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Character Name
"Must be boring, not being able to rip your own spine out."
Name:John Matters / Ianco Mithras
Aliases:Light Laughter, Spooks, Sir Prize
Ethnicity:Eastern European
Relatives:Count Dracula (Great Grandfather), Amir Mithras (Father), Adelina Mithras (Mother).
Occupation:Mercenary, Wizard, Self-Proclaimed Deity (Atleast part of him says he is)
Base:"The Basement" - A magical realm, granted as a gift unto Spookmatter and Co.
Physical Traits:
Height:Varies, since he can change his form (Usually 6"3 / 7"0)
Weight: Confidential
Hair:Black (True form is bald)
Other:Can change his physical appearance. He usually uses two forms: One that looks like his old human body, and one that is his real, green, slime-like body.
Powers & Abilities:
Powers:Shape-shifting, Extensive Magical Knowledge, Near Immortality (Can possess one of any unconcious vessel/item, at a time.)
Abilities:Fast Reflexes, Extensive Weapon Training
Equipment:Several projectile weapons, a blood-forged Katana, Prototype Questionite Armor.
Level: Confidential
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The information below is currently being revised by @theh8nter, and may change because of this.

Some pretty dark content..

If you don't like hearing about murder, foul language, etc, then this page is not for you.

Story of old Spooks:

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Chapter One

Spookmatter was born 'Ianco Mithras' on July 6th, 1919, in a little village in Transylvania, Romania. His father was of Persian decent, while his mother was full-blooded Romanian. They lived a low-class life, but they managed to pull through. At the age of 10 (2nd of January, 1930), he and his family managed to scrap enough money together, to get low-class ferry tickets to "The Land of Opportunities', U.S.A. Unfortunately, his mother and father died during the trip- due to bad conditions. His mother passed away from disease, and his father died of starvation, since he had given most of his food to his son.

It was May 3th, 1930. Much to young Ianco's surprise, the journey was over. They had arrived at New York harbor. It was morning, the smell of fish and urine filled the air. Ianco stepped onto land, while trying to breathe with his mouth. He had to go through a passport building, first. He showed his papers, as he had been told to, by his late parents. Ianco's paper stated that his name was "John Matters", as his parents believed it would increase his chances of becoming a successful person. The young, newly named, John Matters then stepped into a whole new world. A world of opportunity.

Chapter Two

Matters picked up the language relatively quickly. An elderly lady grew to care for him, and taught him English. She lived in an apartment, up in Harlem. She was daughter to an african father, and Puerto Rican mother. She was the owner of a small general goods store. On the 2nd of September, 1932, 12 year old John, heard the sound of a window smashing. He slowly crept downstairs, to check it out. He saw a tall man, wearing a hat, that kept his face in shadows. He walked over to the register, and checked to see whether or not any money were stored in it. Obviously, there weren't, so he moved onto picking up some of the useful wares. All of a sudden, young John ran at him, and jumped onto his back- causing the burglar to fall. His head hit a desk, and a slight crack could be heard, coming not from the desk- but from the burglar. The young burglar had hit it with his chin, and with the weight from John's body, his neck broke.

The lady, Mrs. Yoreah, came running down from the staircase. Her eyes opened wide, as she saw the dead burglar- besides the, very much alive, young John Matters. She rushed towards the body, and turned it around. She looked at his face, and opened her mouth, as tears began running from her, already red, eyes. "It's.. It's my son.." she managed to squeek, while shaking heavily. Young John was as in just as much shock, as Mrs. Yoreah. "H.. He tried to rob your s.. Store.." John said, as he almost began to cry, himself. "It was an accident.. I wanted to catch him, and.." John added. "W.. We need to call the police" she said, looking towards John. First then, did the boy begin to cry.

Chapter Three

It was the 1st of December, 1932. Mrs. Yoreah did not react well. John was sent to an orphanage, since Yoreah was unable to care for him. John was angry on the inside. A terrible anger. It was not pity, sadness over what happened to Mrs. Yoreah's son. It was anger. Anger aimed at himself. He felt stupid, and the workers of the orphanage could see it on him. Young John preferred to stay in his room, with the only thing he had from his home, in Romania. A music box. A fine tune, that only had to be started, and it would play by itself. The notes of the music box were only ever played, when he knew he was alone. The leader of the orphanage, Mrs. Scrooge, was strongly catholic. She knew, as the only one of the staff, why John had been placed on the orphanage. She felt pity for him. But he had already locked his mind, in a state of anger. Only the music-box made him feel, like he had once felt. Joy, yet loneliness.. It was a kind of loneliness that he liked, though. A sweet, silent solitude.

John stayed that way, for years to come. Barely speaking. The other children never really saw him. Rumors went around, about how a horrible freak, too hideous to show his face. And they were right. At the very least, partly. Young John felt hideous. He felt like the monsters, from the fairy tales, must've felt. And he empathized. He had not heard the rumors about him, and yet he agreed. He was never adopted, and had to be kicked out on his 18th birthday, July 6th 1938. A few years after, the military sent out posters, telling the true patriot to help fight the Nazi scourge of Germany. John looked at the poster, and felt a need to sign up for the military; and so he did.

Story is W.I.P.

The Broken, the Spooky and the Boogeyman:

The Broken The man who was once known as John Matters, or Ianco Mithras was torn apart. Mentally. This is mostly due to situations like: his mother dying, his father dying, accidentally killing his new guardian's son, growing up as an isolated kid, serving in WWII and the fact that his first girlfriend ran away (Don't worry, he stabbed her 22 times, she didn't get far). He is, however, the vessel that contains his figurative offspring: Spookmatter, and The Boogeyman; Split personalities that have almost forgotten who they once were.


The Spooky Spookmatter. Yeah, Spookmatter is weird. Really weird. Like, he's cray-cray. He's also a wee bit sociopathic, even to the extend of being homicidal at times. This is the guy people think of, when they think of Spookmatter. Because he is Spookmatter. No $#!7. He is prone to quick moodswings, and sometimes even depression. He rarely talks about it, though, as he tends to hide what he actually feels. He's not too fond of lawyers, for some reason. Also, I'unno why, but he seems to really like women, who could beat him (*Cough, his mom beat him as a kid, cough*).


The Boogeyman The Boogeyman, or $#!7-Talk Motherf*#ker, as Spookmatter tends to call him. He's nasty, in his own way, yet somehow, he's nowhere near as nasty as Spooks. Yeah, sure, on the outside he seems like a pretty villain-like UNdividual (see what I did there?), however he's actually not as bad as people make him out to be. I mean, sure, he likes to feed on the misery of living beings, but who cares? Yeaaaah, okay, he might be a bit of a villain, but atleast he doesn't STRANGLE PUPPIES! He's also sorta slumbering, as he's really tired of Spooks.

The Boogeyman.jpeg