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Revision as of 15:10, 7 July 2015

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"Greetings! I am Kyt Raegir, a scholar and servant of the Slithering Mayhem, Obitus. I shall be your informant and guide to the realm of Xrillium, and its inhabitants! Without further ado, I shall explain to thee what Xrillium actually is..."

Completely and utterly mad!

"Aye, that much is true! Xrillium, you see, is a place of chaos! But it wasn't always the case, my friend. Once upon a time, the land wasn't as war-torn or turbulent, but instead much like that of your' universe! If you thought the wars of Earth were bad, you've yet to visit Xrillium! Great battles between armies of perceived 'good' and 'evil' -- magic being exchanged between mages, drunk on combat highs; arrows blotting out the very sun itself, as opposing forces do their best to take out enemy ranks, before they manage to get too close! Sometimes, one may witness titular monsters accompanying entire battalions of soldiers."