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Player: @GhostBasix
"I don't create any illusion that I'm more intellectually capable then you are, I know that I am..."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Damien Wilde
Known Aliases: Schematic, The Gadgeteer, Damien
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: California, U.S.A
Base of Operations: San Francisco
Relatives: Partner (Lily Wilde), Mother (Georgina White), Father (deceased)
Age: appears 29, biological age 49
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 90 kgs
Eyes: Hazel brown
Hair: Dark brown
Complexion: Lightly tanned
Physical Build: Toned
Physical Features: Slightly disfigured nose (broken one time to many)
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Secret. Known only by his wife
Years Active: 7
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Entrepreneur/Hero/UNTIL Agent/Activist/Philanthropist
Education: University Graduate with Honors in Physics and in Engineering
Marital Status: Complicated
Known Powers and Abilities
Time/Space manipulation

Skilled inventor and engineer

Above average intelligence

Basic hand to hand combat skills

Equipment and Paraphernalia
Nerve receptive bio suit/with built in comm-link

Dome Shield

Circuit Scrambler

Nano-hexagonal energy shield

Armored chest and thigh plates

Rocket boots/with repulse upgrade

Multi-purpose gauntlets/with energy pulse gauntlet attachments

Medical Nanite injection

Sonic/flash-bang/tear gas pellets

High powered laser

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


"You think that time is the one thing that is constant in the universe..it isn't..." - Schematic

Early life

Damien Marcus White was born in the October of 1968 to his mother Georgina & his father Marcus in San Francisco. His mother was a receptionist for an upcoming giant in the buisness world, and his father was a local but well known mechanic. Damien drifted through life not showing much initiative or taking care for his actions, Quiet and reserved but also somewhat brash.It was just a simple coincidence that Damien found he had a knack for constructing little gadgets at the age of 13. Every afternoon he would be in his fathers office at his workshop scribbling down new ideas in his small leather notebook.As the years passed he created many different gadgets ranging from a static electricity inducing glove to a small lock picking multi-tool. When the time came he sold all his little gadgets to various companies and accumulated enough money to head off to University.

He finished University graduating with honours in Physics and Engineering and received a job as a head engineer at a large Hardware development Industry in Detroit. Because of the industries great success he soon became apart of the rich society and was invited to the most upper-class events and after parties. To his parents dismay he started to surrounded him self with as many superficial things as he could afford (including women..a lot of women). Then disaster struck his perfect life. His father was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and died only a month later. After this tragedy occurred, Damien realised how much he had let simple objects consume him. The next day he quit his job leaving everybody that knew him speechless.

The Birth

The next year of his life Damien became in nicer words a recluse, only emerging into the streets to buy food he quickly became a social outcast among the people of Detroit. Then one late night in summer a piercing alarm broke the silence of the night. Three hoodlums part of a small time gang known as the Black Aces had broken in to a computer store. As they emerged rucksacks full of goods they were confronted by a man. The three of them ridiculed him and told him that he was a 'wannabe hero'. He seemed immune to their taunts which made them angry, one of the punks pulled out a knife and attacked him. As he disarmed the knife from his hand with ease he pulled out the strange looking pistol, but instead of firing a bullet a sonic pulse erupted from the tip, that sent the other two sprawling onto the pavement. When the police arrived all they found were the three hoodlums handcuffed to a street lamp.

In the following months Damien started upgrading his gear and changing his costume and every night he would scour the streets of Detroit known as "The Gadgeteer". He intervened in many small crimes such as thefts, and drug deals, but also had to deal with stopping street brawls between the different gangs forming in the city, which he began to take note of. Until one night, he was walking along the roof tops of the city when he heard large crashing sounds and yelling. He looked around and saw that the streets were empty, they were lit only by the moon and the street lamps. So he pressed a small button on his gauntlet, out the bottom of his boots burst small jet flames and he rocketed off. He landed behind a warehouse, took out his sonic pistol and edged his way round the corner. There before him was the famous hero known as Shadowboxer being assaulted by at least 150 punks from another gang. Shadowboxer seemed to be handling himself quite fine but soon it all went south. So Damien charged in and saved him. When they had found shelter Shadowboxer told Damien that he would never forget what he had done and thanked him. After Damien had brushed shoulders with a heroic celebrity his career as a hero sky rocketed.

The Battle of Detroit

Over the next year Damien became acquainted with the more well known and more powerful heroes in the world such as Tiger the leader of the Sentinels, Vanguard, Interceptor, Gold Titan and many other heroes, he also had enough funds to create more gadgets such as a nano-hexagonal energy shield and small explosive pellets. Damien became partners with Interceptor as they had formed a strong friendship. The two were inseparable and worked as a team efficiently. They took on many challenges facing off super-villains, such as a mercenary in east Asia known as "Red" and rescuing thousands of people from an earthquake in Sicily which was later found out to be the anti-villain known as "Tectonic".

