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| ethnicity = Asian
| ethnicity = Asian
| age = 28
| age = 28
| height = 5'8"
| height = 6'1"
| weight = 170 lb
| weight = 195 lb
| eyes = Silver
| eyes = Silver
| hair = Black
| hair = Black

Revision as of 18:38, 21 April 2020

"I get it, you want to be a hero, you're selfless, and you never give up. But unless you have the means to carry out your goals, you need to face reality before you can face Ariandal." - The Black Jason

John Crypt was a mage warrior who studied at the Mage Academy in the year 1114 at Croft. He is a supporting character to Lazarus@darwin. John currently serves as a mentor figure to Samuel Mason and Toby Rufus. His codename is The Black Jason or Jason for short, due to the appearance of his mask during battle, but allies have sometimes referred to him as Jason the Abyssal due to his dark and seemingly ominous magic. Jason serves as co-leader to Team Darkstar alongside Amana Cross.

Initially an aloof, pure, and loyal mage, Jason was best friends with Lazarus and Ariandal, and formed the mage group Trinity. Over time, Jason became hardened and devoid of emotion due to the loss of his friends and Trinity. His current objective is to lead Darkstar in an effort to defeat Ariandal and the New Militia.

Jason was soul linked to Sentry, a familiar to the late Decen, the Paladin of War from another universe. Due to being a remnant of Decen, Jason was capable of drawing out up to 75% of Sentry's power without losing control, which is above the average 45% a normal soul-linked mage is capable of. Since passing on his soul creature, Jason runs on the residues of Sentry's dark energy, allowing him to fight at a fraction of his original power.

Jason wields a dagger and large handgun to battle. Due to being from a different universe, Jason's body does not follow the same principles as inhabitants of the Champion Universe. As a result, Jason is considered significantly stronger than his peers, with the exception of Ariandal, lacking a power level, or even power sets accustomed to the Champion Universe like form, passive, or even powers. Despite this seemingly unorthodox setup, Jason is trusted by his allies to be a devastating force to be reckoned with.

Following his defeat against Ariandal, Jason discovers that his body has become infected with the Corruption, which is slowly killing him through organ degeneration.

The Black Jason
Player: (Supporting Character to Lazarus@darwin)
"Badass or not, they all look the same when they're flat on their ass."
Class Focus: Dark and Negation Magic
Power Level: Unknown
Research & Development: None
Personal Data
Real Name: Jonathan Crypt
Known Aliases: Jason, Uncle Johnny (By Sam and Tob), Jason the Abyssal (By classmates at the academy), Jay (By Calliope), Magnum Moron (By Wheeler)
Species: Remnant
Ethnicity: Asian
Age: 28
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lb
Eye Color: Silver
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Canadian
Occupation: Mercenary (Earth C)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Soul Link - Decen's Sentry (Formerly), Residual Sentry Power (Current)
Known Abilities
Physical parameter amplification including speed, agility, strength, durability. Dark magic constructs, dark power boost and channelling. Trained muscles.
Modified Kronus Dagger, Modified Combat Handgun with multiple firing options

Background and Origin

"During the Age of Light, years ago, the Mages and Infernals battled over the Country of Croft. In an attempt to gain the upper hand, the mages discovered the ability to call upon power from the other world. These "soul creatures", demonic, yet overwhelming in power, provided the mages with the strength to overtake the reign of the infernals. This power was known as the "soul link", and was taught over many generations of mages, at the Mage Academy. One by one, the infernals fell, the mages claimed victory... but at a huge cost: their humanity. Corruption and greed fell over the greatest of the mages, as the power from the other world rotted their minds, and soon, the Mages were caught in a vice between the infernals and themselves. Within a decade, the mages were corrupted, converted and assimilated by the Infernals into a species: The Aspects. Thus began, a new era, a new age. An age where we must ask ourselves, not whether we should live or die, but rather whether we should live as a monster, or die as a mage. You few are the last of your kind. But even the smallest seed can grow into the tree of hope." - Seetus Scarlet, Year 1120

Pre-Mage Academy

John Crypt and his soul creature Sentry arrive to Croft from an unknown universe during the year 1112. Wandering in the slums of Croft, John tries to find work as a mercenary, however is deemed unfit as one. Broke and homeless, John traverses the slums of Croft relying on sustenance from his soul-linked creature: Sentry. Upon discovering a gym owned by Ferris Wheeler, John asks Wheeler if he could use his services to train in strength and conditioning. Amused by John's request, as well as his lanky build, Ferris allows John to train. While initially as a joke, Ferris begins to realize John's persistence.

