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The Albino Bat
Player: @DariusArgent
Kicking ass, helping people. Say that it's cliche nowadays, but DAMN it feels good.
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS, Tank when necessary
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Fighting Style Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Albino
Known Aliases: The White Devil, White Gypsy, Abbot
Gender: Male
Species: Honduran White Bat Humanoid-Mutant (Not Manimal)
Ethnicity: Honduran
Place of Birth: Honduras
Base of Operations: San Francisco, California
Relatives: None
Age: 12 (Has a mentality of a man in the 20s)
Height: 6'0
Weight: Around 180 lbs.
Eyes: White
Hair: White with streaks of yellow
Complexion: Snow white fur
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: None
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 2011-Present
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Vigilante
Education: Self learned
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super-strength, Fast Regeneration Rate, Great Acrobatic Agility, Minor Untapped Holy Powers
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Inquisitor Gauntlet on Right Arm, Sound Frequency Stabilizers on his Ears
ReldinBox Template


Albino, commonly called "The Albino Bat" is a mutated Honduran White Bat. He is known as "The White Devil" in San Francisco, his home city. He is currently in Millenium City for reasons unknown.


Childhood (Days of Grace)

Theories speculate that the Albino Bat was mutated in a radiation pool in Honduras, giving him human consciousness and shape. He was an infant during the time when he mutated. After his mutation, fate brought him in a small village. Many people were terrified by his appearance, some thought that he was a devil. One family of an old man and woman took care of him. They put a black trash bag on his head as a mask to conceal his face.

The village was religious and despite his demonic appearance, many of the villagers accepted Albino and taught him the morali of justice, honor and forgiveness. He was also taught the power of the Holy, learning the basics of healing and the arts of exorcism. The village was ruled by a zealot however, and once he found out about Albino he thought of him as a demon sent from Hell and condemned the villagers who took care of Albino as heretics, executing them in the process. Albino was enraged and fought the zealot, killing him in the end.

Guilt-ridden, Albino fled the village and lived in solitude in the Honduran forests.

Youth (Devil Soldier)

After few years in isolation, Albino was captured by a mercenary group known as Greycorps. Seeing a great potential in him, they taught Albino in the arts of warfare, learning martial arts and usage of firearms and explosives. His tutor was an acquaintance of the zealot that Albino killed, both of them belonged to an organization called The Inquisitors, operated by the Catholic Church.

During his days in the Greycorps, he worked mostly as an enforcer and assassin. Albino mostly worked alone, discouraged by the ruthlessness of the other mercenaries. He met many people there, including Faux, an anthropomorphic fox who once used to be a human but changed because he wasn't satisfied by being one.

One day during his mission, Albino found out that the Greycorps are a part of a much greater organization which is known for it's great crime connections. Disappointed as he was taught of heroic morali, he decided to leave the group. He couldn't leave the group however, as those who left the group were hunted and killed by the group itself. He fought against the group eventually, and faced his mentor, wearing a suit of armor. After defeating his mentor, Albino took his mentor's right gauntlet as a trophy. Some of the mercenaries joined Albino in rebellion, as they too didn't feel right doing the things they did while in the group. The rebels were victorious, though Albino's mentor survived and fled, telling him that they will meet again as enemies.

During the rebellion, a friend of Albino's (who was of African American heritage) was severely injured and had low chances of survival. He told Albino to go at his home in the neighborhood of Bayview in the city of San Francisco and take care of his mother who was old. Albino promised him, and left to San Francisco after he escaped from the Greycorps.

Maturity (The Abbot)

After arriving in San Francisco, Albino went to his friend's apartment where his mother lived. The old woman was blind, which made it easier for Albino to fit in due to his inhuman appearance. After helping the old woman (whom he calls Mammy), the old woman accepted Albino as his new son.

During his days in Bayview, he witnessed several crimes there by two gangs, the Blocks and the Wests. Disturbed by the huge crime rate, Albino decided to become a vigilante there, and dealt with the gangs in many situations. He became a popular figure in the neighborhood, mostly under the alias of "The White Devil". He also helped a local orphanage by giving charity.

