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Player: @SternSentinel
I live in a world made of cardboard...Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.
Character Build
Class Focus: Hybrid Tank/DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Psyren
Gender: Female
Species: Human, Aberrant
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
Base of Operations: Downtown Millennium City
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 30
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 152 pounds
Eyes: Cyan
Hair: Cyan
Complexion: Smooth, gentle coloring
Physical Build: Gymnastic
Physical Features: Single lip piercing, never worn in costume
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Masked Hero
Education: College Graduate?
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Regeneration, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mind Blades, Flight, Teleportation
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template

The hero known as Psyren is a recent addition to the legions of Superheroes pledging themselves to fight for justice on Earth. A powerful psychic, her talent is best described as, "I think, therefore I am." She can will away fatigue and wounds, and with telekinetic and telepathic powers, fights to make her city and the world a better place, cleaning up the streets and fighting the threats that the police simply aren't equipped for. But things are not all they seem with this good-intentioned heroine. For she awoke with no memory of her past history. Could a dark and sinister past haunt the idealistic woman, and be working to bring her down even as she strives to live up to the highest standards?


Psyren only remembers to about mid September, 2012 of the Current Era. That was when she woke up, amnesia having stripped her past self away. The memory loss is bizarrely specific however. No family, friends, accomplishments, or even a childhood.

The Truth

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.


Born in 1982, Angel Renee Caine is a native of Detroit, Michigan. Experiencing a normal childhood up to the age of 10, her life was shattered when Dr. Destroyer launched his final attack on Detroit. She became a refugee, like many, in this crisis, but unable to afford to move elsewhere, her family took up what residence they could on Detroit's West Side, her folks working for the construction companies involved in rebuilding the soon-to-be Millennium City.

Angel, unfortunately, fell through the cracks. Her middle and high school life was dominated by involvement in a street gang, where she found herself perpetuating the cycle of violence all-too-common among the poor of the Motor City. While a girl might dream of getting a car for her sweet sixteen, Angel was given her first assault rifle. Her gang credited her with several confirmed kills, and it was through the sacrifice of other bangers that she avoided ever being suspect.

She graduated at the bottom of her class, and at the time, her life felt incredibly hollow. Her mom was injured in a construction accident, leaving her dad to support them both. Both slipped into depression as they realized what had happened to their daughter over the past decade. They knew where the money she kept bringing home was coming from, but neither were in a position to turn it down, given her mother's mounting medical costs.

A superhero eventually intervened to pull Angel from her life of crime. Perhaps it was fitting that the hero was a normal person, just like her, only standing on the right side of the law. That night, she threw down her weapon and walked away. She didn't have any useful skills, however. You couldn't put 'gang muscle' on a resume and expect to get anywhere in life.

College and the Military

To turn her life around, she sought the help of the U.S. Navy. Enlisting, she went to college on the government's dollar. Despite her spotty record, she did well enough on the ASVAB to qualify to be an aviator. Her physical skills as a shooter translated well to the cat-like reflexes needed to fly F-35's. Taking aviation courses at Western Michigan University, while a member of the Navy ROTC program at the U of M, she graduated with honors with a degree in Flight Science. She was the poster child for someone turning their life around, and even found her photograph on recruitment posters.

From 2006 to 2009, she found herself flying fighters for the Navy in locations around the globe. Early in 2009, however, another catastrophic event rocked her life. While flying a CAP over Taliban-held territory in Afghanistan, her plane was locked by a surface-to-air missile, and the resulting hit forced her to eject over enemy territory. Her wingman reported the crash and coordinates, and a rescue was scrambled, but when the marine extraction team arrived, there was no sign of the downed pilot. Her distress beacon was found approximately two hundred yards from what appeared to be her landing site, along with signs of a pitched firefight.

Project Awakening

It would later come to light that VIPER was providing high tech weapons to the Taliban insurgency in that area, and that they were paying the locals a great deal of money for live POWs. Angel became the greatest find of this particular operation. VIPER found during experimentation that she had an astronomical psychic potential, though this was only potential at the time. Nothing had yet triggered her powers to manifest, and, given how old she was, it was unlikely that they would see any type of 'natural' manifestation. She was thus selected to be a candidate for some of the most promising Project Awakening research. Shipped to one of Project Awakening's satellite facilities, the Naval officer was subjected to many torturous experiments in psychic conditioning. Slowly, the VIPER scientists saw success, though this meant little to the woman, who spent her days in either constant pain or hot-sleep like coma.

Finally, during the hazy period between the induced coma wearing off, and the blinding pain of the experiments, she caught a break. A woman approached her from beyond the material. A demon had felt the growing psychic energy in Angel as the experiments unlocked the woman's birthright. And the amount of raw, untapped power that Angel possessed was a buffet that no demon could resist for long. Introducing herself as Morrigan, she offered Angel freedom and vengeance, for the small price of allowing the demon to inhabit her body as a symbiote. The nature of the deal terrified Angel, but between possession and freedom or imprisonment and torture, she chose the demon.

When the scientists attempted to induce the next phase of their experiment, they were greeted with the claws and infernal fire of the possessed Angel. The raging demon burned her way through the lab, killing scientists and soldiers alike, consuming their souls as she exacted infernal vengeance on her tormentors. The base was massacred and burned before her power was exhausted. The panicked alerts VIPER sent out alerted PRIMUS forces to their presence, and, by the time the soldiers arrived, all that was left was a smoldering ruin, lots of corpses, and an exhausted, but very human, Lieutenant Caine.


