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Shortly after she was established into Millennium City, Coelliro Leena'Krish and the Tsarina found each other and began a serious relationship. This quickly blossomed and the lovers were married. The Tsarina was pregnant as well, life looked good. But sadly, the unborn child caught the attention of many who feared a vampiric shadow dragon. The Tsarina was attacked several times to where she began to take bodyguards with her everywhere she went. The threats became more vicious and more serious. The threats were not the biggest problem, Coelliro was viciously protective of the Tsarina to where she felt smothered and patronized. Her greatest fear was Coelliro would be killed as he took offensive actions. The snapping point came when she was handling a situation and the father to be became to aggressive. As he was an earth dragon, Coelliro choose to begin a fight with the threats. He sealed her into a hut of earth and stone. After the fight, he let her go but the damage was done. The Tsarina was furious, she had made him promise to not smother or patronize her the night they learned of their unborn. He had broken his word and he had trapped her like she was a caged bird.  
Shortly after she was established into Millennium City, Coelliro Leena'Krish and the Tsarina found each other and began a serious relationship. This quickly blossomed and the lovers were married. The Tsarina was pregnant as well, life looked good. But sadly, the unborn child caught the attention of many who feared a vampiric shadow dragon. The Tsarina was attacked several times to where she began to take bodyguards with her everywhere she went. The threats became more vicious and more serious. The threats were not the biggest problem, Coelliro was viciously protective of the Tsarina to where she felt smothered and patronized. Her greatest fear was Coelliro would be killed as he took offensive actions. The snapping point came when she was handling a situation and the father to be became to aggressive. As he was an earth dragon, Coelliro choose to begin a fight with the threats. He sealed her into a hut of earth and stone. After the fight, he let her go but the damage was done. The Tsarina was furious, she had made him promise to not smother or patronize her the night they learned of their unborn. He had broken his word and he had trapped her like she was a caged bird.  
She forgave him but he began to tell her how he would go after the ones who threatened the child and it's mother. The Tsarina, her heart breaking, cut off their marriage. She considered his actions suicidal and hoped if he had nothing to protect, he would live a much longer life.
She forgave him but he began to tell her how he would go after the ones who threatened the child and it's mother. The Tsarina, her heart breaking, ended their marriage. She considered his actions suicidal and hoped if he had nothing to protect, he would live a much longer life. Instead, Coelliro became more reckless and also began to show violent rage toward her. On more then one occasion, The Maelstrom stepped in to protect their leader from the dragon.

Revision as of 17:55, 7 June 2014

Tsarina Morazov
Personal informations
Name Roxandra Morazov
Current alias Tsarina Morazov
Surname(s) Tsarina, Shadow Blood
Identity status Known
Date of Birth December 22, 1793
Nationality -
Affilitation(s) The Maelstrom
Sidekick(s) Puck
Enemy(ies) To Many to List
Reputation Secret to Some, Famous to Others
Base Field
Operations field Kharnis, Millennium City
Activity Unknown
Hero/Villain Type Leader of The Maelstrom, Queen of the Morai
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Powers Shadow Mage, Soul Mysticism, Energy Drain (natural trait), Venomous Bite (natural trait), Increased Senses (natural trait), Increased Acrobatics (natural trait), Minor Telepathy (natural trait)
Level 40
Origine Morai
Height 5'7
Weight 120 lbs
Body type Slim but Always Bears Herself in a Regal Fashion
Eyes Green
Hair Ebony
physical attributes




















mental attributes
Enrg manip.












Mind Manip.








Creator @shadowoutlaw

Tsarina Roxandra Morazov arrived in Millinium City and it will never recover. Bored, as her small kingdom was relatively quiet since the 1950s, she was looking for a chance to create some excitement. She also had the wisdom to know that man's world was becoming more and more skilled with technology and magic. Soon her home would be revealed to the world so, she would learn how to stay ahead of them. She had chosen this city as it was infamous for unusual and gifted beings so she could easily blend in with the demons, aliens, and mutants. The Tsarina began to form an organization which has been come to be known as "The Maelstrom." This is a mix of the best assassins, mercenaries, spies, warriors, and mages that she could find that shared her own dark intentions. For the Tsarina has no love for humans, humans hunted her kind and killed her sire. Humans drove her people into hiding for the past four hundred years, desiring the gift of the Morai blood and shadow mage skills. But now the Morai have grown weary of these games. The Tsarina is tired of the hunts, the hiding, watching her people live in fear. It ends now.
The Tsarina was born in the year 1793 on December 22nd, the Winter Solstice, to Tsar Kasheem Morazov and his wife Seluna. She was born in the family's ancient castle within the hidden Morai city of Kharnis, located in the mountains of Russia. Growing up would prove that she was skilled in the shadow magic of her kind, the Morai. As a Morai, she had increased acrobatics, senses, endurance, intelligence, and so forth though not to any extreme. She also had the natural ability to take the life energy of any other being and manipulate it to her liking. This also was a Morai's food source. Though she was deemed intelligent, she often created mischief with her friend Coelliro Leena'Kish who was a dragon from a nearby nest.

