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Mistress Desperado
Player: @MistressBria
Desperado atop a building
Class Focus: Hybrid
Power Level:
Research & Development: Arms Ordinance 400
Personal Data
Real Name: Maria Desper
Known Aliases: Desper, MD, Desperado
Species: Prosthetic Human
Ethnicity: Chilean
Age: Unable to be determined
Height: 6'1
Eye Color: Calm blue
Hair Color: Changes
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: CEO Of Desper Weaponry INC, Fetish Model, Freelance Mercenary, Technomage
Place of Birth: Chile, South America
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Monogamous Homosexual Partner
Known Relatives: Father: Deceased, Mother: Deceased
Known Powers
Nanotechnology, thaumaturge, Weaponssuit
Known Abilities
10th level intellect
Weaponssuit, fully prosthetic body, full-body nanobot system, 360 degree topographical HUD, Orbital Platform neural linkup, Target Acquisition module fed information by worldwide satellite network
Upon tactile interaction can expertly use any projectile weaponry regardless of lack of prior experience, fully prosthetic body filters out airborne and flesh-based poisons and gases, full-body nanobot system quickly repairs most incoming damage as it happens minimalizes most actual damage inflicted to insignificant amounts, able to travel through dimensional rifts to virtually anywhere she desires on a whim, highly skilled in offensive arcana though not as much as true mages prefers to blend her plethora of knowledge regarding arms development with her magic calling herself a Technomage in this regard, Father killed by Psimon, Mother died in childbirth, is the head researcher and CEO of Desper Industries((essentially a female Tony Stark in this regard))


Desper inherited many things from her parents, not all of them good. Born a few years before the Battle Of Detroit in a small village in Chile, Desper was soon whisked away to America when her father learned of the catastrophe brewing in Detroit. An eager student of her father, Desper spent most of her time studying tech manuals and weapons layouts as opposed to playing with dolls or hair products. Her father first and foremost then a lesser known hero who aided in the Battle of Detroit had come out of retirement to help the others involved, and in doing so lost the use of his legs permanently. Spurred on by his enthusiastic daughter and his own internal sense of justice, Jose Desper decided to focus on raising up his fledgling weapons development company Desper Industries. Taking jobs from whoever and not asking questions in hindsight was a bad idea for Jose, who thought it didn't matter since the exorbitant sums were to going to the rebuilding effort. One day a man who young Maria did not like at all and begged her father to send away came calling on Jose. This man a lowly thug at the time would later come to be known as Psimon. What Psimon wanted unfortunately could not be achieved with the technology available at the time, as a result in a fit of rage Psimon slew Jose, and "To teach you a lesson brat", removed Maria's left eye. An act which was never forgotten for Maria and kept her after her father's work rapidly growing the company to become one of the most renowned weapons firms in the world, frequently supplying tech to PRIMUS, UNTIL, and UNITY. Eventually the day came when Desper developed what she feels to be her masterpiece, a fully prosthetic body imbued with a fully body nano-bot repair system. Combining her new body with her most advanced weaponsuits, the self-dubbed Mistress Desperado set out to take back the city from the villainous scum infesting it.


Aside from her meteoric rise as one of the premier weapons developers, and her blast on the scene heroic debut, not much is recorded about Desper until she finally caught up with Psimon, having subdued Medusa locking her up in Stronghold along with Poe, Desper thought there was no one left to care about Psimon...a sentiment echoed in Psimon's desperation when Desper came to take him down. She stood over him in his final moments, holding one of father's prized antique pistols to Psimon's head. "DO IT YOU BITCH! I HAVE FRIENDS WHO'LL FIND YOU! They'll make you wish you stayed out of your daddy's affairs.....*sinister laugh*", to which Desper replied by putting a bullet between Psimon's eyes. "Finally," she thought to herself, "...he's gone and papa can rest in peace". All was well for far too short for Desper however...as Psimon's younger but much more capable brother, Bester, learned of Psimon's death..and his executioner. Bester was originally trying to help Psimon, believing he could be saved and turned from his life of crime, now however...the same hatred Desper once had for Psimon, Bester had for her. Then..one fateful meeting between Bester and Desper shattered Desper's world....

High atop the windy roof of one of Millenium's tallest structures, Bester, and Desper stood tersely in an old fashioned Mexican standoff. The wind whipping her hair apart as her gaze was dead-locked on Bester ignorant of who he was at the time, "Who are you? What the hell do your goons keep buggin me for?" Bester shook his head and looked up fiercely at her, "You really have no idea do you?"...furious with this unknown man who'd been making her life a living hell she locked her weapons on him, "Don't play games with me..I'm in no mood for your..."...Bester cut her off and shattered everything Desper knew with his next words, "DO IT!. Kill me like you killed my brother you murderous wench!" Desper stood stunned in silence, knowing exactly who this man was now, and knowing in seeking vengeance for her father she had become his killer in the eyes of the man standing before her. Taking the opportunity Bester launched a large telekinetic wave at Desper knocking her off the building...she fell the whole way still stunned and deep inside her own mind ignorant of the predicament she was in. Her suit's auto-survival functions kicked in at the last second not soon enough to save her from injury but enough to save her life....THOOM she crashed into the Ren Center making a large crater..many concerned citizens peered over wondering what had happened. Soon after UNTIL medical was dispatched to the scene prompted by the numerous reports and Desper's vital beacon. The doctors not clear on her prosthetic body's needs and configuration stabilized her as best they could and transferred her to a nearby Desper Industries facility.

Desper spent the next few months in a near catatonic state still in shock from the trauma of the fall and Bester's words. Her constituents knew she would survive, as Desper had made the body able to recover from any injury eventually, save complete disintegration. Desper did indeed one day awake from her fog speaking the words, "I have to save him." Her gathered friends quickly rushed to her side trying to stop her from getting up...Desper simply kept repeating almost as if in a trance, "I have to save him. My fault, I have to save him.", quickly sedated Desper woke up again days later back in her right mind and set to work refocusing and reorganizing her company. Vowing to never again take a life of anyone, no matter how heinous, she wanted the same ideal reflected in her company's research. Branching out their nano-tech division many cures for various diseases were garnered, along with a plethora of other medical advances. Desper now spends her days trying to atone for her actions by seeking to help Bester and any other criminal she runs across.


In addition to her 10th level intellect, Desper posses a unique ability that allows her upon tactile interaction to expertly use any projectile weaponry regardless of lack of prior experience, she also has a fully prosthetic body which is able to filter out airborne and flesh-based poisons and gases making her immune to most biological toxins, a full-body nanobot system quickly repairs most incoming damage as it happens thus reducing most actual damage inflicted to insignificant amounts, a former Mage friend of hers who decided to return the "Mystic Collective" gifted Desper with several abilities as a parting treasure for their friendship, said gifts include being able to travel through dimensional rifts to virtually anywhere she desires on a whim, as well as highly skilled offensive arcana usage though not as much as true mages. Desper prefers to blend her plethora of knowledge regarding arms development with her magic calling herself a Technomage nowadays.


Knights Of Paragon

A brief stint with the Knights during her earlier days led her to realize, at the time she did not want to be one of those "fancy limelight tights wearin goody-two shoes" as Desper put it.


A long time member if only in spirit at times, Desper found her first real home with the Saikashuu, a rough and tumble mercenary group of sorts, she liked their style and their never say die attitude.

Legion Of Valor


Unsung Heroes

An attempted redeux of Saikashuu after it fell due to internal problems, Unsung is Desper's most recent Superteam, however she now is running solo for the time being citing private reasons for her departure.


Publicly undisclosed.