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Maoniu Quanli
Player: @Yollm
"Passiveness does not equal weakness."
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank
Power Level: 10
Research & Development: Mysticism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Ngawang Dorje Rabten
Known Aliases: Maoniu Quanli
Gender: Male
Species: Mutated Human
Ethnicity: Tibetan
Place of Birth: Yarlung Valley
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Mi
Relatives: N/A
Age: 32 years
Height: 8"3'
Weight: 620 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Pale gold
Physical Build: Large, muscular
Physical Features: Hairy, large, horns and hooves
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Tibet, China & U.S.
Occupation: N/A
Education: Monk training
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Control of ice, inhuman strength and speed.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Monk robes
ReldinBox Template


Born Ngawang Dorje Rabten, he changed his name to Maoniu Quanli, meaning "yak of power", after he received his abilities from the god Yar-lha-sham-po. Ever since he was a young man, Rabten had been a part of a monastery that still worshiped the old Tibetan gods, and practiced a strict creed of nonviolence. While taking a stroll around the compound's outer wall, Rabten heard a voice calling him, and saw a trail of cool blue mist leading him. He followed the mist until he came upon a strange sight. In the distance, there was a semi flipped over on its side, its contents now on the ground, large glass tanks that were leaking a strange glowing blue liquid. Approaching the wreck to see if there were any people, he saw no one. No survivors, and no dead either.

Giving in to his curiosity, the young man would follow the voice, which led him to one of the broken tanks, its contents mostly spilled onto the grass. The voice felt familiar, like it was an old friend, or a respected mentor. The voice urged him on, and he reached out to touch the liquid. Pain shot through him, the liquid bitter cold. it surged up his fingers and arm, and seemed to hit him at his very core. He yelled, then blacked out, falling face first into the liquid. When he awoke he felt.. different. Sitting up, he'd sit the liquid was gone and.. the ground was further away than he was sued to. he stared at his hands, and saw he had changed. Partially covered in thick fur, he was given horns, and his body had altered drastically in size and muscle mass, and his face had altered in shape.

"Do not squander this gift, my child," the voice said. In addition to his physical changes, he was blessed with resistance to ice and frost, and control of these elements. It was then he knew that the voice was Yar-lha-sham-po, the yak god of snowstorms. Determined not to waste his divine gift, Maoniu began to travel, mainly keeping to his vow of peace, but dispensing justice when he saw wrongs to right.

Ngawang Dorje Rabten

Rabten was a 30 year old 5'7" tall man with sleek, long black hair and a pale gold complexion. He spoke softly and rarely, mostly in Chinese and English with an accent. He lived at the monastery ever since he was a small boy, starting with simple things like cleaning the temple, and moving on to formal training in philosophy and other such classes, as many as fifteen at one time. While martial arts are not a common thing to learn at a Tibetan monastery, there was a Shaolin monk who came to the monastery to take up a new life, and he would teach Rabten various moves, mostly those to be used in self-defense and variations of the T'ai chi ch'uan style of martial arts.

Maoniu Quanli

Now 32, Rabten goes by the moniker Maoniu Quanli, a steadfast yak of strength. This new form is quite different than his old self, much taller, significantly more powerful, and much hairier. While he still rarely speaks, when he does, his voice is accented and much more gruff, making him somewhat hard to understand at times. He's still quite introverted, but his abilities have given him the confidence to assist others when he sees them, even if he's not particularly vocal about it.


Inhuman Strength

Blessed by Yar-lha-sham-po with the 'divine strength of the yak', he can easily lift around 50 and 250 tons. He rarely uses this ability though, as he mainly fights with projectiles. His strength is thus used mostly to lift and move things and people.

Manipulation of 'Ice'

With his blood full of a specialized mutagenic form of water, he can produce frozen liquids from his pores, which he can use to fire projectiles, release a mist, or let travel through things such as the ground or walls. The liquid seems to freeze almost instantly on contact with the outside air unless the temperature outside is enough to boil one's insides or skin. As much a part of a blood as his blood is, if too much of it were to evaporate inside of him, he would perish. This ability is his main form of attack.


While capable of moving with average agility in normal circumstances, if needed, he can charge forward at superhuman speeds in order to ram into someone to knock them aside or even gore them with his horns. When charging, he has a hard time turning, and if he is knocked off balance, it can injure him quite badly if he runs into anything or if he trips and hits the ground at full speed.



While not particularly unfriendly, due to his upbringing, Maoniu is used to introspection and isolation rather than interacting with large groups. This can make him difficult to get along with, at least if getting along with him depends heavily on speech and forced friendliness. Cooperating with him tend to rely more on trusting him through actions rather than words, as he won't bother defending himself against falsehoods. They aren't worth the words.

No alter-ego

As a metahuman, there is no way for Maoniu is be someone else without the use of magic. His horns are very prominent, and his height makes him stand out in a crowd. Once he is seen, people can recognize him and hunt him down rather easily, as his appearance is easily distinguishable. Large horns, a hairy body and hooves for feet do not make a subtle combination.

Code of Non-Violence

Unless someone innocent is being attacked, he will not fight. He will only hunt down villains that hurt people. he will only fight to defend himself when attacked, and not assault anyone unless their actions put innocent people in danger. If a trusted ally were to assault him, he would not fact back.

Frigid Overcharge

If he attempts to use more powerful ice abilities too often, he can potentially freeze his own arms solid. This occurs due to the fact that his ice abilities come from the mutagens that sunk into his blood, which are basically powerful water compounds that can seep through his pores and freeze on contact of air.


A set of monk robes, and not much else.

Other's Thoughts