After his first year of training, Ferris agrees to supply nutrition and fitness advice to John in exchange for John's stories of the world outside of Croft. Upon discovering John's marksmanship with his handgun as well as his magical powers with Sentry, John is also tasked to protect the gym from soul beasts: monsters from the other world who had invaded Croft. Due to the mask he wears in battle, as well as his ominous dark magical powers, Wheeler dubs John "The Black Jason". One day, Jason asks Wheeler if his name was real or a pun off of the amusement park ride. This enrages Wheeler and Jason is given the nickname "Magnum Moron".

After two years, Jason gains significant muscle mass and decides to reapply. Upon being asked the reason for a merc, Jason responds that he needs the money and wanted friends, believing his popularity as a badass mercenary would gain him respect. Ferris suggests that instead of applying for a mercenary role, he should apply to The Mage Academy. Upon asking why, Ferris jokingly states that Jason's physical build is not enough for mercenary work, as his inferior genetics would not be up to par with most mercenaries who relied more on their strength than magic in their jobs. Upon seeing Jason's disappointed look, Ferris also states that Jason was among the few in Croft to be able to use the soul link, an ability that is used by most mages who battled the infernals. The soul link would prove useful in the war, and as an asset to the Mage Militia, Jason would make all the money he wanted. Surprised by this, Jason decides to apply. The morning of Jason's departure from the gym, Wheeler gives Jason a gift: his combat knife Kronus, to remember where he came from. On his way to the academy to do the entrance exams, Jason realizes that part of his needs were already fulfilled.

Mage Academy Entrance Exam

Jason struggles with the written portion, as most of the questions adhere to the ideals of Croft and magic. However, Jason manages to pass the written portion through process of elimination and deductive techniques. During the practical portion of the exam, Jason is assigned to exam group B.

Jason along with several other candidates are expected to escape a magical steel confinement. While his peers attempt to evade or trick the traps, Jason witnesses a candidate from group A disintegrate the entire confinement and escape. Candidates from group C also escape through a coordinated effort with one candidate providing healing support to other members. Jason decides to pass this stage his own way and calls upon Sentry's dark energy to enter his handgun. Charging his weapon and giving it a x100 boost, Jason fires a charged -Towerbreaker Blast- through the walls of the confinement, giving a hole for escape. The sheer force of the blast causes massive wind pressure that destroys or deactivates all traps within its vicinity, giving a path for escape. Jason passes the first stage.

For the second stage of the practical exam, candidates are tasked with protecting downed allies against simulated infernal soldiers. Groups A and C complete the exam with no problem, due to members of both groups possessing superior healing abilities. Group B struggles as no one possesses healing powers. Jason supports his group by providing cover fire against the infernals while his group attempts to bring the allies to safety. As the number of infernals grow, Jason is forced to up his firepower. Channelling more dark energy into his handgun, giving it a x500 boost, Jason fires a -Towerbreaker Full Gatling- at the infernals, clearing out the numbers by a huge volley of dark energy blasts. However, one of the blasts catches an ally and kills her. Although the ally is a simulation, Group B fails the second stage of the exam.

The third stage of the practical exam pits groups A-C together. The exam consists of several duels between two members, each duel observed by the rest of the candidates and the invigilators. While watching the duels, Jason observes a range of fortunes. The member of Group A who had disintegrated the confinement in the first stage greatly overwhelmed her opponent with powerful celestial magic; hordes of celestial creatures, from demon to angel defeated her opponent in mere seconds. The member of Group C who supported his members did not have the same happy outcome. Facing off his opponent, an incredibly musclebound teenager who wielded a flaming axe, the member was outmatched both physically and magically as if the only abilities he knew were healing powers. After a brutal defeat, it was Jason's turn to fight his duel.

Jason's opponent is a young man soul linked with what appears to be a wolf. Incapable of catching his opponent with his handgun, Jason resorts to melee combat. While still outmatched in speed, Jason's trained muscles provided strong conditioning to fight a prolonged battle. Using Kronus, Jason concentrates his energy into Kronus, forming a large black tonfa. One of Jason's swipes catches his opponent off guard due to the width of the black projectile, and Jason grabs his opponent. Unleashing 75% of Sentry's power, Jason's opponent sees a vision of Sentry; a tall towering, sinister figure, with glowing white orbs for eyes shrouded in dark flames. Jason's opponent cowers in fear. Jason had won his match, troubling the invigilators due to the nature of his powers.

