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[[Hunter]]'s thoughts on Zee. "Met'er outside the club once. Cute kid, but; Bizzare. Thing is, she always seems really lost. She's like a little sister now. As for what she is, I guess... Some kinda robot. Like, something somebody made. T-1000 without the programming."
[[Hunter]]'s thoughts on Zee. "Met'er outside the club once. Cute kid, but; Bizzare. Thing is, she always seems really lost. She's like a little sister now. As for what she is, I guess... Some kinda robot. Like, something somebody made. T-1000 without the programming."
[[Kastor]]'s thoughts on Zee: "I found her in a fountain. It's exactly as it sounds. Since then, she's been nothing but an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle. That being said, despite her doubts, she's more human than anyone I've spoken with. She certainly puts <i>me</i> to shame, that's for certain."
[[Ironbreaker|Kastor]]'s thoughts on Zee: "I found her in a fountain. It's exactly as it sounds. Since then, she's been nothing but an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle. That being said, despite her doubts, she's more human than anyone I've spoken with. She certainly puts <i>me</i> to shame, that's for certain."
[[Category:Character]][[Category:Female]][[Category:Inorganic]][[Category:Anti-Hero]][[Category:Might]][[Category:Blue Family]]
[[Category:Character]][[Category:Female]][[Category:Inorganic]][[Category:Anti-Hero]][[Category:Might]][[Category:Blue Family]]

Revision as of 20:12, 1 October 2013

Zee 1.jpg
"I like humans very much the best, yez. There is mean humans, yez, but there is children too." - Sweet Zee

A strange, mentally discombobulated girl that claims to be non-human, while demonstrating gentle, sentimental qualities that make her anything but. Sweet Zee's child-like innocence endears her to most, but those in the know understand this bizarre, metallic slip of a young lady is one of the most brutal and dangerous crime-fighters on the Westside of Millennium City.

Sweet Zee
Player: @seeker_vritri
Zee 5.jpg
"Where is?"
Class Focus: Main tank/crowd-control (Might/Supernatural)
Power Level: 23
Research & Development: Arms (Alien Metabolism)
Personal Data
Real Name: Zee
Known Aliases: Sweet Zee, Sweet
Species: Non-carbon lifeform/possible sentient nanoswarm/both?
Ethnicity: N/A (Maintains nondescript, feminine features)
Age: Roughly 20 years
Height: Flexible
Weight: Flexible
Eye Color: Liquid silver
Hair Color: Black to white
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A (Claims to have always resided in M-City)
Occupation: Waitress at Sherrera's bar
Place of Birth: Not known
Base of Operations: M-City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None known, but maintains faith in the existence of parents and other members of her "species".
Known Powers
Tremendous control over magnetic fields that are limited to her person, granting her metallic body a strange semblance of superhuman strength, flight, and protection from many forms of attack, can suck the iron molecules from hemoglobin by making contact with open wounds; resilient, metallic body that consistently regenerates material; magnetizes any metal she comes into contact with, granting her control over it as long as contact is maintained.
Known Abilities
cunning, bestial and anti-human in combat; strong affinity for electronics; ability to "smell" and track nanites
coils of logging chain; ragged blanket (sentimental)
"Iron in blood. Is good, yez."


Despite being a sweet, considerate, earnest, shy, and doe-like creature towards people in social settings, Sweet Zee is an anti-hero. This is because she does not fully understand the concept of death as it pertains to most of humanity, and has a very casual, innocent attitude towards ending lives. She has not yet suffered truly meaningful personal loss - when and if this does happen, it may drive her towards an extreme, for good or ill.


Sweet Zee's appearance is mutable within the limits of her mass and a monochrome range of color. Most of the time, she chooses to appear as a willowy, silver-skinned human girl. Her preference for gangly, long limbs is not wholly understood, but it could be assumed that it is simply more comfortable for her. When insecure, Zee takes a more bestial form, reverting to a primitive, simian quadruped locomotion. In this form, she rarely speaks, and prefers to hide. When provoked into a combat situation, Zee's skin erupts spires of crystal around joints, and becomes covered by a glossy, crackling black metal that consistently moves over her body like half-solid lava.

When in her normal "human" form, Zee usually dresses in a typically gothic fashion. This is not by any personal preference of her own, as she would really prefer to be naked. She is usually dressed by the humans around her who take an interest in caring for her and helping her to better "fit in" with society - a feat Zee achieves with tenuous success.


