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When it came to the Nazis Cadaver himself was never overly fond of the Eugenics talk, as many of the Nazi propaganda actually came fresh out of American colleges of world renown. And for what it was with Cadaver had worked with many "Negro" bands in the entertainment field, and they were fine upstanding folks no different than any other. What Jewish people he had known Cadaver felt such talk of them having control over the world. But this was when Cadaver learned the power of Public Speaking, and the Proper social control. Rather than taking sides in the war, Cadaver found a secret in his tome for creating grown soldiers. And when rumors of the Nazis and the Soviets making land deals over how to invade eastern Europe and divide the land between them, Cadaver saw an opportunity, he could save the lands of Eastern Europe and become viewed as a savior, the same kind of savior Hitler sold himself as as start his own nation, no longer a crime boss but an Emperor.
When it came to the Nazis Cadaver himself was never overly fond of the Eugenics talk, as many of the Nazi propaganda actually came fresh out of American colleges of world renown. And for what it was with Cadaver had worked with many "Negro" bands in the entertainment field, and they were fine upstanding folks no different than any other. What Jewish people he had known Cadaver felt such talk of them having control over the world. But this was when Cadaver learned the power of Public Speaking, and the Proper social control. Rather than taking sides in the war, Cadaver found a secret in his tome for creating grown soldiers. And when rumors of the Nazis and the Soviets making land deals over how to invade eastern Europe and divide the land between them, Cadaver saw an opportunity, he could save the lands of Eastern Europe and become viewed as a savior, the same kind of savior Hitler sold himself as as start his own nation, no longer a crime boss but an Emperor.
And so the League when the Nazi-Soviet Land Pact was made on how to divide Eastern Europe between Hitler and Stalin the League to the stage no longer as criminals but as Major players with plans for Global conquest. And the Arrival of the League Came hard, shaking the world. Cadaver had found in his Tome a type of Homonculi they will come to call the "Inhumanoids." The Count's technical prowess, and a small cadre of Super powered Enforcers the league came with a force, the powers of Eastern Europe feeling their fates were better with Cadaver than either side of the Nazi-Soviet Accord surrendered with out pretense as long as Cadaver sought to protect them. And for a time they did, Repelling wave after wave of Nazi and Soviet attacks. the battle was furious till the Depravity of both of his Foes soon surpassed even Cadaver's. The Nazi and Soviet forces coopted making a wave of Super Soldier battalions, with not care for the health of the soldiers. Of the Nazi-Soviet Accord Ubermench battalions not a one of them would survive their medical treatments long enough to make it to the rest of world war 2, as earth would know it, dying with in a matter of months after treatments. The League defeated had to flee, but many of the citizens of Eastern Europe would rather leave with Cadaver than be left to either Nazi or Soviet rule and left with him.
Cadaver and his followers were desperate in a world with no place to hide followers of such size in a rapidly growing age of information. Once again Cadaver's tome came to the rescue, showing him spells for how to create vast underground kingdoms, with help of the Clockwork count they go to devise a plan to make underground worlds, with full bio-mes completely hidden from the eyes of the world using Cadaver's Portals to move men and war assets. And such started the true Era of the League.
<h2> The League Grows </h2>
Even when the threat of the Nazis settled, and the Cold war grew to encompass the world the Stories, the News Reel of what the League could muster when they were sent to war turned the lay out of earth 6129 to a very different map of cold world. Capitalistic Blue Countries, Communistic Soviet Reds, and a third color that was simple dubbed the "Yellows." Countries that paid lip service to one or the other sides of the great cold war but true loyalties were to the league. In many ways no war plan was made by either side of the cold war with out a plan for "When we invade France, the NATO forces move in to stop us, where will Cadaver attack our flank from."
The Cold War Raged so did the game of Super heroes and Super Villains. Cadaver kept an Eye, even letting other world threatening organizations rise and "Surpass him." Or so they thought, he never told of his true power. As he saw it the more boarish villains would keep the attentions off his subtleties. Cadaver did moderate exploits but his main focus was stealth and growing his forces.

Revision as of 07:38, 22 September 2016

League of Evil
"The World is Ripe for the taking, through Legal means of Politics, or By Force. At least by force you have to waste less time lying on tv interviews."
"When we rule the world, you will all be rewarded." Cadaver
Leader(s): Abra Cadaver
Base of Operations: Underground Lairs across the world
Concept: Legion of Doom Style, from DC.
Founded: Roughly 1908, on Earth Dimension 6149 (Liberty Shield's Home Timeline.)
Website: [ Click Here]
Members: Legion, Many
A group of Villains that have all types of powers, to form a unity and cover what the others lack

Bio is under construction

"What makes Cadaver so dangerous, and no it ain't just his right complete and utter willingness to murder anyone to get his way, but his willingness to adapt, no same trick will work at least twice on him, no more than three times." Shield

Founding of the League.