On the late evening of the 22nd of July, 1992, the world was alerted that Doctor Destroyers base of operations had finally been discovered, many heroes rushed form all over the world to stop him. Some were sent to space to stop the oncoming horde of asteroids from colliding with the planet. Damien's friend and comrade, Vanguard sacrificed himself to stop them. Damien and Harrison were chosen by Tiger to assist him on the ground assault to Destroyers base. Both of them fought valiantly, wiping out squad after squad of Destroids. Then they were confronted by the villain known as Time Warp,a minion of Doctor Destroyer who was able to manipulate time, and concentrate it into energy blasts. They fought hard and Damien and Harrison gained the upper hand. But in a final suicide attempt, Time Warp created a burning white ball of time energy and detonated it, disintegrating himself but absorbing Damien and Harrison.

Extrasensory Experience

One minute Damien was fighting a suicidal villain, the next, found himself in a place of nothingness. He didn't seem to need to sleep or eat. He wasn't able to move at all, he just existed. Every second of his existence images would enter his consciousness that seemed uncannily familiar but also they seemed so distant he could barely recognize it. Firstly he lost his sanity (flowing through a rift through the time and space continuum can do that to a guy) soon he pushed past the barrier of insanity to the point that his mind and thoughts expanded and began to understand every thing about space,time and all its relativities. After what felt to Damien as an infinity he broke free of it and found his home dimension and timeline.

There was a flash of blue energy on a city street.. Damien had arrived home. It was not what he expected, there were giant buildings, floating billboards, and every few minutes he would see a super powered individual zoom/fly/jump past him. Also another major detail that he realized was that he was stark naked, as the tunnel must have vaporized everything he was wearing. In less than a hour he was arrested for public indecency. Damien confused but oddly calm, pondered while in the back of the squad car and concluded that Detroit had been completely destroyed, but Doctor Destroyer had been defeated. So the city was rebuilt, remastered into this city of the future. He told the police who he was but they didn't believe he was a dead hero, they didn't even know who The Gadgeteer was. After a night in a holding cell they took him to Homestead (Champions HQ) and ran a DNA test on his saliva. Of course the test came back positive. They wanted to check his true identity but he was a hero in a time that identities were secret. He was then paid a settlement of a very large sum due to the misunderstanding of his K.I.A status. The next week he flew to Miami beach and visited his mother in an emotional but confusing reunion.

A New Beginning

Damien changed his name to Damien Alexander Wilde. The new Damien moved to a new apartment in the city now known as Millennium and became a well known Entrepreneur. Also he equipped his apartment with many new features such as a A.I security system, Wireless (authorized) connection to the MCPD police communication channel and a workshop to perfect his gadgets. Then Damien began his career again with a new, upgraded costume and a new alias. It wasn't long before another apocalyptic tragedy occurred when the alien species known as the Qularr invaded earth, mainly attacking Millennium City as it was the home to the greatest superhero team of the century The Champions. Damien helped fight off the alien invaders along with many other heroes. Damien mostly fought to defend the cannon that was in the end what destroyed the Qularr mother ship and won the war

Damien during the clean-up operations post-invasion, met the beautiful(and now wife) Lily Gordon. Soon after they moved in together into Damien's apartment He was asked by Bureau 17 to assist them on the notorious Monster Island, he left to Lily's dismay. He was gone on a six month long mission to help stop the threat of Teilios, to protect the inhabitants of the island from the corrupted manimals created by Dr. Moreau and to interfere with the Qularr's recent plans. When he arrived back in Millennium City he married Lily and spent a few months with her. His original identity had been uncovered and was nearly released unto the world until the men that held the knowledge were mysteriously assassinated. Afterwards he became a much more well known hero due to the conspiracy theory that it was Damien who ordered the attack.The theory was dismissed after a few weeks. Damien then being contacted by UNTIL, travelled to the underwater kingdom of Lemuria to help provide aid and possibly stop the emerging Civil War between the Lemurians. After helping for quite some time he finally arrived back at home only to decide that he wanted to leave Millennium City so he could start anew, in a city to call his own and what better city for that to be than his home town of San Francisco where he is the resident hero along with one other and where he now lives with Lily.


