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It was at this point where retreat was almost the only option, most of the higher ups were dead or gravely wounded. Laeus, still refusing to give up, instructed everyone who was injured, or had lost the will to fight on to retreat back to the ships, and anyone who was brave enough to risk their lives would follow him into battle, a full frontal attack to charge through and destroy the Reavers' main influence on the moon.
It was at this point where retreat was almost the only option, most of the higher ups were dead or gravely wounded. Laeus, still refusing to give up, instructed everyone who was injured, or had lost the will to fight on to retreat back to the ships, and anyone who was brave enough to risk their lives would follow him into battle, a full frontal attack to charge through and destroy the Reavers' main influence on the moon.
Many hours later they had succeeded, with heavy losses, they managed to destroy communications for the Reavers and stand their ground until they could be picked up by a shuttle, and the remaining Reavers was then destroyed by orbital blasts. For his services, Laeus would be well on his way up the ranks in the military.
Many hours later they had succeeded, with heavy losses, they managed to destroy communications for the Reavers and stand their ground until they could be picked up by a shuttle, and the remaining Reavers was then destroyed by orbital strikes. For his services, Laeus would be well on his way up the ranks in the military.
<h2 style="border-bottom:none;"><span style="background:#E69600; padding:0 70% 0 25px;">Have some more text</span></h2>
<h2 style="border-bottom:none;"><span style="background:#E69600; padding:0 70% 0 25px;">Have some more text</span></h2>

Revision as of 22:27, 28 October 2015

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Player: @WeedZter
Character Build
Class Focus: Damage
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Laeus Sollow
Known Aliases: The Emperor
Gender: Male
Species: Eetrayan
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: Eetraya
Base of Operations: The Arcadia
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 312 lbs
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Black, silver tips
Complexion: Tan
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: A scar across his right eye from his younger days
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Known
Years Active: 2013-Present
Citizenship: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Education: N/A
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Powers and Abilities
Tremendous Super-Strength.
Nigh Invulnerability to physical trauma.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Questionite Runeblade.
Power Armor, further augmenting his strength and defense.
His armor also gives him the ability to fly at Mach-2 speeds.
ReldinBox Template


The emperor of his species, Laeus does what is best for his people, having grown up with a set of traditions that he has been almost brainwashed to believe in, he tries to do what he sees, and as far as he knows, is best for the survival of his species, though with current events, he may be trying to think of other alternatives, slowly.

Laeus is a man hiding a tremendous amount of physical strength in his body. Considered extremely strong by his own species' standards, his muscle, and body structure in general is very dense, making him incredibly durable as well to physical trauma. Following a series of unfortunate events, he was forced to escape by jumping forward in time through a wormhole with his own spaceship as well as two others, leaving behind his own timeline, now looking to restore his people to their former glory.

Joining the military

Laeus joined up with the Eetrayan military when he was still a young man, eager to go follow the footsteps of his father and many before him. During his first few months of of being a new recruit, he received extensive, punishing training, to see what he was capable of, it was around this time his superiors noted that the young man had incredible durability and strength.

During his first year he would meet Alexander Ragewright, a man with some serious issues regarding dirt and things that werent in a pristine clean condition, who would turn out to become a good friend. Around the same time, Laeus would start working on his first set of battle armor, modified to fit his physical skill, finding that he rather enjoyed tinkering and improving his gear. Throughout the three years of the basic military education, his main focus was working on his strength and endurance, wanting to be able to move around the battlefields and destroying his opponents.

His first real battle came two years later when a large Reaver army invaded a remote Eetrayan mining colony, the ship Laeus was serving upon at the time quickly arrived at the colony, sending down forces to deal with the threat. The battle raged on for months, each side constantly receiving reinforcements, for every Reaver they destroyed, three othes would seem to take its place. The superiors were weighing their options, contemplating abandoning the colony, surely it was only one lousy moon. During an attack on the main camp, Laeus' superior was torn to shreds, as was many others. It was at this point where retreat was almost the only option, most of the higher ups were dead or gravely wounded. Laeus, still refusing to give up, instructed everyone who was injured, or had lost the will to fight on to retreat back to the ships, and anyone who was brave enough to risk their lives would follow him into battle, a full frontal attack to charge through and destroy the Reavers' main influence on the moon.

Many hours later they had succeeded, with heavy losses, they managed to destroy communications for the Reavers and stand their ground until they could be picked up by a shuttle, and the remaining Reavers was then destroyed by orbital strikes. For his services, Laeus would be well on his way up the ranks in the military.

Have some more text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas metus faucibus mauris maximus, ac porttitor purus semper. Integer placerat non lacus in viverra. Sed accumsan velit ut dapibus ornare. Duis accumsan scelerisque ligula ac pretium. Praesent elit risus, elementum a magna quis, pretium varius diam. Donec et magna egestas, gravida justo quis, interdum leo. Proin faucibus pulvinar leo at condimentum. Ut sed aliquet magna. Sed et ligula velit. Morbi aliquet semper hendrerit. Duis augue lectus, laoreet imperdiet ligula sed, elementum lobortis nulla. Cras vitae sem non diam tempus mattis id ac odio. Maecenas pharetra ipsum justo.

Suspendisse venenatis lectus ut purus congue, at feugiat lacus tincidunt. Nullam non mollis mauris. Vestibulum in mi posuere elit convallis interdum. Phasellus sed magna eget erat tempus euismod sed in neque. Sed vitae lectus fringilla, molestie metus eget, blandit orci. Phasellus posuere nisi vitae nulla faucibus fringilla. Vestibulum cursus pellentesque erat, pharetra aliquam turpis aliquam vitae. Quisque in justo in urna accumsan fermentum. Nullam quis nibh egestas diam interdum finibus. Proin at sapien eu erat aliquet gravida in quis diam.

