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A Kixxen trio dance for joy within Club Caprice


Kixxen are a recent spacefaring race that are looking to make contact with other races. They are very sociable, peaceful, and very curious.


  • Planet Kixxa is a gas planet around a star several hundred light years from Earth.
  • The planet is mostly warm thick dense clouds and the visiblity is very poor.
  • There is little surface on the planet's liquid hydrocarbon oceans and what land there is on the oceans float around like enormous 100-200 square mile iceberg-like landmasses. The landmasses house happy cities for the Kixxen who grow and farm fungus-like material and fruits.
  • Kixxen spend a lot of time flying up in the clouds where they can also harvest airborne fungus and collect other floating resources. They also travel between landmasses. The Kixxen have no natural predators on their planet and are the dominant species.


  • Kixxen are very tall slender feminine beings, with small colored splotches on their skin. They evolved from a mammal-type creature way back in the past, but several mutations over the ages created wings for flight and insectlike eyes to see better in the haze.
  • Nearly half the Kixxen are bright yellow in color.
  • The other half are mostly bright pink and light green in color.
  • The rarest colors of Kixxen are bright orange hybrids that are a recessive gene from different colors mating, and bright white albino Kixxen.
  • The bright colors help other Kixxen see each other through the haze.


  • Galactic rumor has it that they are insectoid creatures, but Kixxen are not.
  • Kixxen eyes and wings can flash and light up with different colors to communicate through haze with other Kixxen. Kixxen hair has sensory input and allows them to use hair as a plumage to signal if they are willing to mate, seeking more mates, or if they are already mated. Hair touching and caressing is equivalent to kissing in human culture and is a very flirtatious and loving act.
  • Since it used to be very hard for other Kixxen to find each other in the gas cloud haze, Kixxen became hermaphroditic in nature, but cannot self-fertilize. Their genital pouch contains both types of organs and allows them to mate with any other Kixxen. Surprisingly, this feature is also very popular with other species for pleasurable contact, even if they cannot reproduce.
  • All Kixxen have telepathic abilities of some sort and can use this to communicate with each other and other species as well.
  • Kixxen use respirators or special helmets to breathe properly when they are out exploring other worlds. New implant technology has allowed some Kixxen to breathe nitrogen and a few of them are testing it out in Earth.


Given the properties of the planet, Kixxen archeological investigation is limited to the origin of the species by the early verbal-psionic, and later written-records of the Kixxen themselves. The Kixxen have kept very good records of their past.

Kixxen evolved from pre-sentient gas dwelling life forms that resembled what humans would refer to as 'Kites'. For thousands of years these Kixxen traveled the winds of their world till impacting into floating land masses. There they would gather in pairs and mate, producing off spring to ride the gas wind currents and repeat the process. Eventually, evolution gave them the limbs needed to stay connected to the land masses and slowly they evolved into a multi-limbed form. Originally, Kixxen communication was purely light, color and movement based but as the species grew so did there minds.

One of the main things Kixxen learned was empathy, and because of this the Kixxen never developed the concepts of murder or warfare. Eventually, the species developed telepathically and the scattered tribes and small cities became linked in a vast network of psychic communication. The development of Telekinetic powers bridged the gap of tool usage and from the floating land masses cities and dwellings formed. Eventually, the Kixxen discovered a method to imbue and channel psychic power into crystals and gemstones harvested from the land masses. This industrial revolution of sorts was in away at odds with most other civilization.

It was during the stage of Kixxen Crystal and gem psionic science that the eyes of there world and minds would suddenly turn to the stars.

A badly damaged exploration vessel of humanoid space travelers belonging to a galactic federation, hobbled into their star system. The ship had been attacked by a slaver vessel and barely escaped, managing only a signal for help. It was not the radio message that reached Kixxa, but rather the aliens' desperate fear and cry for help that empathically reached the Kixxen minds. It was believed that a Kixxen city was in danger but, after a thorough check the truth was revealed up to be high in the heavens.

The Kixxen focused, listen, heard a plea of aid and sought to help. As the explorer vessel leaked atmosphere daily and struggled for weeks to repair their drive system, the Kixxen tested the limits of there world and the cold space beyond. Many Kixxen lost their lives, but eventually a telekinetic means of propulsion was discovered--a diamond hard crystal rescue ship was constructed.

After many months, the Kixxen reached the explorer vessel, only to find three crew where left alive. The Kixxen tugged the explorers' vessel to their world and began the process of helping the survivors and giving them a safe place to make repairs. This was also the first recorded instance of the Kixxen engaging in inter-species relations as each of the survivors found themselves paired willingly with Kixxen. When the explorers' communication equipment was repaired the message sent to the galactic federation was; "We are Kixxen. We welcome all in love."

Society & Culture

Spacefaring Kixxen tend to be diplomats, traders, educators, historians, peacekeepers and researchers. Kixxen set up embassies anywhere they can, and send out Goodwill ships to meet other species.


Kixxen names follow a syntax of <firstname>'<landmass/village/born in>

For example:

Fleea'Waya, Lemara'Prana, Kaila'Rora, Keela'Shara, Jreea'Nori


Kixxen value all life and place heavy emphasis on their communal society. Kixxen society cares for everyone and Kixxen are never left for wanting. Happiness is found in their society, frienships, families and relationships. Kixxen society is less tradition-based, and more about ensuring the welfare of all Kixxen and for the younger Kixxen growing up.


Kixxen mate in pairs. Two individuals form a mated pair and while this pairing is for life within the gas giant. To increase the birthrate over time mated pairs would 'join' together forming a family unit, and mate together. Thus in todays Kixxen it is not uncomon to find mated pairs of 2,4,6 or even 8. It is very rare to find a mated group with a odd number as this means a mate has died. Typically this results in the mated group being in a 'mourning' of sorts till another mate is found or seeks them out. Typically a Kixxen in emotional distress emits a psychic pleading for help. While most beings cannot sense this signal most psychic beings can. It has been referred to as a pseudo-sexual weeping/pleading, as if the Kixxen needs to love and be loved in return. This emotional call in some cases having stretched accross the stars. For a Kixxen, there is not a definition of male/female--only the individual to love.


The Kixxen language is very elegant and full of lots of harmonic rhythms.

Here is a short dictionary of phrases that Kixxen use and their translations:

  • Kenlama = Hello! (greetings)
  • Lanrama = Goodbye
  • Preeshasha wayla = How are you?
  • Ki = yes
  • Ro = no

  • Lepsa Laya = Thank you
  • Lepsaro = No thank you!
  • Laya = you
  • Sola = me

  • Kiniwa Raela! = That's wonderful
  • Liwa Mo = I'm sorry! (pardon me)
  • Layasolara = I love you!

Pages in category "Kixxen"

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