The Leagues founding was primarily based around it's Founding member, and Leader who simply is known by Abra Cadaver now, it has become his name. He Started as a stage magician and escape artist in the early twentieth century, later ninth century. By no means bad at his sleight of hand, or his numerous other tricks he simply tried to ply his trade before it became popular, and the trade of fascination of the greats. Leaving to him often being booed off stages, crowds wanting some form of band or dancing women, throwing objects at him, and club owners often refusing to pay him for his service due to the crowds reactions. For a time Cadaver tried, and tried again reworking his act, learning new tricks taking what little money he had to hire assistants of the female variety to hopefully entertain the crowd; and time and time again it failed. Years of this, throwing his passion into the act to be jeered and accosted for his love.

One night he was sitting in his apartment, could not afford his electric bill and his rent was due. Staring at a letter from his landlord of an eviction warning if he did not pay his rent in the next two weeks. With hardly enough food to feed himself he could think of nothing to do but take a walk. And he did, wandering the streets of New York fretting on his worries. He did come to the front of a shop, a small book store. Even if he couldn't afford anything maybe a brief look through a book would lift his spirits, or so he hopped. He went through the the store, going through a bin, and at the bottom he found a book, a strange black paneled book, with a strange lettering on it. And so he did opening the book curious, and much to his fear he saw the letters of some long lost language in the book. He was simply going to put it back when something happened that near made him let out a yelp of fear as the letters rearranged themselves into English before his eyes. After the initial shock had faded, he found himself deathly curious. As coming from the back of the store came the owner, a small immigrant man from the orient. The man said the book had brought him nothing but bad luck, and Cadaver could have the book for bare pennies if he just took it, and never returned it. Cadaver scared at first but accepted the offer took the book tucking it into his coat and hurried home. Two weeks to get his rent covered, two days before his next show and nothing to do. One of the first spells this strange book brought before his eyes was called the "Tiamond King's Bewitchment." Explaining how the spell could be used to make people respond to a man's commands as if they were a slave. Two hours before his show, His Landlord came beating on his door, demanding his money. Cadaver in a panic knew nothing else, he grabbed what he could that could be used for the regents, opened the door and cast his spell in his Landlord's face. And it was that night he never had to pay for rent again, nor did he have to worry about his bills, his landlord would cover those for him.

And once more there was a Show, and once more the crowd booed him off stage. As he went to get his pay, he found once again he was not going to get paid. That was when something inside of the man of snapped, he had enough of the plebeians, he gave them his heart and show in his work and they didn't care as he wasn't a singer, or a jazz band and the man had had enough. Using the spell once again he got his pay, and he got a bonus pay for just what a good show he gave the crowd, and a back log of pay from his past shows. It was also the night when the simple stage performer ceased to be, and Earth 6149's greatest super villain was born.

"Cadaver ain't right so dangerous as he seems kid as he's some kind of Savant like Destroyer or others that got arrogant. Nah Cadaver ain't that he knows where he comes from, and he knows all to well he has to adapt if he wants to stay alive. He ain't like villains on this Earth that seem to think there's some kind of Omnipotent narrative that will keep them alive no matter how stupid he acts. He knows just what all is baying for his soul, and he intends to stay one step ahead. The same trick works at most twice, no more than three times against the man, right the Borg he adapts." Shield, Talking about Cadaver

History of the League

The early years

Cadaver was in no means from super villain pedigree or having really any experience in crime as he had no desires of it till his breaking point. So at first when he found the black magic section of the book he tried these spells and these usages, which of course while it drew men to him to learn from his secrets it also made his men fear him. And as such when Liberty's Shield and NYPD broke down his door of his lair, the fear of his men came to ahead. Rather to trust their chances with the early twentieth century legal system than Cadaver they attacked him from behind, much to Cadaver's confusions. He then realized using the black magic spells on your own minions is a bad idea to growth and longevity and Minion happiness. Now what might what might have been his end had he been anyone else. As he road in the back of a Police Van, heading to a prison and ultimately death row. Now had he been any other villain it would have been his end, and if only he had started his career a little later he could have caught onto the band wagon of his trade and made a mint. But sadly that was not to be, but he had the skills, using his mastery of escape artisms to escape the cuffs and foot shackles killing the guard in the back with him with his own Badge, taking the rifle had making his escape out of the back of the police van and escaping into the night, plotting to learn and grow his empire again.