Fusce malesuada velit vitae euismod tristique. Aenean nec felis nisi. Cras dui tellus, imperdiet vitae condimentum sit amet, hendrerit vitae ligula. Pellentesque eget mauris vestibulum, vestibulum nunc sit amet, egestas sem. Praesent et eros enim. Donec arcu lorem, porta sed augue ac, tempus tristique massa. Quisque gravida vulputate augue ut interdum. Nam est neque, laoreet et dictum egestas, pellentesque vitae ex.

Nulla dapibus nulla a fermentum congue. In suscipit egestas eleifend. Nulla enim mauris, hendrerit vel elit a, suscipit bibendum lacus. Duis ut porta leo. Vestibulum id nibh quis neque ultricies porta. Ut nulla erat, ornare vel magna vel, tempus egestas dui. Pellentesque faucibus vulputate tempus. Pellentesque condimentum lorem elit, dapibus aliquam orci scelerisque quis. Nullam eu malesuada nulla, at efficitur nisl. Nulla sed libero at elit tempus feugiat. Curabitur mollis, sem vitae lacinia bibendum, nibh mi auctor dui, eget pharetra turpis risus vel sapien. Aliquam ipsum sem, euismod vel porttitor vitae, cursus quis nunc. Nunc tempor gravida lorem eu blandit. Nunc nisl nisl, egestas sed diam sed, aliquet mollis massa.

Integer nec nisi mauris. Donec a nisl et massa ultrices sodales. In aliquet, eros sit amet ultrices pharetra, nulla urna facilisis ante, laoreet viverra magna diam at eros. Vivamus ac enim ac sem bibendum sagittis at eu urna. Pellentesque ligula augue, cursus vel fringilla a, elementum non turpis. Ut sagittis aliquet risus, a vestibulum diam iaculis in. Ut pulvinar, tellus a faucibus scelerisque, mauris nisi viverra mauris, et varius nibh ligula et tortor. Nam malesuada sodales justo, et tempus risus.

There's still more.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec egestas metus faucibus mauris maximus, ac porttitor purus semper. Integer placerat non lacus in viverra. Sed accumsan velit ut dapibus ornare. Duis accumsan scelerisque ligula ac pretium. Praesent elit risus, elementum a magna quis, pretium varius diam. Donec et magna egestas, gravida justo quis, interdum leo. Proin faucibus pulvinar leo at condimentum. Ut sed aliquet magna. Sed et ligula velit. Morbi aliquet semper hendrerit. Duis augue lectus, laoreet imperdiet ligula sed, elementum lobortis nulla. Cras vitae sem non diam tempus mattis id ac odio. Maecenas pharetra ipsum justo.

Suspendisse venenatis lectus ut purus congue, at feugiat lacus tincidunt. Nullam non mollis mauris. Vestibulum in mi posuere elit convallis interdum. Phasellus sed magna eget erat tempus euismod sed in neque. Sed vitae lectus fringilla, molestie metus eget, blandit orci. Phasellus posuere nisi vitae nulla faucibus fringilla. Vestibulum cursus pellentesque erat, pharetra aliquam turpis aliquam vitae. Quisque in justo in urna accumsan fermentum. Nullam quis nibh egestas diam interdum finibus. Proin at sapien eu erat aliquet gravida in quis diam.

Fusce malesuada velit vitae euismod tristique. Aenean nec felis nisi. Cras dui tellus, imperdiet vitae condimentum sit amet, hendrerit vitae ligula. Pellentesque eget mauris vestibulum, vestibulum nunc sit amet, egestas sem. Praesent et eros enim. Donec arcu lorem, porta sed augue ac, tempus tristique massa. Quisque gravida vulputate augue ut interdum. Nam est neque, laoreet et dictum egestas, pellentesque vitae ex.

Nulla dapibus nulla a fermentum congue. In suscipit egestas eleifend. Nulla enim mauris, hendrerit vel elit a, suscipit bibendum lacus. Duis ut porta leo. Vestibulum id nibh quis neque ultricies porta. Ut nulla erat, ornare vel magna vel, tempus egestas dui. Pellentesque faucibus vulputate tempus. Pellentesque condimentum lorem elit, dapibus aliquam orci scelerisque quis. Nullam eu malesuada nulla, at efficitur nisl. Nulla sed libero at elit tempus feugiat. Curabitur mollis, sem vitae lacinia bibendum, nibh mi auctor dui, eget pharetra turpis risus vel sapien. Aliquam ipsum sem, euismod vel porttitor vitae, cursus quis nunc. Nunc tempor gravida lorem eu blandit. Nunc nisl nisl, egestas sed diam sed, aliquet mollis massa.

Integer nec nisi mauris. Donec a nisl et massa ultrices sodales. In aliquet, eros sit amet ultrices pharetra, nulla urna facilisis ante, laoreet viverra magna diam at eros. Vivamus ac enim ac sem bibendum sagittis at eu urna. Pellentesque ligula augue, cursus vel fringilla a, elementum non turpis. Ut sagittis aliquet risus, a vestibulum diam iaculis in. Ut pulvinar, tellus a faucibus scelerisque, mauris nisi viverra mauris, et varius nibh ligula et tortor. Nam malesuada sodales justo, et tempus risus.