Sweet Zee was named such for having a naive, somewhat vapid disposition. She is fond of blank stares and silly smiles. Zee often takes almost any words or gestures as an invitation to come closer or make friends, resulting in her irritating some. Most are disarmed by her earnest, egoless disposition, treating her much like one would treat an especially charming puppy or mentally challenged person. Indeed, Zee seems almost incapable of selfish thought. Her world revolves around tending to and pleasing the people around her. She is desperate for acceptance, and has been taken advantage of by the less scrupulous and more sociopathic members of humanity.

In her private affairs, which are conducted with a scarce, limited few, Zee tends to articulate herself and her desires a little more clearly. In crowds of strangers, she will panic and revert to a primitive state, seeking out familiarity and clinging to it. In fairly non-threatening social settings (such as Caprice, on a good night), she is awkward and stilted, but friendly. She will approach strangers in an attempt to befriend them, but her conversational skills are extremely limited, and she generally winds up the subject of pity or ridicule on behalf of her efforts.

A very sensitive creature, taunts and cruelty are not lost upon Zee. While she maintains a very sunny, warm outlook of humanity in general, those rare few who have it in them to be cruel to her tend to cut very deep and very easily. She is easily discouraged and upset by simple words, her budding ego being quite delicate. In many ways, Zee is like an adolescent; awkward, lonely, sensitive and prone to depression if put in the wrong environment. Otherwise, she is an endlessly jovial creature, delighted by the simplest pleasures, and quick to hug, kiss and otherwise dote upon anyone in her general vicinity.


In addition to being quite autistic, Zee also demonstrates symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. She claims that the Illuminati (an organization that controls the world through subliminal, underhanded tactics) does exist, and are constantly out to get both her and her friend, Psionide. Zee believes that there are hidden codes in everything, including TV, cereal boxes, radio signals and the bible, which are used by the Illuminati to control people's brains. She also believes that fast food is laced with compounds that makes people more vulnerable to the "psycho-beams" that come from the orbiting Illuminati satellites.

Zee has been known to wear tin foil on her head.


Zee's physical composition is a mystery. The rare few that have been able to isolate her with sensory equipment and ask her questions have gleaned a few clues, which only open up questions that lead down even more mysterious and bizarre paths. Zee's core is cold, rather than warm, her pulse apparently being the constant flow of adaptable, highly intelligent synthetic cells towards the cool, empowering core to shed heat and gain energy. Her entire body is similar to our own, but each individual cell is many times more intelligent and capable. They operate beneath her consciousness, evolving new methods of banding together to serve Zee's present needs. The full scope of her body's power is completely unknown, but given that it is in a constant state of flux, evolution and introspection, she could very well be a sort of budding synthetic deity. Regardless of her potential, presently her body grants her the following major advantages in combat and elsewhere:

  • Strength: Zee's molecular structure is a soup of metals and silicates. At her core, a whirling mass of matter spins at an unbelievable rate, creating a powerful magnetic field that is (quite inexplicably) limited to her person. She is essentially a living glob of fluid, magnetized metal. As such, her physical strength is limited only by the potency of her magnetic fields, which flux at her whim, like the contraction of a muscle in mundane life. Her body does not move via the manipulation of fibers or levers, but by being consistently "sculpted" and reinforced by her field. It is wild. Therefore, her tiny, delicate figure is actually tremendously powerful. In battle, Zee sticks to very simple, piston-like jabs of her slender fists, which conveniently have a lower surface area than your average superhuman bruiser's meaty paws, allowing her to punch holes in armor (and chests) with great ease.
  • Regeneration: As mentioned before, the "cells" of Zee's body are very smart and quite autonomous of one another, despite being cooperative by nature. If any part of Zee's physical form is removed from the primary mass, sliced into, punctured or otherwise rearranged, the cells simply move themselves back into place as quickly as possible. The cells seem completely invulnerable to harm, even from energy weaponry and elemental attacks, on account of the powerful magnetic fields. When removed from her primary mass, however, those cells become vulnerable to such attacks until they can reunite. Because of how she interacts with the earth's gravity, she can be extremely difficult to move as well.
  • Magnetics: Zee is a nightmare for anyone using mundane electronic devices. Her fields, while fortunately limited to her touch, are powerful enough to tear iron molecules out of the clutches of blood's hemoglobin. This "vampiric" technique is one she uses to replenish herself in the midst of extended battles, as the finely seperated iron molecules are apparently easy for her to quickly integrate into her mass. She could not simply grab a bar of iron in the heat of battle and make immediate use of it - she would have to break it down first. Her most infamous use of this magnetic power, however, is with her chains. Coils of barbed logging chain are hidden throughout her limbs, erupting as needed from her palms and moving with the precision of extended limbs, as though they were living tentacles. The chains themselves carry her magnetic current with them, and she is known to use these chains to entangle, strangle, grab, whip and otherwise control her opponents in battle. One of Zee's favorite tricks is the use of centrifugal force, a chain-wrapped ankle, and field-driven spinning. In addition to all of this, when Zee "flexes" her field to deliver blows in melee, it becomes incredibly strong for the duration, meaning bullets and even small particles of energy or radiation will mostly or entirely skew away from her body.