After the exams, the candidates are given their results. Despite failing the second stage, Jason passed stage 1 and 3. Marginally passing the written exam allows Jason to be accepted into the academy.

Mage Academy: Class of 1118 and the formation of Trinity

Jason is enrolled in the Mage Academy, where he meets the member from Group C who introduces himself as Lawrence Wright. As orientation comes to a close, Jason and Wright become friends. Upon being asked by Wright what his aspirations are, Jason replied that he just wanted a social life and money. This angers his classmates, leading to Jason being thrown into the "loser circle" along with Wright. It is revealed that Wright only joined the Mage Academy to impress Calliope Ariandal, the star of the entrance exam and current top student in the academy. However, due to only being able to draw 15% of his soul creature, The Goatman, Lawrence was thrown into the loser circle.

Two months into semester, Jason is informed that he is grouped with Lawrence and another mage to form a mage group, where the group is expected to study, complete exams, and do missions together. However, Jason discovers that the third member is none other than Calliope Ariandal. Lawrence suffers a panic attack upon realizing this, as the first group meeting would be the next day. On the day of the first meeting, Jason bails and goes to the gym, purposely showing up late to prank Wright. After his workout, Jason walks in on Lawrence stuttering and stumbling his words with a confused and annoyed Calliope while discussing group policies. While Calliope attempts to calm down Wright, Jason notices Calliope's royal birthmark on her chest. Calliope interprets this as leering and slaps Jason.

During the next few months, Jason, Lawrence, and Calliope complete missions and classes together. While Calliope and Jason breeze through the classes, Lawrence struggles and falls behind, slipping into a depression and a drug addiction. On that night, the group meet in Lawrence's dorm, and Lawrence confesses his fears of failing, his inferiority complex, and his feelings for Calliope. Jason decides to leave Calliope and Lawrence alone as he goes to the gym to train. Calliope and Lawrence begin a relationship.

Although a third wheel in the group, Jason has a fun time with his group. During a class activity where they must come up with codenames for their group and each other, Calliope gives Lawrence the codename "Lazarus", due to his ability to heal and recover from the brink of defeat. Jason decides to give himself the codename "The Black Jason", while Calliope gives herself the codename "Ariandal" to honor her family name. Upon deciding the name for their group, Jason suggests the name "Ninja Squad", as he found it bears similarity with ninja teams from an anime he watched. Calliope calls Jason a dork and decides to name themselves "Trinity", as their group had one of everything: a healer (Lazarus), a tank (Ariandal), and a damage dealer (Jason).

Trinity vs. The Shadow Legion

Trinity is assigned a mission to investigate a disturbance in one of Croft's industrial sectors. It appeared that several infernals were spotted at the mana plant and required mages to deploy.

During the travel to Croft's mana plant, the team make a pit stop to a restaurant. Upon seeing Calliope, restaurant staff and customers are shocked and begin gossiping about a royal eating at a low class food establishment. Calliope is embarrassed and uneasy. Lawrence tries to comfort Calliope, but is also troubled that although capable of a soul link and being a mage, he is no match in a fight against the people in the restaurant due to lacking offensive abilities. Jason, oblivious to Calliope's social anxiety and Lawrence's inferiority complex, happily eats five rounds of chicken wings, much to the surprise and disgust of both Calliope and the waitresses.

Trinity arrives at the mana plant, where the infernals are spotted. While Calliope attempts to come up with a plan, Jason charges in recklessly, shooting down the infernals. As more infernals enter the plant, Calliope realizes that someone is letting the infernals past the plant security. Jason is overwhelmed by the large numbers of infernals and almost resorts to unleashing a -x500 Towerbreaker Slash- to clear the opponents, but Ariandal stops him, stating that it would be pointless to use up all his stamina on low class enemies, and the risk of damaging the expensive plant equipment from the wind pressure of the attack. Ariandal summons a horde of demons to hold off the infernals while the team escapes, however they are cornered by a mysterious man named Card.

Card taunts Trinity, and mocks Calliope for being a royal failure for disgracing her father's name. Lawrence is enraged and attempts to attack Card, but Card outmatches Lawrence physically without any magic, injuring him. Jason intervenes but is restrained by numerous infernals. Calliope considers using 80% of her Seraphim's power to summon a powerful angel construct to shield her team and escape. However, doing so would destroy the plant's internals. The team is captured and brought to an unknown location.