And so he did have his chance to grow his empire, with the start of World War 1, Organized Crime and other such affairs his magical skills and his abilities allowed him to found a massive organization spanning the globe.

The first Wave of the Inner Circle

And so the years went on, and Cadaver noticed something a growth in the meta human culture of the years. On both the sides of Heroes and Villains. Realizing soon there'd be more super heroes aside simply Liberty's Shield there would be many others standing to rise against him. And as such he sent his foot men out into the world to find his inner circle. And he did a handful of meta human henchmen, but more important one of the Standing back bones of the organization. It was the Thirties and the Nazi Regime was hitting it's height, when one of Cadaver's Germany based fronts report to him the existence of reclusive man of noble blood on the Austrian and German border seeming to not be quite onto this Nazi party, but also a man of strange technological advancements that had at it seemed keep all of the Nazi parties attempt to strong him at bay. Cadaver felt he could pay this man a visit and offer him a deal. And that is how Cadaver would come to meet the man responsible for all of the Leagues vast technological advancements, the "Clockwork Count."

When it came to the Nazis Cadaver himself was never overly fond of the Eugenics talk, as many of the Nazi propaganda actually came fresh out of American colleges of world renown. And for what it was with Cadaver had worked with many "Negro" bands in the entertainment field, and they were fine upstanding folks no different than any other. What Jewish people he had known Cadaver felt such talk of them having control over the world. But this was when Cadaver learned the power of Public Speaking, and the Proper social control. Rather than taking sides in the war, Cadaver found a secret in his tome for creating grown soldiers. And when rumors of the Nazis and the Soviets making land deals over how to invade eastern Europe and divide the land between them, Cadaver saw an opportunity, he could save the lands of Eastern Europe and become viewed as a savior, the same kind of savior Hitler sold himself as as start his own nation, no longer a crime boss but an Emperor.

And so the League when the Nazi-Soviet Land Pact was made on how to divide Eastern Europe between Hitler and Stalin the League to the stage no longer as criminals but as Major players with plans for Global conquest. And the Arrival of the League Came hard, shaking the world. Cadaver had found in his Tome a type of Homonculi they will come to call the "Inhumanoids." The Count's technical prowess, and a small cadre of Super powered Enforcers the league came with a force, the powers of Eastern Europe feeling their fates were better with Cadaver than either side of the Nazi-Soviet Accord surrendered with out pretense as long as Cadaver sought to protect them. And for a time they did, Repelling wave after wave of Nazi and Soviet attacks. the battle was furious till the Depravity of both of his Foes soon surpassed even Cadaver's. The Nazi and Soviet forces coopted making a wave of Super Soldier battalions, with not care for the health of the soldiers. Of the Nazi-Soviet Accord Ubermench battalions not a one of them would survive their medical treatments long enough to make it to the rest of world war 2, as earth would know it, dying with in a matter of months after treatments. The League defeated had to flee, but many of the citizens of Eastern Europe would rather leave with Cadaver than be left to either Nazi or Soviet rule and left with him.

Cadaver and his followers were desperate in a world with no place to hide followers of such size in a rapidly growing age of information. Once again Cadaver's tome came to the rescue, showing him spells for how to create vast underground kingdoms, with help of the Clockwork count they go to devise a plan to make underground worlds, with full bio-mes completely hidden from the eyes of the world using Cadaver's Portals to move men and war assets. And such started the true Era of the League.

The League Grows

Even when the threat of the Nazis settled, and the Cold war grew to encompass the world the Stories, the News Reel of what the League could muster when they were sent to war turned the lay out of earth 6129 to a very different map of cold world. Capitalistic Blue Countries, Communistic Soviet Reds, and a third color that was simple dubbed the "Yellows." Countries that paid lip service to one or the other sides of the great cold war but true loyalties were to the league. In many ways no war plan was made by either side of the cold war with out a plan for "When we invade France, the NATO forces move in to stop us, where will Cadaver attack our flank from."

The Cold War Raged so did the game of Super heroes and Super Villains. Cadaver kept an Eye, even letting other world threatening organizations rise and "Surpass him." Or so they thought, he never told of his true power. As he saw it the more boarish villains would keep the attentions off his subtleties. Cadaver did moderate exploits but his main focus was stealth and growing his forces.