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[[Category:The Adventurers]]
[[Category:The Adventurers]]
'''The Anti_Adventurers''' is an [[Adventurers|The Adventurers]] story arc which started in August 2015. Adventurers members are invited to contribute their alternate evil version's story on this page.
'''The Anti_Adventurers''' is an [[The Adventurers|The Adventurers]] story arc which started in August 2015. Adventurers members are invited to contribute their alternate evil version's story on this page.

Revision as of 01:08, 2 October 2015

The Anti_Adventurers is an The Adventurers story arc which started in August 2015. Adventurers members are invited to contribute their alternate evil version's story on this page.



Alternate Universe Primer

'Outsiders' Kill Cyber-Blades

  • The Outsiders are a trio of super powered misfits who despise authority and have a bone to pick with the world in general
  • Several months before, the hero Cyber-Blades was defeated and killed by a duo of Lady Vengeance & Doomweaver.
    • In so doing, they gained an ally in Flash Freeze, a villain who had been dogged by Cyber-Blades
    • They also claimed Cyber-Blades equipment & hideout

A Chill on Law & Heroism

  • MC is the butt of jokes for how entrenched organized crime is within it
  • A great portion of the MCPD is corrupt; the rest are too scared to act
  • Venture Enterprises is the legitimate front of a crime syndicate
    • Even costumed heroes are afraid to stand against them
    • Dread Spider & Stinger serve Venture Enterprises, as do any others aligned with them (Fox? Stormherald?)
    • Dread Spider is NOT Venture Enterprises's leader - we have an indistinct (to date, ungendered) "Boss" we refer to
  • Other gangs familiar to normal MC (Purples, Maniacs, Red Banner) apparently still exist, but Venture has probably made itself THE crime group in the city

Dramatis Personae

Dread Spider (Red Spider)

In the alternate reality, Cassandra Olsen is the daughter of ambitious mob accountant William Olsen. Cassandra was sent abroad to study dance, combat styles, and stealth. When she came home to Millennium City at age 18 on a permanent basis, Cassandra became her father's secret assassin. William's aspiration to climb the ladder within his crime family led him to use Cassandra to either eliminate rivals directly, or embarrass them by having Cassandra interfere with their operations. Few knew that Cassandra was secretly the Dread Spider - she was seen by many as the criminal world's most eligible bachelorette, and a notorious party girl.

Lady Vengeance (Lady Justice)

Developing super-senses during her teenage years, Allison Gray was constantly bombarded with cruelty, avarice, and injustice- the worst humanity had to offer. Allison grew to hate society and even humanity as a whole, a process which resulted in her using her collegiate training in the nascent field of micro-engineering to forge a highly weaponized nanotech suit. Capable of altering its shape, density, and composition she soon used it to wreak havoc, quickly gaining the name Lady Vengeance from the media.

Lady Vengeance views herself as a reckoning, a punishment that society has called down upon itself for its crimes. Money, possessions, and titles mean little to her, marking her as different than most of the villainous denizens of the city. Instead of working for wealth and power Gray seems more content with her own mission - exposing just how ugly and small people truly are. Experts are puzzled as to her recent alliances with other villains, noting how extremely uncharacteristic it is of her to associate with anyone. It's unclear whether she is simply sizing up potential targets or perhaps something more.

Gray's vengeance typically targets elements of symbolism. The corrupt police institution, the mobs that masquerade as honest professions, the false heroes and the pointless villains she views as profit-driven animals. Though unhinged, her exceptional strategic mind and paranoia typically keep her one step ahead of her opponents. Hero and villain alike view her like a force of nature, one they prepare for but can only pray to avoid.

Doomweaver (Dreamweaver)

When young party girl Kaitlyn May was involved in a car accident with a PSI Industries chemical truck that killed her mother and left herself paralysed from the waist down, she was gifted with incredible empathic and telekinetic powers. Unfortunately, with no one able to identify the cause of the foreign emotions dominating her mind, causing her drastic mood swings, she was declared insane and locked away, left to teach herself to master her abilities. Slowly but surely she did, willing herself to some semblance of sanity and control. Unfortunately, she had also developed a grudge. Her escape from the asylum was violent, and she revelled in her power. Kaitlyn became Doomweaver that night, her needles a collection of knives and syringes, her fabric the flesh and blood of anyone who stood in her way. Criminals began hiring her, giving her a focus for her anger, and the rage and fear and hate of others became a warm blanket around her mind. Whether she can no longer distinguish between her own emotions and others is a question not even she dares ask.

Stinger (Hornett)

We all have a breaking point, some are stronger than others. Young Liam's wasn't broken ... it was shattered.

His father was wrongfully convicted of a smuggling conspiracy. The law system had turned its back and were quick to sentence him. Liam was an aspiring marksman, man after school programs had made him a prodigy. But now, he was a broken teen, with no father to help him mend. His allegiance always lies with the money, no job too risky or ridiculous. If it paid, he would earn. He became Stinger, the cocky loudmouth, arrogant mercenary. Arrows, bullets, knives...if it was sharp or could be used as a projectile, it was his weapon. But his greatest weapon runs deep within him: in his blood pumps a powerful toxin granting him fast healing capabilities, increased strength, speed, and stamina. All courtesy of one Dr. Daniel Burke.


