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Temperance (Indulgence)
Player: @Mickenzy
Temperance Portrait.jpg
Class Focus: DPS/Support
Power Level: 26
Research & Development: None
Personal Data
Real Name: Temperance (Indulgence)
Known Aliases: none
Species: Celestial being
Ethnicity: Appears Caucasian
Age: indeterminable
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: Glowing sky blue (Glowing crimson)
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: none
Occupation: demi-goddesses
Place of Birth: The universe
Base of Operations: The universe
Marital Status: it matters little
Known Relatives: Perthro and other beings/aspects of balance/fate
Known Powers
Healing, mystical chains, regeneration, resurrection, various magicks
Known Abilities
bringing balance or imbalance to situations

Temperance and Indulgence are anthropomorphic concepts who may also be considered demi-goddesses of what their names imply.


Indulgence Portrait.jpg

Temperance and Indulgence typically manifest as women of average height with long, braided, brown hair and glowing eyes of either sky blue or crimson, respectively. Temperance's clothing is white and light blue with gold accents, while Indulgence appears in opposing colors of black and red with gold accents being the only common color between them. Temperance's expression remains relatively calm and neutral, while Indulgence's changes constantly between various extreme emotions. Both beings shimmer with an aura of power.


Temperance is a relatively calm and neutral entity who exhibits an understanding and somewhat logical personality. She is often polite and truthful, though she has lied by omittance. Normally coming across as matter-of-fact, she appears to take nearly all things in stride.

Indulgence is wild and uncontrollable, prone to extreme emotional outbursts. She is not known for her patience, and is prone to acting on every whim whether it's for good or ill. Often coming across as crazed and irrational, she reacts strongly to everything.


Temperance and Indulgence have existed almost since the beginning of creation. With a blanketing presence that spans the universe, they each embody the culmination of all opposites. From what Temperance has said, it is thought they came into being through some kind of cosmic or celestial thought/will. Having manifested on many different worlds and having involvement in innumerable situations throughout the universe, this record is forced to remain largely incomplete.

In the not-so-distant past, Temperance manifested on Earth somewhere in the Canadian wilderness where she was sent to await the emergence of a unique individual. The individual was a Tiefling Greyguard and a former Knight Templar named Dominic Ern (aka Siege Knight). With a curious dual nature of infernal ancestry and holy spirituality, Temperance took him as her charge after he defied Death itself and guides him to use his abilities to assist in keeping the threads in the web of existence straight. Beyond this she encourages him to make his own choices and walk whatever path he wishes.

Recently, Temperance and Dominic ran into some complications with their work. An elusive and disrupting force had become apparent to Temperance as more and more tangles developed in the Web, in greater number and with more frequency than could be explained by normal mortal behavior. After days of extending her awareness into the ether and trying to trace the source of the gross imbalance, she finally identified the cause as a power that had been underlying hers on Earth all along. Now knowing what to look for, Temperance projected her presence back out into the cosmos, following the nearly invisible flow of power to a point somewhere along Earth's orbital path. There, two seperate motes of golden light formed, swirling dizzyingly around and through each other until at last they coalesced into a pair of nearly identical female forms. Indulgence had been found at last, and the two clashed violently, resulting in a spectacular lightshow that would have been visible from Earth to anyone with a decent telescope. The battle raged on for an entire day and night without either being able to gain the advantage or tire. It was not until a sudden moment of clarity that both Temperance and Indulgence Saw what was to come next, and in their next strike against each other their powers tangled and pulled them into each other, bonding them within the same being.

Returning to Earth, and being trapped in the same body with each other, they sought out Dominic. After some confusion, trial and error, and explanation Temperance was able to get Dominic to understand what had happened all while her and Indulgence continued to exchange places as the one in control. Indulgence, being jealous of Temperance's ties with the man did what many gods do and sought to covet him for herself, wanting what the other had. As a result, the three of them now seem to be locked in a bizarre love triangle of sorts. Indulgence tries to push Dominic towards following one side or the other of his dual nature, while Temperance continues to tell him to make his own choices and does not try to influence him towards one extreme or the other.

The evening after the two demi-goddesses were bonded with each other, Indulgence created a misunderstanding with some other heroes in a coffee house and while Dominic attempted to avert the quickly escalating situation, Temperance managed to contact a being of Fate known as Perthro through the thread of a mortal she knew as Wyrd. With Perthro and Wyrd agreeing to aid Temperance in establishing some boundaries in order to keep Indulgence somewhat contained, the pair placed a bindrune on Temperance to enforce that the switching between aspect and another become a conscious decision. However, Temperance or Indulgence could remain in control for only so long before they had to step down and allow the other some time in dominance of the body. After enduring this new arrangement for about a week, Dominic unfortunately angered Indulgence, causing her to act out in revenge; forcing Dominic to watch as she slew an innocent boy in front of him. When Temperance was in control that night, she sought out Perthro for aid once again.

Perthro proposed a possible solution to Temperance: that she might pass through a cave in the far north and endure a mysterious trial so that she and Indulgence might be seperated. The unexpected result was Temperance being stripped of her power and becoming mortal. Now fully human, she is experiencing a full range of emotions that she never before possessed. At the same time, she is trying to understand what it is she's supposed to be doing now. Meanwhile, Indulgence has been saddled with Temperance's power and responsibilities, likely making things difficult for her as well.

To help compensate for her loss of powers, Dominic has begun to train Temperance in the use of a sword.


Temperance and Indulgence possess identical powers. These tend to manifest as mystical, golden chains (though not always) that can be used either offensively or defensively. They are also capable of healing injuries to both themselves and to others with ease. They are also able to resurrect beings from the dead, however as that tends to interfere with the progression of the Web and can pose consequences to both of them, it is very rarely done.


Being celestial and mystical in nature, Temperance and Indulgence use no equipment.


Siege Knight is Temperance's charge, and recently a seemingly romantic interest to both Temperance and Indulgence.

Wyrd is a powerful mystic with celestial ties that even he is not completely aware of. He has proven to be an ally to Temperance.

Perthro is a sister aspect to Temperance and Indulgence, and a Norse embodiment of the Fates. She can be seen as Temperance's boss in some ways.



Gemma Arterton

Theme Song

Temperance - Ameno by Era

Indulgence - The World Is Not Enough by Garbage