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"... and that's how New Vigil put me here."

A sigh came from the an adjoining cell. "Sorry for your luck. I hate those kids too."

"Yeah," the villain said, sitting on the dank cold floor by the door to relate his story. "Nothing like getting busted by a bunch of bratty kids. So, who put you in here?"

The recipient of the question paused for a few, letting the answer linger. War stories, he thought, this is what its come down to. Stronghold prison didn't have much going for it. Located in one of the absolute worst places in the world, its inhabitants were gifted with power beyond normal men. Some famous, or at least infamous as the case may be. His name, at least the one he preferred, was Laserfist. At one time he was rich. Rolled with his own gang. Super strong. A brawler whose hands could turn into living energy. Here though he was a number, they all were, and the power dampening abilities of the prison kept them in check. Impotent. All of them had time here. Because time was a luxury they were afforded in spades...

"Sparrowhawk," Laserfist finally responded with more than a bit of venom in his voice.

"That martial arts chick? What the hell? The Iron Virus from cell block B was put in here by her too I think. So let's hear your story," the other prisoner asked him.

"You heard of Pandora's Diamond, right? The one that's supposedly blessed to give you luck powers and be worth a fortune? Well, anyhow, my men and I had our sights on it. Was actually presented at the Millennium city Museum. They thought they had problems covered. Had cops, even a few heroes on hand just in case they thought it'd get crazy. We barreled through there though. It was hilarious. I even busted one of those heroes' faces real good. Wow, that guy I'm sure is eating through a straw as we speak," Laserfist said with a dark laugh, thinking back on his escapades.

"Nice," the voice in the other cell said with a chuckle as well. "So what then?"

"So, like, we got the diamond, it's all good, and as we reach the front this chick, Sparrowhawk, is like right there by the front doors. And, you know, she's like holding these batons and being all serious like," he replied. "Then she starts making fun of us! Like literally talking @#$! about us to our faces! I am totally like 'what the hell' because there are six of us and one of her, you know? So any--"

"I heard she's hot," the other prisoner said, cutting him off.

"Smokin' hot, but listen dude. Let me tell my story," Laserfist responded, squirming a bit on the floor so that he could be more comfortable in his crouched position by the door. "So anyways I yell at my guys to take her down. I mean, no powers, nothing crazy here is what I had heard about her. Then she busts out this chop-socky stuff that you see in action movies, or like Green Dragon or something. Flipping around, dodging bullets. Then she starts beating the living hell of my guys with the stupid batons of hers! She had this annoying smirk on her face the entire time like she was enjoying it. Looked like she did."

"Watch out for those batons. I hear they shoot electricity or something," the man on the other side of the wall said.

"Yeah, yeah. Little too late for that now, though, thanks," Laserfist said indignantly. "So I'm realizing that, hey, she's taking out all my guys. So I just decide to take her out so we can move on. She was fast, real fast like. I tell you, that gal was a friggin' tornado, I swear! Just kept spinning and hitting and kicking... I couldn't even keep up to blast her with my laser fists, right? And I know how to fight, trust me. I ain't no slouch in the beat down department. She also said something about my mom, too. God, I was getting seriously pissed. I don't care how hot you are and hey, you even insulted my gang, but my mom? Really? Harsh. Anyhow, she finally babbles about 'my wrists are a weak point' or something. Then get this: she broke both of them!"

Laserfist looked down at his hands which were still housed in casts. He snorted a little.

"Like I said, I'm not buying for one second that she ain't got powers. There's no way. No one moves and fights like that unless they had some. Funny thing though at least, when the cops came to lead us off I could hear her trash talking the police about how bad the other heroes that got clobbered sucked at doing their jobs. That was kinda funny," Laserfist added. "I always thought those super types just spread happiness and sunshine, huh?"

"Suppose they aren't all like that," the villain in the adjacent cell said with a slight laugh. "Guess Pandora's Diamond didn't work out for being too lucky after all, huh?"

"Guess not. But I'll be out again someday, just you wait," Laserfist added. "That little lady'll get hers. And that's a Laserfist promise."