"The earth will be fine after the short stint of humanity. It will return to a vibrant and vivacious state in a less amount of time then we have existed ." - Schematic


Damien is extremely intelligent, sentient doesn't even come close to describing his intelligence level. While he is a physicist and an extraordinary engineer he often delves into philosophy and psychology to expand his knowledge but his friends and fellow citizens view of him is pretty much a pretentious asshole. Over time he has learnt to dial down his, what people call "know-it-all" attitude and engage in less stimulating conversations and interactions.


Damien is serious about everything he does, every aspect of his life. This causes great conflict between himself and his partner as she in their arguments call him emotionless. Obviously that isn't true. Although he believes that is what attracted her too him in the first place. Damien wasn't always such a brick wall. Quite the opposite actually he was a joker before his extrasensory experience and because of this his wit is extremely dry and subtle.


This is seemingly Damien's only redeeming quality.

Thoughts and Opinions

On Religion: "I don't believe in fairy-tales."

On Politics: "Politics should be left, to be dealt with people that we trust and that we as people of this nation vote for. Many people say that "the system doesn't work" and that may be true but I have considered and deliberated thousands of types of political "systems" and there are none that I have thought of so far that have no flaws or moral dilemmas."

On Magic: "It is a ancient study that I think parallels the importance of science in our world, though it is mocked for being related to the imaginings of children put those people don't realise that we live in a universe of men and women that wear ridiculous costumes as a way of concealing their identities to fight super criminals..."

On Time and Space:


"With great power comes great responsibility...But with the power I have slinging webs is trivial." - Schematic

Space/Time Manipulation

Damien acquired this power when he was stuck inside the "rift", as his mind was capable enough of finding the solution and learning to control the space time continuum. Although it is a great and almighty power that could turn the tides of any war or conflict he decides that he should never use his powers to change the events of time as the could cause extremely catastrophic events that he never intended.


"Using my talents to their greatest extent to aid others is one of the reasons I wake up in the morning." - Schematic

Super Genius IQ

At the age of 13 after Damien found his passion for engineering his parents took him to take an IQ test. When the results returned his parents received a pleasant surprise to find Damien had an IQ of around 250. Damien surprised at his newly found ability made himself a promise that he would never waste this talent. After firstly losing all sanity in the rift then actually breaking that barrier of insanity and letting his mind expand he gained an additional 40 IQ points. Damien is on the brink of having a score of 300 although that is technically impossible from the studies that he has performed. Damien tends to use his higher than average intelligence mostly while out working and creating his various machines and gadgets. Because of his great intellect and mental prowess he has gained many abilities. These include

Inventing and Engineering Prowess

This is Damien's one undying passion. He found he had an odd knack for it at the age of 13 and has never let it go.


Damien considers himself ethical and prefers discussing every situation rather than resorting to violence as he see´s it as a very primitive act. But he is not so civilised that he would shy away from challenge. This is evident from his slightly disfigured nose (the delinquent caught him off-guard). Also because of his diplomacy, Damien has become a political and social activist on the issues of corrupt politicians, policemen and the recovery and informing process of the death of soldiers.

Puzzle solver

While teaming up Damien usually leaves the fighting to his comrades while uses is intelligence to crack codes or solve puzzles. This is an easily completed role due to his superior intelligence.

Iron-clad synapses

Damien's intelligence forms an iron clad wall against all kind of psionic attacks. No mind has been able to break his boundaries as of yet. His mind isn't unbreakable though he is not that well trained and its most possible that a group of super powered psionic projectors could possibly break his defences.


"..So...your trying to intimidate the man holding a high-powered ion particle core rifle, two and a half inches from your sternum?" - Schematic

Multi Purpose Gauntlets

Damien created these two gauntlets when he moved to San Francisco and have undergone many different attachments and upgrades. Although he seems to be happy with the state they are in now. They each have special features which include;

Dome Shield: This is one of three of Damien's latest gadgets. This shield is very similar to his Nano-hexagonal Shield. The exception for that is that this is moved around and easily thrown down to protect allies in a fire fight. It is very effective in unpredictable situations as the out side is unable to be penetrated while it can be fired out of. It is able to withstand high calibre weapons such as projectiles, Sniper rifles and turret shells.

Circuit Scrambler: This is one of three of Damien's latest gadgets. The scrambler is the size of a quarter and easily hidden. When activated the scrambler destroys circuitry/silicon (anything that can hold information) in a matter of seconds. The scrambler is activated by the remote implanted into Schematics gauntlet. The scrambler has a 12 yard radius.

Explosive pellets: These are shot out of two compartments on each gauntlet. There are three types of these pellets and they are, flash-bang , tear gas and sonic. These are used to disorientate his enemies so he can easily capture them.

Refined Laser: It is able to burn through almost anything so he can collect samples or break through copious layers of metal or concrete. It is attached on the left side of his right gauntlet.

