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"I got this...get them to safety" He said, gesturing towards the injured group of people below.
"I got this...get them to safety" He said, gesturing towards the injured group of people below.
With everyone save and the paramedics and fire department on the way, they both flew back into the sky.  
With everyone safe and the paramedics and fire department on the way, they both flew back into the sky.  
"Thank you...I couldn't of done that with out your help" Vitality said..."You acted quick down there...those people owe you their lives".
"Thank you...I couldn't of done that with out your help" Vitality said..."You acted quick down there...those people owe you their lives".

Revision as of 17:52, 30 December 2013

Vitality was flying through the skies of Millennium City when he came across her. A woman just floating in sky, dressed in white attire with gold trim, and a faint golden glow surrounding her body.

Vitality flew to this woman. "Hey there"

She replied in stale, yet calm matter. "Hello"

The two looked into each others eyes for a moment.

"I haven't seen you around before...you new here?" He asked

Pausing a moment, she replied "This is my first time here, yes"

"What's your name?" Vitality asked, before being cut off with the sound of an explosion.

They could see the smoke in the distance, coming from the westside.

"Come on!" Vitality said "They could use our help" as he flew towards the smoke

Hesistating a moment, the woman followed him.

When Vitality arrived at the scene, he had to act quickly. The explosion came from from an abandoned building, but the debris scattered around the area, destabilizing the supports of nearby buildings and trapping civilians under massive pieces of rubble.

The woman flew in and watched as Vitality did everything he could to save the civilians around him even as his own life was seemingly in danger.

Vitality was carefully removing the debris to get to the trapped civilians. Just as he was pulling the last one free, the nearby building structure began to fall over in thier direction with a group of injured people directly under it.

Before he could act, the woman flew against the building structure to try to stop it from falling. The building weight was too much for her as she tried her hardest to slow it down as much as she could. As the extreme weight of the building was about to be too much for her, it suddenly turned to the weight of air, as she looked over and saw Vitality holding it up.

"I got this...get them to safety" He said, gesturing towards the injured group of people below.

With everyone safe and the paramedics and fire department on the way, they both flew back into the sky.

"Thank you...I couldn't of done that with out your help" Vitality said..."You acted quick down there...those people owe you their lives".

"Is this how it always is here...constantly saving the lives of others?" She asked

"You could say that" he answered.

"You put your own life in danger to save those you do not even know" "Why do you do it?" She calmly asked.

"If we don't, who will?" He answered.

They went silent as they looked into each others eyes.

"I should get back to it" Vitality said as he turned to fly away

"Anlea!" She said

Vitality turned back towards her

"My name...is Anlea" She said, smiling

Smiling back, Vitality replied "I'll see you around, Anlea" before flying off.