The children of the orphanage adored Albino as their hero. He taught them the same things he was taught while he was young, about goodness, justice and love. Because of this, he was known in the orphanage as "The Abbot".

Two of the children from the orphanage, a brother and a sister, were the greatest fans of Albino. One day they decided to sneak out from the orphanage and witness Albino fighting crime. One night, they found Albino fighting the West gang and were shocked and excited. However, they lost their lives during the crossfire. Enraged, Albino defeated the gang in pure rage. Saddened by the tragic event, he took the brother's headband and sister's scarf as mementos, and swore that he will fight crime wherever he sees it so that accidents like that won't happen again.

One day, Albino got a mail from a fan from Detroit. An alien invasion occurred there and the message asked for help repelling the invaders back. Albino left to Detroit to help the Champions, a team of super-heroes of Detroit. After the invasion was repelled, Albino decided to stay in Detroit for a while to fight evil and villainy before he leaves back to San Francisco.



A photo of The Albino Bat, in his urban outfit.

Albino has the appearance of an anthropomorphic white bat. He is seen always wearing his black trash bag mask. He has small devices on his ears that regulate his hearing frequency to that of a normal human, though he can change the frequency to his advantage against sound based enemies. Albino is seen on his urban outfit most of the times with his blue tuque. When he is in action, he can be seen in his true outfit: wearing the red-yellow scarf around his neck and a red headband around his right bicep, a huge gauntlet on his right arm and combat army trousers from his days in Greycorps.

Personality and Attitude

Albino is known in San Francisco to be very talkative to his friends and acquaintances, never afraid to speak his mind. Overall, he is a "Tell it how it is" kind of guy. He talks in an African American accent, though he knows to talk in European American accent when meeting people he doesn't know. He acts politely at strangers that he meets. He spends his time in Leo's Bar or Carl's Gym when taking a break.

However, when faced with threat, Albino gets serious. He is even known to be enraged when facing a strong opponent that seems difficult to defeat.

Powers and Abilities

Due to the radiation mutagen that changed him, Albino gained a number of supernatural abilities, as well as wielding celestial powers from the religious teachings in the village where he spent his youth.

Physical Abilities

Albino is known to recover his wounds quickly, due to his regeneration. There were times when he regenerated his limbs that were torn from his body, such as his wings. A simple wound takes seconds/minutes to completely heal, while torn limbs take around a week to regenerate.

He is also super strong, known to lift weight around 10 tons maximum, as well as agile and flexible. One of his signature abilities is his screeching, a sonar attack that is known to deafen his opponents.

Martial Abilities

Albino is known to be trained in many martial arts, including Karate, Judo, Taekwondo and Muay Thai. He is also a firearms specialist, however his aim is not steady due to his poor sight at long distances. He mostly uses close ranged firearms, such as shotguns.

Supernatural Abilities

Albino has untapped holy power due to his religious knowledge. He is known to heal others trough spiritual power, as well as defeating demons, devils and other horrors by exorcism, condemnation and other abilities.


- He was not created by Dr. Moreau, therefore he is not a Manimal.

- He is unaware that there is a PRIMUS database on him.

- His favourite drink is lemonade, ice-cold. His diet is mostly of fruits, blood orange is his favourite.

- He hates non-divine supernatural powers, such as psychics and magic.

- He hates people obsessed with wanting to be animals. In other words, he hates lycanthropes and the "furry" culture.

- His favorite music genre is trip-hop. His favorite artists are Blockhead and Leggo Beast.

- Theme Songs:

Blockhead - The Art of Walking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdPtzhnwKSs

Afro Samurai OST - Ninjaman (0:00-1:22) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdPtzhnwKSs

- During his travels outside San Francisco, he befriended a UNTIL soldier named Jim. He also befriended a VIPER soldier named Steve, who after witnessing Albino's strength and mercy becomes a renegade and helps Albino whenever he can. Steve is mute, and communicates with Albino with hand gestures.

- His favored enemies are the Maniacs and the Dogz.