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=[[File:StoneHistory.png]]<span style="color:#291C0E"><b>History</b></span>=
=[[File:StoneHistory.png]]<span style="color:#291C0E"><b>History</b></span>=
<div style="color:#FFFFFF"><center><font size="+1"><i><b>"You know, life never really plays out how you imagine it to. It's kinda like a dream, bunch of random images that fly before your eyes and before you really get what they're telling you, they're gone. Poof."</b></i></font></center></div>
==<font size="+2"><Div Style="color: #B28F00; background-color: #1F140A"><i>Childhood</i></div></font>==
==<font size="+2"><Div Style="color: #B28F00; background-color: #1F140A"><i>Childhood</i></div></font>==

Revision as of 23:34, 16 October 2014

Liath KnotLarge.png
The Second
"Look, I REALLY don't wanna have to drop a mountain on you, ok? Seriously, don't make me do it."
Player: @Silversweds
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Tobias Ferguson
Stonemason II, Geo-kid (Former)
July 2nd, 1991
Quistis City, Oregon
Millenium City, Michigan
His basement
Student at MCU
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Harold Ferguson (Father), Anne Clarke (Mother), Nicholas Clarke (Half-brother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
186 lbs
Body Type
Dark Hazel
Heterochromia (Green/Brown)
· Distinguishing Features ·
Heterochromia, Tribal tattoos running down his left arm, skull tattoo on his right arm, tribal crests on his chest and back.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Geokinesis, Seismokinesis, Geo-Empathy, The Earth's Blessing
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
Basic Tai Chi, stonemasonry, painting, drawing, guitar, bass and trumpet


"You know, life never really plays out how you imagine it to. It's kinda like a dream, bunch of random images that fly before your eyes and before you really get what they're telling you, they're gone. Poof."


Tobias grew up on the west coast in Quistis City. The son of a poor mechanic living in a rundown apartment in the city's industrial area, the Falls, Tobias' childhood was never very sheltered or safe. His father was a convicted criminal on parole, and his mother had left them both at the first chance she got, re-marrying a wealthier man from the finer districts of the city. Still, Tobias' father was a good man that struggled tirelessly in order to provide for his son and to give him all the opportunities he himself never had as a child. Though life in the Falls wasn't a very easy life, with gangs such as the Skullgang and the Red Banner cultists ruling the streets that the heroes weren't looking at. In order to protect his son, both from antagonizing and falling in with the gangs, Harold Ferguson made an effort in making sure the boy remained meek, reticent and inconspicous. Tobias was taught not to make a mark on the world no matter what, to merely drift with the wind while remaining as invisible as possible. In hindsight it wasn't a very good thing to teach a young child, but Harold was short on options.

Of course, this lead the young Tobias to be the favorite bully victim in the school yard, since he never did anything to fight back or defend himself, he just silently lowered his head and did as he was told. In time, this lead Tobias to become bitter and withdrawn, often retreating within himself and locking everyone out. As he approached 10 years old, he started skipping classes to walk through the giant Madeleine Gardens, the city park that spanned most of the southern uptown district in Quistis City, just to get away from the bullies. It was here that he first came into contact with the aging Walter Peaks, the earth-bending superhero Stonemason (Although this was unbeknownst to Tobias at the time). Befittingly, almost ironically so, Walter's civil identity was that of the caretaker of Madeleine Gardens, as well as a stonemason who specialized in making statues of superheroes. Several of his works already graced the reaches of the park. The elderly man and the young boy struck a quick friendship, Walter helping the young kid through his frustration by giving him an outlet in the form of martial arts and aesthetic practices such as painting and stone carving. As Tobias grew into his teens, he started spending more and more time with Walter, his attitude eventually mellowing out conciderably.