A Vial Compartment: is a small compartment in his left gauntlet that holds two vials that are used to contain evidence or something Damien would like to further experiment on or investigate. The vials are capable of containing dangerous materials ranging from discarded uranium to acidic chemicals.

Energy pulse attachment: uses his latest "ion particle core" technology and is a small barrel attachment that he connects to his right gauntlet which allows him to then fire concentrated blasts of ion energy. Damien has recently added a charge feature that allows him to charge up the ion energy and release it in a larger and more powerful pulse.

Nano-Hexagonal Shield: On Damien's left gauntlet he has encoded his N.H.S chip which projects a shield made of small nano machines that each create a small force shield of their own that bind together to create the full shield. All combined the shield covers Damien's head and torso. It has a very high durability and can easily withstand most higher calibre bullets and other weaponry.

Nerve Receptive Bio Suit

This skin tight suit uses Damien's latest nerve receptive technology. The material of the suit is a light Kevlar intertwined with a nano-fibre weave for extra durability and flexibility. The suit connects to all of the major nerve endings in his body letting him control the function of his gauntlets, armour and boots using his synapses. This is Damien's greatest invention to date.

Medical Nanite Injection: This is a small combination of a morphine and hundreds of thousands of small nano-machines that are programmed to reproduce and repair any damaged cells of the body at an outstanding rate. He has concentrated this mix into a number of small vials that are then connected to the actual compressor needle that is then injected into a body just like a vaccination. The nano-machines then search for the area of injury and begin working, most injury's can be healed in a few hours while more serious things such as broken bones take at least 48 hours to heal.

Armoured Chest and Thigh plates: His armoured chest and thigh pates are made of questionite and they are his main source of protection apart from his shield. They are quite heavily armoured and can stop most high powered weaponry.

Particle rifle: This is one of Damien's more recent inventions as it uses his new and improved 'ion particle core' that releases small bursts of particle energy formed into what looks like tracer bullets. Damien is able to set the severity of his weapon to, stun. injure or incapacitate . He keeps his rifle on the back of his suit which has a mechanism where it rotates down to his side into a position where it is easily reachable to maximize efficiency.

Jet powered boots: Made of questionite this is Damien's primary form of travel and is able to reach speeds of just below Mach 1 when at full speed. He controls them using his synapses as he does most of his gadgets and weapons. Lately he has added a "Repulse" upgrade, which concentrates the jets power to the heels of the boots and release in a big blast shooting him skyward and he has created a great tactic with both of the modes. He is able to switch freely between both modes.


"The only way to become stronger is to recognise and evalutate your weaknesses." - Schematic

Relationship Breakdown: Damien's relationships leave him in a vulnerable state if some one is ever to find out his true identity. As they can easily be accessed and their lives being used as bargaining devices

Only Human: As he is of the human species and with out any special mutations, without his suit and gadgets he is completely mortal and susceptible to any kind of sicknesses, fatigue and injuries.

Rotten on the inside: Because of the extrasensory incident that left him with his extreme intelligence and power over space and time his biological age is that of a middle aged man while he appears to be in his late twenty's. So when he appears to be middle aged he will actually be entering old age. Which make him prone to major medical complications in the future


"Your allies will become your enemies at some point in time and there is no procedure, method or no list of favours that you can do to postpone it." - Schematic

The Dynamo Duo: This is his newly formed alliance with the other hero occupying San Francisco using the name of the duo that he and The Interceptor had in the silver ages.

SFPD: Schematic works closely with all law enforcement officers in San Francisco and gladly appreciates their help and they have helped him on any occasions. He was given a badge, and while he held it he was legally allowed to undertake anykind of actions a Poilce officer would. But recently returned it as he does not deal with much street crime.

Espadas: --Classified--


"I wait for a day when I am no longer needed because my enemies are no longer my enemies." - Schematic

Wrath: (ALIVE)

Interceptor (Harrison) and The Gadgeteer (Damien) formed a crime fighting partner ship that later became known as the Dynamo Duo because of their both explosive and dynamic fighting styles. Until the fateful morning of the 23rd of July 1992 as Harrison and Damien were making a push towards the nefarious Dr. Destroyers base. They were confronted by a minion of Destroyers known as Time Warp. Due to the villains powers Harrison was frozen in time for most of the battle. When Damien finally broke the villains concentration Harrison attacked with a blast of pure kinetic energy he had absorbed from Time Warps attack, knocking him to the ground. As both of them went to reprimand the villain he produced a small burning hot ball of pure white time energy and detonated it. As the cost to produce this energy Time Warp's body withered away but the explosion that occurred absorbed both Damien and Harrison.