Jason is the first to gain consciousness in the prison. They are locked in an anti-magic holding cell together. Jason is approached by the security guard, who taunts him and his team that they would never be able to leave the holding cell. Jason realizes they never confiscated his weapons, and laughs at the guard. Jason uses Kronus and hacks at the bars until they break, shocking the guard. The two engage in physical combat. The guard loses, believing Jason to be scrawny due to being a mage, only to be overpowered in a brawl. Jason wins but is bloodied and injured, and destroys the anti-magic device. Calliope's powers return and she instantly revitalizes Lazarus and Jason.

Trinity sneaks through the base, and discover that it is run by a cult named "The Shadow Legion". Encountering the cult, Trinity battles the cult members, but is overwhelmed due to their disorganization. Calliope calls Jason to make a diversion so she could formulate a plan. Jason summons several shadow specter copies of Trinity to hold off the members. Calliope tells Jason and Lazarus that she will focus all of the cult's attacks on her while Lazarus heals and supports her. Jason will eliminate the cult members at a distance with his handgun. Just as the cult realizes they have been fighting specters, Calliope emerges with 70% of Seraphim's power, cladding herself in the angel's armor. Her aura causes the cult to aim for her, and Jason eliminates the members at a distance.

Upon defeating the cult, the last remaining member mocks Trinity, stating they only defeated a small thing of something greater. The cult threatens Trinity, stating the Shadow Legion will take over Croft, aid the infernals, and cause the downfall of the mages, especially the royalty. An enraged Calliope kills the last member, much to the shock of Jason and Lazarus. In tears, Calliope runs into Lazarus's arms while Jason stands over the rest of the unconscious cult members, realizing that this mission would lead to something much worse. Trinity returns to the academy. Calliope attempts to report a case of the cult, but due to the already tense situation with the war against the Infernals, her case is backlogged.

Calliope's Birthday

Jason and Lazarus attempt to throw Calliope a surprise party for her birthday. Unfortunately, they don't know what to get her. Jason suggests Lazarus take her out to a Miniature Golf Course as he said it worked on girls in this movie he saw. Lazarus calls Jason an idiot and the two go to the mall to find something for her. After wasting half a day looking at female clothes, much to the bewilderment of the shop staff, Lazarus and Jason decide to go to the Royal Plaza to look for more gift ideas.

While walking down the beach, the two run into Marcus Ariandal, Calliope's father, who is disguised as a noble on mission. Upon recognizing Lazarus, Marcus is overjoyed to learn that his daughter has found love. Upon being asked by Lazarus what he thinks about Calliope, Marcus reveals that Calliope always had a phobia of tarnishing the Ariandal name. Constantly worrying about what others would think, she became overwhelmingly powerful in magic, at the cost of social anxiety. Calliope would always want to make him proud, yet despite wanting to speak to her, Marcus never had the time due to work. Jason suggests he create a specter of Marcus and spend the day in the office so he could be at Calliope's party. Marcus agrees.

During the party, Calliope and her father reconcile. Lazarus and Jason wait outside to give them privacy. Jason drinks several mana potions to keep the specter from fading. Once Marcus leaves, he thanks Lazarus and Jason for helping him with his daughter, and offers Lazarus his services. Jason is on the verge of collapse from keeping the Marcus specter up all day. Lazarus apologizes to Calliope for not finding a gift, but she tells him that he gave her something better. Their kiss is cut short when Jason vomits all over the floor due to drinking too many potions.

Lazarus's Probation and Jason's Evolution

Final exams have ended and results have been released. Calliope passes with flying colors, and Jason scores in the top 10% of the class. However, Lazarus fails and is put on academic probation, despite hours of practice and studying, still only able to draw out 15% of the Goatman's power. Calliope tries to comfort Lazarus but is unable to relate to his situation, being the top student in the class. Jason tries to cheer up Wright by inviting the team to a gym session.

On the way to the gym, Trinity is approached by Team Overcast. The captain of Overcast, Trill, mocks Lazarus for his failing performance, asking him if he really passed the entrance exam. Calliope snaps back at the captain for behavior unfitting of a mage. Jason intervenes and calls the captain an unrealistic idiot for thinking he could become a mage general just from his connections. The captain challenges Jason to a one on one fight, which he agrees. Calliope tells Jason to be careful, as the captain of Overcast is known to be sneaky.