Angel Caine returned home with an honorable discharge and several medals. She remembered little of her experience in the VIPER facility. Indeed, during her debriefing, the only things she could recall were the moment of her fighter's crash, and staggering out of the burning lab. This amnesia, the military psychologist had said, was likely a defense mechanism that had saved her from a great deal of trauma. Sadly, she learned of her parents' deaths when she returned to Detroit: a bank robbery gone bad had left six dead and fifteen injured while she was a POW. Her mother and father were among the dead.

Vengeance one again entered her heart, and whispers from the demon again entered her mind. She sought out the gang that had perpetrated the robbery, discovering her old gang at fault. The leadership had changed in a violent revolution since she walked away almost ten years ago. The new boss had 'cleaned house,' and involved the group in far more violent, heinous crimes. The turnover rate for new members was high, and only the most ruthless or broken of the old gang survived. Her revenge was brutal, the infernal power granted to her by the demon Morrigan allowed her to ignore the thousands of rounds the gang fired at her, the wounds instantly healing, while she summoned infernal chains from the pits of Hell to drag their souls to damnation. The new leader, Andre Johnson, was the last to die, after several days of torture at the hands of the demonic woman. In his personal effects, she found a memento of the former boss, who had at the very least taken care of and protected his gang. A pair of ornate, custom made Desert Eagle handguns. Terribly impractical, she found that with her infernal strength, she could handle the weapons with ease. Where a normal person would, at best, miss every shot and at worse, snap their wrist, she could recreate scenes from The Matrix with these cumbersome weapons.


After the Westside Massacre, she started to notice changes in her physical self. First was her smell. No matter how much she showered, a faint smell of burned matches lingered around her. And with each subsequent act of vengeance, she found more changes. Her eyes burned a fiery orange, and her fingernails became more claw-like. She began to have doubts about her infernal superpowers, but whenever the news reported some horrific robbery, rape, or murder, she became incensed to action. Eventually, she began to look more demonic than human. Horns, wings, and a tail became overt markings of her infernal consort as Morrigan feasted on Angel's latent psychic emanations. Each act of retribution nursed the psionic seed, feeding the demon and making her stronger, allowing her to assert more control over the human host.

Markedly non-human, Angel sought out a circle of mages to try and reverse the demonic affliction threatening to consume her soul. There was no such thing as a free lunch, however. The sorcerer she found made an offer: join her group and help them fight the 'corruption' of society, and she would find a way to free Angel from the demon's influence. Again, it was no real choice. Either join them, or lose her soul to a monster. She accepted.

Terrorism and the Slippery Slope

Coming Soon!

"Never again."

Psyren dislikes the idea of taking a life, and strives to avoid killing sentient creatures. Unfortunately, she is also new to power, and understanding its limits. An accident while patrolling Detroit's West Side has caused her a great deal of concern. Careless use of her powers resulted in the probable death of a Cobra Lord soldier. She was showing off for her friend when she put too much power behind a telekinetic blast, sending the man hurling off a five story building to his death.
This action haunts Psyren, as does the words of her friend, "And others you probably don't realize [you killed]." To this end, she limits herself, mentally restricting how much of her power she can use, and especially what forms her powers can take, and against who. Retribution for her can not be allowed to be disproportionate. She's terrified of slipping in this, however, and accidentally killing any more people. For this reason, among others, she identifies herself with Superman, her favorite comic book hero.


Psyren manifests three major powers through her mentalism: Regeneration, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. A recurring theme is that she is using nowhere near her full potential. And without the impending doom of a Cosmic level threat hanging over the heads of the people of Earth, she never will. It took Darkseid, a God of Evil, to force Superman to cut loose, and that is the standard she holds herself to, every hour of every day.


Her psionic ability manifests itself in an extreme form of Mind over Matter in most cases. The easiest to see are the physical effects it has on her, and the world around her. All but the most grievous wounds can be shrugged off as she simply wills the wound to close, bone to heal, or even limbs to regrow. The worse the injury, the longer it can take, of course. And even with this astonishing healing factor, extreme, gruesome injuries have the potential to end her life permanently. If her body was to be shredded in some way, or detonated internally, for example, she would be unable to reconstitute herself at her current level of power. Still, situations where death is a real concern for her are very rare, at least at the level she normally fights at. Indeed, perhaps the greatest threat to her would be simply being overpowered, and helpless against a situation.


She is not without defense, however. While not physically strong, her body is healthy and agile, and with the addition of her potent psionics, she can handle most threats. Psyren's telekinetic powers allow her to lift immense loads through willpower alone, and even manifest in solid form as a blade of mental energy. She tends to be very reserved about using her telekinetic force to attack, seeing as the accident that made her realize just how irresponsible she was was caused by her use of telekinetic force to throw a person.


Telepathically, she is capable of befuddling her foes with a variety of mental assaults. Again, however, her limits are artificially enforced by her mental state. She rarely lets herself attack beyond making someone black out from a mental assualt, and finds the idea of controlling a person's actions and thoughts through her willpower to be horrifying. Even when asked about the simple "Jedi Mind Trick" style suggestion popularized by the Star Wars movies, she takes offense as if you violated basic dignity. To draw out this level of power, a threat would have to be far beyond the "Godzilla Threshold," where even the most extreme actions can be excused.