However, one day when Tobias had just turned 13, while working overtime at Walter's workshop he was greeted by the sight of a gravely wounded Stonemason stumbling through the door, severely wounded after having fought with Captain Conquest. Rushing to the man's aid, Tobias was shocked to find that the hero Stonemason was actually his aging mentor. While Tobias wanted to take him to the hospital, Walter adamantly insisted that he instead helped him down into the basement of the workshop, refusing to budge an inch. Confused but left with little option, Tobias agreed and helped Walter down the stairs into the dark basement. As it would turn out, Walter used his earthbending powers to reveal a hidden cave passage hidden beneath the workshop. Guided by Walter through a labyrinthian set of tunnels and grottos leading far, far below Quistis City, Tobias eventually came upon something that would change his life forever: In a cave lit only by bioluminiscent vegetation he saw an almost perfect sphere, made entirely from earth and dirt, hovering in the middle. Walter called it "The living earth" and whatever being this was, it was most certainly benign. A disembodied voice echoing through the cave urged Tobias to place Walter's body before the massive earthen orb. Tobias watched in amazement how Walter's broken body slowly mended before the Earth's great power. However, the living Earth had plans also for Tobias.

Life as a Hero

The living Earth declared that since Tobias had seen it, and heard it, he was now bound to it the same way Walter was. Before either of them could object, Tobias felt a sensation wash over him, one that he couldn't understand. Suddenly, he heard a heartbeat, a breath in the distance and all around him. Thinking he was going crazy, Tobias almost panicked until a recovered Walter approached him, telling him that what he was hearing was the Heartbeat and breathing of the Earth itself. The earth had declared him its protector and champion, and thus given him command of its vast powers. Tobias was, naturally, both exalted, awestruck and terrified all at the same time. Although Walter had hoped to keep his young protege out of the dangerous work as a Superhero, he knew now that there would be little to dampen the boy's enthusiasm. And so he took the young boy under his wing, training him in secret to hone his body and control over the earth. After half a year of dedicated training, Tobias took to the scene as the Geo-kid, sidekick of the famed Stonemason. For a year, they fought together as a team versus Stonemason's assortment of enemies, such as the Bluthexen witches, the mad scientist Makeshift, the cursed swordsman Atticus Hale and of course Stonemason's nemesis, the superpowered warlord Captain Conquest.

Crisis in Quistis City

However, everything culminated in 2009, when the Bluthexen sisters instigated the Bloodied Carnival, intent on sacrificing every human within Madeleine Gardens in order to gain immeasurable power. Aided by several supervillains such as Atticus Hale, Wild Wind, Dreadmask and The White Hand, their forces seemed unstoppable. While Skychild and Demoness used their magic to open a gateway through the barrier erected around the gardens, Stonemason and his sidekick Geo-kid entered inside in hopes of stopping the villains, but they were completely outnumbered. However, the appearence of The Nightsiders, consisting of Razor, Hollow and Black Cape, three until then unknown vigilantes, changed the tides of battle. Before anyone knew what had happened, Atticus Hale was beaheaded, Wild Wind and Dreadmask shot between the eyes, The White Hand bested in martial arts and torn to pieces, and the Bluthexen's bodies were found crucified in the Cathedral of Santa Maria. It was a massacre, leaving an unrepairable wound on Quistis City as the Nightsiders declared their presence as hunters of evil men. In response, Skychild teamed up with Demoness, Stonemason and Geo-kid to create the Element of Justice, and the two teams fought bitterly over the course of 2 years, despite having the same ultimate goal. However, in 2010 Quistis City saw the rise of a new superhero team: Genesis Squadron. The team of superpowered teenagers were more then capable of taking care of Quistis City, and with Skychild being called back to her people in the sky, the Element of Justice disbanded. Stonemason and Geo-kid continued to fight crime, including the Nightsiders, as a team. That too, however, came to an end in early 2014. In a last confrontation between Stonemason and Captain Conquest, the aging hero found that he could no longer keep up and ended up losing a leg to the superpowered warlord. And when Tobias tried to beseech the Living Earth to heal him, it refused, claiming that his time as its champion had come to an end. Instead, it bestowed its full power unto Tobias, though that did little to appease the enraged youngster, who almost crushed the being with the very power it had bestowed him in a rare fit of anger. He was only pacified by Walter's urgings, and eventually came to terms with the situation. It was better for the aging Walter to finally be able to retire, after all. In the hospital, Walter urged Tobias to distance himself from the Living Earth and test his wings on his own in the world. Always one to follow his mentor's words, Tobias took up the mantle of the second Stonemason and moved his operations east, to Millenium City where he was enrolling for University studies anyway.