Jason and Trill meet in an abandoned forest to fight. The two remaining team members sitting in the bleachers. The match begins with Trill unleashes an ice volley at Jason, which he destroys with a single gunshot. Jason begins pressuring Trill with repeating blasts from his handgun, then charges up to x500. Jason suddenly appears behind Trill and channels his energy into Kronus, forming a massive flaming tonfa, flickering with black electricity. Jason smashes Trill into the ground and is about to finish him off when the remaining Overcast members intervene and restrain Jason. Calliope and Lazarus try to intervene but is held down by one of Overcasts members' siphon magic. Jason is pressured by both Trill and his team, bombarded with sharp ice daggers, air blades, and celestial arrows from Calliope's siphoned magic. Barely conscious and bloody, Jason unleashes more of Sentry's power. His entire left side is cloaked in glowing blue dark magic, hand becoming claws, dark samurai like plating covers his shoulder. Jason's irises begin to glow with black and blue bioelectric discharge as he grabs Kronus and powers up his tonfa even more, giving it a more demonic appearance. Jason takes out all the members of Overcast as well as the siphon in a devastating x7000 -Citybreaker Slash-, but the wind pressure destroys the entire forest. The effort causes him to lose control and become extremely feral. Calliope uses 98% of her power to form a huge celestial construct and battles the bloodlusted Jason, defeating him with Lazarus' healing. Trinity and Overcast are put on suspension, and Calliope falls into a coma from overusing her power.

Lazarus' Expulsion, and Jason's Transformation

Due to the incident with Overcast, Team Trinity is forcefully disbanded. Lazarus is expelled, and Calliope is comatose. Jason is placed in another team to form a team of four until further arrangements are made. Over the next few months, Jason grows distant and angry, due to the belief that a family was given to him but was forcefully taken away. Jason harbors a hatred for righteous mages like Trill. During one mission, Jason was reprimanded by the Mage dean due to his violent behavior on one of the infernal suspects. By segregating himself from others, Jason focused on increasing his powers and growing stronger.

At the same time, The Shadow Legion continues to make its moves on the Mage Militia, slowly taking advantage of the mages who use 85% and over of their soul creatures powers to open them up to corruption. With Trinity incapable of exposing the Legion, the cult continues to grow in its influence and power.

Goodbye, Jason

Three years have passed, and the mages approach graduation. It's revealed that Lazarus checks up on Calliope every day in secret, who is still comatose. Corruption has started to take over as The Shadow Legion had continued their ways under the radar, leading to the corruption of many high ranking mages. Marcus Ariandal, who discovered Calliope's coma, was overcome with grief and rage. The Shadow Legion contacted Marcus and steered him into the path of corruption. This led to the disbanding of the Mage Militia, into the New Militia, comprised of a new kind of mage, destroyed by corruption, the emergence of The Avatars.

In the three years, consistent strength training provided Jason with a muscular physique. Jason underwent a drastic personality change, becoming quiet and easy to anger. His power increased to the point where he was able to withstand a x5000 Kaiju (Monster) Boost without losing control. Due to the corruption of the higher ups, mage graduates were invited to join the New Militia.

On the week of graduation, Calliope awakens to her father asleep by her bedside. Her father convinces Calliope that Lazarus abandoned her after expulsion, only using her as a way to pass the final exams. Upon failing, and expulsion, Lazarus never returned. This was a lie that Marcus fabricated to destroy Lazarus' life, as a way of vengeance, blaming him for Calliope's situation. Overcome with heartbreak, Calliope becomes vulnerable, and her father forces the corruption into her body. A corrupted Calliope crashes the graduation. Due to being comatose for years, the instructors of the Academy refuse Calliope's graduation. Calliope makes a statement by using her heartbreak as motivation and surpassing her limits. Calliope draws over 100% of Seraphim's power and brutally defeats the entire Academy staff.

Jason intervenes, holding his gun to her head telling her to stop. Calliope is unaware of the pain that caused Jason to transform into the current devoid being he is now, and immediately interprets it as betrayal. Jason and Calliope battle in the graduation theatre, in front of their class. Although years of training allowed Jason to become considerably stronger, a heartbroken and corrupted Calliope proves too much for Jason to handle. Jason decides to call upon more of Sentry's power and activates a x8000 Kaiju Boost to fight toe to toe with Calliope's Seraphim Construct, but is instantly overwhelmed by Calliope's new move: Demon Barrage. Jason powers up to his max potential, a x20000 Worldbreaker Slash to stop Calliope, but she retaliates with 220% of Seraphim's power, causing a massive dimensional distortion. Jason is defeated and pulled into the distortion until Marcus uses his Dimensional Magic to close the tear in reality. The fight ends with Calliope victorious, and Marcus forcing the new graduates to serve the New Militia.

