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|Ethnicity= Italian American
|Ethnicity= Italian American
|Gender= Male
|Gender= Male
|Age= 20
|Age= Early 20's
|Height= 5'11"
|Height= 5'11"
|Weight= 140 lbs
|Weight= 140 lbs

Revision as of 16:35, 30 December 2013

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Phoenix blue logo.png
Phoenix Blue
Player: @Toasterjoe212779
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Joshua Mondin
Josh, Blue
9th Of February, 1993
Boston, Massachusetts
Millennium City
Apartment 201
Novelist, Anime Storyboard Artist
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Franklin Mondin (Brother)
Physical Traits
Italian American
Apparent Age
Early 20's
140 lbs
Body Type
Light Brown
Subtle Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Scraggly Hair
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Passive Phoenix Physiology Mimicry, Active Phoenix Physiology Mimicry, Pyrokinesis
· Equipment ·
Domino Mask, Blue Pinstripe Suit
· Other Abilities ·
Severely Lacking


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Joshua Mondin stands at 5'11", weighing 140lbs. While he isn't exactly amazing in terms of physical attractiveness, his scraggly mess of brown hair sitting atop his cranium, along with aqua irises, a strong jaw and his thin figure give him a charm of his own. Joshua's posture and general air about him suggest a severe lack of confidence as he's usually slouching and avoiding eye-contact. His attire consists of cheap suits and sneakers, or blue jeans, a simple T-Shirt and a blazer.

Standing at 5'11" and wearing his trademark(legally pending) blue pinstripe suit, thin and with a deliberately scraggly head of long, semi-curly light brown locks, Phoenix Blue may seem intimidating at first glance. Sporting a custom molded domino mask, Phoenix Blue's demeanor, calm and confident, suggests the man behind the mask knows exactly what he's doing; kicking crime's ass. Whether or not that is actually the case is debatable.


Phoenix Blue, Joshua's heroic alter ego, is a drastic alteration from his civilian persona. Joshua's bravery and confidence in himself aren't very impressive. Even with his mildly successful writing career and decent paying story boarding occupation, Joshua is unable to see himself as anything but a simple unimpressive man who offers nothing in terms of true worth. Outwardly, his personality would come off as a decent guy with decent aspirations who makes a decent living doing decent jobs. He's mediocre in every way. Joshua's interests include manga, anime, and pretty much any literature that isn't a textbook.

Alternatively, when Joshua puts on the mask, the Phoenix Blue persona takes over. While there is no actual secondary being that takes over, Joshua's attitude and genuine confidence increase exponentially. As Phoenix Blue, Joshua obtains a feigned sense of importance and heroic oneness. Outwardly, Phoenix Blue stands with a straight posture, shoulders back, and shows attentive and thoughtful behavior. Acts of bravery are much more common while Phoenix Blue; acts that wouldn't even be considered by Joshua Mondin. The drastic changes in personality may be a result of an acute case of DID, but Joshua has never been diagnosed with anything resembling the mental disorder.


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Powers & Abilities

  • Passive Phoenix Physiology Mimicry: Phoenix Blue's body is much different from a regular human's. Passively, on the external side of things, Phoenix appears as if he is flesh and bone; which is true to some extent. His internal organs are all where they should be, and so is his skeleton, but every molecule of his being is subject to constant change and magical burning irregularity. He is effectively mystical fire in condensed form, and as such is unaffected by a few physical and all heat-based attacks. Due to the phoenix physiology being such an internal part of him, his self sustaining healing abilities are almost unmatched (in most circumstances). That being said, Phoenix is still solid, and has functioning organs. He is able to be knocked out and put out of commission by large blunt force attacks. He is also vulnerable to some energy attacks.
  • Active Phoenix Physiology Mimicry: Restating the above, Phoenix Blue's body is much different from a regular human's. If his passive physiology wasn't enough, Phoenix can actively transform parts, or the entirety, of his body into brilliant blue flames. The flames burn at 1,300 °C (2,400 °F), and can be controlled omnidirectionally within a certain distance from the center of his body. Phoenix can use this ability to project flame blasts, become intangible but still dangerous, create applicable constructs such as wings or a whip and condense the flame to burn through solid materials like stone or certain metals. Should Phoenix spend enough time with objects of his choosing, he can alter the molecular structure of those objects to change just as his body does. This allows him to use this ability without burning or leaving behind his clothes every time he employs it. Active control of APPM takes massive amounts of concentration, an area which Phoenix is lacking in.
  • Pyrokinesis:Phoenix Blue can shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. This is however extremely limited, as Phoenix isn't as connected with these flames as he is with his own. He can cause already flammable objects to combust and manipulate already existing flames to some extent.