StonePersonal File.pngPersonal File

"It's gonna work out somehow." Those words have kept me going this far, and will take me as far as I need to go.


Tobias looks pretty much like your average, healthy young man. A few years before his prime, he's built a bit on the lanky side but is by no means scrawny or thin. Several years of training as a superhero sidekick has honed his body well and this shows both in his body language and posture. Though generally inconspicous, the young man seems to carry himself with silent pride and can sometimes even appear imposing, however more often than not he tends to disappear among the crowd. Tobias' most striking feature would be his heterochromia, having one green and one brown iris. Aside from that, there's nothing else notable about his face: Shaggy, unkept hair, healthy complexion, blank gaze and dimunitive features keep him from standing out in a crowd.


Tobias' personality type is INFP, Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Prospective of the Assertive variant.

"INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. /.../ INFPs are guided by their principles, rather than by logic, excitement, or practicality. When deciding how to move forward, they will look to honor, beauty, morality and virtue - INFPs are led by the purity of their intent, not rewards and punishments. People who share the INFP personality type are proud of this quality, and rightly so, but not everyone understands the drive behind these feelings, and it can lead to isolation."

Character Diamond


Tobias has been told that he has his head in the clouds, and for a person so decidedly connected to the earth this is strangely true. Tobias is free spirit, preferring to express himself through art, music or just not at all, being perfectly comfortable alone with his thoughts. He tends to drift off into thought whenever he has to sit still for longer than a few minutes and can get caught up on the most trivial details, embellishing them and ending up fascinating himself too much and spacing out for what appears to others to be for no particular reason. This may cause him to appear unfocused or detached from reality, and to a point that's true. Although, he's not completely out of touch with real life, his time as a hero having taught him that there's time for dreaming and time for facing reality, and that the two don't mix particularily well.


Though by no means shy or reclusive, Tobias is still a bit of a loner. He prefers the silent rustling of leaves over the thumping beat of the dance floor and feels more at home off the beaten path, surrounded by the natural wonders of the earth. This is partly because of his empathic connection to the Earth, but even before his meeting with the Living Earth did he enjoy the feel of dirt and grass beneath his feet. While he doesn't mind company, quite the contrary, he still feels a certain need to withdraw every so often and just have some alone time, easily feeling burnt out if he's forced into constant social gatherings.


Tobias may be a dreamer, but he knows what he wants. He's almost always calm and collected, keeping his emotions in check and his mind at ease. This is no mere facade, as Tobias is very much at peace with himself and his position as the champion of the Living Earth. He constantly wears a content smile and is typically relaxed and positive in his outlook on life, having adopted a "It'll work out somehow" attitude that permeates everything he does. To some, this causes him to come off as lazy and directionless, many mistaking his blasé attitude as something negative and irresponsible, which is true in some cases, such as the tidyness of his apartment or the state of his hair. However, for the most part, Tobias just focuses on what he thinks is important and disregards the small things that don't matter much to him.


Having grown up as the sidekick to a superhero, Tobias of course always considers the need of others before himself. He's always the first to jump in should someone need his help and would never hesitate to step up to any villain trying to ruin somebody's day, no matter who they are. This level of self-sacrifice while admirable, usually ends up with him biting off more than he can chew, as his mindset won't allow for him to flee rather than fight as long as someone else is in jeopardy. This also reflects in his daily life, as he's not beyond giving away his last few dollars to a homeless man he passes on the street, even if those bills were supposed to pay for his food this week.

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