As Jason begins to lose his consciousness from the force of Ariandal's attack, he reminisces his days at Wheeler's gym. Remembering the same feeling that he had as he traveled to Croft from his own universe, Jason sees a glimpse of Trinity. The days he would spend eating lots of food at the dinner table with Calliope and Lawrence, with Calliope's disgusted face and Lawrence holding in a laugh. The days where Calliope and Lawrence would hold hands and walk along the beach after a hard day of studying and training while Jason would swim in the ocean. Jason smiled his last smile in Croft as the distortion propelled him to another universe to begin life anew.

Meeting Sam and Tob

Jason awakens in a bush, having fallen at a great height from the dimensional collapse, he is greeted by a boy. The world appears to be of modern age, but swarmed by infernals and soul beasts due to the dimensional singularity. The boy takes Jason to his hideout, where he is living with his roommate. Jason uses his Hunter's Eye to assess his surroundings and discovers his body is deteriorating, not from the damage done by Ariandal, but from corruption. Jason also discovers that the boy possesses soul link compatibility, before he blacks out.

Upon reawakening to the boy and his roommate, Jason is filled in on the details of the situation. Upon entering the new universe, the dimensional tear led to a ripple effect, leading to multiple tears leading into this world. The tears all over let in all kinds of infernals and soul beasts, causing mass panic and destruction to Earth. The boy introduces his name as Sam, and his roommate, Tob had taken refuge in the ruins of their basement suite following the chaos. Sam is in a panic to see his family, but Jason advises that the boy wait as going outside would be suicide. Jason reveals that the monsters invading Sam's world are infernal and soul creatures caused by the dimensional tear and its ripple effects, also revealing himself to be a mage tasked with battling these creatures. Jason introduces himself by his real name: John Crypt. Traumatized by his past life in the Champions Universe, John refuses to call himself Jason again due to emotional pain. While demonstrating his power to the boys as proof, John suddenly collapses in pain. The presence of corruption in his body and the conflicting protective aura due to being a remnant have caused discords ravaging his internal organs, slowly killing him.

John wakes up again and spends the night in the refuge with the boys, telling stories of his time in Croft and Trinity. John is taken aback by Sam's offer to help him return and stop Ariandal, but tells the boy that heroism without the means to carry out his goals would lead to failure. Ravaged by painful memories and under the belief that friends and allies in his life would be taken away from him, John refuses Sam's help and states he would take on the New Militia alone, before he succumbs to the Corruption.

John leaves the refuge the next day to clean up the city as much as he can. He discovers that the military forces were no match for the beasts and most of which were wiped out. The world has become apocalyptic, overrun by infernals and soul beasts. John attempts to eliminate the enemies around Sam's street, but due to the corruption hindering his movements, is nearly killed by an infernal, until Sam appears from behind and strikes the infernal with a bat. Putting up a surprisingly good fight, Sam is outmatched and is near defeat when John surpasses his limits and stops the infernal with a Towerbreaker Smash.

Sam takes a wounded John to his refuge, despite his own injuries. Recognizing Sam's selflessness, John asks him if he is serious of whether or not he would help stop Ariandal. Sam agrees, stating that he always struggled with a purpose in his life. Trying everything, he felt that his efforts just weren't fit in a world that was doing just fine. Sam tells John about his ancestral curse, that no matter how hard he tries, his curse will always put a roadblock in his way. Despite this, Sam continued trying anyway, working out, and studying hard somehow hoping to find a job. When the apocalypse hit, Sam's chances of employment went to zero, and his gym was shut down. Sam found ways to cope, working out at home, and setting up his own mini gym. Sam tells John that regardless of how many allies leave him, they aren't truly lost until John gives up on them. This strikes John in the heart.

John asks Sam again if he is serious on stopping Ariandal, and decides to pass on Sentry's power to the boy. John reveals that he is dying from the corruption, and since Sam is the only human in this world with the soul link compatibility, he would become his successor.