Her childhood was not unpleasant. Her parents fawned over their daughter as they had lost two sons to human hunters. Roxandra was well guarded, but also taught to defend herself. Kharnis had a very close alliance to a large nest of dragons within their borders. The leader of the nest was simple "Ancient One" to all who knew him. The great white beast was older then any other dragon, so old he not only lost his black color, turned snow white, but he has forgotten his given name. The Ancient One was Roxandra's teacher in shadow magic, combat, and also how to be a truly great and powerful leader. Never before had a female Morai taken the throne on her own. As they have very long life spans, they often have already found a mate. But, she would still be of the royal blood and so was trained as such. Roxandra learned quickly and became the Ancient One's 'teacher's pet' and favorite. He called her "Little Orchid" after an event she has yet to tell. The nickname was also used by her father and older Morai. The young princess worked hard to learn her skills, often forgetting to rest or eat as she tried to master a new task. It was noted that Roxandra was not happy until it was perfect and would ruthlessly drive herself forward until it was more then merely satisfactory.

In adolescence there was a brief but serious interest between the Tsarina and Coelliro but this ceased when he was forced to leave the nest and find his own way. Years passed with the lady becoming a more skilled shadow mage. Though not considered a full adult until they are 150 years of age, Morai were active in both world wars. Roxandra began to gain a reputation as a skilled mercenary. However, the Morai did not choose sides in either war. They were skilled in shadow but had no interest in what happened to humans. After the war, Kharnis began a new sort of war. Roxandra worked with her kind to locate blood shops. Morai blood was extremely valuable as a few drops drank by a human would be an amazing 'high' much better then any other thing the humans used, such as perhaps Opium or as such. Their blood was also extremely valuble to mystic beings and an interest to the scientific communities. However, a Morai forms links with whoever drinks their blood. This often caused insanity as the Morai captive would be bled to death. The last of these shops was destroyed by the early 1900s but it was not over yet. In the year 1948,Roxandra was kidnapped for her blood and Tsar Kasheem Morazov moved to destroy the shop. The raid was successful, however the Tsar had disappeared completely. For a decade the Morai tore the world apart to find their leader, ruthlessly following every lead. But, he was never found and as his queen Seluna could not sense his blood as Morai mates bind in such fashion, he is believed deceased.

Thus Roxandra Morazov became the youngest royal to sit on the throne, as the Morai have very long lives and rarely change leaders. She is also the first solo female ruler. With this latest disaster of losing their king, the Morai became entirely against the outside world. They began to patrol the mountains around their city, killing any humans or unknown beings found in the territory. Age, race, and gender did not concern the Morai as to what or who was killed, they returned the treatment they had received in the blood shops. After a very short time, the mountains were left in peace. But after many decades, the young Tsarina became rather restless. She stayed in her city, Kharnis, until the Morai began to have concerns about technology. Taking this as an opportunity, the Tsarina left her home in the care of the Elder Council and struck out to man's world.

Days after arriving in Millennium City, this city being deemed the safest for her person as it is a city of heroes, villains, and everything found in all the realms. She began to seek out skilled assassins, mercenaries, thieves, dark mages, demons, any being that would be willing to be paid for the Tsarina to complete her various plans. This organization has come to be known as "The Maelstrom" due to it's chaotic nature. However, "The Maelstrom" did not openly commit anything against the law. Though it is strongly suspected they are a criminal organization, no proof has come forward to stand in a court of law. The Tsarina has also been known to do work for "UNTIL" and "PRIMUS" under the table. There have also been a few instances where "The Maelstrom" were seen as heroes, though they may have been the ones to start the chaos and tragedy in the first place.

Though the Tsarina was seen as a dangerous woman to most beings, there have been signs that she has a second nature. To her own kind and those that work for her in "The Maelstrom" she has been known to give everything in order to defend those she cares about. She has some connections by using her venom and blood to keep others alive, though connections can be potentially harmful to herself. However, this side of her is very rarely if ever seen toward beings not within Kharnis or "The Maelstrom."

Shortly after she was established into Millennium City, Coelliro Leena'Krish and the Tsarina found each other and began a serious relationship. This quickly blossomed and the lovers were married. The Tsarina was pregnant as well, life looked good. But sadly, the unborn child caught the attention of many who feared a vampiric shadow dragon. The Tsarina was attacked several times to where she began to take bodyguards with her everywhere she went. The threats became more vicious and more serious. The threats were not the biggest problem, Coelliro was viciously protective of the Tsarina to where she felt smothered and patronized. Her greatest fear was Coelliro would be killed as he took offensive actions. The snapping point came when she was handling a situation and the father to be became to aggressive. As he was an earth dragon, Coelliro choose to begin a fight with the threats. He sealed her into a hut of earth and stone. After the fight, he let her go but the damage was done. The Tsarina was furious, she had made him promise to not smother or patronize her the night they learned of their unborn. He had broken his word and he had trapped her like she was a caged bird.

She forgave him but he began to tell her how he would go after the ones who threatened the child and it's mother. The Tsarina, her heart breaking, ended their marriage. She considered his actions suicidal and hoped if he had nothing to protect, he would live a much longer life. Instead, Coelliro became more reckless and also began to show violent rage toward her. On more then one occasion, The Maelstrom stepped in to protect their leader from the dragon.