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| occupation = Shrine Guardian / Taoist Priestess
| occupation = Shrine Guardian / Taoist Priestess
| birthplace = Kunlun Shan (Mount Kunlun)
| birthplace = Kunlun Shan (Mount Kunlun)
| hometown = Daoist Shrine located in Mount Qiyun
| hometown = Daoist Temple located in Mount Qiyun.
| marital = Single
| marital = Single
| relatives = Kyou Shou.
| relatives = Kyou Shou.

Revision as of 02:00, 30 August 2019

Kyou Kim
Player: @Krilari#7326
The Magnanimous
Class Focus: Mysticism & Arcane Arts
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Kyou Kim
Known Aliases: None
Species: Huli Jing
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: 1298
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Average
Eye Color: Blood Red
Hair Color: Blackish-brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Chinese
Occupation: Shrine Guardian / Taoist Priestess
Place of Birth: Kunlun Shan (Mount Kunlun)
Base of Operations: Daoist Temple located in Mount Qiyun.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Kyou Shou.
Known Powers
Mystical Spellcasting pertaining to the Huli Jing.
Known Abilities
Numerous & Vague.


Kunlun Shan. Mystical. Remote. Impervious to the whimsy of time. Home to the Jade Palace of yore and birthplace of the sisters Kyou Shou and Kim. Little is known about the fortress of poetic wisdom and less so about those who hail from it’s hallowed halls; however, all that one could surmise is the transient nature of the twin Huli Jing - the Kyou sisters - as they’ve passed from mountain to mountain, departing from the halls of the Yellow Emperor and into the Daoist vestibules of Mount Qiyun, and from there further still to the magnificent Millenium City.

Kyou Kim, infamously known among friends and family for her flirtatious trickery.

Of curvaceous shape and slender muscles Kim proves to be every bit the woman she intended to become. Grown from the mystical nature of her once-fox form she still bears some resemblance to her nature in pointed ears and a broad tail, both in black fur that compliments the otherwise jet-colored expanse of her mane. The life of her rosy-pale complexion pays compliment to the sometimes excessive vigor of her personality - jubilant and cunning making a powerful combination for a cunning trickster who’s infamous plots are known to range anywhere from playful flirtation to Rube Goldberd-like devices of impeccable complexity and sometimes disastrous results. Her quieted sister might often be the victim of these ruses, but it’s done nothing to shake the bond they’ve shared in kinship, each in themselves surviving the harsh reality of a mortal world only through the help of one another, and thus in spite of their sometimes glaring differences the two prove to be an unshakable duo both upon the battlefield as well as off of it.

Known to act first and ask questions later, Kim is the more active of the Kyou twins, counseling action where Shou is known to be the Yang to Kim’s Yin, the more pragmatically-paced tactician of reserved personality that does sometimes gleam with her own fox-like mischievousness. But just as Shou can occasionally deviate, so too does Kim infrequently come upon a patch of humble wisdom. While it’s rarely called for when she speaks it is often needed, and in these moments of balance she proves more than willing to back her philosophies with magical prowess if need be. Outside of these moments Kim is easily defined as vapid by the less informed, sometimes lazy and air-headed when aligned to contrast her more wisened sister, and often makes herself too careless to prove them wrong; rather, she enjoys herself whole-heartedly, taunting and playing with those who think less of her, weaving tricks and tales to the extent of her own amusement regardless of the guile and wit that lies beneath her beaming exterior.

As irreverent as Kim may appear there is a surprising amount of respect that she fosters for the mystical arts regardless of the systemic belief that adheres to each. No, she doesn’t care much for the order of prayers of the precise pose insisted one take for said prayer, but the act of praying in itself is one that she offers a great humility regardless of who the prayers are offered to. It’s to no surprise then that the academic nature of the religious is similarly lost to Kim, as are the practices, as her interest extends exclusively to the heartfelt prostration of one’s soul, seeing it as one of the truest display of passion one can offer. This all is born forth from the respect shown to her own self after the two sisters were forced to find refuge within a Taoist Temple high upon the cliffs of Mount Qiyun. There, finding shelter amidst the priests after a horrific battle, the twin sisters avowed themselves to the well-being of the holy grounds and henceforth act as guardians. Outside forces, being Paranormal or Human, were put beneath the acute judgement of the Kyou sisters, and those who were found wanting were chased from the temple grounds with horrific vigor and arcane machinations.

Kyou Kim acting in the defense of the Temple.

Their care for Humankind is not limited to that temple however. Both sisters found their salvation at the hands of Humans, and to that degree harbor not only great respect but also great curiosities, and so often in times of peace the two venture forth from their mountainside reserve to join in the cultures of the world, learning and observing, finding company amidst the billions of faces that the world has to offer. In these more modern times especially Kim has found little trouble blending in with the social populace, a frequent visitor of nightclubs and dive bars, indulging and often inviting intimate company with nary a thought. Her wild nightlife has welcomed her to a general familiarity with technology quickly becoming the “Tech wiz” of the two sisters despite the rather mediocre amount of time spent with cell phones and computers. Still, for social apps similar to Tinder, it’s said she’s got the fastest thumb in the West.

Powers and Abilities

A Huli Jing is a fox spirit from Chinese Mythology, and is sometimes also known as Jiuweihu, and bears a degree of resemblance to Japanese Kitsune. Where Inari Okami stands as the representative deity for Kitsune, Húxiān Niángniáng stands as the matron for the Huli Jing, and although both Goddesses are supposed to be different entities, they carry a few similarities in their duties. A Huli Jing is a nine-tailed fox, generally hailed from the Land of Green-Hills, North of Tianwu. A distinct difference between Huli Jing and Kitsune lies in the former being generally a single, non-divided species capable of being both benevolent or malevolent beings, a balanced representation often seen in Daoism, where Kitsune are often divided between Zenko and Yako (also known as Nogitsune). It is unknown if a Huli Jing is born with a single tail or all nine, as most tales speak of them already bearing all nine tails. As a Huli Jing, Kyou Kim carries many of their abilities, among them the most outstanding one being an immense aptitude towards magic and general spellcasting, and she's generally regarded as a peerless caster.

Of the mystical arts there are many to chose from. Enchantment, Invocation, Conjuration, curses. The amount of spells one could cast is limited only by practice and imagination. Kim bears a command of all of these and more, but in specialization she's found home in spells of alteration - either transforming her own body, or that of another. Some transformations aren't so apparent, only a shift in the muscle beneath her skin to help her run faster, hit harder, or see miles into the curvature of the Earth. Others, however, can help her morph into an entirely different appearance, taking the faces of those she's come across, or even the image of horrific monsters that she's met in her travels. With so many intrinsic variations at her fingertips one would be foolish to presume her metamorphic spellcasting is but a one-trick pony.
