ability that involves weaving astral energy around his body to not only protect his physical body from harm but also to improve his capacity to perform physical tasks such as lifting large and or heavy objects. This armour reflects his astral body in every way, thus if he were to change his astral body through his ability to manipulate it this armour would change as well, this could not be used as a disguise as the form glows with energy quite visually.
  • Astral Projection: As one would expect of someone with such a close relation to astral energies, he is capable of projecting his astral body into the Astral Realm. Currently he can take a single willing person with him on this journey and astral project with them for up to forty two hours before feeling severely exhausted and subsequently requiring an extended period of rest.

Racial Traits

Velarians evolved several evolutionary traits to allow them to not only survive but to thrive in their otherwise extremely hostile environment. Tidally locked to its giant moon of Andarion which is itself nearly another planet at half of the size of Velarius VII itself allowing it to slow down the rotation of the planet to such a point that a standard day is roughly ten terran days.

  • Velarian Hearing: Tall pointed ears adorn either side of Desher's head that allow him and the rest of his species to hear in the thin air of their planet. Whilst in a thicker atmosphere like earth he is capable of an above average range of roughly 65 Hz to 43 kHz with a maximum distance of just under three hundred feet.
  • Velarian Wakefulness: With Velarius VII being tidally locked to its giant natural satellite, most -- if not all -- species evolved to be able to remain awake for the entire period of its day. In Velarians this is characterized by the ability to only require a minimum of eight hours of sleep per terran month, some of course sleep more than this and exhaustion can of course create a desire to rest as with Humans.
  • Velarian Lungs: Similar in origin to their ears, the thin atmosphere of Velarius VII required lungs more efficient than that of humans. While they posses no real noticeable difference within earth's atmosphere, aside from say less frequent breaths, they allow Velarians to breath within the atmosphere of their homeworld and other similar thin atmosphered environments.


  • Gymnast: As a competitive gymnast Desher possesses both agility and flexibility due to formal training started during childhood, though, he avoids having to explain exactly why he was he had such training stating "It is a bit embarrassing". His training primarily revolves around handspringing and vaulting which he has been known to enhance with his astral abilities to propel himself lengthy distances.
  • Intelligent: Whether from his familial upbringing or simply due to luck of his gene-pool Desher has displayed a higher than average intellect by human standards with a clear specialization in linguistic capabilities. As of recent he has started taking college level classes relating to linguistics, archaeology, and anthropology, of which he has expressed a passion for and displayed an above average talent for. In jest, he has stated he is an "expert at cryptozoology", a fictional science relating to strange and bizarre fictional species, ironically this has saved his life twice so far.
  • Polyglottism: As a polyglot, Desher possesses an affinity for languages both terrestrial and extraterrestrial. Languages to him are very comparable to 'connect the dot' paintings in that he is capable of swiftly understanding various languages if provided with time and references; this ability is purely natural and in no way magical resulting in there of course being clear limitations such as the difference between understanding and actually holding a conversation. In the order learned, Desher is capable of at the very least holding a conversation in Velarian, Fassaiese, Donburilian, English, French, Egyptian Arabic, and with his prompted interest into Egyptology the various iterations of ancient Egyptian with different degrees of skill in each.


  • Mortal: Like almost all mortals he is susceptible to magical curses, charms, hexes, psionics, possession, illness and the like. Additionally, fields that prohibit magic render his astrakinetic powers inert for the duration of his stay within the field as his powers are from a magical artefact fused to his body.
  • Fear: As his powers work on the concept of will there are times when his emotional states can vastly affect not only the intensity of his powers but also the very use of them as well. Self-doubt and fear cause his abilities to become unruly to the point of simply not working or becoming dangerous. Unfortunately as a teenager on the crux of adulthood; he is heavily subject to these waxing and waning states.
  • Electroshock Weaponry: Unlike psionic inhibitors which last for as long as they are worn, electroshock weapons of all varieties will leave Desher crippled both in the means of his abilities and physically. Presumably they disrupt the higher brain functions that control his abilities and in turn result in his entire power set being disabled for a measure of time afterwards that depends entirely on duration and the amperage of the current that was applied to him.
  • Sonic Devices: With the ability to perceive sound differently than a human in a terran atmosphere comes its own challenges. Chiefly among these is that he has a lower tolerance for exceedingly loud sounds or devices designed to emit powerful sound waves, such things induce immense pain, the inability to focus, and vertigo.



  • Heads Up Mask: A refined version of the original helmet using 29th century technology plucked from his time travelling friend's rubbish bin. After absorbing his phone it took on its smartphone capabilities along with a few additional ones that came standard such as the neural interface to control it, wireless interfacing with compatible technology, night-vision, and the ability for the mask to dispatch a cluster of nanobots to reassemble his current attire into one of the outfits saved in the mask's Design Matrix; he has since learned to exploit the Design Matrix to 'store' objects in his mask such as snacks or evidence.
  • Cable Ties: Rather self explanatory, he keeps a bundle of dual looped red cable ties in his belt's pouches. They are entirely normal red plastic cable ties with no special qualities.
  • Utility Pouches: As part of the supersuit assembled by the mask, a number of pouches line the belt which by default contain: three small sample containers, five sample swabs, a pair of latex gloves, and a small UV torch. Several others are left empty for situational use as exemplified with Desher typically using them to store a chocolate caramel energy bar, ten dollars, his bus pass, and fifty marbles just prior to going on patrol.


  • Public Transportation: Unlike many heroes Desher neither has the funds nor licence to acquire and operate a vehicle, as such he relies on public transportation or his abilities to get from point 'A' to point 'B'.


RP Hooks

  • He can be seen riding public transportation in full hero attire, while heroes are by no means rare in Millennium City, one might find it rather odd for one to take the bus.
  • Those with the second sight, psionic talents, or general mediumship would notice that he is glowing with astral energy and acts as a conduit for said energy when using his abilities.
  • From 7 PM to 10 PM on weekdays and 5 PM to 11 PM on weekends, police typically report a short blue-green person wearing scarf and super hero attire leaping across rooftops in the Westside, occasionally delivering small-time criminals to the police station with red cable ties keeping their hands locked in the rear stack position.


  • There is a subtle scent of sulphur whenever he invokes astral energy.
  • He has a blog with his friends and often advertises it. The blog, when looked up, produces articles on various interesting, mysterious, or otherwise paranormal activity. The most popular one with several hundred views is "The Toaster of 276 Sherbet Dr." a piece on a haunted toasted which could spell out predictions in the toast, sadly the toaster was found destroyed in the morning after it made a prediction the owner disliked.
  • When it comes to music his favourite genres are classic rock, punk rock, vaporwave, and J-Pop, with his favourite song most likely being 'Rhiannon' by Fleetwood Mac.
  • Kyle speaks with a peculiar accent comparable to that of a New Zealand accent mixed with Midwestern American.
  • Reading material on Velarians: Link