Training the Next Jason

John begins training Sam in combat, strength and conditioning. Despite excelling in combat due to his dilligence, Sam struggles in strength and conditioning due to asthma and poor genetics. John also discovers that Sam has an unusual way of using Sentry's power, as while able to draw out 30% of the soul creature, Sam's stamina can only allow him to draw it out in quick bursts through fire-like attacks. While testing his powers, John tells Sam to attack a tree. Although able to destroy it in one devastating blast of heat, the effort causes him to be drained. The two regroup at the hideout.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Soul Link - Decen's Sentry (formerly): Jason was soul linked with the familiar of Decen. This particular soul creature uses dark magic to boost physical parameters. Jason uses Sentry's power to surpass his physical limits to a superhuman level, granting him superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability through a "Kaiju Boost". By being soul linked, Jason possesses the iconic "silver eyes" all soul linked mages have due to being a host for another soul. Sentry's power is enormous, as it is a familiar of Decen, to the point of it potentially surpassing Seraphim, Calliope's soul creature. The more power Jason draws, the greater his Kaiju Boost provides, but Jason becomes more susceptible to giving into Sentry's feral nature. Jason is also able to channel Sentry's power into weapons, greatly enhancing their strength, robustness, or lethalness. Jason typically uses the Sentry's power to enhance his handgun to deliver powerful blasts of dark energy, or his dagger, Kronus, to give a huge sharp tonfa blade, while also retaining the same weight as a dagger, giving Jason's swings frightening speed. Jason is also capable of manipulating this dark energy to create constructs, typically he uses this ability as tendrils or specters to aid in combat.

Decen's Remnant: Jason is the remnant of the late Decen who once owned Sentry. Due to being a remnant, Jason has access to all of Decen's memories and possibly combat skills. By being a remnant, Jason is also able to harness significantly more power from Sentry than most soul linked mages. Being a remnant, Jason was still able to access a small fraction of residual dark magic despite passing on Sentry to his legacy.


Trained Muscles: One of Jason's biggest assets is his physical conditioning. Due to most of his powers being melee based, Jason's unorthodox combat style is greatly benefited by his trained muscle physique. During the first year of training, Jason gained some muscle mass but not a lot due to improper form and nutrition. After another year, Jason was trained by Ferris Wheeler and gained significantly more muscle mass despite no longer capitalizing on beginner gains. His physical conditions was enough to overpower a Shadow Legion guard in a fistfight, albeit being a close match. During the three years, Jason resorted to using magic to increase muscle development.

Marksmanship: Although described as a "sour shot" by Calliope, Jason is formidable with his handgun. Years of combat experience with his handgun has provided him with decent accuracy. By training his muscles, Jason is capable of minimizing recoil of his weapon to allow more continuous fire. In his fight against the Shadow Legion, Jason was able to pick apart members of the cult from a distance with only his handgun.

Knife and Swordplay: Jason is also capable of fighting with melee weapons. In his battle against the infernals, Jason was able to take down a respectable amount of enemies despite being limited by the environment. A bloodlusted Jason outmatched Calliope at 98% until Lazarus stepped in to provide healing support.

Keen Intellect: Despite being described as a moron by Wheeler, and an idiot by both Calliope and Lazarus, Jason is very cunning. Jason passed the entrance exam's written component through deductive techniques, and is extremely creative in his fights against opponents, using shadow specters to distract and confuse his opponent. Jason is described as unpredictable by Lazarus, and "deceptively clever" by Calliope due to his tricky fighting techniques, analysis, and prediction of opponents.


Kaiju Boost: Jason channels Sentry's dark energy through his body, giving him an incredible boost in strength, speed, agility, and durability. This power opens him up to more advanced and powerful moves. While using this power, Jason's body is covered in a dark flaming aura with a blue glow, and if the booster is greater, Jason will also have black electrical discharge. Increased use of this boost will start giving him monstrous features like claws, fangs, and samurai plating similar to Sentry. Contact with Jason and concentration can cause opponents to see brief or prolonged visions of Sentry himself, and can drive an opponent to insanity. This power can be used to infuse his weapons as well. If infused in Kronus, the blade gains a black overcoat resembling a huge tonfa. Similar electrical discharge will happen if more power is unleashed. The size of the tonfa can increase exponentially and will become more monstrous in appearance as Jason increases the magnitude of the boost.

Towerbreaker Series: Kaiju Boost x100-500: Jason draws around 40% of Sentry's power to boost his power by the hundreds.

Towerbreaker Smash: Jason concentrates his power into his fist and provides a devastating haymaker at his opponent. This attack causes enough wind pressure to cut a whole through an entire building. If aimed at the base of a building, its enough to destroy a tower, hence the name "Towerbreaker".