Flash Freeze (Meltdowner)

Originally naught but a common Canadian college student, Michael was one of hopeful volunteers helping with experiments that were aimed at studying the possible triggering phenomena of various superpowers. Always a cape geek to say the least, he was nothing short of thrilled to realize he himself had the possibility to gain superhuman powers. Despite the possibility being supposedly strong one, however, he was dealt a bitter disappointment by stroke of misfortune: the tests were not enough to awaken his potential.

Needless to say, the young man was less than pleased by the fact. Going on to break into the laboratory in middle of the night, he proceeded to subject himself to the more extreme attempts to awaken his powers, and although the building and laboratory equipment suffered severe damage as a result of his foolhardy attempts, he managed to indeed awaken his ability: the ability of atomic-level matter control. In his case, it manifested mostly as ways to make things slower, down to atoms, and consequently gave Michael considerably strong cryokinetic abilities. His physical condition was also enhanced and altered by the mixtures of chemicals and exotic radiation types he had used in effort to unlock his potential, leaving him permanently pale and cold but also enhancing his constitution to easily superhuman levels.

If he had thought that his stunt would be viewed positively, however, he was rather mistaken. The scientists were both shocked and angry due to his blatant disregard for safety and destruction of property, and he was summarily handed off to authorities to go through due process and getting the "help" he'd need. Less than thrilled with the idea, Michael snapped and went on to use his abilities against the police and heroes attempting to contain him, fighting a running retreat all the way to the border before vanishing in snowstorm of his own making.

Afterwards, he proceeded to make his reappearance in United States under the name of Flash Freeze, now working as independent supervillain and mercenary. Having since paid for suit of armor that allows him to both fly and control his cryokinetic abilities with more precision, he makes little attempt to blend in or lead normal life, relishing his growing reputation among the law enforcement and fellow villains alike.

Inevitabelle (Juggernette)

Danielle Daphne Drake was abandoned by her father at a young age. But before he left, he instilled in her a love of two things: Science and thievery. The young girl grew into a delinquent, frustrating her teachers with her attitude towards schooling and her actions in the school. While she scored consistently in the top percentages among her peers, it was the fact that she rarely showed up for class that caused constant frustrations. Truant officers knew her well, and she was no stranger to juvenile delinquent hearings.

When she hit 18, it seemed that she was destined to be in and out of the jail system. But instead she seemed to straighten up and, towards the last few months of her schooling, she applied for several grants to Cal Tech. The system, eager for the good press, allowed her the grants and ushered her into the Mechanical Engineering program. She excelled, graduating with outstanding honor. But she dropped off the grid shortly after.

She reappeared a few months later in a jail break, springing her father from a Northern California Prison. Her father, as it turns out, left the family to pursue a life of tech-based crime. He had taken on the name Gearbox, created a set of power armor, and constructed a hidden underground lair. The father and daughter duo pulled off many heists at tech corporations, focusing on stealing plans and IP for rockets, exoskeletons, and of course, powered armor.

However, at some point, the deal went bad and Danielle grew sick of fighting with her father and instead, committed patricide, taking his lair as her own. She now runs alone as Inevitabelle, knocking over (literally) banks and continue to steal military-level technology, incorporating her stolen goods into her powersuit.


Inevitabelle did not let her father's or her own unused power armor stand idle, gathering dust in the Factory. Instead, she has slave-programmed them with a rudimentary A.I. and uses them as her own little mob to help pull off more daring (and destructive) heists. While the force of Legion is small (current counts have it at about 10 suits, mixed male and female stylings), they make up for it with fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to Inevitabelle.

Roque, and the Order

Mike Fasil had no intention of becoming any sort of protector after coming back from the war. He felt done with violence, and wanted to start fresh. The man adopted many creeds and concepts that'd originated in the 60's hippy movement, and applied them in starting up what was at first a simple commune. Strange certainly, the group was mostly harmless in it's initial construction. However the peaceful attitudes did not last. As superhuman crime rose, and his own former city of Detroit was swallowed up in the madness, he knew he'd have to put his dream on hold. His commune was altered to become a training grounds, it's purpose was to prepare his 'students' to go to war with the criminal forces that were amassing so much power. And it worked . . . To an extent. After many years he'd built a community dedicated to sabotaging the criminal element that now infested the city he'd grown up in.

The only problem being that those same criminal powers did not enjoy being messed with. Michael Fasil was eventually assassinated by (Whoever wants to take credit, really.) One of Michael's agents known only as Roque now operates as the de facto leader of this group, their only motive now being to avenge their fallen master.

Unfortunately due to their small numbers, and overall lack of resources they stand almost no chance against any of the warring criminal factions. Without any help, at least.

Henchmen (As Appropriate)

Costumes here. If you're planning on designing henchmen for your particular villain set, feel free to post the image files on this page.


Venture Enterprises

Dread Spider (Red Spider)
Stinger (Hornett)
Deathcrow (Talons)
Madame Bludgeoner (Stormherald)

The Outsiders

Lady Vengeance
Flash Freeze

