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Due to his recent genetic mishap, he gained a mutant ability which allows him to psionically attune himself to the astral plane then through that attunement absorb the astral energy around him and will it into different forms. Because of both his inexperience and the fact that his new ability is just that, new, he has displayed a limited number of applications that could theoretically grow in time with more practice.
Due to his recent genetic mishap, he gained a mutant ability which allows him to psionically attune himself to the astral plane then through that attunement absorb the astral energy around him and will it into different forms. Because of both his inexperience and the fact that his new ability is just that, new, he has displayed a limited number of applications that could theoretically grow in time with more practice.
* '''Attacks''' The simplest form of his gift, he is able to manipulate the intensity of the energy flowing through his body and expel it as blasts of raw astral energy to disable or to harm. The exact nature of the energy suggests that it does kinetic damage and if one were to touch the blasts they would note that they are cool to the touch.
* '''Attacks''' The simplest form of his gift, he is able to manipulate the intensity of the energy flowing through his body and expel it as concussive blasts of raw astral energy that can be altered to range from a mere 'breeze' to a blast powerful enough to shatter stone.
* '''Constructs''' The next step up in the way of manipulating the energy itself, through far more concentration he is able to project the energy into a solidified form of whatever he is able to imagine within reason. So far he can create simple constructs such as various shapes, swords, and shields.
* '''Constructs''' The next step up in the way of manipulating the energy itself, through far more concentration he is able to project the energy into a solidified form of whatever he is able to imagine within reason. So far he can create simple constructs such as various shapes, swords, and shields.
* '''Projection''' As one would expect of someone attuned to the astral plane, he is capable of projecting his conciousness into the astral realm. Currently he can take a single--willing--person with him on this journey and astral project for up to fourty two hours before feeling severely exhausted and subsequently requiring an extended period of rest.
* '''Projection''' As one would expect of someone attuned to the astral plane, he is capable of projecting his conciousness into the astral realm. Currently he can take a single--willing--person with him on this journey and astral project for up to fourty two hours before feeling severely exhausted and subsequently requiring an extended period of rest.
As a Velarian he does possess two psionic abilities, while they are definitely not up to par with a true mentalist; they are still worthy of note and 'metahuman'.
As a Velarian he does possess two psionic abilities, while they are definitely not up to par with a true mentalist; they are still worthy of note and 'metahuman'.

Revision as of 07:26, 24 December 2015

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File:Stygian namecard.jpg
Player: @cobalted#2027
"No, I don't steal my one liners from fortune cookies."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kai’el Urogoz
Known Aliases: Stygian, Kyle
Gender: Male
Species: Velarian
Ethnicity: Extraterrestrial
Place of Birth: Velarius VII
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Al'dreza Urogoz (Genetic Mother), V'estrus Urogoz (Genetic Mother)
Age: 17
Height: 1.63 metres
Weight: 56 kg
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black
Complexion: Blue-Green
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Deep-chested, Short Legs, Small scar that runs vertically at the nape of his neck
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 0
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Student
Education: Junior in Highschool
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Powers and Abilities
Astrakinesis, Tactile Telekinesis, Visual Telepathy
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Self-assembling Nylon Supersuit, Bus Pass, HUD Helmet
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada



Teenage Hero


Powers and Abilities


Due to his recent genetic mishap, he gained a mutant ability which allows him to psionically attune himself to the astral plane then through that attunement absorb the astral energy around him and will it into different forms. Because of both his inexperience and the fact that his new ability is just that, new, he has displayed a limited number of applications that could theoretically grow in time with more practice.

  • Attacks The simplest form of his gift, he is able to manipulate the intensity of the energy flowing through his body and expel it as concussive blasts of raw astral energy that can be altered to range from a mere 'breeze' to a blast powerful enough to shatter stone.
  • Constructs The next step up in the way of manipulating the energy itself, through far more concentration he is able to project the energy into a solidified form of whatever he is able to imagine within reason. So far he can create simple constructs such as various shapes, swords, and shields.
  • Projection As one would expect of someone attuned to the astral plane, he is capable of projecting his conciousness into the astral realm. Currently he can take a single--willing--person with him on this journey and astral project for up to fourty two hours before feeling severely exhausted and subsequently requiring an extended period of rest.