Towerbreaker Blast: Jason concentrates his power into his handgun and delivers a powerful charged blast of dark energy. This blast has the same effect as a Towerbreaker smash, but is more concentrated into a smaller area. This move uses less mana and stamina at the cost of less damage.

Towerbreaker Slash: Jason concentrates his power into Kronus and delivers a powerful swipe. This swipe emits a huge arc projectile that has the same effects as the previous two moves. This is the most lethal of the three due to being concentrated into a thin line, but uses the most mana and stamina. Jason typically uses this as a finishing move.

Citybreaker Series: Kaiju Boost x3000-8000: Jason draws around 60%-80% of Sentry's power to boost his power by the thousands. Initially, Jason could not control himself at levels beyond 75%, leading him into a feral state similar to Sentry. However years of training has allowed him to control far more.

Citybreaker Smash/Blast/Slash: Similar to their respective Towerbreaker versions. However, the scale of these attacks are exponentially higher, capable of leveling entire cities or land formations if used recklessly. In his fight against Trill and Team Overcast, a single Citybreaker Slash was capable of defeating all three mages, negating all their spells, and destroying the entire forest.

Worldbreaker Series: Kaiju Boost x10000-20000: Jason powers up to his absolute max, utilizing 90%-99% of Sentry's power.

Worldbreaker Smash/Blast/Slash: Similar to their respective Towerbreaker versions. However, far more lethal than any of his other moves. A Worldbreaker Slash upon coinciding with Ariandal's Corrupted Seraphim attack broke through the fabric of space, forming a dimension anomaly. Jason typically only uses this as his final resort, and usually leads to destructive consequences no matter how controlled his environment is.

Kaiju Burst: Jason manifests qualities of Sentry. This could be any aspect of Sentry including a body part, or his armor. Calling more of Sentry's power won't affect the strength or scale of his manifestations, but will allow Jason to manifest more of Sentry's qualities at once. During his fight against Trill, Jason manifested Sentry's arm, half of his face, his hands, and some of Sentry's armor.

Kaiju Burst: Hunter's Eye: Jason manifests Sentry's hunting eyes. This allows Jason to pinpoint the location of his target no matter how barricaded or far away they are. They are limited by dimensions and extremely long distance however. Sentry's eye is also capable of spotting vulnerabilities, impurities, magic, and sometimes even memories of its targets. When Jason uses this ability, his silver eyes glow whiter, and his whites become greyer.

Kaiju Burst: Dark Tendrils: Jason summons dark tendrils from Sentry's energy to restrain an enemy, aid in combat, or other things. These tendrils are black in color with a blue glow. Using this ability consumes a lot of mana, thus Jason rarely uses this ability.

Kaiju Burst: Sentry Clad: Jason manifests Sentry's samurai armor. This is typically manifested on his arm and acts as a shield to protect against firepower, explosions, or projectiles.

Gear and Equipment

Combat Handgun: Jason's signature handgun. Jason uses this weapon in a variety of ways through different firing options.
Firing Mode: Charged Shot: Jason infuses the gun with Sentry's dark energy and charges a powerful blast.
Firing Mode: Full Gatling: Jason infuses the gun with Sentry's dark energy and charges a powerful blast that splits into several smaller blasts.
Firing Mode: Normal Shot: Jason's default gun setting, capable of shooting dark energy bolts at his enemy.
Firing Mode: Ammunition: Jason rarely uses this gun setting as he usually relies on fuelling it with Sentry's energy. Jason has only loaded his gun with blanks.

Kronus: A gift from Ferris Wheeler. Kronus is a combat hunting knife that Jason infuses dark energy into. Kronus is lightweight and is chosen for that reason. When infused with Sentry's energy, Kronus gains an overmold of the power, resembling a large tonfa blade.

Protective Mask: A mask resembling a hockey mask, Jason uses this for protection against aerosol based attacks, and as a disguise. Jason also uses the mask to protect against physical damage. This mask is what gave Jason his codename.



This section is specifically for a spouse, lover, or some other form of paramour. Feel free to use any of the formatting from 'Friends/Allies' below.


Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:

  1. This guy
  2. That guy
  3. Some chick

For a non-numbered list, put an asterisk instead (the lines are optional. Simply remove the HR tags if you wish to remove them):

  • This guy

  • That guy

  • Some chick

Or, you could even use a smaller sub-header for each person, effectively creating a small section on them, like this:

That Guy I Know

Put info on the friend here.

That Chick I Met

And here.

Some Dude at the Bar

Don't forget this one.


Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.

General Perception

Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.

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