Harrison found himself a spiraling tunnel of crackling blue energy. He noticed that it seemed to be the same as Time Warps time energy blasts. Then suddenly an image forced its way into his mind causing him much pain all over his body. His skin started to turn black and grey he grew fur, talons and sharp teeth. Over the extended amount of time in the rift his body had completely mutated. The rift collapsed. When Harrison came to his senses he found he was in an arena of some kind smeared with gore and armour. He was in The Pit (an Intergalactic Gladiatorial Arena) The fallout from the rift collapsing vaporised the remaining gladiators and many audience members. Harrison confused and scared by his whereabouts and new form was easily intimidated by the enforcers of The Pit and was forced to compete. Harrison fought for six of this planets rotations (two earth years)and forged himself a new name Wrath the Simulacra. But sickened by all the slaughtering he had done he escaped and hijacked a war-vessel docked on the planet. After an intense starship battle between himself, various bounty hunters and his pursuing captures his ship was destroyed. In the chaos of his ships destruction he piloted a damaged escape-pod into deep space hoping to find earth.

Many years later his pod was found in the Atlantic ocean by the military, he was captured and experimented on for 3 months with various forms of radiation, toxins and copious amounts of morphine. After enduring so much pain induced from the military scientists he broke free and rampaged through the military base slaughtering everyone in sight. After his primal rage had ceased he stood their with blood dripping from his talons and wept. He left the military base and went to search for the only person who would know who he was and would remember him. Damien. After a year of searching all over the planet he gave up. Severely depressed he was leaving to the remote jungles of the Amazon and never return when a bill-board flickered to life showing footage of Damien defending civilians from an alien invasion in Millennium city and receiving commendation for his efforts. Enraged that Damien had become a hero loved by all of mankind and that he was a death harbouring monster he began to mutate again. A feral raged exploded from his mouth in the form of green fire. He grew to a hulking size, wings similar to a dragons sprouted from his back, a scaled tail and spines also protruded out of his skin and from that day on vowed that he would destroy Damien and on the way cause as much chaos and fear as possible. Following Damien to San Francisco he attacked him, they fought each other among the skyscrapers in San Francisco drawing crowds by the thousands. Damien narrowly defeated him and was nearly killed by the beast. He captured the newly named Wrath with the help of the SFPD and sent him off to Alcatraz.

Wrath is currently incarcerated in the maximum security wing of Alcatraz prison in San Francisco were Schematic can keep an close eye on him in case he plans on ever escaping.

Andros "Red" Azzaro: (ALIVE)

Andros Azzaro was born in the Greek Isles to two loving multi-millionaire parents, traveling around the world, his parents met an unfortunate end when their boat smashed into a reef in south-east Asia, miraculously Andros survived. He was found on the rocks a few days later and taken to the nearest orphanage, the only thing that he could recall about his past was his name. He lived happily in the orphanage for a couple of years always wondering who he really was. Until one day gang members broke into the orphanage trying to kidnap the children and in turn beat the monk within an inch of his life. Andros only trying to defend his newly found family, stole the gun from the monks qaurters, and shot both of the intruders. After he killed both of them a strange sensation buzzed through his skull

The monk horrified and disgusted with what Andros had done kicked him out on the street. Feeling abandoned and as that he should have been considered a hero, he turned his back on all things good. He became a street rat and soon fell into a life of crime. For his whole life he became apart of Asia's crime underworld and took up the persona of "Red" as he always wore a red bandanna around his arm. Andros took on a much more serious crimes such as arson and arms dealings. Establishing a gang he made millions of dollars by selling illegally made arms to many various terrorist groups (including Viper) and became famous and feared in the crime underworld of China. During a deal he was caught in a fire fight between himself and the Dynamic Duo (Damien and Harrison). Many of Andros's gang were caught in the cross-fire and each time that same adrenaline rush buzzed through his skull. He was eventually captured by them and due to China's law system received the death penalty. With the help of his gang he escaped his scentence and transferred his whole gang to San Francisco. When he arrived instead of the bandanna he started to wear a Red full face mask and took up arms dealing again. Soon Damien began to hear that his old foe had arrived in his town and began to hunt him down. While Red was in the middle of a deal Schematic and his younger partner intervened. Again some of his gang was caught in the cross-fire much to Damien's dismay. After much conflict Red fled the building letting Damien know that he had rigged the place to blow. Damien and his partner hauled every last live thug out of the building just before it exploded.

Red is still at large and is thought to be working within the area of California. He seems to slip past Damien as soon as he even gets close to uncovering his whereabouts which is one of his very infamous traits.

More coming soon!


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