Zee is an untrained fighter, as there is no real discipline for her capabilities. She is also something of a mathematical savant.

  • Fighting: Like a wild animal with a physical makeup too foreign to a human's for any human "martial art" to apply, Zee simply fights as best she can. She pursues her foes tenaciously, and her chains are a constant, harrying threat that accompanies and enhances her ability to deliver meteor blows with her fists.
  • Savant: Zee is a living calculator. If given a large string of math to contemplate, she will "lock up" and begin generating a severe amount of body heat until she has figured it out. Her mind has the capabilities of a modern supercomputer in terms of simple mathematical calculation.


All of the above may sound overwhelming, and it is, for the most part. However, Zee is not without a few glaring weaknesses, both physically and mentally:

  • Telekinesis: Not only is Zee absolutely terrified of telekinetic force, to the point of being driven into a state of paralyzing, mortal fear even at the sight of a lamp levitating, she is also contained quite handily by it. A talented telepath exerting enough pressure could contain her for quite some time, though Zee does resist, and it gets harder and harder to contain her as time goes by.
  • Opposing Magnetics: A magnetic field in opposition to her own, if powerful enough, severely disorients Zee. In fact, it can even disable or disperse her temporarily.
  • Morale: Zee is not an angry creature. Even in combat, she is enthusiastic and jovial. When faced with taunting or personal attack, Zee is actually disabled and thrown off very easily. Her self-confidence plummets, along with her performance.
  • Nanites: While her skin insulates her from infection from lingering nanite swarms, a hunter-killer strain can make her seriously ill and perhaps even kill Zee if it is directly injected beneath her skin when she is in a weakened state.
  • Acid: Zee does NOT like acid. Powerful acids eat through her skin as easily as any other metal. Her body generally responds to acid by immediately sloughing off the affected area, but the cells that were burned cannot be recovered.


Zee does not have much of a recorded history. Most of it has been related to others by her own words. She has apparently spent most of her life in the company of Tess (Psionide), her best friend. They live in an apartment above an abandoned drugstore in Chinatown. How Zee came to exist is unknown, even to Zee. She has stated to a few, when asked, that her earliest memories are of living in Tess' closet when said friend was a little girl. If anyone holds further clues as to Zee's origin, they are with Psionide, who is notoriously tight-lipped and engimatic.


Many of Zee's physical characteristics and properties were discovered and documented by the technopath, Kastor.

Leading Theories

Zee's origins, being and true nature have been speculated upon by many. Some say...

  • ... she is actually a doppleganger, and far, far more intelligent than her disarming facade leads one to believe.
  • ... she is a self-aware nanoswarm on the run from government entities.
  • ... she is just a weird girl with weird superpowers.
  • ... she is a silicon-based organic lifeform from another planet.
  • ... she is some kind of demon or nether being.


  • Sweet Zee's favorite food is cinnamon pop tarts. She consumes them with the wrapping.
  • Sweet Zee loves coloring books.
  • Sweet Zee's favorite TV show is Sailor Moon. When asked why, her response was "Is colors and big music, yez."
  • Sweet Zee carries on a "romantic friendship" with her violently psionic roommate, Psionide. It is not known whether or not Zee is capable of real sexuality, but she is a very intimate creature, and desires to be as physically close as possible to the people she likes.
  • Sweet Zee only uses 'Z' in place of 'S' when using the word "Yes." No one really knows why.

Thoughts on Sweet Zee

Got something in-character to say about Sweet Zee? Post it here for all to see!

Hunter's thoughts on Zee. "Met'er outside the club once. Cute kid, but; Bizzare. Thing is, she always seems really lost. She's like a little sister now. As for what she is, I guess... Some kinda robot. Like, something somebody made. T-1000 without the programming."

Kastor's thoughts on Zee: "I found her in a fountain. It's exactly as it sounds. Since then, she's been nothing but an enigma, wrapped in a puzzle. That being said, despite her doubts, she's more human than anyone I've spoken with. She certainly puts me to shame, that's for certain."

Liath ComingSoon 150150.png
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