As a Velarian he does possess two psionic abilities, while they are definitely not up to par with a true mentalist; they are still worthy of note and 'metahuman'.

  • Tactile Telekinesis A generally broad ability which, when generalized, means that he has a psionic field which surrounds his body. This field can be used to enhance his strength to lift roughly twice his own weight, enhance his running and jumping speed, and lastly to intensify the psionic field to shield him for a limited time.
  • Visual Telepathy Nigh-identical to the ability of mind reading with the stipulation that the thoughts he perceives are in the form of visions and that he requires skin-to-skin contact with the one he intends on reading; depending solely on the person reading they could be a collected set of images or a jumbled mess of nauseating flashes.


  • Acrobatic Though by no means a jock of any sort, Stygian is both agile and flexible due to formal training from childhood. This formal training has amounted to what one would describe as a bronze medal Olympist's level of skill but while he does rigorously train this ability each day, he doesn't wish to make a career or brag about it.
  • Intelligent Whether from his racial background, genetic creation, or simply due to luck of his genepool Stygian has displayed a rather impressive intellect by human standards. This intellect when measured by an IQ test amounts to one hundred and thirty eight. As per usual for 'gifted' people, he does have a particular affinity for a specific subject; the subjects of his favour being programming, mechanical engineering, and nano technology.


  • Psionic Inhibitors As his powers are either psionic or stem from his natural psionic abilities, psionic inhibitors are capable of entirely preventing him from accessing his abilities through means of subversion.
  • Lead While not entirely a weakness that cripples him per say; lead is capable of blocking his astral abilities completely outright. Whether it be blasts, beams, constructs, or projecting, he simply cannot affect lead. The exact reasoning behind this would suggest his astral powers project in a way similar to X-rays and are scattered by the lead.
  • Fear As his powers work on the concept of psionically willing himself to do something there are times when his emotional states can vastly affect not only the intensity of his powers but also the very use of them as well. Self-doubt and fear cause his abilities to become unruly to the point of simply not working or becoming dangerous. Unfortunately as a teenager at the crux of adulthood; he is heavily subject to these waxing and waning states.
  • Electroshock Weaponry Unlike psionic inhibitors which last for as long as they are worn, electroshock weapons of all varieties will leave Stygian crippled both in the means of his abilities and physically. Presumably they disrupt his higher brain functions which control his abilities and in turn result in his entire power set being disabled for a measure of time afterwards that depends entirely on duration and the amperage of the current that was applied to him.



  • Self-assembling Nylon Supersuit A makeshift creation partially of his design would be a signature belt that features a star shaped insignia on the buckle which when fastened to his waist and tapped causes the suit to release a series of nanobots that convert his current apparel into a nylon suit or his nylon suit into his previous apparel. While it offers a certain measure of protection from ripping and tearing, the suit is aesthetic and offers little to no protection from damage.
  • HUD Helmet A separately applied component is a helmet which is effectively a glorified smart phone that was taken apart and applied to a helmet then covered over with thematic elements that tie into his costume. As it is simply a worn smart phone it possesses the same capabilities such as displaying maps, placing calls, surfing the internet, text messaging, downloading applications, and the like.


  • Bus Pass Unlike many heroes, Stygian neither has the funds nor liscence to drive or pilot a vehicle. Due to all of his gear being homemade he relies on public transportation to get from point 'A' to point 'B'.


RP Hooks


  • The belt used to make his supersuit was originally a simple clothing device which belonged to his mother Al'dreza, he make some aesthetic changes to the belt itself and the clothing it changed the wearer into but the technology is largely available throughout the galaxy.
  • While he has a secret identity, both of his mothers are very aware of their son's activities and keep close tabs on him while maintaining a façade of ignorance that he has never questioned; even though the laundry machines are in his 'secret base' in their basement.